The time I left...

By loveforstoryy

110K 2.5K 1.1K

Leaving him was the worst thing she had to do. But she had no choice. The time has passed and she grew up, no... More

I'll never forget you
Dear Diary...
Who said that I don't want?!
Wanna bet?!
Nice to meet you Mila!
Your face is red
So Pablo is actually Gavi?!
Think about it
Me, your sister, a model!
Model and a footballer...
Spying much huh?!
Someone like you?!
Bye superman!
Party is over for you young lady!
Mhm... Think about your Ashton
What was that love thing?!
I'm not fucking ready!
Do you want me to spell it out for you?!
He is gonna find out
Maybe because they have Pablo
Then it's our first time...
You would look cute together!
How long have you been starting at me?!
Don't change the theme darling!
And you are turned on huh?!
Are you two like a thing now?
Then check if you want...
Was it worth it Pablo?
Do you still think that this is the bad ending?!
I'll have hickeys because of you
You have a tattoo?!
Pablo is such a nice boy!
I'm never leaving this country!
You love to play innocent, don't you?!
Before you go... Kiss me!
Why you love to ruin my cute moments?!
A través de mi ventana?
Who's... Oh nah... She didn't...
I don't wanna lose you!
I also know how to make her feel good!
Don't look at me like that!
I do!

What if there are naked people?

1.8K 58 15
By loveforstoryy

Four days passed since we are here and I must say, it's the best time of my life.

Pablo and I go early to the beach and then our parents join us later. So we had a chance to spend some time alone, although we had to be careful.

Aynways, I didn't woke up on time today, so he had to wait for me to get ready.

"I'm almost done! I'm sorry that you have to wait for me."

"It's okay, don't worry! I won't go anywhere without you anyway."

"Maybe we should wait for our parents..."

"Nah... They will sleep for two more hours and we will go to the beach at 12pm. I can't wait that long!"

"Okay, just saying... Can you help me tie this up?" I said showing him the bikini strips.

He stood up and walked closer to me. He took strips and tied them up. I felt his soft lips on my shoulders. I got goosebumps...

"Are you cold!" he asked rubbing my arms gently and pulling me closer to his body.


"Why did you get goosebumps?"

"Because of you."

"I didn't do anything." he turned me around and we made an eye contact.

"Your kiss is more than enough to gave me goosebumps." I said and kissed him.

"Why did you chose me? How did I deserve you?"

"Maybe because you are different and the best guy I know. And because I fell for you."

"I think I fell for you even more than you did for me."

"I'm not that special."

"Neither am I! But as you said, I fell for someone different and someone who is just like me..."

My facial expression suddenly changed.

"Do you... regret us being together?"

"No... Not even one bit!"


"Mila you ask stupid questions sometimes! Why would I be here with you now if I regret it?!"

"I don't know..."

"Don't bother that pretty head of yours with nonsense. And don't you dare ask me that again! You are the best thing that happened to me in my entire life!"

I smiled.


I nodded.

"Say it!"


He kissed me gently, with his hand under my chin and the other one on my waist.

"I love you Mila!"

"I love you too Pablo!"

"Can we go now... I can't wait to eat donuts!"


"Yes again! It's like kissing your lips, but they are covered in chocolate!"

I rolled my eyes playfully.

"You are acting like a child!"

"Mhm... Come on now! This child wants to eat!"


We were down in the restaurant for dinner. Pablo and I decided to try their pasta while others ordered some fish and salad.

"How they make everything taste so good?!" Pablo asked, almost wispered.

"I don't know... They use some special spice. You can't say that Greek food is bad when it's fucking good!" I wispered back.


"I was thinking to go somewhere else tomorrow." Anasi said.

"Yes! We can go on some wild beach where the water is more clear." mom added.

"But we have to wake up earlier then!" dad said.

"Okay it's fine if we wake up earlier one day! You can sleep on the beach anyway."

"Great! We should go to sleep earlier too if we plan to wake up on time." Anasi said.

"When will we go?" Pablo asked.

"Maybe around 8am. We can meet down when you kids get ready and we can go then."

"Fine by me!" Pablo said.

"We can go whenever you say. I can wake up even earlier if you want." I said.

