The Darkness Within- Five Har...

By Sloppypotatoo

7.9K 200 13

~Her aura was a warm chaos~ Five Hargreeves x Oc I do not own the Umbrella Academy characters. I only own Wil... More

~The Darkness Within~


168 5 0
By Sloppypotatoo



- C h a p t e r s e v e n t e e n -


'"Your father is a millionaire go steal something to sell instead of eating out the trash." she sighed. "Stop acting like a hobo."'




Willow smiled brightly when she saw herself in the mirror. She was starting to feel more and more like her self. Her having bright colors on helped a lot. She walked out the bathroom trying to fix her sleeves.

She looked up slightly to see Five sling the duffel bag that had Delores in around his shoulder. She frowned her brows when she heard what seemed to be the sound of a bottle moving around hitting things.

"Really Shorts?"

"What," he shrugged. "Just in case."

She rolled her eyes grabbing her book bag putting it on before making her way to the window. Five opened and climbed out just a bit before looking at her.

"Ready to go?"

"Anywhere in particular?"

"You'll see," he offered a hand making a small smile crack from her straight face.

"I guess I will," she spoke as she followed him down the fire escape.

As the couple climbed down they began to hear the voice of Klaus becoming louder by each step. Five looked at the direction his voice was coming from and saw him standing in the trash, digging around, talking to someone he couldn't see.

"I'd ask what you're up to Klaus, but then it occurred to me," he paused at the bottom of the latter. "I don't care." He spoke before jumping off.

"Hey, Sunshine and Thunderstorm! You know there are easier ways out of the house."

"This one involved the least amount of talking, or so I though."

"Hey, hey, hey, hey. You uh, need anymore company today? I could... clear my schedule?" Klaus offered.

"Looks like you have your hands full," Five responded as he took a step back slightly so Willow could jump down with out hitting him.

"Oh this? This- I can do whenever." He said holding his drink up. "I just misplaced something that's all. Oh I've found it, thank God" he said holding up a half eating bagel. Before he could take a bite it was slapped out his hand.

"No!" Willow scowled. "Your father is a millionaire go steal something to sell instead of eating out the trash." she sighed. "Stop acting like a hobo."

"I'm done funding your drug habit," Five stated. "And don't give him any ideas." Five said to Willow before walking away.

"Like he hasn't all ready made money from stealing shit out the house," she mumbled following shortly after him.

"Maybe I just wanna hang out with my brother and his wife," Klaus called out to the couple. "I love you! Even if you can't love yourself!"

Willow turned to look at Klaus as she walked backwards."Bye Goatee."

"Bye Ketchup t-"

"Out the trash!"


Willow and Five were sitting in a white van Five stole in front of the building from yesterday, waiting for Lance to come out. The two had been sitting there in silence for a couple minutes staring at building with neither eyes leaving it.

Five was the first to break the silence, as he moved around to open the duffel bag, from forgetting it was even there. "Oh, shit." he moved to place Delores between him and Willow.

"Sorry you've been in there for so long." Willow apologized to the mannequin. "We forgot to take you out."

"No, we're not drunk."

"We're working," Willow corrected. "We shouldn't even have the bottle with us."

Five rolled his eyes. "You're going to be happy it's there later," he mumbled.

"Yes, it's about the eye thing." Willow said talking to Delores, not hearing what Five had said. "This is where is was made. Or- will be made," she corrected.

"You know, you don't have to tell me that. I know there are only 6 days left," Five let out a sigh.

Willow was about to say something before she heard laugher. She turned her head to look out the window and saw a women with her son walking across the street sharing an ice cream cone.

Willow let out a chocked sigh as she closed her eyes. Being a mother was something she was never going to be able to experience. Fuck infertility, why her she thought. What had she done that was so bad that now she was not able to get pregnant. What gods did she piss off in a past life for this to happen to her.


The couple had been sitting in the car waiting for a couple hours now. Willow feel asleep awhile go to try and stop her racing mind.

Only Five was awake, he turned his head to look at his sleeping wife. She had her head laying on the window with her mouth open. The window would get slightly foggy when she breathed out and defog when she breathed in.

There were people who looked like sleeping beauty when they slept... but Willow was not one of them. And she didn't care. She always slept with her mouth open, some times drooling always snores, sometimes louder or softer than others.

Willow was a wild sleeper, and always have been. She would take most of the cover, spread out as much as possible making her take up most of the mattress. And every time she woke up even if it was from a nap her hair would look a mess.

