Persona: A Boy of Monsters

By SonicAndthegreatYEET

92 3 0

A boy who has bounced from foster home to foster home finds himself caught up in the world of the supernatura... More

Prologue: Start of a Journey
Chapter 2: Uncommon in the Common

Chapter 1: Gaining Footing

21 0 0
By SonicAndthegreatYEET

Let's just cut to the chase.

April 18th, 2015

Phoenix had arrived back to the dormitory, but found no one in the lounge which was confusing since Mitsuru had greeted himself, Minato, and Hamuko upon returning from school on days previous. Phoenix decided to not think much of it and walked upstairs to his and Minato's dorm, which had no Minato in there. Phoenix checked around the room, but there was no camera.

Phoenix: Guess they finally gave up on monitoring us.

Phoenix decides since there's no one around right now he'll go for a little stroll to clear his head, he changes out of his uniform, he checks to pockets of the uniform and finds the Evoker he was given a week prior hadn't been taken and heads out into Iwatodai despite the warnings from Mitsuru a week prior not to be out late at night.

Phoenix: I should pay attention to the time, don't want the weird green hour to sneak up on me and have to face Shadows.

Phoenix walks around trying his best to blend in with the crowd despite his appearance. Phoenix doesn't do a good enough job at watching the time.

Dark Hour

Phoenix is headed back to the dorm when the people around him transmogrify into coffins and the strange boy from the first day at the dorm walks up beside him.

Boy: "Out for a late night stroll?"

Phoenix is surprised at the appearance on the boy, but doesn't let it show.

Phoenix: "You could say that. Anyways, who even are you?"

Boy: (chuckles) "We've met before. Soon, the end will come."

Phoenix: "That's vague..."

Boy: "Life and death can be that way sometimes can't they?"

Phoenix: "I don't really care."

Boy: "Life and death, one bastardized while the other is glorified. Such a strange dichotomy, why is there such a difference when both are needed to maintain balance?"

Phoenix: "People are afraid of what they don't understand."

Boy: "I suppose your correct...Oh, it seems you've awakened to your power much like the other two. You three all have an unusual power."

Phoenix looks up to the half moon hanging in the sky.

Boy: "Not paying attention?"

Phoenix: "I am, just wondering some things myself."

Boy: "Oh? I would so enjoy to hear your thoughts."

Phoenix: "Let's see where to begin...I suppose I could start where we were talking initially life and death, what quantifies living and dying? Is it something predetermined or is it purely up to what the beholder believes it to be?"

Boy: "How very interesting...I will have to think on this...Before I go, do you remember when we first met?"

Phoenix: "First met? You mean when I signed the contract?"

Boy: "No, that was not the first time we met...It seems you cannot remember, how sad to think you could forget a friend. Just know, I'll be watching you, even if you forget about me again...Okay then, see you later."

Phoenix: "See you."

The boy disappears and Phoenix begins walking the path back to the dorm, which he does eventually get to. Phoenix heads in and upstairs to his and Minato's dorm finding Minato awake in bed.

Minato: "You're back."

Phoenix: "I was back earlier, but no one was here so I went for a stroll and didn't pay close enough attention to the time."

April 19th, 2015

Phoenix woke up on his futon and got up for the day realizing it's Sunday, he put on the outfit he wore for his stroll last night and heads downstairs finding Mitsuru already up and about.

Phoenix: "Morning, Mitsuru-senpai."

Mitsuru: "Good morning, Igantia. I see you came back yesterday."

Phoenix nods then makes himself breakfast and begins to eat.

Mitsuru: "Made yourself breakfast?"

Phoenix: "I had to learn to feed myself since usually no one cared enough to do any cooking for me."

Mitsuru: "I see...Now would you like to explain why you had left the dorm and come back well into the Dark Hour?"

Phoenix: "I didn't see anyone around, so I decided to go on a stroll to clear my head. I didn't cause any trouble and I had one of those fake guns with me."

Mitsuru: "You had an Evoker? Where did you get an Evoker from?"

Phoenix: "Someone didn't take it out of my uniform when I fell unconcious, so yeah..."

Phoenix finsihes his breakfast and walks over to Mitsuru, he takes the Evoker from out of his coat and sets it on the table in front of her.

Phoenix: "Guess you'll want this back."

Mitsuru: "Actually, keep it for now."

Phoenix: "Huh? Why?"

Mitsuru: "You'll find out tomorrow."

Phoenix: "Spooky, but okay."

Phoenix picks up the Evoker and puts it back in his coat.

Phoenix: "I'll be heading out now, if there's nothing else you'd like to talk about."

Mitsuru: "Nothing for now."

