Izuku the doom slayer!

By Tip-top5

88.8K 1.6K 1.6K

izuku was born quirkless and was bullied. he was even hated by his only family member. but one day his whole... More

the prolouge
izuku's return
taking care of eri
A decision to make
a decision was made
A encounter
the date
Ryukyus surprise.
A battle against the hero's
izuku's ray of sunshine
A battle and an opportunity.
A loving mother.
The new UA student.
A holy friend.
the mother of a Pomeranian.
A close call.
The big ol' bunny.

The BFG and eri's training.

1.4K 41 25
By Tip-top5

It was middle of the day and izuku was spending family time with eri and were just watch TV.

But as they were, doom guy came up to izuku and tapped his shoulder.

Izuku: what is it dad..?

He asked looking over his shoulder.

Doom guy: come with me, I've got a gift for you.

He said as he walked off.

Izuku: a gift..? But it's not my birthday...

Eri: maybe it's an early birthday gift!

She said looking excited to see what her dad's gift would be.

Izuku: hmm...wanna come with me to see what it is?

He asked as he stood up.

Eri: can I?!

She said as she jumped off the couch and into his arms.

Izuku: mhm...

He said as he caught her and held her.

Eri: let's go papa!

She said and izuku started to follow doom guy.

Doom guy: now izuku, it's time I've told you something I should have told you a long time ago...

He said as they were now in doom guys room.

Izuku: what is it dad..?

He asked as him and eri titled their heads.

Doom guy: there is something dangerous coming, something big, something that can destroy worlds...

He said as eri got nervous and izuku started to pet her head to comfort her.

Izuku: we'll be able to take it down dad...

Doom guy: I know...but to be sure, I made something for you that will definitely help taking this thing down...

He said as they walked up to a curtain and doom guy moved the curtain out of the way to reveal a certain big gun on display.

Doom guy: I call it, the BFG...

Izuku: it's huge dad...what does BFG stand for..?

Doom guy: big...

He noticed eri listening.

Doom guy:...big freaking gun...

He said and izuku put eri down on doom guys bed.

Doom guy: I made this just for you, in case you ever needed to use it...

He said as he took it off display and gave it took izuku.

Izuku: crap, it's heavy..!

He said as he almost dropped it but slowly got a better grip on it.

Doom guy: I ripped it off of a machine so...it is pretty heavy...

He said as he had his arms crossed.

Doom guy: go get your armor on, we're gonna go test this out...

He said as izuku nodded and put the BFG down on the bed.

Eri: wow! It looks so cool grandpa!

She said as she touched the gun.

Doom guy: yeah, but it's too big for you to hold so I decided to give you something your size...

He said and eri looked up st her grandpa with stars in her eyes.

Eri: I get a gun to!?

She asked as she was hopping with excitement.

Doom guy: yup, it might not be as powerful as the BFG...but it's still a pretty good gun...

He said as he picked up a pistol that was on display as well.

Doom guy: here eri, this is the perfect gun for you...

He said as he gave the gun to eri.

Eri: wow grandpa! Thank you so much!

She said as she held the handle of the gun with both of her hands.

Eri: I-its pretty heavy!

Doom guy: well, you never really held a gun...so that why I'm going to teach you how to shoot a gun...

Eri: really?!

She asked looking up to her grandpa doomy.

Doom guy: mhm...I even made you your own armor.

Eri: YOU DID?!

She yelled in with pure joy as her smile grew wider.

Doom guy nodded as he pulled the curtain back more and showed eri her armor doom guy made for her.

Eri: it looks just like papas!

She said as she got up to the armor and looked it at with a huge smile.

Izuku:...dad can I talk to you privately..?

Doom guy: sure izuku...

He said as doom guy followed izuku out of the room and leaving eri alone in the room.

Once they were out of the room, izuku stopped as he faced doom guy with his arms crossed.

Izuku: dad...I'm not sure eri should learn how to kill demons like us...

Doom guy: what..? Why..?

He asked as izuku leaned against the wall.

Izuku: dad she's 7 years old...she should be playing with toys, watching cartoons...not risking her life to protect earth...

Doom guy: I understand where your coming from izuku...

He said as he leaned against the wall next to izuku.

Doom guy: but think about it, demons are coming more frequently...soon they'll think about a full on attack and no one will be safe...

He said as they both looked down.

Doom guy: I care about eri, I want her to be able to protect herself...we won't always be there to save her...so to be sure she's safe...she needs to know how to kill demons like us...

