Nude Ink

By TheStephanieFlora

7.9K 183 141

Reader has an extremely good talent at painting. She can make any image come to life with her attention to de... More

First Picture: The Nude
Second Picture: Flower for a Hero
Third Picture: The Blunder
Fourth Picture: Eye to Eye
Fifth Picture: Bold
Sixth Picture: Shadows of Lust

Last Picture: The Usual, right?

1.1K 33 38
By TheStephanieFlora

Well, here we are my darling readers, the last chapter of this mini-adventure. I hope it didn't come out rushed, I originally planned this story to have 7 chapters, so fingers crossed that you will like it like this.
I sincerely thank every single one of you for reading, loving, and commenting on this story, your comments and likes gave me motivation to keep writing and the positive reviews made my day countless times.
My heart goes out to everyone, and I hope this story brought as much joy to you as it did to me.
Don't be sad though, the next adventure is brewing in my cauldron at home, so I hope very soon I shall come out with the next Sev short story! Stay tuned!
Until then, happy reading, and Have a wonderful day everyone! <3

"Outstanding, Miss, congratulations." comes the praise from the foreign professor. The man in a suit with glasses runs his eyes over my written examination while he also eyes the three potions we had to prepare for this NEWT test. We were asked to make one potion which required a longer brewing period, and two potions which could be done at the spot. So, I chose Felix Felicis as my long-term potion, since it was the hardest, plus, it took six months to finish, and for the quick ones I did the Essence of Insanity and the Draught of Living Death. I barely slept in the last month to learn and study, I even asked Snape to give me a helping hand, visiting him in his office each Saturday for advice and extra explanation.

And now, finally, here I stand watching the three examination professors sign my NEWT certificate on this beautiful, sunny first day of June. My heart beats out of my chest as I thank them, then taking the fresh Outstanding in hand, I'm sprinting down the circular stairs towards the bat's office with the biggest smile on my face. NEWTs are finally over, and I can share my happiness with my dear teacher.

After the special detention I served in the bat's bedroom, my roaring lust calmed down altogether, and a tranquil, loving feeling spread inside my chest, with the drive to finish my last year with the highest mark, and make my professor proud. This allowed me to behave and focus in class, so I could pay attention all throughout the year, without getting in trouble ever again. Of course, I drew a few more nudes of my teacher here and there, but I always made sure to hide, and then lock away my drawings inside my trunk in a hidden compartment.

I managed to become second among students with my studies in potions; but because I placed all my focus on one subject, only passing grades were given to me in everything else. And my NEWT exams reflected that perfectly. Acceptable in all subjects, with one singular Outstanding in Potions, and Exceeds Expectations in Herbology, but just because they're connected. I kept my promise.

Knocking on the hard surface of the door makes it open up slightly, and I cautiously step inside, hearing the soft creak of the hinges.

"Professor?" I ask, seeing the empty office at first, and wondering where my darling bat is hiding, but I quickly get my answer as he strolls out of his bedroom, moments after I walked in. He halts at his desk, and rests his gaze on me.

"Did you finish your exam already?" inquires the bat with slight surprise. Oh yes, I finished the written part in record time, and the potion brewing didn't take too much either, so I left the examination room quite fast. I bite my lower lip with a smile, and nod happily.

"Your mark?" he asks seriously, stepping over to my giddy form, standing only a few inches away from me. I raise the diploma to him with a now full grin, proudly showing off my hard work's fruit.

The potioneer pinches the corners of the decorated parchment, and raises it to his eye level with playful judgement in his onyx orbs.

"So, you truly did focus all your attention on one single subject." he scoffs with a smirk hiding in the corner of his lips, then, a sigh escapes. "How an obscenely perverse picture of your teacher was able to give you such motivation is beyond me." he hands me back the paper. "Congratulations."

"Thank you, sir. I couldn't have done it without your help." I say shyly, raising my eyes to meet the potioneer's. There are a few long seconds of awkward and tense silence, none of us moving, just keeping our gazes connected. I drop the diploma on the seat of the leather armchair next to us, and my arms reach out slowly towards the potion master, meekly requesting a hug, wondering if I even have a right to ask for such a bold touch.
His eyebrow runs up in a beautiful arch, but after much contemplation, he mimics my posture and I step to his body, burying my face in his cassock and locking his torso in my embrace gently. I feel his hands close up on my back and nape, the bat wing covering my touched form.

