"π‘Œπ‘œπ‘’ πΏπ‘œπ‘œπ‘˜ 𝐴𝑀𝑓𝑒𝑙...

By bigbahongaloos

16.5K 743 562

Tommy had just recently moved homes. The one he left was one full of memories. Not good ones, but not necessa... More



240 11 11
By bigbahongaloos

TW// cussing, talk of like everything in chapters 30-33, police, being questioned, kinda crying?
I think that's all?

3rd person POV

Michael ran as fast as he could for as long as he could. His Uncle Tommy hadn't told him which way to run, so he just went the way the window faced, assuming that that's where he had came from.

He ran for a long time until his little legs wouldn't let him run anymore.

He ran as straight as he could, since he couldn't see hardly anything.

Once he began to walk, he pulled the rucksack around his front and opened it, seeing his pig stuffy. He grabbed it and hugged it to his chest as tight as he could. Then he grabbed a water bottle and chugged the whole thing, and then put the empty bottle back in the bag so he wouldn't litter.

He continued to walk with Tommy's phone flashlight for a long time until he exited the forest. He looked around and kind of recognized the area. It was where he used to live.

He kept walking, passing every house he walked upon, not wanting to wake anyone up.

Soon, he found himself in town. Not many people were there since it was night, but there were some.

Everybody he tried to walk up to didn't notice him, though, so he kept walking.

That's is, until he was actually stopped by two men.

"Hi, there, are you alright?" One asked. "I- Uhm..." Michael squeezed his stuffy. "You're awful cut up, there." The other pointed to his arms, where Michael only just noticed how the twigs and nature things had cut him as he ran.

"Where are your parents? Are you lost?" The first one asked. "I-I don't know..." Michael was confused, he didn't understand what was happening. He didn't know who he could trust, he didn't know where to go.

"What's your name?" One asked. "Uhm...Michael..." "Michael! I like that name. I'm Ant, and this is Velvet! How old are you, Michael?" Ant asked. "Eight..." "My, goodness, I remember when I was eight. I'm pretty old, aren't I, Michael?"

This made Michael giggle.

"So, Michael, what are you doing out here all by yourself?" Velvet asked. "I-I'm trying to find my way back home, my dads need to know what happened." Michael replied. "Ok, well we can take you home, where do you live?" Any asked. "I...don't know."

"Ok...uhm...what happened? You said your dads need to know what happened." Velvet said. "Well...these guys that took my Uncle Tommy a year or so ago, they took me, and then my Uncle Tommy went to go save me, and I got away, but they took him back, and I think he's in danger now. They're probably mad at him for helping me get away." Much replied.

"T-Took? When you say 'took' do you mean you- you were kidnapped?" Ant asked. "Well...yeah, I guess." Michael nodded, holding his stuffy to his chin.

"Ok, uhm...we're going to take you to the police station, if that's ok. They'll help you better than we can." Velvet asked.

"Ok...can you call my dads on the way there? I have my Uncle Tommy's phone, he should have their numbers." Michael said. "Oh...o-ok! I can do that."

Michael grabbed Tommy's phone out of the bag, and turned it on, typing in the passcode a few times before remembered it.

"I don't know how phones work. Can you pull it up?" Michael asked, handing the phone to Ant. "S-Sure."

Ant took the phone and clicked on the phone app. There were only two contacts in the phone. Tubbo and Ranboo.

"Which one should I call? Tubbo or Ranboo?" Ant said. "Uhm...I don't know."

Ant clicked on Ranboo, and dialed the number.


Ranboo was half-asleep on the sofa next to Tubbo who was lightly snoring, when his phone began to ring, waking both of them.

Ranboo looked over, seeing Tommy's contact.

"It's Tommy!" He gasped, picking up the phone as Tubbo sat up.

He immediately answered.

"Tommy! Oh my lord, you're ok! Did you-"

"This isn't Tommy." An unfamiliar voice interrupted. "Pardon? Who is this?" Ranboo asked. "Uhm, my name is Ant. I just found your son in the street by himself."

Ranboo instantly knew why he was alone.

Tommy didn't make it out of the house.

"You- You did? Is he alright?" Ranboo asked. "Yes, he's fine. Just a little scratched up is all. Uhm...he- he said he was 'took'?" Ant said. "Yes, that's correct, he's been gone for about three days." Ranboo said. "Oh! That short of time? Wow. He said his Uncle Tommy went to save him, so I assumed he'd been on the hunt for weeks." "No, it's...a long story."

"Ok, well, he said that this Tommy person got taken back. He said you needed to know that. He also said that Tommy is probably in danger." Ant said.

"Ok, uhm...can you take him to the police station? I kinda know where you are, I can be there in like two hours." Ranboo said. "Yeah, I was already planning on it."