It would amaze her sometimes. She could be asleep at school with her head laying on the desk and her hair would still some how get messed up. Bonnets were useless to her, they would somehow come off her head in the middle of the night. It felt useless to try and keep her hair unattacked when it all ended the same.

Five leaned over a bit to move the bangs that laid in Willows face. He leaned back in his seat, turning his head slightly when he heard the sound of children. He saw 3 kids playing with a soccer ball.

He let out a sigh, turning his head. The Hargreeves children didn't have a normal childhood, no they actually had something far from that. They were not let out to play to enjoy the sun. They didn't have friends they were always isolated. (Some more than others) Only going out when necessary in meaning only leaving for a mission.

The closet thing Five had to a normal childhood was his friendship with Willow before they left. Believe me it wasn't the most normal friendship, only being able to meet in the middle of the night and no one knowing they knew each other but still.

Being with Willow and hanging out with her was the only way Five could be a kid. Let his true self shine. He was himself around her, he felt safe. And after 46 years (Because they were friends for a years after the two left) He still felt safe around her. He trusted her with his life.

Well... she was his wife after all. You would want to trust your partner with your life. But not all couples can. So it brought them some joy knowing they could. Neither would do something knowing it would hurt the other on purpose.

He felt his heart start to race when he saw the tint outside the van turned a brown hue. It was foggy and the building were on fire.

He started to shake as his eyes watered. "No!" he yelled as a tear slowly fell down his cheek. He looked over to Willow only to see the seat now empty. He was now truly alone, she wasn't even there with him this time. Panic began to set as he shook and cried harder.

He couldn't go through this alone, not again not with out her. He couldn't. He didn't know how to. She was the one who kept him sane. What would he do with out her. How could he have survived with out her... He wouldn't have. "Willow!" he sobbed. His voice started to crack as air started to get caught in the back of his throat. "W-Will!" He was starting to have trouble breathing.

He didn't know what to do. He was a mess. He could barely breath, nor see with all the tear that was clogging up his vision. "W-W-Will!"

Willow jerked awake from hearing a loud voice. She yawned stretching her arms slightly, only to pause mid stretch when she heard the sound of mumbling.

She looked over to Five to see him fast asleep. She was about to turn her head again but stopped when she saw the way his chest was moving rapidly.


She saw the sweat drip from his face and heard the roughness of his breath when he tried to breathe. She started to panic, catching on to what was happening.

"Five," she shook him lightly, only to shake him harder when she saw it seemed to do nothing.

She quickly climbed on his lap, grabbing ahold of both his shoulders. "Five I'm right here." Her voice was soft and her tone was low and calm. She knew she couldn't stop to panic. "Come back to be me Shorts." She gently rubbed her thumbs on his cheeks. "Come back to me Five. I'm right here, we're okay. We're safe and not back there." She felt her voice slightly crack. "But you're going to have to wake up."

Willow cupped his face in her hands and brought him in for a soft kiss. It didn't take long for her to feel him relax into her kiss and slowly wrap his arms around her waist. She pulled apart placing her forehead on his as she whipped away his fallen tears. "We're safe."

She peeked his lips before sitting all the way back to look at him, keeping her thumbs on his cheeks. His face looked sweaty and he had a lost look in his eyes. "Are you okay?"


"Deep breaths. Take your time."

"I was there," he began, his voice shaky. "I... I was alone. I cou-couldn't find you. I was all alone."

Willow pulled him into a hug when she heard him let out a sob. She felt him bury his head in her neck as she played with his hair. "I'm here." she whispered into the hug. "We're safe."

"Five!" A loud knock came from the passenger side door, scaring the couple. They pulled apart when they saw Luther open the door and began to struggle as he tried to climb into the car, making it rock left and right.

Luther let out a sigh when he finally made him self fit. He closed the door before turning to look at the couple. His attention was brought on to Five when he saw the look on his face. And the terror he held in his eyes. That looked slightly glossy like he was crying.

"You okay?" he asked, concern evident in his voice.

Willow didn't have much of an opinion of Luther. She didn't know much about him. He was one of the siblings Five told her least about, from not spending too much time with Luther. She knew the basics like he was a daddy's boy and well thought of him self as leader of the family because he's number one.

But he hasn't done anything that made her dislike him. None of Fives siblings has yet. She liked them all. Klaus still being her number one favorite.

"I-i'm you shouldn't be here," Five stuttered trying to pull himself together. "How did you find us?"

"Oh, uh-" Luther used his thumb to point at the back where the group saw Klaus was dancing with Delores... when did he get back there? How log was he back there?

"Hey a little privacy, guys. We're really hitting it off back here."

