Forsaken Loner

By Anum008

318 228 89

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39 35 13
By Anum008

As Danny said this to Samuel, he just smiled and let the situation go as it was. I didn't understand why he was doing this. How could someone find happiness in irritating others? People could find other things to do, but who would use their brains to think about this type of banter? It was really startling to me, but sometimes I just let things go.

"What the bloody hell, who does he think he is?" said Lizzie.

"Maybe the president of America," Kate replied with a laugh.

"But you started it, Lizzie. I told you not to touch anything that belongs to those people. Are you really a kid? Do I always have to explain to you what to do and what not to do?" I said angrily.

"So what? They started it first, so I did the same. Can you find any reason, Amulet? Why did they do this? Why did they roll the bottle to where we were sitting?" Lizzie asked me.

"Your statement really has a point," I said to her.

"Do you have any answer to it?" Lizzie asked.

"No, I don't have any answer, but I have to think about why it was Samuel again interacting with me," I said while wondering.

"What do you mean by 'again interacting'? You both just argued yesterday, and it was sudden," she said, concerned.

"No, I am not talking about yesterday. I am talking about this morning," I told her.

"Well, what happened today?" she asked.

"Well, yesterday, Noah's classmate bothered him by scratching his face. He told me, so today I went to confront him, but away from people's eyes. Samuel was there, and he started talking to me. You know he didn't just talk; he tries to tease me. I asked him if he was stalking me, and he started laughing. He refused, then taunted me that I was being too rude to a little fellow. I told him it's not his business what I do and what I don't. Then I came to you as the bell rang," I explained to Lizzie.

"Wow, that whole thing happened, and you're telling me now?" She said, nodding.

"So what would you have done if I had told you at that time? Nothing, right?

As we strolled through the school grounds, the sun cast a warm glow on everything around us. Lizzie suddenly stopped and pointed towards a group of students huddled together near the cafeteria. They were whispering and glancing in our direction.

"Look, Amulet. There's Samuel again," Lizzie said, her voice filled with curiosity.

I turned my gaze towards the group and, sure enough, there he was, standing amidst his friends, a mischievous smirk playing on his lips. Samuel had always been an enigma to me. He had an uncanny ability to get under people's skin, and yet, there was something intriguing about him.

"Can I again ask you the same question please think about it"Why do you think he enjoys provoking us?" She pondered, her brow furrowed.

"I'm not sure," I replied, contemplating the question. "Maybe it's his way of seeking attention or asserting his presence."

"But why specifically target us?" Lizzie questioned, her eyes scanning the group.

"I think it's because we react to him," I said. "He knows he can get a rise out of us, so he keeps pushing our buttons."

Lizzie nodded in agreement. "You're right.Maybe if we ignore him, he'll eventually lose interest and move on."

"But it's easier said than done," I sighed. "Sometimes, his words just get to me, and I can't help but respond. well leave it.
It's just simple. No need to think about it," I said, changing the topic.

Lizzie then came closer to me, putting her hands on my shoulders, and smiled. She said,

"Simple, really, Amulet. Oh, my dearly simple but beautiful best friend. As you are saying it's simple, let's consider it simple, whereas it's typical."

"What does that mean?" I asked, shocked.

"Umm, nothing. Come, let's walk together," she said.

We both started walking, sharing our talks and laughing together. You know, Lizzie and I were best friends for seven years. I don't have a sister, but being with Lizzie made me feel like I really have a sister by my side. Because of Lizzie, Kate, and Indila, I felt joy in every simple and even unwanted thing. But my bond and friendship with Lizzie were more than just friends. Even though my mom scolds me, they are the only people who help me forget about the pain in my life. Since Lizzie and I were admitted to school, we chose each other as best friends, and not a single moment have we enjoyed alone. Even all the abuses I learned, I learned from her. The habit of talking too much took over me because of my friends. I know I am too suspicious of my hidden talents, you know. But when I am with them, it feels like all my worries and insecurities fade away. They accept me for who I am, quirks and all.

