I Don't Need You

By defleppardfan13

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Oc is trained by Bobby Singer to independently hunt on her own. However, an interest in the Winchester boys m... More

Chapter 1- Ain't Too Proud to Beg
Chapter 2- Via Sam
Chapter 3- Tall, Dark, and Handsy
Chapter 4- Let's Tango
Chapter 5- So Get This
Chapter 6- Making Ends Meat
Chaper 7- Housekeeping
Chapter 8- Compromised
Chapter 9- Spring Cleaning
Chapter 10- Checkered Flags and Checkered Shirts
Chapter 11- Common Grounding
Chapter 12- Hope Your Apple Pie...
Chapter 13- Was Freakin' Worth It
Chapter 14- Repent, Rinse, Repeat
Chapter 15- And I Think to Myself
Chapter 16- There's No Place Like Home
Chapter 17- Whats Your Price for Flight?
Chapter 18- Terms and Conditioning
Chapter 19- Food Prep
Chapter 20- Rules of the Game
Chapter 21- Last Call
Chapter 22- Recollections
Chapter 23- About Last Night
Chapter 24- Little Less Conversation
Chapter 25- A Lotta More Action-Please
Chapter 26- Love Letters
Chapter 27- Follow My Lead
Chapter 28- On Through the Night
Chapter 29- Dead On Arrival
Chapter 30- Left to Their Own Devices
Chapter 31- Dining In
Chapter 32- Taking Action
Chapter 33- Final Preparations
Chapter 34- Twas Colonel Mustard in the Dining Room
Chapter 35- With a Dagger to the Heart
Chapter 36- The Morning After
Chapter 37- Homeward and Onward
Chapter 38- Viva!
Chapter 39- Las
Chapter 40- Vegas, Baby!
Chapter 41- Ante Up
Chapter 42- Three of a Kind
Chapter 44- Hit
Chapter 45- Ace's High
Chapter 46- Lucky Number 13
Chapter 47-Fold

Chapter 43- Two of Hearts

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By defleppardfan13

Lazy kisses...careful movements...swapping so I'm laying on his sweaty chest...butt rubs and hair pets. I can hear his heart in my ear as he swallows. He sighs and all the world around us in the early morning is silent. His lips rest on my forehead but it's no kiss. I brush over his chest hair and hum softly, just barely. My eyes are closed and it's all by touches and sounds I map him out.

The love of my life...my beautiful hunter that forever will be a pain in my ass. It warms me further thinking we've finally decided forever. I breathe softer, feel lighter, and I'm just stupidly floating on the high. I'm his, he's mine, and that's never gonna change.

I feel hands snuggle me up further and he's nuzzling my hairline to find a good spot to kiss for the bazillionth time. I groan wanting to finally roll over so he can be big spoon and feel breezes of him ghosting his hands letting me move. I settle with my butt against him and it's all arms and legs that snuggle him closer. I whimper just a little when I adjust my hips slightly and hear soft hushes as he reaches to massage where the joint is.

"Shhh," he rubs circles and I throw my leg back over his hip so he can reach more, "Okay, oookay, I'm rubbin', that's your thigh that's hurtin' then not your hip Baby..." he corrects me gently. When he massages I feel it relax into his touch. "I should run us a hot bubble bath...bet that'd feel a lot better hm?" My ears understand his methods but my body also knows that means he's gonna leave. Kisses pepper my shoulder but he does keep rubbing. "Should I take the silence as a no?"

He assumes right and I drop my leg back down with a grunt. He kisses up my neck and resorts to holding me longer.

"Don't leave so soon..." I whisper finally and feel his hand reach to soothingly rub my butt as he coos.

"It's just to get the water started Babygirl...I'd come back for ya..." he noses my hair then kisses the tip of my ear. "Lemme take care of you...just a little longer..." it's a soft beg as he takes his other hand pressing in soothing rubs over my torso the slides up grazing my nipples then hugs my collar. I feel lips press into my jaw and neck slowly. It pulls a pleased hum from me as I let him stew. A bath sounded wonderful in hindsight and I knew damn well he'd snuggle me all the while.

"Promise?" I whisper curling fingers around his arm. He purrs nosing under my ear.

"Mhmm, not gonna leave my Babygirl lonely..." He lets me turn over in his arms then kisses my nose. "Hey," he waits for my hum and smiles so wide, "I, am in love, with, you." He declares, making me giggle.

