Family ties (An mha fanfic)

By Kyara_Lunamoon

315 17 228

Shota Aizawa has been doing everything in his power to hide his past from the rest of the world. He's even mo... More

What happened?
Teenagers Make My Head (Heart) Hurt
Don't Work With a Clouded Mind


41 4 71
By Kyara_Lunamoon

Shota's eyes fluttered open and he found himself lying on one of the couches in the 1A dorms. Almost immediately, he remembered what had happened earlier. Hopefully, the students hadn't gotten too suspicious.

The clock on the wall marked 8:17, telling him he'd been 'asleep' for two hours. He heard some of the kids playing games on the big screen and a few were watching the show. Some were simply talking between themselves but others, namely Bakugou and Jiro, had their headphones on and were minding their own business.

Struggling slightly, Shota pulled himself up from the soft cushions and a blanket rolled down releasing all his warmth with it. He shivered lightly at the AC air that chilled his skin.

"You're awake," Midoriya observed quietly.

"Mhmm" He hummed at the teen as he turned to sit down properly.

He picked up the blanket and easily folded it before realizing he didn't know where it came from. "This yours?" He asked Midoriya groggily.

"Yeah." The teen answered simply as he reached out a hand to take back the soft piece of fabric. Despite longing for the comforting warmth, Shota handed it off without even a twinge in his expression.

Kirishima punched his fist upright into the air, seemingly winning whatever match he'd been playing against Sero. The raven-haired teen sighed lightly with a smile on his face.

"Hey guys," Yayurozu addressed the class softly.

Various sounds of "yeah", "hmm", and "wassup" could be heard around the room.

"Did any of you hear the screaming last night?"

Shota's heart fell to the pit of his stomach. Ah, shit. He thought.

"You heard it too?" Asui asked.

"Yeah, I wonder who it was," Kirishima said, now a bit more somber than he was after his victory.

"I don't know man," Sero stated as he thought hard.

"It sounded like a guy," Hagakure mentioned.

"What are you extras talking about?" Bakugou asked.

"Last night around 2 a.m. it was raining but we could hear someone screaming," Midoriya explained.

Fucking lovely. I bet even 1B heard at this point. Shota thought as the discussion dragged on. Well, he'd have to sit through it.

Bakugou's face had an unreadable expression as he asked, "What were they saying?"

"Nothing. They were just screaming." Todoroki said from his spot on the floor. He was sitting by Midoriya as if he were a puppy waiting patiently for pets.

"How did they not lose their voice after something like that?" Jiro asked.

"I have no idea," Uraraka admitted.

"What do you think of all of this Sensei?" Iida asked as he couldn't make sense of the situation.

A sigh escaped the man's lips before he spoke, "I understand that situations you are forced into can often be overwhelming and you might need a way to release pent-up emotion." He stated factually. "But it's often better to speak to someone who you trust about what's going on in your life. So I'm hoping that whoever was out there last night feels like they can come and talk to me if they need it." He paused before adding, "That goes for all of you."

"You're so kind Aizawa-sensei!" Mina squealed.

The man blushed slightly and tried to tuck his face into his capture weapon only to find that it was not there. He scanned the room for the item as the students watched him search with confusion.

"Why the hell is it so fucking heavy?!" Bakugou yelled as he handed the scarf to Aizawa.

"Thanks," Aizawa said. "It's heavy because it's made with a special metal."

"How the fuck do you even wear it all day in class and then keep it on longer. I'd want to take it off at the first chance I get."

Shota hesitated, pondering whether to admit the truth or stay silent. "The weight is comforting once you get used to it."

"Yeah and how long does it take to get used to being plummeted into the ground?" Bakugou asked with a roll of his eyes.

"Took me about 5 months of solo training to get used to the weight," Shota said as he thought over the memory.

"How does it even work?" Midoriya asked.

"It's kinda complicated but really simple," Aizawa answered as he took hold of the scarf. "So it kinda has to connect with your brain waves and replicate exact and precise images."

"How in the world is that simple?" Todoroki said.

