Malachai Mikaelson

By HannahParmee

6.2K 140 22

We all know the story of Kol Mikaelson, the psychopath and Kai Parker, the sociopath. But what you didn't kn... More

Welcome To Paradise
Black Hole Sun

The World Has Turned And Left Me Here

1.1K 37 13
By HannahParmee

"Ok Kol, Kai whatever your name is now, you need to explain." Rebekah demanded.

"Explain what?" Kai asked trying to avoid the conversation.

"Malakai, why did you kill your siblings?" Elijah questioned

"I-" Kai was cut off

"I can show you a clip from even further in the future that explains it. It will be easier for Kai so he won't have to explain it" Esther said

[Caroline walks towards Kai's cell.]

"Why are you in a cell?"

KAI: Hello, Clarice.

CAROLINE: You killed your sister, Jo, you tried to kill her kids too so why would you be interested in helping?

Everyone froze. Kai killed another of his siblings. And he apparently tried to kill her kids. Jo looked shocked, both at the fact that she died and had kids in the future.

KAI: Well, same thing happened to me when I was around their age. You start being able to do these things, amazing things, and at first, it's accidental and random and then you start to figure it out, which sounds cool but it's, um, it's torture. It's lonely.

The Mikaelsons said nothing, they didn't know what to say. They were giving glares to the 

Parkers for making their brother feel that way.

CAROLINE: Wasn't the same thing happening to Jo?

Kai scoffed at the idea of the same thing happening to Jo, she was the perfect child.

KAI: Jo wasn't a siphon. Jo was a Glenda. Perfect little witch who could do spells and make things float. People would clap, oh look at Josie, yes. Now, I was a kid who was walking around like an addict, fiending for a hit like I was on fire all the time. And they didn't understand it. So, they isolated me. Couldn't even touch anyone. That screwed me up, big time.

The Mikaelsons stared at Kai in complete silence. He had alreaty had a terrible childhood with Mikael as a father, now when he finally gets the chance to have a better family, one that could love him, he still gets the crappy end of the stick. Even if he had killed his siblings, and his coven, they can't judge him Klaus had gone around daggering the others, then they all killed their mother or father. But to kai, what was the difference between killing his siblings, and killing a stranger. Because thats what they were to him. Stangers that treated him like shit. That isolated him because his was different. If the Parkers did'nt already notice, the were witches, you can't get much different than that.


(Damon and Bonnie are strolling in the woods, it's morning and Damon is playing with a stick while whistling.)

Bonnie: You're in a good mood for the first time this decade. (Damon pokes her with the stick.) Stop that.

Damon: Because I have a hot date with my girl tonight.

"They are the perfect pair" Rebekah stated "both are absolutely terrible people."

"Hey!" Jo started "Damon is not that bad for a vampire and Elena is innocent, okay."

"Do you not remember when Elena made her brother kill mine?" Nik questioned, "The germ had to kill, what, twenty vampires to get the full mark? They are the reason that thousands of vampires died. and before you make some stupid remark saying," Nik made his voice higher to impersonate Elena "They were vampires, they were evil." He lowered his voice again, "Just remember that Stefan was a 'good' vampire. And if they are deserved to die, then why did they not kill Damon. Don't tell me he has changed, because he still goes around killing people, and before Elena became sired to him, he was still compelling people to sleep with him. Remember Caroline? Andy? I think that a lot of people would say that he is the worst of the worst. And everyone is still friends with him him. Does everyone just ignore everything he has done, or has your sense of morality slipped so far that you all just accept and don't mind what he has done?"

Everyone was silent.

Bonnie: Yeah, assuming Kai's telling the truth.

(Bonnie's pace is faster so she is now in front of him as they walk.)

Damon: I'm thinking dinner and a movie, you know what? Screw the dinner and a movie. Skip straight to the good part.


(Damon pokes her again and she jumps a bit.)

Bonnie: Yeah. And assuming I can do the spell, which I won't know...until I see it.

"*cough* amateur *cough*" Kai for some reason got a few glares.

(Damon walks forward so that now they stood beside each other.)

Damon: Whatever happened to hope, Bon? 'Member when I was all like boo, grr--(Bonnie looks over to him)--(Damon uses a high-pitched tone to mimic Bonnie)--And you were like "hooray, hooray. We're getting out of here!"?

