Aelora: The Magnificent

By Shedling49

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King Viserys Targaryen has lost his wife in childbirth and his son Baelon. Now he only has his two daughters... More

The Beginning Of The Historical Legend
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 14

270 3 0
By Shedling49

In Yunkai 

In a lonely room there was an elderly man in a fearful and hurrying behavior and was afraid of being discovered by someone or some and several terrible noises came from outside the building and this was a completely ordinary man and he probably had a lot to lose because of everything that ongoing right now. And he had a single pigeon that he had brought with him and it was a carrier pigeon that could go all the way to Westeros to the Crownlands where it had to get to the Empress of Essos. The old man writes everything in his language and looks at the pigeon and nervously wonders if the pigeon is going to leave him too so soon but he hears the men who have attacked his village are on their way to take him. The pigeon must get his message by now but he is not even halfway through his writing. But finally he comes to his last word and rolls the letter well and firmly on the pigeon's leg and then he hastens to release his pigeon and let it fly away and hope that no one in the village sees it and let it fly over the seas all the way to Westeros, to the land of the Dragons where the Empress of the Conquered Worlds can come and free her freed people again as she did once before.Because now people have resisted her will and rule and now she must face her new enemies from Essos. A leader or people who hate her and want to rule Essos like it was once again. The older man says a prayer to his gods and then the men find him and kill him. The pigeon flies over the seas and also escapes from his lands and waits for his target where he can land and receive his message.

In The Crownlands

A few days have passed since the strange and real thing of nightmare which the Queen has dreamed of the enemy from the North of the world. But the words ask more than the question itself if the world's greatest secret enemy that lies and lasts is The Wights who are the world's bloodthirsty enemy that the world's humanity had ever arisen and viewed and where its nature and authenticity came from, a kind of dark magic shadow was created its monsters that eat and kill all life and then afterwards rise from the dead. A long lasting black night that never descends from the core of light and lets the world stand in its rawness again. Aelora went and thought about it as she sat on her throne and held her autians again as she usually does and lastly she had a talk with a farmer who was having problems with his wells in his area of the city and asked for immediate service because it have been queuing up for people to repair things. Aelora said she would send someone she could find quickly and take a look at the wells and see why no water wanted to stay. The farmer thanked the Queen by giving him a basket of vegetables he had grown himself and the Queen smiled and thanked him profusely. The farmer bowed and went home, and Aelora ordered Otto to put it on his to-do list in front of people. Otto had to say more fun than ever being a councilor to a regent, but being a friend and councilor to Viserys was just as fun but Aelora got things so easy and hassle free. But it was probably because people trusted their beloved Queen. Then the next one came up and it was a beautiful young widow who was dressed in Meeren's noble clothes and looked a little tired.

"What is your name My Lady?" Otto asked.

"My name is Elayna Jasovica. My maiden name was Lossona and I come from Westeros before I ended up in Meereen." Elayna told. 

"And how did you end up in Meeren in the first place?" Aelora asked her.

"Before you Your Grace was crowned Queen, I was captured and became a slave to a noble man of Meeren. But the future became brighter for me because my master fell in love with me and I with him. So he freed me and took me as his second wife." Elayna told.

"I see. And what brings you here to me?"

"My husband died right there before you conquered Essos and my husband arranged a will that my two sons and their adult half-brother would share in his inheritance. But his first wife and my brother-in-law refused and I was forced to flee back to Westeros with my sons." Elayna told and showed her little sons who were 4 and 6 years old.

"And why did you have to run away? Did you get into trouble?"

"My brother-in-law kicked me out but to secure himself and my stepson's inheritance and future he wanted to kill me and the children. I came here to get back to my parents. But they kicked me out too after what I had done and called my boys for illegitimacy and traitors for having renounced our faith."

"I understand Elayna and of course I can help you and make things right again and your children and yourself will get your due from the inheritance and get a new life again, wherever you want to be. Since you are a noble lady you may you settle here for so long and get more details needed perhaps to get everything in place." Aelora concluded.

"Thank you so much Your Grace." Elayna bowed.

Then after that many others came looking for the Queen's attention and then the Queen chose to take a quiet moment for herself a little and thought a little for herself. She needed it.

