My Brother's Best Friend

By JuneBaby92

263K 6.8K 672

Bro Code Rule # 1: “Best Friend’s Sister is Off Limits” Ruthie and Michael Rosman are as close as brother and... More

Chapter 1 ~ Introduction
Chapter 3 ~ Michael and Remy
Chapter 4 - Double Date Kinda
Chapter 5 - Confused Part One!
Chapter 6 - Confused Part Two!
Chapter 7 - She's Mine!
Chapter 8 - DATE!
Chapter 9 - Jealousy!
Chapter 10 -Two Can Play That Game!
Chapter 11 -Love You Too!
Chapter 12 -Here Comes Trouble!
Chapter 13 -Fall Out!
Chapter 14 -Choose Your Brother!
Chapter 15 -I'm Not a Child!
Chapter 16 -Pixie!

Chapter 2 ~ Party

23.6K 486 81
By JuneBaby92

Let me know what you think!

Hope you enjoy!

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(Ruthie's POV)


That first night of Remy arrival we stayed in ordered pizza and watched Adam Sander movies.  Throughout Michael talked non-stop with Remy, he seem very fond of her.  Christian and I were the only ones who seemed to pay attention to the movie.  Okay Christian seemed to be the only one.  I kept looking over at him, his blond hair falling in his brown eyes.  He looked angle-like so peaceful and clam, with a small smile on his face amused by the comedy, "Just Go with It".  He must have felt my gaze on him as he turned to face me and my breath caught.

"Hey," he said sending me a smile.

"Hey," I breathed out in replied as butterflies fill my stomach watching him smile like that, like it was a just for Pix smile.

"Well, I'm tired, jet lag as you Americans say.  Rose can we go up to bed?" Remy asked.

"Rose?" Christian and Michael question in unison.

"That's what everyone I know in England calls me, like you two call me Pix; well Rose is my England nickname.  Goodnight."  I explained.

"Oh Brian Cannort is having a party tomorrow, we're going so be ready by five." Michael called up after us.

"So the blond one, he's the one from the journal right?" Remy tested once I shut the door to my room.

"Yeah, that's him." I affirmed her.  See I have this five by seven old leather journal that my grandmother gave me a couple years ago right before she passed away.  In this journal I write quotes, poem, and songs, whatever I like really and then one day in England I let Remy read it and she picked up that almost everything in there applies to a certain guy.  And Christian is that guy.  I've liked Christian for a long time, ever since our first kiss on the swings, but nothing could happen between us; he's my brother best friend.

"So where do I sleep?" Remy inquired after a few minutes.

"Well your choice really, you can earthier share my bed, you could take the floor or my blow up couch, or you can take a guest room." I offered her.

"Okay well then here I'll stay," she simply said leaning back on my bed.  So we changed into our sleep clothes and settled down for bed falling into dreamland.


After finding Katie and Jace together in bed I ran to the back balcony crying my eyes out and downed a bottle of tequila when Christian came to find me.  He sat beside me in the corner that I tried to shrink back into yet pulling me into his lap cradling me.  He stroked my hair and rocked me as he made shushing sounds in my ear, as I wrapped my arms around his neck and cried into his shoulder.  Once I calmed down and the tears stopped I detangled my arms from his neck and sat back looking deep into his warm brown eyes, "Are you okay?" he tested me as I ran my fingers through his silk dark blond hair. I was so drunk and in unbearable pain that I didn't think about anything as I pressed my lips to his, at first he seemed shocked but then quickly responding kissing me back.  He moved me to where I was straddling him and he deepen the kiss. He bit my lower lip asking for entrance that I granted as our lips and tongues move in sync.     After a few minutes of making out he finally pulled back  breaking the kiss and whispered my name, "Ruthie,I..." when a sudden wave of nausea came over me as I stood and puke over the balcony into some bushes as Christian held my hair.   That night we fell asleep right there on the balcony.

My eyes fluttered open and looked at my clock that read three in the morning, and then looked over to the sleeping Remy. Carefully and slowly I got out of bed making sure not to wake her as I quietly made it out of my room and hopped down the stairs to the kitchen.

"What the Hell," I yelled as I turned on the light to Christian sitting at the bar scaring the hell out of me.  "Damn you Christian."

"Sorry Pix," he said laughing a bit at my reaction.  "Want a sugar cookie?"

"Sure," I replied grabbing the Sunny D out of the fridge, a cup out of the cupboard, sitting across from him,  "so what doing up this early?"

"Couldn't sleep, you?" He inquired handing me a cookie.

"Just woke up from a dream?" I stated shrugging my shoulders taking a bite of my cookie.

