crown prince || izana kurokaw...


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"I wish to give you everything. The crown, my devotion, and the world." royalty au Izana is the next in line... Mais

chapter 00: ๐๐‘๐Ž๐‹๐Ž๐†๐”๐„
chapter 01: ๐๐‘๐ˆ๐๐‚๐„ ๐‚๐‡๐€๐‘๐Œ๐ˆ๐๐†
chapter 02: ๐๐€๐๐๐”๐„๐“
chapter 03: ๐ˆ๐™๐€๐๐€
chapter 4: ๐ˆ ๐“๐Ž๐‹๐ƒ ๐“๐‡๐„ ๐’๐“๐€๐‘๐’ ๐€๐๐Ž๐”๐“ ๐˜๐Ž๐”
chapter 05: ๐‹๐Ž๐๐† ๐‹๐ˆ๐•๐„ ๐“๐‡๐„ ๐Š๐ˆ๐๐†
chapter 07: ๐ˆ๐Š๐€๐– ๐€๐“ ๐€๐Š๐Ž
chapter 08: ๐”๐Œ๐€๐€๐’๐€
chapter 09: ๐Œ๐˜ ๐‚๐‘๐Ž๐–๐ ๐๐‘๐ˆ๐๐‚๐„
chapter 10: ๐ƒ๐„๐€๐‘, ๐Œ๐€๐๐‰๐ˆ๐‘๐Ž
chapter 11: ๐“๐‡๐„ ๐’๐”๐ ๐€๐๐ƒ ๐Œ๐Ž๐Ž๐, ๐‘๐„๐ƒ
chapter 12: ๐“๐‡๐„ ๐„๐Œ๐๐„๐‘๐Ž๐‘ ๐€๐๐ƒ ๐“๐‡๐„ ๐‚๐‘๐Ž๐–๐ ๐๐‘๐ˆ๐๐‚๐„
chapter 13: ๐€ ๐’๐‹๐€๐•๐„ ๐“๐Ž ๐“๐‡๐„ ๐‚๐‘๐Ž๐–๐
chapter 14: ๐๐„๐“๐‘๐€๐˜๐€๐‹ ๐Ž๐… ๐€ ๐Š๐ˆ๐๐†๐ƒ๐Ž๐Œ
chapter 15: ๐–๐‡๐„๐ ๐“๐‡๐„ ๐’๐“๐€๐‘๐’ ๐’๐€๐˜ ๐†๐Ž๐Ž๐ƒ๐๐˜๐„
chapter 16: ๐…๐ˆ๐•๐„ ๐’๐๐‘๐ˆ๐๐†๐’
chapter 17: ๐๐„๐‘๐‡๐€๐๐’, ๐€ ๐“๐‡๐‘๐„๐€๐“?
chapter 18: ๐๐‘๐„๐๐€๐‘๐€๐“๐ˆ๐Ž๐๐’
chapter 19: ๐•๐Ž๐–๐’
chapter 20: ๐ƒ๐„๐‚๐‹๐€๐‘๐€๐“๐ˆ๐Ž๐ ๐Ž๐… ๐–๐€๐‘
chapter 21: ๐“๐‡๐„ ๐–๐„๐’๐“๐„๐‘๐ ๐„๐Œ๐๐ˆ๐‘๐„
chapter 22: ๐€ ๐ƒ๐‘๐”๐๐Š ๐€๐๐ƒ ๐€ ๐๐”๐๐Š
chapter 23: ๐‹๐Ž๐€๐“๐‡๐„
chapter 24: ๐€๐ ๐„๐Œ๐๐„๐‘๐Ž๐‘ ๐ˆ๐ ๐“๐‡๐„ ๐Œ๐€๐Š๐ˆ๐๐†
chapter 25: ๐€ ๐๐‘๐Ž๐๐Ž๐’๐€๐‹
chapter 26: ๐€ ๐๐‘๐Ž๐Œ๐ˆ๐’๐„
chapter 27: ๐„๐Œ๐๐‘๐„๐’๐’ ๐ƒ๐Ž๐–๐€๐†๐„๐‘
Chapter 28: ๐€ ๐๐Ž๐๐‹๐„ ๐†๐”๐„๐’๐“
Chapter 29: ๐•๐Ž๐– ๐€๐๐ƒ ๐‚๐‡๐€๐‘๐Œ๐’
แดนแดฌแต€แตแดฟแดฑ Chapter 30: ๐ƒ๐„๐•๐Ž๐“๐ˆ๐Ž๐

chapter 06: ๐Ž๐๐‹๐˜ ๐“๐‡๐„ ๐๐„๐†๐ˆ๐๐๐ˆ๐๐†

1.4K 104 50

IZANA WAS HEADED TO his older brother's quarters with you striding beside him, both of you holding two boxes of freshly baked cookies.