Phoenix nods and walks away leaving the dorm.


Phoenix returned to the dorm a bit earlier, but now Akihiko has gathered up Yukari, Minato, Hamuko, and Phoenix for some reason.

Yukari: "So what is this all about?"

Akihiko: "There's someone I wanna introduce. (Looks at the door) Hey, hurry up."

There's a voice from outside that sounds familiar, but then Junpei comes in with bags and a suitcase.

Yukari: "J-Junpei!?...Why is HE here!? Wait, don't tell me-"

Phoenix: "He can roam during the Dark Hour?"

Akihiko: "This is Junpei Iori from Class 2-F. He'll be staying here as of today."

Junpei: (chuckles) "Wazzup?"

Hamuko: "Is this what you said you couldn't tell us about?"

Junpei: "Yeah, it is."

Yukari: "He's staying HERE!? You've gotta be kidding me!"

Akihiko: "I bumped into him the other night. He has the potential, but he just awakened to it recently. I told him about us and he agreed to help."

Yukari: "You have the potential!? For real!?"

Junpei: "He found me cryin' like a baby at the convenience store, surrounded by a bunch of coffins. I don't remember much,, that's embarrassing!"

Phoenix: "Not a lot of people would want to admit to something like that."

Junpei: "He said that's ya know, completely the beginning. Like, bein' confused and not remembering anything. Did ya guys know that?"

Phoenix looks to Minato and Hamuko.

Phoenix: "Did you guys?"

Minato shakes his head.

Hamuko: "Nope!"

Junpei: "Big deal. It happens to everyone else."

Phoenix: "I've been experiencing the Dark Hour since I was kid to be honest. I hadn't seen a Shadow til' just a week ago so..."

Hamuko: "It's been like that for me and Minato as well, though we never experienced anything like that before."

Junpei: "Man, I was shocked to find oit about you guys. I had no idea. I'm glad I'm not the only one. It could get kinda lonely, ya know. I bet you all are stocked too, right!? Havin' me join."

Yukari: "Huh? Uh, y-yeah..."

Phoenix: "As long as you're not so loud."

Junpei: "Hey, I can be quiet!"

Minato: "Not really helping your case, Junpei."

Akihiko: "Well, enough with the introductions. I think we're about ready..."

Junpei: "Ooh, we're gonna go do somethin'? Sweetness!"

Phoenix: "Does anyone even say that anymore?"

Hamuko: "I have no idea."

Akihiko: "With this many people, we can start exploring that place."

Yukari: "You mean...Tartarus...?"

The newer people to SEES are confused.

Junpei: "Tartarus...? What's that? ...Sounds like toothpaste."

Phoenix: "Isn't that something in Greek Mythology?"

Akihiko: "It is, but we believe we can find the reason for the Dark Hour there."

Yukari: "I hope so..."

Akihiko: "The Chairman will give us the details tomorrow night, so be ready."

The day goes on uneventfully.

April 20th, 2015
Early Morning

Phoenix got up earlier than Minato and has gone ahead of him to school, he manages to ignore the people around and heads to class after the first bell has rung.


Phoenix has finished his lunch and is currently studying alone since Fuuka is absent today. He yawns and hears the door to the class open and see Mitsuru walk in and walk right up to him.

Mitsuru: "Come to the lounge when you get back to the dorm. I have something to tell everyone."

Phoenix: "Right, I'll be sure to remember."

Mitsuru: "Good, I'll save the details for later. See you there."

Phoenix feels eyes on him as Mitsuru leaves and he hears whispers of people around him, he tries to continue studying but makes little progress.

After School

Phoenix remembers Mitsuru's words and leaves school early to get back to the dorm so he can be present when Mitsuru talks to everyone.


Phoenix walks in just after Minato, Hamuko, and Junpei and sits down on the couch beside Minato.

Ikutsuki: "Okay, everybody's here. I'd like your undivided attention. First matter to attend to is Phoenix will you join us?"

All eyes are on Phoenix as Ikutsuki places a briefcase on the table and opens it revealing a S.E.E.S armband and an empty slot where an Evoker should be.

Yukari: "Isn't there supposed to be an-"

Phoenix: "Evoker? I've got one. Just not on me at the moment. I will join."

Ikutsuki: "Wonderful! Now onto the next order of business. For a long time Mitsuru and Akihiko were the only Persona-users we had. But, now we have seven. Therefor...Starting tonight at 12:00 AM, I'd like to commence the exploration of Tartarus."

Junpei: "Sorry...I asked this yesterday, bit what's this Tartarus thing again?"

Yukari: "You haven't seen it, Junpei?"