I went home in a really good mood as my day was filled with fun. Everything that happened today was interesting.

"Hey, my mom, how are you and how is everything going?" I asked her.

"Ah, it seems like you're happy today. Can I ask the reason, dear?"Mom asked me.

"Well, as always, Mom, I did the best presentation in my class. You know I was scared and nervous, but then I did my best even in front of the boys in my class. But I'm always scared of becoming hesitant, I don't know why," I said to her.

"Impressive! I know you always do better than before. I have faith in you that nothing wrong would happen," she replied.

"Thank you, Mom."

"Well, your dad called for you more than once. He was asking me how your new semester was going. He must be waiting for you to call him, so you should," Mom told me.

"Of course, Mom, I will," I said to her.

After that, I went to call Dad. Whenever I talk with my dad, time flies. We both have no idea. My dad is my friend, and you know when you're talking to your best friend, you don't know how time passes.

"Good evening, Dad. How are you?" I asked.

"Good evening, Amulet. Long time no hear. It's been good to hear my daughter's voice. I am fine. How is my little princess doing?" Dad asked.

"I am as I was, Dad, always fine, no worries, just nothing."

"Sounds all fine then. How's your new semester going? Better than before or worse than ever?" Dad asked.

"Well, when it started, it was worse than ever, but now it's going good."

"Why was it worse at first?"

"You know how it's like when we have both genders in our class."

"Oh, is there a mixed class?"

"Yes, the whole class seems like a circus because of the crowd, but now I'm used to it. But I become hesitant because of them. Whenever I start to speak academically, they make fun, which makes me furious," I told him.

"Hesitant and Amulet are a mismatch, you know Amulet. You are gifted by your abilities. Not everyone is perfect, but they are all unique. You don't have to be shy at all, and you don't have to take anything seriously. I know it's your first time, but you can do everything, and I have faith in you. And don't let any situation take over you. If you don't know how to let go, then make it fun. After that, you won't even want to let go," Dad explained to me.

"Yes, Dad, you're right. I should enjoy it rather than competing."

"Now you've guessed it. Good learner, aren't you?"

"Of course, I am my father's daughter," I replied, and we both shared a laugh.

"Dad, you know what? Today, a very hilarious thing happened. When we were giving presentations, there was a boy who was giving a presentation, but no one was paying attention. His classmates were making fun of him, and you know what? During the presentation, he lost his senses and said, "Greetings, my name is Samuel Udall, and I am here to... Hey, you bloody fool, shut your damn mouth and listen to what I'm saying!" I told Dad.

"Whoa, it seems the boy got quite frustrated but he did right as how much a person can bear,' Dad replied with a chuckle. 'I hope he managed to regain his composure and continue his presentation."

"Yeah but the whole class burst into laughter including me too I can't forget it too" I said

"Seems you enjoyed it too and that's what I want do whatever you want but don't just forget to laugh as this is the only thing I really want my daughter to do" dad said

"Okay dad" I agreed

"Amulet. Remember, you have unique perspectives and insights to offer. Don't be afraid to shine and make your voice heard."

"Thank you, Dad. Your words always inspire me."

We continued our conversation, sharing stories and laughter, until it was time to say goodbye.

"Okay Amulet now I have work to do so take care of yourself and your brother and don't bother your mother too ok" dad instructed me

"I know dad it's not the first time you telling me to do this I would ok also take care of yourself good bye"

You see, my dad and I have a story of our own, but the main thing I was thinking about was Samuel. I couldn't understand why he did what he did, so I decided to let it go and focus on having more fun. As the days passed, my friends and I enjoyed ourselves. Arguing with the boys at school became our thing, as they would always tease us and we would fight back. But instead of letting anger consume us, we found joy in the banter.

