The Wilted Rose

Par Zach42799

71.1K 1.8K 540

Y/N Rose was the son of Qrow Branwen and Summer Rose, and the oldest child of the Rose family. Due to Qrows'... Plus

Character Bio
Prologue: Beyond Repair
Chapter 1: One tiny problem
Chapter 2: Forehand or Backhand?
Chapter 3: Not without a fight
Chapter 4: Revival
Chapter 5: Initiation
# FUCKIN 3!!!
Chapter 6: Lonesome Road
Roy Winchester/Arsenal Bio
Chapter 7: Indebted
Chapter 8: Welcome to Mantle
Chapter 9: Uncovered
Chapter 10: The Rescue
Chapter 11: Outlaws At Last
Chapter 12: Tremors
Chapter 13: Trust
Chapter 14: Sticks And Stones
1K! Thank You Guys
Chapter 15: The Foundry
Chapter 16: Premonitions
Chapter 17: Death
Chapter 18: Rebirth
Chapter 19: Too Far Gone (Vol.0 Finale)
Chapter 20: Train Ride (Vol. 1 Prologue)
Chapter 21: Sisters
Chapter 22: The Lucky Ones
Chapter 23: Ghost
Chapter 24: Quiet Night
Chapter 25: Protector
Chapter 26: Calm...
Chapter 27: ...Before The Storm
Chapter 28: Lifeline
Chapter 29: Who I Am (Vol. 1 Finale)
Chapter 30: Costly Mistakes (Vol. 1.5 Prologue)
Chapter 31: Critical Care
5K reads!!!
Chapter 32: Testing
Chapter 33: Your Greatest Failure
Chapter 34: Guess Who's Back
Chapter 35: Progress
Chapter 36: Fix Me
Chapter 37: A Silver Bullet
Chapter 38: Should've Known Better
Chapter 39: The Road To Hell Is Paved In Good Intentions....
Chapter 40: Closeness
Chapter 41: Back In School
Next Red Hood Outfit Vote/Closed
Chapter 42: The Much Needed Talk
Chapter 43: The Company We Keep
Chapter 45: The Bookstore (Vol. 2 Prologue)
Chapter 46: You Atlesian Joker
Thank you Wattapad....
Chapter 47: Keep It Simple
Chapter 48: What's the plan?
Chapter 49: Fatherly Love
Chapter 50: Something I Cant Let Go Of
Chapter 51: I Hate When I'm Right....
Chapter 52: Takedown
Chapter 53: Goodnight Princess
Chapter 54: Too Much To Lose....
Chapter 55: Between Wants And Needs
Chapter 56: Concept Of Subtilty
Chapter 57: End Of The Line
Chapter 58: Nothing I Wont Do
Chapter 59: You Have Achieved Nothing
Chapter 60: Three Simple Words (Vol. 2 Finale)
Bonus Chapter: Your Scars Are Beautiful *Lemon*
Chapter 61: Demon (Vol. 3 Prologue)
Chapter 62: Round One
Chapter 63: I've Got Nothing For You
Chapter 64: Round Two
Chapter 65: We're Talking Aren't We?
Chapter 66: The Vault
Chapter 67: Breaking Point
Important Notice/updated
Chapter 68: Firing Squad
Chapter 69: Nightmare
Chapter 70: Better Tomorrow
Important Notice Pt. 2
Chapter 71: The Easy Part
Chapter 72: Do Or Die
Chapter 73: Failure
Chapter 74: Two Options
Chapter 75: Bad Joke
Chapter 76: House Of Cards
Chapter 77: Bid Farewell
Chapter 78: Everything That Came Before
Chapter 79: Recovery
Chapter 80: Someone's Got To Stay (Book 1 Finale)
Book 2 is out now!

