; ushijima wakatoshi*

By s6k1as

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summer girl ; " not my type. " More

act i
act ii


251 4 12
By s6k1as

everything stays - olivia olson . nsfw

the thursday after shiritorizawa's upsetting loss to karasuno and a few dates later, ushijima arrived on the tenma doorstep eagerly. he tightly gripped the leather strap of his bookbag in his hands after quickly ringing the doorbell.

he soon heard shuffling behind the door and a quiet conversation that followed by the click of the lock and the opening of the large door.

in the doorway stood y/n. despite not in her entire school uniform she couldn't have looked any more gorgeous in ushijima's eyes.

dressed in her light blue short sleeve button-up and maroon tie and matching maroon skirt, her white socks ran up to her beneath her knees. her hair was clipped back and her glasses sat on her head instead of on the bridge of her nose.

y/n instantly let a smile appear on her face. her eyes lit up and she had to hold back the urge to immediately throw her arms around him and kiss him where he stood, but she was aware of how her brother stared into her back.

instead she greeted him with a wave and a simple, "hello," hoping to satiate both of their needs until they reached the sidewalk.

"did you eat?" she asked him. "there's breakfast if you'd like some."

ushijima shook his head. "i'm alright, thanks."

y/n nodded back. "well, would you like to come in at least? i'm almost ready."

y/n moved to the side to welcome her boyfriend in. he accepted the invite easily, and as soon as he was in the seemingly expensive home, the door was shut behind him and she disappeared down the hallway to the left, leaving him standing there.

udai had already begun to stare at ushijima, but he was easily dissuaded upon seeing his grandmother approach.

the older woman looked towards the door as well and smiled a familiar smile. she walked towards him with a bowl of fresh strawberries in hand.

"good morning, ushijima."

"good morning, tenma."

"call me ren," she chuckled at him, already having granted him that permission. "would you like some strawberries?"

"no, that's alright. i ate before i left," he denied again.

ren hummed. "i insist."

ushijima looked between her and the strawberries before finally taking a fresh slice and eating it.

ren smiled larger as he accepted the fruit. she returned to the kitchen just in time for y/n to reappear in front of him, bag over her shoulder and shoes finally on her feet.

"you look..." ushijima moved to compliment her until he felt udai's eyes as well. "really nice."

she laughed lightly. "thank you."

opening the front door, y/n quickly announced their leave. she was met with sweet responses until they were finally out the door.

after just barely reaching the sidewalk, y/n was pulled into ushijima's chest by her hips. she gasped quietly but it was caught by ushijima as he finally pressed his lips to hers.

they both relaxed easily and their eyes closed gently. the kiss was slow and sweet after being desired for too long to comfort, but it was eventually broken as y/n pulled away, but not far enough to where she couldn't feel his always minty breath on her lips.

"we're going to be late," she whispered, placing a hand on his chest.

ushijima dropped his head shortly but accepted the fact. he didn't fully disconnect from her, instead moving the hand that was on her hip to intertwine with her own. he tightly squeezed her hand and they walked ahead, relishing in each others company.

they were both aware of the unnatural amount of eyes on them as they stood beside their classroom doorway, and while ushijima didn't mind, he was surprised that y/n seemed to not mind either.

"i can't believe we only have a few weeks left until we graduate... i feel like i just started the year," y/n said.

"i feel like it's been the longest year of my life," he replied exasperated.

"in a good or bad way?"

ushijima hummed. "a good way. i spent most of the year with you."

the girl easily flushed and averted her eyes, staring at the plaid pattern on his tie instead.

"you can't say stuff like that..."

"why not?" he asked. he leaned down to meet her eyes, slightly closing the distance. "it's true."

"it's embarrassing... you say all these nice things to me before i can say anything nice to you."

"you know i don't need you to say anything nice," he reassured.

"but i want to," she nearly whined. "it's not fair."

he quietly chuckled at her and ignored her complaints. his eyes landed on her ever perfect lips and everything else around him turned to static once more. his gaze flickered between her eyes and back to her lips until he found himself uncontrollably closing the distance, which once more didn't bother y/n in the slightest.

their lips connected gently and the world seemed to disappear for a moment once they both shut their eyes. y/n could only feel the way that ushijima's hands ran up and down her sides, pulling her even closer. ushijima felt her low humming on his lips and slightly turned to press her against the wall, looking to hide her behind his large body.

she lightly laughed upon feeling him press against her, but they were forced to separate with the clearing of a familiar voice.