"You will never hear such a sentence leave my mouth usually, but because I know how much it means to you, let me just say, I am proud of you." his grumble comes from above, and I tighten my grip around his waist, running my palm up his spine under his robe. His scent intoxicates me, and I dread the moment when he pulls away, taking a seat in the twin of the black wingback.
I sit down also, facing my dear teacher. He will be my professor only for a few more days, because graduation is approaching with a lightning speed, and sadness grips my heart as the thought of leaving Hogwarts and abandoning this man invades my mind. My face drops, and I eye my NEWT parchment to try and dull the pain raising in my chest, but this wretched paper only enhances the grief, since this is the very proof that I finished my time here.

"So? Where to now?" comes the question from the bat, as he leans back in his seat, crossing his legs elegantly. "I don't mean to throw gloom over your joy, but with NEWT results like this, I'm afraid you don't have many options when it comes to choosing a workplace. Have you considered where you would like to settle yourself?"

"Well, I was thinking, maybe I could be an assistant somewhere? Somewhere where they research potions and ingredients and such..." I start, the sadness is still very present in my tone.

"Assistants in an acceptable work environment are required to have Outstanding grades in Potions, Herbology, and Charms as well." he informs calmly, and my mood drops a level. I haven't really thought about where I would like to work, and what I need for it... great, I managed to screw myself over while I was struggling to reach my one goal.

"I think I need more time to think about this." I breathe out annihilated, furrowing my brows. I don't want to dwell on how badly I fucked up my future by being an utter failure in the wizarding world. Maybe I should get a muggle job and forget about witchcraft altogether...

"Don't despair, although you weren't the best in many subjects, there is still hope. You don't need to be in a ministry-level position to make a decent living. Start researching jobs that sound acceptable for you, and send your application to multiple at once, so your chances of being accepted somewhere grow." the bat advises, and I give him a pitiful smile as thanks. He's not able to soothe the sorrow in my chest for now, so I force a somewhat eased face on myself. But of course, I can't fool him.

The teacher stands up, and enters his bedchamber, returning with a large rolled up parchment, tied around with an emerald green ribbon. He stops before my slouched depressed form, and hands me the paper with a theatrical hand movement.

"Here. To lift your mood a bit. You kept your promise, I shall keep mine." he says with a half smile.

I take the parchment, and unroll it, the image I painted on that fateful night coming to sight, and the river of my tears starts to flow immediately. I'm overwhelmed by my emotions, happiness, grief, contentment, and sorrow are playing ping-pong with my heart in my constricted chest. I cover my mouth with one hand, and squeeze my eyes as the first sobs escape my throat.

I've been working and grinding for this piece of paper this whole year. And now that I'm actually holding it in my hand, my soul is filled with endless joy, but the fact that I managed to ruin all my chances to find a decent job as a witch slapped me across the face harder than I expected.
The price paid for this drawing was too high, and I, only I am to blame for my folly. What a fool I was. I neglected my other studies to please one single man, to reach one single destination. Now, I have the sweetest memory of my life in my possession, but I lost my future. Such irony, Merlin, such irony.

"Thank you, professor." I blurt out, then jump up from my seat, and dash out of his office, leaving the teacher there with a dumbfounded look. I don't want to elongate my humiliation with my unstoppable crying. I'm such a pitiful being in this moment, that I don't even deserve to be in his presence.

As I barge in my sleeping quarters, I notice my owl perched on the windowsill with a small white envelope between her beak. Wiping my eyes with a small sniffle, I take the letter from the bird, and pet her, sending her away, and walking back to my bed. I see dad's name as the sender, and I curiously open it up to reveal a shorter text. What could dad want to say right now? I haven't sent him my NEWT results yet, so what's this about?

