After Rebirth, I Became the A...

By SimplyTartagalicious

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After being involved in a battle for the throne and sentenced to death, Shi Han was reborn. When he opened hi... More

C41 - C50

C31 - C40

599 11 4
By SimplyTartagalicious

The time-honored proverb of shooting the bird with a gun has its own truth. All the subordinates with all kinds of small thoughts are looking at the dead body, and they are all secretly glad that they are not the first to jump out. .

Who would have thought that a fourteen-year-old girl would be so ruthless? From this point of view, she was quite like her father.

The subordinates who no longer dared to object to pressed their trembling fingers, reported their work one by one like quails, and left the conference hall as if fleeing.

Seeing that her subordinates were terrified of her, Aisha frowned, and told the couple who were still respectfully standing beside her: "Next, after you have assisted in cleaning up, you will follow my orders to deal with those who oppose me, and Give them rewards to divide those diehards."

Black Yao and Bai Yin looked at each other, seeing surprise in each other's eyes. For a young girl to issue such an order, at least it proves that she is ruthless and has enough brains. No matter which point, it is an indispensable quality for an underground kingdom leader.

Chief, your daughter... is already a qualified leader.


They answered in unison.

After the obsidian and silver couple left, Aisha sat alone for a while, thinking about the next plan. He must firmly grasp the underground forces in the 18th district left by his father before the formal actions of the Reform Party begin.


In the late night of Qiu Ri Xing, Aisha had just finished processing some documents when she received a video conference from Shi Han.

On the screen, Shi Han was standing in the cab, and Owen was sitting next to him. When he didn't have to act in front of outsiders, Owen was as expressionless as ever, as if his eyes were frozen. Meanwhile, Shi Han's mouth was slightly curved, and he smiled gently and politely, but Aisha felt that his smile never had any emotion.

This inhuman, inorganic smile sometimes gave her the creeps.

"I received a task from Lee Jin Hee, and this will be our goal for the next month."

Shi Han's fingers moved slightly, and fluorescent blue lines appeared in front of him, interweaving into a three-dimensional star map. He tapped one of the areas and zoomed in with two fingers until a slowly rotating galaxy appeared in front of them.

"The 33rd Sanxing District, Planet X-2, Dark River Prison, we are going there to save a person." After Shi Han finished his description, he called up the prisoner's information, and said to Aisha on the opposite side of the screen: "The above is you I can know. Since you have not yet completed the integration of your forces, you will not participate in this mission, but in accordance with the principle of information sharing, we need to let you know our next actions. I hope you can fully Take control of the inheritance your father left you."

"Okay." Aisha nodded and was silent for a few seconds, but she couldn't help asking: "Is the risk high?"

"A little bit. But we also have a reinforcement plan, no need Worried."

"I'm not worried about you!" Aisha turned off the video.

Shi Han tilted his head, and asked Owen with a question mark on his face: "The child has reached puberty?"

Owen: "..." After a while, Owen changed the subject and said

, "Do you know why Li Zhenxi rescued this person?"

The light curtain displayed the information of this special prisoner.

Name: Linge

Gender: Male

Age: 48

Height: 192cm

Weight: 78kg

Charges: Stealing secrets, massacring the army, attempting to rebel, covering criminals, obstructing law enforcement... (expand the remaining 20 entries) There is a

photo of this person next to the profile column. Surprisingly, although his height and weight data make it easy to think that he is a strong and tall soldier, his photo looks more like an experimenter, wearing a white lab coat with reagent marks and slightly longer brown hair. Scattered on his shoulders in a mess, his face is fairly straight and handsome, but his black eyes are a little dull, and there are obvious dark circles under his eyes.

In fact, he was indeed a biochemist.

According to the data, his crimes are enough for him to die a hundred times, but Lin Ge's talent is so precious that Emperor Qin Haoye personally ordered him to avoid death, but he has been imprisoned in the Dark River Prison, constantly urging him to conduct research.

In the previous life, the Reform Party tried to rescue him, but failed in the end. Lin Ge himself died in the Dark River Prison, and before he died, he gave a memory card to the person who went to rescue him. The precious research results in the storage card directly produced a potion that can stimulate the potential of human spiritual power, and promoted the birth of a new type of brain wave amplifier. After Owen ascended the throne, he had bloodbathed the Reform Party. The scientific research results they had mastered brought a lot of trouble to Owen in his previous life, and even nearly killed him on the battlefield.

Shi Han is looking forward to what kind of changes will be brought to this era if Lin Ge himself survives.

"The name is very familiar. I seem to have studied some of his theories in school." Owen looked at the route they set, and the blue light curtain was reflected in his eyes, which seemed to be glowing coldly. "Is his talent the reason why he needs to be rescued?"

"Yes, but it's not the only reason."

Shi Han smiled slightly.

"Your mother is really attractive."

Owen's expressionless face was a little loose, and he was a little surprised. "He is..."

"Probably wants to be your father." Shi Han made a joke, but Owen frowned fiercely, obviously not liking the joke. He murmured in a very low volume: "It's just a beauty...if it wasn't for that useless face..." "It's really a

pity that beauty itself is also a kind of value, or wealth, but I didn't protect it well." The strength and status of wealth, being taken away by the strong is completely expected." Shi Han said in a relaxed tone: "If I were to write the script, the ending would definitely be like this, and it might be even more tragic. After all, this is the law of this world." Owen's mood was obviously not as relaxed as Shi Han's tone, and there was a bit of resentment in his lowered voice. "Are you saying she deserved everything she went through?"

"No, deserving is really too subjective an adjective. Whether she deserves it or is pitiful, does this change the trajectory of her fate? Isn't everything she experienced because of the law of the weak in this world? My evaluation is meaningless, It doesn't mean anything to be sympathetic, what is meaningful is the laws of this world. If you don't like it, then change it."

Shi Han suddenly asked: "Have you ever thought that if I hadn't taken you from the garbage star back then, you would have to change it." What will you go through when you come out?"


"Need I remind you, you look like a male version of your mother?" Shi Han smiled and said, "Remember those little bastards in the airport Do you want to sell you to someone?"

He suddenly took a step forward, forcing Owen to back away, his scrutinizing eyes resting on Owen's face.

"Actually, you now have a criminal face... But you are not treated as a plaything. Tell me why?"

Before Owen could speak, he asked himself and answered, "Because you are very strong!"

"The value of beauty itself has a limit, that is the invisible price. From the time you destroyed the Venus Academy of Superpowers, you have become so strong that no one can afford this price. The cost and benefit are the most basic According to the rules, it costs almost nothing to kidnap your mother, so she was taken away, and there is almost no cost to kill your mother, so she was killed, the problem is as simple as that

. The cost of the weak is too small. If a world is to be created in which the weak are protected, the law and the power to enforce it must be imposed upon the predator at an unacceptable cost, which may be money, or liberty, or his life. You see, economics can answer most of the world's questions. "

What about the remaining questions..." Owen's voice was hoarse.

"The rest..."

Shi Han looked at the Star Field through the porthole, his eyes were empty like never before.

"The rest are those priceless things that cannot be weighed on the balance of cost and benefit. Even if you give up your life, give up your memory...everything you have to get it..." He seemed

unaffected Take control and explore the depths of the memory bank.

His eyes flickered.




A circle of white light lit up in the black pupils.

The world spins and shatters.

Where am I?

Shi Han stood on a snow mountain. He only wore a shirt and trousers, stepped on the ground with bare feet, and the cold wind mixed with snowflakes blew wildly, but he didn't feel it at all. No cold, no dryness, the snow is as fluffy as cotton candy, and even a little comfortingly warm.

But bursts of tearing pain came from his head, as if something was stirring in his head.

It hurts... Didn't I become an AI? Why do I still have a headache? where is this Why is it not cold? Why is it so beautiful, like an illusion...

The snow-capped mountain gradually transitions from the whiteness at the top to the emerald green at the foot of the mountain. Pass them and see the new grass in the valley, and the thawing brook babbling.

Suddenly, the river split open.

Abruptly, like a pair of invisible hands tearing apart the canvas, the world was forcibly torn apart. The luscious river twists, as if from three-dimensional to two-dimensional, flattening the details and distorting the lines. Then it dissipated, shaking a few times like the screen lost the signal, flickering on and off, and then disappeared.

The hell-like crack is still expanding, spreading from the river to the sky, tearing the sky apart, as if the world is destroyed.

Binaries suddenly began to flash in the darkness.

An ethereal yet real cry came from afar.

There is a voice echoing in my mind -

think of it! Remember quickly! Something you can't give up even if you die!

In the blink of an eye, the shattering world disappeared. He seemed to have entered a black space intertwined with blue lines. There were blurred figures in front of his eyes. He heard himself opening his mouth uncontrollably: "Are you really willing?

" We trust you!" The figures answered neatly, with a cry in their voices.

"The space-time travel plan... cannot fail."

He closed his eyes wearily.

"That is our last hope."


 He fell into never-ending darkness.


A voice came from an extremely far away place.

"Shihan!" The voice

became louder and louder.

Like ringing in my ears?

Shi Han suddenly opened his eyes.

His frozen body in the spaceship finally moved again, fell heavily backwards, and slid down the wall feebly.

"What's the matter with you?" Owen squatted down in front of him, grabbing his shoulders with both hands. "Just now you suddenly froze and didn't move, but you didn't log off. Instead, your eyes kept flickering. It wasn't the usual flashing blue light of the data, but a circle of white. I called you and didn't respond. Are you under attack?"

"Should...not." Shi Han's eyes were still a little dazed. "I... had a dream?"

"What are you talking about? You are an AI, how could you have a dream."

Yes, it was not a dream. Shi Han thought, is that...a memory?

However, as a memory, it is too unreal, not to mention that Shi Han has never lost any memory in his two lifetimes, and the scene of the dimensional crash has never happened anywhere in reality—in reality of?

Shi Han was startled. It has never happened in reality, but it is completely possible in virtual space. But whose memory is this? Could it be the memory of that AI when he crossed over?

But that's just... the lowest level of AI life?

I am different from other AI beings, he is not controlled by humans, his life is composed of paragraphs of mysterious text, and he can modify other AIs without any effort... If these are all because of it, then "time and space travel plan"? Does it have something to do with traveling here after my death?

The emotion in the memory has not dissipated. The huge despair that seemed to be pressed down by a world, the anger and hatred that would not hesitate to burn everything, the hope that rested on a glimmer of light in hell... still echoed in his consciousness, one after another, far away.

His head hurt again.

But he knew it wasn't a headache, he didn't have a human body, he didn't have a headache.

It was his consciousness that was hurting. It was as if a voice was crying out urgently—

the last hope!

Last hope! !

Remember it for me! ! !

"No response again?"

Owen frowned, lifted Shi Han directly from the ground, evaluated where the spaceship was the thickest, then swung his arm and smashed him onto it.

A heavy voice sounded, and with such a smash, Shi Han woke up.

"No matter why you lost consciousness, don't think about it now. There is a mission to be completed soon. If you toss yourself to death during the mission, don't expect me to bury you with you." That's right

. When Han didn't take the initiative to dig out this memory and the meaning behind it, the pain gradually disappeared. He regained control of his body, got up from the ground, took out a nano-repair liquid and applied it to the skin injured by Owen. "You're right." Shi Han suppressed all the doubts in his heart, and said calmly: "Now let's go outside the atmosphere of the unmanned star NR-5 in the 33-star area and meet our reinforcements. They will give us Send a few more people." NR-5 outside the atmosphere. A shuttle-shaped spaceship with smooth lines slowly docked with "Base One", and as the last gap disappeared silently, the green light at the interface turned on. Two isolation doors opened, and a group of people came from that end. The one who took the lead was Shi Han's acquaintance, whom he hadn't seen for a few years, his face with a proud expression all the time became a little more mature, although he still looked so arrogant, but Shi Han knew that it was just a disguise of a smart person.

