Emmanuel & Brigitte: A Growin...

By breeoc97

3.9K 36 34

The Macron's have a non-traditional family that is full of love. France's President Emmanuel Macron, married... More

a yummy surprise
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the golden hour ✨

375 5 4
By breeoc97

*Emmanuel and Brigitte enjoy the very first hour of their son, Emmanuel Jean-Michel Frédéric Macron Jr's life! Send suggestions on what you wanna see! Love • Bree 👦🏻🩵*

January 29th, 2019

He's here, he's finally here. Brigitte and Emmanuel miracle baby boy, Emmanuel Jean-Michel Frédéric Macron Jr is born.

Born in January 29th, at 6:17am weighing a seven pounds even and twenty one inches long. Perfection indeed.

Brigitte's labor and delivery was quick, the fastest out of all of her births. Emmanuel and Brigitte barely made it to the hospital on time, with their son being born forty five minutes after they arrived.

Brigitte even did it unmedicated, something that was not in her birth plan at all. She also wanted to have her hair done and wear her designer hospital gown she ordered to wear. Brigitte did get her makeup on, something she does no matter what. After all of that though, their baby boy is here and is perfect and Brigitte is just fine.

After the excitement and adrenaline from the labor and delivery leaves the room, it is now the time for Brigitte and Emmanuel to bond with their baby boy.

The golden hour, a special time specifically for mother and baby. The golden hour is the first hour after birth when a mother has uninterrupted skin-to-skin contact with her newborn.

Manu is laying on Brigitte's bare chest, curled up in a little ball and wrapped up in a gray blanket. Manu is peacefully sleeping on his Maman, hearing her heart beating, a familiar sound he has heard for nine months while in the womb.

Emmanuel takes a few pictures of two of his favorite people, his beautiful wife and his perfect son. He was happy with the family they already had together, however his happiness has grown even more by the arrival of their miracle boy. Brigitte hates her picture taken usually but Emmanuel thinks she looks absolutely gorgeous right now, with the glow she has after giving birth.

Emmanuel slowly walks over to Brigitte, careful to not wake up their son. Brigitte looks up at Emmanuel and smiles at her husband, seeing his humungous grin, a grin that hasn't left his face since the moment their son was born and began to cry.

"You did... absolutely incredible, chérie. I-I'm so proud of you." Emmanuel says softly, rubbing Brigitte's head, getting her straight blonde hair out of her eyes.

Brigitte smiles at up at Emmanuel again with Emmanuel smiling back down at her.

"I couldn't have done it with you, mon cœur. I love you so much. Thank you for everything today." Brigitte says softly to Emmanuel.

"I love you too, chérie. And you are very welcome. I'm your husband, your partner and you are my everything. I was going to do anything and everything to help you." Emmanuel says to Brigitte as he continues to rub her head.

Brigitte and Emmanuel tenderly kiss each other a few times before they look down at their little boy, which they will call Manu.

Emmanuel carefully kisses Manu's head while Brigitte rubs Manu's back.

"He's so perfect." Brigitte says softly and Emmanuel smiles and nods, agreeing with Brigitte's statement.

"He is. So so perfect." Emmanuel whispers and Brigitte smiles.

"I'm so happy you got to deliver him, even though it was a little chaotic. You did amazing." Brigitte says to Emmanuel proudly, causing Emmanuel to smile.

"One of the best experiences of my life. I'll cherish it forever. I'm just glad I had the doctors help!" Emmanuel says with a chuckle, causing Brigitte to giggle.

"You would have done fine without the doctor's help. You seem like a pro. Maybe after your presidency you can become a gynecologist, chéri." Brigitte says playfully to her husband.

"No, I don't think so, chérie. Thank you for thinking I was a professional. But you are the professional, having a baby with no pain medicine. You are the strongest person ever!" Emmanuel says to Brigitte proudly.

"I don't know how I did it. It was the worst pain I have ever felt in my entire life but I would absolutely do it again to have this little guy." Brigitte says as she kisses Manu's chubby cheek.

Emmanuel rubs Manu's head, feeling all of Manu's hair. Manu has a head full of curly brown hair with some blonde too.

"I just cannot believe how much hair he has. None of my babies had hair like this. Sébastien was completely bald!" Brigitte says as Emmanuel giggles. 

"It's the Macron in him. He's even got curls like I have. You know how curly my hair was as a kid." Emmanuel says with a big smile.

"Oh boy, I'm going to have to ask your Maman on what she used on your hair as a child." Brigitte says as Emmanuel kisses Brigitte's head, causing Brigitte to blush. 

"He is so handsome just like you are, chéri." Brigitte says with a little smile.

"He is a handsome little guy, isn't he? He doesn't have my big nose, thank goodness!" Emmanuel says as Brigitte giggles.

"All babies have button noses when they are born, chéri. I'm sure it will look different as he gets bigger. And your nose is fine, I love your nose." Brigette says rubbing Emmanuel's face.

"Yeah, my nose has been a toy and a fascination for children for ages now." Emmanuel says causing Brigitte to laugh.

"But that's so cute!" Brigitte says as Emmanuel smiles.

Manu coos in his sleep, causing Brigitte and Emmanuel to smile at each other.

"Sweet boy. Maman loves you so much." Brigitte whispers to Manu as she gives him some kisses.

"Papa loves you too." Emmanuel softly says to Manu, kissing his cheek.

"You have the best Papa." Brigitte whispers to Manu, causing Emmanuel to blush and smile.

"I love you, Brigitte." Emmanuel says tenderly to Brigitte.

"I love you too, Emmanuel. I'm so happy." Brigitte says softly with a smile.

"Me too. Me too." Emmanuel says, kissing Brigitte once again.

For the rest of the day, Emmanuel and Brigitte spend it with their sweet baby boy and together as a couple :)

On the French news, an announcement was made about the arrival of Emmanuel Jr.

"The president of the French Republic Emmanuel Macron and his wife Brigitte are pleased to announce the arrival of their first child this morning. Both mother and baby are happy, healthy and are doing well. The couple wants to thank everyone for the support during this wonderful time in their lives. More details will come within the following days, the Macrons want to spend this time with their baby and their family."

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