Without a Wolf

By TellaAlvarez

11.2K 814 56

Gemini has successfully managed to hide herself in human society for the last three years. Without her wolf... More



605 48 1
By TellaAlvarez

When Emeric shook my hand, and he felt the power of the mate bond fly through his skin, I could see the conflict grow stronger in his eyes. After the moment was over, he withdrew his hand. He didn't say anything else as he gathered our finished dinner plates, the empty cups and the cutlery. He had gathered them all on the tray, and he walked towards the door. He wished me a good night, barely looking in my direction before leaving.

It didn't take me long after he left before I grew quite tired. I wondered how that was even possible, considering I had spent the last three days and nights of my life solidly asleep. It didn't seem to matter to my body, though. Maybe, I thought to myself before the darkness took me, the reason I had spent so long unconscious and recovering was because this bed was so damn comfortable.

The minutes before I fell asleep were spent thinking about Emeric. More specifically, his words. I thought about what he said, that I was losing my ability to heal myself. See, I had known that since my wolf abandoned me, I wasn't able to heal the way a werewolf usually does. While humans take days, weeks or even months to heal, wolves only take mere minutes. A deep cut, a broken bone... it didn't matter, the Moon Goddess blessed the wolves with fast acting healing.

But Emeric said I was healing less quickly and less efficiently than a human. The more I thought about that, the more it worried me. I figured that I was just becoming human, just becoming ordinary like I had hoped so long ago to be. I never imagined I could be less than ordinary.

Somewhere, in between my worried thoughts, I drifted into a deep sleep. It was a dreamless sleep, one that feels so short, but you can feel the long hours spent laying down in the stiffness of your muscles.

This time, when I woke up in the morning, I was only confused about my surroundings for a short moment. It wasn't like the last time I woke up in the bed, my mind desperately trying to put together clues. I knew where I was now. And after last night, I knew I would be spending my next six months here, too.

I took a deep breath as I sat up, pushing the white blankets away from my body. I had no expectations on how this day was supposed to go. I didn't know whether I would still be locked in this room.

Or even worse, maybe Emeric would be here soon to knock on my door.

And, as if I had guessed the timing perfectly, I heard the knob on my door begin to twist. I looked at it, guessing it was likely the Alpha, but I was surprised when the door opened, and someone else walked in, instead.

As the old woman entered the room, my eyes were immediately drawn to her. She moved with an otherworldly grace, as if she were gliding across the floor rather than walking. Her long, flowing robes were the color of deep, midnight blue, and were embroidered with intricate patterns that seemed to shimmer in the light. A long, silver chain dangled from her neck, with a small, glowing crystal suspended at its center.

As I gazed upon the wise old lady, I couldn't help but feel a sense of reverence wash over me. She looked to be in her seventies, with lines etched deeply into her face that spoke of a life filled with both joy and sorrow. But despite her age, there was a spark of magic in her eyes that made her seem ageless, as if time had no power over her.

As she approached me, there seemed to be no expression on her face as she peered at me. "Gemini," she greeted me, her voice like honey. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you."

I felt a shiver run down my spine as her gaze locked onto mine. There was something about her that was both comforting and intimidating at the same time. I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but I knew that she was more than she seemed.

"Who are you?" I asked, my voice sounding more timid than it usually does.

"I am Selene. I am a healer," she told me, her voice held a sense of serenity in it. She came close to me, looking at me intensely. "Where is your wolf?" She asked me, finally removing her eyes from my face, and scanning my body instead.

"What wolf?" I played dumb, even though I knew that she had already found out that my wolf was gone. But, still - the less they knew about me, the better.

"I have not seen this in many ages, and I have been around for many ages longer than that," she told me, and her voice was low as she spoke. It was barely above a whisper, yet I found myself hearing her with no problems.

I thought over her words. She's been around for many ages longer than that? I guess she looks pretty good for her age, then.

I didn't want to answer her. I didn't want to think about the way my wolf had abandoned me. I didn't want to explain why she did, either. Actually, it was more like I couldn't talk about why she had left. I couldn't let them know who I really was. The danger was too great.

I could feel Selene's gaze boring into me, her eyes seeming to see through every one of my thoughts and emotions. It was unnerving, to say the least.

"Where is your wolf?" Selene repeated her question, her voice taking a tone that was similar to an Alphas, commanding and almost impossible to disobey. Though, just like Emeric's Alpha tone, her order didn't work on me.

But as much as I wanted to resist her probing, I knew that I couldn't keep up the charade forever. Sooner or later, I would have to face the truth - not just about my missing wolf, but about myself as well.

"I don't know where my wolf is," I finally admitted, my voice barely above a whisper. "She's gone, and I don't know why."

Selene's expression softened, and I could see a hint of compassion in her eyes. "I'm sorry, my child," she said, placing a hand on my shoulder. "I can see that this is causing you great pain."

I felt a surge of emotion well up inside of me, and I had to fight to keep my composure. Selene may have been a powerful being, but she was also a kind one. And in that moment, I knew that I could trust her - at least, to a certain extent.

"She left me," I told the old woman, trying to disguise the emotion in my voice.

"I see," she muttered, her eyes once again sweeping over my body. She looked equally fascinated and worried by the idea that I was basically human now.

She looked at me as though she could read my mind, like she could see inside my mind. I looked away, as if hiding my eyes from her would erase this feeling.

