Death Alley

By emalynn746

622 27 26

Having everyday problems is hard. Having severe problems are suffocating. But what more of a problem can you... More

chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter Fifteen
chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty-one
Chapter twenty-two
Chapter twenty-three
Chapter twenty-four
Chapter twenty-five
Chapter twenty-six
Chapter Twenty-seven
Chapter Twenty-eight
Chapter Thirty

Chapter twenty-nine

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By emalynn746

Hank was kept in a tent at all times, with someone always at its entrance, a guard to ensure no escape. The tent that served as his cell was small, and was primarily held up with a large wooden pole in its center which was what Hank was bound to. His puffy wrists were tied to it, so he could barely move.

I knew not what they were planning to do with him, if anything, but whatever it was, I hoped it was excruciating. He was a pedophile and deserved all the pain in the world, not a clean death. Oh, how I loathed him.

I sat next to Brian while he slept, gently stroking his hair. I examined his wounds, which were becoming enflamed with pus growing out of them. Concerned, I stood to look for the "doctor."

The small Asian woman was finally found. I tapped on her shoulder.

The woman turned to me with inquiring eyes. "Yes?"

"How is he?" I ask bluntly. "Brian's wounds are getting worse."

"Brian? Hmmmm..." Since the woman had so many patients, she has to think for a moment. "Oh, red hair."

I nod. "How is he?"

"Come with. Quickly." The Asian woman motions for me to follow.

Once we arrived at Brian's tent, she elderly 'doctor' laid her hands on Brian's torso. "See here?" She points to his wounds. "Infection. Not good."

"How can we help?" I ask, my lower lip quivering.

"Keep clean," the oriental woman answered. "Wash him often. Not much to do."

"Okay..." I say somberly.

The "doctor" patted my hand. "It okay, child." With that, the oriental woman left to attend other matters.

"What's wrong?" Brian's voice startled me.

"Oh," I say. "You're awake."

"Yeah," Brian yawned.

I held my breath, trying to fight back my tears. "Sleep well?" I couldn't help it. My eyes flooded, and a waterfall cascaded down my cheeks.

"Bailey come here. Sh sh it's okay." Brian did his best to hush me, but I couldn't keep quiet.

I stepped closer to him, my head limp on my shoulders and my black and Purple Hair, which was growing with my blond roots poking through, laid over my face. I couldn't deal with it. I couldn't.

Brian rubbed my back soothingly, despite how much it hurt. He grunted as he struggled to place his hand on me.

"Stop." I looked up at him. "I don't want you to be in pain."

"It hurts more for me not being able to help you. I love you." Brian gave me a sad smile.

"I love you to. I can't lose you." I sobbed softly in my hands.

Brian kept caressing my back. "It's okay, Bailey. It's okay."

"No it isn't!" I screamed. "None of this is okay!" I backed from him. "The only good thing in my life is dying, the others who helped me are probably in jail, my best friend is gone for good, my sweet Skai almost got raped, and we are still here Brian! We can't live a normal life. We would get sucked away in Death Alley if we do!" I fell to my knees, a stream of tears falling to the floor.

"Bailey... Ouch!" Brian tried to stand, crawling out of the bed inch my inch.

"No, no," I said shakily. "Get in bed. No you aren't well."

"You need me. Let me come."

"No!" I screamed. "Get into bed!"

I ran up to him and held his weak arms tightly, preventing him from venturing from his bed any further. "Lye down," I demanded.

Brian was unable to struggle, so he gave up quickly. After I felt his muscles slack, I helped him back to his resting position.

I wheezed, for my sobbing kept me from breathing properly. I whipped away my tears and looked at him, hopelessness consuming me. "I am nothing without you."

"You are everything," Brian said. "You are strong. I know you are. Everyone thinks so, everyone except you."

"I can be for everyone except myself," I stated frankly. "I've noticed that in the past few months."

"That's what makes you amazing."

I kept Skai with me the majority of of the time, making sure that no one touched her like Hank did. Although, Inga watched her when I couldn't, I I had a duty to complete or if I needed some alone time with Brian.

Surprisingly enough, Inga was good with children, at least with Skai. As stern as she was, she understood children and children understood her. Inga was a natural leader, children were natural followers. It worked out perfectly. Besides, Skai thought Inga was hilarious.

"You are zhe stubborn little brat, aren't you?" Inga joked with her.

Skai giggled and shook her head as she hid behind a tree. "No," she chirped.