'My one and only pearl,

I know it's exam season for you, and I don't want to take your focus off studying and reviewing. Hopefully you didn't stress too much because of your NEWTs, and I'm crossing my fingers for you to be pleased with your results in the end. Just know that whatever grades you come home with, I will be proud of you, because you are my only treasure in this world, and that is more important for me than anything else. I thought this might be the perfect timing to help you calm your nerves a bit, and reveal the secret I've kept for years, until the time was right. This is that moment. My dear singular daughter, your father has been saving money since your very first day of school, so that when you reach the gates of graduation, I can help you financially, until you start working. This was the only way I, as an ordinary muggle could give you my support, and also, this serves as your reward for successfully finishing your school years. So now, at the end of your seventh year in Hogwarts, I saved up 7000 galleons for you, my dear. This money is all yours, you can do whatever you wish with it, the key to your Gringotts safe is waiting for you at home. I hope I could make your day brighter with this news, and you can now rest easy about your financial stability.

All my love goes out to you.'

As I get to the bottom of the page, I've already fallen to my knees and the intense sobs make my chest shake with the strong emotion of gratefulness and remorse. I feel like I absolutely don't deserve this money... My father worked like crazy and put each month a big load of cash aside, so he can help my pathetic ass after graduation, and here I am with barely passing grades on my NEWT diploma. I definitely don't deserve such level of sacrifice and kindness.

Hugging the letter to my chest, I crawl up on my bed, and let the tumultuous feelings flow out of me in the form of tears, sleep pulling its veil over my consciousness quite fast, and I'm still not able to shake the sad feeling of having to leave my darling bat forever in a few days... But I never saw my professor again.

~ 2 years later ~

I turn the key in the small atelier's entrance door, closing up for the day, and reminisce about how lucky I was to get this nice place and opportunity from life.


On the day of my graduation from Hogwarts, as we climbed in the beautifully decorated boats, my mind was racing while I sat among the singing students. Where did Snape disappear? Why wasn't he here? All teachers were present at the ceremony, only he was absent. I wanted to steal one last look of him, before I leave, before I'm not able to see his gorgeous features anymore, but even this small joy was taken away from me, and I have to complete my graduation with him only present in my memories...

Pain gripped my heart and I sang with tears streaming down my face, but the salty drops were not caused by the touched feeling of departing from the alma mater, like for my colleagues, no. They were liquid sorrow flowing out of my soul, the horrible feeling that the potioneer disappeared altogether, abandoning me on the most meaningful day of my teenage years ripped my being to pieces. Rocking softly on the small waves, I sang the Latin song the loudest in my boat, shouting my heartbreak to the sky in the middle of the Black Lake.

I couldn't figure out what can I do with my future even if someone held me at gunpoint, but I remember clearly, as I set foot on the shore, and started walking towards the small Hogsmeade station, the idea of the century bashed me in the head.

As soon as I got home, I asked for dad's help, and we started giving phone calls, sending owls, we started doing our research on how can we make my dream come true, the dream that was born when I set foot on land again- now, as a grown and graduated adult.

We took out half of the savings from Gringotts, and after two months of relentless back-and-forth with a quite stubborn and greedy man, I managed to buy a smaller, two-story house right at the end of Hogsmeade for 2000 galleons. It was hidden behind other houses and run-down, but because its location was in the magical village, the price tag was quite spicy. So, another 1000 galleons went to renovation, and finally, my vision of a small business came to life:

L'Atelier, the place where anyone can come in and request a painting, whatever their heart desire. Age, race and status doesn't matter, this is the small shop where I would make custom paintings for anyone; portraits, landscapes, still life, maps, constellations, anything. This was the only thing I was bloody good at, and the only thing mother nature blessed me with, so it would be foolish to let this chance slip away.

Dad helped me resolve the administrative issues in the ministry, since I was opening up a shop as a witch, they had to give me permission, and take my small business into account, but luckily, everything went smoothly, and soon I could hang up my permit on the wall right behind my back at the cash register.

The modest house functioned like so: downstairs was the shop area, and upstairs were my living quarters. I lived above my shop basically. I painted the walls in a nice peach and lung-colored base, and with the same darker colors, I drew some flowers running up on them, reaching the ceiling. I painted a few smaller landscapes and patterns on canvases, and hung them scattered on the empty walls, where the flowers were not present. Some cute plants, a sturdy oak floor, and we're ready to work.