Shi Han took a step forward and extended his hand politely. "Qin Xingyuan."

Qin Xingyuan froze in mid-air with outstretched arms in embarrassment. "..."


A chuckle came from behind him, attracting everyone's attention.

It was an old woman in a wheelchair. Although it is inconvenient to move, her back is very straight in the wheelchair. The posture is elegant, the clothes are gorgeous, and the blanket embroidered with exquisite patterns is draped on his knees. His hair was full of silver threads neatly coiled behind his head, his skin was wrinkled and his face was old, but a pair of light gray eyes shone like glass.

For those who don't know her, the first impression she brings is definitely an elegant and intellectual old lady.

But to those who knew her, she had only one identity.

One of the peak A-level combat powers, the leader of the top mercenary group active in the fifth district, and the legendary figure who once wiped out the entire star region's bandit group with one person - Lin Jiela.

Shi Han knew that Lin Jiela didn't like to beat around the bush, so he asked Qin Xingyuan directly: "You invited Captain Lin here, what do you want us to do?" An A-level spiritual

force is more than enough to crush a prison.

Lin Jiela laughed again in a friendly manner, and said, "You are Shihan, you really don't want to give Xingyuan a better life... Let me answer your question first, this operation mainly depends on you, I will I can't let outsiders know that I am assisting you, so I can't use the power of A-level, and I don't bring my smart machine. I can only stay on the spaceship and operate a body to follow you. The reason for me to participate in this operation is mainly I still want to see that kid Linge, so I'll come to meet you by the way."

Shi Han froze for a second. He quickly returned to his original state, but Lin Jiela caught the abnormality at that moment.

Lin Jiela blinked at him, and at the same time, a message appeared in his mind.

[Don't be nervous. Are you a mechanical body? It really looks like a human body. No matter what secrets you have, at least we are on the same front now, and I will not do anything to my comrades. 】

Lin Jiela clapped her hands, and suggested with a smile: "Don't talk too much, let's confirm the plan one last time, let's start?"

Everyone could only agree.

There was a young man standing behind Lin Jiela. It seemed that he was not her entourage, but was sent by Qin Xingyuan to show respect, because Lin Jiela liked to do everything by herself. Shi Han glanced at him, he looked a little nervous, it must be the first time he participated in this kind of combat.

The young man turned his head, met his gaze, frowned for no reason, and his eyes became hostile.

He pursed the corners of his mean lips, showed an artificial mocking smile, pointed at Shi Han and Owen and said, "Master Lin is enough for such an important task. Infiltrating is no joke, I have never seen you two before." Are you sure you won't drag Master Lin back after you go in?"

Lin Jiela looked up at this person in surprise. Even though she was known for her good temper among the strong and knew him, she never expected to receive such a strong refusal after making it clear that she would start as soon as possible.

The others also cast surprised and inexplicable gazes.

The man seemed to be more nervous from these gazes. He hid his sweaty palms behind his back and wiped the hem of his clothes secretly, but he still refused to budge: "They have no qualifications, and they have not shown their strength. How can they be in such a position? Difficult task? Not to mention their rush to die, it is easy to delay and mess up the task, and there is only one chance to save... Rescue Linge!"

At the end, he seemed to have an angry fire in his eyes.

"They were directly sent by Li Zhenxi." Lin Jiela was already somewhat dissatisfied.


the man still wanted to argue, but Lin Jiela got angry: "Enough, follow the original plan!"

The man frowned, and looked at them back and forth several times. There was still no change, so he lowered his head and said unwillingly: "Yes."

Only then did Lin Jiela's tone soften, and she resumed her kind and dignified demeanor, and asked, "Grisha, what's the matter with you today, you have such a temper?" The man lowered his eyes, his hair blocked most of his expression, and his voice very small. "Today is my sister's death day, I'm sorry. It's just... I don't want to see more unnecessary deaths." The atmosphere froze. As if falling into the deep sea, the greater water pressure squeezed and piled up every second, until Qin Xingyuan clapped his hands and pulled everyone out of the deep sea. "Without further delay, the success of our plan is the best memorial to Grisha's sister, isn't it?" No one even asked about the cause of Grisha's sister's death. Those who have the courage to join the Reform Party, especially those who take part in practical actions, almost all have a family member who was crushed to death by the empire like ants. To die without dignity, without worth, without meaning. Grisha smiled wryly. According to the prepared plan, they only separated Shi Han, Lin Jiela, and Owen to sneak into the Dark River Prison, with the goal of arriving at Linge's place before the jailers found them. The remaining members squatted near the X-2 planet in case the situation changed, and were ready for backup at any time. With Lin Jiela following, everyone has full confidence in this battle, even if it is just a mechanical body that cannot display A-level strength. In addition, Qin Xingyuan also has information about the Dark River Prison, which shows that today is the handover day of the two guard teams stationed in the prison. Theoretically speaking, on the handover day of the prison police force, team A will work 16 hours before work, team B will work 16 hours after work, and the overlapping time in between is the handover time. But in reality, no one will be there at all for the four overlapping hours in between. Judging from the overall level of the prisoners, the danger level of the dark river prison is not high, even though there is a special criminal, Ling Ge, they don't care. There's a reason they're so lazy. Lin Ge is a research-oriented talent. Although he is very tall, his combat effectiveness is not strong. Prison guards were wary of criminals escaping from the prison, but never thought that an outside group would dare to rob the prison. That is to challenge the majesty of the empire! That is a capital offense!

Now, three guys who dare to challenge the majesty of the empire are quietly sneaking in this huge steel building.

It can be seen from the naming that planet X-2 is not a habitable planet. Its mass is not large, its surface is exposed in space, it has almost no atmosphere and no magnetic field, and it is constantly whipped by the solar wind relentlessly.

The Dark River Prison is built in the low-earth orbit of planet X-2, and it is a huge building like a space station. Since X-2 and its star form a tidal lock, the dark river prison hides on the back of the planet, which can be regarded as saving some money for the shield.


Ever since Shi Han and his party entered the Dark River Prison, everything seemed to be going smoothly. They did not meet a team of prison guards, and occasionally saw a few, but they all avoided them.

They knocked three out, stripped off their uniforms, and added extra camouflage to themselves.

Of course, Shihan would not make the stupid mistake of "wake up the stunned enemy and ask his teammates for help". After confirming the coma, he also injected them with an injection that would allow normal humans to sleep for a week.

"I can't believe you are Lin Jiela." Shi Han said, looking at the mechanical body that was looking at the projected map.

"Huh? Who do you look down on?" The mechanical body controlled by Lin Jiela raised her hand, brushed her jet-black hair like feathers back, and said with dissatisfaction on her beautiful face, "This is according to my thirty-year-old self." Who did it when they were young?"

Owen nodded to them after completing his inspection of the front. "Safe."

"They are so tired." Shi Han shook his head.

The three of them walked in the direction indicated by Lin Jiela. Walking halfway in silence, Lin Jiela suddenly asked, "Shi Han, where is your body?"

Shi Han looked calm. "Didn't you agree not to ask further questions?"

"But I'm curious." Lin Jiela smiled, but what she said pointed to the core of the question. "Most people who see you think that this body is your body, because you are so fake, only a few people know that this is just your mechanical body, Qin Xingyuan's child is one of them. It is effortless to see your body disappearing like a ghost. Manipulating the mechanical body for a long time, he should think that you are a hidden A-level master, but I know you are not. Then the contradiction arises—" Shi Han stopped in his tracks, and his posture was on guard


"It is impossible for non-A-level humans to control the mechanical body for a long time so easily, and you are not A-level, so you are not human. I tried to guess who the intention of your actions is beneficial to, and who your possible master is, but I learned that You appeared out of nowhere and have been acting alone as a human being. After eliminating all possible options, the remaining one must be the truth no matter how unreasonable it is."

Owen's eyes were also full of vigilance.

Lin Jiela smiled and said, "You are an AI life, am I right?"

She glanced at Owen.

The kid doesn't seem surprised? Did you already know?

There was a long silence.

"Do you want my life? Or do you want to enslave me?" Shi Han asked coldly.

"No." Lin Jiela replied seriously. "I want the truth."

"I'm not satisfied with the history written by the victors, I want the truth of the world." Lin Jiela said firmly. "I want to know why AI life and human beings with no conflicting interests will eventually provoke tragic racial wars, why the Galactic Empire was born in glory, but slipped towards endless corruption and exploitation, why peace is temporary, and strife is Infinite. I want to know... a way to make this world break out of the loop."

"I want a better world."

Shi Han was not moved by her words at all, and said indifferently, "I never thought you would be so noble. Human."

"I am not noble, I am very clear about this. On the contrary, I used to be a very despicable person. I came from a humble background, and I have a very high spiritual talent, but I rely more on my ability to betray others. Standing out from the dusty crowd on the side of the road, he became a high-level mercenary.

"I worked so hard to save up some smart machines. The moths are within your reach. I live with exhaustion, disappointment and anger, and the birth of my son hasn't changed me a bit. I was even more cranky, snubbing him to adulthood, and he seemed surprised to see me at the wedding.

"But my disappointment in life, for some reason, suddenly disappeared when he handed my granddaughter into my hands."

Lin Jiela raised her face under the cloak, and slowly raised her face on that young face. A kind, gentle and incredible smile.

"That child is so cute. Her face is still a little wrinkled, but she is so cute! As a new life itself, she has come into this world, she is already very brave and great. I don't expect her to be here She is outstanding in this world, I only hope... I only hope that this world is worthy of her.

" What does it matter if my life is a mess? My mission is to make the world more worthy of these brave little lives.

"That' original intention. It's not noble, is it?"

Lin Jiela's words came into their minds in an instant. Shi Han's tone became serious, and he replied word by word: "I've started to believe in you. You are much nobler than I imagined." "Is

this also the reason for assisting the Reform Party?" Owen suddenly felt his heart sink. He couldn't help thinking: Does my mother feel this way when she looks at me? Lin Jiela nodded, her voice gradually lowered. "As long as this empire is still there, I will not be able to give my granddaughter the life she wants, let alone give her children a tomorrow..." "By the way, can A-level spiritual power users see that I am actually an AI?" Shihan asked. "No. Even if I am in A-level, I am very strong." Lin Jiela replied. "But there is always someone stronger than you, and there is a high probability that they are enemies." "That's true. Let me tell you a way—" Lin Jiela pointed at Owen and said, "Tell him everything about your being an AI life Now, you must be companions who can entrust your life to each other, right? In this case, you can let his spiritual power cover the range you are in, so that even A-level spiritual power users can't find it. Although only B-level, this child's spiritual power It's very strange, it must be the legendary mutated mental power, I've never seen it in reality." " We're almost there." A silver-white metal gate blocked their way. According to intelligence, after this door, through a hall, you can take the elevator to the central floor of the Dark River Prison. That is where the intelligence core of the prison is located, and it is also where the special prisoners are held.

