Taegyu Oneshot Collection

By Taekookie_bunny

19.1K 512 644

Hi! this is where I will put my Taegyu oneshot and 2 part oneshot books from now on :D A Collection of self w... More

Family 2
Just Ask
Here With You
~🔞Merilia 2🔞~
~🔞Fake Bully🔞~
~🔞Devil by the Window🔞~
~🔞Devil by the Window 3🔞~
~🔞Best Friends🔞~
~🔞Best Friends 2🔞~
Best Friends 3
~🔞Halloween Party🔞~
The Prince's Commoner

~🔞Devil by the Window 2🔞~

1K 34 47
By Taekookie_bunny

The demon smiled fondly as he looked down at the silvernette. His sleeping face was just too adorable to not admire as the sun slowly started to rise.

He would stay there all day with his beloved Taehyun, if not for the fact that he was an incubus and could not be out during the day time.

It had been a whole year and a half already since the pair had started having sex at night when Taehyun couldn't sleep, or just when Beomgyu wanted him, like what happened last night.

Eventually, it became normal for Beomgyu to come every single night and stay with him until the morning when he had to go. Beomgyu had one day randomly asked him to be his, and Taehyun couldn't help but accept, as he had fallen for the older.

Beomgyu sighed softly as he kissed his lover sweetly on the lips before getting up out of bed. He changed into his clothes before looking back at his boyfriend. "I love you, my little butterfly. I'll see you later~" he said, blowing him a kiss before he vanished, removing his presence from the room.


The brunette hummed as he entered through the gate leading to the kingdom of Hell. He greeted the guards on his way in, which so happened to be his best friends, Soobin and Hueningkai.

Beomgyu walked down a few paths until eventually he made it to a house, opening the door and going in, making sure to lock it before he looked around, a pleasant smell leading him to the kitchen.

"Ah, Gyu, you're home!" Said a male with fluffy black hair, wearing a white, V-neck shirt and tight black jeans with a ring on a necklace.

This was Beomgyu's older brother, Yeonjun (Hueningkai and Soobin's boyfriend), whom he loved so much and always told things to.

Beomgyu hummed softly as he sat at the table. "Hey, Hyung." He mumbled, watching him cook in silence.

Yeonjun smiled softly, looking at his little brother, who seemed to be in deep thoughts. Curious, he turned off the stove and sat down next to the male, looking at him and waving his hand in front of his face, causing him to flinch a bit.

"Gyu, is something on your mind? You know you can tell Hyung anything, right? Is it about your human boy again?" He asked.

Yes, he knew about Taehyun, and how Beomgyu seemed to be infatuated with him. He even stopped having sex with random people at night like normal incubi and succubi, just for him. He was totally in love, and Yeonjun knew it.

"Kind of..." he said before sighing and looking at his brother. "Hyung, would it be selfish of me to say I want to marry him? I wouldn't mind spending eternity with him."

Yeonjun's eyes widened as he looked at the male in shock. Never would he ever think that the younger would be so into a human boy that he would risk everything to be with him.

"Beomie~" he said, holding his hands over the table they were sitting at. "You know that if you and him want to marry, you have to perform the ritual..... and have his consent. Also, you wouldn't be able to love anyone else again if he breaks your heart ever." He said softly, trying to make sure this was really what he wanted.

Beomgyu nodded and laid his head on the older's chest. "I am aware, Junnie Hyung. I just really want him by my side. I know he wouldn't do that." he said, thinking about how cute it would be if they started a family together and had little Taehyuns and Beomgyus running around. "I love him so much."

Yeonjun saw the genuine expression in his face and nodded. "If that's what you want, I accept. Just make sure you ask him properly, okay?" He asked, earning a laugh in return.

"Ok. Thank you, Hyung. I'm going to go find a perfect outfit!! I'm so excited!!" He said before running off. Yeonjun shook his head with a grin on his face.

"Aish, that boy... what a simp....... I'm gonna call my boyfriends~" he said, grabbing his phone before leaving the room as well.