Hamuko: "To be fair, neither have we."

Ikutsuki: "It's no surprise...since it only appears during the Dark Hour."

Junpei: "The Dark Hour...?"

Akihiko: "Just like the Shadows... Interesting, huh? And it's the perfect place for us to train. You can think of it as a Shadow nest."

Junpei: "Whoa...Their nest, huh...?"

Yukari: "But, Senpai...what about your injury?"

Mitsuru: "Since Akihiko hasn't fully recovered yet, he'll only come as far as the entrance."

Akihiko: "Yeah, I know..."

Akihiko is clearly disgruntled that he won't be able to train.

Ikutsuki: "Well, I'm sure he won't complain, as long as you don't go too far in. Since we're dealing with Shadows, Tartarus isn't something we can avoid."

Junpei: "Relax, I've got your backs."

Yukari: "I'm not so sure about this...And Phoenix-kun doesn't even have a weapon."

Mitsuru: "Right, about that, Akihiko could you go and get the package that came in yesterday?"

Akihiko: "On it."

Akihiko leaves to go get the package.

Junpei: "What is this package about?"

Mitsuru: "A weapon for Phoenix-kun of course."

Akihiko returns a few minutes later clearly struggling to carry a large gun case with only one arm. Phoenix and Junpei go over to help him.

Phoenix: "You alright senpai?"

Akihiko: "This thing weighs a ton."

Phoenix: "Let me help."

Akihiko: "Knock yourself out..."

Akihiko slips the strap off his arm and Phoenix catches it lifting it seemingly effortlessly.

Akihiko: "Okay, what gives...?"

Phoenix: "What?"

Akihiko: "Just how strong are you?"

Phoenix: "Uh...I don't know..."

Junpei: "Are you sure it's not because you can only use one are right now?"

Akihiko: "That's probably it..."

The three walk back to the table, Akihiko sitting down with a sigh of relief, Phoenix sets down the case on the table that creaks in protest to the ridiculously heavy object being placed on it.

Phoenix: "That doesn't sound good..."

Junpei: "What could possibly be in there?"

Phoenix opens tha case and inside is what can only be called a slab of metal attached to a handle.

Phoenix: (looks at Mitsuru) "The hell is this?"

Mitsuru: "Your weapon of course."

Phoenix: "I feel like...nevermind it's fine."

Phoenix closes the case and sets it on the floor before sitting back down.

Ikutsuki: "Well now that the issue of a weapon for Mr. Igantia is out of the way, I'll be staying here once the Dark Hour arrives. As you know, I can't summon a Persona."

Late Night

The members of S.E.E.S walk to the front gates of Gekkoukan High School, those who will be fighting having their weapons and Evoker's in tow.

Junpei: "This is it? THIS is the place? Why HERE?"

Akihiko: "Just wait a few minutes...It's almost midnight."

Dark Hour

Midnight strikes and Akihiko's phone turns off as the area around gets tinted green and the moon becomes yellow. Everyone present watches at Gekkoukan High rises to the sky becoming an architectural nightmare of a tower.

Mitsuru: "This is Tartarus--the labyrinth thay reveals itself during the Dark Hour."

Junpei: "Labyrinth...? What are you talkin' about!? What happened to our school!?"

Phoenix: "It appears to have transformed..."

Mitsuru: "Once the Dark Hour passes, everything returns to normal."

Junpei: "This is the "nest" you were talking about!? But, why!? Why'd out school turn into a giant tower!?"

Mitsuru seems oddly hesitant to answer Junpei's question.

Junpei: "You don't know, either?"

Mitsuru: "....No."

Yukari: "I'm sure it's complicated. Who cares anyway? It's not like it would change our minds about fighting."

Akihiko: "Well, maybe now we'll find out."

Phoenix: "What if we do find out why Tartarus exists and we don't like the answer?"

Mitsuru: ".......I have no idea..."

Akihiko: "Mitsuru and I have only gone in to take a peek; this will be our first time exploring it. Exciting isn't it?"

Minato: "Let's go with that."

Hamuko: "C'mon Minato, let's try and stay in high spirits, please?"

Minato: "Fine."

Akihiko: "We hope that in this tower lies some sort of clue about the Dark Hour..."

Mitsuru: "Akihiko. I respect your enthusiasm, but you won't be accompanying us today."

Akihiko: "I know...You don't have to remind me."

The group heads into Tartarus entering into what appears to be a lobby.

Phoenix: "For a mass of confusing design, it's got a decent lobby."

The group stops at the bottom of a staircase.

Junpei: (looking around) "Whoa...It's just as cool on the inside..."

