Persona: A Boy of Monsters

By SonicAndthegreatYEET

92 3 0

A boy who has bounced from foster home to foster home finds himself caught up in the world of the supernatura... More

Chapter 1: Gaining Footing
Chapter 2: Uncommon in the Common

Prologue: Start of a Journey

41 2 0
By SonicAndthegreatYEET

If you've read my other story Hunters of Another Land, you're going to recognize some details used here as well as OCs used. Anyways let's get on with the story.

A long haired man sits floating through the air in a void seemingly thinking.

Man: "Man, that one story got real interesting real quick...hmmm what to do. What to do."

The man falls to his feet and stands up straight the void around him changes to a room with a wall filled with game cases labeled alphabetically.

Man: "Let's see what was it again? Started with a P, I think..."

The man looks through the games and eventually finds what he's looking for.

Man: "Aha! Persona! That's what it was!"

The man looks over the Persona games.

Man: "One and two won't work...three will do just fine, let's base this one off of the third one. Time for the harder part of making this one all kinds of fucked. Writing."

The man begins his process and now the world takes shape.

April 7th, 2015
(Why 2015? Fuck you)

A boy with mismatched hair and eyes sits on a train waiting to arrive in Iwatodai to start his time in Gekkoukan High, to him it's just another school he's being put in despite its status with the Kirijo group and being a private school. His current foster parents were more than happy to send him away. The boy sighs and puts on his headphones and turns on some music. A while later he wakes up as he notices a boy with azure hair that hangs over one of his eyes and a girl with auburn hair tied back in a high ponytail get up having the same uniform as him, the three of them exit the train and the mismatched boy takes a look at his phone getting directions to the dorm until it turns off and world has a green tint over it and the moon is now yellow.

Mismatched Boy: (puts headphones aroudn neck) "Damn it..."

Auburn Girl: "Minato, we should hurry up shouldn't we?"

The azure haired boy named Minato nods and the auburn girl looks over at the mismatched boy and sees he's got the same uniform as them.

Auburn Girl: "Are you headed to the dorms too?"

The boy nods and the three of them walk together to Iwatodai dorms for Gekkoukan High. The auburn haired girl tries to make conversation with the mismatched boy, but he's ignoring her. There's coffins where people should be, but the three elect to ignore them as if it's completely normal. They eventually arrive at the dorms and go inside and are greeted by a kid? in a prisoners outfit.

Kid: "You three are late. I've been waiting for a very long time for all of you."

The three look at the kid as he snaps and three red folders appear.

Kid: "Now if you want to proceed, please sign your name there."

The folders open by themselves.

Kid: "There. It's a contract. Don't worry, all it says is that you'll accept full responsibility for your actions. You know the usual stuff."

The three write down their names.
Minato Arisato
Hamuko Arisato
Phoenix Igantia

The kid takes the three contracts and stares at the three.

Kid: "No one can escape time. It delivers us all to the same end. You can't plug your ears and cover your eyes."

The kid turns the folders containing the contracts to the side and they disappear.

Kid: "And so it begins."

The lounge the three are in becomes completely dark then the three are back in the normal lounge tinted in green.

Girls Voice: "Who's there?"

The three look at the girl who is in pink and has a pistol in a holster on her right thigh. The girl nervously hovers her hand over the pistol as she stares at the three of them. She grabs the gun before another voice calls out

Commanding Female Voice: "Takeba, wait!"

The girl called Takeba looks back at the commanding voice as the lights flicker back on and Phoenix's music begins playing from his headphones once again as well as music from Minato's headphones, ironically it's the same song just at different points. The boys turn off their music as the redhead that told Takeba to stop approaches them.

Redhead: "I didn't think you three would be so late. My name is Mitsuru Kirijo. I'm one of the students who live in this dorm."

Brunette: "...Who are they?"

Mitsuru: "They are transfer students, it was a last minute decision to assign them here. The boys will eventually be moved to a room in the boys' dorm. The girl will be in the girls' dorm."

Brunette: "...Is it okay for them to be here?"

Mirsuru: "I guess we'll see."

Hamuko: "Isn't it a little rude to talk about people standing right in front of you?"

Mitsuru: "I suppose it is, but introductions are in order. This is Yukari Takeba. She'll be a junior this spring, just like you two."

Mitsuru is looking at the twins when she says this.

Yukari: "Hey."

Minato/Hamuko: "Nice to meet you."

Yukari: "Uh...yeah. Nice to meet you too..." Kinda creepy how they were in complete sync...

Mitsuru: "For you, she'll be your upperclassmen just like the other two and myself."

Yukari: "Hello."

As his appearance would make it seem, a soft voice comes from Phoenix.

Phoenix: "It's good to meet you...would it be Yukari-senpai?"

Yukari: "It would be, weren't you taught this?"

Phoenix: "Well-"

Mitsuru: "He's had...difficult circumstances for his age."

Phoenix: "Thank you, Mitsuru-Senpai."

Hamuko: "Quite soft spoken aren't you?"

Phoenix nods as Hamuko smiles.

Hamuko: "I don't think the three of us have introduced ourselves, I'm Hamuko Arisato and this is my twin brother Minato Arisato."

Hamuko holds her hands up presenting her azure haired twin.

Mitsuru: (looks to Phoenix) "And you?"

