A Terminian and the Twilight...

By Jooostan

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A sequel to The Fierce God Given Life! Everything has been calm. For 4 years, the boy has been off the road... More

My Running Around is Through
I Mustn't Return
Good To Have You Back
The Bombastic Thunderball
If No One Can Change You
Far More Or Far Less
In Case You Say 'No'
Dreams Are A Fickle Thing
When The World Falls Away
Wash The Spider Out
My Heart Just Ain't Gonna Buy It
The Foreign Side of Desire
Threshold of Darkness
Off The Deep End
Dark Shadows Follow Me
Some Kind Of Hero
From the Fog
It Longs to Kill You
Are You Willing to Die?
I Am Prepared
For Wherever Love Takes Me
If I Can Dream

Kindly Present It To That Buffoon In There

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By Jooostan

Again, not much to note here, although I will say that this chapter was one of the more experimental when I was initially writing this. You'll see why. Enjoy!

A Terminian and the Twilight of Danger
Chapter 3: Kindly Present It To That Buffoon In There

It was the dawn of a new day for Romani Ranch. The oldest sister was still asleep when Romani awoke. She quickly made herself breakfast and prepared to leave for Clock Town. She planned on asking for a set of vacation days so that she could accompany Link to Hyrule.

"Sister..." Romani gently shook Cremia, who only groaned in response. "Romani's going off to Clock Town for work."

"Mmm... alright." Cremia mumbled.

All throughout the walk to town, Romani went over how she'd ask Captain Viscen her request. Overall, she figured she wouldn't have too much of a problem. She had rarely taken any vacation days in the past, only when she was ill, which was surprisingly a rare occurrence for her. Her initial training started when she was thirteen, and she graduated right into the force just a year later. The following years she had been something of a role model for many in Clock Town.

Entering through North Clock Town, her first destination was the Stock Pot Inn, to see Link. It wasn't actually for her own desire, but for the fact he was the one that kept her armor, spear, and such for her.

Romani never liked how poorly the place that housed the guards' materials was set up. It was formerly where Madame Aroma and Kafei lived, before he moved in with Anju and a new home was constructed for the mayor and his wife, right outside of town by the observatory.

The office of Captain Viscen was the final room, the bedroom being split into two areas, the other being for the captain's secretary. Link was actually the one who had helped Mutoh build the very wall that separated them. The very first room that was there was now the armory for all the soldiers, and where Romani kept a few miscellaneous things from her time of being on the force, some from assignments she had been put onto.

Romani arrived at the Inn and immediately went upstairs to Link's room. She knocked and then waited patiently. When he didn't answer at first, she knocked again. It wasn't that early, was it?

"Oh Grasshopper! It's Romani!" It took Link a minute, but he opened the door.

"Hm? Oh, hey..." He drowsily looked at his girlfriend before realizing why she was here. He let her inside and she walked over to the small chest that was on the floor by the bookshelf.

Link made sure to look away as Romani changed from her normal clothes to her guard uniform. Her chainmail rattled a bit as she put it on, and then she put her chest plate over it. She put her metallic boots on next. They were a little uncomfortable, but she had gotten used to them at this point. Then she strapped on her gauntlets and put on her helmet.

"Hey, Grasshopper? Where is my spear?" Romani asked while looking around. It wasn't where it usually was, propped up on the wall next to the chest.

"Huh? Oh, sorry, I accidentally knocked it over last night." Link reached where the spear had fallen, conveniently just out of view behind the table.

"Thank you, Grasshopper." Romani gave Link a peck on the cheek. Her next sentence was followed by a frown. "Now, Romani will see you later."

Link waved his girlfriend goodbye. He was always a little worried when she left for the captain's office. Over time, she had been given a lot of dangerous missions, some where she wasn't even accompanied by any backup.


Romani made her way to the mayor's office and scoffed when she noticed the main receptionist was out again. She always thought that woman was lazy. Opening the door opposite of the mayor's, she walked casually through the armory and to the secretary.

"There you are, Romani." The young Gerudo at the desk lit up as soon as she saw her friend. The two ladies exchanged smiles for a moment. Dina, the all-powerful secretary, and Romani's close friend.

