A Kingdom of Bloodshed

By ElleMoore23

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Althea Alinac is of fae origin, born into royalty by Fae parents, yet mysteriously has human healing abilitie... More

Part One
*¬*Chapter One*¬*
*¬*Chapter Two*¬*
*¬*Chapter Three*¬*
*¬*Chapter Four*¬*
*¬*Chapter Five*¬*
*¬*Chapter Six*¬*
*¬*Chapter Seven*¬*
*¬*Chapter Eight*¬*
*¬*Chapter Nine*¬*
*¬*Chapter Ten*¬*
*¬*Chapter Eleven*¬*
*¬*Chapter Twelve*¬*
*¬*Chapter Thirteen*¬*
*¬*Chapter Fourteen*¬*
*¬*Chapter Fifteen*¬*
Part Two
*¬*Chapter Sixteen*¬*
¬*Chapter Seventeen*¬*
*¬*Chapter Eighteen*¬*
*¬*Chapter Nineteen*¬*
*¬*Chapter Twenty*¬*
*¬*Chapter Twenty One*¬*
*¬*Chapter Twenty Two*¬*
*¬*Chapter Twenty Three*¬*
*¬*Chapter Twenty Four*¬*
*¬*Chapter Twenty Five*¬*
*¬*Chapter Twenty Six*¬*
*¬*Chapter Twenty Seven*¬*
*¬*Chapter Twenty Eight*¬*
*¬*Chapter Twenty Nine*¬*
*¬*Chapter Thirty*¬*
Part Three
*¬*Chapter Thirty One*¬*
*¬*Chapter Thirty Two*¬*
*¬*Chapter Thirty Four*¬*
*¬*Chapter Thirty Five*¬*
*¬*Chapter Thirty Six*¬*
*¬*Chapter Thirty Seven*¬*
*¬*Chapter Thirty Eight*¬*
*¬*Chapter Thirty Nine*¬*
*¬*Chapter Forty*¬*
*¬*Chapter Forty One*¬*
*¬*Chapter Forty Two*¬*
*¬*Chapter Forty Three*¬*

*¬*Chapter Thirty Three*¬*

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By ElleMoore23

Hell stares back at me. Holy shit this is real. This is happening. My fingers grip the edge of the sink, nails digging into the porcelain. Curseclaw's eyes look back at me through my reflection in the mirror and I feel such a sudden sense of dread that my stomach begins to churn.

Footsteps rustle outside before a figure appears within the entrance way. Whirling, I tense waiting for the attack but none comes. There's just a male standing there his blue eyes sharp as he clears his throat, "Sorry to scare you Miss. But you are needed."

I frown, "Who are you? Needed where?" The male shrugs before stating, "That's classified and you are to come with me immediately. A change of clothes has been provided for you."

Then he steps back and disappears into the light beyond. Sounds like the bloodshed is about to begin. Curseclaw's voice ripples into my mind his laughter echoing through my skull.

His joy is palpable. I can taste it. Frowning at the now empty entrance to the tent, I stride for it and find that there is indeed a pair of clothes waiting there for me, laying on a chair just outside the entrance.

Frowning even more, I grab them and slip into the clothes. Black loose pants, a silver blouse with a leather jacket.

Regular running shoes. All simple yet odd clothes to be pairing together.

What on earth is happening? As soon as I've zipped up the leather jacket, the blue eyed male returns. His face impassive as he says, "You are to come with us."

"Where the hell am I going?" The male ignores my question before turning on his heel and striding away. He doesn't look back to see if I'm following.

I'm deciding whether or not to follow when my legs suddenly move on their own accord. I'm not controlling my body. My mind begins to panic, begins to fill with dread.

Go take a rest Thea, I'll take over from here. You are at my control now. Curseclaw whispers into my mind.

No. Shaking him off I try to stop my feet from moving but I can't. My body isn't totally my own anymore. One step after another, I keep pressing forward following the retreating figure of the male ahead of me.

"Where are are we going?" I ask. Hoping to get an answer but as before the male stays silent. He pause before a small group of fae and whispers amongst themselves.

When they all turn to face me, I suddenly feel very exposed. Just go with it beautiful queen. Enjoy this power. We can do anything we want together.

Breathe, breathe, breathe.

