Shadow Surge x Avengers | Ave...

By UnacknowledgedSecret

960 38 4

When a young female girl named Cassian gets in a sticky situation, she tries to text a friend she hasn't talk... More



235 7 1
By UnacknowledgedSecret

Cassian ran through an alleyway to get home quickly, so she wouldn't get in trouble by her 'father.' If you can even call him that. He abused her so much! Her 'mother' joined in at some points, but she could handle her 'mother's' beatings.

While taking a turn, she saw Hydra agents. Hydra was after her for three years now. She escaped from their grasp three years ago and they wanted her back.

There were three agents. They each had an Altered Blade. That's what everyone knew them as. They were all scared of Hydra agents with an Altered Blade. If an agent was threatening someone with an Altered Blade, then that person would comply. Altered Blades were coated in poison, and are very deadly.

The three agents had noticed Cassian. Cassian saw as they approached her. She held her hands out towards them as they were engulfed in electricity. She twirled them around and shot a ball of electricity towards them. It knocked out two of them. She did it again to the last one, but the last one had stabbed two of the Altered Blades into her. One on the leg and the other in her stomach.

She quickly ran to a rooftop. It was her favorite one. She pulled out her phone from her schoolbag and texted someone. She was too dizzy to see who it was.


Hello, this is not Ashley

Oh shiiiit
sorry dude

That's okay
What are you up to?

Dieing hbu?

Exscuse me, but WHAT

Sorry, I didn't want to burden you

Few questions before we get started.
1. What is your name?
2. Your age?
3. What's happening?
4. Where do you live?

Cool, I'll do the same
1. Stranger Danger! Aint giving that away
What is your name?
2. 15
3. Got stabbed two times with an altered blade
4. Aint giving that away

1. Good point.
I won't give mine because you won't give me yours
2. You're a kid! Still in school!
I'm in my fifties
4. Point taken

Whatever, Hydra stabbed me dipshit and I was walking.


Physically No, mentally yes


Because I'm just that smart
I am going to go before I pass out


Cassian pulled out the knives and cleaned out the cut. She next got some activated charcoal so it would clean out the cut.

She was getting spammed by the stranger at the same time. She ignored him, the main problem was, she had to go on patrol. She needed to. She is the Shadow Surge. A lot of people know her because she's saved them.

She changed into her suit. She had a suit like Spiderman's, well kind of. The material, colors, and design is different, but the mask is kind of the same. She had the similar webs too. They were stronger, fireproof, waterproof, stickier, and they worked very well with her electricity powers.

She wanted swing around town. It was her favorite thing to do. She lived on a rooftop because her parents kicked her out in a text message she just got because she was late. She didn't know why, but she was happy that they did.

There was a noise. Someone was behind her and she didn't know who. She wasn't scared because she knew she could beat them up if they were trouble.

She quickly turned around to see Spiderman holding his hands up in the air. "May I sit with you?" He asked. Cassian nodded and watched as he came and sat right next to her.

"I'm Spiderman, who are you?" He asked. He looked right at her and she looked right back.

"Shadow Surge. You can call me Shadow." She said. Spiderman chuckled.

"We're doing nicknames now? You can call me Spidey then." Shadow/Cassian chuckled back and they looked into the distance.

"You're so cool! Your suit colors too! Do you also have webbing?" Spidey was shooting questions left and right. Looks like they were becoming good friends.

"Thank you, the mask was taken from you though. You're really cool and awesome! Yes, I also have webbing." She responded with. Her webbing was inside her though. That was also because of Hydra. They had experimented another experiment that they thought hadn't worked.

Time passed, it was now 3 a.m. Spidey and Shadow were best friends. They decided to play some tag. Web style. They played Web Tag, which is what they named it, for another thrity minutes.

They talked about their webbings and their unique powers. Shadow told him about her electricity powers which he was super impressed by.

They went around the city saving many people. Photographers were all gathered where they were. They were taking photos. That didn't matter though. None of that mattered.

What mattered was the robbery that was happening right there and then. It was just the two of them against the twenty robbers. They snuck behind a car, the best plan they came up with was attack.

They attacked. Fighting off every robber. Odd thing was, they had a logo. A familiar logo to Cassian.  She ignored it until she realized where they were. They were at a scientific research center.