Willow let out a chuckle. "She likes yo-"

"Get out, I'm in the middle of something!" Five yelled at Klaus throwing a metal can hitting him in the head.

"What? Cuddling with Willow," Klaus chuckled lending his head between the three of us. "Or were you two taking my advice about getting it on?"

"Klaus!" Five and Luther yelled, as Willow yelled 'Goatee.'

"Find your one eyed man?" Klaus asked changing the subject.

Willow sighed, shaking her head. "Nope! Not yet."

"What's he talking about?"

"Would it really matter to you? It's Klaus," Five scoffed.

"Goatee is amazing."

Klaus smiled brightly at Willow.

"Why are you here?" Five asked narrowing his eyes at Luther.

"Well uh, mom might've had something to do with dads death. We need you to come to the academy, it's important," Luther explained trying to convince Five.

"You have no concept of what's important."

"Rude," Willow mumbled.

"Hey did I ever tell you about the time I waxed my ass with chocolate pudding?" Klaus suddenly said out of no where. "It was painful."

"So random" Willow chuckled. She turned her head to look at Five when she heard him slightly laugh with a small soft smile growing on his lips. "I knew there was a reason I liked you."

"Hey! We're trying to have a serious conservation over here. Get out!" Luther yelled rolling his eyes.

"What- are you saying Im not cable of being serious?" Klaus asked putting his hand on his chest pulling a pouty sad face.

"He does have a point you should get out," Five agreed.

"Don't throw him out," Willow sighed.

"See Ketchup top wants me to st-"

"Get out."

Klaus looked at Willow making her sigh and shrug her shoulders. "Fine," Klaus groaned. "I'll go."

"Wait!" Willow climbed off Five's lap and moved to the back with Klaus. "I'm going to." When Klaus climbed out the van Willow turned her head to Five. "I'll be back."

"What do you want?" Five asked Luther, as soon as the van door closed, his tone lowered as he glared at his brother.

He didn't have the time nor the patience for what ever Luther had to say. To be honest Five lost his cool fast when Willow wasn't around. He had always had a thin line when it came to patience and being calm, but it was something about her that could cool him down in a second with barely to no effort.

But with her out all his patience seem to leave and go to where every she was. He began to get more snappy and moody. Began to glare more than he usual did.

Maybe it was love? Maybe they were soulmates? Or maybe she just understood him. Something most people found hard and almost an impossible task to achieve. But then again falling in love with Five wasn't hard for her, it was like walking into a door and knowing you belong there. Knowing you were home and welcomed...

Or maybe I'm crazy and don't know shit about what I'm saying... That can be your job to decided.

"What the hell are you up too?" Luther asked narrowing his eyes at the boy.

"You wouldn't understand."

"Try me. Last I checked, I'm still the leader of this family."

"Last time I checked I'm still 28 years older than you," Five added with a glare.

Luther rolled his eyes. "You want to know what your problem is?"

"I'm really hoping you'll tell me," Five said through clenched teeth.

"You think you're better than us," Luther started. "You always have, even when we were kids." It was clear that Luther was trying to poke a nerve. "But the truth is you're just as messed up as the rest of us. We're all you have and you know it."

"I don't think I'm better than you Number One. I know I am," Five shot back. "I've done unimaginable things, things you couldn't even comprehend, just to get back here and save you all. Scratch that me and Willow have done unimaginable things," he corrected himself. "And correction I have Willow too."

"What unimaginable things?"

"Things your little pea brain couldn't even comprehend."

Luther scoffed getting tired of Five's attitude. "I've had just about enough of-"

Just as Luther started to talk some more bullshit, Klaus came running out of a nearby mini mark with arm's full of groceries. With Willow following shortly behind. Her arms were fulled with candy. "Woo," he yelled running down the street, as things fell from his arms.

"Suckers!" Willow yelled with a smile plastered on her face.

"Stop! Hey! Stop right now!" A police man ran after them.

"Too slow!"

"Hey bitches!" he continued to run down the street with a grin plastered on his ran.

"You two, get back here!"

As the two ran across the street a taxi drove towards them trying to avoid them. "Out of the way ass whole!" He yelled still running.

"Watch where you're going!" Willow yellow, dropping a couple candy bars along the way.

Five chuckled shaking his head as he watched his wife run down the street with his brother trying to avoid the cops. He never thought he would see the day, but here it is. She had a wild smile on her face, she was yelling and laughing, dropping shit along the way. She looked... happy.

When she came back to the van sometime later he could have sworn he saw the spark in her eye get a little brighter.




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