About this Fan Fiction...

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This DD fan fiction actually has a bit of a past. If you were on Dork Diaries back in 2013 then you may remember...

In 2013, me and my younger sister joined the Dork Diaries website. Since it was in 2013, it was the older version. I was under the name AnimalCrossingAddiction777 and my younger sister was under the name nikki maxwell#1. We created a few short fanfiction stories each whenever Nikki put up some fan stories.

There was one fan story where Nikki and her best friends are having they're last sleepover of the summer and during it, Chloe tells Nikki and Zoey a big secret. Nikki never revealed what it was but said we could guess.

That gave me an idea for a story so I wrote it down in an old notebook. When it was done I gave it the name DORK DIARIES: BROKEN-HEARTED BFF. I let my younger sister read it and she started praising me saying I should put it up on the Dork Diaries website in the comments. I was a bit too shy at the time as I was worried that people wouldn't like it. My younger sister then asked if she could put it up but under her name, nikki maxwell#1 and I let her. I didn't mind at all.

When she uploaded the first part she got extremely positive feedback so she than uploaded the second part. But then another user called Nikki Russell claimed to be the REAL Nikki as in the author's daughter and started being really mean to my younger sister telling her to "stop being her" and that she's "a little fake". We never found out if she was in fact the real Nikki Russell but my sister was upset and decided to stop posting any more parts of the story which disappointed a few.

I felt bad. My sister was so upset but I didn't want to get involved and I told her not to get involved either. What we did was just sent her a comment saying "she wasn't trying to be her, she just choose that username" and also "people on the website can call themselves whatever they wanted and if they wanted to do a fan fiction for Nikki's point of view (p.o.v) then they can" She never said anything back to any of those comments.

But unfortunately, because of what Nikki Russell put, that started quite a big fight on the website. Many people were taking my sisters side telling her to "stop being so nasty" and "Nikki Russell isn't even the real deal either, at least nikki maxwell#1 wasn't claiming to be her" and that "if Nikki Russell was the real person, she sure wouldn't be upsetting her fans and being nasty like that" some comments were way worse. People were also on Nikki Russell's side like my friend who had the username Mackenzie (NOT That One!!). I'm still friends with her and she's even thinking about getting her own Watt pad account. I didn't hold a grudge on Mackenzie for going on Nikki Russell's side because I'm not that kind of person and anyway, there was more than enough drama going on.

My little sister said she wanted to say something but I stopped her saying this was only going to make things worse. We sat down and wrote an email to Racheal R. Russell explaining that my little sister was upset about this person claiming to be Nikki Russell and also the fight that was going on. She never sent anything back but I think she did read the email because Nikki Russell wasn't posting anything and the fight soon stopped. But then my younger sister sent a big long comment explaining what a terrible person Nikki Russell was and other horrible comments when I told her not too. She did get comments back saying she was being unfair and that she shouldn't go on about and other stuff. So after, she decided not to bother writing in the comments again and actually left the Dork Diaries website. I was angry because I had my own problems to face like the break-up I had with my now still-good-friend-ex-boyfriend

I stayed on it however under the name AnimalCrossingAddiction777 until they upgraded the website. For some reason after that I didn't bother with the new website but I started my watt pad account because I loved writing stories and fan fictions! I asked my sister if she was interested but she declined. I follow my fellow friends from the Dork Diaries website on watt pad too. It was only recently when I was cleaning my stuff since I was moving that I found the old notebook again and started reading through it. With a few corrections, cuts and added bits I decided to publish it on this account. So if you were on the older version of Dork Diaries in 2013 and felt familiar with this story, now you know.

I do want to apologise on behalf of my sister if she upset anyone back then. She didn't mean no harm and it was just over a silly fan fiction but I hope you do or did enjoy this story.


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