Aelora has got a horrible and bad feeling inside her from her strange dream and she can't in any way feel guilty and believes that her work that this message will not succeed in convincing all genrations and that is exactly what it will not do for all. Even if she got her own family line, of course it wouldn't always succeed in being convinced of all the things that exist or happen. She has to come up with something that is passed on as a proof or a message that convinces or brainwashes all the Kings and Queens into the future that will come and take over the family legacy. 

But how the hell? 

"YOUR GRACE!" It was Lanos who came running into her room, sounding a warning in hasty seriousness. 

"What is it Lanos? What happened now?" Aelora stood silent and rather calm with a tired expression on her face due to her thinking. 

"Your Grace! A message has arrived from Essos and I think we should attend to this message and information along with the Council immediately." Lanos said and Aelora puzzled her face seeing the small scroll in Lanos hand. 

A little while later Lord Otto and the other had arrived in the council room and the Queen and Lanos were sitting at their seats looking angrily at what it has found out and waiting for their men. 

"So what are we talking about now? Did something happen?" Larys asked as he limped down onto his chair. 

"Larys has it. Lanos has found a dove with a terrible message from Essos. By whom we don't know, but she or he has told of an event and warning that rebels have retaken the lands and are coming against everyone and destroying everything and all who are human enough as their Empress. These men call themselves the Cutters of the True Ones." 

"God so terrible. But is it said that you Your Grace must go over there and keep the continent in power again?" 

"The Empress probably has to go to war again Tyland and if the countries have had to endure bloodshed and loss with having lost people and homes, then our Queen has to go to war to stop her enemies." Lanos said big. 

"Our Queen has no choice and if it pleases, we too must go." Larys said. 

"The Queen has her other advisors and men on the other side of each realm. She's doing well enough but the question is more who will take care of her place." Tyland said. 

"I think we'll probably do well without a regent. The land trusts us now that our Queen has improved Westeros. The question is more when the Queen will go and if Essos can do well without her regent." Otto said. 

"Essos needs me more than this kingdom now. Westeros is doing without its Queen and as this person wrote in his letter, the Essosians need their Empress - The One who Conquered them and saved them from more pain and reins. Now I must return to my Imperial throne and let the Iron Throne rest and stand. But of course the question is whether I have to produce a replacement for the time to come or whether everyone here can really manage without me altogether." Aelora said seriously. 

"I can probably rely on all of us here, Your Grace, that all of us here on the council will do well without you, I would vouch for that. But otherwise I can suggest letting your brother Prince Aegon be more on the council after you let him be your new ambassador. He can probably carry out some messages and meetings while you travel to Essos? He needs more learning and understanding about people." Otto said, suggesting distinctly about his grandson. 

"I completely agree with you Otto. I can tell him that myself and as soon as I leave the country within two days of preparation he will abide by the wishes and wishes of the council." Aelora said and Otto was glad to hear that Aegon was getting some credit for once. 

"Then we can hope nothing more serious happens here next." Lanos said and the meeting ended. 

But that was easier said than done. Because inside the city, Aegon was in a whorehouse, hanging out with a new female employee there and having fun. But the more he was offered wine, the more he began to realize that he was being drugged. He was surprised and tried to get up and go away and take his clothes but he lost his balance and strength and then more men appeared but he couldn't bear to look up to see their faces and only saw their boots and they took him and paid the whore. 

A Targaryen Prince has been taken but by whom?

Meanwhile, Aelora was with Elayna, talking a little about seriousness. 

"Do you have thoughts of returning to Meeren after your rightful inheritance?" Aelora asked her. 

"No, although my only years with my husband were good, I have no more desire to go back to Essos again with my children." Elayna replied. 

"And what exactly do you intend to do then?" 

"I guess I'll do my best and settle down here and raise my children myself." 

"That's good and it sounds like you have a plan for your dear boys. But I have to ask you anyway. According to your brother-in-law, he and your husband had some kind of political thoughts about how to keep the family and provide for it. And according to some sources it is said that you were willing to let your husband be talked into letting your sons inherit everything. You wouldn't lie to me so easily, would you?" Aelora asked. 

"No. If I were to lie to you, I'd rather say that my husband would have taken me as his conubine, which he did then. But he was a good man and never forced any woman to be with him at all actually and it would I then used against my in-law family. But I was very willing to accept my husband and fell in love with him too." Elayna answered proudly and maturely. 

"Exactly what I also thought about you Lady Elayna. But even though the fact is that you come from a noble family here in Westeros, you are happily allowed to live here in the castle and raise your children here. But there is only one condition to let your children be welcome here is that they may not break my oath or faith." 

