Opposites - An Aru Shah Fanfi...

By Fish_Ofishial123

11K 132 452

I BEG YOU, DONT READ THIS. ITS OLD AND HORRIBLE. PLEASE- *sobs into pillow* Aru Shah's life is horrible. Ever... More

Why me?
Why me? (2)
What are you doing here?!
You're the last person I thought I would see.
The plan will work!
The plan does not work.
Yeah, it's definitely gonna be fine.
I don't need the hospital.
Why am I talking to myself?
I dOn'T wAnT tO dO tHiS.
I'll talk to my mom about my love life.
I don't think my fiancรฉ likes me.
The End
Bonus: Kara x Bert
Bonus: Kara x Bert (2)
Bonus: Kara x Bert (3)

Yeah, it's definitely gonna be fine. (2)

565 6 3
By Fish_Ofishial123


Lots of depressing thoughts in this one :(

Also, Kymara is a character I made up!

David looked up, startled to see Aru.

"Wait-" He started, but Aru had already picked up her keys and dashed out the door.

Aru got into the car and slammed the door shut.

You're killing my vibe,

In ways words cannot describe...

Aru punched the mute button. Through the window she could see David walking out, the girl right behind him, but Aru just ignored them.

And so she pulled out of his driveway and turned around. A waterfall of tears ran down her face. Through her rearview mirror, she could see David just standing there, watching as Aru sped away. The girl had her arms wrapped around David, but he didn't return the hug. David looked... regretful? Aru brushed that thought away. No way he would still love Aru.


He never even loved her, did he?

And maybe she never loved him either.

She could get over him.

Yeah, right, She thought numbly.

Suddenly, she thought about all the missed calls and voicemails that she had received from David this morning, but hadn't noticed since her notifications were off.

Still driving, she unlocked her phone, and played one of the voicemails. David's voice filled the car.

Aru, I've been trying to call you but you weren't picking up. Please, don't come to my house. Let's forget about the plan. You can do something else, but- But don't run away with me. I hate to admit it, but I think I've found someone else. I'm sorry.

Aru bit back a sob.

So it's been going on for a really long time, and I've never seen it, She thought as she clicked the second voice mail.

Aru, I'm sorry, I really want to explain things to you. I tried calling you, and you didn't pick up, so I'm just going to explain things now. Please, listen to me. A month ago, my mom revealed to me that she had promised her best friend to get me married to her daughter, Kymara. I was against it, since I liked you, but I met her, and... And she's really nice. I told her all about us, and she understands. Our wedding is in a month-

Aru slammed the brakes. A month.

Compared to the six months that she had, a month was barely any time at all.

But that wasn't what made her want to slap her ex.

-But can we still be friends?

Her blood boiled. He had cheated on Aru, and now he wanted to be friends? There was no way she was going to be friends with the guy who cheated on her, especially if he was hanging out with the girl he cheated on her with.

Aru thought about how this girl, Kymara, looked. She was tall and had shiny black hair and amber eyes. She was way prettier than Aru could ever be.

Just the thought of Kymara made her ten times angrier, and her anger just led to more tears falling down her cheeks.

And a moment later, she realized she was in the middle of the road, and a bunch of angry drivers were going around her.

Aru quickly started to drive again, but with so much on her mind, so much to take in and digest, she really couldn't.

So she pulled over to the side of the road and cried. She cried because David didn't love her. Because nobody loved her. Heck, who would love her after she failed to complete the plan?

The plan.


She quickly unlocked her phone once again, and went to her contacts. There were three pinned contacts:

Kara B)

Mini Mouse

Mom :D

No way I'm calling Mom, She thought.

Mini or Kara, Mini or Kara, Mini or Kara...

Aru clicked and randomly called one of them, and it turned out to be Mini.

Mini picked up almost immediately. Aru wanted to speak, but she just broke down.

"I- He- Lied. Cheated- On me. Why? I-" was all she could make out.

"Aru, speak clearly." This was Kara.

"He doesn't love me! He cheated on me, Kara!" Aru yelled.

There was silence from the other end.

"He did WHAT?!" A familiar voice yelled.

Brynne, Aru realized, Of course, they probably decided to stay together and wait for my updates.

Somehow, that thought made her feel worse. She felt horrible knowing that Aiden had to figure out that she failed. Aiden would probably be mad. Maybe he wouldn't talk to her, or even be her friend as she had hoped. Maybe they would just get married and end up in a seriously screwed up relationship. That thought just made her want to cry harder, since it was so darn hard to hate Aiden.

During work, she thought Aiden was stuck-up, just because a bunch of girls followed him all the time, and the way he looked. But after getting to know him, Aru just wanted to spend more time with Aiden. His presence was... Comforting.

Lost in her thoughts, she didn't realize what was going on on the other end. It sounded like Brynne and Rudy were arguing.

"Where are you, Aru?" Aiden was speaking, and relief flooded through Aru. She looked up, trying to find a sign.

"Monter Lane," Aru replied. She hated how fragile her voice sounded.

"Monter Lane isn't that far, is it? Can you drive over to my place?"

"I don't know!" Aru cried. If she tried, she would be too distracted. She'd probably crash into something and end up hurting herself. If that happened to her, her mother would probably freak out about how Aru had to heal before the wedding and that it would take a long time to postpone everything after inviting so many guests.

"I tried for the past couple minutes but- but I couldn't, I-" Her voice broke, and she started sobbing again.

"I'm coming."

Aru's heart seemed to flutter at the way Aiden's voice sounded. He seemed genuinely concerned, like he wanted to be there and comfort her. And the thing was, she wanted him to be there and comfort him.

Knowing Aiden was going to come, she felt a bit of relief flood through her. Aru cut the call and threw the phone aside. She comforted herself with the fact that Aiden would be there soon.

Aiden's coming...

Aiden's coming...

Aiden's coming...

DAVID CHEATED ON YOU! Her brain screamed.

Aru buried her face in her palms and cried for what seemed like the millionth time. No matter how many tears she shed, more seemed to come.

"ARU!" In the distance, someone seemed to have yelled her name.

And that was the last thing she heard before everything went black.


Yay cliffhanger!!

I just wanted to say...


Since when was this #1 in aruden???

And the best rank is #27 in mini?!?!

(Welp, the ranks will probably change soon, but I'll take pride in the fact that at least it happened.)

How do I have over 600 reads for my crappy, unprofessional teenage writing?

I'm so thankful for all the reads and votes. Pls comment, it keeps me going <3

Once again, TY!!!


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