"'M in love with you too..." I whisper back then kiss him sweetly. We smile stupid at the other then giggle as we gently rest our heads together.

"I feel like," Sam's brain would kick back on first, "like...that's how we should say it now. Cause we've said 'oh I love you' when we claimed we weren't in it...and now? We've doomed ourselves I think, right?" He blinks at me waiting for a response and I realize he's pulled me from the afterglow with him over this.

"Sam...oh my god..." I go to roll away to get off the bed to start a damn bath but feel him grab my wrist as he chases me.

"Baby, Baby come on, Michelle." He tugs me back to him as he props up on his arm. I roll back to sit facing him and he slides his hand down to take mine, "Don't...don't leave so soon, please?" He whispers, seeming hurt that I got up first. He looks over them and when I look, I barely catch him thumbing over my ring finger. My eyes flick to the part in his hair then back to our hands. "W-would you really marry me?" He looks up with these big eyes almost like a kicked puppy. I swallow, nodding slowly, then look down again and back at his face.

"Yeah. I-I would." I say quietly feeling so scared to talk louder about it. Sam swallows, still looking upset and sighs.

"Even if I've drank demon blood? Believed one over everything else? Betrayed those I've loved and took crap methods to fix it? Been the cause of-of a mass murder in the bunker and couldn't save a single soul? Been possessed and-and beaten, lied and-" he gets so lost in his own and I reach tilting his chin up so he'll look at me.

"Sam, hey, hey, Baby, shh, look at me...easy, easy there, take a breath." I watch him try and I shake my head slowly, "Again. Long, slow, deep breath." I coach and he does a little better but swallows back tears.

"Sorry..." He softly says as if I've scolded him.

"No, Sam, don't be sorry. You've done nothing to have to apologize to me. Baby, I-" I pause finding the right words that won't come off as insensitive, "I'm not new to your history. You gotta remember what my job was for a while. I've heard about how hard it's been. And I'm not- before you even go there, I'm not here to pity you, or even entertain that you're some shitshow needy little boy. You, are Sam fucking Winchester. The man who saved the world with his brother. The-the man that saved his legacy and took to renaming the Men of Letters as more than just. You, took on, Lucifer, Baby and won. I don't care about your mistakes as a man with nowhere to go when he wasn't alright with the world. I don't give a fuck about your exes and-and the stupid, fucking, legends about your mishaps or how many women you've slept with. That does not define, you, Sam. Your mistakes do not define you. It's what you do with them that does, it's how you pick yourself back up that does. You're strong, intelligent, caring, you have heart and follow it, you're quick witted and an amazing shot. You're brave, and yet also vulnerable and that's beautiful to me..." I sniffle and wipe my eyes as I get choked up, "You're beautiful, to me, Sam Winchester. I love you, you big idiot, stop saying awful things and let me accept my own dumb feelings that I wanna marry into one of the most chaotic families I've ever heard of, okay?!" He's crying with me as I lean in and kiss him just to pour more of my love into him.

Sam breaks it with a sob and I have him sit up so I can hug him tight around his neck as I kneel on my knees. I cradle his head as he nuzzles into my neck while wrapping his arms around me tight. "I love you, I love you, I love you, Sam. My beautiful hunter. My protector and my savior. I'm in love with you my sweet beautiful man. You're everything to me and I'm gonna tell your stupid head every day how wonderful you are until you're sick of me! Then I'm gonna leave irritating love notes where you'll find them when you leave me for weeks on hunts so we can be safe and keep being together. And then-" I was going to go on and on until I got that precious man to laugh at least once.

"Okay! Okay, okay..." he chuckles, still crying a little and shakes his head as he pulls back to look into my eyes. "You..." he tries to take a shaky breath as he talks, "y-you-u-u...are..." he purses his lips as I rest my hands on his chest only to feel him grip them in his and press his lips to them. He sobs against my knuckles and I chew my lip after barely whispering to him, "fuck, w-hy c-ant I d-do this n-now?!" He shivers and I sink to press my forehead against his.

"Don't force yourself...relax...I'm not going anywhere..." I talk him through another hiccup fit and he swallows trying again. He grips my hands tighter and keeps his lips close to them as he speaks.

