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eiji - banana fish

"what's taking her so long?" tendou whined. "i'm growing gray hair just sitting here."

"she said that she had a surprise planned," ohira reasoned.

"maybe she got us matching bracelets?" goshiki hopefully suggested. "ushijima, what do you think?"

"what do i think?" ushijima repeated, wondering why his opinion suddenly mattered.

"yeah, i mean, you guys are like best friends, right? she didn't hint at anything?"

ushijima confusedly shook his head, more because of how unaware he was of the fact that people thought they were so close.

tendou leaned back onto his hands that rested on the cold gym floor and groaned loudly.

"i'm just so bored..." he continued to complain, dragging his sentence out and listening to his voice echo in the empty gymnasium.

"she's going to kick your ass if she hears you crying like a baby," shirabu chimed in. though everybody was just as bored as tendou was, they wanted to give y/n time.

"i do apologize for wasting your time, satori."

y/n stood grimacing with her hands on her hips not far from the coaches' bench. a younger version of y/n stood behind her, covering her face and hiding her body behind the boys' manager.

"tenma, darling," tendou proceeded to sweet talk his fellow third year. "you know i wasn't talking about you, right?"

y/n ignored his clear pleads and rolled her eyes, instead stepping to the side to reveal the younger girl.

"she looks a lot like tenma," yamagata whispered to ohira.

"i heard she had a sister from wakatoshi. i didn't think they'd be so identical, though."

"everyone, this is kaori," y/n introduced. "she's a first year, so she'll take up as assistant manager until i'm gone. she's also my younger sister, so please treat her with respect."

kaori awkwardly waved her hand while she played with the sleeve of the sweater that covered her hand. ushijima, having already met her, was the only one to wave back.

"forgive her, she's a bit nervous," y/n chuckled.

"just act like i'm not here," kaori finally said. "i'm just observing today." she bowed similarly to how y/n had on her first day.

the male athletes smiled at the first year, hoping to make her feel as welcome as possible. some were shocked to know that y/n even had a sister, while others were just happy that they wouldn't be without a manager. and it felt better, because it was almost like having y/n still there, although the two were polar opposites.

"that's pretty cool," tendou expressed. "having two beautiful managers, we're sure to make the other teams jealous," he laughed.

kaori's face flushed at the platonic compliment. y/n, being used to it, rolled her eyes again and shook her head.

"and here i thought you couldn't be any more perverted. and don't talk about my sister that way."

y/n walked closer to tendou and leaned over him so that their faces were less than a meter away. while she stared him in his eye, tendou gave her his best grin, and y/n hummed, walking away.

tendou jokingly turned to ushijima sitting beside him.

"she's totally in love with me."

before ushijima could respond to the red haired blocker, y/n was calling him over to help set up the volleyball nets while the rest of the boys were sent to run more laps outside. there were complaints, but ushijima followed y/n's directions anyway.

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