When Sickness Hits

Autorstwa Zayniac420

70.9K 1.1K 282

So basically a Niall pneumonia sickfic that was requested! Hope you like it <3 Więcej



10.1K 157 49
Autorstwa Zayniac420

So this is the last chapter. I'm sorry for those of you that liked this book and didn't want it to end, however in my plan this was the last part and I hope you enjoy it x


Liams POV

It had been about two days and we'd found out that Niall had gotten pneumonia yesterday. Of course we were shocked by the news, however with the help of airborne we had been able to take care of him without contracting it ourselves. We thought he'd be a lot better today and he wouldn't be sick with a cold, however that wasn't the case at all considering the fact that it was no longer a cold, but it was now pneumonia. Pneumonia was surely a hell for Niall. His fever was rising and we almost thought we'd have to put him in some ice bath. His cough was just as forceful as it was two days ago and Niall's legs had been asleep for so long that he was complaining he couldn't feel them while he laid down in bed for the past day.

We could tell that even though he was getting as much medical attention as he could get, he was still pretty miserable. The pain of his cough always brought tears to his eyes and he always shivered even under a high pile of blankets. It happened yesterday when he began to feel a burning pain in his lungs when he woke up coughing in the afternoon from his nap. We decided to call in an emergency medic not knowing if he was going to be alright or not, and sadly he wasn't as alright as we'd thought.

Though pneumonia was better than something like lung cancer. We just had to make sure we took good care of him or else his lungs would get way more damaged and Paul was warning us of a low recovery rate for those people who had pneumonia that wasn't taken care of. It might also damage his voice a bit, however we were promised that after Niall got 100% better, he'd be just as good as new.

Niall was currently laying down in bed in our new hotel room in a completely different region. In this hotel, it wasn't like the last one where we had five rooms in one big suite. We had two rooms in one suite and three in another so we had to split it. Niall decided to be with Harry and I and Louis and Zayn were staying in the other suite.

He'd been in bed all day hacking up his lungs while we tried every single solution to prevent his cough. However the medicine would only take effect an hour after it was taken and it had to be given twice a day. We decided to bring all of us in the same room since our room was a bit bigger so then we could all keep a close eye on Niall together. We also had a couple of guests visit him this morning too like Lou and Caroline.

They seemed pretty worried for the poor lad, considering you could hear him cough from outside the room but we tried our best to keep Niall asleep and well rested so unfortunately everyone had to come and see how he was doing later on when he was fully awake.

While we were thinking of ways to bring Niall's chest at ease, Paul suggested that it would be a good idea if we warmed up some water and lay it on his chest in order to loosen up the mucus.

It was disgusting, however if it made Niall more comfortable in bed at least then we'd be getting somewhere to get him feeling a lot better.

"I hope this works for him. If it does it'll feel like heaven." I said getting ready with the warm water pad.

"Well we better hurry up there, he's coughing again. And after we'll get him some warm tea." Harry said grabbing the packet or warmth in a bag from my hand.

I decided to follow Harry in the room while I gave Louis and Zayn the responsibility of making tea for Niall so it could prevent his throat from getting any more sore than it was.

Walking into the room, it didn't look that bad. All I saw was about three blankets matted into one big ball. Little did I remember that Niall was in that big huge ball probably trying to prevent his lungs from itching him any more than they already have today. I walked up to him, sitting on the other side of the bed. I accidentally dipped the bed a bit which caused him to jerk from the sudden movement of the mattress, but once he saw it was me and Harry in the room he loosened up a bit.

"Feeling any better now?" Harry asked unloading the warm sac like object onto Niall's chest. NIall gave a little cough which shook his frame causing the sac to almost roll off his body, but once Harry held it to his chest for him you could see him finally close his droopy eyes again with a face of relief.

"It's a bit better. Thanks." Niall said, voice still very hoarse and dry from the constant coughing.

