Sexual Healing

Por Wenwenandsooyeon

4K 91 14

Lightly Inspired by Becky's live where she was so excited for Freen's birthday but couldn't make it because s... Más

Sexual Healing
The Other Half of Me

Hard to Love

1K 29 6
Por Wenwenandsooyeon

Sam watched the raindrops fall onto the window from outside, wishing she could go out for a few seconds to get relief from this heat she was feeling. She squeezed her thighs and rubbed them together. The CEO was starting to feel very hot under her formal business attire and her whole face felt warm. She was sure that it was noticeably red by now but she just couldn't help herself; she was getting increasingly distracted from the conversation around her by the pictures coming to her phone.

Sam felt another vibration against her lap. She secretly took a peek at her phone under the table and licked her lips with anticipation as she tapped on the notification from Mon.

A picture instantly popped up of the younger woman in a white dress shirt, the first few buttons were undone, as well as the bottom half of it leaving Sam with a nice view of her abs. She had on a beige short skirt and, of course, was showing off her bare legs. After ten weeks, she finally had her cast and walking boot removed and she couldn't have been happier about it.

Sam thought that's perhaps why her girlfriend was in a celebratory mood. Mon had been sending Sam thirst traps throughout the evening, which of course, took all of her attention.

The business woman's pupils dilated when she saw that Mon was running her hand down her throat sensually in the picture. Her girlfriend knew how much it drove her crazy when she did that. Sam swallowed when she realized that Mon wasn't wearing a bra under her shirt and she could see her nipples slightly.

"Khun Sam. You've been quiet all night. Aren't you going to tell me what you think of the guest list I made for your wedding?" She heard her grandmother say. Sam's head instantly snapped up to look at her grandmother seated at the head of the dinner table. The elderly woman had invited Sam and Kirk over for dinner so she could regale them both with the plans she had made for their wedding, and of course, to pressure Sam into closing down her business so she could marry Kirk right away and bear his children.

"Sorry, Khun Yaa. I didn't have much to add. The list seems fine." Sam tried her best to appear okay with the situation, but she could tell that her fiance, Kirk, was looking at her from across the table. They had known each other since childhood and she knew that he could tell something was up with her.

"Sam... Make sure you eat a lot. You've worked really hard this week." Kirk encouraged, thinking she was probably just exhausted from work. Sam was sure it was performative for her grandmother, but Kirk gallantly placed a big river prawn on Sam's plate and she politely thanked him.

"Grandmother... Please, tell us more about the attendance list." Kirk implored. Sam could not help but roll her eyes. She loved her grandmother but she hated the life the matriarch  was expecting her to live. Sam grew more and more tense by the day because all the pressure was on her; Neung was disowned and her other sister passed away. Everything their grandmother ever wanted for the family was placed on Sam to fulfill and she carried that weight with her in almost everything in her life. It was only with Mon and her own business that she ever felt that she could truly be free to make whatever choices she wanted.

Knowing the two of them could go on and on about the wedding without even asking Sam what she thought, the stone-faced woman went back to her phone when she felt enough time had passed and their attention was off of her.

"I can't wait to get out of here and fuck you😈😈😈" she swiftly typed into her phone, glancing up every now and then to make sure no one was watching her.

"Khun Sam! You're so naughty...😳" Mon replied.

"Hey, you're the one who's been sending me thirst traps all night. What did you expect me to think?"

Back at the house, Mon sulked in their bed. She had been feeling more and more upset over the fact that the world would eventually know her girlfriend as "Kirk's wife" one day. She was not expecting her life to turn out this way; she only thought that she idolized the Mom Luang when she was growing up. Now she found herself in a secret office romance with her idol, but she wasn't expecting to have to deal with the hardships of being in a same-sex relationship in a country that does not accept same-sex marriage. It was hard enough navigating her first ever relationship, let alone all the extra baggage that came with dating someone of a much higher social status.