"is it really going to be like this all the time?" tendou asked sarcastically.

y/n and ushijima parted, only enough to that she could lean against his chest comfortably.

"don't tell me you're getting lonely already?" y/n teased back.

"'course not," tendou quickly denied. "just saying that you guys are definitely going to get in trouble for all of your pda."

"it's not that bad," y/n replied.

"classes haven't even started yet and everybody's already talking about you two."

"a lot of people already knew because of the finals," ushijima argued.

"everybody knew you guys would get together since the first day of school." tendou rolled his eyes. "it's you guys who are just finding out."

"he's right, y'know," ohira chimed. while walking to his class that was sandwiched between tendou's classroom and ushijima and y/n's classroom, he noticed his friends talking and decided joining, already having a pretty good idea as to what they were talking about after seeing the light flush of y/n's skin.

"not you, too," y/n groaned.

ohira laughed. "it's not a bad thing," he reassured. "it's probably better that you guys took your time."

"correction, y/n took her time. wakatoshi knew he was in love with her after about two weeks."

y/n's eyes widened and she turned to stare at ushijima, who was already looking away from her in embarrassment. she huffed shortly and smiled, reaching forward to fix ushijima's tie.

"sorry that i made you wait," she whispered to him.

he looked back to her and shook his head, quickly leaning back in to reassure her.

"it's alright," he whispered back. "it was worth the wait."

"didn't i just say that you can't keep saying stuff like that?"

ushijima moved his hands to wrap futher around her waist.

"because you think it's embarrassing."

"exactly," y/n replied.

ushijima felt himself being pulled down closer to her by his tie and he sunk into her, easily responding to her touch.

"i think you like the compliments," he mumbled to her.

"but i don't need all these nice words and things."

ushijima hummed. "but you want them."

y/n quietly searched for a response, wondering if she should finally be honest with herself. she thought about it closely for a few moments as she looked into ushijima's dark green eyes.

"i do," she nodded. "but only from you."

as she said so, ushijima nearly felt a smile spread across his face, though to everyone else the small corners of his lips just barely lifted. still upon hearing her extremely intimate words he couldn't help but dip down to connect their lips once more.

he felt her hands hold tighter on his tie as their eyes fluttered closed again, and they seemed to forget about their surroundings entirely.

neither of them noticed the way that ohira smiled sweetly at them or how tendou gagged beside them at their apparent honeymoon phase.

eventually tendou and ohira deserted the area to find their own classes, leaving the two third years alone until the bell finally rang, causing them to split once again.

ushijima heavily sighed, putting out his clear frustration with the fact that he couldn't just be close to her all day.

"it'll be alright," she said, already knowing how he was feeling. "we do sit next to each other in class, y'know."

"i know," he replied quietly, placing his head on her shoulder. "i know."

lowly laughing at him, she slid out from between him and the wall and lightly intertwined their fingers, pulling him with her into their classroom.

they quickly sat in their seats and sat silently until their teacher started to speak, though her words ended up going in and out of their ears as they resorted to sending notes back and forth, most of which were random games of tic-tac-toe that ended in a cat's game anyway. that was able to hold their attention until their teacher mentioned a final project for the year, this time in relation to an overview of everybody's time at the academy.

it would be an individual project, but to a couple people, that didn't mean that they couldn't do their own projects together.

truly, the type of project was anything that the students wanted it to be. it could be a video, a montage, a simple presentation, even an essay. however the students found it easiest to express themselves was allowed as long as it was school appropriate.

left to their own devices for the hour, they actively gathered with their friends and chattered along about their ideas.

y/n almost instantly slid out of her seat and found her place on ushijima's desk, with one leg crossed over the other and a notebook and pen in her lap.

"so... what are you going to do?" she asked him.

"i'm not sure. maybe just an essay."

y/n deadpanned at his answer.

"you can't just do an essay! that's so boring and easy. you'll forget about it!"

ushijima shrugged. "i don't really have much to say."

"you mean that after everything that's happened this year alone, you can't think of anything to say?"

as soon as he heard it come out of her mouth, he realized how stupid it seemed. how could he possibly not know what to talk about?

"what are you going to do?" ushijima asked, shutting his notebook.

