Rebirth of the Evil Mother-in...

By di-ma-da

83.4K 2.9K 501

PLEASE DON'T VOTE ON ANY CHAPTER. NOT MY STORY. For OFFLINE reading only. Credits to the Author/s and Transla... More

CHAPTER 96-100
CHAPTER 101-105
CHAPTER 106-110
CHAPTER 111-115
CHAPTER 116-120
CHAPTER 121-125
CHAPTER 126-130
CHAPTER 131-135
CHAPTER 136-140
CHAPTER 141-145
CHAPTER 146-150
CHAPTER 151-155
CHAPTER 156-160
CHAPTER 161-165
CHAPTER 166-170
CHAPTER 171-175
CHAPTER 176-180
CHAPTER 181-185
CHAPTER 186-190
CHAPTER 191-195
CHAPTER 196-200
CHAPTER 201-205
CHAPTER 206-210
CHAPTER 211-215
CHAPTER 216-220
CHAPTER 221-225
CHAPTER 226-230
CHAPTER 231-235
CHAPTER 236-240
CHAPTER 241-245
CHAPTER 246-250
CHAPTER 256-260
CHAPTER 261-265
CHAPTER 266-270
CHAPTER 271-275
CHAPTER 276-280

CHAPTER 251-255

468 11 0
By di-ma-da

Chapter 251 - And that was how Jiang WenYu caught the Zhang family's attention. (3)

Fang JunRong was also the one who saved his life. He didn't care whether she had ulterior motives at the time when she saved him. She appeared in front of him during the darkest time of his life and lit it up. The only thing he could do was to have fruitful researches in order to repay Fang JunRong.

He had wanted to add on Fang JunRong's name on his thesis but Fang JunRong had turned him down on that.

Fang JunRong felt that Jiang WenYu's contribution was greater than hers. If it wasn't for him, she would have no idea how to grow those herbs in the real world nor would she be able to apply the two formulas for the benefits of the public. She was very happy that she had run into him that day.

A gem will shine on its own accord. Even without her in their previous lives, Jiang WenYu still earned a place for himself all on his own. As for this current life time, she wasn't worried that Jiang WenYu would fall into his same fate as before. The Zhang family now was nowhere as powerful as they were in her previous life. As their Bone-Connecting Cream had been taken over by White Jade Cream, their status as the pharmaceutical family was in danger. Many was waiting for the opportunity to pounce on them. They would have to struggle just to maintain their current status; let alone sparing the time and effort in targeting Jiang WenYu.

Besides, she had already arranged for protection for Jiang WenYu and his protection would only grow from this point forward. If the Zhang family still wanted to target him, it might not bode well for them.

Now that Jiang WenYu was well aware that the Zhang family had to do with him being poisoned, they were already enemies and he would not fall for them easily.


End of April, with the release of Nature and Science, the two international science magazine, Jiang WenYu was famed. It all started with local newspaper announcing his achievements proudly, followed by all the for-profit accounts online each of them reposting the news. All of a sudden, Jiang WenYu had become very well-known and many media started looking into his background.

Fang JunRong worried that many smaller publishers would just make up stuff for the traffic so she reached out to a few media to have official interviews with Jiang WenYu. After all, providing outlets is always a better solution than suppression. Once the interviews were released, netizens who didn't care about it one way or another were conquered by his look. Jiang WenYu was, after all, a truly good looking one. His eyes and brows looked drawn and they were delicate. His career background was clean and his family background common. All of his achievements today he had earned with his own two hands. It made for a good story. He was very straightforward in the interview and it was obvious that he was not very familiar with certain internet slang, which made him seemed a little silly. The silliness, however, tickled the heart of many.

[What's with that incredible look? He is like your typical attractive classical man! I don't mind!]

[He was for sure handmade by Goddess Nuwa. The rest of us were just flung from mud.]

[He could totally make a living from his look alone. But, nooo, he wanted to apply his talent instead.]

