Satisfying The Alpha (Book #2)

By Dusk2Dawn

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**This book is completed but will be edited immensely later (by which it may be very different to the origina... More

Satisfying The Alpha
Chapter 1 - Tristan
Chapter 2 - Free Will
Chapter 3 - Dead End
Chapter 4 - I Trust You
Chapter 5 - Exposed
Chapter 6 - Questioning Knowledge
Chapter 7 - The Rebel
Chapter 8 - Typical
Chapter 9 - Mixed Emotions
Chapter 10 - Destiny Cheated On Us
Chapter 11 - Break Through
Chapter 12 - Balancing Urges
Chapter 13 - Price Of Fame
Chapter 14 - Exclusive
Chapter 15 - Ambushing Nightmares
Chapter 16 - Sibling Rivalry
Chapter 17 - First Taste
Chapter 18 - Snowdrops
Chapter 19 - The Young Ones
Chapter 20 - Quick Reaction
Chapter 21 - Sacrifice
Chapter 23 - Warzone
Chapter 24 - Fear Against Strength
Chapter 25 - Distractions
Chapter 26 - Begin The Fire
Chapter 27 - Fearless
Chapter 28 - The Hardest Part
Chapter 29 - Temptation
Chapter 30 - When Player Meets Player
Chapter 31 - Love and Lust
Chapter 32 - Forgotten Promises
Satisfying The Alpha - Epilogue

Chapter 22 - Battle Cry

9.8K 239 40
By Dusk2Dawn

I was in the forest, sitting down on a hard, bumpy rock, trying to clean Tristan's blood off my mouth but it had tasted so good. What was I doing? Why was I here?

I shouldn't be alone in the forest , wiping Tristan's blood off my mouth. I shouldn't be wiping Tristan's blood off my anything. I regretted everything, I wanted to take it all back. I felt sick and nauseous, knowing that I had just drank blood, knowing that there was blood inside of me that was not mine. At that moment, I had just wanted blood. It didn't matter who's. Just hot, thick, blood.

I'm a monster.

That same phrase repeated over and over in my head until it was branded into my mind. It was true. I was a freak. A freak of a werewolf.

I heard footsteps behind me. Tristan. I didn't know what to say, I was quivering all over. I knew I shouldn't have done it, I knew this would effect our relationship, we would distance ourselves from one another after this. I took a deep breath and turned around, my eyes widening at the figure stood infront of me.

"Hello." her cool, low voice said.

"H-hi." I stammered back, my heart beat increasing. Tristan told me not to come here alone, what was I going to do with her?

"He's not always right, you know." she said smoothly.

"I-I know that." I replied nervously. "What do you-"

"Andrew was right." she said softly, staring into space dreamily. "All the time."

I felt a wave of guilt rush over me, stealing the colour from my face with it. I wondered how much pain she must be feeling, losing her mate because I had thought I lost mine. I knew that cold, lonely feeling when you lose that person, you just wanted to die of emptiness. Like you had just lost your other half.

"But the one time he was wrong, he got caught in a game against fate." her gentle yet emotionless voice was freaking me out as I stood awkwardly, staring at her until her ruby eyes looked at me. "You have his eyes."

"What? No, I don't." I objected.

"Dark blue with a ring of green, bordered by black." she said. "Most werewolf girls look like their father, as most male werewolves would look like their mother."

"Oh." I replied after a pause, planning my escape.

"You need to learn to embrace your Immorality, Scarlett." she murmured lowly before reaching her hand out for me. "I can help you."

"No." I succeeded in keeping my voice strong. "I don't need your help."

"Tristan won't always be there." she muttered more forcefully, pushing her hand forwards. "I'll say it again, I can help you."

"How?" I asked, curiosity getting the better of me.

"You have no one here. Everyone's a Pure." she said. "Everyone looks down on you-on us. I am an Immoral, Scarlett. I can teach you everything you need to know, you won't feel trapped anymore, I promise."

I stared at her pale face, the dark bags under her eyes, and I stepped forward almost absentmindedly, reaching my hand towards hers. Just as our hands were about to touch, a figure ran up to us and I got distracted.

"Stop!" Daniel shouted, making me look at him and frown. Why was he here? And why was Nicole with him? Where was Tristan?

My stepmother let out a bitter laugh that made me cold.