Dina was the daughter of a Gerudo pirate but ran away from Great Bay when she was tasked with hunting down an innocent Zora. The ideals of her family never meshed well with her, and she made sure to never follow in their footsteps. Romani was the first to come across her out in Termina Field a few years back, and she, alongside Link and Jim, helped her find a home with a certain couple in Clock Town.

"You got here just in time, sis. He's been fuming all morning over something." Dina gestured towards the oak door that separated them from Captain Viscen's office. "You better go in."

Romani simply nodded and left for the office. She made sure to wipe away her normal, cheery demeanor and become serious. Her way of normally speaking would always change in front of her superior. The captain had his reading lamp lit, illuminating the leather that lay beneath his forearms. He quickly wrote something down and glimpsed up from his paper and noticed Romani.

"Ah, there you are, number seven." Captain Viscen addressed Romani as soon as she entered the office. Her designation was quite easy to understand. She was the seventh guard on the force, and likely the most accomplished.

"Good morning, sir." Romani stated obediently as she saluted her captain.

"I have a new assignment for you. A group of travelers keep reporting some kind of disturbance in the southern swamp. They have witnesses of 'glowing, bottomless holes' all across the area." Viscen looked at the paper in his hand carefully. With everything that he'd seen in the past, what he was telling Romani now was hardly anything special.

"Um... If I may sir-" Romani didn't get to speak.

"I'm sending you, number five, Shiro, and number six, Keo, to join you." Viscen continued, hardly giving Romani a chance to talk.

"Sir, I actually wanted to talk to you about granting-" Romani was once again interrupted.

"I expect this assignment to be a quick one, number seven." The captain looked back down to the documents strewn across his desk. He thought the meeting was over.

"Sir!" Romani rose her voice. Her gauntlet made a slight sound as her fist clenched up. "I was going to request I have a few weeks leave. Something personal has come up, and I-"

"You want leave? At a time like this?! Number seven, I don't think this is hardly the time to take a vacation. People are afraid." Viscen was not the calm fellow he was back when he helped Link face the Garo. He had grown a little short-tempered over the years, always frustrated with the number of problems Termina faced. It's the entire reason why he expanded the guard to handle problems outside of Clock Town.

"Yes, I am aware of the problems, but this is quite on the personal side, sir, and I would like to provide-"

"Number seven, I do not recall this department being concerned with the personal problems of its members. I'm sorry, but that's final." Captain Viscen's voice was suddenly cold and his eyes pierced Romani's soul for a split second. She was the most loyal guard on the force, but also the youngest. He figured she was just being an impulsive teenager.

"Do you understand?"

There was a long pause between breaths and Romani did her best to come up with a response.

"Yes sir. Yes, I do." Romani hid her scowl long enough to get out the door of the office.

"That was a quick conference." Dina remarked as Romani exited and leaned on the door to the office, lost in thought. "Say, you and Link have gone out on dates before, I was wondering if you could help me out with a plan I have for my boyfriend."

"Dina, take a memo for Romani." The ranch woman asked, foreign tones riddled throughout her voice. The Gerudo looked at her surprised for a moment before reaching into the desk and grabbing a pen and paper.

"Alright, go ahead." Dina said, clicking the pen, ready to write down whatever Romani had planned to dictate.

"To Captain Viscen. I now have the honor to request that you will accept..." Romani hesitated for a second. As soon as a certain blonde someone entered her mind she continued without regret. "...my resignation. Effective immediately."

Dina stopped writing as her eyes widened. Surely Romani couldn't mean?

"Resignation from what, exactly?" Dina hid her fear but was afraid to know the answer.

"Clock Town's Guard Force." Romani stated coldly, finally revealing her hidden scowl, plastering it across her face. "And humbly hand it over to that fool in the office across from us."

Dina just looked at the paper she held with shock as Romani stormed out of the room and to the armory, slamming the door behind her. The secretary swapped her gaze from the paper to the door repeatedly, bewildered at what she had just witnessed.

Walking to her cabinet, Romani swung the hinged door open and pulled out her travel case. She angerly set it on the table beside her and removed her helmet and chest plate. She placed them, alongside the metal boots, into her locker and began rummaging through her cubicle to collect her things.

The first item she got was her bow. She looked at it and huffed, tracing her finger across the small inscription that had an 'L' and an 'R' intertwined by an arrow. Link had carved that for her as a birthday present a few years ago. She sighed before tossing it into the suitcase.