Perhaps it was wrong of her to be sending those pictures to her boss while she was at dinner with her fiance and grandmother planning her wedding, but Mon felt like she had to claim her spot in Sam's life. When Sam and Kirk married and had children, where would that leave her? Mon's heart ached at the thought of life after Sam's marriage and she was feeling very insecure this evening. The younger woman wanted Sam to remember who she belonged to. That they would always be this close, forever. Sam had said it herself the first time they had sex. We belong to each other now.

Deciding against her better judgment, Mon sent another picture of herself. This time of her reflection in Sam's yoga mirror. While Mon's face was covered by her phone, Sam could see her body: she was posed provocatively in their bed, both of her legs were swept to her left as she leaned to the right. Mon's hair was swept behind her, allowing Sam a full view of her cleavage.

"Fuuuck... did you take off your bra?"

"Sam! Is that what you're looking at?"


"What is it, teerak?"

"Show me... I want to see you."

There was a pause. Mon thought for a second. There's no way she would ever send nudes through text; she was shy enough just having sex in person, taking risqué photos of herself was a big step for her.

"Please baby? I miss you so much and you know how much I love your body." Sam wrote before sending a few more naughty face stickers. "Didn't you tell me to be more direct with what I want?"

"Sam! You're so dirty..." Mon was blushing furiously but she loved that the older woman wanted to see her this much. It made her feel a bit reassured that Sam was thinking about her while planning her wedding. Of course Mon felt guilty and sorry for Kirk, who she considered a friend but she also knew that Sam was being forced into this relationship and marriage. Seeing the love of her life be this stressed out and depressed made Mon hurt inside too.

"Should I stop?" The older woman asked. As much as she wanted to continue, she didn't want to force Mon into sending photos of herself that made her uncomfortable.

"... No...I want to... but I'm shy..."

"You don't need to be shy... I've already seen everything."

Mon bit her bottom lip. She knew she shouldn't do it; it was so wrong . But she trusted Sam

implicitly with the photos and she felt comfortable doing it with Sam. Surprised at herself yet again, Mon decided to start off slow. She sent Sam a picture of herself with the white dress shirt now completely unbuttoned, but the two halves still covering most of her breasts. She could not hide her shy expression, but she hoped it would get Sam's approval.

"Oh my God, you look so good." Sam licked her lips again as she typed.

Kirk and Sam's grandmother were still yapping away, and Sam could vaguely tell the conversation had now moved onto seating arrangements that she did not care about. All she wanted was to go home and be held by Mon, to feel her lover's warmth and comfort and forget the bleak future that was laid out for her.

"I wish I was at home with you instead of here. It's so miserable." Then a thought popped into Sam's head and she sent a follow up text, "If I was there I would have your nipple in my mouth right now..."

Back at Sam's house, Mon's breathing became ragged at the thought of Khun Sam taking her nipple in her mouth and sucking on it. Her loins stirred as she remembered their previous sex when Sam gently took her nipple and rolled it between her teeth as she occasionally used her tongue to flick. It was like she could feel it even though they were apart.

"Tell me what you want to do to me, teerak." She replied.

Sam looked to see if the other two were looking at her, but both were going on about what color schemes would work best.

"After sucking on your tits, I'd push you up against the glass window and fuck you... God, I love hearing you moan in my ear."

"Baby... "

"Then I'd lay you down in bed and ride your face until I come."

"I can't wait for you to get home, teerak."

"You want it bad tonight, don't you Mon?"

" ....I want you... When you get home, I'll take care of you."

"Fuck, I'm so wet right now, those pictures you sent are driving me crazy..."

Sam's vulgar texts made Mon burn with desire, she wasn't sure how much longer she could wait for her girlfriend to come home.

"I wish you could show me." Mon sent.

"Mmm... I'll let you taste it later baby."

"You're so I'm all wet too..." Mon was blushing furiously while typing, but she was feeling bolder.

"Oh yeah baby? Tell me how wet I'm making you." Sam wrote. She was feeling her own slick in her pants and it was a little uncomfortable.

