Proof Of My Worth

By Arkham_Daze

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Title inspired by Mitmite2 Most of the Jaune Arc fanfictions I read just aren't good enough. They either mak... More

Knight meets Ronin
Improvements and New Edges
Jaune Arc: Bio & Gear
My OC: Andi
The Shining Beacon, Part 1
The Shining Beacon: Part 2
The Emerald Forest
Pieces and Players: Part 1
Pieces and Players: Part 2
The Badge and The Burden
Forever Fall
Knight Time Fun
Invincible Girl vs Dark Horse King
Best Day Ever
Welcome to Beacon
Reunion; Jaune & Andito
The Inner Circle; Plus 1
Burning the Candle
Dance Dance Infiltration
CCT Showdown
Field Trip
Push and Pull Through
Sign Up
Reminiscence x And x Nen
Welcome Crossers
A Word With RWBY
Round One
Dancers and Diamonds, Part 1
Dancers and Diamonds, Part 2
Special Chapter: How Do They Work
Along Came The Crossers
Behind Closed Doors
Lessons Learned
Never Miss A Beat
Idea For The Future: Revised

New Challengers

861 19 26
By Arkham_Daze

Teams JNPR and BRNZ stared each other down as Professor Port gave the countdown.


Jaune activated his aura to be ready in a moment's notice.


He angled his sword and shield for a pristine cut.


Jaune let a smirk grow on his face.

"Come on guys!" He encouraged his teammates.


Jaune activated Ren before blitzing at the unprepared members of team BRNZ so fast they couldn't react. Their leader, Brawnz Ni was struck by an amplified gravity pulse boosted shield bash that sent him flying.

"AAAAAHHHHHHH!" He cried out as he flew.

He flew through several trees before slamming against the hard-light walls of the arena and sliding down like an insect caught on a windshield.

The crowd roared and laughed at the blonde paladin's insane feat of power and the painful misfortune of Brawnz Ni.

"Double whammy! Brawnz Ni is eliminated by knock out and aura level! Done in by one of my favorite students Jaune Arc, who has once again demonstrated how he's a cut above the rest compared to his peers! Still feel bad about the first guy he did that to." Professor Port commented.

"Tremendous physical might, an unorthodox fighting style, vast aura reserves and perhaps one of the most powerful and versatile semblances in the world. It's no mystery as to why he's called Saint Paladin." Oobleck followed with a mix of analysis and praise.

"THAT'S MY BOY!!!" Nicholas cheered for his son.

"GIVE EM HELL KID!!!" Andi followed.

"GO JAUNE!!!" Amber cheered for her big brother.

The remaining members of team BRNZ's minds snapped back to the fight. Roy Stallion and Nolan Porfirio tried to go for Jaune together while May Zedong retreated into the forest to find cover and provide long range attacks.

Nolan and Roy lunged at Jaune together. Nolan with an electric cattle prod and Roy with two saw blades gauntlets. Jaune either blocked or dodged the attacks but didn't do anything fancy.

Nolan tried attacking Jaune again but was intercepted by Nora. Who got in front of him and took an electric shock to her gut.

"It appears that another one of my favorite students, Nora Valkyrie is charging up to use her semblance!" Professor Port announced as he made a fist with his right hand.

"What?" Nolan said in confusion as he looked toward the giant holographic screen.

"Yes, Miss Valkyrie's semblance lets her produce as well as channel electrical energy straight to her muscles! Allowing her to jump explosively into the air, wield her mighty hammer, or in this case, absorb Nolan's attack and send the young man flying!" Doctor Oobleck explained Nora's semblance.

"What?!" Nolan panicked.

Nora stood tall as she flexed her body muscles as hints of pink electricity coursed through her.

Nolan took a few steps back and raised his hands up in surrender.

Jaune who stood not too far behind his teammates raised his arms as they began glowing with the bright gold of his semblance. At the same time, Nora started glowing pink as the electrical currents rushing through her body intensified.

"WHAT?!!!" Nolan exclaimed even louder than before.

"It appears Mister Arc has graced us with the use of his semblance: Aura Amplification! Aura Amp for short." Port announced over the microphone.

"HUH!!!" Nolan exclaimed in even more confusion.

"Aura Amp allows him to intensify the aura of himself or of others by giving some of his own! Allowing him to recover his aura reserves almost instantaneously, recover the lost aura levels of his comrades, or in this case, enhance the aura and semblance of the person he is using it on! Point in case Miss Valkyrie!" Doctor Oobleck continued, making the crowd roar at seeing such a powerful semblance in action.

