Dork Diaries: Broken-Hearted...

By AnimalCrossingLuver7

6.9K 299 50

It's almost the end of Summer break so the gang are making the most of it before going back to school. Nikki'... More

Thursday 15th August.
Friday 16th August.
Saturday 17th August.
Sunday 18th August.
Monday 19th August.
Tuesday 20th August.
Wednesday 21st August.
Thursday 22nd August.
About this Fan Fiction...

Friday 23rd August.

540 34 13
By AnimalCrossingLuver7

Today will be a TOTAL day to remember!!

The look on Mackenzie's face today was priceless!

All the lessons dragged on and on but we were all waiting for lunch! After, We all had to go outside for announcements. Mackenzie was applying layer after layer after layer of lip gloss and practising her speech! Ugh!!

We took our seats. Chloe looked depressed so I gave her a smile to try and cheer her up! She gave a weak smile back as the Principal took to the stage.

"Welcome Students! To our first meeting and announcements of the term! To start off us, Here to welcome and congratulate the new football team, Mackenzie Hollister!"

All the CCP's gave her a standing ovation and all she did was stand up and of course she made a big, fat, hairy deal out of it by waving and throwing kisses to the CCP's!!

While she was blabbing on on her speech I excused myself. I went behind stage and grabbed a microphone. Ready to make MY speech!

After Mackenzie's speech with the jock team, She was about to say her next speech which she's probably been so excited about since SUNDAY!!!

She grinned and said "Before I go I just want to make a quick announcement! For a special person named Chloe Garcia!" Everyone turned their heads to look at Chloe as Mackenzie continued "Chloe, I want to say-" Thats when I jumped up on the stage with my microphone-

"Hiya Everyone! Mackenzie, I am so sorry for spoiling your speech but I have a big announcement that can't be delayed any longer!"

Everyone looked at me slightly confused but interested at what I was about to say. Mackenzie glared at me and I just smiled and battered my eyelashes.

"Hi,I am not great at speeches because they can be a bit nerve-wracking right? I want to talk about... Starting a new school! It can be scary right?"

Everyone said yeah and looked so interested which was surprising so I continued-

"When I started this school, I was scared of being the new kid, It was hard at first and I really wanted to go back to my old one but I gave it a few chances and soon, many chances later, I started to really like my life here at WCD! Because I learnt a lot, I made so many new friends and the memories I have had here so far have been amazing! And I just can't wait for them to continue! What I am saying is some things can seem scary at the start and make you feel like you want to run but if you give it a chance, you might surprise yourself"

Suddenly, Something weird happened!!

I heard clapping, Squealing, Whistling and screaming gradually increasing!! And everyone, Including Brandon, Chloe and Zoey were giving me a standing ovation. I also saw some daisies get thrown on stage that people had picked from the grass they were on!

It was hard to believe everyone loved my speech and actually found it inspring!! Squeee!

I continued "The point of my speech is I have a new friend who is about to start here for 2 months. And I want to introduce her to everyone, Please give a big hand for the new student, Tammy!"

Everyone clapped as she came up on stage but the look on Chloe's face was painful so she got up and was about to leave but Zoey caught up with her. I could see them arguing! Marcus took to the stage and said-

"Yes, Everyone, Tammy here is my Cousin who is going to start here for a short while. She's from Britain which is in Europe"

Chloe froze and dropped her mouth! She couldn't believe it! So she sat back down awkwardly.

After, Marcus talked for about 2 minutes and he got a standing Ovation too! I looked at Mackenzie and said "So Mackenzie? What is your second announcement?" I said handing her the microphone and battering my eyes. She was so angry that she screamed "NIKKI MAXWELL! WHY DO YOU SPOIL THINGS FOR ME! YOU SPOIL EVERYTHING THIS IS YOUR FAULT!!" She screamed and everyone laughed at her! OMG! She had totally lost it and She totally humiliated herself!!! Then the Principal took to the stage and said "Mackenzie Hollister! Report to my office immediately!"

Her face was so red!

We thought the speeches ended but nope! There was one more!

"I want to congratulate Brandon Roberts and Nikki Maxwell! For an outstanding report and photo's when they went on a trip to the Photography Museum! Come and collect your prize's! Well done for an outstanding presentation!"

If The others weren't there me and Brandon might have fallen over! We were shocked as we took to the stage and everyone gave us a standing ovation! Me and Brandon got a certificate and a brand new fancy Cannon camera each!! It looked amazing. We gave each other a hug! Squee!

 After the speeches ended and we went to find Chloe. But we couldn't! Where was she? Then I found a note on my locker!

Guys! Meet me in the janitors closet! Its very important! Chloe

We rushed in and found Chloe in there smiling. Marcus smiled back as Chloe ran towards him and gave him a BIG HUG!! She whispered "I am so sorry, Marco! I really am!" Marcus said "Its okay, Clo!" We then had a BIG group hug together and It was so cool!

After, We went outside with Tammy and James! Oh yeah, James is going to be hanging out with us now because he thinks "Being a dork is way cooler"

We were talking about what we could all do this weekend but since the holidays are over, Its pretty hard!

That's when there was a flyer floating in the air that came down and whacked me in the face as a yelped "OW!!!" When I was about to scrunch it up and chuck it away, It go my attention! I showed it to everyone and said "THIS is what we can DO!!"

They all looked excited as they squealed "Autumn Entertainment Theme Park! AWESOME NIKKI!!"

Plus, me and Brandon talked non-stop about winning the  camera's and Brandon suggested we do a little photography project together!!

So it looks like the Summers not over yet!

Well it is!

But It still feels like it!

We just want to feel like it still is!

Which does sound crazy right?

Sorry, I can't help it!



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