"How can a child pledge his faith to you My Queen?" Elayna asked. 

Aelora gave her word to dear Lady Elayna and her children of a secure future if they returned Westeros faith to the Seventh Star and the Gods again and Elayna agreed and Aelora asked Lanos to arrange her rightful inheritance so she could rebuild her home and future again and she thanked Aelora again by kissing her hand. But her father and mother were not as happy about everything but accepted that their daughter had come back to the people's faith again anyway, but they did not want to know about their grandchildren and left her alone with them forever. Which Aelora felt very sorry for but she accepted Lady Elayna and her boys Mucey and Joco. And Aelora said that if the wish exists, the boys can change their names in the future as well.

After all the little meeting with Elayna, Aelora went by herself in the castle halls and went outside among the halls and there she met another good friend of hers. An elderly man named Jaqcen Hocassca, a Lord that is now a small noble house now and not so dignified but still alive.

"Good day Jaqcen how are you?"

"Very good my dear. How is it otherwise? I can see and feel that you are very burnt out tired from your eyes dear." Jaqcen looked at her. 

"I am well but I live in such weariness from some odd and strange days sometimes that come now and then." 

"Would you like to explain more, perhaps?" 

"I can do that. Come on." 

"No, this way in that case. There are too many spies who aren't ours out here. Here we can go for a walk, this is where my servants sit and walk anyway and keep an eye." 

"Too bad but let's take your chosen rescue then." Both chuckled. 

"It's typical that people can't always trust or have to find out special things about people and things yet." Aelora said. 

"People are afraid and too curious at the same time my dear. Humanity has always been a foolish type with such clever and extraordinary powers. But why must people do stupid things when you have now shown people that one must find comfort in life for everything to feel good and push with everything that has to go through every day and everything." Jaqcen said. 

"Say that but it has proven a lot yet. But here you always have to take care of everyone and find more highly prized heights and treasures." 

"That treasure is always power no matter what." Jaqcen said. 

"Yes it is." 

"But tell me again. What is it that worries you. Is it about Essos? Lanos told me." 

"How quickly he came to you." 

"He thinks you look tired too and that something is bothering you. Especially when he arrived to warn you about Essos's attacks you didn't look as interested otherwise as you usually do." 

"It's true I act more tired and more unwilling to be personal. But a few things have happened in recent years and I don't know how to tell." 

"Give it a try." 

"Well you know how we Targaryens can inherit some magical abilities they say. When I told you about Aegon's dream about the terrible night that is coming to us." 

"Yes? Is it on its way now?" 

"No but I've had some unexpected dreams about horrible things and the last one was many days ago." Aelora began."And how are the dreams? Real or strange?" 

"Both and maybe. But the first dream I had about over a year ago was about a dangerous King in a big gold crown with dragons and he was silver haired and ancient and worn, with long disgusting yellow fingernails and he screamed with anger in an echoing roaring voice who said 'Burn them all'." 

"Do you think he was a Targaryen? Do you think you saw into the future of a dangerous mad King perhaps?" 

"I think so but it wasn't just that. While he was roaring to burn people or whatever he wanted to burn, a dragon with a silver haired rider appeared and burned down the whole city and the red castle at the same time and I hear his voice all the time 'Burn them'. Then the whole city was in ashes and it was full of followers who roared their cheers for her. A beautiful silver haired young girl dressed in black and has a black dragon who roars her anger at everything in victory and she smiles in victory in front of everyone. I saw her on the Iron Throne and holding an egg that she was a sign of greatness and longing, at least I felt when I saw her. Then talking dragons appeared against me and threatened me with something that seemed like." 

"Threatened you with what?" 

"I don't know. She or they said just go to sleep like all you dragons do and then everything went black. But the worst thing about that dream was that everything seemed more real and maybe something was going to happen or maybe it says something else too. Our family's madness will always be a nightmare and fear of things, and will never escape unless people do something about it." 

"What a dream you must have had my dear. Perhaps it was a vision of the future as Daenys saw her world fall. You know I believe in these abilities of yours and I do not distrust you at all Aelora. I saw something in you from the first moment and the gods guided your father well in choosing you and we have supported you all the way my dear. Tell me what was the other dream about?" Jaqcen comforted Aelora.