"a video. i want to interview a bunch of other third years and turn it all into one big video."

ushijima hummed. "will you interview me?"

"do you want me to?" y/n replied, laughing quietly.

"it depends on what you ask," ushijima said honestly.

"i don't plan to dig into people's lives, so they don't have to answer whatever they're not comfortable with."

ushijima hummed a second time. "you'd be a pretty favorable journalist."

"you think so?" y/n laughed. "i guess it could always be a backup in case this whole athletics thing doesn't end up working out."

"do you ever worry about that?" ushijima asked. "that maybe what you've been working towards this entire time won't go the right way?"

"not often, no," y/n replied. she paused for a moment, noticing ushijima's pensive expression. "do you worry about that?"

"why would i?" he said quickly, masking his rare anxieties.

"it's okay to be anxious," she told him, leaning in closer.

"i don't like the stress of it," ushijima admitted.

"i know," she sighed. tracing small hearts on his knuckles, she averted her eyes. "if you're still anxious at the end of the day... i could always come over after school... if you'd like."

"i would like that a lot."

"will... will your mom be home?"

ushijima blinked once, letting the underlying meaning of her question wash over him. the look in her eyes was one that he wasn't sure that he'd seen before, making his jaw slightly clench.

"she's on a business trip."


y/n followed ushijima into his home and dropped her bag on the floor. she awkwardly played with her nails as she waited for ushijima to say something, but he'd become distracted by certain thoughts.

"so... what should we do?" she broke the silence, taking a step closer to ushijima who had his back facing her.

he heard her voice and shook the thoughts away, leading her towards the kitchen.

"are you hungry?" he opened his fridge and peered in.

"no, i'll be alright." y/n noticed how quickly ushijima seemed to escape her. she thought that maybe he was changing his mind about having her over, so she followed him closely.

ushijima awkwardly cleared his throat and shut his fridge. he attempted to shuffle past her and make his way back towards the living area.

y/n's face scrunched in confusion when she realized that ushijima was practically ignoring her.

"what are you going to do?" she called.

"work on my project," he softly said, digging through his bag to find his notebook. "did you have something else that you wanted to do?"

still hidden away in the kitchen, y/n curled her fingers around the bottom of her skirt and huffed in frustration.

"no, no. i should work on it, too."

she sighed and found herself sitting beside ushijima on the couch with a notebook sitting in her lap and a green pen in her left hand.

before she started, she loosened her tie enough so that she could pull it off and lay it over the arm of the couch. ushijima's home was on the warmer side, so she brought her fingers up and unbuttoned the top three buttons of her shirt. she sighed again and stared down at her paper, missing all of the glances that ushijima sent her way.

ushijima was beyond nervous considering that the last time that y/n was in his home was when she didn't know he liked her, and the thoughts that he was having then weren't dissimilar from the ones that he had now.

he hated the thoughts that he had about his girlfriend. she was in the vicinity of his bedroom, the same place that he'd thought so deeply of her in embarrassing and unsavory ways. she was sitting so close to him that all he had to do was turn and reach out to touch her. he watched her cross one leg over the other, and he watched her leg bounce up and down and her foot slightly swing back and forth as he realized how badly he wanted to see her toes curl up. she bit the tip of her pen often, leaving her lipstick smudged on the barrel. her undergarments peeked out of her school uniform slightly and teased him just enough that he lost all of his focus.

beside him, y/n couldn't seem to not be distracted by all of ushijima's tiny movements. in her periphery, she kept catching glances of things that made her push her thighs together and pull her skirt down. his distractingly muscular hands grazed over the paper as he thought about what he was writing, and the sounds of his fingers running over the page made her think deeply about his hands dragging over her skin. at one point, he stretched out and threw his arm over the back of the sofa, letting it hang over behind her. he occassionally ran his fingers up and down her bare arm, and it seemed like it was supposed to be a sweet gesture to tell her that he wanted her to stay and be comfortable, but all she could see was how clearly his body seemed to not fit in his shirt. his toned figure was clear no matter where she looked, and it only stopped once she reached his face, but even then she struggled to not notice how attractive he was. his eyes softened whenever he made eye contact with her. he combed his hand through his hair and would sometimes rest his head in his hand, making him lean closer to her to where she could smell his familiarly addicting cologne.

the silent back and forth only lasted for fifteen minutes after ushijima noticed y/n staring at him with the end of her pen sitting between her teeth. her eyes traveled uncontrollably over his body and he'd realized that the entire time that he'd been trying to push down his thoughts of her, she'd been letting her thoughts of him run all over the place.