As the boss of Jiang WenYu, Fang JunRong was brought up from time to time as well. Many expressed that she had good eyes and was able to find someone like Jiang WenYu. As for the school that Jiang WenYu had worked for in the past, they were compared, contrasted, and dissed.

When Jiang WenYu became famed, he had, inevitably, drawn the attention of the Zhang family.


Zhang Kaiyu, the head of the Zhang family, called everyone for a family meeting. He looked at Zhang Bi for a few seconds before he turned away.

"Have everyone seen the recent news articles? Jiang WenYu, who is just 30 years old, his papers were accepted by the top two scientific magazines. Such a talent at such a young age......" He repeated all of the praises from the official website and did not miss the unnatural look that quickly flashed passed Zhang Bi's face. He had always valued Zhang Bi, his talented grandson. Sure enough, Zhang Bi was a genius among his generation in the Zhang family. Nevertheless, there were still differences between geniuses.

Chapter 252 - Zhang Kaiyu forced a kind smile on himself. "Of course that is fine."

Listing to his grandfather praising Jiang WenYu nonstop, Zhang Bi felt like he was being clawed by an invisible claw inside of him. It was making him feel restless. He had always been confident in himself, let it be his look or his talent. The appearance of Jiang WenYu, on the other hand, made him feel like a fake. They looked alike but Jiang WenYu was far better than him. They were similar in age and Jiang WenYu had lesser education than him but he was able to have his two articles published in the two publications all on his own accord. Zhang Bi had his published in the past before but only in their associated magazines. They were not the same. He felt even worse after finding out some old events from his mother.

Why did Jiang WenYu had to exist?

"Of course I have heard of it. The media had been talking about him day and night. Anyone with eyes would have seen it by now. And he did look quite like our oldest nephew. That being said, he was far more superior than Bi. If only Bi can somewhat measure up to him, we probably would already have Beautify Pills and the other items figured out way before now," said Zhang Bi's second uncle, his tone unfriendly.

Hearing that, Zhang Bi's face dropped. His uncle couldn't have just praised Jiang WenYu? He had to put him down while he was at it?

Zhang Kaiyu's volume got louder. "Jiang WenYu is a child of the Zhang family. We had lost him when he was a child was all."

Once he had said that, the entire room quieted down and many looked dubious.

"Dad, when do we have an extra child in our family? And we lost him? How come we have never heard of this before?"

"Could this be true? Could he really be our big brother's child?"

"Big Brother" referred to Zhang Bi's father Zhang Mao, who had passed away 8 years ago. Others have had some guesses when they saw what Jiang WenYu looked like but it was possible for two unrelated individuals to look alike. Nobody really thought that he could be a child of the Zhang's and that their clan leader would straight up confirm that. Judging from his attitude, it would seem that he was aware of this all along?

The clan leader of the Zhang family nodded with a look of mixed emotions. "He is Mao's son. We lost him 26 years ago and Mao thought about him to the day he died and hoped that I will be able to locate his son quickly and bring him back into our family. God bless. The child has become so successful. I am sure Mao has been looking down at him from heaven."

"Who's the mother of the child? Not sister-in-law, is it? I don't remember sister-in-law having two children."

The clan leader of the Zhang family, seemingly not wanting to divulge too much, simply said, "His birth mother died a long time ago."

He paused for a bit and continued, "We don't want to upset him too much so, when he returns to us, let's just tell him that him and Bi are twins but he was lost when he was a child."

He looked around the room and said in a threatening voice. "Whoever that tells him any crazy story will be dealt with severely."

All of the noises in the room quieted down and everybody looked at the clan leader in shock. From what he was saying, Jiang WenYu would go down in the Zhang family's genealogy as the oldest boy of his generation.

"Would sister-in-law agree to that?"

Second Uncle of the Zhang's couldn't help but asked. It sounded like Jiang WenYu was a child out of the wedlock from what his father had told him. And this child out of the wedlock would go down in record as the oldest child under her name and compete with her own child. He for certain would not let that happen if he was her.