Yukari: "But, it sure is creepy..."

Mitsuru: "This is only the entrance. The labyrinth lies beyond the doorway at the top of the stairs."

Akihiko: "First, we'll have you five get a feel for this place. Why don't you go have a look around?"

Yukari: "What!? By ourselves!?"

Minato: "That is what he said."

Mitsuru: "We're not asking you to go very far, and I'll be feeding you information from here."

Junpei: "So, you two didn't plan on coming in the first place?"

Hamuko: "It would be good to have someone tracking our progress."

Akihiko: "Both are correct. We're also going to appoint a leader to make any necessary decisions."

Junpei: "For real? One of us? Oh! Oh! Me me me! Pick me!"

Akihiko doesn't seem to like the idea of Junpei being leader. Akihiko points to Minato.

Akihiko: "You're in charge."

Minato and Junpei are surprised, but Minato's expression remains blank. Hamuko hugs her brother.

Junpei: "W-Wait! Why him!? He doesn't look like a leader!"

Yukari: "But, he HAS fought them before..."

Hamuko: "Us three have all fought them before and Phoenix did so with only his Persona."

Minato: "We did all black out after our summonings, we'll have to be careful to make sure it doesn't happen again."

Junpei: "Seriously?"

Akihiko: "That's true, but there's another reason. You two."

Junpei and Yukari look at Akihiko as Akihiko draws his Evoker and points it at his own head.

Akihiko: "Can you summon your persona without any difficulties, like he can?"

Junpei: "Y-Yeah, of course I can!"

Yukari: "I think so."

Akihiko: "These are Shadows we're talking about here. Without your Persona, you're screwed."

Yukari: "I'm aware of that."

Everyone begins to walk forward, but Phoenix, Minato, and Hamuko all stop and look at a Velvet door that appeared with a sound of shattering glass. The three walk over to the door confusing everyone, since they cannot see the door the three see.

Hamuko: "We all have keys, which one of us should open it?"

Minato takes out his key and opens the door.

Phoenix: "Guess we'll just do that."

Phoenix hears a deafening roar as an intricate Silver door appears beside the Velvet door. Phoenix doesn't think twice as he takes out his key chain unlocking the door and entering as Hamuko and Minato enter the Velvet door. Phoenix walks through sliding door that shuts behind him. The Original sits at the table staring out at waves gently lapping against the shore, sunlight pours into the window. Phoenix walks over and sits down at the table, The Original without looking at Phoenix pours him a cup of tea and pushes it across the table.

Original: "Beautiful isn't it?"

Phoenix looks out at the shoreline as his Kirin Persona gallops by.

Phoenix: "I suppose it is lovely."

Original: "This place is connected to your sea of souls, the souls of monster's live within you. But, you need them to heed your calling through summonings. The monster's are not your only source of power, you can also attain regular Persona's to fuse into monster's and use as fuel for summoning."

Phoenix: "I see..."

A sliding door behind the two opens and they both look back to see Lavenza standing in the doorway.

Original: "Ah, you are his attendant correct?"

Lavenza: "Yes, I am Lavenza."

Original: "Well then, welcome to the Monastery of the First Flame. Normally I have it be a white void, but it responded to this one's soul."

Lavenza approaches the table and sets down her large book on the table as well as sitting down.

Lavenza: "This place is quite lovely."

Original: "Well then, Phoenix you should be going now, the other's are waiting for you."

Phoenix stands up thanking The Original for the tea and opens the sliding door and everything becomes white in his vision. The three step out from their respective doors and Yukari and Junpei walk over to them.

Yukari: "Hey, are you guys alright?"

Junpei: "Yeah, what's up? You guys looked like zombies."

The three of them looked at eachother.

Phoenix: "Would they really believe us if we did tell the truth?"

Minato: "Probably not..."

Yukari: "There's nothing you could say that would be crazier than this tower."

Phoenix: "How about multiverse theory?"

Yukari: "And you got me..."

Phoenix: "Yeah..."

Junpei: "You guys are like that coach who fell asleep during the championship game! Come on, man. You're s'posed to be our leader."

Hamuko: (playfully elbows Minato) "Heh, yeah leader you shouldn't be daydreaming."

Minato has a continually blank expression despite Hamuko's attempt at teasing.

Yukari: "Cut him some slack. If nothing's wrong, then let's get going."

The five then enter the first floor of Tartarus as they all wield their respective weapons, Minato with a short sword, Hamuko with a Naginata, Yukari with a bow, Junpei with a sword holding it like a bat and Phoenix with a buster sword.

Junpei: "So, this is it, huh...?"

Yukari: "I hope I don't get lost..."