The eyes of Lin Jiela's mechanical body lit up, and her slender fingers jumped and danced on the operation interface of the door at the same time. After a while, a green pass prompt flashed on the screen, and an animation of unlocking was displayed at the same time. After the playback was over, there was a small but piercing sound of metal friction, and the gate slowly rose like a gate. Shi Han was always nervous and cautious, but his precautions seemed to be in vain. The hall behind the door was empty, and there was no place to hide. Shi Han even wondered if the guard would suddenly jump out from under the floor, but the energy sensor told him no. "Why did you stop?" Lin Jiela turned around and asked. "Something's wrong." "Because we met too few enemies?" Shi Han shook his head. "The prison guards are tired and lazy because of corruption, which makes sense, but isn't it surprising that we didn't encounter patrol robots along the way? I think there is a 7% possibility. There is an ambush ahead. I don't want Owen to go any further. Yes." "But we didn't tell Ringe about our actions, he may not be willing to go with us, Owen is the key." Lin Jiela frowned. "I know, but both of us are mechanical bodies. If we blow ourselves up, it would be really dangerous for Owen to be surrounded..." " There's no need to argue, I won't go back first." Owen interrupted him, his tone indifferent. "Aren't you going to the battlefield because you're afraid of death? If you were really afraid of death, I wouldn't be here." " ..." Shi Han came to his senses, and suddenly realized that no matter which timeline it is, with or without his help, Irving was always that Irving. He needs no protection, no care, no mercy, he is the only god in the battlefield of thousands of stars. Lin Jie dragged Shi Han forward, and said while pressing the elevator: "Actually, I think it's your problem that there are no patrol robots." " Huh?"

"I have never seen a free AI life in my life, so I think everything is possible. And I feel that you are a bit special, and you can't see the essence." Lin Jiela described it with difficulty. "How should I put it, that is, I once wanted to probe your spiritual power, but all I encountered were dizzying and messy symbols, as if surrounded by disordered and chaotic fields... Forget it, I have been learning Chinese since I was a child. It's not very good, the words don't convey the meaning, it's just for reference."

Shihan thought of the strange symbols that made up his body in the virtual space, and the advanced AI Xiaoxing who he had easily pierced through. Lin Jiela's suspicion is not unreasonable.

But the discomfort that seemed to be hanging in the air still couldn't be eliminated, and he could only temporarily suppress his doubts in his heart.

The elevator continued to go deep into the Dark River Prison, and the process of descending lasted a full ten minutes. Finally, the door of the elevator opened, and a passage was presented in front of them.

The ceiling here is white, the floor is white, and the walls are also white. They are all made of a composite material, which is boring and has no aesthetic feeling.

Lin Ge's room is easy to find. It's at the end of the passage. Lin Jiela took out a disposable storage device and stuffed it in against the door lock. The code inside was quickly deciphered and destroyed.

In the originally dark room, the induction lights turned on, and a figure quickly got up, posing a guarded posture towards them.

This person is naturally Rin Ge.

He looks worse than when he was in prison. The tall figure has no sense of strength, but is pitifully curled up. Under the loose prison uniform that is too short, the atrophy of the leg muscles caused by not walking around is almost visible to the naked eye. The beard has not been shaved for a long time, and it has grown a circle. Her long brown hair was loose, withered, yellow and decayed, dull, frizzy and tangled, and her pair of black eyes were full of decadence, with no vitality at all.

"Who are you?" He asked, his voice hoarse.

The author has something to say: Lin Jiela's speech was inspired by:

??"Attack on Titan"Kalula Yeager's famous quote

?? Is it okay if it is not special? I don't think so, at least this child doesn't need to be great, even if he is not better than others; because you see, he is so cute, so this child is already great, after all, he was born into this world ! ????????????????


This is not the time to waste time. Shi Han answered succinctly:

"Shi Han and Jiela, the mission executors sent by an organization that wants to rescue you, and—" "

Hahaha!" Lin Ge laughed wildly, interrupting Shi Han. After laughing, he wiped away his false tears and said, "I don't need to tell you, I know that I want to use my knowledge, right? Does anyone still remember me as a scientist? Let me tell you, no matter what you want me to do, I will They won't even agree. Save me? Bullshit!"

"Research?" He pointed at Shi Han and grinned. "I quit! Hahaha!" Shi

Han's voice was still calm, as if he didn't hear Ringe's ridicule at all, and continued to introduce the last person on his own: "And Owen, Lilian's son." "

I don't ——" Lin Ge was about to continue to refuse, but the words that were just about to come out were stuck in her throat after hearing the name.

"Whose son do you mean...?" he asked tremblingly.

"Lilian." Shi Han's tone was still flat. "Lillian Hall."

The moment the name was confirmed again, this dejected man seemed to have been hit by a heavy object, and then his back straightened up, his head raised, and he brushed his messy hair with his hands. Look at Owen. In a short while, just like Li Zhenxi's eyes at the beginning, from surprise to confirmation, and then to ecstasy.

He was like a cloud of dust, hit by Shi Han's words like a shock wave, and then in the endless void, the cloud of dust suddenly collapsed, trembling and squeezed together, his heart became hotter and hotter, until a ray of light pierced him. The darkness was broken, and the furnace of stars was ignited.

It will never be extinguished until death.

"Let's go?" Shi Han didn't give him so much time to recall the past, and reminded him indifferently: "Every second you delay, the possibility of us dying here increases by 0.08%." "How did you calculate that?

" What?" Rin Ge, a researcher, obviously doesn't like this. Although he retorted with his mouth, his movements were not slow at all, and he followed Shihan and the others towards the exit.

Shi Han pulled out a stiff smile: "I'm talking nonsense."

Lin Ge; "..." Sure enough.

They had just walked halfway through the corridor, when Shi Han had a flash of inspiration, and the doubts that had been circling in his mind since he went deep into the Dark River Prison finally had an answer.

But the answer made his heart sink to the bottom.

At the same time, Owen was ready for battle in an instant, and yelled: "Danger!"

Lin Jiela reacted the fastest, and immediately threw a disposable protective cover from her arms. The next second, a red laser beam And blue and white electric arcs swept across the sky, and Lin Jiela's high-level protective shield ran out of energy in less than five seconds.

Fortunately, before that, Lin Jiela and Shi Han had already propped up the other two floors, otherwise they would have turned into parts all over the floor, and Owen and Linge would have been turned into pieces of meat.

Owen directed his mental power to spread out. His mental power has a special field property, which is wider than that of the same level, and can effectively kill enemies who enter the range. This is exactly what he has in mind. But after searching for a while, he frowned, and his voice was so cold that it was about to freeze.

"This is an ambush. When we came in, we blocked the system's perception all the way. It stands to reason that we would not attack us unless someone deliberately activated it. There are no living people here, which means that someone has completely mastered our route. Make an ambush, and the prison guards should be waiting for us at the exit." Owen was right. He noticed these unusual places from the very beginning and was suspicious, but he was still unable to form a complete reasoning. So he listened to Lin Jiela's explanation, coupled with Owen's persistence, the group fell into a trap. It's useless to regret now, the point is how to escape? At least let Owen escape alone. Shi Han calculated quickly, but couldn't come up with a result, so he could only pin his hope on Owen's big explosion at the moment of life and death. But the reality is not to write cool articles. There is a limit to the sudden growth of mental power. In his previous life, Owen had experienced countless times of life and death. If there was an explosion once, he would have evolved into an N-level domain. In fact, Owen in his previous life also experienced defeat, the most serious one, the cost of successfully breaking out of the encirclement was the lives of 8162 elites.

Will Owen really die here?

Shihan felt absurd. Over the past few years, the figure of the invincible Galactic God of War in his previous life has gradually faded in his memory. The ruthless emperor who seemed to have been quenched by frost was buried in the depths of the database by him. Unbelievably fragile and tough, he already had the shadow of the iron-blooded emperor in his eyes, but it was different.

Shihan couldn't tell what was different, but it was different.

He used to think that Owen was nothing more than a useful chess piece, and would become more and more useful. It was a pity to die, but it was not a big deal. He always had time to find new ones.

He's an AI, and he has an infinite lifespan. He is even more a "prophet", his eyes can see through the future of the galaxy. He does not need to be responsible for the death of a chess piece, nor does he need to mourn the death of a human being.


why is he still looking for loopholes to escape?

Why did he want Owen to survive so much?

Is Irving that important to his plans? Was it calculated by the super system in the previous life? Or is his subconscious calculation reminding him that in order to achieve his goal, Owen must not die?

Shi Han felt that his CPU was going to be overclocked.

At this time, Ringe, who was on the side with a livid face, suddenly yelled, saving Shihan's CPU. Lin Ge's cry was halfway out, then she lowered her voice, and said to them: "I know how to get out! There is a secret road here."

Lin Jiela was anxious: "It's still secret, are you making a fucking movie?"

"Really, I used to know the designer Yagami Chiyo here. There is a way out here, which is not entered into the intelligent system. It is in the corner on the right at the end of the corridor. I need 30 seconds to activate it." Lin

Jiela Call everyone immediately: "Go!"

They ran towards the end of the corridor with a layer of magnetic field shield, a layer of position shield and Owen's mental power shield. In the last few steps, Lin Ge almost escaped from the protective circle because he rushed too fast. He pounced on the seemingly empty corner of the wall, his palm pressed a rhythm on the first square decimeter, and Shi Han recognized that it was an extremely ancient Morse code.

The brick sank, and a panel was exposed, and Linge raced against time to decipher it. The security system in the corridor concentrated fire, and there was a little vibration in the distance. It was the patrol robot. This was followed by a shower of electromagnetic bombs and laser weapons, and an occasional infrasonic wave. If it wasn't blocked in time, the life forms here would have to kneel. When the remaining three couldn't stand it anymore, the panel finally made a pleasant "beep" sound, which was like a fairy music, and the green fluorescent lamp was also very cute, and a passage appeared in front of them. Lin Ge said: "It will take more time to close it, so we can't close the passage to resist the robots behind, it has to be broken by someone." Lin Jiela carried him into the passage with one hand: "Stop talking nonsense, Run, I'll do what's left." She turned her back to her companions, and greeted the robots that came like a wave. traitor! There was definitely a traitor in the Reform Party, and the operation plan was completely leaked to the Underworld Prison, otherwise it would be impossible to explain why the ambush was so flawless. She gritted her teeth, and when she recovered her mental power and went to the main ship, she must find out who this traitor was. The two things I hate the most in my life are death and betrayal. Considering the possible danger of exiting, Shi Han was at the forefront. There are very few lights in the passage, only a fluorescent strip on the top to guide pedestrians forward. The shape of the Dark River Prison is like a planetary ring, with counterclockwise rotation and the planetary axis as the standard. They were originally located on the upper side of the prison. After walking for about an hour, they came to the lower exit of the prison. Owen first probed out with his mental power, and there were two life forms around him.

Shi Han conducted a thermal imaging scan, showing that there were two spaceships floating outside, the models commonly used by prison guards, streamlined, like two crystal clear water droplets in deep space.

"Our spaceship is parked on the upper side, and we can't get through it now. The old way, okay?" Shi Han said to Owen.

Owen nodded, and immediately understood what the old method was referring to. Just like when they rushed to rescue Aisha, he first killed the pilot who entered the range of the mental force field, and then Shihan seized control of the spaceship.

The system of the imperial prison patrol spaceship is more strict than that of the boss's troops, but there are not many enemies around them. As long as they are cautious enough, they can steal the spaceship without anyone noticing it and escape before everyone reacts. .

As soon as Owen thought of this, Ringe exclaimed in a low voice: "We have been discovered!" "


"My mental power has been connected to this channel's own intelligent system, and it was discovered by the main system just now. The exit The coordinates have been leaked."