After a few minutes with no reply, Sam thought Mon had gotten too shy to proceed with sexting, so she put her phone down and tried to focus on the wedding plans and cool down from her aroused state.

"Khun Sam, which color scheme do you prefer?" Her grandmother asked.

"Hmm..." Sam tried to look like she was invested in the choices presented to her, "Perhaps gray and white?" She suggested.

"Gray and white? That's not one of the choices," Sam's grandmother replied. Kirk started to say something, but Sam was distracted when she felt her phone vibrate again. She looked between her fiance and her grandmother; the old woman must have really liked whatever it was he said because she was smiling and Kirk was now starting a conversation about children. Sam decided it was safe to take another peek at her phone.

Sam saw the notification banner on her phone.


"Sam ka... I need your help..."

"With what...?" She wondered to herself.

Sam's eyes nearly popped out of their sockets when she saw that Mon had sent her a video, followed by a message to make sure no one would hear the sound.

Sam checked the side switch on her phone to be sure but she had been sending and receiving texts and photos without any noises coming though, so without hesitation, Sam tapped on the play button.

She saw a close up of Mon's flushed face, she knew it very well. Though she looked innocent, Mon had a wanton expression in her eyes and her mouth was parted slightly, making very faint moaning sounds. Sam was confused as to why she could hear sound from the video. But quicker than Sam could react, Mon bit her bottom lip before quickly giving Sam a shot of her right hand playing with her nipple under her shirt. Then, she heard Mon moan her name at full volume.

"Khun Sa—"

Sam immediately panicked and turned the volume way down on her phone using the volume buttons. She stood up in such a rush her cutlery made a loud noise on her plate, startling Kirk and her grandmother.

"What was that?" Kirk asked, both of them were now looking at Sam with confusion on their faces.

"Excuse me, I need to go to the bathroom." She apologized, and hurriedly got out of there before they asked any more questions. Kirk and Grandmother both looked at each other with  puzzled looks on their faces before shrugging and continuing on with their conversation.

Sam went into the next room and locked herself inside the large, ornate bathroom decorated in gold. Leaning against the door, she made sure the volume was low this time before she hit play.

She saw a close up of Mon's flushed face, her right hand coyly toying with her nipple underneath her shirt.

"Khun Sam..." between soft moaning, leaving no doubt as to what Mon was doing. "I miss you tonight."

Running her hand through her straight hair, Sam took a deep breath and video called Mon.

Mon answered the phone, giggling like a schoolgirl with a crush.

"Mon, what are y—" but before Sam could ask her question, Mon had focused the camera on her now completely exposed breasts, both of her nipples were erect and she was giggling flirtatiously. "Fuck..."

"Where are you right now?" Mon asked, her voice was raspy.

"I'm hiding in the bathroom."

"You came to watch me?" The younger woman couldn't hide her smile.

"How could I not?"

"Can I see you too?" Mon slowed down her ministrations, surprised at how forward she had become in the last few months with her girlfriend. With the way Sam was, there wasn't room for her to beat around the bush otherwise they would get nowhere.

Maybe the old Sam would have been too embarrassed to do anything like this, but being with Mon made her feel so much more comfortable with her own sexuality and her own skin.She slowly ran a hand across her collarbone, hesitant to start. Mon sensed this and continued with her movements.

"Khun Sam, open your shirt... please."

The Mom Luang used her free hand to open up her white cape blazer, revealing a white and nude coloured bustier underneath. The material was quite thin and Sam said was not wearing a bra so Mon was able to see everything when she opened up her blazer. Sam ran her fingers over her breasts slowly and sensually grazing over her left nipple through her top before pinching and pulling at it. Sam suppressed a moan.

"When you get home, I want to make you come first this time." The younger woman promised, watching a self satisfied smile form on her girlfriend's lips.

Mon moved her camera to give Sam a brief look at what her right hand was doing, indicating that she was done talking. Mon had moved her right hand lower, fiddling with her skirt. She was able to remove it and Sam saw Mon, freshly shaved down there.

"I did this for you..." she whispered.