"you're staring at me."

"who is?" y/n replied, clearly not paying attention and not even moving to hide the fact.

"you are." ushijima reached a hand out to cup her face. he then forced her to look up at him, bringing y/n back out of her thoughts. "will you tell me what you were thinking about?"

"i don't think i should," she replied quietly, averting her eyes.

ushijima only wanted to know more once she'd said that. his hand moved from her cheek to underneath her chin, where he pulled her to look at him again, this time drawing a blush from her.

"tell me," he quietly demanded. "and i'll tell you."

"tell me what?"

"tell you how much i've been thinking about you."

y/n bit her bottom lip and exhaled.

"maybe it's wrong of me to think about you in the way that i do, but i can't help it. i want you to touch me, wakatoshi."

hearing the words roll off her tongue and flood his mind made his jaw clench. he leaned closer to her and brushed his thumb over her lips.

"why do you think it's wrong?" he asked her.

"i feel like if i knew someone was thinking about me that way, i'd feel kind of uncomfortable."

"i think about you that way," ushijima admitted. "are you uncomfortable?"

y/n slightly shook her head.

"no," she said, her speech messy.

ushijima finally moved his thumb away from her lips.

"good," he replied.

there was only a single lasting moment of silence before ushijima pushed his lips onto hers, immediately making her melt into him. their eyes shut easily and y/n hummed against his lips. he sat one hand on her hip and he slowly pulled her closer. y/n's hands moved to sit over his shoulders and tangle with his olive hair.

ushijima bit her lip as he yearned for more and she opened her mouth fully and allowed him to explore her mouth and fill it with the flavor of mint from his gum.

his eyes opened slightly to watch her. she hummed shortly and her fingers tightened around his tresses while her eyebrows furrowed all while he ran his fingers up and down her spine.

he pulled away shortly, though he didn't give y/n the chance to even question it as he moved down to mark her neck. a heavy inhale filled her lungs. her head fell back instinctively, bringing a small smile to ushijima's face.

ushijima shifted to sit forward, his hands drifted down discreetly from her sides to underneath her skirt, where he sat his hands comfortably on her rear. her skirt lifted up slightly and y/n hummed confusedly, questioning his intentions. he answered by lifting her by the backs of her thighs and moving her to sit comfortably in his lap.

she shuffled to straddle him so that their chests would press together. ushijima kissed further down her neck. he reached the small dip in between her collarbones and one of his hands left her skin underneath her skirt to play with the buttons on her shirt, making useless attempts to remove it with how distracted he was.

eventually he was able to release the final button, letting her snug uniform shirt sit loose on her shoulders. as the pale blue cloth started to fall from her shoulders, ushijima found himself staring at her bare skin, realizing that he'd never seen her that way before.

his heavy breaths took over all sound in the room. he was so suddenly entranced by the sight of her chest rising and falling that y/n had to open her eyes and make sure that he wasn't unconscious. his stillness had been alarming, but after seeing where his eyes had sat, she crossed her arms over her chest and flushed.

"how long do you need to look for..." she muttered, looking away.

"for as long as you'll let me," he said back quickly before looking back up. "would you like me to stop?"

"no," she nearly whispered. she shook her head slightly. "only if i get to look at you, too."

he reached up to his own collar, tugging on his tie until he could untie it. he set it beside him on the couch and his fingers worked down his shirt, revealing more of his chest with every undone button. he was stopped halfway as y/n put a hand over his. ushijima looked into her eyes, realizing that she'd moved closer to him and their noses were just barely touching.

"let me do it," she told him.

ushijima easily moved his hand out of the way, placing it back on the side of her thigh. as he granted her the permission, she'd resumed his actions, slowly unbuttoning his shirt while her other hand dragged down his chest. she reached the end and ushijima was quick to pull his shirt off and toss it away from them, but y/n seemed to have other ideas still running through her head. still, ushijima recaptured her chest. his lips danced over her visibly sensitive skin and he'd already begun to feel the arousal building up in the pit of his stomach as she ran her hands and traced her nails over his chest while she lowly moaned at his exploration of her body.

discreetly, y/n reached down to find the chilled metal of his silver belt buckle. she undid his belt quickly, but ushijima only noticed when she played with the button of his uniform's pants. he bit down on her skin harshly, potentially drawing blood and almost instantly bruising. he hadn't expected her to be as forward with her actions, but it only made his mind wander more.