Soon after, when they hung up, Ranboo immediately called Sam.

"Hello?" Sam's sleepy voice asked. "So sorry for waking you, but..."

Time skip

Sam was at their house in just ten minutes after the call, really good drive them to the old town.

"Thank you so much for this, Sam, you have no idea how thankful we are for you." Tubbo said as the two got into the back of Sam's police car. "Anytime. I'm happy to help."

He flipped on the lights and sirens, and they zoomed off.


Close to two hours passed, and Michael didn't speak to any of the police. He wanted to be with his dads when he talked. And the police understood that, and so did Ant and Velvet who were definitely more than friends.

Michael sat in the waiting area with the two, as well as those two police officer lady's Nikki and Alyssa that were there all of those months ago. They recognized Michael, and he recognized them.

They five of them were just hanging out and waiting, when the doors to the station opened.

"Michael! Oh, my god!" Tubbo's voice broke as he ran over.

Michael immediately started to cry as he stood up and met Tubbo half way in a hug. Tubbo was on his knees, squeezing Michael so hard he could have popped.

Ranboo was sat there, too, a little off to the side but also in the hug.

"Are you ok? Did those monsters hurt you?" Tubbo asked, looking into Michael's watery eyes. "N-No...but they- they got Uncle Tommy, and I could hear yelling when I was running away." He replied.

"It's ok," Ranboo said, "He'll be fine, he's strong! You know that. He gets it from you." He smiled. "But...But the Phil guy said that he took me so he could get Uncle Tommy back. Why would he want him back if he didn't wanna hurt him?"

Ranboo and Tubbo looked at each other.

"He'll...He'll be ok." Ranboo nodded, pulling Michael into a hug.

He then spotted the two unfamiliar men and the two slightly familiar police women.

"Oh, hi! You must be who called me, right? Thank you so much for helping our son, seriously, it means so much." They said. "Of course, it's the least we could do."

"Hey, what's this police guy doing here? Isn't he the one that didn't believe Uncle Tommy about what happened a while back?" Michael asked. "You- You know about what happened to Tommy?" Tubbo asked. "Yeah, I heard him talking about it with one of you a few months ago when he had another nightmare."

"Sam! Oh my god, hi!" Nikki gasped when she noticed him. She walked over and gave him a hug.

"Ok, now we need to know what happened. Michael didn't wanna talk without you two, so..." Alyssa interrupted. "Yes, and since he's so young, he can stay in here with you two instead of going back to a separate room." Nikki added.

Michael wanted to stay with Tubbo and Ranboo, so the three sat down in the chairs in the waiting area.

"Ok, Michael, can you tell us what happened from the very beginning?" Nikki asked as she pulled over two chairs for herself and Alyssa so they could sit down. "Uhm...I was sat school and I got called to the office to get picked up. Phil was there and the lady asked me if I knew him, and I did, so I said yes. He said Uncle Tommy wasn't able to go get me so that he told Phil to get me." Michael explained.

"And Phil said he was my Uncle, which I know now wasn't true. He said he was related to Boo through a marriage, and that they weren't blood." Michael said.

Ranboo furrowed his eyebrows, finding that very, very weird.

"And then I noticed we weren't driving in the right direction so I told him. He pulled into a car park to turn around, and then he asked if I was thirsty and gave me some water. It tasted weird and I saw it looked weird, too, after I had already drank it. I stopped drinking it because it was obvious it had been messed with, and then Phil pulled out in the same direction as he was already driving in." Michael paused for a moment.

"I pointed that out and he said he couldn't turn there so he was trying to find somewhere where he could turn. ...Then I got lightheaded. That's when I knew something was definitely in the water. I knew he wasn't planning on turning around so I unbuckled my seatbelt but he heard it, so I told him I felt sick and I didn't like the belt pressing on my stomach."

He thought for a second before continuing.

"I was gonna jump out of the car since it wasn't going very fast but then my eyes went dark and I passed out."

"O-Oh, my god. I knew he was sick for doing that to Tommy, but an eight year old? He drugged an eight year old!" Tubbo scoffed.

"Yeah, and then I woke up and they said it had been three days. Then Wilbur showed up. I guess he didn't know I was there, because he got mad. Like, mad at Phil for having me there. Phil told him I was there so they could get Uncle Tommy back. That made Wilbur a lot more mad. He was actually really nice to me, I like him. He talked to me for a little while and said that he kinda helped Uncle Tommy escape, and that he was gonna try to help me, too."

"Uhm..." Michael paused, "I asked if Phil was his dad and he said he was 'pretty sure'? He said he didn't remember anything from before about three years ago. He said Techno is his brother."

"Ok, and how did you get away, exactly? I understand that you only went missing almost four days ago." Nikki said.