"In that dream. I met... The Night King came to me." Aelora said strangely. 


"I think so anyway. But in the dream I met a strange and odd completely ordinary man from nowhere. He played a play for me and played my father from a wonderful memory." Aelora said touching her father's dagger. 

"Then when I stood up to the man he revealed himself and we were out on the open sea and he told us that death is coming for us all and is waiting for us to follow him and he accused me of choosing life over death and said how shall I save the world by telling you that Night's walkers The Wights, The White Walkers are still alive and waiting for the right moment. The long night of the world that is our doom." Aelora told. 

"The Long Night." Jaqcen said. 

"Do you think that could be true? That this is what Aegon's dream is or did he see something else that was our downfall." 

"Yeah or maybe he saw his family's downfall too like you did. But maybe saw something else when he was just a simple Lord on Dragonstone." 

"God I'm so confused." Aelora said, furrowing her brows and fingering her forehead. 

"Don't think too much about it my dear. Rather think about your journey ahead." 

"You're right but what if this is something that says what's going to happen over there too..." 

"And that you are a madman with the wrath of a Dragon? You may be a true Dragon My Queen, but you are neither of your ancestors. You are a good world with true mind and leadership and you can rule better than your great grandfather or your father. Aegon would be surprised and confused by your existence and choice." 

"Thank you my friend. I may need someone to accompany me on this mission." 

"Yes, maybe. How about Jylla coming with you? She's a good adventurous friend and knows the language of the people." 

"Sure that sounds good. I probably need a drinking buddy with me." 

"I can visit her in town for you. She'll probably be only too happy to hear about this." 

"But she probably also wants good pay for that too."

"Let me arrange this dear. You will take over when she gets to your ship." Jaqcen talked and Aelora laughed and then a young man and servant of Lord Jaqcen arrived and he whispered something and he looked serious to his Queen. Aelora scowled at him in concern and received the unpleasant reply. 

Then she called everyone in the council, the guard and her family as soon as possible. Aelora told her what she had been told and she was very disappointed and angry about her brother's kidnapping and of course about her brother's incredibly weak behavior about it. That he can never see when people want him badly or cannot resist the lusts of the flesh. 

"They have my brother! If these savages think they can live with this behavior and doing, they are so damn wrong." Aelora said and Alicent's tears were the only thing that broke the silence. 

"Are there no clues after his disappearance?" Otto asked. 

"According to the landlady, there was nothing that could lead to him at all and the whore who was hired for the seduction was killed." Larys said. 

"People are brave enough to test the Queen's patience and wrath." Rhaenyra said.

"And what is that supposed to mean?" Alicent asked. 

"I just mean that people think they can play even when the Queen is at her most powerful and everyone knows how worthy everyone in the family is to her. Nothing else." Rhaenyra replied. 

"It's true. People wouldn't want to play with Your Grace's feelings." Jacaerys said. 

"Didn't anyone see anything mysterious coming at the exits at all? Or maybe they're still hiding in the city." Tyland said. 

"That boy for a man is far too weak and ignorant of the world and hardly worth much to the Queen. People are probably looking for some attention to the Queen." 

"You speak of a Prince, Prince Daemon. Your nephew." 

"Thanks for the reminder Otto. I know enough about who's who in my family. That's enough. There's no peace treaty that can decide his end just yet." 

"If a deal comes our way, the Queen should do what they have to do, rather than let people suffer much longer." 

"Have you perhaps forgotten Otto that my sister must also travel to Essos now after all the dangers that trigger over there as well. Have you thought perhaps that the people from Essos might want to put a hold on the Queen and took Aegon as well." 

"Probably so Princess but then maybe Aegon would already be dead." 

"Then we should have heard something Otto. The Queen is already full of pressed time as it is and doesn't need any more talk about him." 

"Aegon is the Queen's eldest brother and heir." 

"Is that the only thing you're afraid of Otto." Daemon said. 

"THEY HAVE MY BROTHER!!!" Aelora screamed and turned around angrily.

"Everyone get out at once..... except you." Aelora said, pointing out her uncle in annoyance.

Everyone exited leaving the Queen and Prince alone in the council room and Otto gave one last look before exiting the hall from the room. Aelora poured a glass of wine for her uncle and then herself.

"You are right. Aegon is a foolish boy. Essos has its ten plagues within the greatest sins of the world and I have been given Aegon as my plague." Aelora told and admitted and Daemon chuckled. 

