Spring: Embrace The Winter |...

By Tales_Of_Moonchild

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It has been years since the Min Manor remains cold and calm then comes the clumsy storm named Park Jimin. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 17

56 11 2
By Tales_Of_Moonchild

Author's POV

Yoongi wasn't scared of many things. He had lived and grown up in the battlefield where he had to constantly risk his own life. People had tried to kill him again and again. Assassins. Enemies. It wasn't a new thing for him. Nor did he fear them.

But hearing that Jimin got hurt because of an assassin. Hearing that Jimin was hurt... It made his mind go blank. First came the anger. The desire to rip apart anyone who tried to hurt Jimin or looked at Jimin in the wrong way. Then came the panic. The scenarios of what could have happened. The vision of Jimin, not-breathing and dead...

Yoongi feels sick. "Yoongi slow down." He hears Hoseok scream at him but he doesn't care. Jimin needs him and he doesn't care about anything else. But he needs to get their fast because Jimin need him. He doesn't even realise how long he have been riding nor how fast all he knew was that he needed to reach Jimin. Hoseok and Jihyun riding after him.

Taehyung and Jin had asked to come with them but Yoongi had told them to come later peacefully in a carriage. No one protested.

Once they reach the Park Manor, Yoongi got down his horse leaving it with one of the guard. He doesn't wait as he walks inside. He is greeted by Jimin's mother. "Yoongi.. Jimin is upstairs. He won't speak to us. Please just.. just take care of him." Shieun says, she looks so distraught and troubled.

Yoongi doesn't say anything but nods. Shieun makes one of the maid lead Yoongi to Jimin's room. When Yoongi opens the door, his heart breaks. Jimin sits on the bed unmoving. The blood on his hands are dried and the cuts can be seen more clearly. The cut on his neck also stopped bleeding but the traces of blood was still there.

Jimin notices his presence looking up at him. And it is as if Jimin lets go of his controlled facade. Tears falls down as he gets up and runs towards Yoongi. "Yoonie... Yoonie.." Jimin mumbles brokenly. Yoongi takes him in his arms, hugging him tightly. "Darling.. it is okay I am here. Shhh don't cry." Yoongi whispers, his voice soft.

After Jimin stop crying Yoongi leads him on the bed. He turns around but Jimin stops him. "Don't leave please. I don't want to be alone." Jimin begs, his eyes full of panic. "I am not leaving darling. I will just go and ask the maid outside to bring things to treat your wounds. I will come back. Promise." Yoongi says. Jimin nods letting Yoongi go.

Yoongi comes back after a while with a box containing all he need to treat Jimin's hand and the cut on his neck. He sits down in front of Jimin and starts treating his wounds. Jimin winces at each dab. "It is going to be over soon." Yoongi says as he applies a gel on it after cleaning off the blood and bandages it well.

Next he starts with the cut on his neck. Yoongi feels like ripping the assassin into pieces seeing the cut on Jimin's neck. It was so close to vital areas. "I am sorry for not being there with you." Yoongi says. He felt the need to say sorry. Jimin shakes his head softly, looking at Yoongi.

"It was not your fault... Thank you Yoonie for coming." Jimin says. After Yoongi was done treating Jimin as best as he could, he puts away all the things on the table and sits back in front of Jimin.

"Tell me Jimin.. what happened today?" He asked. Jimin takes a deep breath in as he recounted everything that happened. "And I didn't know what to do. I broke the glass in my hand and used it as a weapon. It cut his face deeply. And then I managed to get the knife out of his hands. I don't think he was aiming to kill me there. He asked me to follow him quietly.. if..if the guards didn't came fast, it could have been dangerous for me.. because I was weak. I hate that I was weak." Jimin mumbles at the end pulling his legs against his chest.

Yoongi hugs him again. "You were not weak Darling. You were so strong. You were never weak and will never be weak." Yoongi says. The words instantly made Jimin feel a bit better.

"Rest now love. You need to get some sleep." Yoongi says pulling away from the hug giving the younger a soft look. "Promise me you will be here when I wake up." Jimin asks. Yoongi nods brushing his hair softly. "I promise".