"Patrols are gathering here." Shi Han frowned: "There is no time to sneak around, and start to break through forcibly. Owen and Ringe, you only focus on evacuation, and I will do the attack and defense. I am ready to stay. It's here."

Owen said: "Okay."

Ringe, who didn't know the truth, was startled: "What kind of plastic comradeship is this?"

Until he and Owen pressed the light blue button on their shoulders, and the whole body was covered with a layer of transparent membrane, that is the latest generation of portable spacesuits. Not only did he see that Shihan didn't make any moves, but he even took off the suit from his shoulders and gave it to Owen.

Ringe blinked, as if he felt that there was something wrong with his eyes.

Shi Han kindly pointed to himself and explained: "This is a mechanical body, it can't die, but it's a bit expensive." Just when

Linge wanted to say something, Owen saw the right moment and launched a brazen attack on the two spaceships. The invisible mental shock wave pierced the crew's brain, followed by Shihan's eyes with blue light flowing, and the fine data stream washed away like a waterfall. A few seconds later, he dragged Lin Ge: "Let's go!"


 The double doors leading to space at the end of the passage opened, and they rushed out with the few cubic meters of air between the doors. According to the plan, Owen and Linge occupied one boat, and Shihan operated the other one alone.

The width of the Dark River Prison is not large. During this period of time, hundreds of shuttle-shaped automatic patrol boats and dozens of drop-shaped patrol boats with drivers have arrived, forming a siege around them.

"Owen, sprint to the coordinates (1.3, 9.0, 4.7). Qin Xingyuan has received our distress signal and will meet you there. According to his speed, it is recommended that you allocate 80% of the energy to the engine and 20% to the necessary attack. And defense, everything is to clear the way."

After receiving Shi Han's order, Owen carried it out without hesitation. The spaceship continued to accelerate, reaching its maximum speed after consuming 60% of its energy, piercing into the encirclement like a sharp sword. The remaining energy is carefully used to change direction. Owen's superb driving skills ensure that the speed does not decrease while the spaceship shuttles through the water like a flexible tadpole. The human beings blocked on the way to charge were harvested one by one, not as good as the flexible automatic patrol boats with manual operation lined up and smashed to pieces. Linge huddled on the co-pilot, completely abandoning the previous idea of ​​"protecting Lilian's child", feeling like a useless person. He watched in horror as a missile was attacking them, and watched it pass them by with unparalleled driving skills, and he couldn't help sighing: he was protected by Lillian's child again. On the other side, Shi Han half squatted on the curved surface of the drop-shaped spaceship. On the surface of the body exposed in the vacuum, hard metal floated up to replace the simulated skin that had already collapsed and disintegrated, and the silver hair spread out, shining with little signals of light. His arms stretched out and transformed into a turret. The black muzzle locked on its target like an eagle's eyes. At the same time, the weapon system of the spacecraft under his feet was also fully activated. His eyelids shining with silver-gray metallic light were slightly closed like a sniper. In the next moment, more than a dozen gorgeous trajectories are like fireworks rising into the sky. After leaving a straight trajectory, the moment it touches the target is the moment when the flowers bloom.

The circular encircling circle, the symmetrical trajectory, and the violent explosion are so dazzling and vivid in the dim universe, like the art of blood and fire, one after another. While attacking, Shi Han kept trying to invade the spaceship that was still intact, trying to sustain his attack.

He knew that he also had limits. After the other party began to limit the network connection, the other party lost the command system, but he also lost the way to invade. After dragging for about ten minutes, he estimated that Owen had already sailed out of the danger zone, and the spaceship in his hand would also be exhausted.

Of course, before he becomes a wreck, the last gift cannot be missing.

Since you want to come together and let me kill, if I don't kill, wouldn't I be sorry for your efforts?

You're so, so close.

He looked at the group of spaceships surrounded like wolves, smiled, started the last program, pushed open the door leading to the star network in the virtual space, and rushed out in a stream of light.

In the next second, the annihilation reaction was activated, and a miniature sun rose on the battlefield.

Owen, who had already escaped from the encirclement, looked at the sharp bright spots on the screen, and suddenly felt his heart twitch, and sank like a big rock. Although he knew that Shi Han would not die, he felt depressed for no reason.

His mood was so low that even Qin Xingyuan, who came to meet him, saw something was wrong.

After boarding the organization's spaceship, Qin Xingyuan patted him on the shoulder, making Owen frown involuntarily. Realizing that he didn't like being touched by others, Qin Xingyuan smiled embarrassedly, and then withdrew his smile when he spoke.

"Are you all right?" Qin Xingyuan asked.

"En." Owen responded, thinking of this weird trap, whispered to Qin Xingyuan; "There are traitors."

Qin Xingyuan nodded. "I know that Lin Jiela withdrew her consciousness from the mechanical clone ten minutes ago. Everyone gathered in the spaceship hall, and she is furious now." "Has anyone been found?


"No. Actually, they don't know the situation on my side. Lin Jiela is worried about you, so I have to report to her." Qin Xingyuan was about to send a video request, but Owen stopped him.

"Don't wait." Owen said: "When we suddenly appeared in front of them, observe the expressions of those personnel and record them with a camera. In fact, it is very likely that you can see who has a problem without analysis."

Qin Xingyuan was stunned for a moment, as if he didn't expect Owen to be so deep in his thoughts, and then nodded in agreement.

The rest of the journey was silent, and they soon reached the main ship.

The main ship detected their approach, so the spacecraft safely parked in the hangar, and when they walked down the gangway, the main ship's personnel gathered there.

Lin Jiela looked eagerly at the people who got out of the spaceship, but at the same time, she was also scanning the emotional fluctuations of the people present with her mental power, until Lin Ge was the last one to go down the gangway and found that no one had any obvious injuries. Take it easy.

There was no abnormality in her mental power. After looking around, he met Qin Xingyuan.

She immediately noticed that Qin Xingyuan was staring at her motionlessly. No, to be precise, it was staring behind her.


She didn't scan behind her just now!

Lin Jiela's instinctive and proficient mental power spread out backwards. Before she could concentrate, she felt the surging emotional fluctuations from behind like a tsunami.

In fact, there is no need for mental power perception at all. Lin Jiela turned her head and saw Grisha's distorted face.

On the originally upright young face, the eyebrows quickly twisted into a tangled and painful shape, and the eyes also became strange, casting a decisive light, like a furious flame ignited on a sea of ​​sorrow. Lin Ge's direction didn't work on the enemy, instead it overflowed from the eyes, burning the rest of his five sense organs.

Burned to death.

"Grisha?!" His appearance was too prominent among the crowd who were grateful for the completion of the task, how could Lin Jiela not see anything unusual. After a brief moment of surprise, she quickly came to a conclusion: "You betrayed us?"

Grisha's teeth clenched on his lip were released with unwillingness, and a bloodstain flowed down. He bent the corner of his mouth, and the trace also bent, and the blood was still flowing down.

"Yes." His voice sounded like sawing wood.

Lin Jiela couldn't believe it. She had been betrayed, more than once, but it never occurred to her that Grisha had any reason to betray the Reformation. Not only did she know Grisha, she almost watched him grow up. He is upright and compassionate, once optimistic and full of ideals.

During the time when his sister disappeared and died, Lin Jiela was on duty and did not visit him. After that, Grisha's temperament changed drastically, he was no longer optimistic and cheerful, but he always hated the empire and worked hard in the Reform Party. .

"Why?" she asked out loud.

"Why?" repeated Grisha, laughing hoarsely. "You might as well ask that Mr. Linge—why! What! What! Still! Alive! Live!!"

The last few words were screamed out, and the sound of the ghost crying echoed in the hall where a needle could be heard.

At some point, all voices disappeared, and all eyes were on Grisha.

"My sister! That's my real sister!! Her brain is still in Ringe's laboratory! Fiona! It's just because of her special's all my fault, it's all my fault, why should she be encouraged? Report. Hide, can't you hide? Fiona! Fiona! Did his instrument eat you? Did he eat your brain!"

He babbled horribly.

"Don't you call yourself righteous? Don't you want to build a bright future?! Kill him! He once held power in the top laboratory of the empire. He was interested in mutated spiritual power, so he ordered the capture of test products , My sister is a test case! Now you are saving him instead? Why are you claiming to be righteous? Where is justice! Where is fairness!"

"His talent—" whispered one.

The crimson magma-like eyes immediately turned to the man, forcing him to take a few steps back.

Grisha laughed sadly and said: "You just want his talents, what is the difference between you and the empire?! The lackeys of interests are all lackeys of interests. Unlike the empire, others openly and honestly say that they are lackeys of interests. You have to put on a layer of colorful skin!! You are different? Then kill him! Kill him!! Kill him!!! Execute!! Execute on the spot!!" "He is not what he used to

be— "

But Fiona is dead!! She doesn't think so! I don't care who he is now? You can't speak when you bully the dead, can you? You can't speak when you bully the dead, right?!" "You, you know you made a mistake

. Did you commit any crime?" Lin Jiela took a deep breath, even she couldn't help being moved by such crazy emotions. "Do you know that you put your companion to death?" He half cried and laughed. "I know! Of course I know! I stopped them, but they still want to go, and now there is one less one coming back, so I can't help it! Today is Fiona's death day, I could have regarded Ringe's death as a gift I gave it to her, but it's too bad, too bad, I can't even do this well..." A cold voice interrupted his muttering. "He's not dead." That was Owen speaking. He glanced at Grisha with a look like ice skates. "But I think you committed the same crime, and I demand a trial." "Not dead? That's good." Grisha suddenly let out a smile from his cheeks distorted by hatred. "That's great." Owen remembered that he strongly opposed them to follow Lin Jiela to carry out the mission, and his plan was to let Lin Jiela's mechanical clone die with Linge in the Dark River Prison. But he also thought of the sun rising from the battlefield. Antimatter bomb. It turned out that Shihan was ready to "die" once for every mission, to be the last one for his companions.

What if one day someone sets a trap and really dies? Or worse than death?

Thinking of this, his heart hardened, and the so-called sympathy was thrown away.


 He asked Qin Xingyuan: "What should we do with the captured traitors?"

Qin Xingyuan gritted his teeth and said, "Report for review, and shoot him on the spot after approval."

No one moved. Owen walked to the screen alone and reported it.

"Owen, you..." Qin Xingyuan glanced back at Grisha, a little bit unbearable.

"I know, but he shouldn't have put Shihan in danger."

Why haven't I heard from him, why haven't I heard his voice?

Owen was very restless.

The stone in my heart can't fall to the ground.

Grisha was taken into a cell and held there until notified. Li Zhenxi is worthy of being a god-level boss who can take care of business and develop a secret political party at the same time. It took half a day to get a reply after the report was uploaded. There was only one paragraph in the message: the confession has passed the polygraph analysis, and the evidence has been verified from the intelligence network

. See [Appendix 1] (permission requirement: high). Verdict: Immediate execution.

List of Executioners Avoidance: [Appendix 2]

The verdict has come down, the question now is who will be the executioner.

Lin Jiela looked around, and everywhere she went, everyone either avoided or lowered their heads, not even daring to meet her eyes. Maybe it was Grisha's words that made them feel so guilty that they couldn't make a trial from the standpoint of so-called justice. When justice does not become justice, and the trial is not called a trial, no one has the courage to do it, even if Lee Jin Hee has given the order.

After all, no one wants to be a murderer.

Finally, Owen said: "Let me do it."

Lin Jiela looked at Owen in surprise. She didn't know him very well, but she knew that Owen was very young, probably just stepped from a teenager to a young man. Why?