Taehyun hummed softly as he ate his dinner. It was a pretty fast day for him since today was a busy day at work. He didn't mind though, because that meant he got to see his boyfriend 'sooner'.

As he got up and walked to the sink to start doing the dishes, he felt a pair of arms wrap around his waist, and a chin on his shoulder.

He smiled and finished up the dishes before turning around to face the incubus that was his boyfriend.

"Beomie~" he said, placing a sweet peck on his lips before wrapping his arms around his neck happily.

The older smiled softly, returning the kiss and putting his arms around his waist.

"Good evening, Butterfly~ I missed you so much." He said, nuzzling his face into his neck while they hugged.

Taehyun hummed, running his hands through his hair. "I missed you more!" He said before dragging him over to the couch, sitting him down and straddling his lap as he laid his head on his chest. "Your cuddles are amazing~"

Beomgyu smiled down at the boy, rubbing his back gently, thinking about a few things. He cleared his throat before looking at Taehyun. "Hyunnie, there is something important I wanna tell you." He said, gaining the silvernette's attention.

"What is it?" He asked, tilting his head, arms placed gently on his chest as he waited for an answer.

Beomgyu thought about how to get his words together before sighing, rubbing his waist.

"Well, I know we've only been together for a short while, but I really love you so much. I really want to marry you, but there is something you would have to do first, and it isn't an easy thing to decide..." he started, looking away slightly.

"Beomie, is there something wrong? You know I'd do anything just to be by your side." He said, cupping his cheek.

Beomgyu closed his eyes for a bit before looking at Taehyun.

"Would you die for me?"


It was silent for a while, both males staring into each other's eyes, one in shock, and the other trying to read his eyes.

Finally, the shorter male looked down and away from his boyfriend.

Beomgyu was worried, and gently cupped his cheek, rubbing it softly with his thumb.

"I'm sorry, Hyunnie, I know it was dumb to ask. It's just so hard, knowing that if we wanted to be actually married and be together forever, I would have to kill you and condemn you to Hell." He said looking away, not wanting to embarrass himself in front of his little butterfly by showing his sadness.

It was quiet again until Beomgyu felt two arms hug him around the neck, a head buried in his chest as the silvernette rested on him.

"Beomie, I would love to be with you for all of eternity, even if I could never go to Heaven, or if I have to die early. I love you so much, and I'd rather be with you in Hell than anywhere else." He said softly. "Besides, it's not like I have any family that would miss me." He said with a soft giggle that brought music to Beomgyu's ears.

The inccubus smiled fondly at him, stroking his hair gently. "I love you, too." He said, leaning down to kiss him on the cheek.

Taehyun smiled at him with a hum, his arms still around his boyfriend's neck. Beomgyu leaned foreword to nuzzle his neck, inhaling his scent.

"So, how does it work? Is there something you have to do, like a ritual or something?" He asked, playing with the male's hair.

The older nodded, placing little kisses on his neck and jawline, which made him giggle from the ticklish feeling.

"Mhmm. I have to brand your skin with my symbol and bind your soul with mine, which, mind you, will burn like hell, so we will be together forever. It will make it so you will be able to find me wherever in Hell easily and to symbolize that you belong to me." He said, looking down at him with a hum, kissing him softly.

"Mm. Sounds kinda hot, actually~" he said, kissing back.

The inccubus smirked, pulling his shirt collar towards himself. "You think so?" He asked, earning a nod, feeling his boyfriend roll his hips over his crotch.

"Of course I do, Beomie~" he said, wrapping his arms around his neck and leaning down to his neck, sucking harshly on the skin.

Beomgyu just leaned his head back to give Taehyun more access to his neck, while his own hands roamed around under the human's shirt.

The younger left multiple dark marks on the demon's neck, moaning softly against the skin when he felt his lover pinch or rub his nipples.


Said male glanced down at the boy who had stopped marking him, seeing him staring right at him.

"Yes, butterfly?" He said, moving some hair out of his face and caressing his cheek.