"Scary or bad?" He quizzed.

"Neither actually, it was a dream of the night I found Jace and Katie cheating on me." I told him.

"Oh right, moving on, so tell me about England?" He requested.

"I loved it; there were fields of green grass rolling hills, cobble streets with all these cute boutiques lining the sidewalks.  The boarding school was and all-girls school. The building was stone with marble halls and looked like a castle out of a fairytale minus the flags and guards.  Although we did have hall monitors that we like guards, and yes we had to wear those school girl outfits.  Our house mom was completely horrid, very strict and talked with a strong accent.  I roomed with three girls Remy being one and the other two were Alice and Chey but they were rarely around.  Classes were well classes, the Professor were cool very helpful yet this school had one computer lab only open a few hours a day so a lot of work was hand written. But other than that it was good, I loved it there.  I missed home though.  I missed mom and dad, and of course" I explained.

"I missed you to Pix," Christian admitted throwing me his just for Pix smile, as butterflies erupted in my stomach.

"Yeah well I'm going up to bed I need a few more hours of sleep if we're going to Brian's party tomorrow, they're legendary." I declared breaking the awkward moment heading back upstairs and to bed.


I awoke again to the sun shining through my bedroom window; I groaned throwing my arm over my eyes peaking at the clock that read ten twenty-eight.  I then sat up and looked next to me noticing Remy was gone.  So I got up and headed downstairs to see Michael and Remy sitting at the kitchen table eating, talking, and laughing. I slowly turned to leave them alone when Remy called my name, "Rose, Michael and I made breakfast, eggs, bacon, and hash browns.  Come eat."

"Good morning you guys, breakfast looks so good.  Where's Christian?" I asked sitting down.

"He's still sleeping," Michael stated.

"Well then I'm going to wake him," I told them getting back up and running up the stairs before they could stop me.  I slowly crept into Michael's room seeing Christian sleeping on Michael's brown couch.  He looked so beautiful sleeping, the sun shine over his figure making him glow with golden light, his dark blond hair messy and swayed to one side.  I let out a small laugh and lean over and touched his shoulder, "Christian wake up, come on wake ups sleeping beauty," I teased shaking him slightly but he just shrugged me off. "Christian I said get up," I tried again pulling one of his arms.

"RAH, " He yelled sitting straight up wrapping his other arm around my waist pulling towards him and it backfired as we tumbled to the floor  him landing on top of me laughing.  "Well that didn't work out to well."

"You think," I whispered through my laughter.   But out laughter slowly died as we noticed out position and just stared at each other.

"Pix, Christian you okay?  We heard a crash." Michael called up the stairs.

"Yeah, we're fine we'll be right down," Christian replied back getting off me pulling me to my feet.

We headed back downstairs and eat breakfast all talking about random stuff, and Remy just blended so naturally like she's always been part of or group.  After we eat it was about noon and we decide to play a game of Sorry, still my favorite board game, before getting ready for Brian's party.  Now we're sitting around the coffee table setting up the board game I'm green, Michael's red, Remy's yellow, and Christian's blue.  We shuffled the cards and begun the game.  Twenty minutes has passed and we gotten nothing but just numbers, and I was two spaces from safety zone when it was Christian's turn and flipped over a sorry card.  He looked over the board then at me, I narrowed my eyes warning him, yet he just smiled and said, "Sorry Pix," knocking me back a start.

"Bastard," I yelled at him as he laughed.  "I will get my revenge." A couple more rounds when by and I finally flipped a sorry card.  I looked around the board and Remy had one in home and one in safety zone and another across the board, Michael had two in home and just moved one out of start, yet Christian was only three spaces from safety zone.  I looked at him with a sly smile, "paybacks a bitch," I declared knocking him back to start.  "Sorry Christian." We went a few rounds like that Christian and I kept going at each other sometimes forgetting Michael and Remy were there.  Eventually Michael won.

"Well its two so we should start getting ready, and Christian and Pix don't...." he started.

"I call shower first," Christian and I interrupted him running up to the master suite bathroom.

"You got it last time." Christian yelled.

"I should get it I'm the youngest and a girl, and gentlemen would give ladies first choice." I debated back.

"You not a lady, you're a sister."

"I've been gone for six months I deserve this bathroom."

"They do this every time," I heard Michael tell Remy behind us.

"I'm the guest."

"I live here."

"I'm taller."

"Ladies take longer."

"Guys are faster."

Just then his phone started ringing and I took my chance to slip in and slam the door in his face.  "HAHA I win," I teased as he bang on the door.

"I'll get you back for this Pix," he threatened.  AS I just shrugged it off and went to take a shower.


