Steven Universe: Secrets Of T...

By HeraValla_Haddock16

222 8 0

In which Greg left Beach City with his son and only returned after 13 years. based on the Christmas Special e... More


Chapter 1

48 3 0
By HeraValla_Haddock16

13 Years Later


The bell finally rang loudly inside the school building, indicating that school is finished for the day. Parents and/or guardians are seen waiting outside the establishment, when the doors burst opened.

Students of Empire Highschool came running out, either with their group friends talking with each other, or alone while scrolling through their phones. Some were being called by their parents/guardians while others continue to walk their way home with their friends.

The one student that stood out the most was the 13 years old Steven Universe, an optimistic, friendly, outgoing boy with a carefree and happy-go-lucky attitude that draws people into him. But that's not what made people look at him daily; it's because he is known as the nephew or adopted son of Avyanna DeMayo (a technology company CEO), and one of the lowkey rich student that attends the public school of Empire City.

Steven wore a white button-down shirt that's topped with a powder blue sleeveless sweater, a pair of light brown pants and plain white Nike shoes. With him, he carries his post-ordered cheese burger backpack and on his hand is his smartphone. Due to his friendly and soft-hearted characteristics, he made a lot of friends from either the school, at the local park, and of course their neighborhood.

Adults alike are also charmed by him for being a bright and helpful kid. Even doctors from the hospital that he gets his monthly check-ups are delighted to see him. Since young, Steven was known to be friendly to people he meets and rarely holds grudges, is non-discriminatory and never treating anyone with prejudice. Something Greg noted he gets that from his biological mother.

He was also called the child genius in his class for always getting answers right in the unpredictable way that sometimes amuses or irritate the teachers. But, nonetheless, Steven is a good boy and Empire Highschool is proud to have him as one of their students.

"Hey, guys, my ride's here. I got to go!" A friend of Steven named Carol, said and waved goodbye. "See you all tomorrow!"

"Bye, Carol!" A chorus of responses from her friends, but Steven's was the loudest to hear that made Carol laugh in amusement. "See you tomorrow!"

"Speaking of ride," Jason, another friend and a classmate of Steven, chimed in and put an arm around the hybrid human-gem's shoulder. Eliciting a laugh from the boy. "I think this one's yours, Steven." He points at the corner of the street.

Steven and his friends look up to where Jason was pointing and there, across the street at the corner, parked a sleek black sedan with a familiar butler standing stiffly and patiently waiting for Steven to come. That brightened up Steven even more.

"Mr. Harold's here!" The boy jumped and grinned widely. "I gotta go, guys! See you tomorrow!" He ran while still hearing his friend's goodbyes.

Steven carefully crossed the street (as what his dad and mama taught him) and came barreling into their family's butler. Fortunately, the man has already predicted this and was prepare to have his ward's body impact against his.

A small grunt was his only reaction before Steven was quick to let go. Face grinning widely with eyes shaped like starts— and was that a twinkle? Harold had to narrow his wrinkly eyes at the image.

'Oh my gosh! It's so nice to see you again, Mr. Harold." Steven greeted rather brightly.

The man, himself, have to stifle a smile at the boy. "We just seen each other this morning, young master. And yesterday, and the day before that." He remarks but the boy wasn't deterred one bit.

"I know." Steven replies, still smiling. Harold shook his head in amusement and took Steven's backpack from him then opened the backdoor for the boy to enter. "Thanks, Mr. Harold." He said once he's seated with seatbelt strapped in. The man merely smiled in return.

"You know, it is still early. Any place you want to go to before going home?" Harold asks from his position behind the wheel. Brown eyes staring at the hybrid from the rear mirror.

"Well..." Steven trailed out with a mocking thinking face. "I mean, can we go to Beach City, please? I want to buy something at the Big Donut." He beamed excitedly.

"Alright, to Big Donut, it is!" Harold chuckled in response, and soon he drove them outside Empire City and into Beach City.


"It's so nice to be here again!" Steven gushed, looking back at the boardwalk and into the vast crystalline ocean. Harold hummed as he closes the car door after Steven got off.

Locking the doors, he went ahead with Steven lagging behind him as he took as many pictures as he can. "Come now, young master. We have to get in line before the shop goes full." Harold called out from his position at the Big Donut's glass door.

"Coming!" Steven gleefully giggled. He thanked the man when he opened the door for him, causing the bell on top to chime in loudly. The cold air and the scent of sweets and fresh bakes wafted around the boy, causing him to beam excitedly. Luckily, they were the only customers there.

"Welcome to Big Donut, what can I get you?" The small, blonde haired lady at the counter drawled out lazily, with her hand rested upon her cheek in a bored manner and wasn't even looking at the customer.

"Hey, Sadie! It's me, Steven!" Steven waved, flamboyantly at the counter lady called Sadie.

Sadie blinked, wiping away the boredom and took a look at her daily (not really) customer, Steven and his butler. And if she remembered correctly, he's the son of a millionaire at Empire City, something about technology company, maybe. "Oh, hi, Steven, Steven's butler! Welcome back to Beach City again. Are you here for the night?" She greets them both with a friendly smile.