It has been several busy months for the newly crowned king and you had suggested gifting the young lad a handful of cookies, which seemed to always lighten up his mood.

Surprisingly, it didn't take much convincing for Izana. He had dragged you to the kitchen and read through a cookbook to search for a perfect recipe.

He turned it into a competition of sorts to see who baked the most delightful cookies, hence why the two of you carried different boxes.

Only a few meters away from the king's quarters, Lady Kurokawa came out of his chambers appearing in haste as she looked around the hallway with evident distress.

Once her goldish eyes settled on you and Izana, a wave of further distress washed over her features as numerous thoughts run through her mind.

But with a woman of her status, she composed herself just as quickly as if nothing out of the ordinary appeared.

Izana was bewildered with his mother's presence, seeing her come out of Shinichiro's private chamber was odd enough and even more when she appeared distraught. "Mother? What are you doing here?"

Together, you approached the noblewoman. The woman who shared many traits with Emma had never reflected the same attributes as Izana, physically wise. It was often strange, but you never pester in the personal matters of others.

But they do share a good resemblance in making people uneasy with their unwavering stares and the way they carried themselves with utmost pride.

"Why, am I not allowed to roam the castle?" She spat. She was good at dodging questions too.

At her harsh way of speaking, Izana looked down. She was one of the few people who can speak to him that way without Izana having to reprimand them.

"I apologize for prying, Mother. My question had no ill intent."

Briefly glancing at you, it seemed that thought had sparked a sudden shift in her mood. "Hello, dearie.'' She said in a sing-song voice, as the nature of any mother would to children.

"Thank you for taking care of my troublesome son. Are the two of you hoping to offer his majesty a gift too?" She inquired, staring at the box of delicacies clutched close to your chests.

Izana remained quiet as he stared at the ground, unmoving. You noticed that whenever he interacted with his mother, she often acted uninterested and cold to him. She'd treat him like he wasn't worth her attention.

Praises were limited and forced. Hidden insults and remarks were usual. Yet Izana wasn't allowed to retort or act in any way deemed reckless, as it would only motivate her sharp tongue further.

Their interactions were cold as though they don't share any motherly son relations. It wasn't as if Izana lacked anything as a son, nor does he need to accomplish anything just to experience love from his mother. Simply, the woman was too cruel.

"His Highness is not troublesome, lady Kurokawa." You forced a smile and you noticed her expression falter slightly before she erased it from her complexion.

"If anything, I should be thanking him. He has assisted me in many ways, more than I can count." You defended Izana.

"And, yes. We are here to send our gifts for his majesty since he is still busy in the courtroom. Is that the reason you're here as well, my lady?''

You believed that it was incredibly odd for her to be sneaking around the king's quarters when he wasn't present. Your suspicions only grew when she avoided answering Izana's inquiries, telling you that she had things to hide.

If lack thereof, then she would have no apparent reason to hide the reason why she was lurking in Shinichiro's bedroom.

"Certainly.'' She grits her teeth. "I'll be making my way back to my quarters. Be sure to be on your best behaviour." She stormed off without another word.

Although her remark seemed to be directed at one person rather than the both of you.

A wave of whispers and concerns overruns the entire palace staff over the coming days as they grew entirely weary of the king's condition. As two years of sitting on the throne passed by, the people could discern an unmistakable shift in his health.

Oddly enough, he experienced the same symptoms as his father but he is experiencing them in odd intervals of time and intensity.

On rare occasions, he would go into violent coughing fits in the middle of a meeting wherein he would be escorted away due to spitting out blood and feeling lightheaded.

His Majesty Shinichiro is quite young and healthy, the upper-ups have speculated that it was the cause of genetics or a pesky infection. With the former in mind, no royals have ever experienced such sickness besides the two kings.

While Shinichiro was battling his health for the sake of his kingdom, he did not fail to assess the current problems. He made a lot of progress and relations over the past year as king.