Inhale, exhale. Blink.

"Miss, I'm sorry to take such procedures but we are to transport you to Purgatory where you are needed to help us break Augustus out of prison. It is the first step in our mission to raising Xavier Morningsong now that we have tied Curseclaw to your form."

I blink, "Purgatory?" The male smirks, "The main city within Kazimir's kingdom. Our leader is being held there and word was sent to break him out. We already attacked the SunLight City within the Kingdom of Light as a warning that we are coming. Now it's time to get the rest of the plan in action."

I blink. They've already taken down one of the more powerful cities in all the kingdoms. By the gods... we don't stand a chance.

There's dark laughter in my head. Fingers of obsidian curling around my brain and squeezing my skull. "I won't do it," I growl.

"I figured you'd say that but you don't have a choice." Then the male takes one finger and places it against my forehead, a small flash of light flickers from it before tingling slides along my bones.

That squeezing sensation becomes unbearable. Pressing harder into my skull until I fear it may break. "What? What is happening?" My head pounds, stars flicker before my eyes, "Sleep now Miss. When you wake it will be done."

What does that mean? But I don't get any answers before I'm being shoved into the darkness, down, down, down. Falling faster. My screams not heard to anyone but the echoing walls around me.

This world is strange. Different from what I remember it to be. Though it's been many centuries since I graced this realm with my presence. Once Thea's consciousness is locked tightly away, I take over. Seeing through her eyes, hearing through her ears. I am her. Yet darker. More wicked and hungry for blood than she'll ever be.

The male stares at me, his eyes unchanging until a small smirk grazes his face, "Welcome to our world, Curseclaw." I smile wickedly back, "Thank you. When do we get started?" Laughter and then, "Whenever you feel ready." I blink, feeling that old wrath pool within me. Magic sparks between my fingers. Old and new. Ancient and present. What a deadly combination Thea and I make.

"Now would be fantastic." I'll play nice with the fae for now, but soon; soon they will be bowing to me. They will remember who it is they summoned here and just how deadly I truly am.

With that the male turns to his group and whispers again, before they make a final decision. "To ensure our approach is unheard we will need to Fold there. Transporting ourselves and our gear through time and space to reach our destination. That should give us the element of surprise."

I listen, taking in every detail, every intention written upon his handsome face. If he were more he'd be a valuable asset, but alas, he's only a fae male fighting for the cause of a vengeful prince.

Standing silently, I take in the world around me. It's loud, full of sounds and smells. Different movements catch my attention. As much as I hated the Void and Hell, it was better than this. There's too much going on.

Let me out! Thea shouts at me from deep within her mind. I purr, I think not sweetheart. I'm quite happy here. She growls at me, slamming her fists into the bars of her bone prison. Chuckling, I ignore her shouts and turn back to the fae males.

One is approaching me and reaches forward with what looks like handcuffs. "It's just a precaution to make sure that you make it to where we need to go. Sorry." Why is he apologizing? I'm flattered that they think of me as a threat. Smiling wickedly, I raise my wrists and let the male cuff me. Never once taking my eyes off him.

A target marked.

Let me out! Let me out! You can't do this! She's screaming again. Blinking, I ignore Thea and begin following the first male with the blue eyes. He wraps his arms around my body and meets my eyes, "Ready?"

I nod. He closes his eyes briefly before the world around us begins to crack and bend. Time and space separating as the colours all blend together.

Air rushes past my face and I grin. This is more like it. For a brief moment, everything is in splintered chaos until it's rightened again. The ground comes back and our feet are planted firmly on the soil.


One by one, the others appear following behind us as we stride for the centre of the city. Taking a look around I smile. Blood, urine, filth. This city is coated in it. I can taste the suffering and rage that hides behind the walls and skitters along the cobblestone roads. This city is clearly the heart of this kingdom and it makes my blood sing.

Perhaps I'll save this city, let them run free and true to their own purpose. Wicked delight pools inside of me and I can't help the soft laugh that escapes my throat.

Let me out! She's screaming again. Raging behind bars made of bone. It's delightful to hear her scream.

