By Alexaaneli

27.6K 497 549

Warnings- cussing, smut Will include Miguel O'Hara, Spider-Man noir and others from atsv I do not own any o... More

Spider-Man Noir Part 2
Miguel O'Hara Mariachi
Miguel O'Hara and Black Cat
Miguel O'Hara and Black Cat part 2
Professor O'Hara 🌶️
Toxic Miguel O'Hara
Mafia Miguel O'Hara
Mafia Miguel Part Two
Mafia Miguel Part Three
Toxic Miguel O'Hara Part Two
Husband Miguel O'Hara
Mafia Miguel x OC
Vampire Miguel
Vampire Miguel Part Two
Vampire Miguel Part Three
Miguel Vampire Part Four
Miguel Vampire Part Five

Spider-Man Noir

4.5K 39 37
By Alexaaneli

Warnings- mention of violence, slight cussing

"Here goes nothing." I take a deep breath.

I knock 3 times and i wait for a "Come in" but instead i get a "The door's wide open"

It was not wide open

I slowly open the door and i see the infamous New York's PI Spider-Man Noir sitting in his desk, Reading the New York Times, his feet stretched out on the desk.

"What can i do for ya?" He point blanks, not even putting the paper down.

"Good Afternoon Mr. Noir, My name is Y/N L/N and i work for the Daily Bugle-

"I don't talk about my clients, I have a strict confidential rule." He deadpanned.

"O-Oh no, I um not here to talk about any of your clients.. I'm here for you." I clear my throat.

He slowly looks up from the paper and looks at me up and down.

I gulp as I'm slightly intimated by his look.. by him.

A fedora hat, black and white suit, covered by a long black coat.

Cool and eccentric man

"I would like to interview you." I say softly.

"Why so you can trash me on the paper like you did with the last guy?" He scoffed.

He's familiar with my work?

"No thanks." He chuckles.

"He minimized me of working in the newspaper, He told me i belonged in the kitchen. I didn't take that kindly." I frown as i recall that wise ass.

"This is a pretty hardcore origin story." He says seriously.

"I don't know whether i should be offended by that or not?" I arch an eyebrow.

"Ease up Buttercup, Just a light joke to shine some light on what that cracker said to you." He sets his newspaper down.

"Sorry, just used to being on guard, It is 1933 after all and i work in a hard competitive workforce that is surrounded by agonistic slimeballs." I dry chuckle.

"Well i might be an asshole time to time but i ain't no slimeball, that's where i draw the line." He muses and i begin to chuckle.

"So you want to interview me eh? Am i that interesting?" He motions me to take a seat.

"Thank you and yes you are, You are New York's finest crime stopping hero." I say and he laughs.

"No need for flattery, you had me at finest."

I chuckle as my cheeks blush a shade of pink. 

"Not every body would agree with your opinion, especially the boys in blue."

"It's cause you're controversial allegedly... but i think it's jealousy, You do their job for them while they go for coffee and doughnuts. They don't like looking bad in the press.. believe me i should know... Them shades of blue don't like me either."

"Well that makes feel slightly better, knowing they hate you more than me."

"They don't hate you.. they just fear what they can't understand."

"Alright I'm sold, you got 5 minutes kid." He conjures his fist on the table as if he was a judge.

I smile as i nod and i pull out my yellow note pad and my pen.

"Can i ask permission to record our conversation?" I ask and he nods.

"On the record for now." He says sternly and i nod.

I turn it on and i set it on the desk and i get ready to write "Okay i guess I'll start with the basic questions." I say but he raises his hand in the air.

"Before we begin, I would like to know why you want to interview me? No one in The Daily Bugle never tried before.. why now"

"Like i said before Mr. Noir, You are a a hero and i strongly believe you deserve more recognition." I say.

He stares at me for a moment and i sigh "You saved a little girl from drowning, a week ago, The police was credited and rewarded from the Mayor but i know for a fact it was you, I spoke to the witness."

"You interrogated a 6 year old?" He chuckles.

"Somewhat, She described you but you told her to say it was the cops who saved her."

"How did she described me?"

"Cool, edgy and mysterious, She also called you a superhero Sherlock Holmes." I say and he chuckles.

"And you believe her? Kids lie you know." He says but i shake my head no.

Not this kid

"My niece doesn't lie." I say and he is left speechless.

"Well i be dammed." He whistles.

"They didn't deserve to be rewarded, half of those cops are corrupt." I sigh in frustration.

"But the other half are good." He replies.

"And so are you, and New York is going to find out."

He slowly nods and motions with a hand for me to continue "I'm not taking the mask off."

"It's fine, I understand and respect your privacy to keep your identity a secret."

"You don't have to tell me your name but if you choose too, It can be off the record." I say.

"My name is Peter Parker and i was bitten by a radioactive spider." He says on the record, giving me his trust.

Peter Parker.. cool name

"I like to drink egg creams and fight Nazis.. a lot of them." He adds.

Duly noted

"Sometimes i let matches burn down to my fingertips just to feel something.. anything." He says tensely as he leans over the desk.

Alrighty then, I'll note that too

"How old are you?" I ask out of curiousity.

"That's a bit rude to ask but I'm 19, probably the same age as you." He says hopefully.

"I'm actually 21." I smile.

"A wise mature woman."

"Mhhm.. thanks." I hum.