I needed advertisement also, so I asked dad to print out some flyers which I would hang up all around Hogsmeade, letting everyone know that a new painter has arrived in town. I was thinking, since the magical village was close to Hogwarts, and the students always liked to make nice memories with each other, it's more than probable that I'll have enough customers to keep myself up and running. Pictures were always needed for best friends, study groups, all kinds of clicks; but entire classes with their professors also made a few photos at the end of each year, so this strategy seemed to bring success in the future.

In only my first months, The Three Broomsticks and Honeydukes asked for my services, then, both of them made a full contract with me to create and paint the design for their menu and offers each season after receiving my first completed orders. People always visited my small shop, either for their business or for putting personal memories on paper, sometimes coming only for a simple piece of décor for their homes.

When L'Atelier made a smaller name for itself, the news got to Hogwarts too, and of course, as soon as students made their first trip to the village, the small shop was suddenly filled with children, all chanting their orders at the cash register. They saw my creations at their usual hanging spots, and the owners were kind enough to recommend my little art studio to the students. Very soon, my notebook was filled with orders, requests, different reservations and dates for each of them to come and be a model for half an hour.
My pictures were at a reasonable price, and I always made sure to give the highest quality of my work to my customers. My business was blooming, and I had no problem keeping myself above the surface. I was happy.

One fateful day though, on a winter evening, I was busy organizing the endless list of orders with my back to the door, (it was close to Yule and this was the period in which everyone wanted to send postcards to their family, so I had a lot of requests) I heard the entrance bell ring, and soft steps following the chime. It was already closing time, usually I closed my shop at 8, and people didn't visit this late.

At first I just yelled "One moment please!" but when I heard the silky low tone saying, "Take your time." I spun around with wide eyes, and I dropped the quill from my grip.

"P-Professor!?" I asked in disbelief, eyes running all over his black form, he hasn't changed one bit. Well, in more than half a year, people don't change that much.

"Nice of you to call me that, but I think I no longer fit the description of being your teacher." he approached with a soft look, and stopped at the counter separating us. I couldn't believe he was actually here.

"Why... why are you here?" I asked with a dry throat, not knowing how to handle this situation yet. I felt happy in a way, but the bitterness bubbled up in my throat as I stared him down in shock, the heart-wrenching memories of him vanishing coming back full force. I wanted to yell at him so badly, hold him accountable for his actions, ask him where the hell did he go, and why was anything else more important than waving goodbye to me that summer...

Especially after we established such an intimate connection. Or so I thought we established. Clearly, that meant absolutely nothing for him. But here he was. After abandoning me on my day of graduation and disappearing in thin air, my dearest potion master showed up in my own shop. After more than half a year he dared to show up just like that... and the worst part is...I longed after him the same exact way I did when I finished my studies.

"My students spoke very highly of your little shop, so I decided to pay you a visit. Am I not welcome here?" he asked almost playfully, but my acrimony snapped back at him, before I could stop it.

"No. Traitors are not welcome here." I slammed my notebook shut, but my lashes were wet already. I came out from behind the counter and stepped over to a wall, pretending to fix a canvas' position, showing my back to the bat, doing my best to hide my tears. I don't want to talk to him like this. I don't want to use this tone with him. But my heart bled too much on that day. This was the first sentence I greet him with after a long while of not seeing him. Great.

"Traitor? What earned me this prominent title?" the professor's tone dropped an octave, the hurt and confusion evident in his words. I stayed silent for long seconds, drawing a shaky breath and dropping my head, arms dying from the numb feeling next to my body. When I heard the teacher step closer to my form, I spun around aggressively.

"Where were you, huh? Where the hell were you on that day!? I waited and waited for you to show up, so I can see you one more time before I leave the school grounds forever, but you never came! I wanted to wave to you as the boats took us away, but you weren't there! You weren't there..." my voice died down, as sobs and hiccups choked me, I stumbled back into the wall as I covered my face with my hands and wailed into the cold evening air. The painful memories all came to the surface, and I poured everything on him.