"Y-ouu-are s-o much m-more than-just m-my lioness-s..." he sniffles hard and keeps pushing, "you-u protec-ted me th-at nigh-t and I- c-ouldn..." I realize his guilt has been silently eating him alive over this and it's now that it comes all out, "Baby I couldn't save you! I couldn...t...you were so b-roken...and-and all I d-id was selfishly walk-away, I should've drove us back, I should've talked to you I SHOULD'VE LOOKED AT WHAT WAS IN FRONT OF ME IN INDY AT YET..." He's so mad at himself and it feels like the ultimate need for forgiveness rather than expressing his love further...he sobs into our hands and I kiss and nose his hair letting him let it out. "Y-ou for-gave m-e...I've been s-elfish a-nd stupid and- you l-ove me enough to under-fucking-stand that I instead of-of being your damn boyfriend I treated you-"

"Like you're the best thing that's ever happened to me." I don't yell, I don't patronize. I just couldn't let him break this down now, not after we just got done reinforcing it together. No. It takes Sam off guard, and he's so mad that I'm right and that he has to accept he's a good man for a change.

"No- Michelle that-that's no!" He fights me and I shake my head weeping a little.

"It's true, Sam. Even in your mistakes...you've done nothing but be patient with me. I'm the stubborn, bitchy, Quickshot...not you, remember? And yet...she's just agreed she'd marry you, because she loves you. I fucking love you so much- it hurts! It's a good hurt though Baby. Not all pain comes from torment. You've given me a second chance to live outside of the only crapshow I've known. We're gonna fight, Baby we-we are gonna be ruthless some days, but that comes from us being us. I'd take a day of us petty bantering and angry sex than walking away right now. You wanted me in this, and I. Am. In. It. Do you hear me?! The woman with one rule, one single, fucking rule to never let herself love like she's a desperate damsel in fucking distress-yet here I am begging you, Sam Motherfucking Winchester, to get it through your goddam thick, stubborn head that I'm here, with you, for all the rest of our days! For better or worse- I said this in the car, did you think I was joking?!" I was passionately in his face you could say as I let loose my own built up rage towards him.

When I got to my question he shook his head and I continued on. "Then why are you trying to convince me- even after the best lovemaking I think any man could do?!- to back out now?! You think just because you're human with a track record that I secretly don't actually want you?! Too bad! Guess what?! I do! I'm saying it here, I'll say it at the damn altar, I will scream it to the fucking angels till they are turning off angel radio, I. NEED. YOU, I. LOVE. YOU! I. CHOOSE. YOU! SAMUEL, WILLIAM, WINCHESTER! AND I WILL GLADLY LISTEN TO YOUR IRRITATING CORRECTION ON THAT UNTIL WE BOTH PERISH! GOOD GOD CAN WE PLEASE ACCEPT THE MUTUALITY OF OUR FEELINGS NOW?!" I can feel my heart threatening my chest as if I've ran for forever.

Sam's no longer crying as I let that tension in the silence sit. Its left us intensely staring the other down. I was prepared to scream over him had he spoken up with some more bullshit excuses. He unfortunately had to let go of my hands about a quarter the way into my fit because when I get heated my hands help me talk right. By the end at our standoff they're in fists and he keeps glancing at them then chooses not to move. In all honesty? He looks terrified. He should be. In most movies or shows I'm supposed to be tackled at this point and fucked to oblivion or on e ery surface.

However, we've done that before the big showdown so now it's just us waiting on the other to make a move or statement- naked. Also it'd be ridiculous to try and move this downstairs where other said surfaces are. If you ask me? He's great at timing except during these moments and that's the one thing I'd call him out for later on...at the wedding reception...ugh.

It's a hard swallow from him, then I, after a few beats, my hands unball. I slouch, exhausted- lack of sleep and fluids and great cock are catching up. Sam's jaw relaxes and his eyes look him and I over and I can see the wow we really just did that realization on his face. Without permission to leave the ring, I slid off the bed keeping my stare on him before turning to pad into the bathroom.

I don't hear him budge as the water in the tub flows creating an echo chamber that dulls my senses. It's welcomed. The buzzing and intense anger is subsiding. I drop my head breathing in steam as I lean over the tub just taking a moment. My hands plant on the elevated porcelain and I stretch my back and rear out closing my eyes and feeling my joints thank me.

I was about to reposition myself to stand back straight when firm hands run down my bare back and hips. The trails of goosebumps prick my skin and I feel one hand disappear then see it off to the side and dip into the water. It comes back up and the other does the same. Cooling droplets fall onto my lower back as palms press to slide up my spine. I naturally arch back my ass and feel myself gripping the side of the tub just a little more.