"When you were gone for a while, father was so angry with Aegon for not even being able to turn a page of a book to read on. But Aegon is family and is my brother who I have long defended. He knows he doesn't have it in him begin a leader within and he follows me because of my love for my family. I would choose sides again like once upon a time Uncle and he knows it." Aelora continued to say. 

"Do you think Essos's men have taken him?" 

"There would be a possibility in that, but I don't believe it at all." 

"Why not?" 

"Aegon owes people. A lot and it's not just about money. Someone or more are mad at him for something." 

"So who do you think it might be?" 

"I don't no really but I have a measly book of people around the country of people being mad at him and what our Prince owes them." 

"Why haven't you done anything about it." 

"Some I have, but it is Aegon's work to handle and he has always been too lazy to arrange things in time and Alicent lets him be on his own a little too often to understand who he can be to challenge in his life." 

"Fuck." Daemon drank and swore. 

"I didn't think I needed someone to replace and sit in my place for a while. But apparently it felt like I needed to leave everything that was mine to someone again." 

"Thought about Rhaenyra again?" 

"No. I need some more steel and a Dragon to find Aegon again and with your cunning mind which I've always liked of you I'll let you take my place while I'm gone." 

"And do what?" 

"Rule, lead and make people do my rule as I say. I can't take any more stupidity and madness like this. It is a wast of time and Aegon got a good chance at life and I don't know if he even gets to keep his new job when he returns. But when you find him Uncle, make sure he stays here and does his work up front until I get back." 

"As you command My Queen." Daemon toasted and said sarcastically. 

"I'm serious Daemon." 

"Me too. Just let me finish my drink and swallow it all." In other words, Daemon was a little surprised at his big chance to sit on the Iron Throne and rule as Regent.

"You will have my guards, arm, power, rule and crown, but I am the Crown. Remember." 

"I know Your Grace."

"I've known for a long time how you and Otto hate each other, but actually try to get along now at least. Since I took over, he's actually repeatedly sharpened up and sharpened a lot about his faults here." 

"I will do everything I can." Daemon promised as much as he could.

But he knows he has to sit with the fucking Otto and let himself shrink around his areas as well and sit and listen to the silly cunt. But the Queen's word is the law and he must promise to do his best.

The inner city

A large fine horse-drawn carriage rode around the inner city and in it sat Lord Jaqcen, who had decided to find and meet Jylla about whom he had whispered. Jylla was a illegitimate woman that Aelora had met a long time ago when she rode out on a horse and Jylla saved her from some shady people. She called herself Jylla Crown when she moved to the city as a young person. But she was also a damn good spy and pickpocket, but she only stole from other thieves and cheats. But when you say she can read the language, she could understand what people were saying from far away and read people's mouths, sign language, mute people by their facial expressions and much more. She is a really bubbly girl and likes speed, partying and adventure. But otherwise, Aelora liked her temper and probably needs her rock-hard temper on the trip. 

Lord Jaqcen entered disguised as stone cheering the pub and it was full of talking, cheering, drinking and brawling. Jaqcen looked after her and then he heard something familiar and saw her. She was having a drinking contest with someone. And as soon as possible she won the competition and the old man she was drinking with passed out from drunkenness. Then she saw Lord Jaqcen and he sat down at a lonely table. Jylla realized something and took the money she won and went to the table where Jaqcen was waiting. 

"Hello Lord Jaqcen! How's today going? Do you or anyone else have anything special coming for me?" Jylla asked.

"Not me, but I have an offer for you that Her Grace wanted to make for you." 

"Aelora? Really? And is it for some offer?" 

"She has to go to Essos on a rescue mission and she really wants to come with her. She's leaving right away tomorrow morning." 

"And I thought I'd get to find her brother instead, but this is something else. I'm definitely coming Jaqcen." 

"Wonderful. She needs a friendly companion with her." 

"Oh she's bored." 

"No, she's not doing very well in her health and needs someone who can strengthen her on the tracks." 

"Are you saying that?" Jylla asked curiously.