"OH COME ON!!!" Nolan complained.

Nora took the opportunity to swing her war hammer/gernade launcher: Magnhild at his balls, striking him so hard he was sent flying all the way to the hard-light wall outside the arena. Effectively eliminating him from the tournament.

"Another double whammy! Nolan Porfirio is out, out, OUT!!!" Port announced, making the crowd cheer.

"A homerun for Miss Valkyrie! I pray that she and Mister Arc will take it easy on the others." Oobleck followed with some concerns.

Ren was busy dealing with Roy as Pyrrah was trying to get a shot in at their sniper, May.

Jaune took the chance to survey his surroundings. Taking a good look at his team's side of the field, looking up at the storm cloud on top of the miniature mountain.

"NORA!!! GET TO THE TOP OF THE MOUNTAIN!!!" He commanded his ginger teammate.

"YOU GOT IT!!!" She replied chipperly as she dashed off to the mountain.

"Ren! Help Pyrrah with the buzzsaw guy! I'll take care of the sniper!" He then commanded his silent teammate.

"Whatever you say." Ren replied as he dodged one of May's shots and ran to help his redheaded teammate.

We move to see Nora take a powerful leap and started scaling the mountain while Jaune ran past Roy to get closer to the forest, and by extension May.

Ren and Pyrrah worked well together as the took turns attacking Roy. Transitioning smoothly as they did so.

Jaune charged forwards with his shield Candidus Mors in front of him and using it's hard-light extension to protect him from the incoming shots and breaking through anything in his way, before preparing Aureum Mors for a flying dust slash attack.


"Yeah! Go get em Jaune!" Ruby cheered for her friend as the crowds cheered from behind.

"He's certainly improved." Weiss said surprised.

"He can amp people from far away now?!" Yang said incrediously.

"Just how much stronger is he going to get?" Blake questioned nervously.


Jaune blocked every shot aimed for him before activating the mechanism in his sword that allowed him to use dust attacks.

"It's been a while since I did this. Hope I'm not too rusty." He thought as he angled his blade and set it to fire dust.

As he blocked the last incoming shot, he activated his semblance through Aureum Mors. Then creating a flying fire slash that cut down/burned down a majority of the forest area, forcing May to escape out into the open and taking away her vantage point. This made the crowds to get even more excited and roar even louder.

"Yep! Still got it! Although I probably should've used wind dust instead." He complimented himself internally before rethinking his plan sheepishly.

"Oh ho! Another interesting use of Aura Amp by Mister Arc!" Professor Port commented on the fire wave Jaune made.

"It's common knowledge that dust can be controlled with aura. And that it will be more potent when more aura is added. By using Aura Amp, Mister Arc is enhancing the aura powered aspect of dust, therefore making his dust-based attacks stronger and more potent than even a top ranked huntsmen." Doctor Oobleck swiftly explained Jaune's semblance's affect on dust.

"HE CAN DO THAT?!!!" Weiss, Ruby and Emerald exclaimed in shock and awe.

"OKAY!!! THIS IS JUST UNFAIR!!!" Yang and Nora complained.

"You gotta be kidding me!" Blake and Mercury said in disbelief.

"NICE ONE JAUNE!!!" Juniper, Nicholas and Andito cheered.

"WAY TO SHOW EM LITTLE BROTHER!!!" All of Jaune's older sister cheered in unison.

"Amazing!" Lavender and Cinder commented.

"He's incredible!" Pyrrah commented.

"THAT'S MY BIG BROTHER FOR YOU!!!" Amber cheered with her fist raised as she was brimming with pride.

While everyone was distracted with watching Jaune, Nora just got to the top of the mountain, raising her giant hammer as lightning struck down and on to Magnhild. With her absorbing the electricity to strengthen herself even further. Then transforming Magnhild into a gernade launcher as it's front opened, allowing Nora to fire all the gernades she had.

As the gernades flew, they formed a heart with pink smoke trailing them as they were locked on to Roy and May. Both of which looked up at the incoming giant pink heart of death despairingly.

"Meep..." May squeaked.

The gernades hit their mark at the survivors of team BRNZ laid down in a giant heart shaped crater and were enveloped in a massive plume of smoke. Causing them to cough.