Izuku: I know...but...I'm not sure she'll be ready for this...

Doom guy: thats what you thought when we went on your first mission...and look at you now...

He said as he held izuku's shoulder.

Doom guy: your able to protect yourself now...and to make sure eri is safe...we've gotta teach her too...

He said as izuku sighed, looking down and closed his eyes.

Doom guy: it's for her own good izuku...

Izuku:...okay but go easy on her...she's only 7...

Doom guy nodded as izuku left to go put his armor on and doom guy went back into his room.

As he did, he noticed eri who was wearing the armor.

Eri: grandpa look!

She said with her helmet on.

Eri: it fits me perfectly!

She said as doom guy smiled a bit and petted her helmet.

Doom guy: looks great on you eri...

He said and eri giggled.


The three were now in a much more secluded area, a big field in the middle of the forest.

In the middle, there were dummy's for shooting practice and a abandoned building in the distance.

Doom guy: alright izuku, go ahead and see the power the BFG holds...

He said as he picked eri up and walked to a distance from izuku.

Izuku lifted the BFG and pulled the trigger, noticing the BFG glow as eri looked in amazement.

Doom guy: shoot those dummys over there...

He said and izuku aimed at the dummys, then shooting towards the building.

As the dummys exploded into a million pieces, eri screamed with excitement as the BFG's glow slowly disappeared.

Doom guy: it is very powerful for clearing multiple enemies, but you should save it cause it takes a long time for it to reload...

He said as izuku walked up to him.

Izuku: alright, thank you for this dad...

Doom guy: your welcome izuku...

He said as he patted his shoulder.

Eri: papa that was amazing!!!

She said as she had big smile on her face.

Izuku: yeah, it was pretty cool...

He said as he put the BFG in his inventory and patted her helmet.

Doom guy: now that izuku is knows how to use the BFG, it's your turn to learn...

He said as eri looked up at doom guy with excitement.


She said as izuku and doom guy took her hands.

Doom guy: let's go to that building, that is where your training will start...

Eri: okay! Let's go!

She said as izuku was getting a call.

Izuku: oh...go ahead and take her to the training area dad...

He said as he let eri's hand go.

Doom guy: alright, come on eri..

He said as him and eri left to the building.


doom guy: alright eri, before we start I wanna see how good your aim is...

He said as eri was holding a handgun.

Doom guy: now you see that dummy over there..?

He asked and pointed at the dummy that were at a pretty close distance.

Eri: yeah, they look like the ones papa blew up!

Doom guy: yeah now go ahead and shoot one of them...

Eri nodded and aimed the handgun at the dummy.

As she struggled to pull the trigger, it caught her off guard as the gun went off.

The bullet barely hit the dummy but just cut the shoulder of the dummy.

The gun flew out of her hands as the kick back made her fall to her butt.

Doom guy:...not bad for your first time...

He said as he helped eri up.

Eri: b-but I missed...

She said feeling a bit down.

Doom guy: you grazed he dummys shoulder, a hit is a hit and it's a good start...

He said petting the top of her helmet.

Doom guy: now, to be able to take the kick back of any gun, well need to get you into shape...

Eri: did papa train like this at my age? Will I get as strong as him?!

She asked looking up to him excitedly.

Doom guy: he was a little older then you...but I'm sure you'll be even stronger than your dad...

He said and eri smiled even more under her helmet.

Doom guy: now, give me 25 pushups..!

He said and eri nodded, getting on the floor as she started to do her pushups.

Doom guy: you may be younger but it doesn't mean I'll go easier on you, I'll push you to your limits until you have no limit...

Eri: yes grandpa!

She said as doom guy decided to join her in the pushups.


Izuku arrived to UA to see his class fighting demons that came through a portal.

Jirou: oh, hey izu!

She said as a demons corpse flew over her and landed on the floor.

Izuku: you know, I would have came here faster if you told me there were demons here...

Jirou: I wanted it to be a surprise.

She said as izuku walked up to her.

Izuku: when did they get here..?

Jirou: just a few minutes ago.

She said as she shot shockwaves towards at the demons.

Izuku pulled out his sawed off shotgun and shot at the demons, killing them as he charged into the fight.

Momo: I'm glad he finally arrived, these things were getting more violent.

She said as two demons ran towards them.

Jirou sent shockwaves towards the demons and stunned them as momo made two weapons for her and jirou.

Jirou took it and they both then ran towards the demons, jirou slammed her weapon into a demons knee breaking it as momo hit the other demon in the head with it, making not the demons fall to the ground as her and jirou started to beat down the demons.