This drove Sam over the edge and she couldn't take it anymore. She unzipped her tight black trousers, licked her fingers and stuck her left hand inside her underwear.

"Mmm... Mon..." she muttered, trying to keep quiet as she rubbed her clit.  She watched Mon's face twist in pleasure.

"Do you like it, Sam ka?" Mon asked, blushing.

"I love it. I want to stick my face in it..."

"What are you doing baby?" Mon asked when she heard some faint wet noises.

Sam shifted herself so that she was across from the bathroom counter and propped her phone up to give her girlfriend a view.

Mon's pupils went dark, she saw Sam leaning back against the wall with her blazer opened and her revealing lace bustier. Her left hand was stuffed inside her pants, moving furiously underneath. It lit a fire inside Mon, who was already leaking all over their bed. "Teerak, I wish I was there to touch you... "

"You are..." Sam's eyes were shut, as if she was living in her imagination. "Tell me what you're doing."

For a moment, Mon hesitated. She got the sense of where this was headed and she was determined to appear sexy and confident.

"I'm licking you, sucking on you." She stuttered nervously.

Sam closed her eyes and groaned, imagining everything that Mon described. "Yeah baby, that feels so good." She encouraged her girlfriend. Feeling a little more confident, Mon kept going.

"I slip a finger inside of you, but just one."

Sam did as Mon said, imagining it was her girlfriend doing these things to her.

"I use my other hand to squeeze your breasts."

Sam's face contorted in pleasure as she did the same. "Mon...  more fingers ...please."

"Not yet teerak."

The older woman whined, still doing her best to keep quiet so no one would hear their escapades. "Mon, I love you so much."

"Ah...I love you too, Sam"

Upon hearing her moan, The older woman realized that Mon was now touching herself at the sight of her masturbating. "Let me see you, tua."

The younger woman was past the point of caring. She was sitting in their bed, wearing only an unbuttoned shirt. Her legs were spread and she had two fingers knuckle deep inside of herself as she propped her phone up against a pillow so Sam could watch her. The two women moaned mutually as they watched each other in their most vulnerable states.

"Now I slip in another finger.." Mon said, groaning. She watched Sam's brows furrow, Sam used her right hand to cover her mouth and suppress any sounds she might have made, afraid that the other two might hear her from a room over. "I'm fucking you hard and fast, babe."

Sam's eyes tightened shut, her other hand still covering her mouth, she was unable to speak as she fingered herself harder and faster. She heard Mon's voice through her phone.

"Does it feel good, Sam?"

"So good, teerak..."

"Whose pussy is it?" She asked. Mon was now completely dark, lost in the moment. Sam peeked out through her left eye, taken aback by Mon's sudden crassness. "Sam, tell me who that pussy belongs to."

"It's yours, tua." Sam responded.

"Nobody else gets to have you like this. Nobody else gets to taste you, to smell you, to see you like this. Only me."

"Nobody else baby, it's all yours. I'm all yours." Sam said the last part almost to convince herself. Yes, she had never been with anyone else besides her girlfriend. She had told Kirk she wanted to wait until they were married and he respected that. But she never felt this kind of burning desire for him, ever. It was clear that emotionally, every part of Sam belonged only to Mon, but could she really say this as the truth if she was going to marry Kirk one day?

Soon, an overwhelming feeling of emotions took over her. She felt love, passion, lust, friendship and appreciation all for one person:

"Mon... "  she repeatedly quietly over and over. Soon, she was riding her fingers hard, desperate to get off. She felt her walls tightening, nearing her release when she heard Mon say,

"Good. Now stop, I don't want you to get off just yet. I want to be the one who makes you come."

A disgruntled sigh came out of Sam's mouth. "But I'm so close, Mon."

"Wouldn't it feel so much better with me?" Mon asked. She had also stopped touching herself and was lying in bed with a flushed face. "I'm waiting for you too."