As they began to open their eyes they could see Nora, who had jumped off the top of the mountain, falling down towards them with her hammer raised and a large pink sphere of energy following her. With a battle cry she swung Magnhild with all her might and created a crater as big as the ones Jaune was infamous for making. Creating a shockwave that sent the two flying back to the edge of the forest.

Their auras were low, but not low enough to end the fight. But at the same time really close. One more attack would decide it.

Nora had a feral grin at the stunt she pulled. Jaune however...

...looked absolutely offended.

"THAT'S MY MOVE I COULD SUE YOU FOR COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT!!!" Jaune exclaimed. Offended that his own teammate would steal his move.

Nora however looked unaffected by this.

"Well, you didn't name it so it's up for grabs. WHO EVER NAMES IT FIRST KEEPS IT FOREVER!!!" She proclaimed as she and Jaune went to a thinking position.

"KING'S/QUEEN'S GRAND SLAM!!!" They answered simultaneously.

They then proceeded to glare at each other before reeling back their fists.

"SHOW ME ROCK!!! ROCK PAPER SCISSORS!!!" Jaune and Nora got rock.

"ROCK PAPER SCISSORS!!!" Jaune and Nora got scissors.

"ROCK PAPER SCISSORS!!!" Jaune and Nora got paper.

"ROCK PAPER SCISSORS!!!" Jaune got rock while Nora got scissors.

"OH YEAH!!! THANK YOU LADY LUCK!!!" Jaune cheered as Nora sulked in defeat.

"Uh. Excuse me team JNPR. I believe it's best you finish the fight." Port said through the speakers.

Jaune finally noticed the crowds were getting impatient and were booing at him and telling him to keep fighting. Causing a smirk to grow on his face as he flared up his aura.

"IF IT'S A FINISHER YOU WANT!!! IT'S A FINISHER YOU'LL GET!!!" He roared as he combined his sword and shield to form Divinus Mors and activated his semblance before focusing all of his aura through his combo sword.


"RAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!" Andito cried out as he swung his greatsword-õdachi Kakumeí down on a boulder using the same technique. Shattering it and making a crater underneath it.

"Woah that was awesome! What Nen technique was that?!" Jaune asked his mentor excitedly.

"That's not a recorded technique kid. It's something I came up with. It's a combination of Shu and Ko. I call it Sho." He explained to his student.

"Sho! Even it's name sounds cool!" Jaune complimented.

"Hahaha! It works by channeling all your aura into one point like Ko. But instead of a body part, it's through an object or weapon like Shu." Andito explained further.

"Can you teach me it?!" Jaune once again asked excitedly.

"Sure. Why else would I show you?" Andi joked as he patted Jaune's head.

Flashback Ends...

"GIVE ME SHO!!!" Jaune exclaimed as Divinus Mors was shrouded in Sho. Add his semblance to the mix and you have a recipe for an instant kill.

As his Sho activated, a strong gale errupted around the large blade. Reaching his teammates and the spectators.

"Jaune! Don't you think this is a little much?!" Pyrrah nervously questioned her leader.

"Relax! I know what I'm doing!" Jaune tried to reassure her.

Pyrrah trusted her leader, but his statement did little to ease her anxiety.

Jaune slowly walked up to the down members of team BRNZ with Divinus Mors shining with a bright gold light.

"W-what are you, d-doing?" Roy questioned shakily.

Jaune reeled back his sword as if he was a professional baseball player about to bat the ball. The dust slot on the sword's guard spun on to wind dust, making the wind errupting from Candidus Mors more violent. Creating a tornado around it's wielder.

"RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!" Jaune roared as he swung Candidus Mors with all his might.

A giant wind slash was released from the gold and white greatsword. One so great it tore apart several trees and nearly blew away the crowds on the other side, along with sending the remaining members of team BRNZ flying, before they violently crashed against the hard-light wall.

"It appears team JNPR wins by perfect streak of double whammy! This is history in the making folks! Make sure to tell all your friends and family!" Port concluded the match.


At the appropriately-named Crow Bar, a gray-haired figure in a tattered red cloak is sitting at the counter with a collection of empty glasses to his side. He takes a swig from another drink as he looks up at the screen above, displaying an image of the victors with the caption "Team JNPR Defeats Team BRNZ!"

"Huh, those kids are pretty good. That Jaune kid especially." The bartender said as he wipes the surface of a glass in his hands.

The figure rocked his glass, letting it's contents move around.

"I guess." The mysterious figure said as he gulp down his drink.