Phoenix: "Phoenix Igantia..."

Mitsuru: "Now that that's out of the way I'm sure all of you are tired, the boys dorms are on the second floor. Unfortunately due to the nature of your transfer the two of you will have to share a dorm room."

Yukari: "I'll show you two the way there."

The boys nod and walk up the stairs to go to their dorm following Yukari.

Hamuko: "I guess you'll show me to my dorm?"

Mitsuru: "I will, follow me."

Yukari has led the boys to their dorm first.

Yukari: "This is it...Pretty easy to remember, huh?...Since it's right at the end of the hall."

The boys nod in agreement.

Yukari: "Oh yeah, make sure you two don't lose the key or you'll never hear the end of it. So, any questions?"

Minato: "Does that kid live here too?"

Yukari seems confused by the question Minato asked.

Phoenix: "I was wondering that too."

Yukari: "What kid? What are you two talking about? C'mon it's not funny."

Phoenix: "I guess it was just us that saw the kid?"

Minato nods in agreement as Yukari clearly has no idea what they're talking about.

Yukari: "Um...Can I ask the two of you something?"

The boys nod and Yukari continues.

Yukari: "On your way here from the station, was everything okay?"

Minato: "What do you mean?"

Yukari: "You know what I-"

Yukari seems slightly frustrated by Minato seeming not to care.

Yukari: "Never mind. It seems like both of you are alright. Well, I'd better get going..."

Yukari begins to walk away, but turns back to say something to the two.

Yukari: "Um...I'm sure you two still have other questions, but let's save them for later, okay? Good night."

Yukari walks away and the boys look at eachother then enter the room.

Minato: "Only one bed."

Phoenix: "I have a futon in my stuff, I'm used to not having a bed."

Minato: "Oh..."

Phoenix goes through what few belongings he has that aren't spare clothes and sets his futon on the floor by the bed. The two then head to bed.

Early Morning

Minato is finishing up getting ready for the day as Phoenix sits at the desk waiting for Minato to finish up. There's a knock at the door surprising them both.

Yukari: "It's Yukari. Are you two awake?"

Phoenix stands up from the desk and goes to the door and opens the door for her. Yukari comes into the room.

Yukari: "Good morning. Did you both sleep okay?"

Phoenix nods and Minato walks over after finishing up getting ready. Phoenix walks over to the sink to finish getting ready.

Yukari: "Mitsuru-senpai asked me to take you both to school, (looks at Minato) along with your sister. I can see that Phoenix-kun still isn't finished getting ready yet."

Phoenix: "Give me a few minutes please, Yukari-senpai."

Yukari: "Okay."

It only takes a few minutes for Phoenix to finish getting ready and they're finally all ready to go.

Yukari: "Okay, let's go."

The group heads down to the lounge meeting Hamuko then they head out and get on the monorail to head to school. Once they're off the monorail they begin walking to the school, the three transfers follow Yukari who gets a few greetings. They stand in front of the school gate Yukari looks back at them.

Yukari: "Well this is it. We're here, welcome to Gekkoukan High School. Hope you like it."

They all go into the school's entrance and the transfers get a tour of the school.

Yukari: "You guys will be okay from here right?"

The boys nod and Hamuko replies.

Hamuko: "Yep!"

Yukari: "You should go see your homeroom teacher first. The Faculty Office is right there to the left...And that concludes the tour. Do any of you have any questions before I go?"

Minato: "No, not really."

Hamuko: "Me neither."

Phoenix shakes his head no.

Yukari: "Hey...About last night...Don't tell anyone what you saw, okay? See ya later."

Yukari walks away and the transfers go into the Faculty Office and are met by a teacher.

Teacher: "Oh, you three must be the transfers."

All three of them nod in sync the teacher seems slightly unnerved by it.

Teacher: "Oookay...let's see...Minato and Hamuko Arisato...11th grade, correct? Wow you two have lived in a lot of different places...Let's 2005..That was what, ten years ago? Your parents-"

The teacher gasps at what she read for their parents.

Teacher: "I'm sorry...I've been so busy, I didn't get time to read this beforehand. I'm Ms. Toriumi. I teach Composition. Welcome to our school."

Minato: "Oh...Thanks."

Hamuko: "Nice to meet you!"

Ms. Toriumi: "Wow, such enthusiasm!"

Ms. Torumi: (looks at Phoenix) "Now let's see...Phoenix Igantia....10th Grade, correct? You seem to have lived a lot of places as well...Let's see...2005, your parents....The same as them..."

Minato and Hamuko look at Phoenix who has a blank expression on his face, but the eyes tell what he's feeling.

Ms. Torumi: "Have you all seen the class assignments? (Looks at the twins) You two are in 2-F; that's my class. (Looks at Phoenix) You are in 2-E; that's Mr. Ekoda's class."

Phoenix: "Isn't that an upperclassmen class?"

Ms. Toriumi: "The grade 10 classrooms are unfortunately full, so you had to be put in a grade 11 class and that class was the one that had an open slot for you."

Phoenix: "I see..."

Ms. Toriumi: "First, we need to go to the auditorium. The Welcoming Ceremony will be starting soon. Follow me."

The transfers follow Ms. Toriumi to the auditorium and find their seats to listen to the welcome.