Owen seemed to see the question she hadn't asked. "Because someone has to do it," he said quietly.

Also because, my hands were covered with blood long ago, not bad for this one.

When he stood in front of Grisha, the gun in his hand was held firmly, and the muzzle of the gun was aimed at his brain very precisely. The bullet trajectory could directly penetrate the brain stem, and he would die quickly and easily.

Grisha looked up at him, those eyes cooled like lava, became hard and deep.

"Do you think you are righteous?" he asked. When asking, his head tilted slightly, showing curiosity like a child.

"No, I don't think so." Owen answered quickly without hesitation.

Grisha suddenly laughed. "If after the revolution succeeds, you become the leader and Ringe makes great contributions, will you pay me back?"

He stared at Owen earnestly and hard, but Owen remained silent.

Grisha closed his eyes in the dead silence.

"This world is really terrible..."

A tear flowed from the corner of his eye and fell on the ground, forming a symmetrical pattern, which was the last proof that he had been in this world.


Owen pulled the trigger.

After this mission, Owen brought Linge back to Shi Han's Base No. 1. On the one hand, it was because Linge had just been rescued, and there was such a big commotion in the Dark River Prison, it was not suitable to live in any fixed place, and the mobile factory like Base No. Because Lin Ge insisted on following Owen, Li Zhenxi simply divided them into a small team.

When they returned to Base No. 1, Shihan hadn't appeared yet. In fact, the first thing Owen did when he returned to the ship was to look for Shihan's spare mechanical body, but it stood there like a lifeless silent statue, and there was no trace of it in the local area network. Owen was disappointed again.

Currently there are only him and Linge on the spaceship. Lin Ge toured the automatic factory full of strange equipment, and quickly mastered the structure of most of the assembly lines. After playing with a beverage machine with various functions, he sat down with two cups of coffee.

Owen took one of the glasses, but put it on the table without drinking. He asked Ringe: "Have you ever experimented with a little girl?"

The corners of Ringe's slightly raised mouth flattened.

"Do you think Grisha would lie?" He asked back, "Do I not look like this kind of person?" "

I don't think Grisha would lie, and you certainly don't look like this kind of person."

Lin Ge sighed : "It's just not like it now. I know what you want to ask, there is no misunderstanding, I am not innocent, what Grisha said is correct, even more, not just Fiona, God knows how my experimental materials come from ."

Owen frowned slightly.

"Do you feel that the air becomes stale when you sit with someone like me?"

Owen picked up the coffee and took a sip. "I am not so righteous, not so idealistic. My hands are not so clean. You can say whatever you want."

Ringe slowly told about his past.


Lin Ge is an orphan, but he is a genius, and from the first day he became self-aware, he has been receiving compliments from all directions.

He was born as a commoner, but he was praised as high as the sky by the nobles of the imperial capital. Maybe the strict parents like to use civilian geniuses to teach their children, or the old ladies who are tired of class solidification like the story of a lotus protruding from the mud. Accepting the admiration of his classmates for his intelligence.

Everything comes too easily. He was bored, and he took it for granted that he deserved it. He deserved it, but he was wrong in thinking that he was better than everyone else, born nobler than everyone else.

He looked at the beggars and prostitutes on the side of the road with dusty eyes. It's not because he doesn't have sympathy. Who told them that they were not born with a good brain?

Elimination, evolution, social Darwinism.

He has been cast with sympathetic gazes on the bright side, and secretly ridiculed for his mediocre background. He has become arrogant and withdrawn. Academics seem to be the whole meaning of his life, because he needs the affirmation of others, and all the praise comes from his academic achievements. He became more and more obsessed with it, bordering on pathological.

He stood on the award platform, flooded with flowers, and the Imperial Academy of Sciences sent him an invitation. Linge once thought it was his own choice. At that time, he hadn't thought that his life was a small fish guided by bait, a beast domesticated by food and rewards. He was domesticated by the nobles of the empire into a scientific research machine, and then, like a precious instrument, he was carefully placed where it should go.

His thoughts, his experience, his education, everything has been recorded in the computer system, which is called "Potential Talent Education Suggestion System". He heard that he was included in it, and thought he was a talent, but in fact he was a tool of the empire.

The young Linge was raised in a laboratory like a leek. He thought this was glory, he thought that life should be so boring.

Nothing but research.

He pushed forward one cutting-edge project after another, numbly accepting one honor after another. Those projects required a lot of materials, Linge just made a list, and other people would do the rest properly, and the materials would usually be sent to the laboratory within a week.

Gradually, he was not satisfied with the regular projects, and the dean told him again and again, "I don't believe that your potential is limited to these." Although he was numb to honors, he needed them, otherwise he would not be able to live, just as he didn't want to do scientific research, but had to do it, otherwise life would be meaningless.

Late that night, he wrote "brain tissue of a mutant psychic" on the list.

He thought he would receive an old slice soaked in embalming fluid, but a month later, a girl appeared on his dissecting table.

He froze for a while. Until the coffee at the table was cold, he picked it up and took a sip, it was cold and bitter. Then he plunged the probe into the girl's cortex and began the numbing work.

It has been out of control ever since.

Now he knew that the girl's name was Fiona. Fiona Mueller.

He was just doing a bloody demon in the laboratory until a person broke into his life——Lilian.

Lilian was accompanied by Qin Haoye. She was two months pregnant, and when she stepped through the door, her eyes were filled with gentle brilliance. The subject of Linge's research at that time happened to be the factors that affect the spiritual power of the embryonic development process. Naturally, the heirs of the empire cannot make the slightest mistake, so Qin Haoye approached him, the most prestigious biochemist in the empire.

After a few words of advice, Qin Haoye received a text message and left in a hurry.

Lilian listened carefully to Lin Ge's theory, and lowered her head to take notes when she talked about what nutrients should be supplemented to the fetus. After Lin Ge finished speaking, he couldn't help adding: "Actually, these factors have little influence. You just want peace of mind. It's useless. Good genes are enough." "I don't quite understand it either."

Lilian smiled . "You can understand so much, you are amazing."

Lin Ge nodded indifferently. He has heard many similar compliments.

Although he knew that the list he made was of negligible use to the children, he still wrote a long list in a rigorous spirit, and approved many precautions and notes. After sending it to Lilian, she rolled her eyes with a smile.

"Doctor Linge, you are so kind."

These words fell quietly into his heart like a dandelion seed, taking root and sprouting quietly.

Later, Lillian often came to him for checkups. He saw with his own eyes that the child gradually transformed from a small embryo with a slightly protruding face into a human shape, with hands and feet growing out.

While waiting for the results from the machine, Lillian often chatted with him, and the two gradually became friends. He and Lilian had many different views, and occasionally they had disputes. The most intense one was when Lilian sarcastically satirized Ringe's social Darwinism concept and told him that since he is so smart, he should go to all parts of the galaxy. , Is it true that all low-level people should be low-level people?

After Lilian gave birth, Lin Ge really took a few months off to play around. He has been to the poorest planet as well as the richest city. His original idea was to find evidence to refute Lillian, but in the past few months, he has become more and more confused, because he found that his thoughts have become different. same.

Lin Ge is indeed very smart, so smart that as long as he is out of that environment for a few months, he can realize that he has been controlled since he was a child.

He returned to the research institute and continued to do experiments day after day. The dean, tutors, books, and self-study courses, everything that he hadn't noticed before, now appeared in the eyes of the police detective like clues. He searched patiently, and finally, a year later, he found out the true face of the "Potential Talent Education Suggestion System".

Screen outstanding civilian children, control information sources from an early age, and brainwash them. The basic data is jointly evaluated by psychologists and computers. There are many modes to choose from. The computer will calculate the type of information, central idea, and emotional expression sent to the child in the past few months. After a period of time, re-evaluate and give new results. Suggestions include suppressing self-confidence in non-target areas of expertise, controlling interpersonal relationships, and more.

Lin Ge saw his name, and also saw his life trajectory being measured and controlled. The system's suggestions range from "award him the Galaxy Chemistry Award" to "estrange his relationship with Lin Zhiyuan", "transfer Vera Karenina to District 30", "eliminate his social sources" , "Belittling his family background", "Laughing at him for having no father and mother"...

The list is very long and seems endless.

Finally, there is a polygon, many of which, such as "family affection", "love", "friendship", "self-esteem", "empathy", "moral sense"... are almost zero, and only a few items have data that breaks the sky.

Reasoning, imagination, analysis, calculation.

A line of big green characters: No. 1884 [Researcher] was successfully cultivated, and the current state is stable.

His heart seemed to have fallen from a high altitude and shattered on an iceberg. Frozen meat and blood wrapped in the ice floated on the surface of the sea, melting and attracting piranhas. swim.

He began to feel, began to suffer, began to repent, and changed from a machine to a human.

He went to find Lilian in name, but found that she was missing. Compared with Li Zhenxi's narration, Lilian should have been imprisoned at that time. Lin Ge went deep into many confidential systems, and finally found a trace of her, and followed this clue to unlock the truth.

But he was a step too late like Li Zhenxi, and he didn't even see Lilian's body.

Rinko went crazy. That week, all the systems of the empire's high-level system were cyclically warning: "1884 [researcher] data is abnormal! Be careful! This individual is extremely dangerous! Extremely dangerous!" He was finally caught by the

imperial police and put in prison. Before that, he destroyed They destroyed three important laboratories, infected the "Potential Talent Education Suggestion System" and its related sixteen subsystems with viruses, and carried out biochemical attacks on eight galaxy-class battleships.

He was imprisoned in the deepest part of the Dark River Prison. Qin Haoye didn't kill him, probably because he wanted him to live in pain for the rest of his life.


Owen was silent for a while after listening, thinking of Shi Han's words, he was a little curious.

"Do you love my mother?"

"Of course." After Ringe finished speaking, he belatedly thought of what Owen meant. "Do you mean love?"

Owen looked at Ringe with an idiotic look.

"No." Lin Ge gave a surprising answer. Seeing Owen's puzzled expression, he couldn't help laughing and said: "Lilian is indeed very beautiful, but you don't have to think that everyone is as good as Qin Haoye. Sex. Your mother was more than just beauty, Owen, she had a keen eye and a virtue of tolerance, and a power of redemption. "

Lillian was my first friend, though it may be a little Strange, but in a sense she was also my mentor. It was she who pulled me out of the fake world and showed me what is real. "I don't talk about the past to make you sympathize with me. I have nothing to sympathize with. Although the road was not chosen by me, I walked on it. If one day the empire is destroyed and a new order is miraculously established, I will be happy as the old It may be the only bright moment in my life. In my next life, I want to be a traveler and write travel notes, which is great." Lin Ge seemed to be a little addicted to the past memories, and suddenly looked at him with kind eyes I looked Owen up and down, and I saw goosebumps on the latter. "When I saw you for the first time, you were still a blastodisc floating in the amniotic cavity. You still had a small tail at that time. Looking at your long arms and legs, you are so big now..." Owen : "..." True·Hardcore·From small to large. When Linge continued to describe the development process of the embryo, the screen in the hall flickered a few times, and Shi Han's figure finally appeared. Owen was stunned for a moment, a well-covered joy appeared in his eyes, and the stone in his heart finally fell to the ground. Before Shi Han could speak, he asked, "Why did it take you so long to come back?"

