Runaway || Book 1

By Elizabethenderson00

84.1K 2.1K 194

The Alpha only wanted an Heir, when he soon began to realise his human mate wasn't going to produce on he qui... More

O n e.
T w o
T h r e e
F o u r
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven.
Chapter Eight.
Chapter Nine.
New Book!
Chapter Eleven.
Chapter Twelve.
Chapter Thirteen.
Chapter Fourteen.
Chapter Fifteen.
Chapter Sixteen.
Chapter Seventeen.
Chapter Eighteen.
Chapter Nineteen.
Chapter Twenty.
Chapter Twenty One.
C h a r a c t e r s
Chapter Twenty Two.
Chapter Twenty Three.
Chapter Twenty Four.
Chapter Twenty Five.
N e w B o o k
Important notice.

Chapter Ten.

3.5K 86 9
By Elizabethenderson00

It had been two weeks since their last encounter and things were finally looking up for Elizabeth, Ivan only saw her on the weekend he had Tilly, he didn't say much but she could tell her was dying to tell her something and ever since then she's not stopped wondering what it could possibly be.

It was his weekend to have Tilly again, so she sat impatiently by the front window waiting for his arrival, her darling angel was fast asleep in her car seat waiting for her father. Today was the day she was going to confront him, she wanted to know what was going on, she knew Ivan and she knew him well, she was sure he was hiding something from her.

The front door went seconds after she turned away from the window, she hurried to open it and let him in as it was raining.

"How's she been?" He asked as he crouched down to stroke Tilly's peaceful face.

"She's been good, a bit colicky but good" She sat down and pulled the seat out in front of her and motioned him to sit which he did without complaint.
"I need to ask you something and I want you to be truthful with me" He nodded waiting for her to continue.
"Are you and Amanda back together?" The confusion on his face made her feel stupid for asking. "I can tell you're hiding something Ivan" He sighed at her words as he slid his hand down his face.

"You want the truth?" She nodded to his question dying to know.
"Amanda's pregnant" Her heart sunk at the words, how could he?
"I wasn't talking to Amanda behind your back because we was seeing each other again, I wanted to know if the baby was mine, but every time I stopped the casual chit chat with her she would go silent" She tried processing his words but only one thing played on her mind.

"Is the baby yours?" Ivan's eyes sunk.

"I honestly don't know, but I think there's a good chance he could be mine"

"So it's a boy?" Her heart ached more. He just silently nodded. "At least you'll get you future Alpha like you always wanted" She mumbled.

"Please Elizabeth, you have to understand I don't want this, I won't turn away a child that's mine but I don't want her, I never did, I know it's horrible to hear and selfish of me to say but I thought you was just a weak human, that you could never give me what I wanted but I still loved you, it was hard not to love you and even without our mate bond in tact anymore I still love you so I know damn well it was never the bond that drew me to you, it was you" He leaned forward in his chair and reached for her hands.
"Yes you are a human, but you are the strongest being I have ever come across, you are stubborn, you are smart, you are beautiful and you are everything I want, and I didn't realise how much I needed you and wanted you in my life till I lost you, and losing you again is just fucking horrible" His eyes started watering up as did hers.

"I need time Ivan, I can't be hurt by you anymore, and now this? I can't be apart of that" She pulled her hands away and tucked them into her lap. He nodded as he stood up grabbing Tilly's weekend bag and her car seat.

"I really do miss you Elizabeth" Her heart broke a little at the words but she had to be strong. "I find out this week if his mine or not" She nodded at his words as he left with their daughter. The second the door shut a sob escaped Eliza as she kneeled on the floor where she was stood.

Even when she thought she was over it she was far from dealing with it. She wanted Ivan back but she wanted the trust, love and loyalty back with it. With Amanda pregnant with a child that's possibly his, there's no chance she will get him back to herself, she will always have to share him, always have to carry the humiliation that he created a child with another woman whilst she carried their child.

She sat on the sofa crying and debating everything for what seemed like hours when she heard a knock on the door. She knew it couldn't be her family as they had decided to spend the weekend at Jacobs to give her a break.

She dragged herself to the door wiping her eyes before opening it, shock hit her as she tried to force a smile it was Theresa, Ivan's grandmother and his parents Esme and Harold.

"Elizabeth! My darling!" Theresa sung as she grabbed the small girl pulling her in for a hug, Eliza squeezed back as she felt comfort in the gesture, she needed a hug.

"Please do come in!" She smiled moving out the way to let them all in before leading them to the living room.

"How are you doing, honey?" Esme asked as she hugged her softly before holding her at arms distance. "Where's Tilly?" The confusion evident on her face. Eliza's heart dropped, she didn't want to be the one to explain.

"She's with her father, he has her every couple of weekends now" Harry stood back up in Alpha authority.

"I thought you was both okay?" She sighed at his words.

"We was, but it turns out I was foolish to think so, Amanda is pregnant" The tears welled up again as Esme rushed to her side as the tears fell again.

"Stupid Boy!" Theresa yelled as death glared Harry and pointed at him "You need to sort your son out!" Harold bowed his head knowing better than to argue with the head of the family.

"Oh trust me Mother, I will be having words with him" Eliza felt guilty and had to quickly fix it.

"We don't know if it's Ivan's, apparently she met her mate during their time together and slept with him a couple times" Esme let out a loud laugh.

"Of course she did! Of bloody course she did! Dirty little cow!" Everyone in the room was now rushing with rage as Eliza still felt deeply broken.

"Get dressed Elizabeth, we're going to see our granddaughter and you are coming with us" Harry's words were stern so she didn't bother arguing, but she knew this was going to be one stressful night.

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