"Nobody wants that sis... Shut up!" Milo said.

"Not my problem that you can't get up on time."

"I love to sleep! What's the problem?!"

"Nothing... You are just lazy. That's why we are always late."

"We are late because of you!"

"And mom!" dad added.

"You took too long to get ready. All that make up and other stuff..."

"We are women! What did you expect from us?!" mom complained.

"To be faster!" dad said.

"Okay David, we are not gonna talk about this anymore. There is no point of arguing about this over and over again."

"We are just saying mom..." Milo said.

"Just be ready on time okay?!"

"Fine!" he rolled his eyes.


Milo's POV

The next morning, I got up earlier as they said and got ready. I fucking hate when they won't let me sleep. Bro we are on vacation, I can sleep if I fucking want!

Anyways, before I went down, I called Tanya on face time.

"Hey baby!"

"Hey my love! How are you?"

"I'm good! How are you?! How is there?"

"Great! Except that I had to woke up earlier today."

"Don't be lazy Milo! It's not a big deal!"

"But it is! I came here to relax and they made me go to some wild beach."

"Don't you dare look at other girls Milo!"

"You know that I only want to look at you and only you! No one else baby!"

"Just warning you... You are handsome guy you know!"

"Mhm... I can't wait to see you again!"

"I'll be waiting for you when you come back. When are you coming back?"

"In five days."

"Okay... I'll came back from Egypt in four days so it's good!"

"You better not looking at those guys there!"

"I have my eyes only on you!"

"I'm not so sure... I heard that guys there are cute."

"If you want me, I can prove to you that I only want you... When we meet of course!" she smirked.

"Of course you will baby! I can't wait to see you!"

"Soon! Anyways, I have to go, I think my mom is calling me!"

"Okay! I'll talk to you tonight! Call me when you can!"

"Sure! Bye Milo, love you!" she said sending me kiss.

"Bye! Love you too!"

I hung up and went down. We still had to wait for Mila for around 10 minutes. Of course we had to, what was I thinking?! After ten minutes, she came down and we could finally go.


We were walking by the sea to get to that wild beach. I was so fucking tired of walking. Why we couldn't just stay on the public beach?!

Our parents were going in front of us, talking about who knows what not. I was walking slowly behind Mila and Pablo. Mila was giggling about something that Pablo said and I had to know why.

"What's so funny?" I asked as I walked up to them.

"Oh nothing... Why are you so slow?" Mila asked.

"I can't walk anymore."

"We were walking for the past 20 minutes." Pablo said.

"Too much if you ask me!"

"It's nothing Milo. You are just lazy!" Mila said.

"I'm not lazy, I just can't walk that far."

"And how can we huh?"

"I don't know..."

"We are close guys, are you coming?" Anasi shouted.

"Yes!" Mila shouted back.

I was wondering if there will be... naked people. I mean, that's how things work on wild beaches right?! There are always some kind of weird people that will go around all naked. Why the fuck would you do that?! You can go on a normal beach in your swimsuit or bikini or whatever you want like a normal person.

"What if there are naked people?" I asked.

Pablo and Mila looked at me like I just escaped from mental hospital.

"What?! Oh come on, we all know that kind of things..."

"Milo shut up... You better shut your mouth this second!" Mila said.

"I'm just saying... What if we see them?"


It was silent for a moment. But then I asked again.

"Why wouldn't we..."

"Tell me how dumb and dirty minded you are?!"

"First I'm not dumb Mila! And yeah, I may be dirty minded, but we all are! All guys are dirty minded and I'm sure that girls are too, especially you!"

"I may be your twin, but I'm not that crazy like you! Who do you think I am?!"

"Mila, let's not lie to each other... You are and you know it. If you are not, then you wouldn't understand what I wanted to say. Did you understand?!"

"Yes, unfortunately did. But I'm not as much as you are! Why the fuck would I go to the beach to look at naked people?! Of course I wouldn't go there."

"Maybe he thought to join them." Pablo laughed.

"You just proved what he said." Mila replied with straight face.


"All guys are dirty minded."

"I won't mind to be there if there are some hot girls!" I said.

"You need to go to therapy or some shit. You are not from this planet, I swear!" Mila said.