Eri was shooting targets with her grandpa was surprisingly a quick learner as she hit a few targets pretty easily, but the recoil still messed her up.

Doom guy: your doing a good job eri, for your first time your learning pretty fast, it took your dad a lot longer to get the hang of it...

Eri: does this mean I can fight demons with papa now?!

She asked with a huge smile behind the helmet.

Doom guy: woah now eri, let's not get ahead of ourselves now...

Eri: what..? B-but you said I was doing good..!

Doom guy: you are eri, it's just that...your a little...too young...

Eri: but I'm only 7...

She said as she looked down playing with her gun.

Doom guy:...how about this...

He said as he went on his knee infront of her.

Doom guy: I'll ask your dad and see what he thinks, if he says you can, then you can go with him on his trips...

Eri: really?!

She said as she immediately got better.

Doom guy: mhm but if your thinking about killing demons with your dad then...

He stood up and pressed a button that was on the wall.

Doom guy: then you'll need to kill a demon...

He said and a wall opened up and doom guy dragged out two imps tied up and they were thrashing around once they saw doom guy and eri.

Eri: w-why are they tied up..?

She asked as she was a little afraid.

Doom guy: if I had them u tied, they'd try to kill us...

He said and moved the dummys, putting the imps in their place.

Doom guy: alright eri, if you want to help your dad kill demons, then you'll need to kill your first demon...

He said and pulled out a handgun that was more modified then eri's handgun.

Doom guy: the imps, are the weakest demons...but don't underestimate them, their fast and their claws can tear your flesh apart...their more dangerous together so the best is to take them out in a distance...

He said and aimed his hand gun at an imp.

Doom guy: and don't think twice about shooting, they won't...

He said and shot the imo straight between the eyes and it went limp.

Doom guy: see..? Pretty easy when their tied up...

He said and put his handgun away.

Doom guy: now it's your turn eri...

He said as eri stared at the imp.

Eri: u-um...

Doom guy: what is it eri..?

Eri:...d-do I have to..?

She asked as doom guy looked at her confused.

Doom guy: what do you mean..?

Eri: w-well...w-what If not all demons are bad..? Maybe we can help them change and be a-a goodguy..!

She said looking at the demon with hope.

Doom guy:...eri...

He kneeled down Infront of her and holds her shoulders.

Doom guy: demons don't care what happens to others...they can't feel remorse, guilt, or even joy...they are just monsters that kill to kill...

Eri: b-but...

Doom guy: eri, if we don't kill demons...other people will suffer the consequences and innocent people will die...

He said and eri looked down.

Doom guy: I understand that you want to see the good in everyone...but understand that the demons don't care...now to protect the world from these creatures...

He held eri's hands and aimed her gun at the demon.

Doom guy: you have to kill the demon...

He said and went behind her.

Eri was shaking a bit as she looked down the sights of the handgun.

Doom guy could tell eri was scared and held her shoulders to reassure her.

Doom guy: trust me eri...your doing the world a good deed...

Eri: *sigh*...I can do this...

She said as she aimed at the demon and closed her eyes, pulling the trigger as doom guy saw the bullet hit the imps body.

Doom guy: nice shot eri...

He said and noticed she had her eyes closed.

Doom guy:...eri, you know you have to keep your eyes open right..?


She said and opened her eyes to do she hit the imp.

Eri: w-why didn't it die..?

Doom guy: some times it needs to be a head shot...or complete dismemberment...

He said and pulled his hand gun out on the imp and shot it in the head.

Doom guy: don't worry eri, soon you'll be able to kill demons on your own, but for now, we have to train and teach you everything we know...you sure your up for it..? It'll be very hard and brutal, I don't want to force you into this if you don't want to...

Eri: I understand grandpa...but I really wanna do this! I can help you and papa protect the world!

She said and doom guy chuckled, patting her helmet.

Doom guy: alright, but let's have a snack break, I'm sure your hungry...

Eri: starving!

She said and rubbed her stomach.

Doom guy: I bet you are, wanna get McDonald's..? I can't cook...

Eri: yeah! That sounds delicious!

She said and they both left the building to go eat.


Eri and doom guy were sitting on a rooftop, eating their lunch as they saw a explosion in the distance.

Eri: what was that grandpa?

She asked as she bit into her burger.

Doom guy: probably izuku dealing with some demons...

Eri: oh.

She said and they both just sat their watching the explosions coming from UA.

Eri: shouldn't you be helping them grandpa?