The endless chattering of the crowd died down to a dull roar as the large holo screen activated, the symbol of the tournament appearing briefly before it shrunk down to a smaller size revealing Doctor Oobleck sitting behind the commentators desk. A still frame picture of Jaune's gold glowing Divinus Mors and his giant wind slash that hurled the final two members of team BRNZ and caused a massive case deforestation on the left side of the screen.

"Ah, well, Vacuo fans are sure to be hurting after that one, but this next one will have them on the edge of their seats!" Oobleck announced, the screen flicking over to display Peter Port now, an image of the team about to fight was shown, taking up the right side.

"Team NDGO (Indigo) of Shade is certainly a crowd favourite, but these lovely ladies are going against some of the toughest, testosterone-filled teams we've seen so far! I'm of course talking about team SSSN (Sun)" Port continued. Ily doing his best to hype up crowds.

The crowd erupted into cheers and quite a few loud squeals too.

The camera cuts to the view of a few spectators in the stands holding up signs with each male's face decorated with hearts, the exception being a simple image of a certain set of abs.

"Sun Wukong and his team are certainly a force to be reckoned with, and although he'll be representing the Mistral Academy of Haven, I'm sure his friends his friends and family back in Vacuo will be cheering him along!" Port continued on as team SSSN made their way from out of the tunnel and into the centre of the arena. They walked into the center of the field, waving to the cheering crowds as they did so.

Good luck Neptune!" Weiss sweetly called out as she cupped her hands.

Neptune's waving continues until he spots his four beautiful opponents, which causes him to develop a confident attitude as he addresses them.

"Ladies." He said to them.

Weiss was shocked at this simple word turns to her shaking with rage until she angrily gets up and points into the arena.

"Break his stupid face, NDGO!" She cried out to the opposing team.

As the crowds get ready and the teams stand on opposite sides from one another.

"Alright, girls, try and remember: hands above the waist." Neptune gestured.

Sun grasped Neptune's arm as he apologizes.

"Ignore him, for he... Yeah, he's dumb." Sun said swiftly.

Neptune simply gives a sparkling wink to the disgusted females as the holographic roulette shows up again, landing on a yellow image of sunny dunes and stone formations until the real thing emerges from below. A small circular light even appears overhead, causing most of the crowd to don sunglasses.


"A home field advantage for NDGO." Ren remarked, sounding slightly concerned as he did so.

Jaune waved him off.

"Technically it's also Sun's home field advantage as well. Sun was raised there before he moved."

The final roulette began to slow revealing its selection as a blue symbol for...

"Ah, crap." Jaune swore, looking up at the depiction of the ocean on the hologram, Sun's half of the field slowly shifting as it did so.

Nora leaned towards me from her seat. "What's going on with him fearless leader?" She stage whispered, clearly not understanding what could be causing him to act like this.

"Neptune is, how to put it? Aquaphobic." A new voice said as it hesitated for a moment thinking of the proper term.

Everyone turned around to see Monty Oum.

"He's afraid of the water?" Ren asked blankly, seeming to be unable to understand what he was saying.

"There are a few reasons Neptune chose to become a huntsmen. The lack of water is chief among them." Monty continued as he looked back down at the field one hand coming up and covering one side of my face in exasperation.

"This isn't going to turn out well." Jaune concluded.

"Come now, I'm sure it can't be that bad." Pyrrha said doubtfully, not quite believing that it could be as bad as he was making it out to be.

"Three, Two, One, Begin!" Oobleck announced in his usual rapid fire manner.

As soon as the word is said, Neptune zooms through the enemy team and skids up the mountain behind them.

"I stand corrected." Pyrrha murmured in disbelief even as I fought the urge to facepalm at Neptune's idiocy.


"Neptune, what are you doing?!" Sage called out to the fleeing teammate.

Neptune who was now standing on a ledge near the top of the formation, yelling down to his friends.

"Uh, you know, just gaining the higher ground!"

"On the enemy's side?!" Sun said exasperatedly.

"They would never expect it!" Neptune retorted.

This made Dew turn to her allies.

"He's not wrong."

"Open fire!" Nebula called out her first order.

(A/N: Everything happens like it did in canon. There is litterally nothing different about SSSN vs NDGO. Honestly, what a mess.)


Bartender the whistled at the screen, back in his establishment with its one customer.

"Now that was a match!" He said with impression.

"Heh, that was a mess." The man drinking had a light slur in his words.