"have you done anything like this before?" he asked her. he felt her shake her head.

"nothing," she admitted between heavy breaths. "i'm still a... a virgin."

"nothing?" he repeated pulling away from her to look up into her eyes again.

she hummed in confirmation, but it only made ushijima grow more curious.

"have you ever touched yourself?" he reached up her back and dragged his fingers up and down her spine, carefully grazing over the clip of her bra to tease her with the idea of him removing it. she hesitated to answer his question, giving him all the response that he needed. "what did you think about?"

"i thought about you," she whispered into his ear.

"what am i doing when you think about me?"

"you know."

"i do know," he admitted back. "but i want you to say it out loud."

"i think about you fucking me. i think about how good it would feel, and sometimes i can't think about anything else because of how bad i want it." y/n released a light breath in between her words. "is that what you wanted to hear?"

ushijima silently ran his tongue over his bottom lip, sparing her a reply. instead he moved his hands to sit on the backs of her thighs. his hands tightened to hold her carefully and he suddenly pulled himself to stand up, keeping her suspended. she instinctively hooked her ankles around his waist and leaned against him. the sudden change shocked her and her eyes continued to dart around as ushijima walked them to his bedroom.

their eyes met again only once they were through the doorway and ushijima kicked the door back closed, and the slamming noise seemed to strangely calm y/n, as if helping her to refocus on the young man holding her.

the room around them held photos, trophies, medals, and all other things precious to ushijima that could have given y/n a look into his life, but she didn't care. she only noticed how his full-sized bed looked behind her.

ushijima threw her down onto his duvet and crawled into bed to lay over her. he found her lips again, but only for a short moment as he worked lower and lower. he traced over her body until he was eventually slipping a hand under her back to toy with her clip on her bra. he was able to undo it with surprising ease, causing to y/n to grow curious.

"have you done stuff like this?" she asked, running her fingers through his hair.

"i have. once."


"last summer. at one of tendou's parties."

"oh," she quietly trailed off.

ushijima noticed her silence and was almost immediately amused by it. he knew what she thought about, so as he pulled her dark colored bra off of her and let it fall over the side of the bed, he laughed against the skin.

"she was nothing like you," he assured her. "ever since i realized how i felt about you, i haven't even thought about another girl the way that i thought about you. tendou told me that i should watch porn to keep myself satisfied until i could figure things out with you, but i didn't even want to do that. i couldn't. i needed you so bad that i thought that even looking at girls who i'd never meet would ruin my chances with you."

"i didn't think that i meant this much to you."

ushijima looked up to her.

"you mean more than you think."

ushijima left a trail of slowly forming marks down the valley of her breasts and down her stomach. as he reached the lacy waistband of her matching underwear, she pushed her legs together in a not very discreet way, hugging around his shoulders.

ushijima saw her anxious look and moved to relax her. he kissed her thighs gently and held her hands tightly, dragging his thumbs over her knuckles to help comfort her.

"we don't have to do this if you don't want to," he said. "i want you to be comfortable, not scared."

"i do want to, i just... i just don't want to get hurt."

ushijima's eyes softened and his eyelashes fluttered.

"do you trust me to be gentle with you?"

biting her fingernail nervously, y/n nodded.

"i won't hurt you. if you want me to stop, i'll stop."

"i can't ask you to do that-"

"then don't ask," he cut her off. "you can control what i do, y/n."

she carefully relaxed with his words, prompting him to hook his fingers underneath the stretchy elastic and continue with the comforting words.

"yes or no." he kissed her again.

"harder or faster." she sighed.