Mon was feeling possessive, this was the only thing she had right now to feel in control of their situation. How long could this secret between them last? She wasn't even sure how sustainable this relationship and all the promises Sam had been making actually was. Sam had told her the first time they were together that she would break things off with Kirk, but it was never the right time. While both women hated what Kirk represented, Mon saw him as a friend that she didn't want to hurt. But no, tonight, she needed to feel close to Sam.

Sam reluctantly took her fingers out; Mon was right. Orgasms were better when they did it together. Sam looked at her hand, shocked by how wet she was. She had completely ruined her underwear with so much wetness, she had to check to make sure that her pants weren't ruined as well. Luckily they weren't. She made sure to wash her hands thoroughly. For some reason she was paranoid the other two might smell her.

"Don't touch yourself. I'm coming home right now. I'll see you in a few minutes," Sam said as she tried to put her clothes back to a presentable state. Her hair was disheveled and make-up was a little messy, but she tidied up quickly while Mon giggled watching her. "See you soon, teerak. Love you."

"Love you." The younger woman was giggling uncontrollably at Sam's state but they both hung up, expecting to see each other soon.

When Sam felt satisfied that she looked presentable enough, she left the bathroom and went back to the dining room.

"Are you OK? You were in there for a really long time and you're all red." Kirk asked, looking concerned. He got up to put a hand on her forehead to check her temperature. Sam recoiled immediately and feigned a headache.

"I'm so sorry grandmother, I'm not feeling well. I think Kirk was right, I overworked myself this week. I'm sorry, it won't happen again."

The grandmother stood up. "See, if you had just left all this business work to Kirk, then you wouldn't have to be this stressed out and you could just concentrate on raising your children." She chided.

Sam bit her tongue, as she always did with her grandmother. Just as she thought, all her grandmother seemed to care about was providing her some grandchildren and making sure that Sam married someone of equal social stature. Sam knew her happiness was with Mon, but it just felt like nothing in her future was up to her and she felt so helpless. Dejected, she went to the table and got her purse before bowing and apologizing again.

"I'll drive you home." Kirk said as he led her out by the arm. Sam, as usual, had no choice but to follow along with what was expected of her even though it was against her will; she let Kirk take her outside.

As soon as they got outdoors, Sam separated herself from her fiance. It was raining pretty hard by now and Kirk looked at her as if she was going to fall over at any moment. Sam saw a brief flash of anguish in his eyes, like he was afraid he was losing her. However, just as quickly as it appeared, Kirk caught himself and put on his usual charming smile. It made Sam feel angry, she couldn't just be free to say she was never his to begin with. She never wanted this in her life. Kirk was always just a friend to her. He came from a reputable family and had a good background, and sure they got along when they were young, so grandmother approved of him but Sam did not love him. She thought she would at least develop feelings for him over the years, but it never happened. She never even developed the urge to kiss the guy. Kirk was once a friend to her, but now he represented the lack of freedom in her life to the point where she couldn't interact with him without feeling resentful anymore.

"Careful, Sam!" He said, attempting to grab her again.

"Actually, I think I'll be OK to drive myself. You should just go straight home, I'm sure you're tired from work too." She said matter-of-factly, dodging his attempts to grab her arm.

"What Sam? It's raining so much, I better drive -"

Before he could even finish his sentence, Sam got in Miss Duan Pen and locked the door. She waved briefly to him and drove off, acting as if she never heard him speaking.

Kirk stood there looking dumbfounded, but he had grown accustomed to Sam's cold nature, in fact, oftentimes he found it charming. But he had hoped that they would at least have shared a kiss by now. However, he really did love Sam and he was willing to wait until she was ready. She was worth it to him. Her aloof behavior tonight was just her. That's just her personality . He told himself before he hurriedly got in his car to get out of the rain.

The traffic was heavy, but Sam was able to maneuver through it relatively easy, even in the rain. When she got to her house, the heavy gate opened and she parked Miss Duan Pan and grabbed her purse from the passenger seat. The gate closed securely behind her as Sam made her way past the pool to the glass entrance of her house where she saw Mon standing by the open doors - still only in her white dress shirt. Mon's hair was tousled and she had the tip of her index finger in her mouth and a seductive look on her face, as she stood there waiting for Sam to come in. The older woman rushed inside, though she was already quite soaked from the rain.