Principal: "As you begin the new school year, I'd like each of you to remember the proverb, "If a job's worth doing, it's worth doing well." When applied to student life this means..."

The principal continues his speech and behind the three transfers a student taps on Minato's seat.

Student: "Pssst...Hey."

Minato looks back at the student behind him.

Student: "You came to school with Yukari this morning, right? I saw you and the other two walking together. Hey, I have a question. Do you know if she has a boyfriend?"

Minato: "I don't know."

Student: "I see. I thought you might know, but...I guess not. So how well do you know her?"

Before Minato can answer Hamuko elbows him making him look forward while rubbing where Hamuko elbowed him.

Teacher: "I hear talking. I believe it's someone in Ms. Toriumi's class..."

The student bothering Minato quickly sits back in his seat.

Ms. Toriumi: "Shhh! Be quiet! You're going to get me in trouble!"

Minato has a blank expression while Hamuko has a friendly smile on her face. Despite this there's still lots of people talking, Minato takes a look around and spots the mismatched hair of Phoenix clearly sticking out from the black and brown hair surrounding him. After a while the students make their way to their classrooms.

After School

Phoenix is in a seat beside a girl with teal colored hair.

Teal Hair: "Um...Hello..."

Phoenix: "Hm...oh, hello."

Phoenix turns in his seat to face her.

Teal Hair: "You seem...out of place."

Phoenix: "I know."

Teal Hair: "Oh! I'm sorry I didn't mean-"

Phoenix: "You just stated the obvious, nothing wrong with that."

Teal Hair: "I'm Fuuka Yamagishi."

Phoenix: "Phoenix Igantia, nice to meet you Fuuka-senpai."

Fuuka: "Senpai? Are you an underclassmen?"

Phoenix: "Yes, I got put here because the 10th grade classrooms were full."

Fuuka: "Oh my, I do hope you get along okay."

Phoenix: "I'll be fine, you don't have to worry about me, Fuuka-senpai. Anyways I have some people I should meet, see you another time."

Fuuka: "See you."

Phoenix stands from his seat and leaves the classroom meeting Yukari as she leaves 2-F in a huff.

Phoenix: "Something wrong, Yukari-senpai?"

Yukari: "Ah, it's nothing you need to be concerned about Phoenix-kun. How are you? Is it alright with you being in a grade 11 class while in grade 10?"

Phoenix: "I'll be alright."

Yukari: "Okay, if you need me just call, it's an upperclassmen's duty to take care of their underclassmen."

Phoenix: "I'll hold you to that."

Yukari then walks off down the hall and Phoenix enters 2-F seeing Minato and Humako talking to a boy wearing a blue cap. Phoenix walks over to say hi.

Phoenix: "Hey, Minato-senpai, Hamuko-senpai."

Hamuko: "Hello, Phoenix-kun."

Minato: "Sup."

Student: "So you're an underclassmen, huh? Have no fear, your upperclassmen, Junpei Iori is here to guide you!"

Phoenix: "Uh...uhm..."

Junpei puts an arm around Phoenix's shoulders and smiles.

Junpei: "Don't you worry, I can give you the full run down on how everything works."

Phoenix: "Personal space."

Hamuko: "Junpei, I think Phoenix-kun is uncomfortable with how close you are to him."

Junpei: "If he was uncomfortable with it, he'd of said something."

Phoenix: "Personal space!"

Phoenix's soft voice is not helping him with him having to shout just to get Junpei's attention though to everyone else in the class it sounds like no more than a normal speaking voice.

Junpei: "Okay, I get it, sorry."

Junpei takes his arm away from Phoenix and finally gets a good look at him.

Junpei: "You're the other guy that was with Yuka-tan."

Phoenix: "Yuka-tan?"

Hamuko: "Yukari."

Phoenix: "Ohhh."

Junpei: "I didn't know Yuka-tan had a thing with an underclassmen."

Phoenix: "I met her just last night."

Junpei: "So you're the third transfer, huh? What class are you in?"

Phoenix: "I'm in 2-E."

Junpei: "Am I hearing correctly? Did you say 2-E?"

Phoenix nods a little confused.

Junpei: "What's an underclassmen doing in our year?"

Phoenix: "The 10th grade classes were full, 2-E was the only place they could put me..."

Junpei: "Well if there wasn't a reason to talk about you before there is now, believe it or not the three of you are actually getting talked about quite a bit. Yuka-tan is actually pretty popular, you two da men."

The transfers look at one another then back at Junpei who is smiling.

Junpei: "Heheh, this is gonna be a fun year, I can feel it!"

The three of them decide to walk with Junpei out of the school, Phoenix is less focused on the conversation and looks around at different students and faculty, a boy with silver hair and in red is being hounded by two girls, a group of students presumably track runs by as they walk. The gentle spring sunlight is warm...


The three enter Iwatodai dormatory and are confused.

Hamuko: "A sign-in sheet?"

Minato: "Probably to keep track of who comes and goes."

Mitsuru: "Welcome back you three."

Phoenix: "Hello, Mitsuru-senpai."

Phoenix walks over to the couch opposite of Mitsuru and sits down with a sigh.

Mitsuru: "What did you three think of your first day?"

Minato: "It could have been worse."

Phoenix nods in agreement.