"What's this?" she questioned, staring at Nicole. "Damario had a daughter?"

Nicole's eyes were wide with alarm and fear, trembling, showing me a side of her I've never seen. Next to her, I saw Daniel gesturing me over which is when everything snapped back into place. Athena was the enemy.

I began to run towards them but she was blocking us, looking more powerful than ever.

"Move." I ordered her but she didn't listen.

"What makes you think I'll listen to you?" she sneered. "You're not a real Immoral, you don't deserve to have such praise. You're disgusting. You betrayed your own blood. Everything about you sickens me."

I felt my eyes moisten with tears as I furiously tried to blink them away, despite the pain in my heart, her words were true.

"You let your mate kill your father." she said, her eyes making me feel naked.

"He wouldn't have had to if your jerk of mate hadn't tried to kill mine!" I shouted furiously, my fists clenching at my sides.

"Tristan deserves death! All the Adams do!" she roared, boiling my blood, firing me up so badly that I stomped my way over to her. "You mutt!"

She clawed Daniel and I gasped as he collapsed, unconscious. He had tried to attack her but her sharp nails had pierced through his skin deeply with great strength. Next she turned to Nicole who was so petrified, she was frozen.

"No!" I screamed before charging at her, yanking her hair, the only part of her I could reach in time, before she could get her hands on Nicole. I was not going to cause Tristan any more grief over a dead family member. I knew when I was going to die, but Nicole didn't, and I was going to make sure that it wasn't today. "Run!"

"I'm not leaving you!" she shouted back as I kept on pulling on Athena's hair. Despite the situation, I rolled my eyes. Bad timing to admit what you really feel for me Nicole, bad timing indeed.

"Go, Nicole!" I shouted back, feeling the panic in my eyes as I quickly ran out of time. "Find Tristan!"

"Tristan's hurt!" she said as Athena's blood red eyes glared into mine. She wrapped her hand around my neck and pushed me up against a tree, slowly cutting off my ability to breathe. The air was disappearing, everything was going blurry as my eyes gingerly closed.

"You're neither Pure nor Immoral Scarlett Evans, not truly. I hope you know that." she said with hatred dripping off every word, staring up at me with her dark eyes and frighteningly pale skin.

If she said anything else, I didn't hear it because I was too busy gasping for air as she let me go, the blood flowing back into me as I stood up to find Nicole holding a thick, tree branch. She dropped it before stepping over the horrible woman's unconscious body and lifting me up back to my feet.

"Th-thank you." I stuttered, gulping and resting against the tree. "I don't know what would have happened if you weren't here to save me."

"It was nothing." she mumured. "Come on, we have to take him back."

We each quickly took one of Daniels arms and swung it over our shoulders before dragging him to the house. There was blood everywhere as I looked at everything in horror. We went inside and handed Daniel off to one of the pack's doctors before shakily taking a seat on one of the couches. I hope nothing bad happened to anyone.

"What happened to Tristan? Where is he?" I questioned.

"Upstairs, probably." she replied. "After you ran, we got attacked and he couldn't send a mind link to the pack because your mind was closed but they naturally got summoned after Tristan got hurt."

"I-I'll go up and see him." I decided.

"Okay." she said, and I was grateful she didn't bring up the subject of the biting incident. Quivering, I started making my way up the stairs, staring at the pack nursing eachother's wounds, all the while thinking that this was all my fault. If I had stayed, the pack could've come sooner. Less damage.

I stood outside the door, wondering if I should go in or not until finally I decided to suck it up and take whatever was behind the door. I confidently walked in and stared at what lay before me.

They were using our room as a hospital as Tristan lay on the bed, groaning. There were people crowded around him, muttering words too low for me to hear. I stepped forward and they turned to stare at me as I stared back.

"What is it?" I asked worriedly.

"He's wounded badly." one of the doctors. "It's going to be hard to recover."

"How can I help?" I asked.

"Take care of him as much as you can." he replied before they all walked out, leaving me alone with him. I sat on the chair next to his and watched him open his eyes.

"Hi." I said nervously, with widened eyes.

He grunted in reply, licking his lips. His face was emotionless as he looked away from me, the sheets were stained with blood and I wondered how he got wounded.

"I'm sorry." I apologized, shuffling my hands in my lap. When he didn't reply, I gave up. "I just want you to know I didn't mean it. I'll go now."

