|| Bhanupriyaa : The Rule of...

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Book Ӡ in PandavaNandini Trilogy " Our love would remain forever, eternally going beyond the elixir of heave... Daha Fazla

1 | A Night of Ghosts
2 | The Labyrinth of Despair
3 | Celestial whispers
4 | Remains of Hastinapura
5 | Shattered Reflections
6 | Dead End
7 | Embers of Revelation
8 | Flames Turn Cold
9 | Scars of the Past
10 | When Virtue Ascends
11 | The Power of Belonging
12 | Moments that Matter
13 | United Hearts
14 | Heartfelt Connections
15 | The Throne's Call
16 | Stardust Gatherings
17 | Before the Mahotsavam
19 | Whispered Goodbyes
20 | Miles of Love
21 | Societal Chessboard
22 | Duality's Canvas
23 | Velvet Dreams
24 | Stars Aligned
25 | In the Shadow's Wake
26 | Timeless Beginnings
27 | The Golden Hour
28 | Vivaha Utsavam
29 | Kalyana Vaibhavam
30 | In the Heart's Embrace
31 | Within Lotus Heartbeats
32 | Inside Their Hearts
33 | Heartstrings Attached
34 | Glow of Krishna's Plumes
35 | Progression with Reforms
36 | Moonlit Melodies
37 | Lands of Vrindavan
38 | The Immortal Bond
39 | Poisoned Roots
40 | Scattered Ashes
41 | Our Divine Eternity

18 | Maharaja Patta-Abhisheka

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-|| Maharaja Patta- Abhisheka ||-

" Where love and righteousness reigns, the Maharaja's crown finds its true meaning ". 


In the golden realm where heaven's ethereal tapestry intertwines with the terrestrial expanse, a resplendent spectacle unfolds with each dawn's benevolent kiss.

As the celestial curtains part, hues of saffron, amber, and rose pirouette in a graceful dance across the cerulean canvas, heralding a day cloaked in majesty. In this grand theater of nature's opulence, serenity and anticipation intertwine as whispers of an ancient prophecy flutter through the whispered breezes, for on this auspicious morn, the coronation of a new king shall enrobe the land in regal raiment of INDRAPRASTHA.

"Krishnaputra Bhanu and Putri Suthanu, we commence the sacred Raj Tilaka ceremony," Rishi Dhaumya beamed with benevolence, as Bhanu and Suthanu stood before him, their countenances adorned with gentle smiles.

In gleaming gold, the Lingam of Mahadeva in front of them, a celestial masterpiece ablaze with divine opulence, casting its resplendent glow upon adoring hearts.

"With the Raj Sankalpa, we begin, Bhanu," Rishi Dhaumya explained, his voice carrying the weight of sacred wisdom. "It is not merely a declaration to uphold the timeless customs and principles of the noble lineage, but a solemn oath to the depths of your soul, affirming the responsibility that you shall bear. Let every action and decision you make be a harbinger of welfare for your cherished citizens," he continued, his words resonating with humble reverence.

"Rajakumari Suthanu," Rishi Dhaumya turned towards Suthanu, his voice filled with admiration, "It is a rare privilege for a daughter of the land to ascend the throne as a nurturing mother. As the Queen of this land, you shall shoulder duties as weighty as Bhanu's own. Embrace this honor with grace and fortitude."

Suthanu responded with a serene smile, accepting the mantle of responsibility. Bhanu and Suthanu exchanged silent glances, their hearts interwoven in unspoken understanding.

"Bhanu, take in your hands the sacred water of the Ganga and make your Sankalpa," instructed Rishi Dhaumya, as his associate poured the purifying waters into Bhanu's waiting palms.

Krishna and Satyabhama exchanged soft smiles, their gaze resting upon their son who stood on the threshold of a new chapter in his life.

"Behold, it unfolds, Kanha. Our little son takes his solemn vow, embracing his royal destiny," Balarama shared a joyous smile with Krishna, the depth of parental pride reflected in their eyes. "Indeed, Dau," Krishna replied, his smile radiant, "Our beloved lal".

Bhanu, holding the sacred water, spoke with resolute determination, "I pledge to govern Indraprastha with utmost humility and unwavering responsibility, through body, speech, and mind. I solemnly vow to uphold the timeless customs and principles of our noble lineage, ensuring the luminous glory of our ancestors never fades."

The Pandavas exchanged smiles with their wives, while the Yadava family shared in the sentiment. Suthanu graced the moment with her gentle smile.