Hamuko: "I think it went well."

Mitsuru: "You three really shouldn't be outside on your own at night. It's too dangerous."

Phoenix: "From what thugs? I can handle a few thugs."

Mitsuru raises an eyebrow at Phoenix.

Mitsuru: "Anyway, you must be tired. You should get a good night's rest."

The three nod and Phoenix gets up from the couch following the twins upstairs then following Minato back to their shared dorm. The two of them go in and decide to get some sleep for now.

April 8th, 2015
Early Morning

The three transfers are heading to school when they hear some gossip.

Gossiping Student: "Did you hear the rumor...?"

Listening Student: "Oh, um...something about...a bathroom?"

Gossiping Student: "N-No! Not that one! I mean the story of the first year student! Not only did she stop coming to school, she does nothing but sit and stare at walls all day. If her mother tries to talk to her, she only mutters to herself, "It's coming...It's coming...!""

Listening Student: "Huh. How about that."

Gossiping Student: "You don't believe me...?"

The first bell rings.

Hamuko: "We should get going."

Minato and Phoenix nod in agreement and they walk together until they need to go to their seperate classes.

Hamuko: "See you after class, Phoenix-kun."

Phoenix: "See you."


Phoenix is in his class having not actually learned the last years material due to him not having had those classes making him behind and due to the refusal of Mr. Ekoda to acknowledge his existence his many questions go unanswered. Eventually he tries to ask Fuuka a question and promptly gets hit in the head with chalk.

Mr. Ekoda: "Pay attention or your grades will slip, Mr. Igantia."

Phoenix gives up at that point and stares at the clock waiting for class to be over only picking up half of what Mr. Ekoda was teaching.

After School

Phoenix is packing up his things to leave, but Fuuka gets his attention.

Fuuka: "Phoenix-kun, I can help you with your work if you'd like."

Phoenix: "I would appreciate that, Fuuka-senpai."

There's nothing more to do for the day so he heads back to the dorms meeting the twins on the way and walking with them. They walk through the strip mall with Hamuko commenting on how lively it is, but no conversation sparks between the three.


The three arrive back at the dorm and enter.

Yukari: "Oh they're back."

The three look to where a man and Yukari are sitting.

Man: "So these are our new guests..."

The two get up and walk over to the three.

Man: "Good evening. My name is Shuki Ikutsuki. I'm the Chairman of the Board for your school."

Ikutsuki: ""Ikutsuki"...Hard to say, isn't it? That's why I don't like introducing myself. Even I get tongue-tied sometimes...Please have a seat."

The three sit down on a couch with Yukari sitting on the couch opposite of them and Ikutsuki sits down in the chair he was sitting in before.

Ikutsuki: "I apologize about the confusion regarding your accomadations. However it may take a while longer before you recive the proper room assignment. Is there anything you'd like to ask?"

Minato: "The other night, I saw..."

Ikutsuki: "You saw something strange? ...Like what?"

Yukari sits there silently staring at Minato.

Ikutsuki: "You were probably just tired. I wouldn't worry about it."

Yukari seems to notice the three having a feeling of something not being right.

Ikutsuki: "Do you have another question?"

Hamuko: "Why are you here?"

Ikutsuki: "To welcome you, of course. Well, to be honest, I do not have other business here. Speaking of which...Where's Mitsuru, Yukari?"

Yukari: "She's upstairs."

Ikutsuki: "As diligent as always. Although, it doesn't hurt to come down and say hello...Is there anything else?"

The three look at eachother questioning the other by their eyes alone and come to a silent agreement.

Phoenix: "We're good."

Ikutsuki: "Then, I hope you three have a successful school year. Now, if you'll excuse me..."

Ikutsuki stands up.

Ikutsuki: "You three must be tired from all the excitment. You should go to bed early."

Ikutsuki makes a bad pun that even Hamuko stone faces.

Ikutsuki: "Tough crowd."

Ikutsuki walks away and the three look at Yukari.

Yukari: "You'll get used to his lame jokes."

Phoenix: "Not in a million years."

The three head to their dorms, when Phoenix gets back to his and Minato's, he decides to look around the room and finds a hidden camera that he promptly destroys.

Minato: "Why'd you do that?"

Phoenix: "I don't much like being monitored, makes me feel like a caged animal."

Minato: "You say that like this wasn't your first time."

Phoenix: "It's not."

Minato decides against pushing at the moment and lays down on the bed to sleep with Phoenix on the futon.

Phoenix: "G'night."

Minato: "Night."

Late Night

Minato and Phoenix are sound asleep in their rooms, Hamuko is also sound asleep. In the command center Ikutsuki walks into the room where Mitsuru and Yukari are watching the camera's.

Ikutsuki: "Working hard? So how are they doing?"

Mitsuru: "Hamuko is asleep, but Phoenix found the hidden camera in their room and destroyed it."

Ikutsuki: "How very interesting, how do you believe he knew that it was there?"

Mitsuru: "According to his files he's ran away from quite a few controlling homes that tried to keep a 24/7 watch on him. How he got away was always beyond anyone who took a look at the houses. But, Mr. Chairman do you believe they are...?"

Ikutsuki: "Well, let's wait and see for now. The Dark Hour is approaching."