Phoenix: "Long as we don't split up, we should be fine."

Everyone looks at Phoenix with looks of surprise from the confident and normal sounding voice, but still his face remains stoic.

Phoenix: "What? You didn't expect me to stay soft spoken did you?"

Hamuko: "It's just unexpected from you is all."

Mitsuru: "Can you all hear me?"

Junpei: "Whoa! Is that you, Senpai?"

Mitsuru: "I'll be providing audio backup from here on out."

Junpei: "Wait...Ya mean, you can see inside here?"

Mitsuru: "It's my Persona's ability. I'd like to join you, but the structure of Tartarus changes from day to day. That's why outside support is imperative."

Yukari: "Well, THAT makes me feel a whole lot better..."

Mitsuru: "Now, based on your current location, you can expect to encounter enemies at any minute. They shouldn't be too tough, but proceed with caution. Practice makes perfect."

Junpei: "Right!"

Yukari: "Got it. Why is she always like that...?"

The four get ready to begin their exploration of Tartarus for the first time.

Mitsuru: "Let's begin. Keep in mind, these are real battles you'll be engaging in. Now, see if you can eliminate all Shadows wandering around on this floor."

The five begin their exploration of the first floor. Minato finds Medicine in a treasure chest.

Phoenix: "Does that even work here?"

Minato: "We'll just have to find out."

Phoenix: "That fills me with so much confidence."

They continue onwards.

Mitsuru: "Watch out! I detect a Shadow in front of you! Move in and hit it before it attacks you!"

Minato moves in and strikes the Shadow and the group surrounds the weak Shadow.

Mitsuru: "Takeba has informed me about the power you and your sister showed, but nevertheless, you have minimal combat experience. Do you need an explanation of the basics of battle?"

Minato: "No, I don't."

Mitsuru: "Okay, then I want you to defeat the the enemy before you."

The battle goes smoothly as Minato knocks the shadow down exploiting it's weakness to fire and ending it all with an All-Out Attack.

Phoenix: "Well that's...disappointing..."

Minato: "Let's move on."

The party keeps moving seeing a set of stairs before Mitsuru comes back on the transceiver.

Mitsuru: "There should be a staircase nearby. Do you see it?"

Hamuko: "We see it."

Mitsuru: "Good, stairs are the only way to proceed up the floors."

Phoenix: "Stairs suck, I'm going to throw the inventor of stairs down a flight of stairs to show him how much stairs suck."

Hamuko: "A little violent there don't ya think, Phoenix-kun?"

Phoenix: "Not violent enough."

Mitsuru: "Enough, I can't allow you to go any higher today, but keep in mind to look for stairs the next time we come to explore."

Minato: "Right."

Minato leads the party through the rest of floor until they finally return to the lobby. The three Wild Cards also find out about Shuffle Time with them each gaining a new Persona from it as well as money. Mianto and Hamuko gaining Pixie and Phoenix gains Kelbie. The five run from the access point to Mitsuru and Akihiko.

Mitsuru: "Welcome back. So, how was it?"

Minato: "No problem."

Hamuko: "I'm exhausted..."

Phoenix: "That was quite the workout..."

Mitsuru: "I see. Well if you gained confidence, that's the best thing you could have achived."

Junpei: "Wow...I never knew I had that kinda power! We kicked some ass! But damn, I'm beat..."

Yukari: "That's cuz tou were bouncin' around like a little kid."

Junpei: "You look pretty tired yourself, Yuka-tan."

Yukari: "I'm still trying to cat my breath, actually..."

Mitsuru: "That's the effect of the Dark Hour: you'll become fatigued more easily."

Phoenix: "That explains a lot."

Mitsuru: "Don't worry, though, you'll all adapt. But, I'm surprised...You all did much better than I expected. At this rate, they'll catch up to you in no time, Akihiko."

Akihiko: "Heh, we'll see about that."

Phoenix: "Strength in numbers, I suppose."

Phoenix looks over at Minato and Hamuko as they get this far off look before they refocus on what's in front of them. Everyone leaves as the Dark Hour will soon be over. They all return to the dorm for the night.

That'll be all for this chapter, only reason it took a few days was procrastination. Anyways, Phoenix is going to have different Social Links from Minato and Hamuko since their just going to be doing their regular thing. But, I'm having issues coming up with characters and such for the Social Links and the story I can tell with each, of course a few slots are going to be filled by cast characters as that's just how it is. I'll probably also start skipping days if nothing worth mentioning is on said day, but otherwise days will be shown and events will unfold and I'm going to have to come up with characters sooner rather than later. Now enough of me blabbering, PEACE

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