Steve advanced first. He threw a punch to the stomach, but missed. Shadow did a back handspring and then swiped down at his legs. He fell to the ground banging his head on metal.

He quickly got up again to a blow to the jaw. He heard a crack. Shadow and Nat heard it too. Steve held his jaw as he threw a kick to the head, but missed once again.

Shadow ducked at the kick to the head and kicked Steve on his side. Steve fell to the ground again with a loud thud. Once again hitting his head on the metal pole. He fell unconscious.

Pietro decided he would try first. He started to run circles around Spidey cutting off his air supply. Spidey got panicked and gasped for air. That's when Pietro stopped and walked up to Spidey.

Spidey threw a punch hitting Pietro's stomach. He stumbled backwards, but soon steadied himself. He started to run circle fastly around Spidey once again.

Gasping for air, Spidey made the quick decision and made a precise shot at Pietro's feet. They got webbed together. Pietro fell to the ground unconscious from the hard impact. He quickly webbed Pietro down to the ground so incase he woke up, he couldn't attack him again.

Peter saw a glimpse of Steve laying unconscious on the ground so he did it to him too. He saw Shadow fighting Nat. It was a good match, but an arrow flew right by his head. Clint brought Spidey's attention back on him.

Nat stepped in once she saw Steve laying unconscious on the ground. The only reason Clint and her weren't going in to help right away was to not seriously hurt them. The two unknown superheroes were helping them if anything.

Nat threw many punches and kicks, but somehow, the mysterious person knew everyone of her moves. No matter what she threw, they always knew a comeback or knew what Nat was doing.

Nat was genuinely surprised. This person was definitely powerful. She threw more moves, but they kept on blocking. Suddenly, they threw a powerful kick right to the stomach knocking the wind right out of Nat.

Nat sat on the ground trying to catch her breath. She was even more surprised when she saw the person quickly run over to Clint and the other person's fight and catch an arrow that was right about to hit the second mysterious person.

They dropped the arrow and went back to Nat webbing her to the ground. Nat tried to move, but the web was too strong. It was super strong. She tried everything, but ended up exhausting herself and passing out.

Clint shot many different arrows. Spidey's spider senses helped a whole ton. He dodged most of them, but was hit to the ground a few times by punches or kicks. It was hard to even get close to Clint.

He suffered, but was just happy that he didn't get Nat. She was way better than any of them. Well... Except Shadow. Shadow somehow knew every move. She was great.

Spidey finally landed a punch or two to the leg and arm. Clint dropped his bow for a moment and started hand to hand combat with Spidey.

It was much better and he could easily land more punches and kicks. He kicked Clint backwards down to the ground which was a bad idea.

Clint grabbed his bow again and stood up. He threw a powerful kick to Spidey in which Spidey ended up on the ground.

Clint grabbed a net arrow that would release a net on contact to the tip. He saw the mysterious person stare wide eye as he released the arrow.

They looked at the ground, but their mysteruous friend stepped in and caught the arrow before it could make contact. They quickly helped up their friend up and left.

Spidey was surley surprised when Shadow caught the arrow right about to hit him and dropped it to the ground. She helped him up and left. That was when Spidey had enough games.

Shadow Surge x Avengers | Avengers Wrong NumberWhere stories live. Discover now