Loving Kinnick (Rewritten 202...

By Morks_Ideas

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It would be better for her if I kept my distance, but there is a gravitational pull yanking me back and I'm f... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twelve

75 5 0
By Morks_Ideas

 My heart skipped at the sight of rain pattering against the sidewalk. I could barely continue down the hallway without stopping to admire what was waiting for me outside. Kinnick looked over his shoulder to glance back at me. His eyes followed my line of focus to the storm brewing outside, and without hesitation, he leant his hand to me.

 I stared down at the tattooed hand being offered to me, and just like every time I saw the scarring on his palm, I wanted to ask questions. Instead, I slid my fingers between his. The destination we were heading for was unknown. I just knew I wanted to be outside, and he was going to lead me there.

 Somehow, our pace quickened, and we began racing for the glass door. A burst of laughter fell from my lips as we stepped out into the rain. He reached into his pocket to pull out a set of keys. He tried pulling me toward his truck, but my shoes skid across the sidewalk to stop him.

 "What's wrong?"

 I wiped the water droplets from my face to see him clearer. "You know I can't do that."

 "I want to take you somewhere," his fingers brushed across mine. "Will you let me do that?"

 The rain made his eyes appear brighter. I didn't want to keep him standing in the rain. I could see the droplets seeping through his clothing. He adjusted the hat on his head as he awaited an answer. Without saying another word, he pulled the passenger door open. I looked inside at the clean interior, wondering how I was supposed to convince myself to get inside.

 "I'll drive slowly," he promised. "I'll go when you want me to and stop when you ask. Either way, I'll keep you safe."

 "How am I supposed to get in? I can't lift myself up."

 A smile tugged at his lips as he adjusted the hat on his head. I turned to the leather seat and my heart started racing. When his fingers curled around my waist, I placed mine over his to soothe the feeling in my chest. I fell back against him when he applied pressure to guide me toward his body.

 "Are you okay?"

 A shiver sent a tingle down my spine as he mumbled into my ear. All I could do was nod. Without warning, my feet hovered the ground. I slid onto the seat to find the blue-eyed boxer holding the seatbelt.

 "Buckle up," he pointed.

 My eyes focused on the rain clouds rolling over the evening sky as the rain pelted Kinnick's windshield. He ran around the truck to join me inside. I watched him shake the water from his hair. I don't know why I couldn't stop staring, but I loved how he situated his hat backward on his head.

 When he pressed the start button in his truck, my fingers dug into the seat. He must have heard it because his head snapped to the side. I tried to mutter how sorry I was, but his hand was settling on my knee before I could.

 I am not sure how long we sat there, listening to the rain hit his truck, but I couldn't think with his skin on mine. Before pulling away from the parking lot, he waited for my confirmation. Now I am counting the golden lights we pass as they light up the roads blanketed by fog.

 "You are doing great, Bo," his voice stole the silence.

 I turned to look at him. "Really?"

 He gently squeezed my knee. "I'm so proud of you."  

 "Thank you."

 "Talk to me," he turned his attention back toward the road. "What's going on in that pretty little head of yours?"

 "Why are you doing all of this?"

 "All of what?"

 "Training me, walking me to class, making me muffins, wanting me to get in your truck. None of it makes sense." I ran my fingers through my hair. "I am so confused because I shouldn't be driving with you. Oh my god. I'm in a vehicle."

 "Breathe," he applied pressure to my leg. "I'm doing all of this because I like you, Bo."

 "Wait," I did a double take. "You like me?"

 "Do you not like me?"

 My eyes dropped to my lap as I failed to respond quickly. "I mean, you are cute. I don't know what you mean when you ask if I am interested, though. Could you explain yourself? How I intend it could differ from how you mean to say it – "

 His bottom lip snapped back into place as he released it from his teeth. "Cute, huh?"

 "Out of everything I said, that's what you heard?"

 "You and I both know what I mean when I ask if you are interested in me."

 "So, the feelings are mutual?"

 His eyes raked over my body before flickering up to my eyes. "Mmm."

 As his truck came to a rolling halt, I realize I made it. My heart started racing as I stared at the diner in front of me. The strips of neon light wrapping around the aluminum building pulled me from my thoughts. The sea-foam blues and cotton candy pinks were bright. It lit up the evening skies with retro colors. In this truck, it was twenty-twenty-three, but that diner felt like the nineteen-sixties. Kinnick was already out of the car before I could unbuckle myself. My door flew open, revealing a blue-eyed boy.

 "Promise me something?"

 He nodded. "What is it?"

 "You let me pay."