"Come on man, you didn't like them, the Vale kids, or any of the rounds before that? What fight are you here for?" The bartender questioned.

The man sees an aircraft with elegant ribbons flying from its wings behind him.

"That one." He replies as he finishes his drink as the world sways with the happily inebriated huntsmen until he slams the glass down on the counter and tosses a few lien alongside it.

"Happy Vytal Festival!" He said as he stumbled out of the Crow Bar.

The bartender watches as his sole patron staggers away and puts down the glass he just finished cleaning, only to knock it down and shatter it when he reaches for another one.

"Aw, gee darn it!" He cursed.


Ruby leaned back in her seat and let out a heavy sigh.

"Aw, that was so close!" She commented.

"Looks like the dorks made it to the next round!" Yang followed.

Blake looked down in the arena where Sun and Neptune are dancing like fools before the fellow Faunus gives her a special double-gun gesture with a wink, eliciting a blush and a small smile from his target.

"Emphasis on dork." Blake followed fondly.

"Now before we wrap up the first day of the Vytal Festival Tournament we have one last match! One that is sure to be remembered!" Doctor Oobleck announced to the excited crowd.

"Both teams representing the Beacon Academy of Vale! Let's all give it up for Team VTRI (Vitri) and Team JADE (Jade)!" Port followed up.

"Julian Danders and his fearless teammates are certainly a force to be reckoned with. But Viktor Pollux and his faithful comrades aren't to be underestimated either. Which team will come out on top?! The seniors soon to graduate or the first-year team of underdogs?! Stay tuned." Oobleck continued.


Blake's blood froze at hearing JADE's leader's name.

"Julian Danders?! He's alive?!" Blake whispered shakily.

"You know him?" Ruby questioned her.

"I met him back in the White Fang. He's a ruthless fighter who always killed his targets while singing and dancing. They called him the Dancer of Life and Death. Dancer for short. But he died on a mission almost six years ago." Blake answered, her voice still shaking.

"Is he really that dangerous?" Ruby questioned in fear and worry.

"Professor Oobleck-" Yang started but was cut off.

"DOCTOR!!! IT'S DOCTOR OOBLECK!!! I DIDN'T EARN THE PHD FOR FUN THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!" The doctor said loudly over the speakers. Causing the entire stadium to flinch and cover their ears.

"Doctor Oobleck, said he was a senior and soon to graduate. That means he's been here longer than any of us. He could be like you for all we know." Yang continued replying to Blake.

"Are you saying he faked his death and defected from the White Fang?" Blake implied.

"I don't know. But let's not get ahead of ourselves. After the match is over I say we talk to him. That way we'll know for sure." Weiss suggested.

"I agree. A White Fang spy wouldn't take so long to exploit their position. Especially if it meant crippling a Huntsmen Academy. I just hope he isn't one." Blake said with a calm tone to hide her unease.

"What are you up to Dancer?" Blake thought internally as she narrowed her eyes at the former White Fang assassin.


"So Viro's gonna fight? Sweet!" Jaune said happily.

"Viro?" Pyrrah questioned him.

"Yeah. I actually know him. We're childhood friends actually." He answered.

"And you never told us because..." Nora inquiried.

"I forgot. Sorry." Jaune answered blankly.

This made Nora and Pyrrah fall on their backs from the sheer idioticy of his answer.

"You are very strange Jaune. Very strange indeed." Ren said to him.


Team JADE consists of four young men who appear to be in their early twenties.

Julian Danders stands at 6'3 in cargo pants and ripped sleeve jacket where webbing can come out of his wrists with his sickles; Poison and Venom on his back, his brown and green eyes proudly on display and his black hair with blue tips grown out and put in a man tail.

Alex Smith stands at 6'0 with long, black curly hair with blue highlights and sky blue eyes. He's a human and his main weapon is a katana that looks like it turns into a machine gun and usually wears samurai armor with a mantis hair clip.

Dayton Callhan has short blond hair with topaz eyes he stands at 5'7 and has two short swords that look like they can be infused with dust and wears gladiator armor without a helmet.

And Edd Onyx is the shortest at 5'5 with black hair and amber eyes. He's the sniper of the group, and judging by his stance he's also trained in cqc. He has a sniper rifle that turns into two axes he wears camouflage gear with Kevlar under it.

They walked up to the center of the arena like every other team before them did. Waving to the crowd and staring down their opponents as they did so.