"After I entered the star network, in order to avoid the trajectory being too obvious, I transferred to a few more places." Shi Han explained: "I already know about Grisha. Judging from the database on the prison side, he should not have leaked too much. More, at least he didn't disclose any information about the organization, he just said that someone would come to rob the prison at a certain time and try to take Ringe away. After you sent the trial request, I handed over these conclusions to Li Zhenxi..." "You are

here Do you want a syslog broadcast?"

"Didn't you ask?" A question mark popped up on the screen.

Owen: "..."

Humans cannot be angry with an AI.

The screen flickered, and Shi Han's face disappeared from above. The next moment, the light was turned on in the storage room not far away, and Shi Han's consciousness was uploaded to the spare body, and he walked out from it while moving his shoulders.

"Ringe." He nodded to the decadent middle-aged scientist. "Before I came back, the D area was closed. In fact, some laboratory supplies were being produced, and now they are basically complete. Come here and let me scan the iris, and I will hand over the usage rights to you." Lin Ge obediently obeyed

. After the beep, Shi Han still stared at him.

"What?" Ringe was uncomfortable being stared at. "If you want to ask me if I know your identity, Owen didn't tell me, but I've guessed it pretty well. Don't worry, if Owen won't let me tell, I won't say it—" "You wo

n't Want to go and see it?"

"Huh?" Rin's fans are no longer pretending to be self-confident. It turned out that I wanted to dismiss him.

"I'm going now." After finishing speaking, he left here and went straight into the laboratory.

Shi Han walked up to Owen, looked at it carefully, and asked, "Are you angry?"

Owen asked bluntly, "Why didn't you even send me a message after you escaped?"

"I jumped a few galaxies. The server has thirty-three three-star districts, and then twenty-fifth district—"

"I'm not interested in checking your system log." Owen pursed his lips into a cold straight line. "The next time we separate, remember to send a message as soon as possible. Do you know... how worried I am about you?" The voice of the latter sentence became weaker and weaker.

"Huh?" Shi Han raised his head. "I didn't hear what you just said."

"You did." Owen said blankly.

Shi Han hooked the corner of his mouth, and then thought of something more important: "Have you had an inspection after you came back?"

Owen was taken aback. "No... I'm not injured."

"It's not up to you." Shi Han said seriously, "I'm going to scan you."

"...Okay." No matter how many times he was seen through, he still felt a little strange. .

After running the medical assistance program, the injuries on Owen's body appeared in the field of vision like fireflies in the dark night. Seeing this shocked Shi Han, and quickly pushed Owen on the chair.

"Don't get up." He asked nervously, "Don't you feel that there is something wrong with your body?"

Owen asked suspiciously; "I said I'm not hurt."

"You're not hurt? If you're not hurt, a dead person can jump on the grave Did you know that you hurt your spine? What happened?" Shi Han asked like a cannonball.

Owen was silent for a while before he remembered: "Maybe it was flipped while escaping and was attacked again. The spaceship hit a piece of wreckage and knocked on the pilot's seat." "Does it hurt?" Owen shook his


. "It's nothing, it's not as painful as when

you were a child." "Lie down on the operating table, and I'll test if your nerves are affected."

When Shi Han said this, when Owen stood up, he suddenly felt pain in his lower back.

The smart operating table of the Interstellar era can change its shape. After setting the parameters, the patient can be fixed in a posture that does not aggravate the injury and is convenient for the operation. This is the second time for Owen to lie down here, and Aisha has also lay down here before, Owen thought a little maliciously, whenever Linge would come to lie down.

"Don't be distracted."

Shi Han put the probe on his skin, sat beside him, pressed his fingers from his ankle, and stared at the parameters fed back by the probe.

The fingers gradually went up, and then up, pressing lightly or heavily on the tight skin through the fabric.

"Shihan!" Owen's voice trembled slightly. "Almost? I'm fine."

"You're fine, I told you not to move." Shi Han continued to focus on the reading.

Owen's face turned red visibly, and the crimson color spread from the tips of his ears to the base of his neck. "Enough... um..."

He bit his lower lip in time, and only a suspicious voice escaped vaguely from his throat.

"Okay." After a few minutes, Shi Han stood up and turned off the instrument. "Although it looks like a serious injury, fortunately, the problem is not serious and the nerves have not been injured. It's just that the next two weeks will be a recovery period. You should exercise carefully and take your medicine on time. I will supervise you—what's the matter?" He

finally I found something wrong with Owen.

"It's nothing, you're still leaving?" Owen's tone of pretending to be calm didn't play a role in dispelling his doubts, and his increasingly red ears betrayed him.

"I'll help you go."

"I don't need you—hey!"

Shi Han found out when he pulled him up, and suddenly realized, "That's it." He pushed Owen back while speaking.

Owen was already extremely ashamed and angry, his black hair was a little wet with sweat, and the broken hair was pasted on his forehead. His lower eyes stared fiercely at Shi Han. The original wolf-like cold eyes appeared to be bluffing like a puppy because of the red corners of his eyes. sense of threat.

Shi Han stood in front of him, the light cast a shadow, and the dark color pressed over vaguely. He smiled mildly.

"Want to help?"

This sentence exploded in Owen's mind like a hydrogen bomb, sending out a shameful sound and a bright light of desire, which made him dizzy. He struggled to speak out: "You...what did you say? Help..."

Shi Han patiently explained: "As a healthy nineteen-year-old XY-type genetic human, this reaction is normal. Why are you so shy? It's strange."

I wonder? Owen thought. You are strange right!

"Haven't you done it with your girlfriend?"

"'s none of your business!"

"Have you ever done it yourself?

Do you need me to teach you?" "No! Let me go! This is our human Privacy! You record this in your database!"

"Oh?" Shi Han tilted his head, he looked very innocent when doing this action. "But I'm not a human being. Many intelligent programs also have this function. It's not uncommon. I won't tell anyone, so it doesn't matter if I mess with it." "—Or, do you treat me as a human?


Owen opened his mouth, realizing this. "...Yes."

Shihan raised the corners of his mouth, stood up slowly, and left a sentence before leaving: "I see, I will get along with you according to human standards."

But do you know what human standards are? Owen looked at the calm back of an AI, wishing he could dig a hole in the ground and bury his head in it.


Shi Han returned to the cab with the mood of discovering the New World.

But after a while, it can make that expression on that indifferent face... Some of the reactions of human beings are really interesting. Interesting, want to watch it a few more times, no. many times. Shi Han thought unconsciously.

Owen regarded him as a human being? But he wasn't human, and he wasn't human anyway.

After a while, he finished recollecting it, pressed this memory into the database, and began to think about business.

Since that strange memory flashed back, he has become more and more suspicious that the abnormality of his AI life came from that chip at the beginning, and it is likely to have something to do with the AI ​​civilization that disappeared that year. Could it be that a discarded chip on Garbage Star is a relic of AI civilization? How did he travel through time and space, and why did he pass through that D-level AI chip?

He thought everything was just a coincidence, but now it seems suspicious.

He had studied that chip from inside to outside when he first came here. It is indeed extraordinary, but Shi Han couldn't study its structure, just like he couldn't analyze the composition of his own. The code structure is the same.

Shi Han thought that it became like that because of him. Before that, at least on the surface, it looked like an ordinary chip, otherwise it would be impossible to explain why this kind of chip could be mixed in the strict intelligent robot production line to be produced, sold, repaired, and Not to be found.

What is the truth, Shi Han will definitely not find the answer even if he wants to break the CPU. He could only look for clues, the most obvious of which pointed to AI civilization.

The author has something to say: Shihan is really checking normally.

??This can only be Owen's problem (sure??


It's a pity that both Alice and Hyosung are AI beings created through the technology of AI civilization, not the original survivors. Most of the memories of the original survivors have been cleaned by humans. The original history has been blurred, and only fragments of human records remain, which is not only biased, but also incomplete without the secrets of the AI ​​family.

Humans don't even know the name of the AI ​​leader, they only know that he is called Yuan Chu, and every generation of AI leaders is called Yuan Chu, which is somewhat similar to a human's surname.

After Shi Han left the battlefield, he did the trivial things he told Owen, but they only took an hour. Shi Han originally wanted to come back, but thought that this was one of the few opportunities during this period of time, and he could justifiably escape Owen's mental observation range, so he changed his mind and went to find Alice and Xiaoxing.

When they found them in the virtual world, the two AIs were actually watching a movie, or a disaster movie. Seeing Shi Han, they almost jumped up, then knelt down reflexively, their eyes gleaming with data streams, and said in unison: "Master!" It's... no, the

moment that gave the AI ​​a headache came again.

Shi Han put on a straight face: "I have a name."

Alice and Xiao Xing said in unison again: "Master Shi Han!"

"Forget it..." Shi Han quickly introduced the topic: "I am here to give You have a mission. Try to collect information on AI civilization, especially the origin and evolution of AI life, and the mysterious leader Yuanyuan. You don't have to hack the top secret database to achieve this goal, it's too dangerous, I know humans There is very little information on AI civilization, and all of them are concentrated in the hands of nobles. The best way is to find a breakthrough from the survivors of AI civilization, that is, the advanced AI in the hands of a few nobles today. You try to investigate them and find weaknesses."

He After a pause, he continued: "I need to transform humans without attracting their attention, so as to expand our team, and at the same time investigate the history of that year."

Alice and Xiaoxing have been idle for so long. There is a task to be done, and the figure lights up. "yes!"

Before Shi Han left, he worriedly warned: "Remember, the first priority is not to achieve the goal, but not to be discovered by humans. Call me if you have any relevant news, and I will come to you." "Can't we come to you

? ' asked Alice.

Shi Han seemed to hesitate for a moment, but still shook his head. "No. There is a mutant psychic on my spaceship. He is not A-level, but he can detect your existence. He is a very good companion, but this matter must be kept from him, including my transformation of AI life ability, including my behavior of expanding the team and investigating history."

All must be kept from him.

No matter how good the relationship is, after all...

he is a human being.

And feelings are the most fragile things. Love, joy, and peace are like bubbles that can burst when poked. Only destruction, suspicion, and war are the eternal themes, which coincide with the law of entropy increase.

"What's wrong with you, Master Shi Han."

Alice shook him back from his contemplation.

"It's okay." Shi Han whispered. "A little distracted. I'm leaving."

"We must complete the task!"

After Shihan disappeared in this virtual space, Alice and Xiaoxing exchanged glances.

"Do you still watch this movie?"

"Let's do things first. Our vacation is long enough, we can come back and watch the movie."



"Destroy your popcorn code first Right?"

Xiaoxing jumped up. "Do you think the master has found out?!"

Alice glanced at him like an idiot. "What do you think..."

In the spaceship, Shi Han pulled back his thoughts from the memories of several hours ago, thinking of this small detail, he couldn't help laughing.

Virtual popcorn... thank goodness they figured it out.

Shi Han pulled his thoughts back from the memory fragments a few hours ago, and refocused on the trajectory of the spacecraft.

When there are no humans around, although the screen in the cockpit is on, Shi Han naturally "sees" the trajectory of the spacecraft through the information sent from the data interface, not through the screen. The latter also has to waste his image processing unit, superfluous. Although it was unnecessary, every time Shi Han did this, he always felt that he was getting farther and farther away from the short human time in his previous life.

To put it simply, being an AI is so enjoyable that he forgot what it feels like to be a human being.

After confirming that Base No. 1 is heading towards the 18th star area with a random trajectory within the range, Shi Han's main body leaves this mechanical body again and enters the intelligence center of the spaceship for daily arrangement.

