Almost Lover {Complete}

By rainbowkiller0

197K 5.9K 335

As ward of the Queen, Camilla Tully was raised alongside the Princess, Rhaenyra, and the Hand of the King's d... More

Part One
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Part Two
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Part Three
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Part Four
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty Five

Chapter Three

6.8K 216 21
By rainbowkiller0

Camilla's eyes fluttered open, something had woken her. Sitting up the young Tully looked around for a clue about what had broken her from a deep sleep.


A head of white hair turned towards the empty wall in the corner of her chambers, staring at it questioning if she had imagined the sound. Violet eyes flicked to the windows lining one of the walls of her room only to see pitch darkness.

"Hello," Camilla called, the end of the word lilting as she yawned.

Camilla rubbed her eyes as the panel opened and closed behind someone. Opening her eyes, Camilla saw the Prince standing at the foot of her bed, dressed in only a thin pair of linen pants. Camilla felt a burst of energy upon seeing lover, throwing back the blankets on her bed, the ward beckoned him closer.

"What are you doing here?" Camilla asked as the Rogue Prince crawled into her bed and sprawled out against her side. The Tully girl covered him with the blanket and laid back down, rolling to face Daemon.

Daemon didn't answer, instead he grabbed her by the hip and pulled her into his chest. This close she could smell the wine on him, as if he had bathed in the drink. Camilla placed a hand on Daemon's chest, feeling the warmth radiating off of his skin. She enjoyed moments like this where she could pretend they were husband and wife. Grabbing the hand on her hip, Camilla lifted it so the sapphire stone on the ring on his index finger would glow in the moonlight. Besides the stone and size it was identical to her own.

"You need a bath." Camilla whispered, placing a kiss against Daemon's knuckles causing the prince to hum in appreciation.

"Later." Daemon slurred, pressing a kiss to the top of Camilla's head. "Sleep, 'mila."

Camilla's shoulders shook from the effort of holding back her laughter. Though apparently her efforts were in vain as Daemon shushed her and pulled her closer.

"Good night, Sunshine."


Before the words had even fully left his lips, snores spilled from the Prince. Camilla smiled to herself, snuggling further into Daemon's embrace. She wished they could stay like this always.


Sun light filled the chambers, painting everything in a soft golden light. Violet eyes fluttered open, turning to her bedmate Camilla instead found an empty space. A frown tugged at her lips as she searched the room for any sight of Prince Daemon.  When none was found Camilla squared her shoulders, determined to go about her day as if nothing had happened.

That day whispers filled the Red Keep, as everyone worried for the succession of the crown now that the Queen was dead. Rhaenyra had rushed to find Camilla and Alicent after the small council meeting, finding her two friends under the great oak tree. Camilla sat facing Alicent as the young Hightower girl posed for her friend's sketch. Alicent sat with her back against the tree, legs tucked under her and to the side , and looking to the side.

"How much longer will this take, Camilla?" Alicent asked, turning her head slightly to look at her friend. "Rhaenyra?" Alicent gasped, standing up upon seeing her Princess and friend.

"What is wrong?" Camilla asked, seeing the forlorn look on her cousin's face.

The Princess came to a stop beside her two closest friends. "Daemon has been exiled." The world froze around Camilla, as her sketchbook fell from her hand, landing softly in the grass at her feet.

Feet that had taken off, running through the halls of the Keep. Somewhere in her mind Camilla knew Alicent would scold her for picking her dress up and exposing her lower legs, but at that moment Camilla did not care. There was no King's Guard posted outside his chambers, Camilla noticed as she threw the door open.

Empty. The room was empty.

Camilla walked further into the room, searching for a note, a sign she had not been forgotten. But there was no stray piece of Parchment laying on a table waiting for her. There was nothing.


Camilla sat in a chair in Rhaenyra's room, watching as Alicent laced Rhaenyra's dress and the two girls embraced in front of the mirror.  Life had been dull for Camilla since Daemon left. Left without a word. Without saying goodbye. The Tully girl wished to be angry. She wished to be sad.

She wanted to feel anything, but instead she felt nothing as she passively watched Lords of the Noble houses kneel before Rhaenyra and swear fealty. No emotion crossed her face as her father knelt before Rhaenyra and the King, and swore his allegiance to the chosen heir. Not even her mother's burning gaze could strike any sense of feeling within Camilla.

Alicent beamed with pride from her seat beside Camilla. How Camilla wished she could smile at her cousin being named heir to the Iron Throne, but her face remained stoic, her eyes blank as they had since Daemon had disappeared.

Though he hadn't truly disappeared, word had quickly spread that the Rogue Prince had taken up residence at Dragonstone with a whore from the streets of silk. And when Camilla had heard she had destroyed her room and laid on the floor surrounded by ripped books and broken vases as she cried. She had thrown the jewelry Daemon had gifted her into the flames, watching as the metal glowed in the fire. That is until she leapt forward and pulled the jewelry from the flames, burning herself in the process.