The clan leader of the Zhang family said solemnly, "She would not object."

"He shall be Bi's twin brother from this point forward."

The Zhang family had endured shocking news after shocking news that night and, after a while, had been desensitized.

Chapter 253 - Zhang Kaiyu forced a kind smile on himself. "Of course that is fine." (2)

The others couldn't help but looked over at Zhang Bi, who had remained quiet this entire time. Instead of feeling shocked, they were more waiting for the drama and hoping for misfortune to bestow upon him. Even though the existence of Zhang Bi threatened them as well but he had no foundation. They could always suck up to him and he would be helpful to them. Jiang WenYu, who was about to go down on their genealogy as his older brother, would certainly irk Zhang Bi to no end.

Zhang Bi was certainly feeling frantic. He never would have expected such a move from his grandfather. How was he supposed to take that? Was his grandfather getting ready to give him up?

After the meeting, Zhang Yukai had the child he once valued very much stayed behind.

He said to him, "Repeat this to your mother verbatim. This was her doing in the first place and now it's time to repay for it. If she doesn't like this arrangement, I will have no choice but to send her back to her parent's place."

A slight disgruntlement grew in Zhang Bi's heart. "Grandpa, do you favor him more?"

Zhang Kaiyu mellowed out a little. "I've watched you grow up. Who do you think I favor more? Have you reach Jiang WenYu's research papers?"

Zhang Bi was aggravated whenever he heard Jiang WenYu's name. Why would he read Jiang WenYu's paper in their entirety?

Zhang Kaiyu said to him, "Go and read his papers. I suspect that he was the one behind the Beautify Pills. How else can an amateur like Fang JunRong come up with a product like that?"

Zhang Bi was enlightened. That was the reason behind his grandfather's decision. In the end, he was trying to have Jiang WenYu on their side. Jiang WenYu did not grow up in the Zhang family and had no emotional ties with them. They would need to offer something for him to be on their side. In the end of the day, he was nothing more than a tool to them. That made him feel better.

He related what his grandfather said to his mother when he returned.

Su QinYing turned pale but all she said was, "I got it," before she took off in a trance. She didn't complain about anything at all. Zhang Bi, who was prepared to comfort her, was baffled. She acted as though grandfather had some leverage over her. He couldn't help but wondered if there were more to it than he was aware of. What had his mother done to Jiang WenYu in the past?

On the other side, Zhang Bi's Second Uncle and Third Uncle also talked about the odd events of the night.

"Third Brother, do you think Jiang WenYu really is a child of the Zhang family?"

"If Dad said so, he must have irrevocable proof. He would not otherwise want to mess up our bloodline. Besides, look how much alike Jiang WenYu and Zhang Bi was. They certainly look like brothers."

"Are you crazy? Take another look at Jiang WenYu. He looks like Zhang Bi alright, but Zhang Bi looks like his grandfather on his mother's side! I suspect Jiang WenYu is part of the Su family and that Dad wants our big brother to have an additional son for the benefit of the Zhang family. Why else would Su QinYing not say a word? If it was my wife, she would have the bastard child killed a long time ago."

The two speculated a lot over Jiang WenYu but, without any proof, they were nothing but speculations.


The stories on Jiang WenYu lasted over a week before their popularity finally dropped.

Fang JunRong, after consulting with Jiang WenYu, declined all other interviews for him. She mentioned that to the upper management as well and Jiang WenYu was finally able to return to his research.

Fang JunRong had expected the Zhang family to reach out to Jiang WenYu but she thought they would observe for a while longer. She hasn't expected them to come so quickly. In addition, Zhang Kaiyu, Zhang Bi's grandfather and clan leader of the Zhang family, came in person. Fang JunRong did not like anyone from the Zhang family from the top down.

Zhang Kaiyu looked very kind and his white goatee also made him stand out.

"Boss Fang," said Zhang Kaiyu with a smile. He looked like a regular grandpa commonly seen in the park practicing their tai chi.