Next Early Morning

Aelora didn't organize a gathering for the court because you were a danger to the people of Essos right now and therefore she simply announced to Otto who was very disappointed by the choice that Her Grace Queen Aelora is letting her uncle take over the throne until she returns. The court acted happy about the Queen's decision but many wondered if it was wise because of Prince Daemon's past that caused him to be dethroned and his background of rumors still surrounding him. But Aelora didn't care because she probably needed someone who could rein people in a bit more and fear over to bring Prince Aegon home. Aelora traveled the waves with the men she wanted with her and her friend Jylla surprised her completely when she found her in her own quarters on the ship drinking a chest of red wine. 

"Jylla what in the world are you doing here?" 

"Have you forgotten that I have been paid to make you happy my best friend." 

"If you'd rather mean you've been paid to keep me company and put me in a good mood." 

"And it already works, surely it does?" 

"You bastard." Aelora teased her drunken friend. 

"I know. But do you know what I will help you with much more because Jaqcen promised me extra payment if I do more missions and kill whoever you want me to kill." 

"So he really said that? Don't you mean he said you get paid extra if you also kill people who need to be stopped on the way?" 

"Yes, it sounded more real actually." 

"You little drunk." Aelora sighed. 

"I know." Jylla said as she didn't know much more common than that and Aelora just smirked and sighed at the same time. 

The boat sailed and the Queen was on her way to Essos to Pentos and travel to her Continent's country father whom she chose, and that was the former Prince of Pentos and he happily followed Queen Aelora rule. 

And on the way in the sky Vermithor flew and was dressed in extra equipment that she had designed and in this saddle you could climb and flew around the Dragon like an acrobat in the sky. You could hang yourself from a large rope around the waist, back with a harness and shoulders and hang yourself with several pairs of different silver hooks that could fasten her around in the saddle and could then stand still and hang with people on the sides or crawl and hurry get something or be able to go and run with a harness as you can quite possibly run and shoot and control a Dragon in a different and more practical way to make Dragons understand in a different way and be ridden on. 

Vermithor had also been given some other kinds of reins as well which should be part of his new acrobat saddle. It's perhaps better than the full Valyrian gear that Vermithor had to wear in the first place. He used to be completely covered over his entire body from head to tail and wear a heavy steel armor that no Dragon from Westeros has ever worn. But now Vermithor was more free and found it fun to cross his swings with his legs stretched over the water and feel its cooling waves and enjoyed the view across the sea to Essos.

At the Red Castle 

Daemon watched Aelora's boat sail out into the bright morning sun and he leaned very sullenly over the early morning thinking about his new orders and now he sits on an Iron Throne he thought he would never get to do.

"Good morning protector of realms." Rhaenyra greeted as she came through the door. 

"Yup I am." 

"It's fun that she chose you now. Or?" Rhaenyra asked as she approached, wondering. 

"It's no danger. My greatest mission is to find Aegon the goblin and make sure he sits at home until she comes home again." 

"Otherwise, you're the one who's got the full power and people don't say much about it directly either." 

"But who's going to make sure I don't get my way over a lot here anyway. Damned Otto and his goddamn daughter who still follows his orders here and there." 

"Alicent may be a father's daughter but she would probably never step above Aelora." 

"You believe too much Rhaenyra. I know when I see a desperate woman, a mother who wants her son on the throne. One fine day she will show you her face more thoroughly and then you will never want to look at her again sometime more." Daemon pointed out. 

"I know she's been more intolerable this past year with everything and hasn't been happier about things that have changed here. But she knows Aelora wants her too much yet and I know my sister doesn't want any more trouble within the family." 

"For the family to be more trusted. I know." 

"But I know Otto believes more in Aelora than he did in father's opinions all along. But he was Visery's good friend." 

"Good friend yes but a good advisor no never. He made sure everything went his way." 

"But maybe you should make sure that only Aelora's opinions enter his mind if that happens." Rhaenyra told her husband. 

"Believe me I will." Daemon answered his wife.

At Otto's chamber 

Otto stood outside his window looking out over the shining sea as Aelora's ship sailed away and a Dragon flew like the wind across the sea. After a while, Alicent came in with a comforting look. 

"So sorry to hear dear Aelora chose her uncle to take care of us." Alicent said.

"The Queen has made her choice and made it to succeed in finding Aegon alive and he will stay inside until she returns." Otto said. 

"You sound like you're happy with everything." 

"I'm just calm in my mind Alicent. As you probably know I trust Aelora, she's made sure Daemon does what he's supposed to and I just do mine." 

"He doesn't even like Aegon, do you really think Aegon will be found by him." 