The two go back to watching Hamuko and wondering how Phoenix could have known there was a camera in the room. Midnight hits and people are transmogrified into coffins with only a few people still being able to roam during the 25th hour.

Dark Hour

Ikutsuki: "Hmm...She's still sleeping, we can assume the same for the boys. The Dark Hour occurs every day at 12 midnight: you could say it's the "hidden" hour. During this time, an ordinary person Transmogrifies into a coffin, and is oblivious to all that occurs."

Yukari: "Then they must be..."

Ikutsuki: "As you can see, she's retained her human form. She's asleep, but she's definitely experiencing the Dark Hour. We can assume the same for the boys. The only question that remains is whether or not they have the potential. Although, they must...If they didn't, they would've preyed on them by now."

Yukari: "Scary..."

Ikutsuki: "In any case, we should continue to moniter them forba few more days...And install a better hidden camera in the boys room."

Mitsuru: "Yes, Sir."

Yukari: "I feel kinda bad, though, spying on them like this..."

What is happening in their sleep is a different story the three experince a sound of a door opening then all three are woken up across from a long nosed man, a short long haired girl, a tall short haired woman, and a short haired man, the three all have the same silver hair and golden eyes and wear velvet blue outfits. Phoenix, Minato, and Hamuko look beside one another and see eachother. The three are spooked by the voice coming from the other side of the room and look to its source.

Long Nosed Man: "Welcome to the Velvet Room, my dearest guests. My name is Igor...I am delighted to make your acquaintance."

Igor: "These are Lavenza, Elizabeth, and Theodore. They are residents here, like myself."

The three introduced by Igor walk to their respective people. Lavenza in front of Phoenix, Elizabeth in front of Minato, and Thodore in front of Hamuko. They each say their pleasentries and walk back to the side of Igor.

Igor: "This place exists between dream and reality, mind and's been years since we've had a guest, but three at the same time. Quite extraordinary."

Igor swipes his hand and the documents the three signed when they arrived at the dorm appear and open.

Igor: "Only those who have signed the contract can enter this place...Henceforth, you shall be welcome here in the Velvet Room. Each of you are destined to hone your unique ability, and you will require my help to do so. I only ask one thing in return...that you abide by the contract, and assume responsibility for the choices you make."

Minato/Hamuko: "I understand."

Phoenix: "Is this a dream?"

Hamuko elbows Phoenix, but Igor merely chuckles.

Igor: "I understand your confusion, but to answer you. Your body is currently asleep in reality, and you are experiencing this as a dream."

Phoenix nods in response. Igor still has a few things to say.

Igor: "Now, hold onto this..."

A Velvet Key appears in the hand of both Minato and Hamuko, but a key chain with a Velvet Key and Silver Key appears in Phoenix's hand. Phoenix seems confused by the two keys, but doesn't have time to ask anymore questions.

Igor: "Til' we meet again."

The dream of the Velvet Room disappears and the three are dreaming once again.

April 9th, 2015
Early Morning

Phoenix and Minato are ready for today and Phoenix found black fingerless gloves so he's wearing those with his uniform. They both confirmed they had the same dream and planned to ask Hamuko if she had a similar dream, but it's time to go to school. The three meet in the lounge and walk out of the dorm and begin walking to school.

Hamuko: "So, did you two have a strange dream?"

Minato and Phoenix nod in response and Hamuko digs in one of her pockets and takes out the Velvet Key.

Hamuko: "You two go this right?"

Minato produces the same key from his pocket while Phoenix produces a key chain with the same key and the Silver Key.

Hamuko: "You got two?"

Phoenix: "I'm not sure why."

Minato: "We can question it later."

They all nod and get to heading to school. When they get to the school gate Junpei notices the three and gets their attention.

Junpei: "What's up!? Man, today is the perfect day!"

Minato: "...What?"

Junpei: "The sky is blue...We're young...What more could we ask for!?"

Phoenix: "Can you please not be so loud?"

Junpei: "Hm? Oh, sorry, Phoenix-kun."

Hamuko: "You're certainly full of energy."

Junpei: "Of course! Dude, listen to this...Oh, wait! I'm not supposed to say anything!"

Phoenix: "You may as well just spit it out."

Junpei: "Man you're cold, but I was told not to by the student council president, sorry dudes."

Junpei chuckles at the three stone faced individuals. The four decide to enter the school together with Phoenix headed to his class seperate from the others.


Phoenix and Fuuka are in Ms. Toriumi's class, Fuuka is seated beside Phoenix once more and is keeping him awake to pay attention to class. Eventually class does end.

After School

Phoenix: "Thank you, Fuuk-senpai."

Fuuka: "It's not an issue, Phoenix-kun, you did get kind of forcibly moved up a grade."

Phoenix: "Yeah...Say could you study with me sometime, since I am missing the whole 10th grade right now?"

Fuuka: "I-I'll see if I can make time..."

Fuuka seems unsure if she can study with Phoenix or not. Phoenix is unsure how to respond but does eventually.

Phoenix: "Alright, well see you tomorrow, Fuuka-senpai. Let me know if you can. Have a wonderful rest of your day."

Fuuka: "O-Okay, have a good day too."

Phoenix leaves the class and heads to meet the twins, but finds they've already decided leave with Junpei. Phoenix does run into Yukari though.

