Too young to be this Wild (li...

By TrayceeStewart

40.1K 1K 693

How would the linked universe be if wild was younger and started guarding princess Zelda at age 8 and was in... More

Meeting the wild child
Meeting the gang
Introductions are something
First bath in 100 years
We found people!
Whats a Lynel?
Definitely a wild sick day
Awwwwww Legend <3
Let me out!!!
They still worry
Big brother instincts
Slow down what now?
Sidon is my wild childs Bestie
Your how old?
It is my pleasure
Thank Hylia... oh thank Hylia
I can tell because I care
You Let A Eleven Year Old Cook?
Oh -- I Killed Him!
For How Many Days?
What do you know?
Ummm you didn't kniw?
Sidon, Sidon, And Sidon?
Massage From The Sky
You Will Be Known As "Champion"
Wakey Wakey Eggs And Bakey
Wandering Curiosity Crew! What Mask?
You Dont Need To Be Punished
Catch You Guys Later... Right?
Why him!?
Papa and Momma
Halloween special ๏ฟผ

"Turn that frown" "upside down!"

1K 35 14
By TrayceeStewart

Hyrules POV
After Wild and Sidon's brotherly moment Sidon started to speak up "I know there's a lot going on and you, my friend must have a lot to think about but princess Zelda had been looking everywhere for you and wishes to see you." Wilds eyes widen at that. "Zelda?" Asks wild and Sidon nods "I can send one of the Zora to tell her where you are?" Wild shakes his head. "It's ok I'll head that way today... it must be important." Sidon nods and turns to the rest of us. "And I'm... so sorry for my rudeness to you great hero's." Sidon takes a deep bow. "I hope wilds comrades can humbly forgive me." I look at everyone at the table then time starts to speak. "Raise your head prince Sidon we understand your concerns and respect how much you care for our brother in arms."

Sidon raises his head and looks at Time with a sad smile. "That's all I can ask for." Sidon says nodding. Wind then jumps up on the table with his hands on his hips. "Uggggg can y'all stop being such downers." I hold back a laugh as Twilight starts to stumble on his words trying to get Wind down.

Wild then decides that hopping up on the table was a great idea and jumps on the table with Wind. "Yeah why so ser- ser" wild seems to stumble on his words. "Serious" wind corrects. "Serious! Why so serious, let's go and explore and meet my Zelda so..." wind and wild smile at each other, then they turn to the rest of us, they then says in unison "turn that frown." Wind and Wild make a frown obviously dramatic frown, then Wind holds Wild upside down with Wilds legs over Winds shoulders as Wilds frown turn into a 'smile' then they continue. "upside down!"and with that they start to giggle.

I let out a laugh "you guys are right" I say as I grab Legend and set my knees on his shoulders so I'm hanging upside down. "Hey what the hell are you doing!" Legend says annoyance in his voice. "I'm doing what they said." I say to him as I pull my face in to a fake frown "my frowns upside down." I say looking Legend straight in the eyes. Legend cocks a eyebrow to me as he grabs the back of my legs. My eyes furrow at him as I say. "You wouldn't dare." He smiles a mischievous smile "of course not." He says as he pushes my legs off his shoulders as I fall face first onto the ground.

I can here Wild and Wind giggling as they sneak up behind Legend and jump on his back "hey what the f-" legend starts to say but is abruptly cut off by the two crazy boys trying to imitate Time "Language!" They both yell in the deepest voice they can manage. Im rolling on the floor laughing while legend is trying to get the boys off "come on pinky, you can do better then that." Warriors says snickering into his hand.

"Why you" Legend says with his face so red that you would think Steam should be coming out of his ears. With that wind and Wild are riding Legend like a bucking pony, Warriors is running around Time and Twilight trying to get away from Legend, Four and Sky are laughing and trying to figure out how me and Wild got upside down on each other's shoulders with out falling, Sidon is giving the biggest belly laugh I've ever seen, and I'm Still on the floor watching this unfold.

Once Time catches Legend and Twilight has the two boys (proudly if I might add) on his shoulders everything settles down. "HA! You guys are just as crazy as Wild." Sidon says as he wipes a laughing tear away from his face. Wild perks up and nods looking proud of himself.

"Ok pup I think it's time to head off to see your Zelda. We're losing daylight." Twilight says patting wilds leg. "Oh before you go let us stock you with supplies." Says Sidon ringing a bell on the wall that calls a maid. "If you wouldn't mind that would be helpful." Says sky with a smile. Once the maid gets here Sidon tells them to gather some supplies for our departure as we go to our rooms to pack up.

"Alright down you two go." Twilight says setting both Wild and Wind down by our rooms. They whine a bit at being put down but quickly head off. Wind goes into his room and Wild heads to the front saying all his stuff was with him. I grab my stuff and head to the front with the others.

Once we made it, Sidon spoke up "I hope these items are put to good use and help you in your journey ahead." Sidon then hands Wild some items to put in his slate. "We appreciate this gift and hope we meet again in the future." Time says as we start to walk off.

"WAIT!" We hear from behind us and we see Wild running back to Sidon and he Jumps into a big bear hug. "I will see you soon my friend." Says Sidon. "Mmhm see you soon." Wild says with a smile.

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