Chapter 44: Prophecies (Vol. 1.5 finale)

475 15 6
Par Zach42799


9:03 PM

188 Days to the Fall

Y/n Pov

I found myself back in the barren wasteland in my mind. The same wasteland where my dreams showed me things. I don't understand what this place really was. Was it really my mind or was it something else? Why was I here now? I looked around, unsure of anything anymore. In the distance, I saw two figures. 

One looked to be made of complete darkness while the other looked to be made of light. I took a step forward before my head felt like it was about to burst. Flashes of things that have yet to happen exploding from my mind. I couldn't make sense on any of it. It was going by too fast. There was one thing I was sure of. These dreams, these visions.... There's much more to them than I initially thought. 

-Y ur t sk is not  et co plet d- 

-A aken Cha p on. B eak y ur cu se and  e fre d-

The whispers were broken and incomplete. Like there was something that was blocking them from being completely heard. These dreams.... These visions.... Their of me. A previous me. I looked back at everything that's happened. Were those premonitions or memories? The first to come to mind was that night I had the vision of Weiss' death by Callows. Did that really happen and I was remembering?

The notion was disturbing beyond words. Why does the visions come and go the way they do? No. The better question is why are they happening again? My head flashed me another image. It was of Yang and Blake laid on the ground. Yang was dead, missing a arm and Blake with a gut wound, likely about to join her in death. The flash ended, knocking me to my knees. I felt weak. As I tried to stand up, I was met with another flash. 

This one was of the woman with black hair. Her face was distorted so I couldn't make her out. I was laid on the ground, the feeling of blood loss weighing heavily on me, clouding my thinking. I managed to pick my head up enough to see how bad off I was. I was covered in bullet holes, burns, slashes and stab wounds. The fact that I had survived all of this was shocking.

I tried to release the Lazarus energy to heal my wounds but found that all I could manage were wisps of green smoke. I don't know the limitations of the Lazarus energy, but it looks like this was it. Why was it failing now? It had healed me when I had been gutted by the explosion at the warehouse. If it could heal that, why cant it heal this? 

I laid my head back down before I heard a familiar voice. I couldn't place why it was familiar but I felt a surge of hatred for it. I noticed it was coming from the woman with black hair. She was about as fucked up as I was. Her arm missing and her clothes in tatters, showing several burns littering her body. I couldn't figure out what exactly was happening with my senses waning. The feeling of blood loss coming and going in waves. 

The woman limped over to me before stopping at my feet. She kneeled down, pain evident in her movements. She released her hold on the stump that was her arm. The wound looking as though it had been cauterized. Reaching down, she picked up something that I recognized immediately. It was one of my pistols, White. I absentmindedly looked over to the left and saw my other pistol well out of reach. 

Black hair Woman: Your lucky I don't have time to *Pained Grunt* make the rest of your short, miserable life even worse. I've always hated firearms,- *Pained Whimper* -but it's fitting that you'll be killed with your own gun. 

I couldn't muster the strength to respond. I lifted my head slightly and found myself looking down the receiving end of my gun. There was nothing I could do but wait for the lights to be turned out. I managed to croak out the words I always said when I was in these situations. 

Y/n: The... Story.... Only ever.... Had one ending....


I jolted up from my bed, yanking my pistols out and franticly taking aim. The room was empty but that didn't steady my shaking hands. I stood up and started searching the room top to bottom. I knew I wouldn't find anything but I needed to feel in control. 

Finishing up, I lowered my pistols and fell to my knees with my breathing labored. I was confused and helpless. There was no conceivable right answer to any of this. I picked up my scroll and looked at the time. Regardless of how late it was, I was taking a trip to Ozpin. Magic was his wheelhouse more than it was mine. 

I grabbed the accursed book from the box and left the room. I kept one hand firmly clenched on the spine of the book and the other hand holding on to the grip of my pistol, hidden from sight. I borderline ran to Ozpins office. I don't know what he could possibly tell me that could set me at ease but if there was anyone who could have a answer, it was him. 