Taehyun smiled, leaning into the touch while staring into his eyes.

"I give you full permission to mark me and claim me as yours~" he said softly, bringing his hips down against his crotch as the older bit his lip.

"Fuck, that's so hot~" the older said before crashing their lips together, pulling the boy as close as possible.

Taehyun immediately kissed back, tangling his fingers in his hair while their tongues danced away.

Beomgyu was quick to rip Taehyun's shirt apart, leaving his chest and shoulders exposed before he pulled away so Taehyun could have some air, attaching his lips to the newly exposed skin instead.

The younger moaned softly into his ear, holding his hair for dear life as he started lightly bouncing in his lap, eager to get some friction in their lower regions.

The incubus growled lowly, holding his hips tightly before looking at him with a smirk, his red eyes filled with lust as he glared into his soul.

"Not so fast, baby~ you didn't think I wouldn't notice what you were wearing, did you?" He said, sliding his hands into his shorts and pulling them down.

"Or should I say what you 'weren't' wearing?"

Beomgyu licked his lips, squeezing the boy's unclothed dick.

Taehyun bit his lip lightly. He wasn't wearing any underwear at all, and hadn't worn any the whole day, feeling risky to the thought of what his boyfriend would do if he found out.

Beomgyu hummed, flipping them over and pinning the boy down on the couch and hovering over him, kitty licking the tip of his cock and earning a low moan.

" you're not allowed to touch me, do you understand,baby boy?"

Taehyun whined but nodded, bucking his hips up, making the older chuckle in amusement.

"Words, butterfly~"

"Yes, Beomie~" he said, bucking his hips again and gasping when his boyfriend took him in whole instantly, sucking hard from the get-go.

"Aghnn~ B-Beomie!" The boy moaned out, his toes curling at the feeling he was experiencing. There was no doubt his boyfriend was a professional when it came to sex, but he was most certainly the very best at it.

Everything he did was like having a double dose of ecstasy, and Taehyun could never get enough. He'd let him abuse his body any day if he got to feel this good each time.

Beomgyu, of course, knew that fact, and it boosted his ego. He knew that Taehyun would let him do anything to him without complaints, and that's partly why he loves when they make love. Out of all of the people he's ever fucked, Taehyun was the most obedient and passionate about it. There was never a dull moment in their sex life.

"Aghnn~~ b-Beomie~ gonna c-cum!" He said, panting softly while the older continued sucking him off, blowing raspberries along the shaft and moaning to send more vibrations. Soon, Taehyun couldn't take it anymore and spilled his seed into his mouth.

Beomgyu pulled away after a bit longer, swallowing every last bit and licking away any extra off the boy's body before pulling him into another kiss. He grabbed him by the thighs as he carried him to the bedroom and laid him on the bed before hovering on top of him, taking off the rest of their clothes.

"Butterfly, I'm going to brand you now, okay? Feel free to pull my hair or arms if you need to." He said, planting soft kisses on his face.

Taehyun nodded and smiled softly. "Okay, Beomie~" he said, squeezing a smile out of the older, who kissed him lovingly before he aligned himself with his entrance before pushing inside of him.

The younger male moaned loudly, wrapping his legs around his waist on instinct as the older started thrusting fast.

"F-fuck, baby, you're so damn tight~" Beomgyu said, holding the boy's hips for a better angle while he fucked him.

"Only f-for you, b-Beomie~ l-love you so much~" he said, his eyes rolling back as the older got tougher with him. Fucking him like some rag doll, but with endless love and passion, something most other people didn't have.

"I love you, too, baby~ only you~" he said, leaning down to kiss him, distracting him from the hand that snuck up to his v-line, right above the base of his cock.

The silvernette's breath hitched as a scream came out when he felt a burning sensation in his lower regions. Tears brimmed his eyes as he felt the rising pain, causing him to squirm.

Beomgyu thrusted harder into the boy, rubbing his back with his free hand and kissing his body. "It's gonna be okay, butterfly, it'll be over soon." He said, watching his lover writhe and scream in pain.