"when you say you want it." her underwear finally reached her ankles and y/n found herself desperately kicking them off.

he glanced at her again, and he moved his hand down her side to graze his thumb over her already sensitive clit. he slowly drew circles that grew larger in radius, and y/n had to keep herself from curling into a ball from the foreign sense that she felt.

she was so unfamiliar with the feeling of being satisfied by someone else, because every little movement and gesture was so unexpected. she wouldn't have expected ushijima to drag his tongue once over her slit before he decided to taste her insides. as his tongue darted around inside her, his hands gripped at her skin and made the flesh look like it was made of cotton. she would have never expected to be there, lying in his bed and arching her back just by someone eating her out.

eventually her breathing grew heavy and she had almost pulled ushijima's hair out as she was pulled closer and closer to her finish. every time that she tugged at his green tresses from the undeniable pleasure, ushijima groaned against her, making arousal shoot through her from the simple vibrations of his voice that was still laced in bass.

just as she began to feel the exhausting feeling of her release creeping up on her, ushijima pulled away from her, having an agreement with himself.

she sighed deeply and her legs relaxed around him, occasionally twitching from the feeling that had built up in her stomach. though she was upset that ushijima didn't allow her finish, she was too sensitive and drained to form the words to express the frustration.

before shifting back up to meet her eyes, ushijima pulled his already unbuckled belt out of his uniform pants' loops, dropping it to the floor with a loud clang. he undid and unzippered the expensive fabric covering the rest of his body. his pants fell to the floor followed by his black briefs.

y/n pervertedly inspected him. letting her eyes trail from his toned v-line down. she bit her fingernail to keep her thoughts reserved, but as soon as ushijima was hovering back over her, this time with his erection pressing against her, her mind went entirely blank.

"do you still want this?" he whispered.

she nodded and hummed, staring at his lips.

noticing that she was distracted, ushijima placed his hand on her jaw, pulling her to look at him.

"say it," he softly demanded, wanting to know that she meant it.

"i want it," she replied without hesitation. "i want you."

ushijima had to repress the smile that wanted to grow on his face when he watched her face flush red. it helped when her legs tightened around his waist again, furthering his arousal.

he leaned down to kiss her slowly and he pulled her hands away from his body to pin them above her head by her wrists.

when she whined, as if asking him why, he released her lips for a moment to whisper to her.

"i can't let you fuck up my back yet."

y/n turned an even darker red as she realized how vulnerable she must have been to him.

him, laying over her with her hands captured and her most sensitive spots completely available to him. and she continued to fall for it all.

completely distracted by the way that he seemed to engulf her underneath him, she missed when ushijima told her how he'd planned to enter her.

"i'm going to go inside, but it's going to hurt you. so i need you to tell me if it's too much for you."

she emptily nodded.

being blinded with anticipation, ushijima too had missed how she wasn't paying attention. tightening his grip around her wrists with one hand and pulling her thighs to sit higher on his waist, he dug his face into her neck and lifted his hips enough to line with her entrance.

slowly relaxing and making his way deeper into her, y/n shut her mouth to muffle the pained whimpers that wanted to leave her throat. her eyes closed to keep her tears trapped, and fortunately the pain was easier to handle as ushijima exercised every bit of self-control that he could find in him to stay still. he kissed her neck looking to help soothe and distract her.

eventually the stinging disappeared, leaving y/n to tighten around him while needily digging her heels into his back to ask for him to move. when he felt the motion, he kissed her once more and slowly dragged his cock out of her before plunging back in, only to hear a euphoric moan muffled against his lips.

she threw her head back into his pillows when he repeated the action. following her lips as best as possible he placed his light kiss on her jaw, thrusting into her again. her breathy moans echoed through the room and satisfied ushijima in a way that he'd never felt before.

she began to squirm underneath him, trying to release her hands from his grip. ushijima did so almost as soon as he felt her movements. her hands immediately went to wrap around his neck and pull him closer, and she pushed her lips onto his as she hummed in satisfaction. ushijima dragged his fingers slowly up her sides as he sat still inside of her for another moment.

"you can move now," y/n whispered to him through the already messy kiss.

"i know, i just... fuck." ushijima cursed some more before a low groan slipped between his lips. "i don't want to hurt you."

"it'll be okay," she reassured. "if i start to feel even a little pain, i'll tell you right away."

ushijima nodded, pressing another soft kiss to her lips. he moved to settle his face against her neck, which quickly turned into him leaving another mark there. he lifted her legs up more to the point where her knees were nearing his ribs, but she still wasn't getting any looser.

carefully, the large male picked up his pace, coaxing another flurry of whimpers from his girlfriend's mouth. she cursed and called his name, persuading him to move faster. as he bit at her skin, he heard her voice rise in pitch quickly, and after only a minute, there was the sudden clenching of her pussy around him that made him dig his fingers further into her skin. he released a heavy groan that almost sounded stuck in his throat for a moment, but he never stopped thrusting into her, chasing his own release while also looking to give her another.

she told him how good it felt over and over again, begging for more. the way that she cried out for him like they were the only people in the world made ushijima almost proud, as if he could add taking tenma y/n's virginity to his long list of accomplishments.

they moved together with every quick thrust, but y/n suddenly stopped him by cupping his face with her hands and staring at him intently.