Yoongi stays there beside Jimin making small talks until the younger finally feels calm enough to fall asleep. He covers the younger well with the soft blanket. He heads out of the room and downstairs and he sees everyone sitting around with anxious look on their faces.

"Jimin is fine. The cuts weren't too severe." He said. He could see the way Shieun, Jimin's mother, relaxes at his words. "Is there any lead?" He asked Jimin's father. "I don't know whether it would be of great help but one of the guard picked up the knife the assassin was holding." Jihyuk answers.

"According to Jimin's description it was most likely a mercenary that was hired. It will be easier to find them." Yoongi says. He looks up at Hoseok. "Hoseok come with me. We have a person to hunt down." Yoongi says.

It doesn't take long for Yoongi to find the person. Mercenaries weren't large in number and most of the time their whereabouts were open to public as they could be hired by anyone.

Yoongi glowers at man he have found hiding in a run down building. The cut wound that was on his face is healed but not well enough and he is scarred. Jimin really had gotten him good.

Hoseok makes the man kneel down, forcing him down on the floor. "Name." Yoongi said. His eyes hard. "I don't know what you are talking about." The mercenary replies. Yoongi clicked his tongue. He takes out a dragger which he usually carries around. He stabs the man's thigh causing the man to scream.

"I don't have the time for chit-chat. Tell me the name of the person who ordered you to kill my omega." Yoongi asked, his gaze menacing. The man grunts in pain as Yopngi twist the dragger, causing further damage and pain. "I can't tell you." The man groans out.

Yoongi pulls back the dragger and then stabs it in his other thigh. "My patience is very thin." He says. "Fuck fine! It was a man from your family." The man says, the blood oozing out from his wound endlessly.

"My family?" Yoongi asked. His heart beating a mile. No that couldn't be. It couldn't be his father considering he like Jimin but his brothers and their mates...He knew his brothers hated him but to this level... He hadn't expected it.

"Even if I tell exactly which man it was you won't be able to do anything. He destroyed every piece of evidence that relates me to him. After the assassination failed I went to meet him but..." The man grunts. Yoongi pulls out his dragger. The man moaning in pain at that.

"Hoseok." Yoongi says. "I understand." Hoseok says. Yoongi exits the shabby building. He doesn't even flinch as he hear screams of pain until everything goes quiet. Hoseok comes out after a while cleaning off his hands into a piece of cloth.

"What are you going to do?" Hoseok asked, worried. "I will do anything to protect him. Even if I have to steal everything from my step brothers." Yoongi says, his eyes full of determination.

"Will you tell Jimin about this?" Hoseok questioned. Yoongi nods. "He deserves to know. It will make him more aware and more prepared for anything else." Yoongi says. And so later Yoongi finds himself in Jimin's room, holding the younger. "Darling I have something to tell you."

He tells Jimin everything without missing any details. Jimin looks shocked at what he said. "I didn't knew they would stoop that low." He says when Yoongi is done telling him everything. "I am sorry darling. Because of me... I put you in danger." Yoongi says feeling apologetic.

Jimin turns to face him with a glare. "I don't want my alpha apologizing for something he had no control over or for something that was not his fault." Jimin holds Yoongi's face as he kisses him. "We are going to get through this together Yoonie." And his words make Yoongi really believe that they can do anything. He nods as he lets Jimin wrap his arms around him, his head leaning against Jimin's chest, the younger's steady heartbeat making him calm and relaxed.

Jimin watches as Yoongi sleeps. A small smile on his lips. Yoongi is the only alpha Jimin is willing to take as HIS alpha. If it means he have to be stronger and face Yoongi's stepbrothers, he would. He is going to make Yoongi the next damn heir. He will fucking change his name if he can't do so. He is a Park who can defeat people without raising a hand.

He leaves Yoongi to sleep and goes downstairs. His parents and brother are the one who faces him. "Jimin.. oh my sweets. Are you okay?" Shieun asked as she hugs him. "I am okay mother. In fact I am ready to mess with people." Jimin says, his tone joking but his eyes shine with mischief.

"Father. Please send out invitation to everyone informing that we will be holding a banquet celebrating mine and Yoongi's engagement. Make sure to invite Yoongi's whole family. Especially his brothers and their mates. I think it is time I let people know I will break their throat if they mess with me."

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