Phoenix: "Hello, Yukari-senpai."

Yukari: "Ah, Hello Phoenix-kun."

Phoenix: "Do you mind walking back to the dorm together?"

Yukari: "I would, but I have archery practice, sorry."

Phoenix: "I don't mind, see you later Yukari-senpai."

Yukari watches Phoenix leave and goes her own way.

Dark Hour

The twins and Phoenix are asleep, the camera in the rooms now destroyed since Phoenix told Hamuko to see if she had a camera monitoring her and they collectively decided to destroy them. Ikutsuki has entered the command room to see how the monitoring is going.

Ikutsuki: "How are they?"

Mitsuru: "They've destroyed the camera's, we can't monitor any of them."

Ikutsuki: "We were sure Phoenix wouldn't be able to find it this time, but now Hamuko has destroyed hers? This is becoming troublesome."

Yukari: "Do you think we should stop monitoring them?"

Ikutsuki: "They haven't shown any signs of being unstable, even without the camera's we'd certainly notice if one was unstable. Memory loss...Disorientation...But, they haven't seemed to exhibt any of the common symptoms."

Yukari: "We're treating them kind of like guinea pigs..."

Ikutsuki: "I understand your concern, but it's imperative that we recruit new members. I heard the twins are your classmates. Wouldn't you be more comfortable working with someone from the same grade?"

Yukari: "Yeah, I guess. But, still..."

There's a ping and Mitsuru answers the call from the transceiver.

Mitsuru: "Command room. Is that you, Akihiko?"

Akihiko: "You're not gonna believe this...! This thing is huge! Unfortunately, I don't have time to talk...It's chasing me...I wanted to let you guys know. I'm almost there."

The three are shocked by Akihiko's words.

Yukari: "Does that mean...he's bringing that thing here!?"

Mitsuru: (stands up) "Mr. Chairman! Let's suspend the observations for now. We'll prepare for battle!"

Ikutsuki: "R-Right! Be careful!"

Akihiko gets into the lounge holding his left arm. Mitsuru, Yukari, and Ikutsuki run down and meet Akihiko.

Mitsuru: "Akihiko!"

Akihiko groans in pain as he sits by the door.

Yukari: "Senpai!?"

Akihiko: "I'm alright...Get ready to be surprised...It'll be here any second."

Mitsuru: "This is no time to joke around!"

Ikutsuki: "It's one of them, Akihiko?"

Akihiko: "Yes, but not an ordinary one--"

There's what sounds like and explosion surprising everyone.

Yukari: "What the...!? You've gotta be kidding me!"

Mitsuru: "Mr. Chairman, please hewd for the command room! Takeba, go upstairs and wake them up! Then, escape out the back."

Yukari: "But, what about you two?"

Mitsuru: "We'll stop it here. You led it to us, Akihiko, so I'm afraid you'll have to fight."

Akihiko: "Like I had a choice! What are you waiting for Yukari? Go!"

Ikutsuki: "Take this and give it to one of them!"

Ikutsuki gives Yukari an Evoker.

Yukari: "Wha- but if they don't have the potential..."

Ikutsuki: "It won't do anything, just go for now!"

Yukari: "I-I'm going!"

Yukari runs upstairs getting weapons first going to Hamuko and giving her a Naginata then they arrive at the boys room. A tired looking Phoenix answers the door.

Phoenix: "If this isn't important, I'm going back to sleep."

Yukari: "I don't have time to explain. We habe to get out of here, now! Give one of these two to Minato!"

Yukari hands Phoenix a short sword and an Evoker.

Phoenix: "Hey, Minato."

Minato: "Yeah?"

Phoenix: "Sword."

Minato: "Sword?"

Phoenix: "Sword."

Minato nods in agreement and catches the sword Phoenix threw to him.

Yukari: "Hurry! Downstairs! We'll leave through the back door!"

Phoenix and Minato nod and they follow Yukari with Hamuko to the back door.

Yukari: "Alrightz we should be safe now-"

Yukari's transceiver goes off.

Mitsuru: "Takeba, do you read me!?"

Yukari: "Y-Yes! I hear you!"

Mitsuru: "Be careful! There's more than one enemy! The one we're fighting isn't the one Akihiko saw!"

Yukari: "What!?"

There's a loud bang on the back door causing the four of them to jump in surprise. There's to more bangs causing them to flinch.

Yukari: (gasp) "L-Let's pull back!"

Yukari runs back to the stairs the three following her.

Yukari: "What are we going to do...? They're downstairs! Do we have any choice but to go further up?"

Hamuko: "That appears to be our only option!"

The group runs upstairs where there's a rumble that shakes the dormatory.

Yukari: "W-Whoa, whoa! What are we going to do!?"

Phoenix: "Up?"

Minato: "Up."

Hamuko: "Looks like we're going up to the next floor!"

The group runs up the floors til' they get to the fourth floor where a bang happens on the lower floors.

Yukari: "What was that!?"

There's a rubling from below.

Yukari: "It's getting closer!"

Humako: "We should keep moving!"

Yukari: "Hurry!!"

The group runs up the stairs until they get to the door to the roof.

Yukari: "O-Oh yeah! If we go out through here-!"

They run through the door and Yukari shuts it behind them locking the door. Yukari lets out a sigh of relief.