"wait," she whispered.

"what's wrong?" ushijima immediately became filled with worry. "are you hurt?"

"i'm okay," y/n whispered again. she pressed another deep kiss to his lips, something that he didn't mind returning. "wakatoshi, i want you to fuck me harder," she said in between breaths.

ushijima looked at her at first confused, wondering if he'd heard what he thought he heard. only once he saw the undeniable desire and hunger in her eyes did he realize that he'd been a little too gentle with her. because now that she had gotten a tiny taste of how rough he could be, she seemed almost addicted.

"are you sure?" ushijima asked. "i don't want to hurt you-"

y/n promptly cut him off with another kiss.

"you won't," she quickly reassured. giving him the most innocent eyes that she could muster, she spoke softly to him, letting her lips brush against his. "i've dreamt about it, and i know that you have, too. you want to fuck me so hard that i can't even speak, don't you?"

ushijima hummed at her words. "of course i do. i need to."

"you've been holding back and waiting for me for months," she chuckled. "just let go, 'toshi."

ushijima shortly exhaled, letting all his self-control fly out the window in moments. he gave her a heated kiss, biting and tugging at her bottom lip. as she focused her attention onto his kiss, she relaxed her body and her limbs almost turned to jelly.

ushijima pulled his still hard cock out of her and moved his hands down to her knees, lifting up her legs so that her knees rested even higher, near his shoulders, opening up her body to him and allowing the both of them a new sensation. without informing her, ushijima shoved himself back inside of her. she cried out his name and her hands went up to grip the pillow that she laid on.

ushijima resumed his thrusts in and out of her, only this time his rhythm increased tenfold, and his erection hit new and sensitive spots of her, most of which she didn't even realize were there.

the sound of their skin hitting each other's and y/n's honest moans echoed through ushijima's home, bringing an unknowing smile to ushijima's face. he barely gave y/n a moment to say anything as his thrusts sped up even more. he attached his lips to her neck and he could feel the way her voice kept getting stuck in her throat.

she whined and whimpered and begged for him to never stop, which he was happy to do. being just as distracted as their counterparts, they both missed the way that their hands left obvious marks over the other's body. ushijima's tight grips on her thighs left deep maroon rings around the backs of her knees, and as he occasionally dragged his nails up her sides, he left trails of irritation in his wake. y/n had almost instantly realized why ushijima had decided to keep her hands bonded earlier, seeing as how now that she had the freedom to do whatever she pleased, her sharp manicure was dragging up his broad back and shoulder blades, following his spine uncontrollably and scratching the skin like a cat on nice drapes.

ushijima began to feel himself nearing his release as her body continued to beg for him, but he'd once again mustered up enough self-control to slow himself down and set one final thing straight.

he sat inside of her still, heavily breathing as he finally pulled his face out of her neck to look down at her. her hands stayed draped over his shoulders, keeping them connected anyway that she could, but he could see her head finally lean back and relax into the pillow after she had been desperately trying to press herself against him.

"what's wrong?" she asked him gently, trailing her fingers along his jaw and combing through his hair, clearly admiring him.

"i... i don't want to cum inside of you," he bluntly replied.

"why not?" she wondered innocently.

"i don't want you to get pregnant."

she chuckled.

"that's very considerate of you, 'toshi. but it's okay."

"how is it okay?" he asked, even more confused.

"ever since i changed, 'ma has been especially serious with me about being prepared for stuff like this."

"what are you saying?"

y/n quickly averted her eyes. "i may have starting taking birth control since we started dating... 'ma and udai were really serious about us being together, and i guess they knew we'd eventually do this..."