"Here's some tea for you mate. We made some extra just in a case you finish the last batch quickly. Dont want to keep you waiting now do we." Zayn said, passing on the warm cup of Honey Herbal tea to him. Niall tried to sniff it to see what it would smell like, however he forgot that his sinuses were totally blocked and that meant that he would barely even be able to taste it anyways so he just drank it the second after he got it. By now, it was all of us centered around Niall in the room of his big bed and now we were waiting for Paul to make his way here with the medic to check up on Niall again for about the third time so far.

"You guys realise you don't have to take care of me. I'm just fine resting alone." Niall said, coughing into his elbow in mid sentence. He sniffed and looked up at all of us in the eyes while sipping the rest of his tea to suppress the pain his throat got from his cough which did indeed still look and sound painful.

"Nonsense. We're glad to stay back with ya while you're under the weather." Louis said rubbing Niall's back.

"Yeah it's the least we could do to help you." I said.

"Well thanks. The heat pad was a really great idea by the way." Niall said looking at the sac that me and Harry were gently pressing onto his chest.

"How does it make you feel? Better? Worse?" I asked.

"Better." Niall said quietly. As we stayed quiet to give Niall some peace in his room, minutes later Paul reached our room with the medic that would hopefully tell him he's doing better. It was really hard to see Niall so miserable like this.

"So is he any better?" Paul asked. The nurse checked his temperature by her hand touching his forehead, then attempted to measure it using a thermometer through Niall's mouth. However every time that Niall tried to keep the thermometer in his mouth he'd keep on coughing it out so we had to use a different thermometer that would hopefully give a less accurate temperature using some other part of the body where Niall's coughing wouldn't affect it. The nurse put it under his arm quickly, trying to prevent any tickling because we all knew Niall was ticklish there.

"Sorry if you're feeling uncomfortable hun. Just want to make you better." the nurse said, probably because she saw Niall's saddened face under the covers.

"He's just really tired right now. He hasn't slept properly in the last few days due to his cough." Louis said rubbing Niall's chest.

"Oh, seems this is getting pretty bad. Is he feeling dizzy at all?" the nurse asked, removing the thermometer from Niall's arm to look at it. "His temperature is about 101 degrees right now. He must feel really uncomfortable." she added on.

"Well he's been really depressed and stuff, though you can't blame him when he's been in bed for days with pneumonia." Paul said, giving a heavy sigh at the end.

"Ok well i'm going to give you guys some fever reducers, and once he takes that, leave him for some more rest. If he's not tired, then let him relax and give him some warm tea and that should be it for the day until he has to take his next dose of medicine. Will that be alright?" the nurse asked politely.

"Absolutely. Thank you so much." Louis thanked the nurse shaking her hand. Paul led her out and after came back in the room with a  little reminder list of what we had to give Niall to make him better.  

"Let's make sure we get all of this done. And unfortunately we might have an interview early in the morning tomorrow so be prepared to wake up aerly." Paul said.

"What about Niall?" Harry asked.

"We can't just leave him here." Zayn added on.

"Well management said they'd send someone over. Unless one of you stayed back with him and only three of you go. However management would be mad if they found out so you must be discreet if you want to stay back." Paul said. We all nodded and decided to give Niall his fever reducers like the nurse told us to do. Poor Niall was waiting here in bed for minutes while we just talked about the interview tomorrow. He was so quiet that we forgot he was even here.

"Can you sit up Nialler?" I asked, helping him sit up by supporting his back.

"I don't want it." he whispered in my ear. I turned to look at him because I feel really bad about giving him something he didn't want, but his fever was so high it made him look like he was going to faint. He was also sweating loads and complained to be freezing.

"I'm sorry Nialler. I promise you'll be feeling way better after this." I said taking out some tablets. I put them in a cup of water so they could be dissolved, and once they were dissolved in the water I gave them to Niall in hope that he would drink it all.

He had to stop drinking a couple of times to cough into his blanket, however once he finished the water he just fell back in his pillows and went back to sleep.

"Out like a light again isn't he? He must be exhausted from all of this." Harry said.

"I hope he'll be a bit better later on at least." Zayn said putting the warm water bag back on Niall's chest. It would hopefully loosen up his cough while he rested so then he wouldn't wake up coughing in his sleep.

