The Royal Bad Boy

By KasviK

297 6 2


The Royal Bad Boy
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Chapter 1

54 1 0
By KasviK



Chapter 1-

Shifting my legs from left to right under the table I accidently kicked his legs. His head shoots up from the direction of the plate to my direction. He gives me an irritated look before I turn a little scared and decide to look into the direction of my brother Armaan.

Armaan was a typical brother. Caring and Daring. Caring enough to come check on me after a rough day and daring enough to get to know my secrets.

“What the hell? This is so awkward! Is dad making a business deal?” I ask Armaan as he chuckles before replying.

“Yeah he’s cracking those Jokes and talking about his land, India” he whispers so our father isnt able to hear what we’re talking about. We excuse our self from the boring conversation but mom doesn’t let us. She glares at us and points at the cow sitting right infront of us. The arrogant cow. I really like this name for him. Even though he’s nothing like one. In fact his appearance is breath taking! The light brown hair and deep intense eyes and the only smile he cracked sitting for the past hour was pretty gorgeous. But that’s the least I care about. His father asks him to come with us and we show him around followed by of course someone who was with him all the time.

“Hey haven’t really been introduced, I’m Armaan!”


“And you are?” The person next to Arjun asks me.


“And you are?” I mimic is tone.

“Oh that’s Rohan” he points at the other guy who has been behind him all the time.

We do nothing but show him one room of the house because we all are called downstairs.

“It’s time for me to leave” Arjun’s Father Ravijay Uncle says after he hugs him. He takes a long look at his son and gives him a half smile.

“Rohan take care of him” he continues shooting him a concerned look.

“The kingdom wants change” that’s the last thing he says before leaving.

Arjun just shrugs it off after his father leaves.

“Son, don’t worry!”

“Oh the town should worry!” Rohan says but Arjun punches him in the stomach to shut him up.

Rohan and Arjun both are staying. I try talking to dad but he’s too busy talking to Arjun. Wow just a few hours since he’s come and my importance is already in the drainage. Armaan is talking my mom. I’m just standing in the middle waiting for someone to say something or talk to me, but no one does.

Dinner goes by smoothly. Except the part when daddy brags about how Arjun is an excellent polo player and goes on and on about it.

“We’ll meet for desert have some things to discuss” Dad smiles at Armaan and I as we head to our rooms but I don’t go to mine but straight to Armaan’s.



“I don’t like Arjun” I plop on Armaan’s bed as I say that. He looks at me before going on typing on his phone.

“You don’t like nice people” he says.

“NICE? You didn’t see when I got from school today? All thanks to his gorgeous sports car I was all covered in mud and urgh.” He chuckles as I go and on telling him about what happened all day. Armaan and always did talked about our days like this. It’s fun because we get each other and it’s nice when you have a brother like him. I never realized Armaan wasn’t in school until I got to know how smart he is. Being in  the football team he knew it was self awareness discussion. LUCKY.

We go downstairs and wait as mom gets the desert served.

“So it’s going to be a secret” dad says proudly as Armaan and I look at him in surprise.

“What will be a secret?” we both ask confused.


“So is he from the underworld that we’re hiding him here and not let the world know that he could possibly be here?” I asked dad sarcastically as he gives me a look which says ‘Shut up’ but Armaan laughs at it.

“No his identity” he corrects himself.

“And that it?”

“He’s a to be Prince” Rohan speaks standing up and we Armaan and I turn to look at Arjun. Arjun is going to be a Prince. My mouth hung open in shock I look at him and he seems to be like ‘So What?’

That is time I feel like laughing out loud. Maybe I could even drop on the floor but this situation was serious. My dad really was serious because he didn’t chuckle and even though he had a great sense of humour this wasn’t one of his jokes. I turn to look at Armaan who seems more composed than I am. He seems a little shocked because of the way I’m looking at everyone in the room but he’s okay with it. Mom serves me brownie but I barely even touch I’m too busy looking at my father and everyone else. Arjun was going to be a Prince. Arjun barely even looked like one. I think Rohan could read my thoughts because he came next to me, leaned in and whispered.

