Same Bitches - Post Malone

By Pepepolly

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She has actively tried to get as far away from him as possible after he dumped her belongings she had left be... More

Same Bitches A/N
Bonus Chapter
New Book


130 8 0
By Pepepolly

She didn't think tonight could get much worse but she had been wrong. After she was able to get off the stage, everyone and been ushered outside to the dinner tables - it's a bunch of circular tables, and the place settings have names on them so she landed at a fucking table with Harry, Pete, Dre, Austin, and three women. She had noted that Austin's name had been next to hers but he had grabbed it and stopped it with one of the woman's so now he is sitting as far away from her as possible. To top it off the men are all glaring at her except for Austin who now avoids all things Lux it seems.

"Oh, Lux, you don't know anyone, right?" Demi says coming up with Shawn to their table. Austin snorts and rolls his eyes then smiles at the woman sitting next to him who giggles and melts into a puddle.


"Well, you have all been placed at this table because you are part of the wedding party. You will be spending a lot of time together this week and we would like you to stick to your partners like glue. It would mean so much to us that you all become the best of friends. Go on Shawn introduce them all to her," Demi says. "Harry, Pete, and, Dre are my groomsmen. Austin is my best man. Hailey, Petra, and Jessica are bridesmaids and everyone this is Lux the maid of honor," Shawn explains. Demi giggles and beams next to him."We have paired you all up! Harry and Hailey, Pete and Jessica, Dre and Petra, Austin, and Lux. That's how you will walk down the aisle and all our activities will have you paired up too!" Demi announces excitedly. Lux hopes like fucking hell there are peanuts in the salad - she has a peanut allergy and hopes she fucking dies. What the fuck did she do to deserve this hell? She is not going to any fucking activities and this is the last meal she is attending. Demi will get her on the wedding day and no more. Fuck this shit.

"I'll get the first round," Austin mumbles standing. Lux doubts very much she is included in that offer so she is surprised when he comes back from the bar and she gets a glass of white wine placed in front of her - he says nothing though as he sits down and turns to talk to Pete quietly. It means nothing that he remembers what she drinks. She hates him. Lux is ignored by everyone at the table but she was not expecting to suddenly be welcomed by them - even falsely. It may also be her resting bitch face - she is not very approachable. So by the time she gets through the main dish, she is pretty much done. No one has so much as looked her way all through dinner and she can't handle another second of being glared at or ignored.

She stands and no one says goodbye to her as she picks up her bag so she doesn't bother announcing her departure as she leaves the table and makes her way to the front desk. She intends on leaving without saying anything to Demi - she will only force her to stay longer. She orders a steak for Louis then steps outside, lighting a cigarette and filling her lungs while she waits for the steak. She hears the restaurant door open and then close, she does not have to turn around to know it's Austin - she can smell him. Vanilla and tobacco. She had got him onto that calone - she regrets it very much.

"Leave me the fuck alone, Austin."

He does not say anything but she hears him shift behind her then the sound of a lighter zipping as he lights his cigarette.

"I hoped I would never see you again, Lux."

"Trust me. It was not for a lack of trying."

The restaurant door opens again and a waiter comes out with Louis' steak. Thank fuck. She takes the steak and then flicks her cigarette at Austin who does not flinch when it hits him square in the chest. "It was very much not a pleasure...and you look stupid in that fucked up mullet. I hate it," she says then walks down the road, hoping to flag down a cab eventually.

"Hey! Hey, Lux!" she hears Austin shout after her. Can't the stupid man catch a fucking hint? She stops and turns around to face him. Austin is looking at her with so much hatred it makes her chest burn as he walks up to her.

"Remember it was you who cheated on me. You are the bad person in this story."

"Oh, don't worry. You made that very clear."

"Good," he says then flicks his cigarette at her before he turns on his heel and walks back into the restaurant. Fucking great. She stamps on the cigarette and then stamps down the road.

It's late by the time she gets back to the resort but Louis is still out on his patio, still nursing a drink.

"You going to become an alcoholic?"

"I would not give my ex the fucking satisfaction. That better be meat in there," Louis says pointing to the takeaway box in her hand. "Lazy aged T-bone. Fucking rare - there is blood everywhere," Lux says placing it on the table in front of him.

"Please tell me tonight was a disaster."

"Tonight was a disaster."

"Fantastic. Sit down. Watch me eat this animal and tell me how fucked up your life is."

"Turns out Austin's brother is marrying my sister."

Louis flops back in his chair as he starts laughing. He is laughing so hard it's silent. His head is back and his mouth is open while he seizures with happiness. "Tell me! Tell me!" he eventually manages to get out when he learns to breathe again. So Lux sits down and tells him what happened tonight as he inhales his T-bone. By the time she finishes, he is sucking on the bone and still chuckling.

"That's pretty fucked up, Lux. But, it's going to make for a pretty entertaining week for me so thank you."

"Glad I can be a source of entertainment for you."

"What's the plan for tomorrow?"


"Well, that's not healthy."

"Says the man who ran away to Thailand instead of dealing with his shit. Go to bed," she says standing up then walking round to her door and going inside. She showers and then climbs into bed, seeing Austin again was hard. Harder than she ever thought it would be. She had only spent six months with him and most of that time was spent fighting. He had been selfish and an asshole, she had been a bitch - they were toxic together so she does not understand why the fuck she is so affected by him. She sighs and rolls over, closing her eyes, hoping sleep takes her quickly.