Arriving in the building, I barely acknowledged the security guard. It was someone new but I didn't have the inclination to really stop and chat. Entering the elevator and pressing the button, I started to panic again. I never had a problem with confined spaces but I wasn't in the best frame of mind at the moment. 

I barely heard the ding of the elevator before I squeezed myself past the elevator doors as they opened. Ozpin and Goodwitch both were here and looked at me. They knew something was wrong just from a glance. Neither had a chance to speak before I practically threw the book on Ozpins desk.

Ozpin: What's wrong, Y/n?

Y/n: ....Open the book....

Goodwitch: What's so special about the book?

Y/n: ...Read it...

They both looked confused but Ozpin opened and started reading. The more he read, the more serious his face became. Goodwitch moved to get a bottle of water and to try and calm me down. Frankly, there wasn't anything that she could do to help me there. Ozpin apparently read enough because he closed the book and turned his attention to me. 

Ozpin: Where did you find this?

Y/n: Pawnshop... I went out with Blake to replace her scroll.

Ozpin: This book has traces of magic in it. 

I looked at Ozpin incredulously. It was obvious that it was magical to anyone who could sense it. 

Y/n: No shit Oz, that's why I brought it to you! What the fuck is going on with it?!

Goodwitch: Y/n, you need to calm down...

Ozpin: This is a story that originated from eight generations ago. At least, I thought it a story. Seeing and reading its contents, I can say with certainty that its a prophecy. 

Y/n: A prophesy of what?

Ozpin: ....I would have to search into it more before I am certain but it seems there's more to the story than what is evident.

Y/n: ...That's your way of saying that you don't know...

Ozpin: On the contrary, if I am right, this changes everything.

Goodwitch: It's amazing that you found this.

Y/n: Doesn't feel that way to me.... I could've done without some bullshit prophecies today....

Goodwitch couldn't find the right words to respond. She didn't read the book, nor was she getting the flashes. That was something I'm holding on to. I have enough to deal with between going out at night, this new found bullshit and school without adding worrying that they'll throw me in the loony bin. 

I stood shakily, which prompted Goodwitch to help me. I appreciated it because I was feeling weaker with every passing moment. It was a strange mix of mental and physical fatigue. I managed to straighten myself and started for the elevator. Goodwitch followed behind me the whole way. 

Y/n: What, you walking me to my room or something? 

Goodwitch: If I must.

I wasn't going to argue. Making it to the elevator, I was about to enter when Ozpin spoke up again. 

Ozpin: There's nothing else that needs to be added, is there?

Y/n: ....No. Nothing else. 

Ozpin stared at me for a moment. I knew I wasn't very convincing. I was just hoping that he would still let me go because of the fatigue. Luckily, he did just that.

Ozpin: Very well.... If you need anything more or I find something regarding this book, I'll be here.

Y/n: Your always here in your office... If I didn't know any better, I'd think that chair was your ass.

Ozpin chuckled at my joke. Heh, maybe I'm already feeling better if my sense of humor is coming back. Entering the elevator, Goodwitch was about to come with me when I waved her off. I was fine enough to walk on my own. 

Y/n: I appreciate the gesture but I'll be fine. I made it here just fine and it's not like I'm going out when I'm like this.

Goodwitch: I would certainly hope not, but if you insist.

I bid them goodnight and headed back to my dorm room. I was trying my best to keep my mind preoccupied. The last thing I wanted was to have another panic attack because of this shit. Especially since I was out in public. 

Entering the dorm, I beelined for my room. I turned the corner to head to the first year dorms and saw JNPR at my door. They never saw me snap like that so it stands to reason they'd be concerned. I took a breath and continued on to them. 

Nora was the one knocking on the door, barely giving three seconds before she would knock again. I came up behind them and tapped Jaune on the shoulder. To say I scared Jaune would be a understatement. He practically jumped out of his skin. As funny as it was to see and hear him scream like a girl, I wanted to clear things up. Jaunes' feminine scream caused the others to turn and see me. 