As I got up, I guess somewhere at the back of my mind, I was expecting him to tell me not to go, but instead, his hand wrapped around my wrist and I stopped. He felt cold. Really cold. I looked down at him and realized that he was really pale.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"You... venom..." I had a feeling he was trying to say that my venom was in him. "Take... out..."

"No." I replied, shaking my head vigorously. "Not again, I won't be able to stop."

"Please..." he whispered, his eyes shutting close. "I'll die..."

I swallowed and felt my canines extend. The desire to drink his blood was overwhelming again, I could hear his heartbeat loud and clear, sending waves of the hot substance around his body that I so craved. I needed to do this. I was doing this for him. No one else. Not even myself.

Jamie's POV

Kara was a year below me, and seemed to keep to herself a lot. I don't know if she felt the connection between us but I definitely did , or if she did, she was pretty good at hiding it. She was a very dreamy type, and most of the time, her voice was very gentle, even if she was mad, she didn't shout. I've been watching her a lot lately, and she's made a few friends which is good. She was fitting in.

It must be hard to lose your dad... and that's ironic because I know I'd lost mine. Whatever had happened last year, I tried to push it into the back of my mind. I still had the scars on my arm... back then, I was very vulnerable to Carter and my dad. I was a naive kid, I knew people like that existed but would never have thought that they would do something to me.

I didn't know my dad that well, and I wish I'd have known him better. I can't remember much of my childhood with him, it almost seemed like he never existed. When he suddenly came back last year, he made mom very happy and there was still a tiny bit of hope within me. Just maybe, that he's come back to step back and be a father.

I haven't have a father figure in my life, but to be honest, I thought it kind of embarrassing to admit that I thought Tristan as an older brother.

I still don't know half of the story. I didn't know his plans or what happened between him, Tristan, and Scar. But all I knew is that him and Carter hated me. I thought that I had done something wrong and I was very afraid then. I didn't want to challenge either one of them.

A year later, I realize how wrong I was. Scar had gone through much worse with Carter. What he did to her behind the closed door of her bedroom, I didn't know, but I definitely didn't like it. Sometimes I would hear some of his abusive words towards her through the wall of my room, and it really frightened me. I knew I should have done something but I was too afraid.

"Jamie? What are you doing?" Jake asked, looking in the direction that I was staring. "Are you still stalking that new girl?"

"I'm not stalking her." I mumbled, not moving my eyes as Kara's friend whispered something into her ear and Kara turned around to look at me.

"Then what are you doing? You've been watching her from the moment she arrived, if you like her so much, just ask her out." he said.

"It's not that easy." I muttered. None of them knew she lived with me, and that I was meant to look at her like a sister.

"Who is she anyway?" he asked.

"No one." I sighed, looking away from her. We were hanging out in our usual place, we call it 'the bench'. I was sitting on the head of it. We had a group of about 6, 3 girls and 3 boys. The guys were okay, but Chelsea was just annoying. Along with her two sidekicks.

"Jamie!" Chelsea squealed, popping out of nowhere, throwing her arms around my neck and sitting on my lap. "I had so much fun yesterday! If only your mom hadn't-"

"Um," I removed her off me quickly, glancing in the direction where I had last seen Kameira but she was gone. "That was my sister."

She gasped and put her hands on my chest, looking up at me with an exaggerated shocked face.

"What? Really?" she asked.

"Uh, yeah." I pulled her away from me by putting my hands on the sides of her arms.

"Oh wait, she's the model, right?" she faked a smile. "You know how I've always wanted to be a model right? Do you think she can get me in the industry? Don't worry, I get along great with your sister, we can get our nails done, go out shopping, and try on shoes, I mean she's an amazing model, and I'm sure she loves her sister-in-law already, hahaha!"

My eyes widened at 'sister-in-law' and I quickly returned them to their normal size before she could see. How could I not notice how annoying and self-centred she was? All I thought of her before Kameira came into the picture was that she was hot.

"Uh, yeah!" I faked a laugh and made the pitch of my voice higher, inside trying to imitate her, along to her girlish giggles. "But I just have to go get something, okay?"

"Oh, okay." she nodded vigorously.

"Okay!" I faked a smile and lifted up my shoulders along with it before making my way to the dining hall, shaking my head, glad to be away from her. I went in, searching the room incase she was here, before buying a water bottle.