One day, our teacher, Miss Freya, announced a surprise science test. She wanted us to excel in it. Even though I didn't particularly like Miss Freya because she always paid more attention to the boys in our class, and her lectures weren't always clear, I knew I had to prepare.

"Amulet, are you really prepared for the test?" Lizzie asked me.

"Not at all," I replied. "But I do know some of it."

The teacher started writing the test on the board, and as we read it, we realized it was a test on a topic we hardly knew. Everyone in the class looked at each other in confusion. It seemed like nobody knew the answers. What a coincidence!

"Amulet, do you know to which terminal of the battery the wire and ammeter are connected?" Lizzie whispered to me.

"Positive... no, no, maybe it's the negative one, or perhaps it's positive," I wondered, responding to her.

"Can't you give me one answer?" Lizzie whispered angrily.

"It's confusing," I replied.

"Open the book," Lizzie suggested.

"Open the what?" I asked, shocked.

"My cupboard," she taunted.

"What the bloody hell? Have you gone crazy?" I exclaimed. "Lizzie, we can't cheat. We don't want to fail."

"Well that's the reason I am saying it if we don't want to fail, we're in the middle of the row, sitting at the back. No one can watch us. Just open the book," Lizzie urged.

"Okay, I'll open it, but be careful. You have to make sure no one can see us," I instructed her.

"Okay, do it," Lizzie reassured me.

As I discreetly took out the book and started reading the answers, Lizzie and Kate couldn't help but smile at me.

"Why are both of you laughing? Do I look like a clown?" I asked.

"Nope, it's just that someone else is also watching you," they both said.

"What? Who? Does that mean I'm headed straight to the principal's office?" I asked, embarrassed and hesitant.

"Maybe you should see for yourself. Turn around and look beside you," Lizzie said.

I turned around, scared and embarrassed, and to my surprise, I saw Samuel watching me, caught in the act of cheating. He was smiling and smirking, waving his hand at me. His facial expression clearly said, 'Look, Amulet is cheating on the test. Girls can be just like boys.' I could even hear him telling his seatmates about me.

"Why does he always watch me? Doesn't he have anything else to do?" I complained.

"Maybe it's the only thing he knows how to do," Kate replied.

I was embarrassed, but it wasn't the worst embarrassment I had ever felt. When Samuel smiled at me, I smiled back and started laughing. But what could I do? What usually happens, happens for a reason.

"Amulet, you smiled back! I saw it! Who else saw it?" Lizzie said excitedly.

"Me too," Kate replied.

"So what? Can't I laugh or smile?" I asked.
"Yes, you can, but you usually don't smile back at Samuel or any other boy, so I had to ask," Lizzie commented.

"Okay, please, now can you leave it?" I asked them.

"I am making a prophecy, please listen to me,'' Lizzie said.

''What prophecy?'' Kate and I asked, while Indila listened to us.

'At the end of our session, Amulet and Samuel will be really great mates or friends," she said.

"Friends? Really? Not possible,"
I replied, laughing.

"Just wait and watch" Lizzie said.

We headed for recess. It was our habit to think about things that we didn't want to think about. But who can change us? No one. The next day, or you could say every day, something happened with me and Samuel. Either he teased me or I teased him.

'Amulet, have you made the poster Miss Parkley asked us to make from the newspaper?" my classmate asked.

"Yes, Ashley, I have made it," I said.

"You know, Ashley, whenever there's any work Miss Parkley asks us to do, Amulet is the first one to do it," Lizzie said to Ashley.

"Students, the assignment I gave you, take it out and let me check," Miss Parkley announced.

The assignment was to make a poster from the newspaper and paste the headlines. Whoever had the most eye-catching headlines would be the winner of the assignment. The chapter ended, and I had put all my effort into that work.

"Ahh, seems like Shawn did a great job. His poster looks good," Miss Parkley said in class.

"Oh dear! Samuel, didn't you have a single headline that catches the attention of the reader? And look at the color of your poster, lavender-pink. Are you a girl that you put flowers on it?"Miss Parkley taunted Samuel.