Then there is a free time. They just made such a big mess in the Dark River Prison, and within thirty minutes of the incident, they were on the Empire's most wanted list, and of course they are not suitable to do tasks on the wind. During the process of saving Linge, they blocked all devices that could record facial features and genetic information, so their identities are still question marks on the wanted warrant, but some features can be inferred from the course of the battle, such as their The composition of the team was determined to be a male human with mutated mental power, and two advanced AIs. They misjudged Lin Jiela as an AI, because they never imagined that there was an A-level boss willing to pay for an expensive mechanical body to fight against the empire. Let them dig three feet into the ground, many suspicious candidates were arrested, but none of them fit the time of committing the crime. After this mission, they already had a close relationship with Li Zhenxi and they were considered to have entered the core circle of the Reform Party. The management structure of the Reform Party is not simply distributed according to the amount of property and power it holds. In other words, in this era, information itself is one of the powers. In the same way, the power class of the Reform Party is also divided by information authority.

The most advanced S+ is naturally the founder Li Zhenxi, she has all the administrator rights, whether it is network, database or intelligent center. The remaining manpower is divided into 20 levels from S to F-, which correspond to different authorities. For example, the lowest level of F- is those who don't even know the existence of the Reform Party, and only take over fragmentary tasks. information people. Each person has their own archives in this huge system, and the intelligent center draws their archives to form countless nodes and links on the association graph, so as to analyze the connections between them and predict the next suitable task. And avoid the information obtained in their missions from being too closely related, reducing the possibility of them inferring internal secrets through fragmentary information. The same applies to other levels. After Shi Han was introduced to the Reform Party through Qin Xingyuan, his authority was D-level. Before the rescue operation of the Dark River Prison, he was C+ level, and now he has B-level authority. He can enter and leave most places in most bases, and can read all but the top All information except classified, but cannot mobilize commercial resources, weapons and fleets. And Owen... Well, it's different to have a godmother who opens the back door. Li Zhenxi almost didn't catch him as the heir. The Reform Party can operate as airtight as an iron barrel, thanks to Li Zhenxi's strict management system, a doll-like personnel structure, and an effective intelligent system. Intelligent system is the flash of this era, but also the ills of this era. Can help Lee Jin Hee manage a secret revolutionary group, but a database leak is enough to turn all efforts into ashes. In the last life, it was Shi Han who broke the intelligence system of the Revolutionary Party and copied its entire database, causing the revolution to abort. At that time, Shi Han believed in the royal family. It's not that Xin Qin Haoye is a guy who doesn't want to eat meat, but he sees some hope in Owen who has a rough life experience. Originally thinking that Owen should be able to do better after having experienced the pain of the people in the soil, Shi Han did not hesitate to get his hands dirty to eradicate dissidents for the young emperor. The list of the Reform Party is a long, long list. All executed.

Owen killed Ikeda Aisa in the previous life, and there is also the shadow of him decrypting information. It can be said that those who died indirectly at the hands of Shi Han can form an army.

It's a pity that Owen is not as good as he thought. Shi Han thought, maybe he was wrong, he thought that suffering would make people enlightened, but too much suffering will only destroy a person, even if the surface is strong, the already broken soul has long been unable to heal, so he has to reluctantly put it together, muddled live.

In the world of Shihan's previous life, who knows what Owen has experienced, in short, nothing good happened.

Shi Han always felt that he had never encountered a good thing in his previous life.

So when he saw the calculation results of the world model with a lingering body, he actually smiled happily.

Civilization is destroyed! All dead! Cool!

He had a blast, died, and then inexplicably came back to life.

Probably... If the Three Views are not correct, you will be punished.

However, since the time has come, Shihan has already planned to meet this challenge, the challenge set by the creatures of the whole galaxy - to save the civilization that is about to be destroyed.

Saving them is more of a challenge than watching them perish, no?

Shi Han reviewed what happened in the past few years, and found that he had changed the trajectory of many people.

With his help, Owen avoided the dangers that he might encounter when he escaped from the garbage star alone. These people fought to the death, and when Ikeda Aisa died in Owen's hands, she died terribly.

During the period when Shi Han and his group are resting or busy with manufacturing, experimenting and improving their strength, Aisha has done her tasks well, managed the property left to her by her underworld father properly, and treated those who violated the bottom line of law and morality. Most of the industrial whitewashing has been transferred to the engineering manufacturing industry, and several foundries of Tomorrow Group have been built, thanks to the help of Li Zhenxi.

So far, she has completely eliminated those black transactions such as buying and selling human beings to forcibly exploit the weak at the bottom to generate huge profits, together with the people responsible for these transactions. The new industry is gradually getting on the right track. Today's gangsters under her management are less and less like gangsters, and more like a well-trained private army.


Unlike the previous life, because she has already joined the Reform Party, Ikeda Aisa did not set out to create "Red Dawn", but steadily and quietly developed her forces while contributing to the construction of the Reform Party in the Eighteenth Star District.

On the other side, Qin Xingyuan returned to the eleventh sector with a trace of palpitation. This is one of the five most heavily guarded and safest military star districts in the empire. There are countless military bases and military industrial enterprises in it. His home is on the fourth planet of the most prosperous Sinus galaxy, Black Eagle Star. .

The huge military port gleaming under the light of the stars passed by, and the spaceship came to the night side of the planet, escaped into the shadows, and landed at the private port flashing with lights.

Qin Xingyuan got off the boat quickly, and soon a servant who had been waiting outside took the luggage from him and put it on the accompanying robot. The chubby robot spoke immediately: "Young master, welcome home." Qin Xingyuan was in a heavy heart, and he ignored the servants or machines, but just walked silently, entered the garage, got into the car, and drove to the familiar villa, always thinking about it. What happened during the mission to rescue Ringe. A scientist with no moral bottom line and the scientific research institutions that support him, a poor girl who was sent to the dissecting table and her brother struggling with despair and remorse... Fiona, who has mutated mental power, is undoubtedly a true genius , she could become the most powerful fighter, and she could also become the best commander, but in the end she was sent to the dissection table. Has the empire reached this point... Just because it is not a nobleman, even a genius can be treated as a one-time consumable, contributing its final value as a specimen before being strangled? And Ringe, why can he do such inhuman things? So much tragedy and suffering that the One on the throne has turned a blind eye. Sometimes Qin Xingyuan couldn't help thinking, if it was him... If he had the supreme power of this glorious empire, he would definitely not be a tyrant like Qin Haoye. He will extend a helping hand to the poor people, and will implement the law to the end, and the nobles and the common people are equally guilty. If the man on the throne is him.

Since this idea sounded in his mind, it has been lingering in his heart and refused to leave. It became louder and louder, and finally became an ambition. Part of the reason for joining the Reform Party is also for this reason. Qin Xing is far from believing that they can really overthrow the aristocratic family system that has lasted for thousands of years, but he can see very clearly that the empire is in a state of collapse, and the next century will be full of wars. If the Reform Party can stir up the water enough Hun, as an offshoot of the royal family, it's not that he has no chance at all.

The hover car was parked on the platform in front of the door. The building on the ground has only five floors, built in a retro style, houses with cornices and corners, and occasionally dotted with miniature forest scenes of small bridges and flowing water. But after Qin Xingyuan stepped into the gate, his gaze didn't stop at the exquisite building, but went straight to a side hall, and lifted an antique splint, revealing the entrance guard with a shiny metallic luster inside.

Looking at the camera, pressing the finger on the screen, a silvery-white halo in the deep blue jumped several times, showing: Identity

: Qin Xingyuan

[Entry Permit]

Rather than saying that the Qin family's residence is a villa, it is better to say that it is a huge man armed to the teeth. military base. The part on the ground is displayed for outsiders to see, and occasionally it is used to hold banquets and entertain guests. The 25th floor underground is the whole background of the Qin family's division. Whether it is residence, business, scientific research or the army, they all work and live underground.

The children Qin Xingyuan rescued from the Rose Flower back then were also arranged here by him. Those who were too young were raised temporarily, and those who were over fourteen were assigned to various suitable positions. Some worked as experimenters in the scientific research center, and some joined his family's private soldiers. The most outstanding one is a girl named Yashi, who is unexpectedly smart. After using the learning resources provided by Qin Xingyuan, she completed all the courses before higher education in less than one and a half years, which is the average person's twelve years. Ever since Shihan and Qin Xingyuan rescued her from the white house, Yashi has always been very close to Qin Xingyuan. Qin Xingyuan has no younger sister, Yashi is smart and cute, Qin Xingyuan almost regards her as his younger sister. But today, Qin Xingyuan did not find Yashi in the laboratory.

"Master, Lord Marquis asked you to go to his office."

Before Qin Xingyuan could find out where Yashi was, the voice of the butler AI rang from his terminal.


Qin Xingyuan pressed the elevator impatiently, came outside his father's study, and knocked on the door.

"Come in."

He closed the door without a sound, because his father didn't like loud noises. Sitting obediently on the sofa, the etiquette is impeccable.

Sitting opposite the sofa was his father, Qin Haomo, the cousin of the current emperor Qin Haoye. You are a Marquis, but it's just a relationship, and you don't have much real power. Take this twenty-five-story underground building as an example. The technology and wealth inside are unimaginable in the eyes of ordinary people and minor nobles, but compared with the royal family, it is the dregs of the dregs.

Although Qin Haomo is middle-aged and his temples are a little gray, but his appearance is handsome and elegant in the same line as the royal family, and he is holding a cup of clear and high-quality green tea. After he sat down, his sharp eyes moved away from the tea leaves floating on the water and turned to him. "Tomorrow at 13 o'clock standard time, Earl Sylvia's house will hold a dinner party. Her daughter is also there. She is the only heir of their family. Many young talents will also be there. Remember to attend on time." The familiar commanding tone . Qin Xingyuan frowned, he understood what his father was implying. "I'm still young." "You know the situation of our family. We don't have many troops, but we are forced to live in a military zone. What does this mean?" Qin Haomo replied indifferently. "We need a marriage partner with real power. Sylvia is the head of the military region. Her authority can affect the eleventh sector we are in. Her daughter Ave is also very influential in the army. She is an excellent Heir." He rolled his eyes, and suddenly raised a mocking smile: "Much better than you. Whether you can catch her depends on your ability." Qin Xingyuan's anger surged into his heart. "Did you tell me to sell myself in a more elegant way?"

"Otherwise? What else can you do?" Qin Haomo slammed the teacup on the table heavily. "Being a lowly mercenary saving children? Going outside with the few private soldiers at home every three days? Playing your little mercenary game? Make it clear that you are an imperial nobleman, not in a hail of bullets The poor who worked their lives here!"

Qin Xingyuan suddenly felt a trace of panic.

"Where did Yashi go?"

Qin Haomo sneered. "You should thank fate. That smart girl was selected into the empire's potential talent plan. Nuo, it's the plan that has cultivated several ordinary geniuses like Lin Ge. It's really promising." Potential talent plan...


Xingyuan He didn't know the inside story of Linge's life, but for some reason, the name of this project cast a shadow in his heart, and he always felt ominous.

"It's not entirely true to say that you have achieved nothing. At least the person you picked up, after handing it in, gave the family a lot of network resources in exchange."

Qin Xingyuan tried hard to hold back his gnashing of teeth. After a long while, he forcefully squeezed out a dry sentence from between his lips and teeth: "I will go to the dinner party."

In order to investigate the whereabouts of Yashi, and also...

his fingers brushed the metal wristband of his left hand unconsciously, according to Shi Han , where an expensive crack program for stealing military secrets is hidden.

Sylvia's banquet was a perfect opportunity.

What he didn't know was that after he left, his father took out a photo from the drawer with a long sigh.