"Yeah, I just woke up earlier today. Uhm...it was kind late at night and everyone was in bed, but I couldn't sleep. I was just laying there for like an hour and I heard my window open so I sat up and I saw someone coming through the window. It scared me, but before I could say anything they pulled their mask off and it was Uncle Tommy. He told me it was ok and I...started crying...and I got out of bed and ran over to him. He said he was gonna get me out of there and asked if I was ok."

Michael took a deep breath.

"Then we heard footsteps. So Uncle Tommy went over and locked the bedroom door. He said that we needed to be quiet, and that he was gonna get me through the window and give me this bag before he got out," Michael pointed to the rucksack in the floor beside of his chair, "He said that if something happened for me to run. He told me what to do, where to go, and he even have me the password to his phone."

Michael glanced over at Ranboo and Tubbo very briefly. Tubbo responded by placing his hand on Michael's arm and patting it with a warm smile.

"I promised that I'd run if something happened...and then Techno knocked on the door and asked who I was talking to. I said it was just my imaginary friend. He told me I needed to go to sleep so I said I couldn't since I'd been sleeping for three days. He said he couldn't sleep either and offered we watch a movie together. I guess he was gonna walk in the room because the door knob moved like he was trying to open it."

"He asked if I locked the door and I didn't know what to do so I just didn't saw anything. Uncle Tommy swore and then told me to go and pushed me to the window, and Techno heard him. He asked who was with me and I didn't say anything, because Uncle Tommy was helping me through the window. Techno yelled that someone was with me and I heard them getting up. He gave me his bag once I was outside and wet to go through the window..."

"...but then I heard the bedroom door open."

Michael looked as if he'd cry.

"It's alright, take your time, sweetie." Alyssa smiled.

"Uncle Tommy told me to run, but I didn't want to, but he yelled at me that I had promised, because I did. And then...Techno grabbed him and pulled him out of the window." Michael shifted in his seat. "He, I guess, didn't know it was Uncle Tommy because he said something like 'Who the hell are you?' and I didn't know what to do so I just ran."

"Michael!" Tubbo gasped. "Sorry, that's what he said!" Michael held his hands up.

Ranboo just snickered silently to where he just bounced.

"Anyways, after I ran for a while, I walked, and then I came out of the trees and eventually made my way to town where Ant and Velvet found me."

"Oh, Michael," Ranboo pulled him into a hug, "We're so sorry for this, you don't deserve it." They said. "It's not your fault, why are you sorry?" Michael asked, hugging Ranboo back. "I just am."

"So, Michael, this house, where is it?" Nikki asked. "I...don't really know exactly," Michael pulled out if the hug, "There's a dirt road a few minutes from here. It's some miles down that road, it's the only house there."

"Ok...can't be too hard to find. With everything that Tommy told us a year ago, added to this, we'll probably have enough evidence to go and make an arrest. We should." Nikki said.

"I have a quick question." Ant said from off to the side. "What's that?" Alyssa replied. "Well, he talked about a Wilbur...is that the same Wilbur that went missing a few years ago?" He asked. "It...It is, yes." "But I thought they found his body." Velvet stated.

"We've reopened the case. We were able to a few months ago. His family had a lot of mixed emotions when we told them we were reopening it. They were happy because they think their son's murder was never caught and that maybe now they will be. They didn't really believe us when we said we have reason to believe he's alive, especially since they've already buried the skeleton we found. I guess they were in shock? And they're also upset because the little bit of them that didn't believe he's still alive were distraught at the though that he was maybe still suffering somewhere and/or being mistreated." Alyssa said.

"Oh, he's not being mistreated," Michael said, "He's clean, looks to be fed well, and I think he has a phone, too." "Oh, that's good." Nikki said. "Yeah...but I don't think he knows he's kidnapped. I think he believes Phil and Techno are his family. I didn't know he was kidnapped until just now."

As the time passed, Nikki and Alyssa had their information, so Tubbo, Ranboo, and Michael could leave.

Ant and Velvet had left a little while before, exchanging phone numbers with Tubbo and Ranboo before going, because Michael had declared the two his fiends, and he wanted to talk to them more often.

"Alright, come on, you three, let's get you home." Sam said, leading them out of the police station. "Actually, can I...go get our car?" Ranboo asked. "Pardon?" Sam repels. "Well Tommy took our car and told me where he parked it in a note and I was wondering if I could drive it hoe, behind you there in your cop car." "Oh, yeah, sure, that's fine." Sam nodded.

So Sam drove the three to where Tommy had explained where the car was, and sure enough, it was there with the doors unlocked and the kids in the cup holder.

So Ranboo drove it home, behind Sam's car that held Tubbo and a sleeping Michael in the back.

Words: 2,910

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