Camilla would have been content to rot away in her chambers, ignoring Rhaenyra and Alicent's attempts to pull her out of her despair. She felt silly for feeling this way over a man, but she had given everything to him. Daemon had whispered sweet nothings and confessions of love when he had taken her maidenhood, he had brought her gifts every time they were apart. They had matching rings for Seven's sake, and yet it meant nothing to him.

She had intended to stay in her rooms for the day when a servant had knocked, bringing an invitation from the King. Feeling as if she had no other choice, Camilla had made herself presentable and visited the King in his chambers.

"The Valyrian capital was built into a volcano, much like Dragonstone." The King spoke. Camilla had passively asked him of the stone creation that took up so much space in his apartments, not expecting to receive a lecture on the topic. "And the Dragonlords, the highest of the nobility lived at the volcanic face, closest to the source of their magic and power. And this was the Anogrion where the bloodmages worked on their craft."

"It is truly wondrous what you've built." Camilla smiled at the older man, though it didn't reach her eyes.

"Oh no, I only pore over the histories and provide the plans. The stonemasons build the structures."

Do you believe that Westeros can be another Valyria, Your Grace?" Camilla asked, she had no idea how she was meant to continue the conversation, but this seemed like the best option. Her finger trailed along the edge of the stone creation.

That depends, whether you speak of the Freehold at its height or at its fall. Over a thousand dragons, a navy large enough to span the seas of the world. The glory of Old Valyria will never be seen again."

"Such a pity, It would have been an amazing sight." Camilla spoke, finally reaching the King's side.

Viserys stared down at the young girl, she truly was a beauty. Not quite like his Aemma, but close enough. Her demeanor reminded him of his dead wife, the way she held herself was almost the same. Viserys found himself wondering if she sounded the same in the throes of passion, Aemma had been quiet, almost silent except for her gasps of pleasure.

The stone dragon he had been fidgeting with slipped from his fingers, shattering against the floor. Both bent to pick it up, though Camilla was quicker. She picked up the pieces, grateful the thing had not shattered into a million tiny pieces and instead was only two halves.

The King's larger hand caressed hers as she handed it to him, Camilla averted her eyes, feeling her stomach drop at the look in the King's eyes. Thankfully he didn't do anything further, slightly turning from his daughter's friend and continuing to fidget with the broken pieces.

"Tell me, how is Rhaenyra?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, these days, she doesn't say more than a few words to me. I think she might find it discuss personal matters."

"It will take time, Your Grace."

"I wish she would approach me."

"What if you went to her?"

"There are times when I would rather face the Black Dread himself than mine own daughter of fifteen." Camilla smiled at the King's joke, for a moment she didn't feel as empty.

"I think she would open herself to you if invited. Perhaps you might share a meal and speak of your days?"

"You do not mention our talks to Rhaenyra, do you?" Camilla's face fell at Viserys' words, her stomach turning. "I just, I fear that she wouldn't understand them."

"No, Your Grace."

And it was true, Camilla hadn't mentioned her visits with the King to anyone. It was slowly driving her mad. Between mourning her aunt and crying over Prince Daemon, Camilla felt overcome with emotions. She wanted to scream, to jump out of the window of a tower, or to offer herself to a dragon as a snack. But she didn't, instead she kept it inside.


Alicent had taken to keeping Camilla company when she was able to pull her from her bed. \The young Lady Hightower worried for her closest friends. Camilla had become a shell of her past self, not even picking up a sketchbook or piece of charcoal. The sketch of Alicent lay unfinished in Camilla's quarters. And Rhaenyra was trying to pretend as if everything was alright, she wasn't allowing herself to properly grieve.

The two girls laid beneath the weirwood tree in the Godswood, Camilla laid beside Alicent as she read aloud. The girl's clear voice flowed in the slight breeze, offering Camilla comfort, but she couldn't take it. She was too on edge, balancing on the edge of the blade. Any false move and she would slip, forfeiting her life.

"Alicent-" Camilla froze.

She wanted to tell her friend about everything going on, she wanted to speak of her meetings with the King. How her mother had forced her too, slapping her in the process. How alone and unloved she felt. She wanted to tell her how her stomach turned at all hours of the day and she couldn't find sleep until her body could function no more. But the words wouldn't come out, she couldn't expect Alicent to keep such a secret from Rhaenyra.

Alicent looked down on her friend expectantly. When Camilla made no move to finish what she was going to say, Alicent tried to prompt her. "What is it?"

"Nothing, I just- I just wanted to thank you."

"There is nothing to thank me for, I am only doing what is right." Not expecting anything more, Alicent resumed reading and Camilla fell further into herself.

AN: Poor Camilla, I hate seeing her so sad.


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