After moments, Shadow and Spidey were back to back. "Spidey! Big problemo! These people are fucking Hydra! Logo! Look!" Shadow whispered slash yelled into his ear.

Spidey looked around at all of the agents that were surrounding them. "You're right... Full out.." Spidey said sadly.

"Copy that. Also, that means I'm killing." Shadow added. Spidey was upset at this, but it was Hydra. They were ruthless.

Before literally anyone could react, even Spidey, Shadow knocked a gun out of an agent's hand and shot ten of of them. She killed them in seconds.

Spidey swung around and knocked out a bunch of agents. There was a gunshot and he turned to see Shadow having a gun off with three agents. That wasn't fair, but he was busy with the other three.

He quickly finished the three agents and watched the end of the gun battle. Shadow got shot three times total, but killed all the agents. He saw the small hole through the fabric of her suit. He saw her bloody body where she was shot.

He quickly ran over right as the Avengers came. They stared at Spidey and Shadow. They stood together and stared at the Avengers. Well... That was until Iron Man broke it.

"Huh... Who are you people?" Iron Man asked with the rest of the Avengers backing up. Shadow and Spidey both looked at each other and then Iron Man, or Tony if you prefer that.

They nodded their heads and ran. They also swung back to the rooftop when they noticed they had lost the Avengers.

Once they were on the rooftop, they fell to the ground hysterically laughing. They just outran the Avengers. Who would have guessed? They outran the best superheroes in the world! They continued laughing until Spidey had to go home. They said their goodbyes and went their seperate ways.

Helloooooooooo Stranger!!!

Are you drunk?



Am I interrupting anything?

Nah, need help again?

How'd you know?

Lucky guess

I think I can manage if I don't pass out

What happened?

Got shot three times.
Nothing huge


Anyway, gtg ttyl

You better text me back

How could I not?
You're my second best friend!

We met like not too long ago

Perks of being one of my two friends

You're lonely

Yeah yeah
what should I call you before I go?


That's my title!
Plus if you were a genius, you would be able to get through my firewall

you drink coffee?


your nickname is Energetic Kid

??? renamed ??? to Energetic Kid
Energetic Kid renamed ??? to Genius

I thought that was your title?

Energetic Kid
It is, but you still a genius for thinking of my name.
I'm just the bigger genius for making a better firewall.
Anyway gtg take out some bullets

This made Tony laugh. The kid had a point. He still couldn't get through their firewall, it was far too complicated. Even Friday couldn't get through it.

Clint looked at Tony. Nowadays Tony was on his phone smiling. It was very odd. He was also much happier even when they failed.

When Tony got up and went to the bathroom, Clint ran over and stole his phone. He quickly unlocked it and took the most recent number off of it.

Clint carefully placed the phone back where it was and crawled into a vent. He typed in the number. He read the last few messages so he knew they weren't going to respond right away, but to his surprise, they did.


Energetic Kid
Who dis?

I'm Genius's friend

Energetic Kid
What shall your name be?


Energetic Kid named ??? Archer


Energetic Kid
Np, gotta text Genius back tho


Energetic Kid
Cuz I told him I would smart guy

Hehe oki dont tell him bout me cuz I stole his phone without him knowing

Energetic Kid
Dont worry! I wont let him hurt you

Ty but I still scared

Energetic Kid
I promise. If he touches one hair on your head...


Energetic Kid

You a lil violent

Energetic Kid

Clint had to admit, the kid was very fun. Even he smiled at their texts. Of course he had no idea who this was, he still felt something with them. He couldn't explain, but as far as he knew, they were best friends.

Energetic Kid

Welcome back

Energetic Kid
I'm not deeeeeeeeaaaaaad

Congratulations! 🎉🎈🍾🎊

Energetic Kid
Yummy alcohol!

You're underage

Energetic Kid
Too bad

I swear if you drink some I will find a way to you and bring you home with me.

Energetic Kid
Well now I definitely am going to do that!


Energetic Kid
Me parents kicked me out of the house so I don't see them anymore


Energetic Kid
A few days ago or smth like that

Where are you, I'm coming to pick you up

Energetic Kid
Not yet! I tell you whens

It's a cocktail!
It very yummy 😋


Energetic Kid

Nuh uh!
You are drinking underage!!!!
And you are alone!

Energetic Kid
I am fine!!!!
It was one sip!

