Prologue: Start of a Journey

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If you've read my other story Hunters of Another Land, you're going to recognize some details used here as well as OCs used. Anyways let's get on with the story.

A long haired man sits floating through the air in a void seemingly thinking.

Man: "Man, that one story got real interesting real quick...hmmm what to do. What to do."

The man falls to his feet and stands up straight the void around him changes to a room with a wall filled with game cases labeled alphabetically.

Man: "Let's see what was it again? Started with a P, I think..."

The man looks through the games and eventually finds what he's looking for.

Man: "Aha! Persona! That's what it was!"

The man looks over the Persona games.

Man: "One and two won't work...three will do just fine, let's base this one off of the third one. Time for the harder part of making this one all kinds of fucked. Writing."

The man begins his process and now the world takes shape.

April 7th, 2015
(Why 2015? Fuck you)

A boy with mismatched hair and eyes sits on a train waiting to arrive in Iwatodai to start his time in Gekkoukan High, to him it's just another school he's being put in despite its status with the Kirijo group and being a private school. His current foster parents were more than happy to send him away. The boy sighs and puts on his headphones and turns on some music. A while later he wakes up as he notices a boy with azure hair that hangs over one of his eyes and a girl with auburn hair tied back in a high ponytail get up having the same uniform as him, the three of them exit the train and the mismatched boy takes a look at his phone getting directions to the dorm until it turns off and world has a green tint over it and the moon is now yellow.

Mismatched Boy: (puts headphones aroudn neck) "Damn it..."

Auburn Girl: "Minato, we should hurry up shouldn't we?"

The azure haired boy named Minato nods and the auburn girl looks over at the mismatched boy and sees he's got the same uniform as them.

Auburn Girl: "Are you headed to the dorms too?"

The boy nods and the three of them walk together to Iwatodai dorms for Gekkoukan High. The auburn haired girl tries to make conversation with the mismatched boy, but he's ignoring her. There's coffins where people should be, but the three elect to ignore them as if it's completely normal. They eventually arrive at the dorms and go inside and are greeted by a kid? in a prisoners outfit.

Kid: "You three are late. I've been waiting for a very long time for all of you."

The three look at the kid as he snaps and three red folders appear.

Kid: "Now if you want to proceed, please sign your name there."

The folders open by themselves.

Kid: "There. It's a contract. Don't worry, all it says is that you'll accept full responsibility for your actions. You know the usual stuff."

The three write down their names.
Minato Arisato
Hamuko Arisato
Phoenix Igantia

The kid takes the three contracts and stares at the three.

Kid: "No one can escape time. It delivers us all to the same end. You can't plug your ears and cover your eyes."

The kid turns the folders containing the contracts to the side and they disappear.

Kid: "And so it begins."

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