“Never judge a book by it’s cover” and just went back to sit next to Arjun.

Ajun looked more like a high school kind. He was messy light brown hair, pretty eyes, a smirk plastered on his face, he had the ‘I-don’t-give-a-shit-about-you’ personality. How is a person like him supposed to rule a whole kingdom? And aren’t Prince’ supposed to be nice but not splash mud on people with sports cars?

“Armaan! Aren’t you like super shocked?” I close the door with a thud when I jump on his bed.


“WHY?” I raise my eyebrows at him but he doesn’t pay attention. He’s too busy looking at himself in the mirror.

“Check out your body later, he’s a prince!” I scream at him but he hushes me down. Why should I stay calm? This was like a life changing day in my life. My dad told me that he invited a friends son to stay with him for the next two years and I’m the last person to know about it. To add a cherry he’s a prince. My mother came into the room as we both looked at her. She came inside the room and took sighed.

“Too much to take in?” we both nod but I guess mine was more prominent.

“Look, he’s a wonderful child I’m sure. You should be nice to him he’s a guest so give him time to adjust and yeah he’ll be joining next week!” she says and then turns to leave.

I go to my room and try to sleep. This can’t be true. However I have this silly concern in my mind, why doesn’t Arjun look like an Indian? And I have silly questions too. like why didn’t I know him back in India? If I did I would totally brag about this to the whole school. I think I should Google him. God Bless Technology.

Arjun Singh-You surely are a hell of a kind. His profile says that about him at least. Wow.

A few interviews surely made me know all about him. It might have actually even answered my questions.

So Arjun is probably a heartthrob, which explains his pictures in newspapers and magazines. He seems hung over in most of the pictures from Royal Events. He’s winning awards in almost every sport. Sneaking out for road trips with his friends. He’s seen with a girl all the time, heartbreaker.

Has over a million girls drooling of his leaked image from his locker room. Or at times he’s seen driving different car models with his windows rolled down and he’s just going around with paparazzi. But that’s what a teenage girl needs, not a kingdom.

Arjun Singh- Half Indian,Half British and a full bad boy. Fully explains him.

So this is why he’s here? To be known what it feels like when your father wont be there to protect you? Or what? I so need to talk to my father about this.

“Are you like this all the time?” Armaan asks when I get downstairs checking my clothes all the way until we reach the table.

“Good morning!” I greet my father who’s reading the newspaper and sipping his coffee. I look around everywhere trying to find Rohan or maybe Arjun but they aren’t there?

“GOOD MORNING EVERYONE!” I hear Amanda’s voice as soon as I take a seat on the table. I hear my dad sigh as soon as she came in. My father liked Amanda at times scared me. They were nice to each other than they ever are to me. Same with my mother! I guess I should be whiter. Ha! That was probably the worst joke.

“Hello Amanda!” Armaan greets her with a smile as she comes in. She winks and takes a seat next to him. These two confuse me. Flirting and then the next moment being all rude to each other. But that’s not what my concern was, my eyes were going towards the trays being held by a maid upstairs.

“Who’s the food for? I thought I’d be your first preference for adoption!” Amanda acts hurt as my parents chuckle.

“Those are for Arjun and Rohan!” my says as the trays go upstairs. My moth hung open in shock. Breakfast in bed? The Prince is here to learn about life not be treated the same way! I look at my father who asks me not to say anything.

 “Wait for me in the car,I’ll just be there” I say to Amanda after my father stops me from going outside.

“Why can’t I tell Amanda?” I protest as my father asks me to stay quite.

“Because I don’t want a blog in him coming up. Don’t tell her now, okay?” he says bye as I leave.

I explain the whole situation to Amanda after making a few alterations with it. Keeping my lips zipped.