Y/n: Hey guys...

Nora: Y/n... Are you feeling better?

Y/n: Yeah, I'm better now. Just had a lot to take in today. 

Pyrrha: We're here if you need to talk.

It was a nice offer but I couldn't talk about what had set me off to them. Better to just say that I was having a rough time adjusting to Beacon and be done with it. Or maybe I could say that the lack of action was getting to me. Beacon was supposedly the be all end all of combat schools for Huntsmen and I'm yet to get a chance to fight besides going on initiation. Training doesn't count in that. 

Y/n: Nah, I'm good now. But I'm sorry about earlier.

Ren: It's fine. We all need time to ourselves every now and again.

Jaune: Yeah, but like Pyrrha said, if you ever need to talk, you know where our room is.

Nora: YEAH! We're a team!

I wasn't going to hit her with the "temporary" hammer and ruin the mood. I was glad that they looked at me as part of their team. If nothing else, I have RWBY and JNPR to lean on if need be. Speaking of RWBY, I heard a door open and looked to see Ruby poking her head out. Guess Nora brought us some attention. Ruby popped her head back in and then exited the room followed by the rest of the team. I was a little surprised to see Blake coming as well. 

Ruby: Hey, are you ok?

Y/n: They just asked me that Rubes, and yeah, I'm fine.

Yang: That's great! So maybe now you can tell us what's up?

Y/n: Just having a hard time getting used to things here...

I said as naturally as possible. They all brought it except for Blake. She was with me when that bullshit started. I fired off a quick question to redirect the conversation away from me. Blake was sure to call me out if I didn't.

Y/n: So how's the scroll working for you, Blake?

 Blake: It's very advanced....

Y/n: Yeah, comes from Atlas, of course. Everything comes from Atlas.

Weiss: I hate to interrupt but it is getting late and we have classes tomorrow. 

Pyrrha: She's right, we should all start getting to bed. 

Nice save Weiss! As much as I liked talking to them, given the current situation of Blake about to call me out. The best thing that could have happened just did. They all started bidding each other goodnight before returning to their rooms. I said mine before I was stopped by Weiss. 

Weiss: Thank you for helping Blake.

Y/n: Well I did kinda destroy her scroll...

Weiss: I mean at the Scrollholics. She hasn't stopped talking about what you did for her.

I glanced at Blake, who stood stock still as Weiss said that. Must really suck having superior hearing, Kitty! Though, I guess I did better than I thought getting on the right foot with her. I held in a laugh before returning my attention back to Weiss. 

Y/n: It was nothing. 

Weiss looked around to make sure no one was looking before standing on her toes to give me a quick kiss. It's funny how bashful she is when it comes to this stuff. Besides, it's not like her team doesn't know somethings up between us. Then again, I would rather not have Yang trying to pry into it. 

Yang: Break it up lovebirds, we got class in the morning!

Y/n: Since when were you the responsible one!?

Yang: Hey! I am ALWAYS responsible.

I just shook my head and laughed. Weiss was blushing, as she always does when it comes to this. I checked to see if anyone was paying attention since I didn't want to embarrass Weiss any more than Yang just did. Confirming that no one was indeed looking, I leaned down and gave her a quick hug and kiss back. If it wasn't for the fact that they needed to go to sleep, I would tease her about her height. Then again, we all cant be giants. Weiss smiled sweetly at me, making it hard not to do it again. 

Y/n: I'll see you tomorrow.

Weiss: Ok. Sleep well. 

I bid everyone else goodnight before entering my room. I dodged a bullet with Blake. I'm going to have to do everything in my power to avoid having today brought up. Despite how things turned out today, I was glad to be on solid ground with Blake. 

I got a quick shower, not even bothering to redress. My head was still aching from earlier. I just hope that I don't have another flash. I climbed back in bed and closed my eyes. Sleep never came, leaving me too much time to think on the book and what it could mean....

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