"I am not yet your king. A true king knows his citizens intimately-sharing their sorrows, their joys, and their tears. He comprehends the realm's potential for growth and the hardships borne by his people. I have yet to witness and experience such aspects firsthand. Let me first embrace my role as a compassionate father to this land, connecting with the soil after thirteen long years. If ever my actions or decisions evoke discontent among my people, I pledge to rectify them swiftly," Bhanu stood resolute, water trickling through his fingers. The onlookers gazed upon him with tear-filled eyes, touched by his solemn words.

"Courage and strength derive from family, for it is through their unwavering support that we find solace amidst adversities. They share in our hardships and rejoice in our triumphs," Bhanu addressed the citizens with a gaze that encompassed them all. "My family extends beyond Dwarkadeesh, my beloved Maa Satyabhama, and the Yadavas alone. It now encompasses the Kuru family, and all of you, the cherished citizens of Indraprastha. Every village associated with this realm is part of my extended family. I consider myself blessed to receive such a family, from whom I draw strength, courage, and inspiration for life. Together, we fought for Dharma, and I pray that we remain united in the face of any future adversities. I pledge that no cracks shall mar our familial bond, now or in the times yet to come. May our collective resolve ensure that no Kurukshetra shall ever darken our lives," Bhanu released the water from his hands, turning towards the Lingam, joined by Suthanu, as they sought the blessings of their ancestors.

"Putra Bhanu, the Raj Sankalpa, taken in the presence of esteemed citizens, the royal family, and revered sages, now draws to its culmination," Rishi Dhaumya smiled warmly at Bhanu. "In a few precious moments, we shall proceed with your Patta-abhisheka in the royal court."

Radiant smiles adorned every corner as Bhanu and Suthanu turned to face the gathered multitude, their palms pressed together in humble reverence. Akshatas, the blessed offerings of devotion, showered upon them from every elder present, carrying within them the deepest blessings that resonated from every soul.

The resplendent royal court of Indraprastha bathed in a luminosity that was intricately woven into its very essence, a brilliance that enraptured the senses. Within its halls, the air was filled with devotional hymns, their melodic strains blending harmoniously with the warm glow of sacred Yagnas. Sages, seated in a posture of unwavering rigidity yet emanating a peculiar serenity, chanted incantations that carried an air of auspiciousness and divine reverence. On one side of the court, graceful women moved with ethereal grace, their bodies swaying in the sacred rhythm of religious celebration, their every movement a testament to devotion.

Amidst this grand spectacle, Bhanu sat at the heart of it all, his eyes closed in introspection, as the Abhisheka, the sacred anointment ceremony, commenced. Like the "Adi," the primordial sun, as his beloved Aarunya called him, he radiated a luminosity that rivaled the very celestial orb itself. Turmeric, honey, milk, curd, water, ghee, and specially prepared oils were meticulously poured over him, anointing his being with their sanctified essence. This purifying ritual was followed by the rhythmic circumambulation known as Pradakshina, and the offering to divinity, Arghya.

Soon, it was time for Bhanu to change his garments, and he was escorted to a private chamber for the RatnaAbhisheka. There, Pradyumna, Samba, and Ajay, his loving brothers, adorned him with regal attire befitting a king. The angavastram, a silvery-white garment with intricate royal blue patterns, gracefully draped his form, while diamond jewelry adorned his noble countenance.

 As Bhanu heard the resonating beats of drums and the triumphant fanfare of trumpets, he knew that Suthanu was making her entrance into the grandeur of the royal court.

"Behold, the future Queen of Indraprastha approaches," an announcement echoed through the halls, heralding her arrival. As Suthanu stepped into the court, she was flanked by females who showered flower petals upon her path. However, her discerning eyes caught sight of one woman attempting to perform this act of reverence, and she gently placed her palm upon the woman's shoulder, shaking her head in denial.

"Thank you, Devi, but this portrayal diminishes your own stature. Indraprastha's history has never witnessed a day where a woman is disrespected or treated in any way less than she deserves. Your Maharani can walk without flowers, as well!" Suthanu's gentle smile conveyed her words, eliciting a heartwarming response from the woman.

"You haven't changed, Rajakumari," the woman faltered, her voice tinged with tears of joy. "Forgive me; I mean Maharani. Our happiness has always been of utmost importance to you, ever since your tender years."

"And it shall always remain so," Suthanu replied, her smile unwavering, as she gracefully continued her journey. The resonant conch shells sounded, and all attention turned to her radiant presence. With a blend of composure, compassion, and strength gleaming in her eyes like precious pearls, she greeted the people with folded palms, acknowledging their reverence with a gentle nod of her head.