Their opponents looked young. As young as the infamous Team RWBY and Team JNPR. Composed of two boys and two girls.

Viktor Pollux, aka Viro, is the shortest person on the team, standing at 5'4 with black hair, baby blue eyes and light fair skin. He wears a white dress shirt, a black coat, black pants, black shoes, a black cape, blue glasses with a black eye mask attachment and a black fedora. His weapons of choice were a silver rapier and a collapsible bow.

(A/N: This but wearing a fedora)

Quill Talon stands at 6'1 with dark mahogany hair, blood red eyes like Andito's and medium colored skin. He wears a wine red sleeveless combat shirt, light grey combat pants, a black jacket with a grey inside over his shoulders like a cape and black and wine red shoes. His most notable features are the black feathers on his arms, marking him as a bird faunus. He has no notable weapon on his person.

Serenity Respo is a tall woman that stands at 5'11 with honey orange hair, gold eyes and fair skin. She wears a white combat shirt, a black and blue coat, black shorts, white knee-length socks and black and blue combat boots. Her weapon of choice appears to be a long steel umbrella.

And finally, Instra Medium, also a tall women, standing at 5'8 with pale blonde hair, violet eyes and fair skin. She wears black and white shirt, black and white gloves, a blue combat skirt, black shorts, black socks and black boots. Her weapon of choice is an electric guitar.

Dancer then walked up smiling as he spoke up.

"You think first-years like you can keep up with seniors like us?" He taunted at the team of first-years.

"The question is can you?" Quill retorted confidently.

This only made him smile even more.

"You're awfully confident in yourself. Quill is it? I've seen you around. Hard to forget someone with wings and a mouth. Kinda like a chicken." Dancer taunted.

"Oooooooooh!!!" The crowd gasped at the burn.

"Says the itsy bitsy spider who needs sickles to make up for not having fangs." Quill retorted.

"OOOOOOOOOOOOH!!!" The crowd gasped even louder.

"Is that a challenge? Well then, I happily accept." Julian proclaimed, accepting the first-year's challenge.

The proclamation of team JADE's leader made the crowds roar in excitement. Who could blame them. A good trash talk is mandatory before starting a fight. And the teams below had just set the bar.

"Ahem! While I do enjoy a good banter before a fight. This is still a tournament. We're wasting time here gentlemen." Port said to both teams over the speakers.

The two teams then prepared their weapons and got into their fighting stances. Staring one another down as they did so.

"You guys hang back for a bit. I'll take on little musketeer and his band of first-years." Julian ordered his team.

"Roger roger captain." Dayton complied with a two finger salute.

"I'll take their leader. Try to stay back and away from the crossfire." Viro did the same.

His teammates all nodded in agreement.

The two leaders walked up forwards to meet face to face before they fought.

The arena around them transformed into two distinct environments. Windy salt flats and a snowy tundra.


Team VTRI aimed their weapons at their opponents.


Team JADE followed their lead.


Aura flared around Viro as Julian took in a breath.

"Ren! Full Power!" Viro commanded his aura.

"Spider Breathing, First Form: Widow Mark!" Dancer internally announced.


Viro and Dancer blitzed past each other and to the opposing teams. They were so fast the spectators weren't able to see what happened.

Viro thrusted his rapier at Dayton, who blocked with his short swords and was sent him flying a distance. While Dancer slashed at Quill who blocked with his feathers but was also sent flying.

But it wasn't the end of them. Dayton infused his swords with wind dust to slow down and then propel himself to the ground. While Quill spread his wings and directed himself back to his teammates.

The crowds roared at the two leaders' display of speed and power and their teammates quick thinking comebacks.


"They're like Jaune?!" Teams RWBY and _NPR exclaimed internally.


Viro and Dancer turned to look at each other from a distance.

"I never fought against another Crosser before. This is gonna be fun." Viro thought to himself in excitement.

"He must be one of those Crossers I heard about. This is gonna be a tough one. But..." Dancer contemplated as a smirk grew on his face.

The two Crossers blitzed at each other and got into a deadlock between their blades. Excited grins on their faces.

"I'M GONNA BEAT THIS GUY!!!" They both exclaimed mentally.


"Okay. What do we know about Julian?" Yang questioned her team.

"He took part in the tournament two years back. He and his team were a crowd favorite due to their skills and good looks." Weiss replied.

"Oh yeah I saw them on TV. Isn't their leader a faunus?" Ruby inquiried.