"Negative." Harold immediately replied blankly, but not unkind. "Young master and I are only here for an hour or so." When Steven nodded in agreement, Sadie smiled again in response.

"Okay. So, what can I get you both?" She inquired in a service practiced voice.

"A box of one dozen assorted donuts, please." Steven said, then he looked around to see what else is interesting to buy. That is until he saw the familiar item: Cookie Cats! "Oh! And two cookie cats, please!"

"Coming right up!" Sadie was quick to pack the orders.

She carefully arranged the donuts in their boxes and put the two cookie cats inside a paper bag. Harold paid for the items and grabbed the boxes from Sadie before Steven could insist on it. And Steven was left with carrying his cookie cat. Both thanked the woman for her service, and left the establishment quite satisfied.

"Oh! Say 'hi' to Lars for me! See you soon, Sadie!" Steven hurriedly called out just was the door closed, leaving Sadie alone and happily waving at them.

They were just on their way to the car, with the boxes in hand (in Harold's case), and Steven happily munching on a strawberry dipped, sprinkled donut when a tremor from the sandy ground occurred, causing both to almost stumble on the ground in surprise.

Harold took hold of his young master, looking to see if he's alright. Well, Steven can say he's alright, but that cannot be said the same to his cookie cat now lying on the dirt. The man could only sigh when he sees the hybrid looking at his dropped goods with teary eyes.

"Cookie cat!" Steven wailed.

He began to look around, seeing if everyone else felt the movement of the ground. He narrowed his eyes when almost everyone present at the boardwalk were acting nonchalant, like it was a daily occurrence they were used to. Although, he could also see some others, visitors maybe who are new to Beach City, were wondering what was happening.

"Mr. Harold, look out!" Steven yelled, and the man looked up when the boy's pink gem glowed bright and a pink translucent bubble propped up just in time when a particular large boulder came barreling their way. It immediately protected them against the falling rocks.

"Are you alright, Mr. Harold?" Steven asks worriedly. His bubble disappears when he felt that it was safe.

"I'm fine, young master." The old butler replied, pleasantly. A small smile of reassurance present on his face for the boy to see.


Both Harold and Steven were alarmed when they saw two creatures coming their way. It was a centipede-like entity, and looking much bigger than the normal bug. Its body is primarily composed of seven different segments, the upper portion of the centipede creature is covered in a "chitinous", bumpy, dark green exoskeleton throughout its body, with a single pair of legs of the same color. The lower side of each segment is of a light green and slightly translucent with yellow-green diamond shape in the middle of each of it.

The head of the creature has two colors: the upper portion, and the upper mandible being dark green, and the lower portion and lower mandible a light green color. The centipede creature has its eyes located inside the base of the mandible. The last segment lacks a pair of legs but has a set of large, pincer-like cerci reminiscent of those belonging to earwigs.

"What the heck are those things?" Steven asks in bewilderment, but also in a bit of awe with a mix of excitement. Harold didn't get to reply, as he pushed Steven out of the way and immediately pulled out a gun from his pocket. With just two shots, the two creatures disappeared in white smoke.

The old man lowered his arm, now looking a bit calm but still wary and on guard. He was once again quick to return to Steven's side and made sure the boy was alright.

"I'm fine, Mr. Harold." Steven reassures the man with a smile. "You were quick to move me out of the way."

Harold nods his head. "I think those creatures are what your father has been warning us about. It's a normal occurrence here at Beach City, apparently." He explains to Steven, who to his unsurprise, began to look at him with stars in his eyes. (He really needs to know how he got those to sparkle, really). "And that means we have to leave immediately." He gave the boy a stern look when he looks like he was about to protest against him.

"B—but who would handle those things?" Steven asks worriedly, looking back from where the creatures came from— at the back side of the mountain cliff that has a warning sign; a prohibition to enter the property apparently.

"I'm sure, there's someone out there that's professional enough to handle those things, young master." Harold softly said, an attempt to ease the young boy. "Your father and mama would rather have you back at Empire City before the day ends."

"Aww!" Steven frowned and slouches a bit. "Well, I guess I could leave it be. Dad did say it's not wrong to bail sometimes."

"We still have an hour and a half before we can get back in time for dinner." Harold informs the boy as he checks his pocket watch, a typical thing to do for every butler that exists around the world. "And you know we have to inform your dad and mama about this."

"Yes, Mr. Harold." Steven mumbled, dreading to see his mama's reaction to this. His dad, he already knew would panic about this.

"Let's go, young master." The butler coaxed with a nod.

Still glum, Steven took one last look at the restricted area before following Harold behind, who was now carrying their surprisingly still intact and complete boxes of donuts, along with what's left of Steven's cookie cat. The sight made the boy brighten a bit and immediately went inside the back of the car where his butler opened the door for him. Then, the old man followed suit, sitting behind the wheels. He took one last look at the side mirror that shows the mysterious prohibited area, a thought was already on his mind.

Leaving that thought at the back of his mind for the moment, soon, he drove them back home to Empire City. The Travel was quite peaceful from there, where young Steven finally fell asleep after spending an eventful day so far.

If they would've stayed a bit longer, they would witness three peculiar red, pale and purple skinned ladies with weapons just finishing their fight with a certain centipeedle corrupted gem.

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