Hands massage over and down my sides even grip my ass cheeks up. I'm chewing my bottom lip off taking the silent route as I let him lead.

"How sore?" He's clipped and I have no idea why that gets me going. I'm lost in my head and it's a hard, fire hot, smack on my ass from him when I don't respond immediately. It's worse when his hands have been submerged and I exhale slowly finding my pain level. "Babygirl." He commands for me to answer and I shiver.

"I-I'm okay." I half-lie knowing my thighs are bruising, but it's not unwelcome. I jolt when he spanks me again and growls.

"Gimme a number, one through ten." He says still clipped. I try not to sound so much like a little whore and control my breathing.

"I uh-" I sniffle from the steam breaking up my sinuses and close my eyes tight shut trying to give him an honest number, "fuck, uh, four- four, Sam." I brace myself and feel his hands inch to spread me out. He settles and draws two fingers back from my bruising thighs.

"You're sure?" He gives me one last chance and I nod.

"Yeah, Babe, I am. It's okay I'm-" He smacks my ass hard again and I hiss but feel my body betray my calm-cool-collected attempt and rock back again into it.

"Tell me you love me." He demands and I feel my breathing hitch. I breathe out slowly, closing my eyes.

"Sam, I love you. I'm in love with you." He spanks me hard again and I actually feel myself cream just a little. Sam moans in his chest, seemingly pleased with the result.

"And, you're not sore?" He's really waiting for me to backdown on this and I shake my head. He reaches turning off the water to the tub then is back to half punishing? Me? He cracks his hand over my ass again and I can feel my thighs quiver.

"Sam, no, I'm fine, I- fuck!" I moan that time and rock back harder against nothing. I'm flexing on nothing and the more times he's gonna do this, the harder it is for me to keep straight.

"You like this? Do you actually like this?" He asks lower and I curse under my breath. He does it again and I hate that I've almost soaked myself. He's only surveyed me and spanked me for it and I'm succumbing. "Michelle." The way my name comes out of his mouth stops me dead. It's tense. I don't even need to look to know that man is about to ruin me. His tone is of you're mine and I almost miss his sweet little Baby, oh my Babygirl,'s right now. I swallow and he spanks me harder it feels and I realize he was using his right first. "Answer. Me." He clips again and I shiver hard.

"Yes, okay, yes, Sam I do. I do have-have this weird thing with your hands on my ass okay?!" It's like belting out his favorite song because he kneads both left and right and purrs. I can feel his cock graze between my folds as he rocks his hips too.

"Good girl. Except, I was gonna run this once we were done in there, and someone decided she'd just do it herself. Shame to waste a good bath huh? Water's gonna be cold by the time I'm done with you, but from how soaked," he slathers his cock over me and I hiss, "you already are? We should have time for me to run a new one, yeah?" He gives me way less time to answer and his left leaves this tasty sting on my left ass cheek.

"Sammy!" I moan hearing it echo much more in the bathroom. He does it again and growls.

"Do not, make me correct you, now is not the time." He warns and I find myself rocking into nothing or to self soothe that sting.

"Okay, Sam, okay..." I catch my breath as he rubs where I have to be red.

"Good girl. Be still." He presses his hand on my lower back and I swallow doing my best to listen. "Spread 'em." He growls again, and I listen. "Do know, as frustrating as you are? And as s-stubborn," he guides his cock between my folds and stretches me again as he speaks, "as your ass is?" He pulls my hips back roughly fully seated, "and that god-dammned mouth of yours with your fuckin' attitude-that I'm about to fix- irritates my soul Babygirl, but know," he leans over me and gets right next to my ear as his finger tips dig into my flesh, "I, love, you." And just like that, he pulls back and slams into me again making me almost buckle right there.

He knee braces me as he pounds me hard into the tub's edge. It's all Sam and I'm seeing nothing but screams and howling moans as he ruins me like I had imagined. We were passed the love making, this, this was my attitude adjustment. This was what we mutually laughed about in the car, what Dean predicted, what we knew how to do.

We were those lovers- fight, then fuck, and it was about the best damn thing for us both. Sam's aggressions needed out and I was willing to take those off his hands. His cock owned me in that moment and I couldn't tell what was an orgasm or what was the lead up to. He was relentless and the only hint of an orgasm for me was when he slapped my ass so hard I squeezed him tight enough he had to brace himself while I squirted even. Sam I could barely hear coach me to relax as I came down, again- had to be again- so he could slip free then slam back into me again.