Yudhishthira and Draupadi beside all her parents could not tear their eyes away from Suthanu, their gazes transfixed upon her form. Within their hearts, memories of the little girl they had cherished came flooding back—Yudhishthira vividly recalled twirling a young Suthanu in his arms, while Draupadi reminisced about her bedtime stories, where the sparkle in her eyes shone with innocent delight. For a fleeting moment, they struggled to believe that this resplendent figure before them was indeed their own beloved daughter.

Suthanu, sensing their unspoken inquiry and concern, raised her eyebrows, questioning them. Yet, her parents, with a gentle shake of their heads, reassured her with a smile.

"Behold, the King of Indraprastha approaches," a proclamation resounded through the court. Drums thundered, trumpets blared, and fragrant flowers were scattered in the air as Suthanu's gaze shifted towards Bhanu, who made his way towards her side. Pradyumna and Samba accompanied him, while Ajay and Dhruv followed suit, wearing serene smiles upon their faces.

"This auspicious moment marks the muhurta for the coronation of your future king, beloved citizens," Rishi Dhaumya announced, his countenance radiant with joy. "Samrat Yudhishthira, please step forward and crown the king."

"Maharishi, the honor befalls Krishna Vaasudeva, who once adorned my own crown," Yudhishthira gestured for Krishna to step forward.


Yudhishthira whispered softly, his words carrying a profound understanding. "Kanhaiya, I know how much this means to you and Bhanu."

A smile of deep affection graced Krishna's lips as he moved forward, standing beside Bhanu, his eyes brimming with reverence and warmth. As holy hymns permeated the air and the divine conch shells resounded with great force, Krishna held the crown in his hands, and with a wide smile and twinkling lotus eyes, he gently placed it upon Bhanu's head. This act held immeasurable significance, for it marked the transformation of his cherished child into the king of a city as integral to Aryavarta as Indraprastha itself.

"Hail the King of Indraprastha, Maharaja Bhanu! Hail our Queen, Maharani Suthanu!" The jubilant voices of the people reverberated throughout the court, their hearts swelling with pride and reverence.

Krishna's gaze swept across the assembly, his smile reflecting the shared joy of the moment. Then, turning to Bhanu, he received the sword from Rishi Dhaumya.

"From this moment onward, Indraprastha is entrusted to your protection, Bhanu," Krishna said, his voice carrying the weight of a solemn oath. He presented the sword to Bhanu, who reverently touched it to his forehead, a gesture of deep veneration. With his palm raised high in the air, Bhanu turned to face his assembled family members and loyal citizens.

"I solemnly pledge that the glory and honor of Indraprastha, which ascends to the heavens, shall remain untarnished until my last breath," Bhanu declared, his eyes filled with unwavering determination as they met the gazes of his people. "The very soul of this glory and honor resides within my praja, and your welfare shall be the breath that animates my life. I make this vow with my revered parents who are considered the universal parents as well, as my witnesses."

A chorus of smiles and blessings swept through the court, as the elders raised their palms in a gesture of benediction. Rishi Dhaumya, with utmost reverence, guided Bhanu to his seat upon the throne for Asana Samparna before turning to address Suthanu.

"Maharani, until your Vivaha, your official ascension to the throne beside Maharaja isn't possible, you shall be honored with a seat one step below his, a testament to your esteemed position," Rishi Dhaumya directed Suthanu, who gracefully accepted this acknowledgement.

Bhanu and Suthanu turned their gaze toward the imperial throne, an embodiment of their parents' legacy. Their vision was momentarily veiled by a shimmering veil of memories—Yudhishthira and Draupadi seated upon that very throne, a vision that filled their hearts with nostalgia. Together, they took measured steps towards the throne, the vibrant notes of conch shells accompanying their every move, while the dancers twirled with renewed vigor, and the people showered them with adulation. Even their parents and dear ones watched with joyous smiles, knowing that the legacy they had built would now be carried forward by their children.

"In my hands, I hold the path of royalty, which shall bring welfare to the three worlds. I silently seek the blessings of all my parents as I embark upon this new chapter of life," Bhanu's thoughts whispered within him, as he approached the throne. 

Yet, in a graceful gesture, he paused midway, gesturing for Suthanu to take her rightful place. Her eyes widened for a moment, understanding the significance of his actions for it was an unsaid custom that the king took his seat first followed by the queen and rest of the courtiers. He blinked, assuring her of his intent. Unspoken, it was a testament to the equality they cherished in their union.

Suthanu smiled radiantly, her eyes gleaming with a twinkle, a testament to the love. She joined her palms togther in front to Bhanu, acknowledging his gesture, before taking her seat amidst the resounding cheers of the people. Her presence embodied grace and power intertwined.