"Daemon has a good mind for tracking people down and Aelora knows it. There is nothing more to it." 

"Maybe you should make sure Daemon stays put until then." 

"I will, is there anything else you want me to do." 

"Do you think you can get me into a higher position again?" 

"Like what. You're not a Queen anymore, you're just the Dowager Queen." 

"Rhaenyra just had a baby and probably needs to rest and take care of her little ones and I can take over her place as the highest lady in the court again." 

"Sounds like a good idea. But I think Rhaenyra probably won't go along with it. Aelora hasn't said anything about it." 

"I think you can. If Rhaenyra doesn't follow the motherhood that the court's rules say about the children when you have at least three small children already, then she has to take parental leave and wait it out." Alicent pointed out. 

"I can probably fix this Your Grace." Otto nodded and Alicent was satisfied.

Alicent left her father and thanked and came out quite fully strengthened again and will again be able to rule people here and there again with a little more significant power and possession again as before. When she came out she met her own chosen guard Criston Cole, a King's Guard and a faithful guard soldier to the true faithful Queen who saved him from shame.

"Your Grace! How did it go?" 

"It went well and I will now be the court's highest lady again. Rhaenyra can go and have more children which she is otherwise good at." 

"She should get a whorehouse." 


"That's what Lord Vaemond said during his last visit here." 

"That was very rudely said but Rhaenyra can stop shining more now." 

"How are you going to improve for people when otherwise the Princess has done a good job otherwise without the help of others. After all, she is the Queen's best hand for the court." 

"There are more ways than flirting and pleasing people all the time. First, I will also improve more than just the court and I know Aelora will be happy with everything." Alicent said and Sir Criston smiled at his Queen.

On The Royal Boat

"So my best friend what is going on over there in Essos?" Jylla said with an apple in her mouth. 

"And I thought you were an excellent spy who knew about everything in the country." 

"Yeah, but it doesn't hurt to ask about more superficial details since I'm not over there but here with you." 

"People are being attacked by men who call themselves 'The Cutters of the Real' but it sounds very silly and a bit fake." 

"They might mean 'The Real Cutters' whoever tipped you off might not know all the facts because he or she got such a rush on the run or that person couldn't write properly until after you arrived in the country." 


"What are you actually writing?" 

"I don't write, I work and read." 


"About the mission." 

"Which says?" 

"About what we have to attend to and what awaits in Pentos and things on the ship. One must have a hand and guide on the ship across the Narrow Sea." 

"And then?" 

"We'll see all that later when we drop anchor on the coast." 

"And then after that?" 

"Then we go ashore and talk to the Prince of Pentos." 

"You mean the Father of the Land? Whom you let become Warden of Pentos?" 


"And now what?" 

"How bored can you get Jylla?" 

"Well, nothing is happening right now." Jylla said calmly and thoughtfully. 

"Or I think you miss the drinking. Can you go out on deck and look for something or something?" 

"I can. But I'll gladly take my time getting out of your nice room." Jylla said ironically and Aelora rolled her eyes.

Back to King's Landing 

Rhaenyra was sitting with her little gorgeous wild Alyssa in her arms, cuddling and talking to her little bubbly baby. One of her servants came in to leave a couple of sheets for the time and then went out. But Rhaenyra quickly discovered that she hadn't handed over the bundle of paperwork that would arrive at this very time every few days. 

"You? Where is my work?" 

"I'm sorry My Princess. But Her Grace Alicent got your job since you're on maternity leave from royal duty." The servant said. 

"What? What does this mean?" 

"I was about to collect the bundle of papers but someone else had already come and taken it and then Lady Alicent's servant informed me that according to royal law you must not attend to or meddle with royal duties until you can release parenting in from your children." 

"Take care of my children for the moment. I will see the Dowager Queen at once." Rhaenyra said leaving her toddlers with the servants as she hurried angrily to Alicent's room. 

"How could you do this Alicent." Rhaenyra said as she rushed into her room. 

"Rhaenyra! I thought I'd see you so soon. I was just doing you a big favor Rhaenyra." 

"A favor. I'm the lady of the court and it's my job to make sure everyone is well."

"And I can see you've done a good job. I'll just replace you going forward, while you can take care of your children in the meantime." 

"You just feel so left out and have been waiting for the right moment for Aelora to leave so you could play your ways in front of me." 