Her magic is mine to use and there's nothing she can do about it. Not until we are switched back. Following the group towards a building a ways down the road, I continue to drink in this city. The air smells of rot, the grass is brown. Decay has begun to seep through the stones and bricks of houses. It seems that the High Lord of this city doesn't care for his people. I'd like to meet him. To see what sort of alliance I could create. Perhaps he is better than that insufferable princeling Augustus.

It takes a matter of minutes for us to reach a tall, sleek silvered building. There's one door before us with a few windows on the side. The sterile scent from outside this building makes me believe that it's a prison.

This must be where he's being kept. The blue eyed fae turns to me now, a wicked smile on his face. "Intel says that Augustus is in here. We are needed to get him out and to begin the process of raising his ancestor."

I blink.
"What am I supposed to do about that?" He laughs, his darkness creeping into his eyes as he growls, "I want you to blow this place up." Delight. Delight rushes through me at the thought of the chaos and destruction I could cause. At the amount of blood I could spill.

Don't do it. Please don't do it. She's begging. Pity. I thought she was above begging. You're a monster. You sick bastard. Don't you dare! Thea's words hold no power over me. I simply don't care.

This is what I was brought here to do. It's my time. "Sounds like fun. Any preferred means?"

The male shrugs, "Explosives or magic. I don't care. Just get in there and get our leader out." Turning to face the prison, I examine the building. Letting my magic along with Thea's trail along the perimeter. Examining it for weaknesses or a possible way inside. What I find instead is powerful magic.

"There's more than one person inside," I state. "We know. It's High Lord Kazimir, Ryder his battle captain, Raven and Fin and it seems there's one more. A woman named Arrow?" Thea stills within our mind. Her fear leeches into my bloodstream and I am drinking it up. Devouring that fear and that anger. It fuels me.

No. No. No. Please. Don't you dare.

Stop begging Thea, it's pathetic, I coo at her. It must be Kazimir's magic that I feel. No matter, I'm stronger. Lifting my hands, I aiming both of them at the building, letting the magic build and pool within me. Head tipping back I smile. So much power.

Endless abundance of it. Strength. I feel so invincible with Thea as my host. I am never letting her go.

Clouds begin to darken, small droplets of rain fall from the sky. Thunder booms. Stop. Stop. Stop. I don't.

I can't. I won't.

More. I need more. Gobbling up the power and the thrill of it, I feel my skin crackle, I hear the electricity that sizzles along my skin. When I tilt my head back down to face the prison, I see the fear on their faces.

Please. Let me out now. Stop this! Too late.

With one last wicked laugh, I release the magic from myself and watch as it encompasses the prison. As it squeezes the walls before the very foundation of it ruptures causing the whole thing to collapse.

NO!!! Thea roars at me. Fighting to surface once more.
Stars. Shadows. Blackness. I watch as the smoke from the prison lifts and hear the echoing boom as the final wall collapses, revealing the bodies of those within.

Yelling. There's so much yelling and all I can do is watch. Watch from behind my own eyes as the prison collapses and buries the people within it. Watch as we move forward and the others rush forward aiming for Augustus who's smiling like a cat. Watch as guns are raised and aimed at the still figures buried beneath the rubble.

My heart rips in my chest. This isn't real. This isn't real.

Screams. My screams. I'm pounding on the bone walls of this cage, angry. Raging that I couldn't stop it. That I couldn't warn them.

That blue eyed male approaches, smirking at us. He places a finger to my forehead.

Pain, ripping. Tearing. Curseclaw and I howling at the change, raging against time and space until... gasping, I blink in the late afternoon sun. Air enters my nose, the scent of dust, rock, and blood coat my tongue.

Augustus strides for me, blinking into my eyes. "I'm sorry about all of that. I had to switch your souls so that I could use Curseclaw to do this, I knew you wouldn't otherwise." The blood demon within me growls in frustration.

"What did you do?" I'm asking about the prison but he takes it as something else, "Oh nothing. I just have Reese" He points to the blue eyed fae male, "tap a finger against your forehead and his magic switches your souls. He's a soul switcher. That's his power. Very useful."

Breathe, breathe breathe. I can't believe him. I'm so tired of his games, of his bullshit. My anger pools into my blood, entering my mind. Shoving past him, hitting his shoulder on the way, I pause at the edge of the rubble. There are people still scouting the area, making sure no one is alive. I don't want to look, I can't. I must.