I expected him to feel hurt and storm out of the facility, but he managed to surprise me again, when he closed up the space between us, took my face between his hands and kissed me gently. At first, the thought of pushing him off me occurred in my mind, but as his signature scent crawled up my nose, I lost any logical thinking and melted into his soft touches. His ineffably delicious lips over mine took away all my anger and hurtful sentiment, leaving me putty in his arms yet again. He was still able to sweep me off my feet with just one move.

"Forgive me for hurting you. The headmaster sent me to take care of a very important issue that day, and I couldn't refuse him, you know very well." he said with saddened eyes, caressing a lock of hair behind my ear. This doesn't mean that everything is forgiven and forgotten, mister. You still could've informed me somehow. However, I felt too weak to continue that argument, and either way, it wouldn't get us anywhere, so without a reply, I just punched him in the chest halfheartedly, then gripped the front of his robe, and rested my forehead on his cassock.

"Let me paint you, professor." I breathed into his clothes, like a small prayer and an urgent order which couldn't wait a second more. Luckily, Snape picked up on my neediness. He took my chin between his fingers and lifted my eyes up to him.

"Severus." he corrected me. "Lead the way."

And with that, I led him up to my bedroom for yet another masterpiece, to pour out all the days I missed him like crazy on paper...


So, for 2 years, Severus has been my 'loyal customer' visiting me each Saturday, just like back in school, when he helped me study for my NEWTs. Saturdays were short days for the shop, I usually opened at 9 and closed at 8 on weekdays, but on Saturday I closed the shop at 3 pm, and Sundays were my days off.

After we successfully discussed every misunderstanding and heartache we had, I asked the potion master to make his visits regular if he can, because I want to see him and spend time with him as much as possible. He promised to linger at my place each Saturday for a few hours, except if he gets other orders from the Headmaster. But he swore to inform me with a small note if our plans were overwritten.

This is how the cozy and marvelous habit formed between us, where every Saturday Severus would come to me an hour after closing, we would go upstairs to my bedroom, and I would create a new art piece each time, placing the professor in different positions, worshipping his body with my eyes and brushes. I bought an art book just for this purpose, dedicating it entirely for the potion master's unholy physique. We talked a lot each week, slowly opening up to each other, placing the invisible blocks of trust between us, building that bridge, that would soon be the base of our deep connection.

Sometimes I'd do a little aftercare for him, massaging his limbs a little, since keeping one position for forty minutes or so can make your muscles stiffen up. Other times the potioneer would tempt me in a little make out session, spoiling my body with his divine touches, and making me see stars with his able fingers. We never went further though. None of us dared to make the first move, if we needed relief, hands and mouths did the job, but something kept us from crossing the line. We stayed like this, among comfortable caresses for two years now.


I'm turning twenty today. Leaving my teens behind my back and entering the new prefix is certainly a weighty feeling, and the greatest luck in the universe came around the corner, because it's Saturday. Which means, Severus is coming. I didn't receive any warning note, so the black bat will definitely honor me with his presence.

Butterflies buzz earnestly in my stomach, like every weekend, as I turn the sign on the shopwindow to inform the people outside: we're closed. I prepare the bedroom for our weekly little rendezvous, arranging the pillows, taking out my brushes and colors, I can't imagine a more perfect way to spend my birthday than spending romantic time with Severus. When I finish making the room cozy, I hear the bell from the entrance door ring. Speeding down the stairs, I stop at the bottom, grinning up to the professor.

"Welcome, sir. The usual, right?" I ask him as I walk over and take his robe off his back. I notice a smaller black satchel hanging from his shoulder, but I decide to not to ask about it yet.

"No, today's will be a special order." he states with a sly smile.

"Oh, what do you have in mind, sir?" I ask, but he just simply starts walking towards the stairs.

"You shall see." the bat says in the end, and steps out of my way to let me take the lead upstairs. As we enter my bedroom, my heart pounds out of my chest, thinking what kind of special order he has in mind, especially today? The potioneer takes a seat on the edge of the covers, and pats the spot next to himself, inviting me to sit down.