Next was a folder filled with Dina's reports of assignments Romani had completed. She didn't bother looking through it and nonchalantly threw it on the table. Then she picked up a torn piece of greenish-brown cloth. She took a second to inspect it and the remembered where it came from. It used to belong to a certain sword creature. A small smirk found its way onto Romani's face, and she carefully put the cloth into the case.

Then Romani found a glowing stone that was in the back of her cubicle. She chuckled softly when she recalled the expedition that led to her coming into possession of this peculiar rock. Again, she took care in putting it into her case. The final item she retrieved was the Lens of Truth. Another fond memory returned when she thought about the summer she was briefly able to use magic. It was a lot of fun, and Link had a blast teaching her the ins and outs of it all.

Romani collected the folder that was next to the case and put it alongside the Lens of Truth into it before she closed it. Taking a seat on one of the many chairs beside the table, she stared at the picture of the mayor, his wife, and captain Viscen that hung on the wall across the room.

"Sorry, sir. Sorry ma'am." Romani said bitterly, almost considering throwing a rude hand gesture to the photo. There wasn't even anyone to see it, but one look at herself in the reflection made her decide against it. She simply sat and fumed.

After a minute, there was a knock on the door, and Dina poked her head out.

"He wants to see you." Dina stated softly. One look at the locker with Romani's uniform in it, the empty cubicle, and the suitcase by ranch woman's feet told her that she was quite serious about her decision to resign.

Romani rolled her eyes and rose from the chair. She walked to the oak door again and went in. Her scowl hid itself and she stood in front of Captain Viscen's desk.

Viscen didn't even look Romani in the eyes as he handed her a sheet of paper.

"Request granted."

Romani did her best to hide her expression of astonishment. Taking the paper, she stormed out of the office and crossed her arms as soon as she got to Dina's side. Standing by desk, the two ladies sighed, albeit for different reasons.

"Not even a hint of reluctance." Romani grumbled. She was about to crumple the paper up and throw it in the bin by the leg of the table.

"Well, what were you expecting?" Dina remarked. She could tell Romani was considering mashing her fists together, paper in the crosshairs. "Why don't you read it at least...?"

Romani scoffed and looked at the sheet, hardly expecting anything noteworthy. As she read what was written, her eyes widened.

"One month leave?!" Romani exclaimed. Dina reacted with a snort.

"I mean, you really didn't want to resign, now did you, hun?" Dina wore a wide smirk and Romani wasted no time with embracing her friend.

"Thank you, Dina. What would Romani ever do without you?"

"Honestly, my only problem is that you never do anything with me." Dina tightened the hug before letting go. She readjusted her glasses and then held her both her palms open, making them tilt like a scale. "It's always work or Link."

"Girl's night! As soon as Romani has the time!" Romani was ecstatic. She couldn't wait to tell Link.

"Now hang on a minute! You mind tellin' me where exactly you're going?" Dina rose her voice to regain Romani's attention just before she could turn the doorknob.

"Oh! Well, it's about Link. Something from his home has come back. We're going to be going back to where he comes from!" Romani's bluntness acted like a wall to Dina, and she was once again confused. What had 'come back' that required one month leave? Why did she have to go? Link wasn't from Termina?

Dina couldn't inquire more, as when she turned back to face Romani, she had already left. Still bewildered, it wasn't long before the door in front of her desk opened, and Captain Viscen made himself known.

"What would I ever do without you, Ms. Dina. Thank you!" The captain said, a chuckle almost making his last two words incoherent. Dina's smirk returned and she directed herself back to the work that was at her fingertips.


Opening the door to the Stock Pot Inn again, Romani was surprised to see Link and Jim on opposite sides of the front desk.

"You know I'm down for anything, but leaving Termina?" Jim said. The boy in the red bandana had grown a lot over the past four years. He was still shorter than Link by quite a bit, but he had still his spunky attitude to accompany him wherever he went. His sword was also always strapped to his back, similar to how Link would've gone around before he decided to 'retire'.

"It's a lot to ask, I know, but I'd feel a lot more comfortable with you with me." Link replied, his voice clearly strained. "I need you with me, or else I may- "

Link finally noticed Romani standing in the doorway, the late morning sun peering through the gaps, giving her a fiery outline that matched her hair. Jim looked over just as he noticed Link's waning attention to their conversation.