"Yeah but at first it's not going to listen to you. As you all know, I've been training Shinso. He's always getting tangled up in his and I remember just how much suffering I had to go through with this thing." He admitted.

"Oh my god! I need pictures of both of you!" Mina squealed.

"Hmm, how about," Aizawa mocked a deep thought as he 'considered' her request, "fuck no?"

Half the room burst into laughter and the pink girl pouted. She stuck out her tongue and then turned her head away from the man in 'anger'. Aizawa chuckled softly at the childish antics.

"Is Shinso your secret love child?" Todoroki asked, causing Aizawa to choke on the air.

"Todoroki how old is Shinso?" He asked the kid.

"I guess he's 16."

"And how old am I?"

"I don't know."

"I'm 27. So subtract 27 by 16."

"That's 11."

"So you're trying to tell me that I had a child at 11? There are so many reasons why that is horribly wrong."


"Oh indeed," Aizawa said with a sigh.

Soft giggles could be heard around the room as Aizawa pushed himself off the couch.

He was finally sure that he wouldn't collapse to the ground so he could make his way to the teacher's dorm. So now he could actually get some sleep instead of being knocked out thanks to exhaustion and lack of self-care.

"Where are you going Sensei?" Kaminari asked.

"To the teacher's dorms. I got shit to do."

Shit to do being pull himself together and finish his work but that was shit nonetheless. He left, getting a five-minute walk before he made it to the teacher's dorm. He then walked in and right up the stairs until he made it to his own dorm.

There were four dorms per floor instead of 8. Also, the dorms weren't split in the middle, resulting in a rather thick hallway.

He reached his room rather quickly and unlocked the door, pushing it open. He then locked it behind him.

Flopping onto his bed, Shota buried his face into his pillow. He probably had one or two hours before he'd have to get ready for his patrol but that was time nonetheless. Besides he wasn't actually gonna fall asleep.

He felt something jump onto his chest and he almost leaped. That was until he realized it was just his cat acting up.

"Koushi..." He groaned out her name.

"What?" The cat asked.

"Get off."

Instead, the cat just dropped into a laying position and Shota grunted softly. "I'm not even heavy!" She whined as she rolled on his stomach.

"I'm tired." He said, rubbing his hand down his face.

"You always are." She rolled her eyes and jumped off.

Shota rolled his face into the pillow. "Thanks." He buried his face deeper into it as his thoughts raced. 


That was the only coherent thought that was running through his head apparent from the ever-clear repetition of 'Midoriya is my step-brother.'

Which also means-


Shota wants to throw up be he represses the urge. It'll just make his stomach ache more than it does on a daily.

"Eat." The cat says as she licks her fur as if sensing Aizawa's emotions.

"Just so I can throw up the very second I finish? Fuck no." He groaned and curled into himself. It was an overrated and underrated position in a way he couldn't explain. But it was comfy and felt safe so he couldn't care less.

"At least have an apple or some shit."

"I'm good" He mutters softly.

Silence envelopes the room as he sinks back into the depths of his thoughts. He knew better. So much so that he bolted out of bed and into the bathroom, startling Koushi so much she hissed at him and jumped back in surprise.

"The fuck?!" She yelled as she chased him in.

"Get out." He groaned as the cat sat at the foot of the door. She simply stared up at him.

"Privacy?" He asked softer.

She shifted onto her feet and mumbled something as she stepped out. "Don't do anything stupid." She closed the door with her hind legs and made her way to Shota's bed.

He sighed as he rinsed his face and washed his hands. No apparent reason. He just did. His gaze shifted to the mirror as his hands were firmly planted on either side of the sink. Tears welled up in his eyes but never fell.

He stared at the mirror until he felt nausea bubbling up within him and his eyes were so full he could barely even see it anymore. He closed his eyes, finally letting the salty waterfall.

"Don't do anything stupid."

He wipes away his tears and walks out into the room. He finds the raisin purple cat curled in a ball on his pillow. She was trying to get his lungs completely clogged with fur at this point. He walks up to the bed and crouches.

The cat ignores him in favor of keeping her eyes closed and her head rested. She already knew what he was gonna say but it was the principle of the matter. She always had to be kept aware of where he was.