Bhanu, an inward smile gracing his countenance, marveled at his beloved's ability to honor him equally. With regal poise, he continued his journey toward the throne, and as he settled into his seat, he turned to face the assembled court, radiating majesty and splendor. With regal glory and deep humility, he whispered silently within his mind, "Om Tridevaya Namaha," his reverence enveloping the court like a fragrant incense.

 The citizens, in harmonious unity, lifted their palms to the heavens, like delicate lotus blooms opening to the sky, as they offered the divine aarti to their beloved sovereigns. With each flicker of the ceremonial lamps, they invoked blessings upon their rulers, their souls entwined in a tapestry of loyalty and love. The resounding chorus of their prayers echoed through the air, carrying their hopes and aspirations to the celestial realms. In that sacred moment, Bhanu and Suthanu stood as the embodiment of grace, their hearts humbled by the unwavering support and adoration bestowed upon them.

On the completion of the Aarati as per rituals - one by one, the people took their seats, their hearts brimming with joy and admiration for their new sovereigns. 

In a grand display of humility, Bhanu commenced his kingship by offering deep obeisance to all the esteemed elders gracing the court. A gentle smile played upon his lips as he addressed the assembly, the radiance of his presence captivating all who beheld him. Yet, before the announcement of other royal positions, he felt compelled to express a crucial matter—a matter that would shape the very fabric of their kingdom.

"The position of your Queen's Pada works independently of my own," Bhanu's words resonated with a resolute strength, causing Suthanu to gaze at him in astonishment. "Although she may not take her seat beside me due to the customs that dictate our bond has not yet been formalized, her place is earned through her merit, and I wish to emphasize this fact. She possesses the authority to lead and convene the court in my presence or absence. It is not bestowed upon her as a right, but it is her inherent right, for she has the power to make amends to my judgments if she deems them detrimental to the welfare of our people."

Suthanu's eyes widened, for in Aryavarta, it was rare for a queen to possess such power on par with the king's decisions. The weight of Bhanu's trust and respect overwhelmed her heart with boundless love.

"I speak these words to emphasize that in my kingdom, a woman is the embodiment of Narayani herself," Bhanu continued, his voice resolute. "I shall not tolerate any negligence in upholding this core principle. Therefore, my Maharani wields her powers freely. However, as every power must have limitations, she shall be accountable not only to me but also to the Samragni of Aryavarta."

"Such great power bestowed upon one who stood amidst countless men on the battlefield?" A voice pierced through the air, disrupting the harmonious atmosphere that had filled the court. Silence fell like a shroud over the assembly, all eyes turning towards Suthanu.

An audacious challenge had emerged, skillfully cloaked in the festive ambiance that had enveloped the court. Bhanu's fists clenched upon the throne, for his deepest fear had manifested on this very first day of his reign. Unfettered by the constraints of his royal position, the man who dared to humiliate his beloved Suthanu would have met a swift and just end, had Bhanu not been bound by the norms of a king.

The court, stunned and taken aback, found itself teetering on the precipice of chaos. 

"Who dares to question the honor of our Maharani?" a voice boomed from within the crowd. "She is our Devi! Coward, show yourself, and we shall take your life!"

"The power to determine your fate lies within my hands," another voice added, anger permeating its words.

The voices of enraged citizens rose, their words filled with fury and indignation. 

Draupadi, taken aback and stunned by the initial question, looked at Suthanu, while Yudhishthira remained speechless, unable to comprehend the unfolding situation.

In a resolute gesture, Suthanu rose from her seat, her mere presence commanding attention.

"Cease, all of you," her voice cut through the tension like a sword, capturing the collective gaze of the assembly. "The one who voiced such words may have been but a single individual, yet seeds of doubt have insidiously taken root within the hearts of many. I shall not deign to clarify my identity, for I am not bound to prove myself with an Agnipariksha because it is not Rama standing in front of me who held no doubt in his heart."

"But as your Maharani, it is my duty to illuminate the reason behind my presence on the battlefield among men. Beyond merely being a woman, I was a Vaidhya, a healer, called upon by duty to tend to the wounded. I fulfilled the duties of a Kshatrani, protecting my people. A Kshatrani is not one who merely rules, but one who safeguards. I fulfilled my duty," Suthanu declared, her words resounding with a quiet strength.

"Maharani has spoken for herself," Bhanu's regal voice boomed, infused with an unyielding resolve. "As a king, I am duty-bound to uphold the sanctity of evidence, but a woman's identity is not a pawn in the game of royalty. The one who questioned the queen's honor has chosen not to reveal themselves.The queen is not obliged to prove her worth."