She tracked a bit of water in with her and slammed the large doors shut, dropping her purse to the ground. Both women looked at each other lustfully and without a word, Mon's lips crashed into Sam's. Sam slipped her tongue into Mon's mouth, causing the younger woman to moan. Mon's hands roamed all over Sam's wet hair, down her body, opening up her cape blazer again and letting it fall to the floor. It wasn't long before Sam felt Mon's fingers undoing the button of her pants. Their lips parted and Sam looked into Mon's eyes as the younger woman let her slacks and underwear fall down to her ankles. Sam swiftly kicked off her heels and took the rest of the pants off so that she was now left wearing only the very see-through white bustier.

Neither of them uttered a sound and the only thing that could be heard was the pouring rain from outside. A tacit understanding between the two was clear and Mon slowly sank to her knees, being very careful not to hurt her ankle on the way down. With a gentle push, she pressed Sam up against the glass entrance and kissed her most intimate part, causing the older woman to sigh.

Mon could see how wet Sam still was from their phone sex earlier and she was eager to follow through with her promise to make her come first. Not wasting anymore time, she took Sam's swollen nub and started licking at it eagerly.

Sam's bare butt cheeks were pressed up against the glass door and while she knew no one could see her since her house was gated, it gave her a rush to feel like someone could see them like this.

"Ahhh... Mon..." she muttered, breaking the silence. She looked down to make eye contact with the younger woman, who was enthusiastically sucking and licking her clit while looking at her. Sam cursed under her breath, throwing her head back in pleasure.

Mon slowly slipped a finger into Sam's heat, causing the older woman to purr. Sam grabbed Mon's hair and pushed her face deeper into her core, humping Mon's tongue. The younger woman allowed Sam to direct where she wanted the most attention and in no time, Sam was lifting a leg into the air to give her girlfriend more access.

Taking the hint, Mon inserted a second finger immediately followed by a third when she realized the amount of slick there was would allow it. The glass on the door squeaked as Sam leaned heavily against it, using it to grind deeper onto Mon as she rode her face. Her eyes fluttered, as she felt Mon use her fingers to fill her up, and completely remove herself over and over, occasionally pausing to watch Sam's open pussy contracting as it begged for her to re-enter.

"F-fuck... I'm close, baby." Sam whimpered as she pulled Mon's hair back so that she was looking up at her. The younger woman stroked Sam's G spot expertly and soon she grunted passionately as a stream of wetness flowed out of her, filling Mon's mouth. Sam lost all control, her face contorted and mouth opened wide as she felt her orgasm rip through every part of her body. She felt Mon's strong arms hold her up as her knees buckled. When she was stable again, She took Mon's fingers out of herself before helping the younger woman stand up, still treating her delicately as she did when she had a cast on. Sam gave Mon a deep kiss, feeling her own wetness on Mon's lips and chin. A string of saliva mixed with Sam's slick formed between them when they parted lips. Mon kissed the sensitive spot on Sam's neck.

Attentively, Sam guided Mon to where she stood seconds ago, this time with Mon facing the glass door. She turned her lover's face so she could give her a passionate kiss and then pulled her back a bit. Sam placed her right hand against the back of Mon's head so that her face pressed lightly against the glass as she was bent over. She lifted Mon's weak leg and wrapped it around her waist, using her left arm to keep it in place. She could already hear Mon mewling in anticipation.

Moving her right hand, Sam slowly peeled back the portion of Mon's shirt that covered her shoulders. She lovingly kissed the skin there as she reached around Mon's hip to find her clit. The relaxing sounds of the rain pouring from outside met with the salacious sounds on Mon's wetness as Sam rubbed her clit before plunging two fingers inside of her.

The younger woman turned her half exposed torso so that she was able to make eye contact with her lover. She didn't know why she did it, but Mom grabbed the strap of Sam's bustier and tugged on it, ripping the delicate fabric open as she was being fucked from behind. Neither of them broke eye contact as lustful sounds escaped both of their lips.