"Hey, Jamie?" I turned around as soon as I heard the voice, almost pushing over the garbage can near me but I caught it in time. It was Kameira.

"Yeah?" I replied, looking her right into her gorgeous eyes before she looked at the ground.

"Well, I wanted to ask if you have any extra money?" she asked nervously, obviously embarrassed. "See, I was too shy to ask your mom, you know, I just met her and it's not good to just borrow money off someone you just met, and I haven't eaten anything-"

"Here." I interrupted her and put some money into her warm hand. "I'll tell mom afterschool to give you some money from now on."

She looked up at me, her lips parted.

"Have you eaten?" she questioned.

"No," I said honestly before lying. "But I'm not that hungry anyway."

"Jamie." she said my name knowingly, making my heart beat faster. "I think there's enough money here for both of us."

"No, really, you take it." I said sincerely, trying to just make her take it and stop worrying about me.


"But nothing. I'll eat something at home."

She hesitated to say something, her fingers curled around the money tightly.

"Thank you." she said quietly, bowing her head down slightly before walking away to join the lunch queue. I sighed and wondered what I was going to do now. Nevermind... there was only one more lesson to go. I can eat at home.

"Hey! Jamie!" I saw Scar walking up to me with Daniel beside her. She had just visited me and mom last week, sometimes I wish she would visit more often, but I wasn't going to admit it.

"Yeah?" I asked. Because Scar was a model, the friendship and the fame thing wasn't only effecting her. People tried to be my friend just to get close to her and it really ticks me off.

"I'm sorry I didn't get to come home for your birthday." she apologized with a smile. "Tell me what you want and I'll buy it."

A dad maybe? I said inside my head.

"No, it's fine, I don't want anything." I replied. Her eyes widened and she raised her eyebrows.

"What?" she said in a disbelieving tone. "You don't want anything?"


"Why not?" she questioned. "You're fifteen now, this age won't come back."

"I'm fine, and I know that." I answered back. "I don't want anything, really."

"Are you okay?" Daniel asked, raising an eyebrow. "I haven't seen a fifteen year old boy refuse this kind of offer."

"I'm not refusing," I said. "I just have everything I want."

"That's good." Scar murmured, her voice going quieter with every word. "Not everyone does."

And with that, she turned on her heel and walked away from me, the hint of sadness she tried to hide still lingering in the air around me.


I leaned against the tree as I watched the school gates, waiting to pick up Kara after school. She emerged from the gates carrying her school bag and I took a step forward but within a second, another guy had beaten me to her. I stopped as I watched them talk, the guy had a casual smile on his face and she seemed shy as usual.

I was still changing slowly and I used how sensitive my ears had become to my advantage.

"You know," he said with his hands in his pockets. "Since you're new here, I can help you around."

"Uh-" she started nervously.

"Maybe you could come around my house some time, my parents are always out..." he moved his face closer to hers and lowered his voice so that I had to try my hardest to hear. "We'd have a lot of fun together."

"I don't-"

"We could go there now." he said, grabbing her arm. "You're not busy, right?"

I realized it was my cue to step in and in a few long strides, I had reached them, giving him the best intimidating look I could muster.

"Can I help you?" he asked, looking annoyed at me.

"Is this guy bothering you?" I questioned Kara, ignoring the guy.

"N-no, I-" she stuttered nervously, looking between us, not wanting to cause any trouble.

"Are you sure?" I pressed on, searching her eyes.


"Look, she said I wasn't bothering her, okay?" he snapped. "Can you leave now?"

"Sure," I said, looking at him coolly. "And I'll take her with me."

I grabbed her wrist and pulled her away from that crazy dude who wanted to sleep with her. Stupid, horny boys. Did she look like a prostitute or something? Hell no. She didn't look like any of those s**** that plaster themselves with makeup to be pretty. Why would any guy approach her like that? She had the sweet, innocent, shy girl look, how could any guy talk to her like she was such a cheap low life?

"Hey, Jamie." she said quietly, and I felt her fingertips touch the arm that was holding her wrist. Tiny, minature shocks were created from the touch and I immediately stopped walking so that she bumped into me. She still couldn't feel the chemistry that I felt between us. She still wouldn't feel it until she shifted... if she shifted."Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." I muttered. "Kara, why don't you ever stand up for yourself?"