Again, just because Samuel was a halfwit, he made the whole class laugh. The whole class was laughing, including Miss Parkley, but Samuel's eyes were on me, like he was trying to watch how I laugh.

"He always watches you," Lizzie commented.

"I really don't know the reason,"
I said. '
"Well, Miss Parkley, yesterday I didn't have time to make it perfect. I made it in the morning before coming to your class,"
Samuel told Miss Parkley.

"Well, that's the really thing I wanted to see from all of you. But you all didn't do as much hard work as Amulet. Clap for her, as she made the best assignment poster among all of you," Miss Parkley announced after seeing my poster.

The whole class clapped for me, although some jealous boys were not clapping, I noticed. But I was happy.

"Miss Parkley, could you let me see what Amulet made? I really want to touch it," Samuel said.

Miss Parkley handed over my poster to Samuel, and he stared at me. Then he looked at my work. I don't know why, but his eyes always made me feel shy. '

"Amulet, look, he took your poster. I can really understand it, but You can't," Lizzie said with Indila.
"Yes, he always does it," I said.

In the next class, when Miss Blair was teaching us history, she asked for our advice.

"Students, the answer that I will write is a bit long. So what do you all say? Should I write it down and you all copy, or should I speak it and you all write?" she asked.

"Miss, you should speak, and we'll write," I said, after considering what would be suitable.

Then a voice raised against me, and it was Samuel.

"No, teacher, you should write it, and then we'll write," he said, staring at me and smirking.

"No, Miss, you should speak it," I said, smiling.

"No, Miss, don't listen to her. Write it for us," he said.

"No, Miss, speak it. Don't listen to him," I said, while smiling.

"No, Miss, now it's my turn. You should write," he said, laughing.

"Enough, enough! Boys and girls, you shouldn't be against each other. If the decision is not set, then we should vote," Miss Blair said.

As she demanded us to vote, there was a tie between us. The boys with Samuel were saying to write the answer, and all the girls with me were agreeing that the answer should be spoken.

"Now, what should I do?" Miss Blair was confused. I looked at all the faces, and then I looked at Samuel, who was also looking at me, waiting for what I would say. Then I thought, and for a solution,

I said, "Okay, Miss, I agree. You should write the answer."

"What? Amulet, you won't fight for more?" Lizzie and Indila asked. "No, I won't. I'll go with the solution I decided," I told them.

"So you quit?" Lizzie asked.

"No, it's not that. It's just that I changed my decision. I'll just go with..." as I was completing my statement.

"With Samuel, right?" Lizzie said.

"What? No, no, you're thinking wrong. I am not going with Samuel. I am going with the alternate," I said.

"Okay, so I am writing the answers. Copy it," Miss Blair said.

During the time we copied, Samuel was again watching me. I don't know why, but him watching me so much made me think about him. His eyes were so difficult to understand. It felt like his eyes were speaking something to me, but it was hard for me to comprehend. I had never felt this way before.

Then, I was walking with Lizzie on the stairs.

"Amulet, sometimes I just want to kill Miss Freya, as she scolds us without any reason," she said.

"Hmm," I replied.

"And you know what? There was nothing in the cafeteria, so I couldn't eat much. Now I'm feeling tired as well," she said.

"Hmm, yes," I replied, wondering about something.

"Hey, what's wrong with you? I'm talking to you, and you're just saying 'hmm' and 'yes.' Well, what's this? Are you even hearing me or not?" Lizzie yelled at me.

"No, no, I heard you. Miss Freya didn't eat much in the cafeteria, so she's feeling tired, and you scold her, right? I know, I'm listening to you," I replied hesitantly.

Well, that's exactly what I was telling you," Lizzie said with a hint of exasperation in her voice. "Didn't you hear me?"

"I'm sorry, Lizzie," I replied, feeling a little flustered. "I guess my mind was blank, and I couldn't quite catch what you were saying."