Energetic Kid Created Chat
Genius was added
Archer was added

Energetic Kid
Archer, do you think I am allowed to have one sip of a cocktail?

How do you know him?

I stole his number while you were in the bathroom.
And how old are you?

Energetic Kid

So you're male?

Energetic Kid
I never said that. I didn't say anything about my gender, I simply ignored it.

I think it's fine that they had a sip of a cocktail

Energetic Kid
Ty for using they

I hate you both

Energetic Kid


I'm sorry, I didn't mean it

Energetic Kid

There there

Energetic Kid
Bye you two!
Ima go!

Goodbye and goodnight

Yeah, Goodnight and Goodbye

Energetic Kid
Night nights!

Cassian grabbed her stuff and got ready. Spidey said that he would come over so they could talk, have fun, and patrol.

It was a good 21 minutes until Spidey arrived. They did a patrol loop which went by fastly due to the fact there was no trouble.

They went back to the rooftop and started to talk. They got along greatly. They trusted each other with their life which was not an exaggeration.

"Spidey... Can I tell you something?" Shadow said after a long moment of silence.

"Yeah, go right ahead." Spidey was a little concerned by Shadow's tone, but he trusted her.

"You have to promise not to tell anyone." Shadow said looking at him right in the eyes. Of course he couldn't see her real eyes because they were wearing their masks.

Spidey nodded so Shadow started to speak. Spidey listened closely as she said the most shocking words ever.

"I'm not from this planet... The myth about the planet called Xandari is real. That is my home planet and I am the daughter of the queen from there." Shadow looked down as she said it. It was like she was ashamed.

"Wait wait wait! Are you human or alien?" That was the only thing on Spidey's mind. Shadow laughed at his first words, but still answered truthfully.

"Don't worry, I'm human." Shadow said with a chuckle which made Peter chuckle. She told him all about her wonderful planet.

She told him about the plentiful waterfalls, ponds, lakes, and animals. How all of the waterfalls flowed peacefully and sparkled in the light. The light bouncing off and making wonderful reflections.

She told him about the castles, the army there, and the knights. Spidey was surprised on how happy she looked when she talked about it. Anything mentioned about the castle made her put on a fake smile. Spidey knew this. She looked genuinely happy when she talked about the nature or the army there.

She pulled out a necklace with a mixed colored stong hooked up to it. It was like a case holding magic that was orange, green, and red. All of the colors swirled inside. He soon learned that it was more of her magic. She was given it by someone when she was young.

Later on in the night, they decided to go on another patrol. It was a quiet night that night. Quiet nights are the best because no one gets hurt, but sometimes they both wish that there could be a little action like a lightpost falling.

Avengers Pov:

The Avengers, however, were in a meeting with Nick Fury. They all didn't want to be there, but they had to be there. It was mandatory.

"Listen up crew. We need information about these two superheroes. A name, age, anything will be good. They are strong which is why we want to recruit them, but we need information first." They all nodded in agreement.

There was many of them so they decided to send just a few of them to try and get information. Steve, Pietro, Nat, and Clint. That would be enough.

"They were spotted sitting on a clothe's store rooftop. The store is closed, but please do try your best to not scratch it." Fury stated as he walked out.

The four going on the mission suited up and headed out walking to the location. It was a nice breezy night for a small talk.

Spidey and Shadow's Pov:

Shadow and Spidey were just talking on top of a rooftop making sure nothing bad happened when they both heard footsteps. They turned to see four of the Avengers staring at them. Shadow waved which made Spidey laugh.

"Look, we want no trouble." Nat started off with. Both Spidey and Shadow stared wide eyed at them. The suit eyes showed it. Shadow made a sassy reply as she always did.

"Then why'd you dress up expecting some?" Spidey laughed again and high fived Shadow. Shadow looked genuinely confused, but didn't leave him hanging.

"We just want to know your names and ages." Steve said with confidence. The two teens fell to the ground laughing and said 'No!' at the same time, then getting up.

"Then we'll have to do this the hard way." Clint said pitching in. The four Avengers split up. Clint was with Pietro while Nat and Steve were together.

Spiderman looked at Shadow Surge as they bothed shrugged. Spidey took the side with Hawkeye and Quicksilver while Shadow took Black Widow and Captain America.

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