A precaution. Yeah. Precaution.

"I'm going into patrol early." He mutters softly. Something kept him from raising his voice above a whisper.

"You really do live off of adrenaline." She chuckled. "Go on. Hero."

She said the word in a teasing yet praiseful manner. Whatever that mix was, it always loosened the stiffness in Shota's muscles and today was no different. She was a blessing.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever." Even his voice had relaxed as he straightened himself. He took a last deep breath before walking out the door.

The air was cool and the temperature was dropping as the remaining sunlight melted into cold sharp winds. Shota's hair was flowing behind him as he ran from roof to roof, leaping over dangerous spaces as if it were mere child's play.

It was to him.

His scarf, despite being a hundred times heavier than his hair, was partially flowing through the air. His hands held onto it. Partially for comfort, partially for the sake of being prepared. This was his favorite part. 

Not the rush he gets while fighting. Or the feeling when he turns a villain in. Not even the small breaks where he can sit on the edge of a roof and eat a snack while gazing upon the city with its dotted lights. He loves that last one but not as much as this.

Nothing beats running with the wind against him. Maybe because it's a mix of adrenaline and serenity. He's got the rush of energy but nothing too demanding. It's... nice.

His gaze flickers up to the moon. It seems closer than it is. He doesn't mind though, it's pretty. The stars aren't there though. He wished he could see them, a soft frown made its way onto his face but he shook it off.

He stopped once he reached a specific building. He let his eyes wander around on the streets below as he searched through the shadows.

His eyes fall upon a man in black- no not himself- who's running. He tilts his head lazily until he finds who's chasing him. Three damn police officers. Shota almost feels bad. Almost.

He lets his capture scarf wrap around an electric pole and lets his mind run miles. Calculations and estimates run through his head before he swings himself, effectively colliding with the man and knocking him down.

A backpack he hadn't previously noticed fell onto the floor beside him. He glances at it and then back at the man who he was sitting on. It's a weird position, his legs on either side of the guy as he's held securely below him, but it works.

Shota sees the officers approaching and pulls out a knife. With one hand, he holds the steel blade against the villain's neck and with the other, he reaches for the bag. He goes through it to find an assortment of drugs. The good stuff too. He wonders briefly where the man got them but he quickly shuts that idea out.

The officers finally catch up, all panting and breathing heavily. Shota looked up at them, waiting for someone to make a move but they just stared at him. As he said, weird position.

"Are you gonna take him in or what?" He asks as he loosens his grip on the knife.

"Y-yes. We'll take it from here Eraser." One of them nods, almost choking on his breath.

He gets up, keeping a foot on the man's chest to prevent further retaliation. The officers move back into action and Shota watches them put the cuffs on the criminal, ready to take action if he tries to run again.

"Thank you for your help."

He grunts, nodding before letting his capture weapon catch onto the street lamp and swinging himself back onto the roofs. He lets his feet guide him as his body's on autopilot. The wind is against him as he runs, and his ears are ringing for one reason or another but that doesn't keep him from hearing his phone.

"Hello?" He answers as he picks up the cell.

"Eraserhead, move three streets down from your current location, and you'll find a gang-"

Eraser cuts them off before they can finish. "I know. Also- don't just say it like that. It feels as though I'm being stalked."

"Get a move on." They say before the line cuts off.

Shota rolls his eyes and quickly makes his way to the address. Well- location. They're so damn lucky he already knew where it was happening, or else he wouldn't have been able to find it based on the vague area he'd been given.

Once he arrives he finds himself standing two floors above while a group of men along with three women surround a seemingly teenage boy. He growls at the back of his throat, an instinct to protect kids of his age resurfaces but he doesn't push it down.

One of the members catches sight of him and they all look up in horror.

At the top of the roof stands Eraserhead, his body a mere shadow in the dark of the night but the moon is behind him, illuminating his outlines. His eyes are the only feature they can make out as the red orbs glow brighter than their original owners' ever did. His scarf unravels and floats around him, ready for battle as he crouches, preparing to jump

The gang looks up at him and freezes in fear. Their eyes are wide while the words 'shit' and 'fuck' rush through their minds.