Lizzie raised an eyebrow, studying my face intently. "What's going on in that head of yours?" she asked, her curiosity piqued.

I chuckled nervously. "Honestly, I'm not thinking about anything. My brain feels empty, which might explain why I couldn't hear you properly."

Lizzie nodded thoughtfully. "Ah, I see. So, it's like your thoughts are on a vacation, leaving you in a state of temporary deafness," she joked.

"Exactly!" I laughed. "You understand me so well. Do you really think I would lie to you about something like this?"

Lizzie tilted her head, a playful smile on her lips. "Well, maybe not intentionally, but who knows? People can be unpredictable."

I playfully nudged her shoulder. "Come on, Lizzie. You know I can't keep secrets from you. Spill the beans already!"

After a few days had passed, I continued attending school without skipping a day. It seemed like wherever I went, Samuel was always there. He would follow me, sit beside me, and watch me closely. It was as if he couldn't get enough of my presence.

One day, Lizzie, who had an uncanny ability to read my face, approached me. "Can I ask you something?" she said, her tone serious.

"Of course, but since when do you ask for permission?" I replied, a teasing tone in my voice.

Lizzie's expression turned serious. "Swear to me that you won't lie," she insisted.

I paused for a moment, realizing the weight of her request. "Okay, what is it?" I asked, my curiosity piqued.

"You've started liking someone, haven't you?" she asked, her eyes locked with mine.

"No, Lizzie. How can you even think that?" I protested, trying to hide my true feelings.

"You swear not to lie, right? I've been your best friend since we were young, and I can tell when you're hiding something," she said firmly, her gaze unwavering.

I couldn't bring myself to lie to Lizzie. Besides, I wanted to confide in someone, and she was my closest friend.

"Yes, I wanted to tell you, but I didn't know how to bring it up. The truth is, I've started liking someone," I confessed, a hint of nervousness in my voice.

Lizzie's eyes widened with surprise. "Really? That's amazing! But who is it?" she asked eagerly.

"Promise me you won't tell anyone, and you won't laugh or make fun of me," I pleaded, feeling a mixture of excitement and apprehension.

"Okay, I promise," Lizzie replied, her tone serious.

"It's Samuel," I revealed, bracing myself for her reaction.

Lizzie burst into laughter, unable to contain herself. "What? Really? You and Samuel? Amulet, that's hilarious!" she exclaimed, struggling to stop her laughter.

"Hey, I thought you promised not to laugh!" I protested, feeling a mix of embarrassment and amusement.

Lizzie, still chuckling, playfully scolded me, "You Bitch! Why didn't you tell me earlier? I remember when I made that prophecy, and you said being friends with Samuel was impossible, and now you like him!"

Defending myself, I replied, "Well, I didn't know it before. I only realized it yesterday."

Lizzie's laughter subsided, replaced by a warm smile. "Yesterday? Hahaha, Amulet, my bestie is truly unbelievable," she remarked, her happiness evident.

Annoyed but unable to resist Lizzie's infectious laughter, I playfully ordered her, "Okay, now make your laugh stop."

She reassured me, "I'm not making fun of you, Amulet. I'm just reminiscing about when you first met Samuel and now seeing you develop feelings for him. I'm genuinely happy and excited that you're finally experiencing something for someone."

I smiled back, requesting, "Alright, now can you please stop laughing? Your laughter is contagious, and if we both laugh, people will think we've gone mad."

"Okay, okay, hurrah! Last laugh, I promise," Lizzie declared, joining me in trying to stifle our laughter.

After our laughter subsided, Lizzie posed an important question, "Okay, so now what have you decided?"

Confused, I asked, "Decided about what?"

Lizzie clarified, "About telling it to Samuel."

The shock of her suggestion startled me, and I couldn't help but shout, "WHATTTTT?" Fear surged through me, causing my heart to race.

             To Be Continue.....

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