"I'm 5'10 if you want to add that on the list, or just for common knowledge." He muses.

Common knowledge

I nod as i write it down.

"How long have you been doing this for?" I ask as i look back up.

"Couple years."

"What made you become Spider-Man?"

"That is what you're called right? Spider-Man Noir?" I say as he didn't respond to my first question.

"It is... I became Spider-Man because...

He pauses and looks down to the floor.

I turn off the tape recorder for off the record "Did you ever hear about the alley girl back in '31?" I say.

He looks up and slowly nodded.

"My memory is a bit hasty but vaguely."

"A woman was on her way home after a long shift from the diner she worked at. she was cornered by a burglar who wanted her purse, she refused and was shot 5 times. They got away with the $5 and a piece of gum she had in her purse. They also got away with a dismissive charge that didn't even make sense but was approved by the court of law."

"The newspaper didn't want to print the case not because the killers got away with it nor the fact she was shot five times but it was because she was brutally raped and battered, Her face was unrecognizable. They didn't want to cause panic, they wanted to assure working women, working moms.. working wives.. sisters are securely safe to walk home at night without a weapon to defend themselves."

"We put our trust and our safety into the hands of the law, police.. newspaper to let us know when there's a sense of danger and that night they failed that woman.. My niece's mom.. My older Sister. She's the reason why i do what i do now, I put out there what the other reporters are too coward to print. I'm not afraid to go over anybody's head, I will gladly step on their toes with my heels to let the world know what good.. bad.. danger is among us."

"It was My Uncle Benjamin, He's the reason why i do, what i do.. He's the reason i fight off real biscuit boxers." He slightly jokes in the end.

I slowly nod as i write this down.

"Okay i think i got everything for right now." I say as i finish writing.

"You sure?" He says as he sits up.

"You can keep asking questions if you want." He tries to sound nonchalant.

"I'm sure... and plus my 5 minutes is up." I stand up and give him a slight grin as i motion my head to the wall clock behind him.

"So it is." He nods.

"Thank you for your time Mr. Noir." I give him a nod.

I grab my purse and i turn around to leave but his deep voice speaks "You're in the wrong department if you ask me, You'd make a hella private eye, with that confidence attitude you carry and those heels that are ready to stomp on any goofball squashing them like a bug." He says behind me.

I slightly turn my head "Have a good afternoon Mr. Noir." I simply say, half smiling but smirking in the inside.

"You too Miss and please call me Noir, we are cordial after all."

I simply nod in response.

Have a good afternoon Noir

"He doesn't have to do what he does but he still does it, He does it for all the Uncles, for all the Hard working Mothers and Sisters, He does it for us.. for the little girl he saved at Central Park.. for the people of New York. He fights crime and protects us.. He saves us. He is a hero that serves and protects and will continue to do so. He's... Spider- Man."

I repeat my words as i finish typewriting.

"Hey Y/N, You done with that article yet? Or are you still jerking off?" A wise ass says.

"Unlike you Frank i don't come that quick." I smirk as i pull my article out of the typewriter.

"I like to take my time, to make sure i don't miss out any important details... then i sit back and enjoy and ride out my climax." I say as i aggressively hand him my article, smacking him in the chest with it.

He grunts from the impact and scoffs "Whatever."

I put my coat and hat on and i walk out after a long 9 to 5 day at work.

The daily Job

The daily struggle

The Daily Bugle

I let out a long exhale when i step out onto the cold streets.

I pat my pocket knife inside my pouch with one hand as i light up a cigarette with the other.

I take a huff as i walk along the side walk heading home to an anticipating small girl who is ecstatic to hear the article of her favorite hero.

I walk past the alley and i stop to a halt as i hear something above me. I look up and i see Noir hanging on a pole.

"Good evening Noir." I smile as i flick my cigarette onto the ground.

"Do you also follow your clients?" I arch an eyebrow as i smirk.

"Good Evening Miss Y/N, I do not but wherever i go the wind follows and the wind smells like rain." He greets by topping his hat then he closes his fist when he says the last part.


"There is no wind." I say bewildered.

"Maybe not right now but there will be when the sun meets the night." William Shakespeare says dramatically.

Well alrighty then

He climbs down "I was just doing my evening duties, and i happen to spot you.. from a mile away."

"Oh i see." I smile.

"So when will i read about this grand hero you know so much." He says sarcastically.

"Tomorrow morning." I smile.

"I look forward to it then."

"Maybe before you do.. You could settle for a glass of egg cream with a plate of pot roast and a company of a small girl who would love to see you again... and a reporter who also wouldn't mind picking up her round of questions." I say hopeful.

"Sounds like a better Saturday night i ever had." He jokes.

Me too

He motions his hand for me to pass "After you, Y/N."

"Thank you Noir." I smile as i hook my arm between his.

Hope you enjoyed this one shot chapter! 🤭🫶🏻

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Other books you can read of mine :)

Mafioso Series

Mafioso Rogers. Mafioso Barnes, Mafioso Stark, Mafioso Inferno

Random one shot chapters (Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan)

Fighting For Love (Dark Bucky Barnes)

Reborn by love (Sequel)

Love in the Dark (Dark Steve Rogers)
Love in the light (sequel)

Invisible Chains (Dark Captain Hydra)
Dark obsession (OB)

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