"so it's alright?" ushijima's eyes hopefully brightened.

y/n easily hummed and nodded. once she did, ushijima could feel her hands tighten around him and lightly tug him back down, much to his excitement. he fulfilled her desires and lowered himself again, connecting their lips passionately and heightening their pleasure once more. the idea that he could go all the way and find his release exactly where he wanted to excited them both, and moments later ushijima resumed his energetic and full thrusts, chasing their climaxes once more.

they ended the kiss to breathe while ushijima was sure to pull himself all the way out so he could effectively slam his cock back inside of her, forcing her to make him fit. their faces stayed close to each other, and ushijima rested his forehead on hers while he stared at her pleasure-filled face that glistened with sweat. y/n looked up at him through her eyelashes with heavy eyes, ones that struggled to remain open, but she tried her hardest out of fear that if she even blinked, ushijima would disappear.

her walls clenched around him only a few times before he let out one final hiss at the same time that she cried out and uncontrollably arched her back into him to try and garner the most of her climax. ushijima finished painting her insides with his release, but he couldn't bring himself to pull away at that moment.

"did you like that?" he asked her quiet and carefully.

"yeah," she softly replied, the smile on her face being glued there.

"are you hurt?"

"only a little bit. but i heard that that's normal."

"i'm sorry that i couldn't make it painless."

"you don't have to apologize." y/n let out a deep exhale. "it was even better than i'd imagined it."

"good," he shortly said. "i admit that i have imagined this more than once, and i've had these thoughts about you for months now, but i hope that that doesn't bother you."

laughing, she rolled him off of her and to the side. he laid on his back easily, allowing her to climb on top of him and straddle his waist once more. she lightly feathered ushijima's bare chest with her hands. he looked up at her with a satisfied look in his eyes, hands resting on her hips.

"maybe it's narcissistic of me, but knowing that you want me this badly makes me feel so good, 'toshi."

"it should," ushijima easily said.

he sat up to kiss her delicately, and they ended up getting lost in the touches and kisses and bites laid across each other's skin. they continued to sit that way for another hour before y/n eventually convinced them otherwise. ushijima lead them both to his shower where ushijima gentlemanly cleaned his significant other first and tended to himself later.

he gave her clothes of his to wear, and he admitted that he was holding back the urge to fuck her all over again once her saw his old  "way of the ace!" shirt clinging to her hips and chest. she flushed so easily, and she had to ignore his hands over her body once again as she tried to pack up her things and prepare for udai to pick her up.

y/n hoped that she didn't leave any clues behind hinting to the afternoon prior, but she was still paranoid about it.

"so... did he fuck you yet?" udai bluntly asked once they pulled out of ushijima's driveway and the car was silent.

y/n's head whipped to the right to stare at udai incredulously.

"w-what? why would you even ask that?" she stanmered.

"i'm just asking," udai replied defensively. "sorry for being curious."

"oh... well," y/n took a deep breath and relaxed. "w-we didn't do anything like that. we just watched a movie."

udai scoffed to himself. "made a movie, seems like."

y/n's eyes widened again.

"would you shut up!"


the next morning was filled with stares and whispers as ushijima and y/n walked in hand-in-hand like usual.

"what do you think is going on?" y/n asked once they were back in their spot beside their classroom.

"i'm not sure," ushijima replied.

tendou and ohira had started to make their way down the hallway to approach their friends. ohira seemed to be reading something on his phone while tendou listened closely, letting his eyes dart around every which way.

the red-head's eyes stuck onto y/n and ushijima, though he took a double take of the two that was almost dramatic, however tendou was unable to believe what he was seeing.

he reached out a hit ohira's shoulder, causing the hitter to stop reading and look up.

"i was just getting to the good stuff, satori."

"yeah, yeah, whatever," tendou quickly dismissed. he turned to whisper in ohira's ear. "dude, look at wakatoshi's neck."

ohira followed tendou's eyes, meeting with his captain's fair skin. his eyes widened immediately and he turned to look at tendou.

"do you think they..."

"oh, absolutely," tendou sighed. "it was only a matter of time. i wonder if they know how obvious it is, though."

they made their way closer, awkwardly trying to avoid glancing at the bright markings.

"hey, you two," tendou called, drawing y/n and ushijima's attention.

"ah, satori. good morning," y/n brightly smiled.

"good morning," ushijima flatly said.

the four students conversed quietly, two of them awkwardly dancing around the topic of the deep red bruising.

and though tendou and ohira felt shifty with the sight in front of them, it was easily overshadowed by their happiness for their close friends who finally managed to work all their troubles out.

they wouldn't have been able to tell at the beginning of the year, but y/n and ushijima really were perfect for each other.

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