"What?" she said at the blurted out question I had thrown at her. We were standing in a deserted area and there was a breeze blowing past. I turned around and faced her, looking down at her eyes, wanting to just keep on touching her so badly that I kept on holding her wrist, and the fact that she didn't do anything about it gave me hope.

"I get it that you're shy, but when something like that comes up, you have to speak up." I said. "He was trying to sleep with you and if I hadn't stepped in, he would have raped you or something."

"He wouldn't have done that." she said quietly, looking down and I let out a disbelieving laugh.

"What world do you live in?" my hands unconsciously tightened on her wrist.

"How did you know he wanted to sleep with me?" she said. "You weren't even there."

"I-" I hesitated, not knowing what to say. "That doesn't matter right now."

"Why do you care so much?" she asked with a different tone.

Because I care about you?

"I... I don't know." I said quietly.

We stayed standing in the deserted lonely area where the wind blew eachother's hair softly. The beauty of her eyes, her hair, her face and everything about her was overwhelming and the fact that she remained oblivious to all that still shocks me. My fingers were still curled around her wrist, the last bit of hope within me left.

Still looking at me through her mesmerizing eyes, she gently tugged her hand away from mine.

My heart dropped.

That last bit of hope was just now a memory.

Scar's POV

I let my teeth graze my bite softly before I sunk it into the flesh of his skin, my fingers curled up on his chest. I heard his manly groan in my ear and it urged me to drink more until something contaminated and disgusting went into my mouth, and I pulled away, spitting it out.

"Thanks." he said in a stronger voice.

"No-no problem." I replied, wiping my mouth.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"Are you okay?" I asked. "Do you want any pain killers? Here, I'll change your sheets."

"No, it's fine." he replied, coughing.

"Tristan, you're covered in blood." I answered back, opening a drawer before getting out some clean sheets.

"I'm also naked." he said, making me blush.

"Oh, um..." I got out a pair of trousers and threw it at him. "I'll be outside."

I went outside, and walked downstairs, watching people clean up one another's wounds.

"Do you need anything else? Bandages? Plasters?" I offered people but they smiled and turned it down. I decided that everyone would keep turning down my offers so I put some food out on the table and hoped people would eat them. There were just a few snacks and I felt like it wasn't enough to feed people who had just come from a battle so I chose to make sandwiches. Tristan would be fine for a while.

As soon as I was satisfied with how much I had made, I stacked them up on three different plates and kept it on the table. I wiped my hands on my jeans and was about to go downstairs when I saw a tall figure walking slowly down the stairs, swaying side to side gently. I knew it was him before I heard the groan and then the cry. He clutched his side as I ran up to him, and let his heavy body lean on me for support.

"Why did you come downstairs?" I muttered, leading him upstairs again.

"You didn't reply." he answered back. "I got worried."

I sighed and held him tighter as we walked into our room, I let him sit down on the bed before I closed the door and the curtains. I changed the sheets and lay him back on the bed, covering him up with blankets before I changed out of my bloody outfit and into a fresh one. I tied my hair up into a bun and brushed my teeth, removing every trace of blood.

"Are you hungry? I made sandwiches." I said.

"Yeah." he replied bluntly, obviously not in the mood to talk.

"I'll be back." I walked out and into Nicole's room. "Hey, are you hungry? I'm going to get some sandwiches."

"Yeah." she replied. "Thanks."

I walked downstairs, getting two clean plates and piling three sandwiches on Nicole's and 6 on Tristan's. They must be hungry and I know for a fact that Alphas eat more than normal werewolves; they need more energy. I placed a drink on each plate and balanced my way up the stairs, kicking Nicole's door open.

"Here." I gave the plate to her, as she stared up at the ceiling while lying on her bed.

"Thanks." she murmured as I walked out the room and into Tristan's. I placed the food on the table next to the bed and found that he had fallen asleep. I sat down next to him and smoothed his hair, gently stroking it, knowing that I had to wake him up in order for him to eat.

"Tristan." I said quietly, stroking his cheek. "Wake up."

I think my stroking him was making him fall into a deeper sleep so I gently shook him until he woke up.

"Hey." I smiled at him, grabbing a sandwich off the plate and giving it to him. "Eat."

He sleepily took the sandwich and stuffed it into his mouth. I helped him sit up straight and cleaned the room up while he ate. After he had eaten and drank, I took the plates downstairs, and washed them before going upstairs again where I found him asleep again.