"Hey Romani." Jim said, giving a little wave.

"Hey." Romani replied, hating that she interrupted the conversation. She sat down on the bench behind them and stayed completely quiet.

"Um- S-So anyways, Jim." Link turned his head to face Jim again. "This is important to me. Please, I want you to join me."

"I don't know, Link!" Jim looked down at the wooden desk, staring at nothing. In the years since the Battle of Ikana, Jim and Link had grown closer. Often they hung out, just to enjoy the company of each other. However, it was surprising to see them locked in an argument.

"I want to join you, but what would my mom say? What about Pamela? I can't just leave her!" Jim continued, digging his nails into the wooden plank that served as the top of the desk.

"I'm sure I can convince your mother, Jim. Maybe Pamela, too..." Link despised how needy he sounded. All he wanted was to have his friends by his side but having to convince them was a whole other story.

"I'm pretty sure she'll agree, too! She's always wanted me to go out of my comfort zone..." Jim lowered his voice slightly. "But just- just this seems a little..."

"A little what?" Link tilted his head.

"I don't know! I'm nervous, alright?" Jim turned around and sat against the outside of the desk. The sound of the hilt of his sword hitting the wood made Link flinch. "I want to join, trust me, but I have a bad feeling about all this."

"Hey, you shouldn't feel nervous. Romani and I will be right there, alongside Skull Kid!" Link said cheerfully. Jim's expression changed, and a curve of his mouth made Romani smile.

"Skull Kid and Romani will be with us?" Jim asked.

"Yep!" Link said, vaulting over the desk and sitting down beside his friend.

"Oh... fine! I'll think about it." Jim was happy that it wouldn't be just him, Link, his parents, and that mysterious fairy.

"We plan on leaving in three days, right at the start of the week. I'll talk with your mom tomorrow, and Pamela." Link reassured Jim, gently patting his shoulder. A soft chuckle escaped Jim's lips and the boy in beige knew he had fully convinced him.

"Hooray!" Romani chirped, seeing the full smile finally make its way across Jim's face. The two boys laughed, and Link stood back up.

"Mom and dad are already packing, we just have to get things setting with grandmom so she can take over while we're gone." Link said, peering over to the stairs.

"Oh, speaking of the trip, Grasshopper!" Romani rose to her feet and pulled out the paper she had stuffed in her pocket. "Captain gave Romani one month leave!"

"R-Really?!" Link said, shocked that Viscen would actually do that. He was proven otherwise when he took the note Romani had handed to him and read it over.

"Yeah!" Romani jumped at Link, pulling him in for a powerful hug.

"Ooo! Let me in on that hug!" Jim exclaimed, joining the embrace. The three friends didn't let go for a good minute until Navi came downstairs to the lobby.

"Hey guys." Navi said. The three teens immediately parted and looked in Navi's direction. An awkward moment of silence descended on the group until Jim decided to break it.

"So, you're Navi, huh? Pleasure to meet you!" Jim stayed cheery and extended his finger out for the blue fairy to shake, as he did with Tatl and Tael.

"Thank you. You must be Jim." Navi replied. She shook her hand with Jim's finger, and she looked at the rest of the group. Then, her eyes landed on Romani.

"And... y-you must be Romani!" Navi's tone changed to one of nervousness. It was so bizarre, seeing Romani, when all she could think of was Malon. Regardless, she forced herself to look past it and treat the ranch woman as she would anybody else.

"Hello." Romani responded, unsure how to act in front of the fairy.

"Um... Link has told me a lot about you- you both!" Navi just nearly saved her sentence from sounding a little strange.

"Thank you." Jim and Romani said in unison.

A lot of quick glances were exchanged until Link couldn't bear the uncomfortable feeling he had well up inside him. Without even a peep, he walked back up to his bedroom.

"I was just going to go outside for some fresh air." Navi said, pointing to the door and adjusting her dark blue bangs. Jim opened the door for her and bid Romani goodbye.

Romani, for once, decided to not join Link upstairs, but head outside to have a talk to Navi. Walking up to and beside Navi, both enjoyed the light breeze for a while.