Eraser flips off the roof (a base level of drama is required to reduce the trauma) and lands on one of the men in the same position he had earlier. This time, though, it successfully knocks out his target and Eraser is back on his feet quickly enough to tackle down the rest. 

He manages to hit two people's pressure points causing them to collapse. Then he proceeds to jump-kick one into a wall causing himself to fall to the ground but takes advantage of that and grabs someone's ankle, throwing them into the same wall.

There are definitely no blood splatters on that wall where their head hit it.

You're hallucinating.

The last duo are making a run for it but his capture scarf catches them and he uses his own arm's strength to pull them back. They go flying into the building he'd made his appearance on. He sees the flashing of red and blue so he walks over to the teen who flinches away.

Eraser doesn't take another step but speaks gently. "You alright?"

The kid gulps and nods, his eyes glazed with unshed tears. Shota takes a step forward as he sighs, the kid doesn't move away this time, instead, he looks to the ground.

Shota crouches in front of him so that they are at eye level with each other. "You mind me asking what they were trying to do?"

The kid crossed his arms, clutching the fabric of his sleeves. 

"Kid?" He called as tears started to pour from the teen's eyes and Shota stood. "Mind if I give you a hug?" He offers kindly.

The kid nods, eyes still observing the pavement. Soon the only thing he can observe is dark fabric being soaked as the scent of coffee, cats, alcohol, and school makes their way to his lungs.

Odd combination.

He hears the officers' questions and feels the rumble of the man's chest as responses are given. Soon they're alone in the alley again. For the most part. There are still officers standing outside as per Eraserhead's- as they had called the hero- request.

"What's your name?"

"Akira... Akira Suzuki." He states.

Shota hums as he loosens his grip on the kid, giving him the ability to pull away but the teen doesn't do so. "Mine is Aizawa." He offers only his last name but that's more than most civilians get.

Suzuki hums softly.

"I know you might want to get going but I need you to tell me what happened-"

"They tried to-" Despite interrupting the hero, he didn't finish.

Aizawa let one of his hands rest atop the boy's head. "They tried to rape you." Shota hates the way the word rolls off his tongue. He can never get used to saying it.

The boy tenses and nods.

"Would you be alright if I left you with the officers for them to question you about the situation or would you prefer if I came along?" Shota's voice was soft and quiet, something he doesn't hear from himself often.

"I-I'll be okay..."

"You sure?"

The kid nods and Aizawa guides him onto the more exposed part of the street. Shota hands him over to an officer and then walks to another. His voice does a complete 180 as he explains the situation fully and gives specific warnings about how to behave around the teen.

It sounded more like a lecture and even the poor officer seemed intimidated.

He was probably even, or so once Eraserhead practically teleported into the sky and started walking on the electric wires hanging above. They all just stared as the pro walked away.

Someone- who'd later become a well-known detective to the kid- muttered something under his breath. "Fucking underground heroes."

And Eraser was back on the streets. He hadn't made it that far off when he had to swoop down and stop a mugging, effectively getting shot in his arm.

So his next stop ends up being one of the several safe houses scattered across the city. All owned by the UHSA.


So Shota slipped in, removed the bullet, poured a bottle of Vodka (which he had gotten on the way here) into the wound, then wrapped it in bandages. So after his quick work of the wound, Shota is up and on the streets again.

His arm is slightly off. Not bad but not perfect. Luckily though, it's his left arm so he'll manage just fine. Though he's pretty sure it'll need stitches when he gets back to UA.

He doesn't want to waste the UHSA's resources though Kenji would probably bite his ass if he knew that Shota was avoiding that.

So here he finds himself. In the middle of a gang war.

Huh, he doesn't remember coming here?

But anyhow, it's a small fight and it's nearing the end so Eraserhead just sticks around, making sure no one dies while not being spotted. When the combattees are reduced to about 8, Shota easily steps in and finishes up the fight.

He then calls the police, goes through the boring process of ranting every little detail to them, and then makes his way off.

Patrol's over and it's time to finally get some fucking rest.

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