Blake nodded in confirmation.

"Yeah. He's a spider faunus. And a special type of faunus on top of that." She told her silver eyed leader.

"Special how?" Yang asked curiously.

"Most faunus only have one animal trait. Me and my ears for example. But in extremely rare cases, some faunus are born with two or more. Although it's highly looked down upon, even by other faunus." Blake replied.

"And I take it Julian is one of these rare few?" Weiss inquiried.

Blake nodded in confirmation again.

"He can make webs from his wrists and climb walls. Two really useful abilities. It's why he was regarded so much by the Fang." She continued.

"A human spider? It's like he came straight out of a comic book!" Yang commented.

"That's what I said at first too. He didn't seem to bothered by it though." Blake contemplated.


"One of the ultimate insects vs the ultimate arachnid! This fight's gonna be awesome!" Jaune exclaimed excitedly.

"One of the ultimate insects?" Pyrrah questioned her partner.

"Well you see..."


Viro and Dancer exchanged several blows before engaging in a deadlock. Viro with his rapier and Dancer with his twin sickles.

The deadlock lasted five seconds before Dancer jumped back and put his sickles together. Combining them to form a crossbow he calls Cure. Before firing several rounds at the small musketeer.

When it seemed they would hit their mark, Viro suddenly disappeared from sight as the shots hit the ground behind where he once stood.

The crowd gasped in surprise at the rapier wielder's disappearance.


"Where'd he go?!" Nora exclaimed in shock.

"Was that his semblance?" Ren inquiried.

"No, I saw him. Though it was a blur, he just moved very fast." Pyrrah explained.

"Do you know where he went?!" Nora questioned her.

"No. I lost him after going up." Pyrrah admitted disappointedly.

"Your perception got better Pyrrah. Congrats." Jaune complimented his partner.

"Oh, t-thank you." She replied.

"Did you see where he went?!" Nora questioned her leader.

Jaune nodded in confirmation before pointing up with his right index finger.

Team _NPR looked surprised for a moment before looking up to where he was pointing. And what they saw, shocked them.


Viktor Pollux was suspended in mid-air by four clear wings beating at a rapid pace. Looking down to his opponent from above.

"HE CAN FLY?!!!" Ruby and Yang exclaimed in shock.

"HOW?!!!" Weiss followed.

"Is that his semblance?!" Blake inquiried.

"Nope." A voice said from behind them.

Team RWBY turned to see it was Andi.

"Jaune wasn't the only one I trained back then. There were a few others, and Viktor Pollux out there is one of them." He answered to their confusion.

"You trained him too?!" Weiss questioned in surprise.

"Yup. And flying isn't his semblance." He answered.

"Then, how is he doing that?" Blake questioned.

"He's just using his wings." Andi answered nonchalantly.

"Wings?!" Team RWBY questioned simultaneously.

"Yup. He's a faunus. A dragonfly faunus to be precise." He continued.


Viro continued flying in the air as he then reached for his bow; Egoist, as it unfolded to reveal it's full size and that it was a crystal blue recurve bow with a silver cord and diamond like padding with spiral and sharpened designs.

He let out his hand as crystals were created and took shape, becoming a bunch of arrows. Then lining them up on his cord, aiming and then pulling it back. Firing them at Dancer.

Dancer however looked unaffected as he waited for the arrows to get close enough. Then making a giant web and using it as a net, catching the arrows. Tossing them aside.


"He really is a spider!" Ruby exclaimed.

"I know another spider faunus that can make webs but this is beyond anything she could ever do." Blake said exasperated.

"So he's good? Like really good?" Yang questioned.

"Looks like it." Weiss swiftly answered.


"It would seem that Viktor Pollux prefers using his semblance to make instead of bring real arrows. Smart choice really." Professor Port announced.

"Mr Pollux's semblance is called Crystalize. He can create crystals. A semblance with a plethora of uses." Doctor Oobleck explained his semblance.

"Is that all you've got! I was kind of expecting more!" Dancer taunted the musketeer themed dragonfly faunus.

Viro however only smirked.

"Alright! You asked for it!" He retorted as he readied his rapier; Shiney Sting.

In response, Julian readied his twin sickles; Poison and Venom.

The two stared each other down, before flying/jumping to meet one another for a mid-air deadlock.

"I'M GONNA BEAT THE LIVING HELL OUT OF THIS GUY!!!" They both said mentally simultaneously.

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