"I vill get you, child." Inga then ran behind the tree too fast for the black child to escape. She commenced to tickle Skai who was squirming in her arms.

"Alright you two," I laughed. Don't play too hard."

Skai made a pouting face, and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Do you want to visit Brian?" I ask her sweetly.

"Bre-en!" She yells in excitement.

"Okay then. Come on," I tell Skai, waving for her to follow.

"Vait, Bailey." Inga steps up.

I turn around nervously. "Yes?"

"Hank will be punished tonight at midnight. I need to tell you vat vi vill be doing."

I glanced at Skai, who grimaces at the mention of Hank's name. I held her close. "It's gonna be okay," I whispered "He can't hurt you anymore."

Inga pierces me with her eyes. "Eet eez important."

"Well go on, say it," I demand, worried.

"Vi vill damn him to Death Alley," Inga states, matter of factly. "Zhere he vill get vat he deserves."

I stay silent for a moment, deep in thought. I completely agree with her, that he deserves damnation, but something keeps buzzing around in the back of my mind.

"Inga, may I ask you something?" I ask.

"I supposed," Inga replied.

"Why haven't you done that earlier?" I inquire. "You knew we was like that."

"Here eez a place of redemption," Inga answers. "No matter vat anyone has done here, zhey get a second chance. Hank took advantage of zhat courtesy. So, he vill pay."

I nod. "I hope they hurt him."

"Vell, he deedn't just keel, he raped and everyzhing else. I doubt the viszla vill have mercy on him."

"Good," I whisper, gazing back at Skai. "I swear no one will touch this girl and harm her ever again."

Inga shot me a half smile. "You are a bear, comrade. You vill go far viff zhat protective nature of yours."

"Bre-en," Skai reminds me.

"Okay okay," I give in. "Let's go see him."

I peered into his tent to see that he was still asleep, which was odd since it was mid-afternoon. I silently shush Skai.

Skai nods and tiptoes next to his bed. She cocks her little head and points to the stitches. "Ba kyau," she whispers to me.

"It isn't good.." I utter back.

Skai gets a somber look in her eyes, the kind of look where you can feel how she feels just by looking at her. My heart ached just looking at her.

Softly, Skai kissed Brian on his cheek. "Ina son ku," she sniffs.

I never understand when she speaks in her native language, but her eyes tell the whole story. I can't translate it into words, but somehow I understand her, and she understands me. It's such a connection between us, and our level of understanding only symbolizes it.

Also, I adored how Skai picked up what I say so quickly. She knows names and small words, which is extraordinary since I didn't just sit down and teach her. She knew all on her own. I sensed an intelligent mind in the young child.

I patted Skai on her tiny shoulder and faked a smile. "I know," I choked out. I felt tears in my eyes, but I held them back for her. I stayed strong for her.

After that, we exited the tent, though our love and compassion stayed with him, for he was in our hearts. Brian was always with us in love.

Skai's dark hand was in mine as we walked through the camp ground. It was silent, heavy. We both knew the pain of each other. One knew that the other was melancholy, yet there was no words. It isn't that we didn't want to comfort the other, but the words just couldn't come out. So, we embraced each other and held each other near instead.

"Bailey! You haff a job to do!" Inga broke the silence.

"What is it?..." My voice was weak, but not incapable.

"Go to my tent," Inga ordered as she drew near. "Get a vile viff a dark green liquid eenside. I need eet for tonight."

"What's happening tonight?" I asked.

"Zhe damnation of the sinner."

I knew she was talking about Hank. With no further questions, I spun on my heels towards Inga's tent. "Can you watch Skai?" I called back.

"I haff ozher preparations," Inga replied. "I vill get zhe guards to look after her."

I gave her a thumbs up while I kept storming across camp. I needed to get this one done, the first step to giving Hank what he deserved. Anger filled me, and vengeance was the first thing on my mind.

It was no time before I reached Inga's tent. I charged in like a raging bull, in search for the vile. Oddly enough, everything was perfectly organized, so finding it was no trouble. I snatched it off of a log used as a bedside table with triumph.

However, just as I turned to leave, something queer caught my eye, something protruding out of Inga's pillow case.

I stepped closer, only to notice that it was indeed an old book, a leather cover that I did not recognize. Was Inga hiding this from everyone?

I snatched it from the pillow case and read the spine carefully, and what this book was for was quite obvious. Rage filled me as I made out each word.

It read: How to Escape from Death Alley

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