It was almost lunch time and I was dying to see my friends already. Okay that’s a lie I was dying to see Jake. Jake was the sweetest and the cutest guy at school. He was on the basketball team so like a love struck teenage I didn’t miss out on watching him sweaty as he gives me the head nod. Jake also played for the school band. It was a little different with us though. We flirted, got close and we’re life best friends now. Just like Amanda. He was my guy best friend. The best part about him? I liked him.

“Are you smiling because of Jake?” I hear Armaan as we sit at the table. He was probably one of the reasons I got close to Jake. Unlike me from the first day Armaan was popular at school. When he saw his little sister crushing over a guy he stepped in and took the first step for both of us. What a brother, right?

“No” I was calm when I said it but then it just changed in a second. When I saw Jake. Hearing his chuckle was just enough and the moment he looked in my direction and I could feel my hair flowing, my heart beat skipping.

“Control the DDLJ moment, okay?” he chuckled as he went pass me. DDLJ, probably India’s most romantic movie I’ve ever seen.

“It was good” I say again after Jakes asks me how I the holidays have been. We’re sitting in English after doing our work just smiling at each other. The teacher doesn’t mind because we got ‘A’ in and now I’m sure she’s happy to see us both like this. Jake was just so cute, it was hard to not blush around him.

School ends soon but I really don’t want it to. Unlike yesterday I had a nice time. Now time to go back home.

“Armaan are you coming?”

“I have practice, we have try outs so it’s just a thing to be there” he shouts and goes back to practicing. I sometimes liked staying back. Watching the boys practice with push ups and everything was an eye candy.

I was home and was coming for my mother but she just didn’t seem to listen!

“Woah! Are you always this loud?” I hear Arjun who came from the kitchen in a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt.

“For a price you’re not appropriately dressed” I mocked him as I plopped on the couch. I started calling for again. Where is she?

“Are you seriously always so impatient? Oh yeah you are! Saw that from the rear-view mirror. Must say you looked nice with mud on you.” He mocked as he sat on the chair. With his legs handing from one side. A day since he’s been here and he’s acting like it’s house.

“Forgive me. I don’t know how to act in front of the royals” I joked in a British accent as he chuckled.

“I’m an Indian Prince” he made an eye widening look but I corrected him “You’re half British too” I corrected him but I instantly regretted it. Which caused my face to flush a little. I think it’s best for him to know that he’s a mystery to us.

I was tired and hungry. When I saw the plate of French fries come from the kitchen all I could think of was ‘My mommy is the best, I love her’ only to have my heart sink when it was given to Arjun.

“That’s mine!” I snatched the plate from him but he was stronger. I struggled to get the plate but he just wouldn’t let me.

“Let go of the plate!” I scream at him but he doesn’t leave it.

“No way! I’m hungry!”

“So am i!”

“I’m the Prince!” he states. As if I’ll give on that. I give a sad smile before tightening my grip around it.

“This isn’t a pony! It’s French fries so leave it.” I mock but it only causes him to literally pull me on top of him as we fight.

“I’m hungry!” I tried taking the plate but he wouldn’t leave it. We stopped fighting for it when my mother came in and separated us as soon as the plate fell and broke. I did not lose grip Arjun did it purposely because he smirked after it. It’s only been a day and we’re fighting over food! I surely had a friendly start with him. But aren’t Prince’ supposed to take care of people’s needs? Doesn’t he know that?

“You need to learn manners. And you Arjun, you hungry? I’ll make you something!” she says giving him a pity look and I get a glare. She gives me a disappointing nod as she asked the maid to clean the floor and took him to the kitchen. It wasn’t even my fault. Okay fighting over French fries was wrong but he took my plate. He even shoved fries in his mouth. What a royalty!

“You know I thought you had done the background check on me, didn’t it say I’m the Royal Bad Boy and I get my ways?” he whispers in my ear before following my mom in the kitchen. He did notice the British part. He must think I’m a crazy freak or a stalker. But hey, I’m the one to get shocks not you.

With fear and confidence I start thinking of what next?










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