Swallowing, I force myself to look. Horror lances through me. Raven is laying half buried under a large portion of wall, her body bent at an odd angle. Eyes closed but her face is still frozen in shock.

Ryder is laying on the ground, his sword still clutched in his hand. Legs crushed under parts of the roof. Fin is in the same predicament. Blood trickling down the side of his head, a piece of metal bar is lodged in his side.

Arrow... my best friend here, is curled into herself. Hair half ripped from her head. Her body is covered under rocks, only her curled spine and back of her head is visible to me and Kaz...

I can't even look. He's leaning against the only remaining wall. Head tucked into his chest, a metal beam through his chest. Everything within me gutters out.

My legs give out, knees hitting the floor as heart shattering sobs rip from my throat. My heart splitting into millions of pieces.

Dead, dead, dead.

They're all dead. How.. how is this possible? I just got them back. We just had great success. We were happy. Why does this always happen? Falling forward, I place my head onto the ground, weeping. The world fades from around me, time slows to a crawl.

Oh stop weeping, it's embarrassing. You are a queen act like it. This was necessary. He will pay Thea, don't worry.

Curseclaw purrs to me. His shadow hands trailing along my mind down my spine. I don't care. I can't feel a thing.

Quiet, quiet, quiet. It enters my mind, my ears. Everything suddenly goes quiet. Raising my head, pushing to my feet I stride for Kaz's body, pausing at the other's along the way to place my goodbyes. When I reach his figure, I kneel reaching out to place a hand over his still warm skin.

When I lift his face to mine, I feel like weeping again. But I don't. I keep the tears in. Placing a kiss to his cheeks, then his lips I whisper, "I'll find you again. In another life, in another time. We will meet again." My hart is shattering, the pieces are falling to the ground at a mess by my feet but somehow I keep breathing.

Breathing, breathing, breathing.

It's all I can manage. It's all I can comprehend right now. Dead. They're all dead. Releasing Kaz's face, I watch as his head drops back against his chest. His black hair falling into his face and I feel another fissure split through me.

Pain. It's endless. I don't think I'll ever be rid of it fully. I'm always going to be running and looking over my shoulder.

This is what he wanted. To break me. To have me be so deeply broken that I wouldn't question it when he asked me to do things for him. When Augustus asks me to destroy the world I love, I won't blink because he's already taken everything from me.

I don't remember rising to my feet. Or turning away from them all. I don't remember walking out of the debris and into the late afternoon sun.

I don't feel anything.

Just silence. Silence and rage. So much rage it's burning, burning, burning within me. Love makes you weak Thea. Now you must learn to be strong. You are the strongest Blood Queen to have walked this earth in many millenniums. Let's create chaos together.

Curseclaw's words eat at me. Biting along my veins and squeezing my throat.

I ignore him because what's the point? What's the point in even refusing that demon when the only light in my life has been snuffed out?

When the only people who mattered the most to me have been murdered for no reason. Sunlight hits me in the face, warming my already heated skin. I tilt my head back into it and inhale deeply trying to settle myself but the rage that's beginning to bloom in my stomach has no bounds.

"Not to cut the sentiments short, but Althea darling, we are on a time crunch and need to return to base. Are you nearly ready to go?"

I want to murder him. I want to rip his head from his shoulders and drain every last ounce of blood from his body. I want to tear him limb from limb and feed it to Curseclaw and make sure that Augustus suffers. That it's painful and slow.

I want to make Tara watch as I take her mate away like hers took mine. I want-

The thoughts stop when I blink. The wrath that had begun to overtake me was frightening. I need to get a hold of myself.

"Yes." I spit. Augustus chuckles then turns to his cronies, calling them in for a meeting. Reese smirks at me and gives me a bit of a glare. I snarl back at the insufferable male, growling at him and baring my teeth.

He snorts, rolls his eyes then looks away. I hate them. All of them. "Well done everyone, you successfully released me, and managed to kill all of my major opponents in the process."

"Sir?" One of the males standing to Augustus's left raises his hand, "What?" Augustus snaps. "According to what the thermal scans told us, there were five bodies in there before it blew up. Six with you. But there are only four bodies in the rubble."