 "Over my dead body," his voice dropped. "Get your ass out of the truck."

 When I crossed my arms, he nodded as if he was accepting my challenge. With quick movements, he reached over my waist to unfasten my seatbelt. I sucked in a deep breath as his hand cupped my thigh to spin me toward him. He placed his body between my legs as he stared at me with a smirk.

 Without hesitation, I threw my arms around him. My eyes were quick to find his leather wallet popping from his back pocket, and suddenly, light bulbs started going off in my head. His body went rigid under my touch as my hands grazed over his back.

 "What are you doing?"

 I pinched his wallet and slipped it from his pocket. "You weren't trying to hug me?"


 "Way to shoot a girl down."

 His plain black wallet fell to the floor as he pulled away. I kicked it backward with my heel to hide it. His hand extended in front of me to offer his help. My fingers curled around his palm. Just as I was about to let go after shutting the door, he laced our hands.

 "I wasn't shooting you down, by the way. If you want a hug, all you gotta do is ask. You caught me off guard, though. That's all." Before we could reach the door, he stopped me. "Thank you for trusting me. I really am proud of you, Bo."

 My head tilted back to see his face. "Thank you for keeping your promise."


 When I pulled at the entrance door, Kinnick reached over my head to open it for me. He sent me a wink as I stared up at him with amusement. I bumped his hip with mine, earning a small burst of laughter.

 "I got this one," I said.

 He dropped our hands and motioned for me to demonstrate. My hand reached up as far as possible. Instead of laughing at me, the boxer bent his knees to walk underneath my arm. Giggles only fell from my lips as he struggled to shorten himself enough to fit. Without warning, he shoved me to the side and left me behind to walk through the door.

 "Hey, jerk!"

 My mouth shut instantly as a small girl with bold red lipstick stopped us at the entrance. "Just the two of you tonight?"

 Kinnick turned to me with a grin. "Yes."

 After giving us a toothy smile, she pulled a few menus from her podium and motioned toward a booth near the windows. "What can I get started for you? Our cheeseburger meals are on special, and it has been a hit lately!"

 "Let's do that," Kinnick nodded.

 "What kind of shakes were we thinking?"

 Kinnick's eyes gleamed as he stared at me. "Surprise us."

 "You got it," she grabbed the menus from us. "I will have that out soon."

 "What if I am vegan?" I turned to Kinnick after thanking the waitress.

 He snorted. "I watched you devour a cheeseburger in the cafeteria at school. Don't give me that shit."

 A sudden wave of heat hit my body, kissing my ears and cheeks with its red lips. I bit my lip and focused on looking around the diner instead of him. The walls were blushing pink. Hung on the walls were old Cadillac signs carved in aluminum. An old jukebox sat down the aisle from us, flipping through songs by itself.

 "Kinnick Carson brought a girl to my diner." A younger woman approached us with two milkshakes. "I'll be damned."

 He crossed his arms. "It's the KC charm."

 Her eyes rolled. "What did he do to get you here?"

 "I didn't have a choice." I turned to the woman. "I'm being held hostage."

 "I knew it," she smiled. "You're Boston Bennett, aren't you?"

 I went to open my mouth but shut it instantly. It didn't matter because she knew what to say. "How rude of me. I'm Rosie. This is my diner. I heard you are the girl training at my brother's gym."

 "You are John's sister?"

 "I know, right? How could something that ugly be related to me? I ask myself all the time!"

 I chuckled. "He's not so bad."

 "Not at all," the smile stayed on her face. "I hope Kinnick is being good to you?"

 My eyes were fixated on the boxer. "Very."

 A hum left her lips. "I'll have your food out in a quick sec. It was nice to meet you, Boston."

 "Wait," Kinnick stopped her. "I'll pay you now."

 "You haven't tried your food yet."

 "I don't need to. I know it's worth every penny."

 When he reached for his back pocket, his eyebrows furrowed. I made small talk with the woman standing before me while Kinnick patted around his hoodie. Without hesitation, I reached for the cash in my wallet. Just as I went to hand over the money, the tattooed boy snatched it from my hand.

 "Nice try." His eyes stayed on me as he handed over a fifty-dollar bill.

 "Where did you get that?"

 "I carry cash, just in case. So, how did you do it?"

 "I don't know what you are talking about," my lips wrapped around the straw. 

 "Where is my wallet?"

 "Underneath the seat of your truck," I shrugged. "How naïve of you to believe I was reaching for a hug."

 His eyes narrowed on me. "I'll make you pay for that."

 "Do your best, sugar." 

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