"Not tonight, ok? I am really tired and I have that test tomorrow," Lux says, her eyes rolling back slightly as Austin's lips slide across her neck, but they stop abruptly at her words and he moves away. "Come on, don't be mad," she says turning around to face him.

"I am not mad, Luxie, just fucking bored. We sit around this apartment like an old married couple."

"That's not true. It's just this week - it's been a crazy week at work and by the time I get home I am spent. We can go out this weekend."

"Sure, whatever," Austin says taking his beer and walking out of the kitchen. He had promised to help her make dinner, but he has obviously forgotten and now he is mad at her. He has not bothered to ask how her test went today - she aced it by the way. She looks at the time and sees it's only 8 pm. If they go now they could stay for a few drinks and be back by 10 pm. She could still get a good night's sleep, Austin won't be mad at her anymore too. compromise, right? She hates that he is so social but she has chosen to date him so she has to compromise. She finishes dinner quickly and then walks into the lounge with their food. Austin is on those stupid TV games but he pauses the game and takes his plate mumbling a soft thank you.

"We can go, but can we be back by 10? I don't want to be tired or hungover for my test tomorrow," Lux says. Austin perks up with her words and nods, grinning. "Ok, deal. We will be home by 10, I promise and if you are good..." he leans over and whispers in her ear, "I will let you ride my cock."

"Oh, thank you so much you are so sweet," Lux says with a laugh as Austin now wolfs down his food. They leave by 8:30, which should be more than enough time for him. The bar is only a block away so they walk there, hand in hand. She has never been an affectionate person - hand-holding and hugging have never been a thing, but they are a thing with Austin. Fuck, she is head over heels for the boy.

When they get to the bar he tugs her to the loudest table - Harry, Dre, Pete, and Shawn. As always. They all have skanky women hanging off them and the table is already covered in empty beer bottles that the waitress is trying to clear. "Austin!" they shout as they see him. Austin throws his hands in the air and announces his arrival while they cheer for him. Dre stands and offers Lux his chair with a quiet hello. The others greet her too and she smiles back at them - not one to break out a smile often, but she is trying to get to know his friends. She likes them and she wants them to like her too, they are nice guys and mean a great deal to Austin so she is trying. Social settings have always been hard for her. Her mother thinks she has social anxiety, she does not, she just hates people and is a bitch. Her grandmother agrees.

Austin heads to the bar with Shawn and Pete, and now Lux has no fucking idea what she is supposed to do now. " is the tattoo thing going?" Harry asks. Is that girl trying to give him head under the table?  He keeps trying to get her to stand by him while she keeps trying to slip under the table. "Good. I aced my test today and think I will do well tomorrow," she says. "That's great!  Congrats! You are very talented - Austin's tattoos look amazing," Dre says, well shouts really, he is drunk. "What does a tattoo test look like?" the girl next to him asks. "Pig skin is like human skin. I had to tattoo into a cut of pork belly," Lux explains. "Oh, no shit," Harry says surprised, giving up on trying to keep the woman from ducking under the table - she disappears. "That's disgusting," the girl who came with Pete says to Lux as she scrunches up her nose and grabs a few peanuts from a bowl on the table.

A white wine is placed in front of her and then Austin's arm curls around her, pulling her close to his chest. "Hey, Luxie-girl," he purrs into her ear then throws his head back and sends his laugh bouncing around the pub at something Harry says. His friends draw his attention, which is fine - it's good for him to have friends, she couldn't be bothered with the maintenance a friendship brings. They get louder and more boisterous as the evening wears on - a steady flow of drinks and loud music pushing them forward. By the time 10 pm arrives, Lux can see Austin has no intention of going anywhere any time soon as he starts a game of pool with Shawn. She will wait until he is finished before she asks if they can go. Harry hands her a new wine and she offers him her best smile as she accepts it. "You scare me a little, not gonna lie. You are a determined woman, you know what you want. You have class," Harry says. "As much class as your girl?" Lux asks pointing to the woman Harry's hand managed to stop from giving him head in this very public bar - she is now slumped asleep in a booth.

Harry laughs previously and then nods. "We all have a bad habit of picking needy, good-time girls, you are the first woman to grace our group - none of us know how to deal with you. But, we like you, Lux," Harry says then joins Pete at another pool table and starts a game with him. Austin finishes his game and it looks like he intends on starting another one as Dre passes him a new beer. Lux hops off her chair and walks up to him. "Hey," she says softly. "Hey Luxie," Austin says grinning as he pulls her closer. "Mind if we head out now?  It's 10:30. I have that test tomorrow," she says. Austin's face darkens and he rolls his eyes.

"Come on, one more game, one more drink and we will be out here by 11."

"You promised that we would be gone by 10. We compromised. Come on please, baby, I am tired."

"Fucking hell, Luxie. I am just trying to enjoy a little time with my friends. Why do you have to be so needy?"

Lux pulls out of his arms at his nasty words. She is not being needy, she had never wanted to come and he had promised. "Fuck you, Austin. Stay if you fucking want but I am going," she says dropping her still-full wine at his feet then spins around and walks out of the bar. He is such a fucking child. She gets halfway back to the apartment before she hears Austin running to catch up to her.

They fight.

They fight all the way home and then spend until after 1 am fighting - just slinging nasty word after nasty word at each other. By 2 am they are fucking and by 3 am she manages to fall asleep.

She pulls her tired body out of bed by 5 am and heads off to her test - she aces it of course but she has to stop herself from falling asleep.

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