Once we saw that Niall was fully asleep, we headed out of the room to give him some space and not invade him. However we kept on getting anxious that something was happening to him while we were in the living room area watching TV because it wasn't like he'd be able to call out for us. He would get interrupted by coughing and his throat would be way too sore.

To rid ourselves of this worry we decided to send Louis over to Niall's room every 5 minutes just to peek through the door. Though eventually as hours and hours passed Louis was getting tired of getting up again and again so we decided to switch it around so that Zayn, Harry and I checked every 15 minutes in different turns.

It was now the late evening, and we'd spent the entire day just waiting for some good response from Niall when he woke up. Like I said earlier, all we had was TV and we had to keep it on a low volume in order to not wake him up and give him a headache. As Zayn came back out of Niall's room from checking about the fifteenth time that day, Harry asked him if he was awake yet. Zayn had actually been gone for a long time and we thought that maybe he'd used the washroom before he checked on Niall, however he confessed that he was in there with Niall for a few minutes talking to him quietly.

"He said he still feels like shit because his cough is bothering him, but he said he thinks he would be able to go to the interview tomorrow if he got more medecine." Zayn said, with a surprised face with his hands on his hips. We all looked around at each other a bit confused at what Zayn just said.

"He's not going anywhere as long as that cough is still living in him." Louis said in a sassy tone.

"Guys relax, he just feels really bad about us doing everything for him and he feels like he let a bunch of fans down from the interview he missed a couple days ago." Zayn said.

"He shouldn't feel bad. I feel bad for him at the fact that he's so ill and no one else really knows how sick he must feel. What if he's literally hyperventilating right now but he's not telling anyone because he doesn't want to be a bother?" Harry asked urgently, standing up and throwing his hands up in the air to be dramatic.

"Haz just calm down. He'll be alright." I said trying to relax Harry. Thi always happened to him when one of us got sick, he had a crack of emotions and it caused every single worry in his mind to pour out.

"I need to go see him. I'm sorry I just can't bare to see him so sick. He must feel so lonely and trapped." Harry said walking off to Niall's room. Before I could call for Harry to come back, Zayn was pushing me down on my seat while Louis just tried to convince me that what Harry was doing was good.

Niall's POV

I lay in bed feeling as small as ever. I felt like I had let everyone down and I was just being a bother to everyone. As I took a deep sigh to try and exhale some of my worries, I went into probably the tenth coughing fit I had today. It hurt so bad with every cough and at this time I really wanted to call one of the guys because I felt like I was losing air and there was no water beside me to soothe my throat. There was only a hot water pad that was on my chest which fell on the floor as I rose up from my pillows by my cough

My chest didn't hurt as much now as I coughed, however it hurt to sit up and swing my legs out of bed because it felt like i'd been bedridden for years. My cough had died down a bit as I finally sat up, however my cough still occurred about every ten seconds shaking my figure. At one point I almost fell sideways on my bed from trying to balance my breaths evenly while coughing. However with pneumonia it was never possible to breathe properly.

"Nialler? You alright?" I heard a voice like Harry's say. I coughed again then looked at the door and saw Harry standing there with a somewhat sad face on. I wanted to answer him, however before I could another cough racked my frame and I hated seeing Harry look at me while I was in this state.

I covered my face with a pillow while I coughed again and then Harry walked in to my room and rubbed my back to comfort me.

"I'm really sorry about this. Is there anything you want?" Harry asked sympathetically. I nodded no with my head, laying back down in my pillows, but still keeping one by my mouth just in case my lungs decided to give me another surprise.

"Can you just tell me i'm not being a- bother?" I asked coughing. I was worrying about what his response would be, though once I asked him, he seemed to give me the most sympathetic face i've ever seen. He looked down on me and suddenly leaned into me, giving me a slight hug while I was laid down.

"Is that a no?" I asked, earning laughter from Harry and a smile from myself.

"You're not being a bother to anyone. We've been worried sick about you the past few days and all we went is our happy and jumpy Niall back once you kick pneumonias ass." Harry said, earning a smile from me.