"B-Beomie!! H-hurts!! So fucking bad!! AHHHHHH!!!" The boy let out a blood curddling scream as the mark came to a point beyond the pain of a small burn. It was so much more painful since the mark was in a sensitive area, and Beomgyu knew that.

Beomgyu bit his lip as he fucked into his lover harder, finishing making the mark, now being able to seal it. "Kang Taehyun, I claim your soul as mine and hereby bind it to mine. You will spend the rest of eternity after death by my side unless I say otherwise!" He said, his red eyes glowing as he sealed the mark, the symbol taking its place on the boy's skin.

As the pain started receding, the younger felt overwhelmed, releasing white ropes of cum onto his and his lover's chests, panting in exhaustion as the latter thrusted into him.

Beomgyu grunted after thrusting a few more times, releasing his load into him before thrusting out his high and pulling out, quickly getting up to go get some ice for the younger.

"Are you alright, baby? I'm sorry I hurt you." He said in concern as he carefully placed the ice pack wrapped in a cloth over his wound.

Taehyun laid there tiredly as he nodded slightly. "That was the worst pain I've ever felt in my life." He said, snorting shortly after in disbelief.

Beomgyu smiled softly, relieved that he was okay, planting a soft kiss on his lips. "I'm glad you're okay. I really couldn't bare seeing you in that state. It hurt my heart!" He said with a pout.

Taehyun giggled softly, pulling his boyfriend closer so they could cuddle, making sure not to press on the burns.

"You're such a goofball, Beomie~"

Beomgyu hummed, nuzzling his cheek against his head happily. "I'm your goofball, my Hyunnie~" he said, pulling the blankets over them both. "I love you, Butterfly~"

Taehyun blushed shyly, burying his face in the demon's chest and wrapping his arms around him to hold him close. "I love you, too, Beomie. Goodnight~" he said quietly, but Beomgyu still heard it.

"Goodnight, love. See you in the morning~" he said, closing his eyes in content, feeling good about his future with the man he loves .


When Taehyun opened his eyes, he was met with an empty bed. He wasn't really surprised, seen as his boyfriend couldn't be in the sunlight. Sighing, he sat up and rubbed his eyes. He reached over to the nightstand to grab his phone so he could check the time, only to realize it wasn't there.

He looked up, seeing an unfamiliar nightstand. Upon looking around the room, it wasn't even his own bedroom.

Confused, he got up, only to fall down on the ground, wincing from the immense pain in his lower regions.

"Damn, Beomgyu! Why'd he have to fuck me so good?!" He complained with a grumble, trying to crawl back to the bed before the door opened, a concerned looking male gasping as he saw the struggling boy.

"Hey! Be careful, you have to rest!" He said, rushing over to help him back onto the bed. "Beomgyu would be very upset if you got hurt under my care!" He scolded, tucking him under the blankets.

Taehyun looked at the raven, his brows furrowed in confusion. "Who are you? Where is Beomie? How do you know him??" He shot out, bombarding the man with so many questions.

The male huffed, shushing him before he could speak again. "First of all, my name is Choi Yeonjun and I live here. Second, Beomgyu is out at the store getting some medicines and clothes for you to wear from the store. Third, I'm his older brother, and this is Hell!" He explained with a smile, showing him his fangs.

The silvernette blinked twice, processing the information before gasping. "Am I dead?"

The older hummed, scratching his head gently. "I guess so? If your soul is here, then your human body is probably dead. By the way, you were naked when you got here and my boyfriends had to rush you here with Gyu so that nobody saw. What were you doing last time you remember?" He asked with a mischievous grin.

Taehyun blushed as he remembered the intimate night he and Beomgyu had before he fell asleep.

"Aish, Hyung, stop terrorizing my boyfriend!"

Said male pouted, looking at the door frame at the voice. "But it's so fun, Gyu!"

"Still, leave my baby alone!" Beomgyu said as he emerged from the hallway, shaking his head while walking over to the bed.