"B-aby I'm s-orr-y I d-on't w-anna be m-ad n-o m-more!" I don't even know where I was in my head. I only could think of saying anything if I could even.

"Yeah? That so? Are we done being bossy? Huh?!" He cracks his hand again and I could make a million dollars a view with how raw of a moan he got me to produce. He rides me through it and I beg harder.

"Yes-yes Baby I'm d-one-mmm, m' sorry you didn't get to take c-are of mm-e, ju-st want-ed-fuck!" He spanks the other side and I cry out again. He's close because he's planted right against me where I know both of us are feeling all of everything he's got.

"A-nnnd? Wh-at else?!" He rocks his hips upwards with a hand disappearing so he can rub my clit in time.

"D-on-t w-anna-wan-na, fff-ight n-o m-ore, w-anna let-let y-ou t-ake care o-f m-e! Baby-p-lease! M' gonn-a-" I can feel that familiar edge and hope to god he catches me cause I know I'm going down with this ship.

"Not yet you're not, think you're the only one who can say so?!" Sam's in my ear snarling as he puts off my undoing. I have tears and my eyes have been squeezed shut for some time. "Open, your fucking, eyes." He sees this and latches onto my shoulder biting down as he takes me impossibly harder. When I do open them at his command the reflection in the glossy stained wood is all him and I working through our argument. He's been watching me the entire time.

"Sammy!" I sob helplessly as I try not to cum until he says, that stupid little tone is heartbreaking but it's what I'm being eroded into the more he denies me.

"What'd I say? I told you to wait, Babygirl, and you will- so help me!" He spanks me hard and I squeeze him tight hearing a curse from him, "That's it Baby, that's it, fuck thats, right there, there we g-o, yeah-y-eah, fuck, almost there, fuck Babygirl we're almost there-" he's hissing and growling in my ear as he gets closer. I can feel him stretch me further and I have tears down my face with how passed orgasm I was. I did listen though and it was another few beats where he spanks me one more time and I feel him cum hard. "F-uck! Mnnyes, cum Babygirl, m-cum for-me-oh shit, ohBabygirl!"

"SAM!" I shout his name seeing white as I let go fully. My weight is immediately shifting and it's not me holding me up anymore. I hear Sam grunt as I shove him out and sob while he braces me in his arms. It's a delicious pain that the release offers and I'm spent back to blissfully unaware of my existence. It's only evidence it's intensity was high for us both had been that the trails down my legs were still coming and Sam was not making any move to try and fill me again. It was still so warm and I could only hear my gasps then whimpers and cries as I was shifted and carried from the bathroom.

"Easy, easy, I'm here, I know...I knowww...I gotcha Sweetheart. You're okay...we're okay Baby...shhh...you did so good for me...so good...shhh...breathe slow," he sits on the edge of the bed and rocks me as I snuggle his neck with small hiccups. "My good girl..." he brushes through my hair and hums softly. "I love you my Beautiful..." I feel the sides of his lips kiss my head and he lets me cling to him as long as I want. I did peek and see slowly the sun was breaking through the dark.

"Sunrise..." I mumble softly and Sam shifts, turning us so he can see too. He brings his knees up and I stay curled between his legs resting more on his chest. His cheek rests on my head as he cradles me.

"S' pretty huh..." he whispers as purple mixes in some areas of the sky, "lemme run a bath, we can get cozy, bring out one of those fluffy blankets and sit on our balcony Baby...sound okay?" He looks back at me and I look over his eyes. I nod slowly.

"If you want to? It does sound nice?" I smile a little and watch Sam nod with me.

"Mhmm, you gonna be okay if I go reheat the water? I promise it won't take long..." he offers and makes sure without making any move that I'm okay first.

"You can, I'm okay Sam." I give him a bigger smile and reach up to meet his lips.

"Be right back..." he kisses me again quickly then slides off the bed. I sigh and pull my knees up as I stare out at the shimmering dewy trees. I smile to myself, resting my chin on my knees taking in the environment slowly coming alive.

It's some time it feels like I got to myself. I eventually had let my legs stretch back out and was mid sigh as I curled propping myself up on one of the stray big pillows. I barely heard Sam come back and figured he could do as he wanted at this point. My head was quiet, the room was quiet, I was in my own bliss.