Yukari: "I think we're okay for now..."

Phoenix: "Better not of jinxed us."

Yukari: "H-Hey! What's that supposed to mean?!"

There's a loud crash surprising everyone present. Another follows seemingly coming from the door. The four of them turn as a black hand grips the edge of the roof slowly climbing up. More hands grip the roof as a blue mask rises up held by a hand. The shadow produces blades and begins moving closer to the group.

Yukari: "Those monsters we call them shadows."

Yukari draws her Evoker and points it towards her forehead.

Phoenix: "I don't think that's how guns work!"

Phoenix stands next to Yukari and holds up the Evoker as it were a real gun and pulls the trigger, but nothing happens.

Phoenix: "It's not real?! Aw c'mon!!"

The shadow hits Yukari and Phoenix knocking the Evoker's from their hands and making them fall to the groud, the Evokers clatter to the ground in front of Minato and Hamuko. Minato and Hamuko stare at the shadow and get a vision of the kid.

Kid: "Go on."

Minato and Hamuko pick up and Evoker each and slowly put the barrel of the fake gun to their head. Both twins take heavy breaths before gaining an almost sadistic grin.

Minato/Hamuko: "Per-so-na..."

Both of them pull the trigger and there's a sound of glass shattering as their Persona makes itself known to them.

Thou art I...and I am Thou...From the sea of thy soul I come forth...I am Orpheus, Master of Strings!

After Orpheus is summoned by the twins they both grip their temples as both of the Orpheus gets torn apart from the inside another creature tears itself free from both of the Orpheus', it has a beak-like mask on its head and weilds a sword with a cloak made of coffins. The new Personas begins ripping the shadow apart viciously. Phoenix and Yukari have stood back up and are watching Minato and Hamuko who are still in pain as the Personas let out a screech then transform back into Orpheus.

Phoenix: "What...What was that..."

Both of the Orpheus' float above Minato and Hamuko then disappear as quickly as they came.

Yukari: "Is it over?"

There's another screech, but not from a Persona surprising Yukari. Shadows crawl towards the twins.

Phoenix: "I think you two can handle this right?"

The twins walk forward and engage the shadows using their Personas to make quick work of the Shadows. Both of the twins then collapse the Evoker's clattering to the ground. Yukari and Phoenix run over to check on them.

Yukari: "Are you guys okay?"

The two of them shake the twins, but get no response then more shadows appear.

Yukari: "Not good..."

Phoenix picks up the Evoker dropped by Humako.

Phoenix: "Up shits creek without a paddle..."

Phoenix looks at the Evoker and finallly puts it to his head.

Yukari: "You're not planning on..."

Phoenix: "Do we really have a choice?"

Phoenix pulls the trigger after a second of contemplation there's a sound of glass shattering and he hears a voice.

Thou art I...I am Thou...From the sea of thy soul I come forth...I am Kirin, Master of Thunder!

A blue and white horse with a horn and crackling with electricity appears.

Phoenix: "I hope I don't have a similar experience to the twins."

Phoenix stands up and walks forwards to engage the shadows.

Yukari: "You don't have a weapon!"

Phoenix: "I'll figure it out."

Phoenix engages the Shadows using his persona to defeat them quickly hoping to not end up like the twins, but is quickly proved wrong when his head begins to throb and he falls backwards as unconscious as the twins. Mitsuru and Akihiko quickly come to the roof after seeing the twins and Phoenix awaken to their Personas.

Akihiko: "Are you alright?!"

Yukari: "Can any of you hear me?! Please...! Answer me!"

The twins awake in the Velvet Room, they look around and only their attendants are there.

Igor: "It would appear only you two have been brought here, it's so nice to see you again. You have both become unconcious after awakening to your "power." It's nothing to worry about, though."

Hamuko: "What about the other's?"

Igor: "Nothing to worry about, the other guest Phoenix Igantia awakened to his "power" as well and also fell unconcious as well. So, just relax. By the way...I see that it was Orpheus that heeded both of your callings. That power is called a Persona...It is a manifastatuon of your psyche."

Minato: "Persona?"

Igor: "It may take you some time to fully comprehend. A Persona is a facet of your personality that surfaces as you react to external stimuli...You can think of it as a mask that protects you as you brave many hardships. That being said, your power is still weak..."

Minato: "You lost me."

Hamuko: "Whaddya mean?"

Igor: "When you use your Persona ability, you must channel your inner strength. The ability evolves as you develop your Social Links...your emotional ties with others. The stronger your Social Links, the more powerful your Persona ability. Please remember that."

Igor pauses for a moment letting the information sink in.

Igor: "Now, then...Time marches on in your world. I shouldn't keep you here any longer. Next time we meet, you will come here of your own accord. Until then...Farewell."

The Velvet Room fades away as the twins begin to awake from their unconciousness.

April ??, 2015
After School

Minato begins to wake and feels the presence of someone beside him.

Yukari: "You're awake...! Um, how do you feel?"

Minato: "Where am I...?"

Yukari: "Thank goodness. You finally came to..."

Yukari sighs before continuing to speak.

Yukari: "How much sleep do you need!? It's been a whole week!"

April 17th, 2015
After School

Yukari: "...I was so worried about you..."

Minato: "Where is my sister?"