"But be for real... I mean, come on, you would also join if there are some cute boys."

"No I wouldn't. Because I'm not that deranged as you."

"I think we should stop this here, before things get out of control." Pablo said.

"I agree. Milo don't ask me any more stupid questions."


"Shut up!"


"Shut! The fuck! Up! Now!"

"Okay... Jeez!"

We continued to talk about other things, but I was still curious about that... I mean never say never!

Our parents went over some rocks. I was trying not to fall when I was walking over them because if I fell, I would end up in the water and some sea urchin would probably end up in my ass. Anyways...

After that, there was a beautiful wild beach. No one was there... Luckly! Our parents already put their towels on the sand and layed down to sunbathe. Our moms actually. Pablo's and our dad went to look around the beach, maybe to find some seashell.

Back to us... Mila joined mom and Anasi, while Pablo and I decided to go in the water.

"Mila you coming?" I shouted.

"Nah... I don't feel like going in now. Maybe later!"

"Okay... Fine by me!"

"Wanna go a little further?" Pablo asked.

"Sure! As long as there is no sharks!"

"Well I don't know about the sharks, but maybe we can find something cool in the water. I love diving."

"Also surfing, but mom thinks that it's too dangerous!"

"Have you surfed before?"

"Once in America... But I fell and broke my arm. And that's why I can't ever do it again."

"Your mom was right then."

"She is always right... I hate it sometimes... Okay I'm lying, I hate it!"

"Tell me about it. Not only her, but my sister Aurora also! Ugh... I'm so glad that she moved away."

"I wish Mila can move away like her. It would be a lot easier to live without annoying twin."

"Most twins can't live without each other."

"We are not like them. We hate each other."

"You maybe think that... But you know that it's not true."

"It is!"

"You really think so?!" he raised his eyebrow.

Okay... Maybe he is right.

"Fine... I don't hate her that much..."

"I know you care Milo."

"I do..."

"Then you don't hate her, you love her. Even though they can be annoying sometimes, they are still our sisters. I would do anything to protect Aurora if I have to."

"I would do the same for Mila... I wanted to kill that asshole Ashton for cheating on her. How could he do something like that to her?!"

"Because he is a dick! Most of them are like that."

"You know... Ever since you guys started hanging out, she looks more happier. She never had friend like you Pablo."

"I'm glad to be with her... She is the best person I have ever met."

"Wait, what do you mean to be with her?"

"Well to be um... Her best friend. Pedri is my guy best friend and she is a girl. I can have more than just one best friend."

"Okay... It sounded like... Never mind!"

"The point is that she deserves to be treated good! She is good person and would never hurt you."

"Promise me something..."


"That you will keep her safe when I'm not around... That you won't hurt her or leave her. She needs you."

"I promise you Milo. I won't let anything happen to her and she knows it. You can trust me!"

We were silent.

"Wow... I don't talk about my sister in a good way often.." I laughed.

"You should start."

"Since we are here... Maybe we should get her in the water, what do you think?!"

"I'm totally in! What's on your mind?"

"She trust you more than me... You will..."

Mila's POV

I was lying on my towel and reading my book, when someone blocked the sun as he stood in front of me.

"Milo can you move please, I'm trying to get taned."

"It's not Milo."

"Oh, I'm sorry Pablo. But for real, can you move?"

"I came here to show you something."

"What is it?"

"You have to come with me."

"Ugh fine..." I said as I closed my book and stood up.

"Milo and I found big seashell, but it's stuck between the rocks and we need your help." he said as we started walking towards the rocks that we crossed a little a while ago.

"What can I do about it?! I'm not that strong as you are."

"Oh come on, you are just pretending."

"Fine...where is it?"

"Here!" he showed.

I leaned over to see it, but it was nothing there.

"I guess your seashell ran away from you guys!" I said still looking for it.

Then I felt his hands around my waist as he picked me up.

"Pablo what the fuck are you doing?"

"What does it look like?"

"Are you fucking crazy?! Our parents are here! MY BROTHER is here!"

"Mhm... I know." he said and started walking in the water.

"What's up with you?"

He was silent.

"Pablo put me down! Don't fucking do this?! Don't you FUCKING DARE to throw me in the water!"