Dips in the bed from afar tell me that he's slowly making his way to me. He crawls up then curls spooning behind me and rests on his fist while propped on his elbow. His free hand traces down my curves, to the round of my ass and I smile with a quiet sigh.

"Is it ready?" I softly ask. Sam kisses deeply behind my ear and purrs.

"Mhmm, added some oils for you." He takes my hand and kisses it. "Come on, it'll be even prettier when we get out there." I sit up and let him lead me off the bed and into his arms he lifts me, carrying me to the bathroom and the smell of lavender and vanilla fills the air.

"Baby..." I grin seeing bubbles too and snort in an easy-awe. He sets me down and I step up the small ledge. Sam busts out washcloths, fluffier towels and lotions even.

"Here..." He offers an arm so I can carefully step in and land down in the bubbles safely. I smile at the fact they're so fluffy and even smell wonderful with the oils. I lean over the edge watching Sam organize and sigh when he's taking too long. I push up and hang halfway out and reach, managing to pinch his butt. He naturally touches the ceiling then spins glaring at me for a moment.

"What? You got me in here now you won't join me?" I laugh with a snort. Sam eyes me then rolls his eyes.

"I thought you'd want some solo time while I get pajamas laid out, but it seems," he leans down with a playful smirk and grazes my lips, "I'm needed elsewhere." I kiss him then nip his lip playfully.

"Full. Service." I giggle on his lips. He steals another kiss then pretends to huff.

"Fine, make room, thought I took care of that sass?" He teases as he slides in behind me. I let him settle then sit in his lap letting the bubbles floof between us. It gets a chuckle out of us both as pieces float around.

"Mmm, the sass is my curse, Winchester." I purr as I hold his face in my hands. He shakes his head and smiles.

"Ruth. Less." He purrs back into a longing kiss. His hands hold my hips as he deepens it. I play with the back of his hair and sigh resting my head on his when we get some air. "How ya feelin', you okay?" He checks in on me and I nod with a shrug.

"I'll be sore, walk with a limp, but, I'm alive?" I tease earning a welcomed bitch face.

"Michelle." He tsks wanting a real answer. I sigh then roll my eyes. I cock my head slowly to the side and grin with a blush.

"I'll feel this for days and welcome it." I grin wider only watching Sam try hard not to enjoy the ego boost. His thumbs rub my hips as he shakes his head looking at me.

"You're facetious. What am I gonna ever do with you?" He asks looking defeated but has a hint of amusement in his eyes. I kiss him twice and giggle going to nip his cheek.

"Marry me? Isn't that what we just got done screaming about?" I go the cheeky route and hear a growl. I giggled more nosing his cheek, "shhh I'm kidding, I love you..." I kiss it deeply and he sighs.

"Y'sound like I'm threatening you, dear, like I'm grounding a child." Sam's simile isn't off but also it's the challenge like a child too- betcha won't. I brush through his bangs and kiss his nose.

"How're you Babyboy?" I ask, genuinely concerned for Sam's reaction earlier. He looks me over and swallows with a fading smile. "Shh, talk to me, what's going on my love?" I open the floor up for him and he struggles for words. Instead, he rests his head into my chest and hugs me with his arms. I brush his hair from his face and to the side letting Sam snuggle. His whiskers prick and scratch my skin as he settles.

"I keep replaying that...what we've said...it's gonna sound cliche, but, it's a me thing...I can't...there are just some circumstances I can't forgive myself. It wasn't fair to reflect those things into our relationship." Sam's sincere words help me understand better. I sigh, leaning to kiss his temple and nose it closing my eyes.

"I'm always gonna try and tell you otherwise Sam Winchester. You're a good man, whom I love so very much, I guess both of us really needed the other to find our middle...huh Babe..." I throw out that theory and feel him shift to look up at me. He blinks with these eyes that look so in awe. Like I've told him a big secret. "What?" I offer it with a soft coo.

"We're balancing each other." He whispers softly and I smile nodding before he reaches to kiss me deeply. I cradle his head as his tongue presses past my lips. He shifts sitting up again and I fist gently the roots of his hair. My name I barely hear whispers between us and I hum feeling his hands knead my sore ass.

I flinch just enough and he catches it. He's eyeing me as his left hand grazes again and look away trying to be still.