Doom guy: no, I'm sure izuku's got this...

He said and sipped his soda.

Eri: okay.

She said and just watched with her grandpa.

Eri: grandpa, can I ask you something?

She asked as she stared at her burger.

Doom guy: of course, what is it...?

Eri: how...how do you do it..?

She asked looking up to him.

Eri: how can you fight demons and not be scared at all..?

Doom guy:...by being angry...

Eri: being angry?

Doom guy: like mad, pissed, filled with rage...

Eri: but how does that help grandpa?

Doom guy: my anger is more stronger then any other emotion, the more angry I am, the more deadly I am...


Doom guy:...I'm too mad to feel scared...

Eri: oooooh.

She said and doom guy chuckled.

Doom guy: different people have their own ways of dealing with fear, for me, it's using my rage...

Eri: oh, how does papa deal with fear?

Doom guy: well actually, he uses that fear as fuel to keep fighting...

Eri: woah, you can do that?!

Doom guy: mhm, his fear of losing the ones he loves is what drives him to keep fighting demons...

Eri: that's so cool! I wish I could do that! It was so scary when I shot the demon at the training place...

Doom guy: eri you don't have to rush into this, eventually you'll be able to fight along side is one day, maybe when your older but for now training and teaching you how to use a gun is our first priority...

Eri: I'll make you and papa proud!

She said and bit into her burger.

Doom guy: you already do eri...

He said and pet her head, making her smile as she continued eating with her grandpa.

As they were, they saw a huge green explosion in the distance.

Eri: woah! Did you see that grandpa!? It was huge!

Doom guy: I did eri, guess he used the BFG...

Eri: the name is funny!

Doom guy: yeah...it is pretty funny...

He said and stood up.

Doom guy: alright, wanna head back home or see how your dad is doing..?

He asked as eri finished her food.

Eri: I wanna go see papa!

She said and jumped to her feet.

Doom guy: alright but uh...let's clean this mess up first...

He said and eri nodded as they started to clean up.


Izuku was holding the BFG that just shot a huge blast.

Mina:...izuku where did you even pull that out from?

Izuku: I have my ways...

He said and put it away.

Kiri: wow dude, that was awesome!

Denki: yeah! That was so freaking cool!

Ibara: but I don't understand how you were able to get a hold of such a powerful weapon.

Izuku: it was a gift from my dad...

He said as they all stared at the demon corpses that were blown to pieces.

Sero: so...how are we gonna clean this up?

Izuku: I'm sure you'll figure it out...

He said as he was walking backwards away from them.

Jirou: hey hold on! You want us to clean this all up?!

Hagakure: you were part of this too!

Izuku: sorry I can't hear you the helmet is making it hard to hear...

He said as he was walking even further.


He shouted and izuku just gave him the bird walking away backwards.

Everyone: IZUKU WHY?!

They shouted as they did not want to clean this mess up.

As they groaned and started to pick of the dead bodies, doom guy showed up as he jumped down from a building and caught eri who was giggled as doom guy put her down.

Jirou: Mr. Doom? What are you doing here?

She asked throwing an arm away.

Doom guy: I came here to see what was going on, is izuku here..?

Mina: no sir he left once we killed the last of the demons.

Kaminari: yeah! He left us to clean up this mess!

He said as he slipped on blood and fell on his back.

Kaminari: EW NO MY JACKET!!!

He yelled, getting up as some of the classmates started to laugh at his clumsiness.

As they laughed, jirou felt someone hug her side side and looked down to see eri.

Jirou: oh who's this little guy?

She asked, petting the top of her helmet.

Eri: he he he! Mama it's me!

She said and took off the helmet.

Eri: and I'm not a guy in a girl!

She said and jirou gasped.

Jirou: eri?! How did you get this cool armor?!

She asked, pretending to be excited as she crouched down to her.

Eri: grandpa gave it to me! It looks so cool!

She said and jirou took the helmet and looked inside it.

Jirou: it's kind of hard to put on.

Eri: that's because your head is too big mama!

She said and jirou pulled the helmet off.

Jirou: I guess so😅

She said and put the helmet back on eri's head.

Jirou: anyways izuku just left, he went that way so I think you can catch up to him.

Doom guy: alright, thanks...

He said and took eri's hand

Eri: bye mama!

She said and walked off with doom guy.

Jirou: bye sweetie!

She said and waved to her as they left.

Jirou:...what the hell was izuku thinking..?

She asked herself and rubbed her forehead.

As she did momo cleared her throat and jirou turned around to see her friends looking at her surpsied.