I don't ask questions, because I'm too curious about what he has in store for me for this meeting. Snape opens up his satchel, reaches in, and to my absolute surprise, he pulls out the two black leather notebooks with pink flowers on it, raising them up for me to see.

"How- you kept them all this time?" I ask absolutely dumbfounded.

"Of course. The one with your paintings is self explanatory, but the other, with your NEWT assignments stayed in my drawer. Somehow I didn't have the opportunity to give it back to you, and this week, as I was cleaning my office, I found it hidden under a pile of parchment in said drawer." he explains, a soft and slightly amused expression on his face. Then, the teacher hands the notebooks to me.

"Happy birthday." Snape says with a smirk, and I scoff at his gesture of giving my own stuff back to me as a present.

"How did you know? That today is my birthday, I mean." I run my finger over the pressed pattern on the leather. My, how happy I was when I started painting in these...

"My dear, the school keeps information about each student for ten years or more, in case you didn't know." he gives me a smug side glance.

"And you decided to give me back my own notebooks as gift?" I giggle, looking up at him playfully.

"Don't jump to conclusions just yet, missy. Take a look inside the first one." he instructs, and as soon as I open it, a gasp leaves my mouth as I see the very first nude I painted of Snape, the page restored beautifully, proudly nestled next to my Asphodel essay. But that's not all. I turned the page, because I just couldn't believe he brought back the drawing with magic, and there, on the back of the paper laid the small text, with coal black ink and the most elegant handwriting:

'Two years ago, you asked me to open my shirt, so you could see my body. Today, I ask you to open your heart, so I can show her my love.'

My pulse halts as I raise my wide eyes back to him, the man sits with the most tranquil and loving gaze I ever saw on him, and I simply can't utter any words. Is he...? Holy Merlin.

"Are you... asking me to be your girlfriend?" I ask dumbstruck, because I never in my wildest dreams thought that something like this could happen. Snape confessing his feelings to me? Snape falling in love with me??

"Yes." he coos, taking my hand in his and caressing the back of my hand with his thumb. I can't believe this moment. I must be dreaming. "What do you say?"

I inhale deeply, and with lightning speed I tackle him onto the bed, kissing him in a frenzy, my whole being filled with ecstatic bliss. I keep his lips prisoner for what seems like an eternity, while tears of joy leave my lashes falling on his cheeks. I lick over his lower lip, groaning as he opens up for me, and I instantly entwine our tongues, relishing his taste to the last bit. His kiss tastes so much different, now, that I'm his woman, because of course my answer is yes to his proposal, that is not a question. When we separate, panting like crazy, the potion master speaks up again with a wide smile,

"I'll take that as a 'yes'." he breathes onto my lips, and with a smooth movement, switches our position, rolling us over, pulling my body under his warm one. I slide my fingers in his silky hair, and my other arm around his neck, while locking my legs around his waist, so I can feel his already hardening member.

"Yes, yes, yes..." I whimper between kisses. "Please, Severus, take me... make me yours..." the breathy moan lands on his skin, as I bury my face in his neck, fumbling with the buttons on his tight cassock.

I became extremely eager and impatient, hands trembling, all the lustful emotions breaking free, now that the tether was removed after 2 long years. We've been teasing and playing with each other until now, I want to feel him inside me already!

The potioneer helps me undo the buttons, while laying open-mouthed kisses on my clavicle, and I trace my hands over the fine hairs on his chest lovingly. I receive another deep and sloppy kiss, his trouser button is undone by my shaky fingers, and as I slide the fly down, I moan in his mouth in anticipation. My fingers feel out the shape of his now fully erect cock, and my head is spinning as I reach under the hem of his underwear, and take him out, giving it a few slow, lazy strokes. Oh, Merlin, this is heaven.

I dig my heels in his lower back as the bat lifts my dress up, pulls my knickers to the side and teases my folds with his wet head, the impatience is starting to emerge in him also. I hear his heavy breaths next to my ear, and eagerness is taking control of my body as I'm trying to pull the master inside. Only a thread separates us now...

"Will you be mine?" Severus asks between inhales, growling as he bites my earlobe.

"Yes." comes the sultry moan.

"Are you sure?" the man makes sure to get full consent, but my patience reached its end.