Fang JunRong said nonchalantly, "I trust that you didn't come for no reason. Just go ahead and say it."

Zhang Kaiyu frowned at her overly cold attitude. He frowned a little but relaxed again shortly. "I came for Jiang WenYu today. He is a grandchild of us that we have lost many years ago."

Chapter 254 - Zhang Kaiyu forced a kind smile on himself. "Of course that is fine." (3)

Fang JunRong heard this very touching story afterward. That Jiang WenYu and Zhang Bi were twins. Jiang WenYu was fragile when he was born plus the Zhang family was not very stable at the time so they sent him to live in the village to regain his health and also to protect him. Low and behold, Jiang WenYu was kidnapped when he was four years old.

The Zhang family had been looking for Jiang WenYu all these years with no luck. Jiang WenYu's birth father was still thinking of him up until the day that he died. They never thought that the day would come when Jiang WenYu would rejoin the family.

Zhang Kaiyu was covered in tears toward the end.

Unfortunately, Fang JunRong wasn't moved at all. She gave him the perfect smile as she said to him, "I'll need to ask him for his opinion."

"Of course. Naturally. And thank you so much for taking care of him in the past year."

Fang JunRong quickly related that to Jiang WenYu and asked, "What's your thoughts on that?"

Jiang WenYu looked nonchalant. "The Zhang family is, after all, a pharmaceutical family. I trust that they have some formulas of their own that nobody knows of."

"They are probably not as good as Beautify Pills but I'm sure they have their strengths. We will be able to absorb that."

Hearing his subtext, Fang JunRong felt a bit ashamed. Jiang WenYu hadn't even returned to the Zhang family yet and he was already plotting against them. That being said, why did his plan sound so satisfying?

"Sure. The two of you can meet up first. Hmm. Be sure to bring extra Detoxification Pills with you." And not the ones for sale on the market but the ones that was made from her mystical herbs from the dimension. The ones with higher efficacy.

Fang JunRong didn't stop him and Jiang WenYu quickly met up with Zhang Kaiyu. Fang JunRong was forced to listen to the story one more time.

When Zhang Kaiyu was done, he went on, "Boss Fang is such a nice person. If it wasn't for her, you would not have been so successful so soon. But, she is, after all, not family. I am sure you will have much more freedom doing research back home."

"If you are to return to the family, we will for sure prepare your own laboratory for you."

He looked at Jiang WenYu intensely. If Jiang WenYu was after money, he would not be able to turn down the status of being a descendent of the Zhang family. If he was someone who cared about nothing but research, he also would not be able to turn down the temptation of "having his own laboratory". Zhang Kaiyu had done a lot of research in preparation for the meeting today and he was full of confident.

"Laboratory? My current one is quite good."

Zhang Kaiyu said to him, "But no way it can be better than what you can have back home. I can get you any equipment that you want."

Jiang WenYu, who had looked indifferent this entire time, finally showed some emotions.

"Is that true?"

"Of course." With the Zhang family's background, what couldn't they afford?

Jiang WenYu pulled out a list. "This is a list of equipment that I have been wanting to get. It will be amazing if I can have them all." Even though he knew that Fang JunRong would procure for him anything that he would want but money doesn't grow on trees. Fang JunRong had already done a lot for him. He wanted to save some money for her.

Zhang Kaiyu looked at the piece of paper.

He wasn't entirely ignorant. Each one of these equipment cost upward of several million yuan! Even the Zhang family had hesitation to purchase a few of those that cost over 100 million made by companies overseas. Was his intention to build one of the best laboratories in the world!

His blood boiled and he looked at Jiang WenYu as though he was looking at some gold-swallowing monster.

"No?" Jiang WenYu frowned slightly and there was a hint of skepticism in his voice. "I thought these will not be a problem at all considering the Zhang family's fortune."

"Oh, nevermind. I'll just talk to my boss and have her get them for me."

Having said that, he was about to take the piece of paper back from Zhang Kaiyu.