He insisted his treatment would be kept silent from the watchful eye of the people to not alarm them.

Besides that, nothing else seemed to be causing any further worry. Izana has been given more work, studies, and classes now that he's older. His mother had insisted, saying that it would only benefit him once he was older.

That didn't exclude you either. Whatever studies Izana completes, you must read the same books and experience the same classes.

Although tiring, you had Izana by your side. On occasions when he was in a decent mood, he'd assist you but inaudibly sigh when you were at your wit's end. Regardless, he was willing to help you complete your studies and grow together.

Your days were never too dull, you've noticed. Even with the abundance of pressure from both sides and lack of enjoyment, it seemed that the two of you always found something to look forward to every day.

Perhaps, it was the small things that mattered to the two of you. The silence of the library where the sun would kiss you every afternoon, always spent with your noses under the book and filling out papers.

Repetitive, yes. But the two of you regard it as a routine of sorts. In that way, the two of you meet every day at the same hour and part in the late afternoon when Izana would escort you to your carriage. On special occasions, you would stick to Izana's side or sneak out into the open grass field.

In those days when the future was unclear, you were the only thing clear to Izana.

Those days he spends with you in the library, glancing at you every so often and smiling to himself when you appeared upset with a certain question or even the times when you would doze off beside him, he wouldn't trade it for the world.

Izana is a boy who values familiarity. That doesn't necessarily mean he hated new things but he grew fond of the small routines you two unknowingly set.

"(Name).'' Izana gently shakes your shoulder, attempting to wake you from your slumber. When you opened your eyes, you almost fell from your seat when you realized that it was dark outside.

There was only a single candle illuminating the library where barely any moonlight seeps through the large window. Izana was leaning over you as you began to pack your things. "Why didn't you wake me up earlier your highness?!"

"Your parents informed me that they were unable to send for a carriage. They had strict business to attend to at a neighbouring city." Izana said as he watched your haste movements gradually slow down.

"Then.. how will I be able to return home?"

"Walk home?"

He snickered at the face you made before he carried the candle as he made his way towards the exit.

"You will be staying here at the castle for tonight if you wish. I may be able to request a carriage for you but I'd rather not at this hour."

"Is his majesty worried about my safety?" You teased as you picked up your things and followed Izana out of the library and into the palace hallways where the moonlight and candles were much brighter.

"Nonsense,'' he scoffed. "Im worried about the coachman who would have to carry you if you would fall asleep. You drool."

"I do not drool.'' You defended yourself and it amuses Izana how that was the part where you choose to defend yourself.

"I've watched you sleep, I can confirm."

"That's very unusual to say, your highness. Does his Highness take pleasure in watching his study mate sleep?" You pestered him with your teasing, yet he doesn't seem too bothered.

"No, I feel very much tortured when I witness the sight of you sleeping with your eyes open." He said nonchalantly, tone bored and blunt.

You feel your face grow warm at the visualisation of you sleeping with your eyes open and Izana witnessing such a sight. You covered your face with both hands as though you can hide your entire existence.

"I will never sleep in front of his highness again, it is embarrassing." You inaudibly groaned, the thought eating your dignity whole.

Izana's soft chuckle vibrate through the empty hallway and he finally stopped in front of his quarters.

"It is too soon to say that. You will be staying with me tonight." He said with a sly smile, opening the door before stepping in.

It wasn't the first time you'd been in his room but you would have never thought you would find the opportunity to be sleeping in his room. With a flicker of flame, the line of candles in his room illuminates the chamber with its glory.

Encrusted with gold and silver, it still managed to remain quite minimalistic in some parts as Izana doesn't prefer to shower every corner with fine materials.

"I hope I don't intend sound rude, your highness, but I am curious as to why you won't allow me to use a guestroom."

The palace had unused guestrooms for their important guests that ranged in sizes and numbers yet Izana was quick to offer his bedroom.

Izana simply shrugged. "Because you're not my guest."

You made your way to the side of his bed where you situated yourself beside him. The mattress bares both of your weight.

"You won't be sleeping beside me, pervert." Izana didnt fail to add his sly remark with his smirk as he jerked his head at the sofa.

"I know we will be sleeping on the same mattress when we are wed but it is too soon for those fantasies, (name)."

He throws you two pillows and a thick blanket that carries his mesmerising vanilla scent, chuckling at his own actions.