Momo: jirou...

She said and held her shoulders.

Momo: are you a-

Everone: A MOM?!

Mina: who's the dad?!

Hagakure: is it izuku?!

Jirou:...I-i can explain...

She said with a small blush as they wanted to know everything.


Izuku was in the abandoned warehouse and was wondering where his doom guy and eri were, only to see them arrive.

Eri: papa!

She said and ran up to him, hugging him as izuku hugged her back.

Izuku: hey sweetie, how did it go with dad..?

Eri: it was so much fun! But my body hurts!

Doom guy: that's what happens when you try to do a hundred pushups eri...

Eri: I thoight I could do it!

She said, pouting and crossing her arms.

Izuku: well, I think that's enough training for today...

He said and picked eri up.

Izuku: but since there are classes tomorrow I have to head back to UA...

Eri: aww, do you have to..?

Izuku: I do sweetie...

He said and gave her to doom guy.

Izuku: I'll see you next weekend...

Eri: okay papa...

She said and watched as her papa started to head back to UA.

Doom guy could tell she was upset and put her down.

Doom guy: don't worry eri, he'll be back and until he does, me and you are gonna have some family bonding...

He said and pet her helmet.

Doom guy: how does SpongeBob and pancakes sound..?

Eri: but we can't eat pancakes..! It's not morning..!

Doom guy: I are cereal at midnight, it's fine...

Eri: well...in that case, let's do it!

She said and doom guy smiled a bit and opened a portal and took her hand.

Doom guy: a SpongeBob movie or the cartoon..?

Eri: movie!

She said and they walked through the portal.


Izuku just put his armor away and sat down on the bed, feeling a bit tired.

Izuku: today felt more exhausting then usual...

He said and rubbed his face.

Jirou: I think I know why.

She said and izuku looked to her to see her standing with her arms crossed.

And she did not look happy.

Jirou: what the fuck is eri doing with that armor?!

Izuku: it was a gift from dad...

Jirou: and you let her keep it?!

Izuku: what's wrong with it..? Dad is training her how to use it and she's learning how to shoot a gun so she'll be okay-

Jirou: SHE'S WHAT?!

She yelled and izuku was shocked, he didn't know she could yell so loud.


Izuku: why..?

Jirou: Izuku she's only 7!

Izuku: it's okay jirou...

He said and stood up, holding her shoulders and kissing her forehead.

Izuku: she's bejng trained by a professional, she'll be okay...

Jirou: but she's to younger izuku..! She cant be learning these things so early..!

Izuku: I know...but it's for her own good, she needs to know how to defend herself...

Jirou: she doesnt need to izuku, she has us..!

She said, holding his forearm and looking up to him worriedly.

Izuku: kyoka...

He said and held cheek.

Izuku: with what I'm doing, there might be a day where I don't come back...I won't be able to protect her forever...I don't want her to be defenseless when the time comes...

Jirou: don't say that izuku...

She said, not wanting to hear any of it.

Jirou: I just...don't want her to grow so quickly...

She said and held his hand that held her cheek.

Izuku: I know...but trust me...it'll be okay...

He said and hugged her.

Jirou:...can I sleep with you tonight..?

She asked with her head on his shoulder as she hugged him back.

Izuku: mhm...you don't need to ask kyoka...

He said and kissed her cheek, picking her up as he sat her down on the bed and sat down.

Jirou watched as he stretched his back and couldn't help but hug him from behind.

Izuku grew a small smile as he took his shirt off and laid down, pulling kyoka to him while she covered them in the blanket.

Izuku: I know you mean well about eri...but it's for her own good, I want her to have a good future...

Jirou: I know...I just don't want her to grow up so fast...

She said and rested her head on his chest.

Izuku: I don't either...but she needs to learn, for her sake...

He said and kissed jirou's head.

Jirou: I hope so...

She said and kissed his cheek.

They both cuddled together and held eachother tight, wondering if it was a good idea to let eri train under doom guy.

They weren't sure if they were right or not, but one thing was for sure, they would do anything for eri, and that was facts😎

Jirou: night izuku...

Izuku: goodnight kyoka...

He said and they both kissed eachother's lips before going to sleep together.

And that's the end of this chapter!

I am not sure if eri training under doom guy is a good idea, but hey if you guys think it's a good idea than I'm all up for it!

And if you think the BFG didnt get enough screen time then don't worry, it will have a lot more in the next one😎

And here's your meme for the day, I found it in my McDonald happy meal.


Have a good and safe day!

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