"Ah... Khun Sam..." she mewled. After a while, Sam's left arm got tired and she tenderly put Mon's leg back on the ground and wrapped her own leg around Mon's from behind as she continued to pleasure her, kissing her neck. "Ah....ah.."

Sam used her left hand, pushing Mon to bend over more causing her to press harder onto the glass while she was fucking her. She pulled her hair back so that Mon was able to make eye contact with her as she stood straight up behind her.

"Oh my God, Sam!" Mon cried into the glass. Her dress shirt was practically falling off of her, exposing her upper back and perky breasts. Mon watched the traffic as it drove by their house, the drivers completely oblivious to the lewd scene just behind Sam's large gate.

Not wanting Mon to bear a lot of weight on her ankle for long, Sam tenderly withdrew from Mon. The latter let out an exasperated sob, waving her ass around desperately trying to find Sam's fingers again. She felt Sam pull her back gently, taking both of Mon's hands in her palms and leading her to the couch.

Letting the rest of Mon's white shirt slide onto the floor, Sam took off what remained of her own top and helped her girlfriend lie on the couch. Sam crawled up on top of Mon. She was taken by surprise when her younger girlfriend suddenly grabbed her and pushed her onto her back, switching places with her so that Mon was now on top.

Delicately, Mon slid herself up so that her wet core was now directly in Sam's face.

"Teerak, please... eat me."

Sam was more than happy to comply at this point. She grabbed onto her girlfriend's butt cheeks and held her stable as she stuck her face in Mon's freshly shaved pussy and breathed in her scent. Sam flattened her tongue and ran it all along Mon's slit several times while the other woman begged for more. Mon bucked her hips, wanting to feel her lover deep inside of her. Sam moaned as she tasted Mon, sending small vibrations through her clit.

Mon's wetness coated her tongue and Sam loved every second of it. She expertly alternated between licking, kissing and sucking on Mon's labia and clit, before taking a deep breath and extending her tongue as deep as she could into Mon's center. The younger woman gasped as she straightened her back and rolled her own nipples between her fingers. Her screams of passion echoed throughout the house; the tropical raindrops outside have now become a white background noise to them. Sam slid two fingers inside of her, fucking her nice and deep. Gradually, Mon's pleasure rose to a crescendo and she came hard in what felt like slow motion.

Mon could feel every moment of her orgasm clearly. She cried out Sam's name along with a few expletives as she pressed her pussy harder onto Sam's mouth. She heard the older woman groan underneath her before her body collapsed beside Sam's; Mon was spent.

After spending a few moments with her face tenderly kissing her girlfriend's cunt, Sam climbed up to lie beside Mon. The younger woman was still in a daze, looking at Sam with lovesick bedroom eyes. They both stayed there, looking deep into each other's soul. Not a word needed to be said; they felt everything in their hearts. Unexpectedly, tears started trickling down Mon's face.

"What's the matter, tua?" Sam asked, looking concerned. She hated seeing Mon cry even though she knew she was responsible for many crying sessions the other woman had not too long ago, but that was before they got together.

"It's.... Nothing..."

"Mon." Sam said sternly but gently, in a way that let Mon know she saw right through her.

"I... it's just that I..." She didn't know where to start.

"Teerak, tell me?" Sam rubbed her thumb on Mon's arm reassuringly.

"I don't know if I can bear to watch you marry Mr. Kirk..."

Sam's face grew serious and she let out a sigh. She knew it would be time to have this conversation again since she had told Mon that when they made love for the first time, she would break up with him.

"I can't bear to marry him, either. You're right. It's been long enough. I should tell him." Sam was annoyed that she had to even go through with the difficult task of breaking up with him in the first place when, in her mind, she never even consented to entering a relationship with him. Yet somehow here they were in some kind of situation where "they" were planning their wedding. Everything had been planned out since she was a child. She never expected she would fall in love with the little girl she had saved from a car accident when they were kids. Now she had to figure out a way to tell him that everything he's ever known about their relationship is a sham as well as deal with her homophobic grandmother's wrath at the same time.