I wish that Tristan's relationship with the pack was better. It's not fair that we only call them when we need them, he should try and get to know them better. I wonder what had happened to him after I went; who and why did they attack us? How did Nicole get away?

I've noticed that I could sense when Athena was in my head and when she was not. When she wasn't, I could contact Tristan in my head and it was like things were normal again... except... I don't know what happened to my wolf. I hope she's okay and I would go look for her but... how?

At around 9, he woke up while I was on the phone to Adrianna.

"Tonight?" I glanced at Tristan's sleepy figure, trying to talk as quietly as possible. "Sorry, I can't."

"Why? You can't blow me off again!" Adrianna shrieked into my ear. "Scar, you need to get your act together, I can't wait for you all day. Being a model is hard work and it's not all about parties, but I suggest you get to this one. Really important guests will be there, it would be great for your career. Call me when you feel like you want your job back."

"What?" my attention was grabbed. "You-you're firing me?"

"No," she sighed. "I can't lose such a good model, but you need to loosen up. You need to start acting like an adult too and accept your responsibilities, this isn't a flexible job Scarlett, and I'm busy myself so you can't keep disappointing your fans and the public."

"Okay." I replied. "Just give me a second, I'll call you back."

I hung up and turned to Tristan.

"Who was that?" he asked, rubbing his eyes.

"Um, Adrianna." I replied anxiously.

"What did she want?"

"She... wanted me to... to uh," why was I so fidgety around him now? "She wanted me to go to this awards thing."

"Oh." he sat up straight, staring at my nervous frame. "Why did you say no?"

I looked at him as if he was joking.

"You just got attacked." I stated obviously. "I'm not leaving you."

"Scar, I'll be fine." he replied. "Go."

"No." I refused, crossing my arms across my chest. "I'm staying."

"Scar." he sighed, combing a hand through his hair. "Please."

"No." I said firmly.

"You'll lose your job." he replied, trying to reason with me.

"Tristan, we have bags of money. Werewolf and human. We're famous in both worlds. What else do we need?"

He took a deep breath, pinching the bridge of his nose with his index finger and thumb before looking up at me.

"You know what, Scar? Do whatever you want." he said with an exhausted expression. "I'm tired of trying to do what's best for you."

The carelessness in his voice was so uncharacteristic that it hurt. Whatever I had said, it came out the wrong way.

"I'm sorry." I said sincerely. "I didn't mean it like that. You're hurt and I-"

"Right." he cut me off and lifted the blanket over his head.

I let out a breath I was unconsciously holding in, there was something tight in my stomach, like a guilty feeling. I quietly walked out the room and went downstairs, I was still staying. My loyalty as his friend, mate, and werewolf companion wasn't letting me go. I switched on the TV and stretched out on the sofa lazily, thinking about what he said.

Was he okay? He never usually talked like that.

My phone rang and I picked up, expecting it to be Adrianna.

"I told you, I'm sorry but I can't come." I said into the phone.

"Well that's funny, because I haven't even asked yet." the other unfamiliar voice on the phone said in dark, amused tone.

"Who is this?" I asked, my heart beating fast.

"Does it matter?" the man chuckled humourlessly into the phone. The sound of it made my insides cold. "You're going to die soon."

"Who is this?" I repeated with more force.

"We will come tomorrow at dusk." his gruff voice growled into the phone. "Be ready."

And with that, he hung up and left me to stare open-mouthed at nothing in particular, listening to the ringing noise coming from the phone.

"Who is that?" a powerful voice demanded and I looked up at Tristan's stern face.

"Um..." I hesitated. What do I say? He was badly hurt and if I told him what I knew, he would want to join in the war that was proposed as of tomorrow.

"Who?" he asked firmly, crossing his arms across his chest. He had a bandage around his torso as he walked up to me slowly, staring at me with his light eyes.

"I don't know who called." I replied, a bit more defensively than I intended.

He took a deep breath before shutting his eyes and collapsing on the floor, breathing hard. I quickly kneeled beside Tristan, not knowing what to do. I couldn't call Riley because he was kicked out, Daniel was hurt, and I didn't know any of the pack doctor's number or where they lived. My heart raced and my brain wasn't functioning, what should I do?

"Nicole!" I shouted. "Nicole!"