The sofa was incredibly large and it could pass as a bed but the soft mattress of the bed was preferred in this case. "I would have preferred the guestroom." Still, you made your way to the sofa and fluffed out your pillows and neatly settled on the sofa.

You sent Izana a subtle glare, irritated at how he never failed to tease you even at a time when you need rest.

"Ahh, I am indeed so comfortable in my king-sized bed." Izana breathes out, enjoying the company of a thousand pillows and comforters.

"Goodnight, my future wife." He glanced over to where you lay only to find you asleep. "She can sleep anywhere..'' he lowered his voice.

The next morning, You couldn't help but release a satisfied yawn as you stretch your limbs. You feel the sink of the mattress you lay on shift whenever you moved. A thick soft blanket rests on your lap and you were accompanied by pillows you were sure that it wasn't there the night before.

You looked around, only to find that you were on Izana's bed. Did you manage to sleepwalk your way into his bed or did he perhaps carry you while you were passed out?

Searching for Izana, you found him on the very same sofa you laid before you drifted off to slumber. He looked uncomfortable, eyebrows stitched together and he clutched his blanket closer to him. Half his leg was falling off the sofa due to his height.

You came to the realization that he must have either carried you to bed while you were asleep or you forced your way into his bed and the poor boy had to resort to sleeping on the couch.

Izana's chest gently rises and falls, breathing steady. His eyes shut, peacefully asleep. You would have continued to admire him in this distance had not a group of haste footsteps crowded the hallway outside.

Both of you were quick on your feet. Izana was startled because he was woken up by the castle staff who shouted orders and concerns from outside.

"Hurry! To the king's chambers!" One shouted, voice somewhat muffled.

"His highness may not make it--" another one added but was quickly interjected by a fellow staff.

"Nonsense! Hurry with the medicine and towels!"

This alarmed Izana. The mere thought of his brother's health deteriorating made his heart grow weary with unease. He finds it hard to believe because his brother was still young and his body was more than capable of exerting.

It came as a shock that the king-- shinichiro, was succumbing to a similar sickness their late father experienced. Even more when his symptoms were far more unnerving.

Without changing his clothes, Izana stormed out of his room with only a thin robe. You followed behind him, completely forgetting to sport a robe to cover your nightwear as the two of you speed-walked through the ever-so-long hallways.

The walk to Shinichiro's room never felt so long and tiring, not when the two of you are holding your breaths as you control yourselves. The king's loud coughing and groans echoed throughout the hallway, along with the numerous concerns of the doctors and maids.

Izana barged in but no one pays any mind to him when they were all preoccupied with the ill king who was grovelling over the ground, violently coughing out blood and struggling to breathe.

Izana's eyes widened in pure terror as he steps back, only to bump into you. It was until then that Izana felt immense fear, seeing his older brother who he truly admired struggling against a battle with death.

It seemed like the world felt numb. He couldn't decipher sound or the shapes around him, he felt suffocated.

"Izana." A stern feminine voice called out for him firmly, announcing her presence with a hint of irritation upon finding him here.

Izana turned to see his mother accompanied by several of her maids, carrying buckets of water and other trays of medicines and herbs. His mother's gaze then drops to you, eyeing what you wore.

"You dare barge into the king's quarters wearing nothing but your nightgown?" She frowned, dismay in her tone. The maids beside her excuse themselves so they could assist the others.

Hearing this, Izana shakily extends his arms to cover you. He was without a doubt anxious about Shinichiro's condition and his mother's uncalled presence only added to that fact. A mother's presence shouldn't be heavy, rather than warm and calming he felt as though he was standing on needles.

"M-mother... it's not the time to talk about this when my older brother is struggling! Do not talk about her choice of wardrobe, it is not at all indecent."

His mother gives you a final glance before she stepped into the room without another word. Shinichiro was escorted to his bed and doctors aid him with wet towels to clean his blood and medication to hopefully soothe his pain.

"No- We want to stay with my brother- please-!" Izana was forced to exit the room at the request of the doctors. It was not something he should see.

The last thing Izana saw before the double doors shut in front of him was his brother's tired eyes staring back at him. Blood was trickling down the sides of his lips as he struggled to catch his breath, sweat accumulating on his forehead as he gives the two of you a sad smile.

The drama finally starts here!

Continue lendo

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