"I feel sorry for Mr. Kirk. He has always treated me well... like a younger sister." Mon said, looking far off into the distance.

"He'll be fine." Sam said, though she couldn't be sure that he would be. She really didn't want to ruin the moment by thinking of him. For a moment, Sam's mind turned to her grandmother, the person who decided she would marry Kirk in the first place. Somehow, the idea of confronting both Kirk and her grandmother was too overwhelming to consider so she put it out of her mind for the moment

"Anyways, why are we talking about him in bed?" She slowly climbed on top of Mon again, this time positioning herself so that she was nestled between Mon's open legs, her heat resting on Mon's. She could still feel the residual wetness from both of their earlier orgasms.

"Didn't I tell you that we belong to each other?" She leaned down to kiss her girlfriend lovingly to reassure her. After everything they've been through, after Sam screwed up time and time again by not putting Mon first, she could see if the other woman didn't find those words believable. From this moment onwards, she swore she would make sure the younger woman knew how much Sam cared about her.

She slowly started moving her hips, their clits rubbing indirectly onto each other. Their bodies moved in rhythm together.

"Mon... I love you...I love everything about you. I don't think I could ever stop loving you." She leaned down to plant kisses all over the younger woman's face. "I love you, I love you...", she repeated over and over, hoping it would get through to her.

"Khun Sam... ah.... I want us to come together."

They were so close that their noses were touching. They felt their hot breaths on each other's face as they made love, whispering loving words into each other's ear. Dewy from the combination of their sweat and come mixed together, their bodies were both still very sensitive from their earlier orgasms.

Neither of them had ever felt this close to anyone, both physically and emotionally.

Their moans gradually got louder.

"Mmm!... Teerak..."

"Ahh... Does it feel good?" Sam asked tenderly, searching Mon's face.

The younger woman looked up at her with tearful eyes. The tears were no longer from loneliness, but they were tears of happiness and overwhelming love. She nodded her head shyly. Her cheeks were pink.

"Khun Sam... Ah... I'm almost there..." she whimpered softly.

"Wait for me." Sam ordered. She grinded her hips from side to side, chasing her second release of the night.

"Ohh... Darling... if you keep moving like this... I can't..."

Mon's lithe body tensed, her arms and legs wrapped tightly around Sam as she felt the throbbing of her clit get stronger and stronger until she couldn't take it anymore. She screamed into Sam's mouth, the other woman kissing her as she increased the speed of her hip movements.

Mon held on tightly to Sam's wet hair, she watched the older woman use her body to chase her own climax. She could feel that her lover was close. Losing herself, Mon stared at the woman above her. Mon studied Sam's face, the way it contorted when she touched a certain spot, her hoarse voice as she sighed her name. Mon wanted to hoard this memory, worried that Sam's grandmother had so much power over her that, as much as Sam didn't want to - she would eventually marry Kirk, have children and that would just be it. Mon wanted to at least have this moment.

"Fuck, Mon!" She felt Sam's weight fall on top of her body as she came, more wetness flowing from Sam onto her pussy. The two women kissed each other devotedly.

Mon brushed Sam's hair out of her face and playfully bit her nose.

"I love you too, my Chamcham. Always."


Sam's grandmother looked out the window at the pouring rain. Something about her granddaughter's behavior tonight disturbed her. The constant typing on her phone, being completely checked out of the planning of her own wedding. Perhaps Kirk was too much of a genuine person to see it, but she saw right through Sam's fake migraine today. They were the tell tale signs of someone else being in the picture.

She's having an affair, she thought. She needed to find out who Sam was cheating on Kirk with ASAP and get rid of him. Picking up her phone, she called one of her people.

"Make sure you follow her everywhere.  need to fix this issue right away."


In case you're wondering how Sam's grandmother ended up with stalker pics of her and Mon 🤭

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