I blink. Someone got out. Someone got away, but who? I try to remember back on what had been said and the only thing that I can recall is a conversation about the SunLight City being destroyed. Which means that... Flare must have escaped. How?

Relief floods through my system but also despair. If he managed to escape why didn't the others? "Who managed to escape? This was an ambush. There's no way anyone could have survived other than myself."

Augustus snaps. "Unsure sir. We just know that one of the bodies is missing and that he wasn't there after the explosion. Which leads us to believe that he managed to get out just before we blew the place up."

Thea, Angel Heart. I pause. My whole body going still. Was that Kaz? I thought he was dead. He is dead, I saw it with my own eyes.

Angel Heart, you need to listen to me. I don't have much time.

Desperation claws through me. This is real. He's here talking to me. Swallowing, I force myself back into that numb emptiness from before. The hollowed out expression slipping over my face once more.

I'm sorry to put you through this pain. This suffering. But it was for the better. We are all alive and safe. No one is dead. What you see before you are fakes. Decoy's that we glamoured to look like all of us. They're really just training figures used for hand combat. I'm not dead sweetheart. We're coming for you ok? War is on the horizon, I need you to be strong. But I'm coming for you.

I want to know how they got out, how they managed to escape but this isn't the time to ask that. This isn't the time to dive deeper because Augustus is fuming and striding for me. I have a part to play and I must do it well. As confused as I am, I know that my grief is real. And my hatred.

"I don't care about one measly High Lord. We have a war to win and I'm done wasting time. We are going to resurrect Xavier tonight."

Chills creep along my skin. This should be interesting. Curseclaw purrs at me.

Tonight? We're fucked.

Pausing before me Augustus reaches out and cups my chin in his hand, "I am going to need you and that crown. I am going to use you to raise my ancestor and collect every last drop of his power, I don't care if you die in the process. This is happening. Tonight. No more games, no more running away. This ends now. Tonight, I will become the most powerful King to ever walk this planet."

His ego is insufferable. He won't be the strongest. Little does he know about you Althea. You and your half fae half demon blood. You are the most powerful Fae to walk this plane since many many millennia's ago. The thought makes me sick.

The memory of Myra and Xavier, how their relationship. The experiment he preformed on her baby, only to kill it and then they were at odds everyday since. Battling each other to their deaths. Now here I am, the supposed soul of that baby come back to save this world when they need it the most.

I don't want that responsibility. I never asked for any of it. Ignoring the blood demon, ignoring Augustus, I close my eyes; tilt my head back and send a message to Kaz to warn him. THe only hope I'll allow myself to have.

Xavier is being risen tonight. I can't say more, can't alert Curseclaw or Augustus to my thoughts. I must keep that thread hidden.

"You will fail, Augustus. You realize that?" He huffs before gripping my arm and yanking me forward. Forcing my head down and eyes to shoot open.

"What makes you think that? There's no one to stop me. You certainly won't be able to and your precious mate is dead."

His words make me angry. I hate him with every fibre in my being.

"It's over Thea. You have lost. Accept that." Then he turns and strides away, tossing over his shoulder, "I'm not that sorry about your friends deaths. It was necessary to get what I wanted. Now let's go. We are on a time schedule and I refuse to waste another second." Something snaps within me. The rage that had been coiling within me snaps. The wrath and fury erupt in my belly. No other thought races through me than to kill.

To tear him limb from limb and make him suffer.

Launching at Augustus my fingers aimed at his face, nails ready to shred I've just sliced one down his cheek when Reese steps in the way. His eyes piercing into mine.

He smirks, then places a finger against my forehead and the world shatters.

Darkness descends upon me shoving me down, down, down. My rage and wrath screaming around me. But I fight it. I fight that push, that change, I don't want this. I am powerful, I am strong.

Raging against his magic I let mine rise up shoving back, back, back. Reese only pushes harder and rage even more. Tonight Xaver gets raised, tonight I have to wield the crown. Tonight. I'm not ready. Not prepared.

I've lost too much just to lose more. I can't let them win. Save your energy Blood Queen. You'll need it for later.

Curseclaw is right. Relenting, I let my magic go still, my wrath and raging still seething but no longer pushing against the push of Reese's magic.

I stop. Letting it all go still until all I can hear is silence. 

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