Yukari: "She's in the bed just over there."

Yukari points to a bed sitting just opposite to Minato's with Akihiko waiting for her to wake up which is just now happening.

Akihiko: "You're finally awake."

Hamuko: "Wha- Where am I...?"

Akihiko chuckles as Minato just asked the same question.

Akihiko: "You're in Tatsumi Memorial Hospital. Just a short walk from the station. You two passed out, mismatched guy did too. He hasn't woken up yet though."

Yukari: "Doctor's said there was nothing wrong with you guys, you were just exhausted."

Akihiko: "You guys just kept sleeping and sleeping."

Yukari: "You know how worried I was?"

Akihiko: "First time summoning is usually rough, but I didn't think you two would be out for so long."

Yukari: "I was supposed to protect them, and I..."

Akihiko walks over to Yukari and places a hand on her shoulder.

Akihiko: "Don't beat yourself up, Yukari, you'll get there, it just takes time. I'm going to go inform Mitsuru these two are up."

Akihiko walks out of the ward to go find Mitsuru.

Yukari: "Your guys' power...It was amazing."

Minato: "What were those things?"

Yukari: "You mean the Shadows? They're what we're fighting against. And the power you used...We call it "Persona." We'll explain everything later. I'm sorry I didn't tell you before..."

Yukari stands up to walk out but stops.

Yukari: "Um I...I wanted to tell you that...I'm sorta like you three."

Hamuko: "What do you mean?"

Yukari: "My dad died in an accident when I was little...And my mom and I aren't exactly on good terms...To be honest, I already know all of your pasts...But, it didn't seem fair, so I wanted you guys to know about mine...It was back in 2010...There was a big explosion in the area. Supposedly, my dad died in the blast, but nobody really knows what happened...He was working in a lab run by the Kirijo Group. So, I'm hoping that if I stick around long enough, I'll find out something. That's why I'm going to Gekkoukan High, and why I was there when this happened to you. Of course, I panicked and wasn't much help...It was my first time fighting them, too. I'm sorry...You guys wouldn't have to go through all this if I wasn't such a coward..."

Minato: "It wasn't your fault."

Yukari: "Thanks...but still...And here I am telling you all this the minute you wake up. While I was waiting, I thought to myself. "I've been hiding so many things from them...As soon as they wake up, I'll tell them the truth." So, thanks for listening. I've been wanting to share that story with someone for a long time."

Yukari looks between the two and Akihiko walks in with Mitsuru.

Akihiko: "I found her, and she has news."

Hamuko: "What is it?"

Mitsuru: "Regarding Phoenix, the doctors say he may not wake for another week, maybe longer."

Akihiko: "I knew that it would be rough, but damn. We should've gone up there sooner."

Mitsuru: "It may be in accordance with his younger age and state of mind that he hasn't awoken."

If Phoenix wasn't in the Velvet Room where did he go? Well let's answer that shall we. Instead of the Velvet Room like he expected instead he woke up facing a man that looked exactly like him but older and has a few visible scars on him. The man pours two cups of tea and pushes one across the tabel to Phoenix. Phoenix looks around and sees they're in an older Japanese house, but it's in pristine condition, outside the window on the left wall the sea is visible with a sunset.

Phoenix: "What the-"

Man: "Good to finally see you, I do hope Igor gave you the key."

Phoenix: "You mean the Silver Key?"

Man: "That's the one, you must have it then. Good. Good. Anyways I'm sure you're wondering why you're here and not in the Velvet Room."

Phoenix: "Yes, that is a question I have."

Man: "Well it's because you're special in a different way from the other two, you're still a Wild Card just instead of normal Personas pulling from the thoughts and beliefs of the masses you pull from creatures that exist within another plan of existence."

Phoenix: "I see..."

Man: "I suppose I should introduce myself, I am Phoenix Flaria Vieta Glacia Igantia, but that's a lot of words so just call me The Original."

Phoenix: "So...I'm you...?"

Original: "And you are me, at least you can understand me faster than a few other's. Moving on, your power is still weak. You will need to establish Social Links--Bonds with others. To increase your power and gain access to new Personas."

Phoenix: "How will I know if I have made a bond?"

Original: "Believe me, you'll know. Now, I believe you've been away for a bit. Time waits for no one that's for sure, next time you come here or to the Velvet Room it will be of your own accord. Until we meet again, farewell."

The room fades away as Phoenix begins to regain consciousness, but he doesn't know how long he's been out, he doesn't feel anyone near him currently.

April 18th, 2015
After School

Phoenix finally wakes up and looks around, he knows he's in a hospital bed, not his first time. He looks around at the hospital room, there's not much he's got around him. A doctor comes in after not much time.

Doctor: "Good you're awake, you've been asleep for a day over a week. Thought you'd decided to be sleeping beauty there for a few days."

The doctor walks over just now does Phoenix notice he's got a cane.

Doctor: "Just have to do a few tests then you can head back to the dormitory you're staying at."

Phoenix: "Alright."

The doctor performs the tests and Phoenix is free to head back to the dormitory.

And I think I'll end this off here, bit of a cliffhanger but I hope you enjoyed this at the least, I really don't know if I'll write any of the rest of the chapter's as long as this one. We'll see though, we shall see. Anyways, PEACE!

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