"Yes! I'm yours Severus, always have been..." my nails sink in his back, and I can finally feel him slide in me with ease. The way this man stretches me out is impossible to express with words, his name like a mantra flowing out from between my lips, as he slowly builds up his pace, angling his hips to hit my sweet spot each time he buries himself in the wetness. My conscience is wrapped in the purple veil of bliss, pleasure ripping through me and setting my blood on fire, as I'm approaching the gates of heaven, Severus ushering me higher with every thrust.

In this moment, I'm truly happy, I'm finally in his arms, he is buried deep inside me, and I'm holding onto him with everything I have. This moment is a hundred times better than I ever could imagine in his class, sitting at my desk, fantasizing about how he would ravish me. Here we are, my fantasies and paintings manifested, brought into reality, the man I've yearned for almost five years in total now taking my virginity, and leaving his imprint in my being for all eternity. I can finally say, that this man is mine, nobody can take away his love from me, and vice versa.

The careful strokes turn into rhythmic pounding, as the professor feels his own peak approach, so in order to elongate my euphoria, he slows down a bit, keeping himself up with straight arms. He pulls out almost completely, so when only his tip remains inside, he pushes back excruciatingly slow, all the way to the hilt, to really make me feel every inch of him. And I adore this sensual lovemaking he does.

The eye contact he maintains is astronomically focused, I can feel his every breath on my lips. The tip of his nose touches mine as we let out moan after moan; just purely relishing the feeling of each other's skin, the way one intrudes and the other accepts, the way fiery touches are given and taken, the way pleasure is wildly chased by the two burning bodies on top of the covers. Severus picks up the pace again, thank Merlin, because I'm approaching my breaking point, and I definitely want to fall apart together, at the same time.

"Look at me, darling." he pulls my gaze out of haziness with his instruction, making me focus on his glowing onyx orbs, filled with lust. "Where do you want me to finish?" the choked whisper is barely audible, but for me it rings loudly, my brain drinking up his words as I'm just one step from losing my mind.

"Inside... Fill me up, Severus..." the tortured plea falls off my lips, and the next moment my thighs lock him in like a vice, as my whole body stiffens up, my back arches off the sheets as the powerful shivers run over my spine. The high-pitched yelp flies away in the air as my orgasm takes over my whole being, clinging to my dear bat as my walls clamp down on his hardness.

He delivers on my request, coating my passage with his essence in thick strands, the warm liquid overflowing, and dripping out between my glistening folds. The low grunt Snape lets out above me is music to my ears, and I'm doing my best to hold him steady as he rides out his own climax. With trembling chests and staccato inhales, he slips out of me, rolling to his side next to me, but contrary to what I believed, he doesn't stay to catch his breath. Snape reaches for his wand, and immediately cleans me out, leaving me with an empty feeling inside.

A few minutes pass with us fighting for air in our lungs, but as the both of us gets closer to a calmer state, I gently wiggle my way to his torso, and drape my arm over his chest. I nearly fall asleep, listening to his steady, strong heartbeat, but his moving around prompts me to raise my head in curiosity, to see what he's up to. I see Snape taking my number II notebook in hand, and he starts to turn the pages lazily, with a content smirk on his lips.

"I will make sure to try each and every position you painted us in, you little minx." his words make a slight blush appear on my cheeks. I smile up at him sheepishly.

"I'm looking forward to it." a peck is placed on his nipple. He shifts his mischievous gaze on me.

"Although, if we think about it, this relationship would have never come to life without this." he raises my number II, to emphasize what he refers to.

"Not quite." I say, sitting up on the bed, and reaching over to take notebook number I in hand. I open it at my first nude of Snape. "This was the catalyst." I tell him with a grin that reaches my ears, and I lovingly slide a lock of hair out of his face. He takes my hand, and lays a kiss in my palm.

"You know what, I agree. I'm glad you lifted your quill that day in my class."

Severus pulls me in for another gentle kiss, and as I lose myself in his delicate taste again, all I can think of is how grateful I am to the universe for blessing me with this extraordinary man. He is right.

Lifting my quill that day was the best thing I ever did for my future.

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