"What?" she shouted back.

"Come down! Quick!" I screamed, getting more desperate by the second, looking at how paler he got every second. He gripped my hand with more strength than I thought he'd have at this moment but he was cold. Really cold. As I was staring at him, a light switched on in my head. I moved closer to him and pressed my forehead to his, closing my eyes and concentrating on opening a door.

Suddenly, her presence filled my head. It was like you were so thirsty, you were on the verge of dying and as you ran towards the only source of water you could find, the moment you touch it, it explodes into a hot fire and surrounds you, locks you in a cage made from its own flames.


In my head, it felt like I was reaching for a door handle and her invisible hands were stopping me.

Let me go! My phrase started off in a normal voice but by the third voice, I was screaming at the top of my lung, putting in all of my strength and force to get her off me. If I didn't do something, I knew Tristan was going to die, and that thought pushed me to do whatever it was to keep him alive.

Now that I had control of my head, I quickly sent a mind link to the pack, summoning them desperately.

Nicole came down the stairs at the moment, stopping in her tracks when she saw me and Tristan.

"What happened?" she asked as the door was being knocked upon. The pack always came at the speed of light if they heard that anything had happened to the Alpha. Maybe Tristan doesn't know this, but his pack, our pack, were extremely loyal to him. Their lives depend on him, a word he says, they will listen, and they will sacrifice anything for him. They love him, adore him, and he doesn't know that. He should treat them the same way.

"Open the door." I growled unintentionally. She quickly opened in and let a group of people in. One of the pack doctor's put the back of his hand on Tristan's forehead, muttering something too low for me to hear before two others picked him up and rushed out the house. "Nicole, I'm going to go with them, okay? Take care of yourself for now and please stay out of trouble."

Saying that, I tugged on my coat and ran out the door. Five people from the pack had come and two of them had already shifted.

"What's going on?" I asked hurriedly.

"They're going to take him to the pack house." one of them replied, watching as they put Tristan on the back of one of the wolves.

"Pack house? There's a pack house?" I said in a fast, panicky voice. He didn't reply and burst into his wolf so suddenly, I got scared and jumped. "What?"

He stared at me and sat down as a wolf, I sensed that he wanted me to get on his back. I looked at the pack doctor's that were human and they were waiting for me. I walked over to the wolf and put my hand on his back, his fur was soft between my fingers. I lifted myself up onto his back and clutched his fur, breathing in and out.

The wolves infront of us started to run and the wolf that was carrying me followed. He was going fast and I let out uncontrollable, unnecessary screams, thinking my head was going to bash into a tree. My heart was pounding as I thought of Tristan, what was going to happen to him? Was it my fault? As the wolf ran, the wind attacked my face and caused my eyes to water but the pain and sadness in my heart made some real tears flood out. This was the only moment I could cry and no one could see.

We arrived at a huge house in the middle of no where and I slid off his back, only to find that my legs were shaking from the journey and I had to steady myself. I ran after the two doctor's carrying Tristan inside, and as soon as I was in, I was filled with loads and loads of noise and also the warm, homely, feeling.

Everyone stopped what they were doing when we walked in, the doctor's just kept on walking but I just looked from people's faces. I lowered my head after a few seconds and followed where they were taking Tristan. Like the healing room in Riley's house, it was much bigger with more beds. Most of the beds were occupied, probably from the little fight we had earlier. I recognized Daniel's face.

They put Tristan him down on a bed and I rushed over to his side. He was coughing and gasping for air, the bite on his neck looked dark and bruised. The thing that scared me was that the veins around the bite were popping out of his skin.

"What's wrong with him?" I shouted, watching as he coughed.

"I'm guessing the bond fading away is having an effect on him." the doctor replied, putting on his white gloves.

"What should I do?" I asked frantically.

"Please leave the room for now, Luna." he turned to me. "We'll call you when all this is over."

"But I-" I have to stay with him.

"He's going to be fine." the doctor smiled. "He's a strong young man, one of the most determined young men I've ever met. He'll make through this."

I nodded silently, feeling like he complimented me when he complimented Tristan. I walked out of the room and wondered where I should go now. I walked down the unfamiliar stairs slowly and walked through the first door on the left which turned out to be the living room. Different kinds of people were scattered around the spacy room. A little girl was colouring in something on the table while opposite her, a teenage boy was studying something. There was an old woman rocking back and forth on a chair, knitting, people around my age were talking, laughing, and playing some kind of game.