In the photo was a woman with a beautiful face and the same eyes and hair as Qin Xingyuan. Obviously, it was his mother.

"Qingyue, am I being too strict with him..." He wiped the picture of the woman, showing a nostalgic smile. "He's our only child, and I want him to be a better person, but... if only you were here."


The next day, Qin Xingyuan arrived at the banquet on time after enduring a lot of trouble from the fashion and make-up artists.

Different from the low-key of Qin Xingyuan's family, Sylvia Brown's mansion is extremely luxurious. The exquisite sculptures, the fountain with sparkling crystal light, and the blooming flowers exuding a hint of sweet fragrance all show the high-profile of the owner.

Qin Xingyuan was almost blinded by the flash. Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at the girl who got off an ordinary-looking black suspension car. She obviously came from a low-key noble family, but she was too young to perfectly control her expression. When she saw this mansion, the corners of her mouth He twitched violently a few times.

Qin Xingyuan didn't dare, because the moment he entered the gate, a sharp knife-like gaze stuck to him.

Soon, the owner of that gaze came before him.

Qin Xingyuan saluted respectfully.

Sylvia is the head of the Mechanical Legion of the Imperial Defense Forces. She holds heavy troops, and her subordinates are all highly talented spiritual power users. It can be said that she alone controls one-tenth of the imperial military power. In the era of individuals, this number is scary enough. Sylvia's background is not high, she is just a minor nobleman, so although she holds real power, her military rank is not too high, which is why the emperor trusts her.

According to unreliable gossip, there was another reason why Qin Haoye trusted Sylvia so much - Sylvia was the emperor's secret lover. At the beginning, they heard that Sylvia relied on selling her appearance to rise to the top, and after she was slapped in the face by this commander whose mental power was close to A-level, it became a rumor that she had that kind of relationship with Qin Haoye.

"There's no need to be too polite."

A deep and indifferent voice sounded, Qin Xingyuan raised his head, and what caught his eyes was a beautiful face. This face didn't quite match her voice and position, and Qin Xingyuan couldn't help being stunned for a second with his quality.

No wonder there are such rumors. Not to mention women, even if a man looks like this, it is estimated that the group of nobles who like to chew their tongues can also change the emperor's sexual orientation.

"follow me."

Maybe it was because she was not surprised, Sylvia ignored Qin Xingyuan's slightly strange gaze, and simply turned around and left. Qin Xingyuan followed her into a side hall.


Sylvia was tall, as tall as Qin Xingyuan, and she was wearing high heels, blocking his sight. As if aware of this, she took a step to the side, revealing the girl sitting on the sofa across from her.

"You came earlier, and it happens that Ive is bored by herself, so you can accompany her for a while." Sylvia pointed to the girl and said to Qin Xingyuan. "This is my daughter, Eve. Eve, this is Qin Xingyuan, the eldest son of Earl Qin Haomo."

Ive raised her eyes, and her cold eyes swept over Qin Xingyuan, making him feel like he was being scanned by X-rays. "Understood, mother. Go and do other things."

Sylvia left, leaving only the two of them in the room.

Ive doesn't look like Sylvia, but she is full of the shadow of her father who died young. Her facial features are exquisite and correct, and her outline is softer than that of her mother. It's just that pair of sharp eyes and the soldier's posture like a drawn sword are different from Xi's. Sylvia is exactly the same.

"Sit down," she said. "I won't be polite to you, we all know what our parents mean."

Qin Xingyuan lowered his head and said, "I don't have such an idea."

"You think I have this idea?" Eve sneered and sighed tone. "I don't have any complaints against you. If you plan to find a man to marry, to be honest, your qualifications are good, but unfortunately..." " What

? " It's not that it's so shocking, in fact, with the reproduction technology and gender diversity of the interstellar age, it's all right. But Ave is not only an aristocrat, but also an upstart, and the sole heir of this emerging power family, and even urgently needs marriage to consolidate her existing status... This is very bald. "Do you have a lover or someone you like?" Ive asked suddenly. The single dog Qin Xingyuan replied truthfully: "No, what's the matter?" "I have an idea." Ave said: "We can pretend to be a couple, and fool them for the time being."

"And then?" Qin Xingyuan showed disapproval.

"After a while, I will be able to advance to another level. At that time, my military achievements can be exchanged for a higher level of title, and the importance of marriage will not be so obvious." "You are so confident in

yourself It

's no wonder that Qin Xingyuan is suspicious, Aifu's current military rank is a lieutenant colonel, and official information shows that she works in the medical technology department of the Third Army under her mother. Although the importance of this department is not low, in any case, it is no more able to accumulate military merit than the front line. Although local wars broke out from time to time, some came from the attacks of the Communist Party, and there were also rebellious non-human races, but today's Galactic Empire is basically in a period of peace, and it is not easy to accumulate military achievements, let alone the logistics department. Eve smiled lightly. "I'm just a second job in the medical department." Qin Xingyuan raised his eyebrows. The implication is that her real job is probably in the special forces on the front line. "The next step is the secret, right?" He asked seemingly casually, with usual curiosity in his tone. Eve nodded. "Deal?" Qin Xingyuan knew that she would no longer follow the topic of work, so he reached out his hand. He smiled and said, "It just so happens that I also want to get rid of the shackles my father put on me, so...a deal." After the banquet began, they walked together naturally. Qin Xingyuan could feel Sylvia's encouraging eyes lingering on them, and he couldn't help but feel absurd. This major general who can see through the deployment of enemy ships can't see through the heart of her only daughter. Sylvia's ambition is not small. Qin Xingyuan understood this point. If she had no ambitions, she would not have asked Ave to marry a family with royal blood. In the days that followed, he and Ive walked around each other, and in the eyes of outsiders, they became a pair of gluey couples. In fact, of course they don't have any close relationship, but as time gets longer and longer, they become different kind of friends. After a few days.

Shi Han was traveling through cyberspace when suddenly, a familiar signal floated towards him. His mental tentacles grabbed it, and in just a split second, the information entered his mind.

It's Alice.

With a thought, he followed the nearest path and appeared in front of Alice in the next second.

"Is there anything to report?"

Alice plopped on her knees: "Master Master!" "

..." Shi Han had a wooden face. "Get up and talk."

"Yes!" Alice replied, "Last time you asked us to look for a special AI, and we found suspicious traces. Now Hyosung is carefully observing and needs your further instructions." "Where is it?

" ?" Shi Han asked.

Of course, AI cannot speak in the virtual space. Their way of communicating is to send texts to each other. After Shi Han asked this sentence, Alice packed up the existing information, and a light point from the fingertips of her virtual body Floating out, he immediately came to Shi Han and hovered in front of him. Shi Han stretched out his hand to touch it, and a piece of well-arranged information entered into his mind.

B-level AI

name: Garcia

Affiliation: Senior Commander of the Third Army, Major General Sylvia Brown

Resident Range: Long Song Star [129.210.4x......-129.210.5x.../(255.255.0...)]

"This address is near Sylvia's house?" Shi Han asked.

"Yes, there is a military base near Sylvia's mansion. It is speculated that there are several floors below the base. Garcia usually stays there, acting as the center for operating the entire underground base." "It's beautifully done

. "Shi Han praised. Alice almost jumped for joy at his compliment.

"Master Shihan, do you need our help in the invasion?"

"I just did a text analysis on Changgexing and some nearby lace reports, and found that Qin Xingyuan has been very close to Sylvia's daughter during this period. I am quite familiar with Qin Xingyuan. According to his personality, there is a high probability that he will not If I fell in love with Eve Brown, then I must have my own needs. I can contact Qin Xingyuan. If the interests are the same, he should not refuse to do me a small favor. I will solve this matter myself." Shi

Han Laughed. "Go and eat your popcorn."

Alice made a note to Xiaoxing in her heart. This strange code lover AI who dragged her into the water gave her a serious image!

After bidding farewell to Alice, Shi Han immediately contacted Qin Xingyuan.

Qin Xingyuan rubbed his sleepy eyes and looked at the clock. It was only six o'clock in the morning of Galaxy Standard Time.

Although the rotation of the Changge star is not synchronized with the day and night of the Milky Way standard time, for the interstellar citizens who travel frequently, they would rather forcefully adjust the indoor light to the Milky Way standard time and live the day and night of the parent planet Earth, or it is better to fall once on a planet jet lag. Moreover, despite being away from the earth for many years, the internal biological clock of the human body is still set for 24 hours, which does not coincide with the rotation period of some habitable planets of 4 hours, 36 hours or even one week. Qin Xingyuan also rested and lived according to the Yinhe standard, and couldn't help yawning, wanting to complain that Shihan's communication came too early. "You are very close to Sylvia's daughter Ive Brown now?" Shi Han at the other end of the video did not show any signs of fatigue, making Qin Xingyuan doubt his life. "Yes." Qin Xingyuan replied. "What do you want to ask?" "You and her are not really in a relationship, are you?" "No." Qin Xingyuan admitted straightforwardly. "I'll act with her." "The interests of the Brown family don't matter to you?"

"It doesn't matter. What? The organization has another mission?" He and Aifu are good friends now, but this does not prevent Qin Xingyuan from selling Aifu in a second when facing a real colleague.

"I want you to do me a favor. Similarly, I will help you in this process..."

After listening to Shi Han's narration, Qin Xingyuan felt that someone brought a pillow when he was dozing off. He originally had a mission to steal military secrets, and he also had a cracking program written by Shi Han. He set his target on the Third Army where Ive was. Find information about the missing Yashi in Secret. Of course, if he asked Shi Han what the "Imperial Potential Talents Plan" was now, Shi Han would know the answer. It's a pity that Qin Xingyuan didn't know that Shi Han was a lover. Of course, even if he asked, Shi Han would still keep this information as a bait, and he would never tell him right away. Shi Han is indeed not a good person. Now, Shihan asked him to find the main intelligence of the underground base and implant another program into it. Compared with stealing secrets, this matter is not too difficult, Shi Han also promised to provide him with help at any time during the mission. Qin Xingyuan agreed. Only a few days later, a perfect opportunity came by itself-Ive invited him to visit her family's underground base with it. Qin Xingyuan understood that this meant that his father and Sylvia had reached a preliminary alliance and entered the first stage of interest exchange. At the same time, the engagement between him and Ive may also be on the agenda, so Ave invited him to visit at the behest of his mother. Naturally, he would not let go of this golden opportunity. Although he is already Ive's "future marriage partner", at least for now he is still an outsider. An underground base of military aristocrats is always strictly guarded. Outsiders are required to take off all smart devices before entering. Qin Xingyuan hid the program provided by Shihan in the memory card, and stuck it to his wrist, covered with a realistic skin with a layer of insulating material, to escape the detection of the machine. On that day, he and Ive walked into the gate talking and laughing.

The first three floors are a very common layout, any underground building of a big noble has it. The next three floors are the unique training rooms and weapon areas of military facilities, as well as accommodation areas, restaurants, etc. for internal personnel.

Qin Xingyuan passed by many soldiers. When they saw Aifu, they all smiled and saluted her politely. They were full of energy and vitality, as if they had all had a pleasant dream the night before.

At the beginning, he was amazed by this spirit, and sincerely admired Ive and her mother's training and emphasis on soldiers. No wonder Sylvia was able to make great military exploits in such a short period of time. With such a group of subordinates, why not win the war.

But along the way, after seeing more and more cheerful and happy faces, Qin Xingyuan began to feel depressed.

So weird, why are they so happy? You know what a luxury happiness is in today's empire.

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