Bhanu's gaze shifted towards Krishna, a flicker of firmness evident in his expression. Krishna, too, met his gaze, understanding the gravity of the situation.

"Maharani, we believe in you with all our souls!" some of the people cried out. "You were once our daughter, but now you are our mother. We stand by your side!"

While the people's belief in them was evident, both Bhanu and Suthanu knew that something had taken a turn for the worse. Suthanu realized that her words might have temporarily strengthened the people's faith in her, but that faith could easily wane in the future.

Her eyes instinctively sought out Draupadi's gaze.

'Maa,' Suthanu whispered silently within her heart. 'How can I bear such a devastating blow to my very identity?'.

As Suthanu contemplated the situation with a calmness inherent to her being, the land suddenly shook, causing her to hold onto the throne for support.

A brilliant light flashed, and the common people closed their eyes, sensing the presence of something greater than themselves. Suthanu whispered almost inaudibly, "Mata Ganga?"

Ganga had assumed her human form, her eyes emanating the strength of water in its most destructive form. The common people greeted her with joined hands, their hearts filled with both reverence and fear, sensing the power and fury of the goddess.

"The child of my lineage, your Maharani chose not to call upon me, despite having my boon to appear before her whenever she wished," Ganga declared, her voice carrying the force of water breaking through all obstacles. "She chose to fight for herself within this tangled web of dirty politics. It is within my power to reveal the culprit before all and seek harsh retribution. However, that is not my purpose here. I have come to proclaim that your Queen possesses a heart as pure as gold and embodies the pious fire and indestrutable Dharma."

"Mata," Suthanu whispered almost inaudibly, touched that the goddess of purity had personally come to defend her honor.

Ganga turned to Suthanu, her gaze filled with warmth, and gently placed her hand upon Suthanu's head, bestowing her blessing.

"Seek a blessing, Thanu," Ganga affectionately smiled.

"Mata, after what you have done for me, I cannot ask for anything more, but I still have one wish," Suthanu smiled softly, her voice filled with gratitude. "Mata, bless Indraprastha to be forever free from malice! Bestow your blessings upon Indraprastha, Mata, so that even in the face of life's darkest sins, may the soul always find the path of righteousness."

"Tathastu," Ganga smiled, raising her palm, her divine aura spreading throughout Indraprastha. Everyone present joined their palms in reverence as Ganga disappeared from sight.

"Maharaja," Suthanu turned towards Bhanu, seeking permission to speak. With a nod from her beloved, she continued, her voice steady and resolute.

" Maharaja , for myself Mata Ganga had come to protect my honor but what about the other women of the Kingdom? " , Suthanu voiced as Bhanu looked at her. A moment of silence hung in the air before Bhanu looked at the citizens before giving a small smile to Suthanu. 

"By opening this issue before mh eyes, Maharani has brought to light an important matter that demands my utmost attention," Bhanu voiced, his words carrying a weight that settled upon the court. "Let the winds carry this message far and wide, let it be etched into the very depths of our souls: anyone who points a finger at a woman shall first be required to prove her guilty! The burden of proof lies with the accuser and not against the women who must prove their innocence. Let me make it clear once again - the women of our kingdom shall be deemed innocent until proven otherwise, and it is the accuser who must provide evidence to support their claims. Any such cases shall be under the jurisdiction of Maharani herself and only she would have an authority to pass judgement, for I recognize the fragility of this situation."

"Long live Maharaja Bhanu! Glory to Maharani Suthanu!Our deepest obsiences to our King and Queen" The jubilant voices of the people echoed throughout the court, their unwavering support and belief resonating in every syllable while certain women were reminded of a young Suthanu tending to them with such kind compassion instinctively tears brimmed their eyes. ' May this be the last time that you face such a situation , Maharani this is our prayer to the lord above , may he fill your life with happiness and wellness. To our Maharaja , we can only pray that his kind rule upon us remains for ages to come '. 

 Suthanu smiled at Bhanu, her eyes silently conveying her gratitude and assurance.

"With this, I adjourn the sabha for the day," Bhanu rose from his throne, his mind immersed in contemplation. He recognized the auspiciousness of the moment, acknowledging the blessing bestowed upon him during his Patta-Abhisheka by the presence of Mata Ganga herself.

"Thanu, if it were not for your divine auspiciousness, what would I name it? The boon of Mata Ganga, gracing our ceremony," Bhanu's smile radiated from within as he pondered, "You have come as Bhagyalakshmi to Bhanu, you are the true Saubhagya of my life!". 

To be continued....

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