"So, you're Navi. Romani doesn't think we've properly met!" Romani turned to the blue fairy and the suddenness of her voice made Navi jump. She held out her finger for Navi to shake.

"Hello..." Navi shook with Romani and stuttered. "...you're Link's girlfriend?"

"Yep!" Romani replied, thinking nothing of the question.

"S-So how long have you two been da-dating?" Navi asked nervously.

"Almost four years now." Romani said, giving a light smile. Her words were almost like a knife to Navi. She always felt a little something toward Link, especially when he was in the body of an 18-year-old.

"Grasshopper and Romani have been together a while now." Romani remarked. This sparked a question from the blue fairy.

"Why do you call him 'Grasshopper'?" Navi asked. How the ranch woman, now guard, referred to her lover by such an odd nickname perplexed her. Not to mention the slight feeling of jealousy.

Romani blushed at the memory that returned to her. When she and Link first met. Back then, things were a lot simpler. She hadn't known life outside of the ranch, and she had been a little lonely. It all changed when the boy in green came running through the archway in the distance.

"When he and Romani first met, he ran around with a little pitter-patter, and the green he wore reminded Romani of a grasshopper."

"I see. Haha, I guess it makes sense." Navi chuckled, and she at last felt a bit more comfortable around Romani.

"How do you know Grasshopper?" Romani asked, looking at Navi. The blue fairy froze and was unsure how to answer.

"W-Well, it's a long story... b-but..." Navi's stutter returned. She wasn't prepared to recount the entire tale of how she knew Link, but with how much Romani already knew, she figured it wouldn't be hard to explain.

"I was sent to help him. On something very important. Back then... he was quiet. He only had one friend." Navi's voice grew ever more quiet. As the people walking around town started to pick up, it was harder and harder to hear what she was saying.

"He had to help a dear friend of mine, but we were too late, and he passed away. Th-Then we had to leave his home to go to Hyrule Castle. All the time, he never said anything. When talking to others, he remained silent. Even when talking to the princess, his mouth never uttered a word." Navi felt like she was retreating into her own shell for the first time. Shame washed over her.

Then Navi's words completely stopped, and she was left flying in the air, silent. While she was looking at the ground, her thoughts were everywhere but the pattern that was painted along the stone below her.

"You don't need to finish." Romani pleaded, recognizing the look in Navi's eyes. The fairy nodded slowly, and her altitude lowered without her even realizing.

"Romani's sorry. She didn't mean to make Navi upset..." Romani whispered; afraid she had done something wrong.

"No, no, no, it's not your fault. Just... a lot of memories came back at once, don't worry." Navi assured the woman that she was alright.

"Romani knows what that feels like. It's like nostalgia... but it's not always the best."

"Yeah, somewhat like that."

Another few minutes of silence passed. When the crowd finally dissipated, Navi felt more at ease.

"I just hope Link doesn't feel too out of place in Hyrule, wh-when he goes back." Navi thought about her old friend. "The world is a bit different than how he left it. It could overwhelm him..."

Romani thought for a second, unsure how to respond. Suddenly, something popped into her head. Almost by complete chance. The words Link lived by. She couldn't remember exactly what they meant, but maybe Navi could find her own meaning in them.

"The world is not enough." Romani said plainly, unknowingly mirroring how Link had said it so many years ago to a certain robed tyrant.

"Huh?" Navi asked.

"It's Grasshopper's family motto. The world is not enough." Romani elaborated.

"Oh." Navi didn't know how to react. When she thought about what it could possibly mean, she chuckled. "Good motto..."

"Yeah." Romani said, smiling.

The pair didn't even realize that almost an hour had passed. Navi, noticing the change in the position of the sun, decided to head back inside. Romani followed, happy that she managed to break the ice between her and the mysterious blue fairy.

"Oh hey guys." Link said as he saw the two come back into the Inn. He was holding a large case. "Romani, could you help me pack?"

"Sure thing, Grasshopper!" Romani said excitedly.

Going upstairs with the teen in beige, they began to pack Link's things. It was mainly the essentials. His items, bag, bow, and masks. All that wasn't touched was his sword and shield. They remained propped against the wall in the corner. He still wasn't ready to pick them up yet. He wanted to wait until the day had arrived. He couldn't even tell he was stalling.

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