"You don't want to be here?" She asked me, seemingly plucking the thought from my mind. Or, perhaps I was just transparent.

"Your Alpha didn't exactly ask when he brought me here," I told her, sighing. "I understand things have changed, I understand things are dangerous now. But I still feel like a prisoner, I've been in this room for days."

"Prisoner?" She asked me, scoffing the word. "You are no prisoner. The Alpha brought you here because you are his mate, and you were injured. He panicked as he watched you bleed. He waited, expecting for your wolf to heal you. When it became clear that you were not healing, he brought you here so I could heal you, where it was discovered that you are without a wolf," she explained, her voice monotone.

I didn't answer, I only stared back at her.

"You have experienced great pain, my child," she muttered again in that low tone, staring into my eyes. Her eyes were peculiar and I found myself holding her gaze. Her eyes betrayed her old age far more than the skin on her body did. At first glance they looked to be dark blue, but when the light shined on them, I realized they were actually violet.

"Haven't we all?" I muttered back, breaking our line of sight. I became annoyed, clenching my jaw tight. She knew nothing of my pain. This lady knew nothing about me.

"No," she said simply, and though I expected her to continue, she didn't.

We sat in silence for a few moments, the weight of our conversation heavy in the air. I couldn't help but feel a mixture of confusion and frustration. She seemed to know so much about me, yet she was a complete stranger. And in a way, that frightened me.

Finally, Selene spoke up again. "I understand that you feel trapped here, Gemini. But you must understand that the Alpha's actions were driven by his desire to protect you. The world outside these walls can be a dangerous place, especially for someone in your unique situation."

I sighed, knowing she was right, but it didn't make me feel any better about being stuck here. My unique situation, I thought bitterly. I suppose being a werewolf without a wolf, one who couldn't heal, and one who was being hunted by the most dangerous pack in our world would certainly constitute a unique situation.

"So, what happens now?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

Selene looked thoughtful for a moment before answering. "For now, you must focus on healing and adjusting to your new reality. It may be difficult, but it is necessary for your survival. In time, you will come to understand why you were brought here and why your wolf left you."

I nodded slowly, understanding that there was little else I could do but accept my situation. Selene's words, though cryptic, seemed to carry a deeper meaning, one that I was not yet able to comprehend.

"And once we understand why she left, hopefully, we'll be able to bring her back," Selene told me, and my head snapped up towards her.

"Do you think she'll come back?" I asked her, feeling hope swell inside me. Not a full feeling of hope, just a small one. But still, it was hope.

"Take heart, Gemini," Selene said softly, placing her hand on my shoulder once again. "You are not alone in this journey. You have the support of the pack, and the Alpha, whether you realize it or not. And you have me, should you ever need guidance or counsel."

Her words provided a small measure of comfort, and I found myself grateful for her presence. As much as I wanted to deny it, I knew that I would need her help, and the help of the pack, if I was ever going to understand the mysteries surrounding my missing wolf.

She smiled, her eyes warm and kind. "You are stronger than you know, my child. Trust in yourself, and you will find the answers you seek."

With that, Selene turned and left the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts once more. As I sat there, I couldn't help but wonder if I would ever be able to piece together the puzzle of my life and find the missing pieces that would make me whole again.

I slowly got out of the larger than normal sized bed, having to hop down to land on my feet. I thought over our deal from last night as I walked towards the ensuite bathroom. I stripped from the all white pajamas that I had changed into, and climbed into the glass shower, instead.

As I washed my hair and my body, I still thought of Emeric and his words. There was a small part of me that felt guilty. I had clearly misjudged him. Well, at least, from what he had shown me so far. I had assumed the worst of him. I had painted him as one of the terrible Alphas my mother used to warn me about.

So far, he seemed reasonable. Hell, he seemed kind. I wasn't sure, though. I wasn't sure how much it was of an act for my sake, to get me to stay here. Either way, I knew that staying here was the right thing to do. I wondered if he would follow through with the things he told me he would do. The blood oath, in particular.

When my skin felt fresh and clean, I turned off the tap and stepped out of the shower. I spent some time getting ready. I picked through the beauty products that had been left for me, leisurely reading and applying each one. It was clear to me that whoever had purchased them had spared no expense. It was much different than the quality of products I had at home. Well, I suppose my old home.

I had less options to choose from when I reached the closet. I picked from the few things there were for me to pick from. Ending up deciding on the white knit pants, and the matching white tank top.

When I reached the door, I paused. I had no idea what lay outside this room. Hell, I didn't even know if the door would be unlocked. I had no idea of the people that lived here, or of the pack that Emeric led. I had no idea if they were cruel wolves, or if they were nice. I didn't know if there would be twenty of them, or two thousand.

My fingers traced the doorknob, hesitating as I considered my options. For a moment, I wondered if I'd prefer the door to be locked. Perhaps it would be better to spend another day in the safety of this room, away from the unknown.

Fear was holding me back. I hadn't been around a pack in so long, not since the day before everything changed. It had been three long years since I last interacted with any wolves. It felt like a lifetime ago.

I knew it was time to rejoin a pack, to dive back into the world I had left behind and promised never to return to. I had a deal to uphold, after all. It was just six months. What could go wrong in such a short time?

Little did I know, so much could go wrong in just six months.

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