Taehyun smiled happily at the sight of his boyfriend, jumping up slightly to hug him. "Beomie!!" He said, holding him tight and kissing all over his face. "I missed you so much!!"

Beomgyu chuckled and kissed him on the lips. "I missed you more, Butterfly~ I got you some pain killers and your favorite kinds of outfits." He said, handing him a bottle of pills and a water bottle after setting a few bags on the floor.

Taehyun hummed, taking a few pills with the water before cuddling his boyfriend. "Thank you, Beomie." He said softly, resting his head on his shoulder.

"No problem, baby. You know I'd do anything for you~ now that you're here with me permanently, I'm so happy~" he said, running his fingers through the boy's hair.

"Oh, yeah. Since I died, am I like a demon or something now? I don't really know how this whole Hell thing works. Is it scorching hot here?" He asked, doe eyes on full display as he asked his questions.

The older chuckled at his cuteness and shook his head, kissing his forehead. "No, Hyunnie, you aren't. You have to be born a demon in order to be one. People who die and come to Hell are just human souls." He said, explaining the situation. "The weather here is pretty cool. Like how your fall seasons feel like."

Taehyun nodded, listening attentively to his boyfriend.

Beomgyu smiled, pinching his cheeks. "You're so cute!!!"

The younger giggled softly while the older tackled him in a hug, pulling him close. They stayed there, enjoying each other's presence for a while until Beomgyu turned to look at Taehyun, gently rubbing his cheek.

"Butterfly, how are you feeling? I mean are you still hurting?" He asked, concerned about his boyfriend since he went through a lot last night.

The younger shook his head. "I'm fine, Hyung. Well, my ass hurts still, but that's not too bad." He said, giggling softly.

Beomgyu sighed in relief. "That's good. I was worried the burns would be painful still." He said, referring to the symbol he had made to bind their souls.

Taehyun smiled, reaching down to left his shirt up a bit to look at it. The mark had already healed up and was in the shape of a butterfly enclosed in a circle and a few stripe marks.

"It's okay. I don't feel a thing, and the pain is worth it if I get to spend forever with you~" he said with a bright smile.

Beomgyu cooed softly, intertwining their fingers and kissing him softly before sitting up. "I'm happy~" he said, reaching over to the nightstand and pulling out a small object before turning back to his lover.

"Taehyunnie, my baby, my Butterfly~ I love you so so much, there are no words to fully describe how much I love you. I know we will be spending the rest of our existence together, but I would be very happy if we could spend it as something more than just boyfriends." He said, sitting down next to him and holding his hand out with a beautiful ring that he made himself.

"Will you marry me and take our relationship to the next level?"

Taehyun couldn't help the tears that slid down his eyes in shock. He was so happy and excited. He dreamed of spending his life with the older, but never expected this. It would be a shame if he refused, though.

"Of course I will marry you!!" He said, hugging him tightly while sobbing into his shoulder.

Beomgyu smiled happily as he hugged back. When they pulled away, Beomgyu put the ring on his now fiancé's finger, humming as the male admired it.

"Fuck! You always know how to make me cry in the good ways!" He said, wiping his tears while laughing softly.

The older chuckled and gently squeezed his cheeks. "Gosh I love you so much~" he said, looking at him with so much love and admiration that Taehyun could feel it in his bones.

"I love you, too, my Beomie bear~" he said, pulling him into a deep and passionate kiss, letting him dominate.

Beomgyu kissed back immediately, deepening the kiss and shoving his tongue past his lips for more as he laid the boy down, hovering over him, but never leaving his lips.

"Oh, Hey, Gyu! Do you want me to make breakfa- Ew!!!" Yeonjun gasped, closing the door after witnessing the intense makeout scene. He scrunched his nose in disgust. "Jeez they didn't even think about me still being in the house!" He said before grabbing his keys and shoes.

"I'll go visit my loves~" he said before leaving the house, letting the two lovers have some alone time after being united as one.

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