Zhang Kaiyu understood clearly that there would be no deal if he turned down Jiang WenYu now. He forced a kind look on himself and said, "Of course this will not be a problem."

Chapter 255 - Fang JunRong and Jiang WenYu were just trying to irk the other party; they didn't think the fool would actually expose themselves. (1)

All of the mushy words that he had prepared in advance were gone from his head when he saw the sheet of paper that was thin like a cicada's wing but weighed a thousand tons. All he could think of was "how much would it cost to buy all of the equipment? It must cost hundreds of millions."

"What else would you like besides those?" He forced a smile on himself.

Most people would want to meet their birth parents, right? Once he brought up that subject, he could naturally bring up his parents and stressed how much his parents loved and treasured him back in the days and, through that, strengthen the ties and emotions between Jiang WenYu and the Zhang family. Nevertheless, as well planned as Zhang Kaiyu had been, he was no match to the well-prepared Jiang WenYu.

In the eyes of Jiang WenYu, he had already labeled the entire Zhang family as villains. The only reason that he would agree to return to the Zhang family was to collect some interest for almost being killed under the bridge without anyone knowing. He also wanted to find out who was behind that. He also wasn't worried that whoever who attempted that would freely try again after he had returned to the Zhang's.

Hearing Zhang Kaiyu's words, Jiang WenYu's eyes lit up. "Are you sure?"

Zhang Kaiyu had just nodded when he saw Jiang WenYu pulled out another piece of paper. He almost stopped breathing.

"I would also like to have these equipment as well but I didn't think it was appropriate to ask for them. You are much more loving than I had imagined."

"Thank you so much."

The equipment listed on the second sheet was every bit as expensive as those on the first. In order to appear more convincing, Jiang WenYu even took some lessons from professional actors. Fang JunRong knew many in the circle. Any tips from any of these individuals would be sufficient for Jiang WenYu to fool Zhang Kaiyu.

Zhang Kaiyu, "... ..."

He wanted to turn down Jiang WenYu, but had he done that, he would no longer be the loving person that Jiang WenYu looked up to. Besides, the Zhang family, as a medical family, it would make them the laughingstock of others if they said they couldn't afford these equipment. Zhang Kaiyu was, after all, took the Zhang family's reputation very seriously. He had no choice but to agree to them.

It was alright. Jiang WenYu was worth the investment. Zhang Kaiyu comforted himself. Knew that the Zhang family had pooled all of their resources and still not able to have Beautify Pills figured out. They had done their research and knew that Jiang WenYu was the team of one over at Fang JunRong's. He was directly tied to all of their products.

As much as he was mentally prepared, the amount still pained him.

As such, he dared not bring up the subject on gifts again, worried that it would cost him even more.

Jiang WenYu was a little disappointed about that. He had quite a few other sheets prepared... nevermind, he was quite happy with what he had so far already. He would not need any new equipment in the ten years to come, unless he was to switch to a new direction in his research. That reminded him, he could prepare a few additional lists when he had some free time. It was only right to, say, ask for birthday presents when it was his birthday.

"Alright, when would you like to return to the Zhang family with me? It's only right for you to go and visit our ancestors."

He would only be considered to have joined the Zhang family officially after his had paid their ancestors a visit.

Jiang WenYu had been eying the Zhang's documents for a while now. He said without any hesitation, "Any time." He gave Zhang Kaiyu a smile. The smile, on his ridiculously good-looking face, made him seem real and also gave him a look of naiveness that would make others smile. "I have heard about the Zhang family for a long, long time and know that it is the medical family that has been around for generations. I have always wanted to knowledge exchange with you."

"Furthermore, I would like to see the difference between myself and others of my generation."

"I'm sure the others will love to do so as well," said Zhang Kaiyu. It would be helpful for his grandchildren's generation to meet Jiang WenYu and knew that there were always better ones out there. They needed to learn humility so they would stop thinking that they were the best and stopped trying to improve upon themselves.

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