"Rhaenyra dear you have four small children in a few years and you have to take care of the children first before you can continue with everyone in the court. But now I could take over and we will see what the Queen thinks when she returns. I will probably do a much better job than you might." 

"You won't win that easily. And you don't blame my kids anyway." 

"Did I? I thought you didn't care so easily about your children. Especially about your blessed Strong boys. Aelora forgives you easily like Viserys did but I think you can remain a milk cow instead Raenyra. Will you please leave my chambers and shut the door behind you." Alicent finished and Rhaenyra lost completely and knows she knew the laws of the court like she knows herself.

In Pentos

During the late sunset, Aelora and her few men and loyal friend had arrived on the shores of Pento and Aelora disembarked but it was not the father of the country that she got to meet because he was given a necessary mission to fight against the enemy that has also come to the land and there instead she got to meet his mother Shishka, a real beauty for being over 50 years old. Lady Shishka bowed to the Empress and her young daughter-in-law Lady Haronya and Aelora spoke Valyrian to them and they welcomed the Dragon Queen with all friendship and took them all in for food and change for the night's rest.

Aelora was shown to her room and she changed and her friend was wearing the same clothes and she realized she didn't bring any other belongings on the trip again. But it didn't matter now because she washed herself well anyway and that made her happy anyway. During the dinner of the evening it was entertained and performed for the Empress and for the great honor of the family to entertain their home for their great liberator and regent. It was full of dancers and luxurious food to moisten and heal the mouth with the taste of Pentos and other realms.

Meanwhile, Aelora got to know Lady Shishka and she was a brilliantly rich and knowledgeable older woman who has helped her son with many deals to keep Pentos in his possession and secure the land that the Empress so desperately wanted it to have. Aelora was so happy to hear that as she got to know the radiant woman and she reminded a bit of Rhaenys in her younger years working and ruling the Driftmark for many times. Aelora mentioned her and Lady Shrishka was overjoyed to have a role model for a Targaryen.

Aelora also got to hear and talk a lot with the talented wife and Lady of Pentos Lady Haronya, whom the Prince of Pentos met a long time ago but realized a few years ago that she was an excellent wife and took her hand in marriage from her father. But now she too is a free woman and she has developed the house and many other things together with her mother-in-law and has built several hospitals, closed down slave markets, built holy fountains and other good things. Empress Aelora rewarded both of them with an excellent job and does not know herself how she could finish or thank how for this dinner of this Noble family. 

The three of them sat and talked about the enemy that has struck in Essos and has made firebreaks, plots, and battles and people are coming and fleeing to all lands now and all the kingdoms are trying their best and have succeeded in stopping many in most of the kingdoms in the west if Essos and The Dothraki's are not bothered by them but thanks to the Empress they have at least given their word to protect Essos and follow her laws and words and everyone can send their flames to help them if a force or two is needed to stop These Cutters. 

Aelora asked if there was a reason why they called themselves that. But there was no real fact about it except that they always cut the throats of everyone in their path and wipe out villages and towns. But Aelora said she got a message that said 'Cutters Of The Real' but according to Shishka, people say about the enemies that they call themselves a little different and it's likely that they don't have a real name for themselves. But they know they are former slavers who are not satisfied with the Empress's rule and wanted to tear everything down and take back what is theirs again. So typical and it can also be women who help with these men. 

The question is how Aelora and her Warden's of Essos will begin to search and then break this rolling wheel that goes to work breaking up its plowing plague of death and massacre and sacking cities every day. But Aelora must make sure that her people will be able to shine in their sunning paradise again with freedom and humanity.

In King's Landing

All this that has happened so far in the court of the Red Keep, it has been a really shitty start. Alicent has taken Princess Rhaenyra's job and is now completely unemployed and has no position to take either Queen Dowager or Otto The Hand. Prince Daemon is really angry about his wife's possession and thinks she deserves it more because she belongs to the young generation that the Queen has more right to give work and advance strength to the Royal Family. But Otto agrees with the rules say and didn't do as Daemon said. But they both had to play good companions in front of everyone and it was a lot of work. 

But the fun part was because Lord Lanos and Lady Elayna had become good friends and have started spending time with each other. Who knows, maybe they will become a new thriving couple facing a brilliant future. Luck seems to have already given Lord Lanos a chance for a family of his own at last and Lady Elayna becomes newly married with a new man in his life who wants to love and have her as his own woman and mother of his beloved children.

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