Finally we were all shower and getting ready.  Remy and I were in robes and helping each other with hair and make-up.  I use pins to pin back Remy red hair back into a half up half down due, while Remy straightened my hair flipping out my choppy layers and curled little strips.  We then did foundation, brown eyeliner and mascara, light shade of lipstick with frosted lip-gloss, and lastly Remy use green eye shadow to match her green strapless shirt matched with white jeans, and I use blue eye shadow that matched one shoulder strap blue top and rhinestone jean skirt.

"Girls it five eighteen we're going to be late," Michael called up to us.

"Cram it, we're coming," Remy said as we descended the stairs.

I walked down the stairs seeing Christian first in a pair of dark pair jean the fit him perfectly and a black button up dress shirt with the top two buttons undone, his blond hair style messy but in a cute messy way.  Then Michael who seemed memorized by Remy was in wash out jeans and blue dress shirt with all buttons undone and a white t-shirt underneath.

"Wow Remy you look great," Michal commented offering his arm as Christian and I rolled our eyes, following after them. 

It was half an hour drive to Brian's house, so it was half an hour of Christian and I fighting over radio stations.  As we approach his house, we could hear the music two blocks away where we had to park due to the crowd.

"Ruthie, child you're back, how was England?" Brian question throwing his arm around my shoulders, once we reached the door.

"It was great Brian good to see you," I replied getting free from his grip and moving into the house.  I took a quick look around nodding to everyone who stopped to welcome me back home, as I saw Jace and Katie nowhere in sight.

"Well Rose you going introduce me to some people?" Remy asked throwing her arm around my waist.

"Of course," I declared throwing my arm around her shoulders.

We walk around the party and I introduce Remy to a few people, and drank Ginger Ale, for we weren't Alcohol drinkers.  Recently we were talking to Gina Gomez, most likely our year valedictorian, when Michael and Christian came and found us.  "Remy would you please honor me with a dance?" my brother requested.  She looked over at me and smiled handing me her cup grabbing my brother hand letting him lead her to the dance floor.

"It looks like your best friend and your brother have taken a liking to each other," Christian whispered in my ear.

"Yeah not sure how I feel about that," I said back laughing watching Michael and Remy dance.

"Well I'm going to get another soda wants some?" He assumed.

"Yeah thanks," I assured him and watched as he headed for the kitchen. Once I turned back to Michal and Remy, that when I saw Katie and Jace also dancing, Jace was grinding and kissing Katie neck his hands low on her hips hold her against him as she dance with her arms around his neck and her head thrown back laughing.  My stomach dropped; quickly I turned and headed after Christian before they could see me. Yet when I reached the kitchen Christian wasn't there.  I walked over to the bar and eyed the beer and before I process what I was doing grabbed four and went to find an empty room.


One hour and three beers later, someone stumbled in on me.  "What the hell do you think you're doing Ruthie?" Christian said ripping the fourth beer out of my hands.

"Ooh, Ruthie huh?" I slurred.

"We made a pack a long time ago not to drink at parties, what's wrong with you?" he demanded.

"Nothing," I declared.

"Pixie, tell me," Christian whispered sitting next to me as I turned my head away from him.  "Please," he pressed laying his hand over mine.  I turn back to face him with tears streaking down my face.  "Pix," was all he could say before I let out a small soft wail fully crying.  He scooted closer to me throwing and arm around me letting cry and rest against his chest, as he smooth my hair.  "Was is it Katie and Jace?" I could only manage a nod unable to speak.  My sobs subsided after a few minutes when Christian pulled out his phone texting someone.  "Here, I told Michael I'm taking you home, he and Remy will get a ride from someone after the party."  He explains helping me to stand and took me out the back way so no one would see.  He carefully set me in the car and buckled my belt before rounding the car getting in and driving me back home.

 Once we pulled into the driveway he helped me out of the car into the house and upstairs to my room.  "Here can you at least get dressed in your night clothes by yourself?" Christian laughed lightly as he handed me tee-shirt and matching shorts as he left the room.  He returned a few minutes later with aspirin and a bottle of water.  "You'll need these in the morning, now let's get you to bed."  He said pulling back my covers helping me in bed and tucked me in turning out my light.

"Christian," I squeaked as her turned to face me.  "Can you stay with me?" I asked grabbing his arm pulling him down next to me.  I rolled on my side resting my head on his chest, "thank you," I whispered before drifting off to sleep.


Well there you go Chapter 2!

Hope you're enjoying the story!

Someone requested for me to do a character questioning!  I will if you have any questions you want to ask any character in the story please type the question in the comment area!

Please comment and vote it mean the world to me!

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