"I'm fine, Sam, I'll heal..." I blush looking down until he gently lifts my chin back up. I look at him through my lashes and he's concerned.

"Tell me." He gently demands not letting my chin go, but also not anchoring it either. I swallow and take a breath.

"It's not as bad as you think, it's just raw. I saw the lotion and it'll help. I promise, Sam, it's welcomed." I smile bashfully. Sam tilts his head and sighs with a soft smile.

"Okay, I'll call off my interrogation then." He strokes my cheek with the hand that was holding my chin. I lean into his touch and smile stupid at him.

"Thank you," I whisper with a quiet giggle, "love you Baby." Sam reaches to kiss me lovingly and hums into it. His free hand cradles the other cheek whilst his thumb also strokes it. He brushes my damp hair over my shoulder and lets me shift to rest on him.

"My Forever..." he whispers tenderly. He brushes his knuckles steady still over my skin. I close my eyes as his lips kiss my forehead. I smile gently and sigh.

"Mm'gonna be mush and miss the sunrise..." I slowly open my eyes catching Sam shaking his head with a grin as I pretend to whine. I giggle softly then go to stretch until Sam cradles me abruptly into another kiss. I snort breaking it too soon and slowly slip into overtiredness. Sam's defeated sigh turns into chuckles with me as I flick remaining bubbles at him. He blows puffs of hair to send them sailing away and watch him do the same to me. It's a bigger frothy cloud sailing at me and I puff faster, shorter, breaths watching it barely change course. I squeal when it lands gently on my face and swat it back into the water.

"S'what you get!" He teases so I use two hands to flick more bubbles and he tries hard to puff them back at me. I do the same and it's clear Sam's lungs are strong. Bubble airstrikes rain gently on me and I playfully cry out in defeat.

"Sammy!" I giggle hiding in his neck. There is just enough room and I shift my legs, hooked them where Sam loses his footing and down he goes into the warm water. Bubbles floof where he's disturbed them and I am slowly backing up knowing it's coming. Hands flail near me and it's no time till Sam's head pops back up.

"Oh! We got moves huh? Yeah, let's see how you like it!" He sweeps my feet under the water and I barely squeak out my protest and I'm under. I blink hoping the oils don't irritate my eyes. I have just a little more space to half launch myself back into his torso hearing him actually sound like he's struggling and under I pull him again. He's contorted I realize because of his legs but he pretends to scold me with a finger wagging slowly my way with water resistance. I bite my lip and tug him for a kiss under the bathwater. He holds my face as I cradle his head and press into him until he pulls us both back to the surface. We steal a couple more smooches then melt into giggles. We crinkle noses at each other until Sam catches my lips again. We settle with mutual sighs and relax where I'm reclined on his chest.

"How much water do you think is on the outside of the tub now?" I giggle as I look straight up and kiss under his chin. He shifts and whistles in wonder.

"We are awful...its-alot." He makes a face. I observe the remaining bath and hum.

"Barely looks changed, though." I point. Sam catches my hand and pulls it back to kiss.

"With how much is left? Tub is deep Babe. I mean, you just straight dunked my ass and I cleared it." His example makes sense as I rest back. I giggle-snort over the fact I did dunk my 6'4 hunter-boyfriend in a bathtub. Sam rolls his eyes and shakes his head at me. "Laugh it uuuup, laugh it uuuup- woo-hoo my girlfriend tried to drown m-" Sam teases me.

"Samuel I did not drow-" I splash him as I squeal over him.

"Tried to Duh-rown me! Yeah, thanks Babe for the million orgasms- your services are no longer required!" He splashes me back and I raspberry at him. He raises his eyebrows and chews his lip, "ya know I have a way better use for that tongue of yours!" He splashes me again and I do it right back.

"You would! Mister, all knowing!" I tease back as he pulls me back to him. I fake-struggle then wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him. He smiles wide, pecking my lips again.

"We need to wash up and get changed. Look at this!" He laughs with me as his hands have pruned. I look around seeing that the bubbles are gone as well. I pout playfully then huff.

"Fine, I guess, maybe you got a good point..." I roll my eyes then let him reach more behind him for our soaps and washcloths. I take one wetting it as Sam does the same.

"Me or you first?" He almost looks armed and dangerous somehow. I snort, tossing mine behind me and splay my arms out.

"Bring it on!" I giggle as he tugs me back upright and gets down to it.

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