They all went quiet when I walked into the room and I nervously looked from face to face.

"H-hi." I finally said after what seemed like several minutes.

No one replied to my welcome and I blushed, wishing I could just become invisible. 

"Good evening, Luna." a boy that looked about 17 said. "May I ask why you're here?"

"Uh, Tristan-I mean, the Alpha's hurt badly." I said sadly, being reminded.

"May I know how he is hurt, Luna?" another older girl asked worriedly. Why were they speaking this?

"You don't have to speak so poshly with me." I replied gently and I felt like a few of them relaxed. "As for the Alpha, I don't know. But he's in a lot of pain right now."

Almost as if to prove my sentence, there was a loud cry from upstairs and my heart pounded fast, I felt like I was the one in pain right now. Instantly, all of them had straightened up and looked alert.

"Is it serious?" a guy around 20 said.

"I'm sorry, but I don't know what's wrong with him." I said quietly and I think they knew how miserable I was feeling because my voice cracked and I sounded like I was about to cry.

"Well, don't worry, I'm sure he'll be fine." a woman came up to me and put an arm over my shoulder, guiding me to the kitchen. "Are you hungry?"

I thought back to the last time I had eaten. Breakfast. I had given everyone else sandwiches but had forgotten about myself.

"A bit." I said shyly.

"It's almost time for dinner anyway." she smiled at me. "Are you staying here for the night?"

"Most probably."

"Okay, I'll arrange a room for you-" she said, turning around to call someone but I stopped her.

"No, no, it's fine." I replied. "I'll sleep with Tristan-I mean, the Alpha."

"If that's okay with you." she shrugged.

I spent the next two hours eating dinner with the pack at their long, very long, dining table. I've never noticed but the pack was full of all different sorts of people with amazing personalities. They were lively, funny people who treated eachother like family. It was nice to see them laughing and joking with eachother but my thoughts always wandered back to Tristan.

They asked me all sorts of questions, and they didn't mind asking personal ones either. I remember the first time I had met them, they had asked embarrassing questions that I hadn't replied to, the time when that guy spat out his drink and asked Tristan how he had gotten me. I realized that they only asked these personal questions because they felt like they had known me their whole life, and asking these questions will only bring us closer.

After I had talked and chatted with them a bit, I went into the healing room and watched as they ripped off Tristan's bandage, causing him to scream out in pain. I didn't know what they were doing but it didn't look pretty. They've been working on him for a while now, and I had to wait another half an hour before I could go back inside. When they were done, a different doctor other than the one I had spoken to before turned to me.

"He'll be out for about three days."

"Three days?" I replied, my eyes widening. "What happened to him?"

"There was venom in his blood."

"But he told me to take it out all and I did... right?"

"I don't think you took all of it out..."

"What? Why?" I asked in a high-pitched voice. "What's going to happen to him?"

"The venom in his body was too much for his body to handle, his body's trying to repair itself. It was uncompatible with his body plus, you haven't mated yet so he's not as strong as he can be."

"What kind of venom is that? How did it even get into his body?"

"The thing is Luna..." he looked down, twiddling his thumbs. "The venom that was found in his body was from an Immoral... and the venom we found in his body was none other than yours."


Hey guys!

I'm back!!

My holiday was amazing, I had such a great time, and now I'm back on Wattpad to update. Remember I said that while on holiday, I wanted to edit the unpublished chapters and make new ones? Um, well, that didn't exactly happen. But in my defence, that was what I intended to do. I think I started STA a little too early because I was excited about this story, but who cares, it's done, and I'm determined to finish this book.

My updates might come late, and I'm sorry, you might think I'm slacking off but I'd rather just focus and concentrate on the storyline and give you nice, interesting chapters than rushed chapters where something random happens. I'm really trying NOT to put this story on hold, that will be my last option, but if I do happen to put it on hold, I'll give an approximate date when it'll be taken off hold, probably 2-4 weeks until I get story going again.

Anyway, just to be clear, this story is not hold, but there may be late updates... expect a lot. I will try my best to update on time and I hope none of you get angry with me. =S

And OMG! TLT has over 100,000 reads, and STA is on 900 votes ALREADY?! Thank you so much guys!

Thank you for reading. =)




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