I had to admit, Harry always made me smile even though I felt like complete shit. I wanted to hug him back, but no one ever said that airbourne worked to full capacity so I just gave him a brofist with my fist wrapped under my blanket to prevent any spreading germs from spreading to him.

"Do you want me to stay? I don't want to leave you alone just in case you don't feel well again." Harry asked politely. I nodded my head and leant my head on his lap as I began to drift asleep again. Sadly, it wasn't as easy because my cough was still present, but once Harry remembered my medicine, we waited an hour before it kicked in and I was back asleep.

Liams POV

It had been hours since Harry went into Niall's room and we wanted to see what was going on so we decided to all go in and see if they were alright. As we walked in, we were immediately surprised to see that Harry had fallen asleep in the same bed as Niall. Niall's head was rested on Harry's knees and Harry had his head rested on the bed board of Niall's hotel bed. It was really late now, almost midnight now to be really specific so I told Zayn and Louis to go back to their suite for the night.

Sadly, for me I would just have to be the lonely one and sleep by myself tonight, but at least it was peaceful. There were no interruptions and I could get my own bed. I just hope Harry knew that I was literally handing NIall's life to him.

As the night passed, we all woke up ready for the interview. That was everyone, except for Niall. He was still really tired and he was obviously still not feeling well but Paul told Caroline and Lou to stay back and watch him with some security for his room. Louis, Zayn, Harry and I all thanked Caroline and Lou as we left for volunteering to take care of Niall for the day.

Luckily this was a radio interview so we didn't need our hair and makeup done, but after we rushed back so then we could see how Niall was doing. The poor lad was asleep on the couch with Lou and Caroline chatting about some fashion show on the TV, and by interrupting them we almost got brought into the conversation about girliness too. However they told us the news that Niall was feeling a bit better so he was able to watch a movie with them, even though he did fall asleep only thirty minutes into it.

NIall was told to stay inside for the rest of the week, however once that week was done we got our happy Niall back. He was back to performing on stage with his crazy jumps and guitar solos with Josh. We were also really glad to have him back with us because the fans were no longer worried about his health.

As we walked off the stage from our first concert with Niall back with us, we were surprised by him when we walked into our dressing room.

"Hey lads." Niall said, a surprised face on.

"Hey Nialler. Had fun being back with the cool kids?" Harry joked, referring to us as the 'cool kids'.

"Ha, shut up twat." Niall said, slapping the back of Harry's head lightly. "So anyways, what's up." Louis asked, surprised of why NIall was waiting for us here.

"Well, uhm i'm not feeling too well right now." NIall said, rubbing his neck.

We all turned around and looked at him, eyes wide and distraught of what he just said. There was no way this was happening again.

"Just kidding! I wanted to thank you guys for what you did so I planned a dinner for us at Nandos, right now! Paul said we could go!" Niall said excitedly.

"Thanks Nialler, but never scare us like that again. I almost swallowed me tongue." Zayn said, his accent thick because of the worry that passed through him.

"Don't worry, i'll be careful this time. Anyways, let's go!" Niall said, leading us out of the venue to meet Paul in our usual black vans.

The rest of the day went quite nicely, knowing that we had no one that was under the weather. Everyone was laughing and joking around and we were all so happy that Niall could be able to laugh again without having to gasp for air every time he even tried to breathe. All we knew, was that the next time that something like this happened again, we'd have to make sure we'd be ready for When Sickness Hits.


Authors Note:

So I hope you guys liked the last part of this book. I actually got a lot of feedback from this book and I hope that you guys were happy with how it turned out. And i'm so sorry for the long wait this time. I usually tried to update every two days, however this time I was well overdue. I had a lot of in week activities and I didn't want to rush the chapters so I decided to take my time and make them as best as possible. (There was a bit of procrastination too, i'm sorry!) But after this book, I have two more requests to do in separate books, and after that I might be accepting new requests. However I want to make sure I fulfill the requests I have gotten so far so I don't forget any. Then again thank you for reading and your support has been amazing x

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