"It's not gonna hurt sis!" Milo said out of nowhere.



"Hold your breath!"

In that moment, he dropped me in the water. Chills run through my body as I felt cold water around me.


They were laughing like idiots.


"Maybe not to you, but we have fun." Milo said still laughing.

"Making me angry is funny to you?!"

"That's for the last time when you scared us in the pool." Pablo said.

"I should have let you be scared longer than I did."

"And now you are gonna be punished!" Milo said and started splashing me.


"You are already wet! Don't complain!"

"Oh you messed with the wrong girl!" I said and started splashing both of them.

They then went together against me and I had to ran away from the water. But it was so hard to run through the water.

"Don't run away like a coward!" Milo yelled.

"You can't go together against me! It's not fair!"

"Oh but it's fair that you made us shit our pants back then?!"

"You faces were everything!" I laughed.

"You are done!" Milo said and ran towards me.

"No Milo...NO!" I said and tried to ran away from him, but he picked me up and carried me back to the water, this time in the deeper part.

"Okay I'll stop, I'm sorry! Don't drop me please!"

"What did you say? You want to dive a little? Sure, here you go!" he said and dropped me in the water. I heard them laughing so I got an idea.

"Oh my... Oh shit, get out of the water now!" I yelled as I surfaced.

"We are not that dumb Mila!" Pablo said.

"No for real guys, I saw shark!"

"SHARK?!" Milo asked shocked.

"She is playing with us Milo!" Pablo said.

"I'm for real!"

"Mhm... Sure!"

"Do you think that I would joke about that things?!" I asked acting scared as I started swimming out of the water.

"AAAAAAAA!" Milo screamed.

"What?!" Pablo asked now also a little worried.

"I felt something going next to my leg!" Milo replied and started swimming out.

"Wait for me!" Pablo said and followed him.

Milo was so scared that he swam faster than me. I took a chance for my revenge. I dived in and took Milo's leg, pulling him down in the water. I heard him screaming as he dived in.

"What the fuck?!"

"Bro it caught me! It caught my leg! Am I dead?! Oh my I can't feel my leg!" Milo said panicked.

I burst out lauging like crazy.

"Are you seriously lauging about this?! I lost my leg!"

"You leg is here idiot! There would be blood around you. She was just playing with us!" Pablo said annoyed.

"You bitch! How dare you?!" Milo said also annoyed.

"I told you that you are messing with the wrong girl!" I said still laughing.

"Something is definitely wrong with you! You have serious issues! You have to go to some therapy!" Milo shouted.

"Oh my leg! It took my leg! Oh noo..."I mocked him laughing.

"You are so done!" he said and swam towards me. He made me dive in the water, not letting me go. It was so worth it, although I drank sea water a lot but who cares?! I heard that it's  healthy!


"And she again did that mom! I can't stand you!" Milo complained to mom.

"Aww... Mama's little boy got scared because his shark took his leg!" I laughed.

"It's not fucking funny!"

"It is actually!" mom said as her and Anasi burst out laughing.

"Mom, there is something wrong with her. She is not normal I swear!"

"You are the only one here that can easly got scared."

"You know that I'm scared of sharks."

"Do you really think that shark would get you in shallow water. They are in the ocean Milo... Deep water!"

"Who told you that?! How do you even know?! I don't trust you one bit!"

"I'm just saying. You are being paranoid."

"From now on, I don't trust you anything you say."

"You don't have to, but I'm telling you the truth."

"How about we go on a dinner out tonight? We can order some sea food. Maybe you can try shark Milo!" Anasi said.

"Yeah! That would be great! I actually want to try shark. But I heard that it's expensive." mom said.

"Well they don't catch sharks every day. It's like special fish here." Pablo said.

"They don't catch them, but sharks definitely catch my brother!" I said laughing.

"I'll get you back for that... Just wait!"


Hey everyone! Just wanted to say thank you for 1k votes! Oh my, I'm so happy! Thank you all so much! ❤️

The second thing is about the story. I'll add some songs to the SONGS part because the next chapter will be spicy one.
(I'll put the warnings!)

So if you wanna read it with some music you can look at them. I don't want to post songs again, so I'll just add them in that chapter.

See you guys tomorrow! ❤️👋

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