Bonnie: Look, I want to go home more than anything but Kai's a sociopath, who's to say he won't screw us over?

"Who's to say that you don't screw him over. You just want to get out. Consequences be damned."

Damon: Me, I say, because I will kill Kai and anyone--(Damon does a playful jumping stance with the stick)--who comes in the way of me going home.

"And it is reasons like this which are why he will backstab you first." Rebekah said smirking.

"Rebekah, don't be rude to our brother." Elijah said.

"Bekah!" Kai said offended, "How dare you be so right about me?!"

[A pounding beat as Kai appears out of nowhere carrying an ax.]

Kai: I heard my name. All good I hope. (He also has the Ascendant in his hand and he uses it as he looks up and blocks the sun from his face with it.) The eclipse will happen directly overhead. (Kai looks at Damon and Bonnie who are shooting him glares.) In perfect alignment with the Gemini constellation. (He looks toward Damon, who looks right back, angrily.) You need to dig into the tunnels below us.

Bonnie: Why?

(Kai pauses for a second and speaks to her slowly as if she were a young child)

Kai: Have you never portal-jumped through an eclipse before?

"And you have?"

"No but 18 years stuck alone with that as an only way out will teach you a lot."

(When Damon and Bonnie don't look amused he takes a step forward.)

Kai: Okay look, the light of the eclipse will shine down and activate the Ascendant, you spout a little witchy woo and then poof! (He gestures an explosion with his hands, Bonnie raises her eyebrows.) Anyone standing in the circle of light holding the Ascendant goes home.

Bonnie: By 'witchy woo', I assume you mean the spell?

Kai: Uh-huh.

Bonnie: Let me see it.

(Kai pauses)

Kai: When the time comes.

(He steps forward and pushes past them.)

Damon: Where are you going?

Kai: Into town, I need to... gather some important supplies.

(He turns, whistling like Damon before leaving. Damon picks up the ax that Kai had sunk into the ground, he takes an incredulous look at both the stick and ax in his hand before tossing the stick.)

[Music nearly reaching its point.]

(Damon and Bonnie raise their eyebrows before Damon raises the ax and attacks the ground with it.)

(Damon has dug up the ground, and he's standing in the place he'd dug up. Damon continues attacking the inside of the hole with the ax while Bonnie sits on the dirt from the ground.)

"i dont like that ax" Kai grumbled.

Bonnie: Hey.

(Damon stops.)

Bonnie: You know there's a very probable chance you're digging your own grave, and...not bothered?

(Damon attacks the ground, ignoring Bonnie and finally an opening appears down there.)

Damon: Ha.

(Kai appears, coming from the woods with a backpack.)

Kai: Looks like I got back just in time.

(Kai nearly sets down his backpack when Damon zooms forward and snatches the pack, he tears it open. And begins reading what's inside.)

Damon: Zima, grunge, every Alex Rodriguez rookie card in demand, and a pager. Really?


(Damon drops the bag on the ground.)

Kai: 555-Hiya-Kai, no way I'm giving those digits up.

Damon: These are the important supplies you needed to get?

(Bonnie is suspiciously watching the two from the dirt she's sitting on.)

Kai: Look. The future sound great, all right? I'm super excited about the Internet, but 1994 has been my home for most of my life. I'd hate to get homesick. So let's get down there...

Bonnie (standing): No. (She walks forward, pushing Damon out of the way, who attempted to stop her.) We are not going anywhere until you show me the spell.

Kai: Okay. (He stands still, basically saying that they aren't going.)

Damon: Are we literally not going anywhere?

Bonnie (pursing her lips): Fine, you don't want to show me the spell? Then you can do it yourself.

(Kai smiles, suspiciously.)

Bonnie: You...want my magic. (She holds out her arm.) Take it.

"Bitch stop trying to be brave, you are going to get yourself killed. Again."

Kai (looking up at Damon): Uh-oh, she's being brave.

Bonnie: I'm serious Kai! This was your big threat, wasn't it? If I do the spell and let us out of here, you'll just take my magic, leave me for dead, and do the spell yourself. So go ahead. Take all of it.

(Damon looks worried, and Kai looks down at Bonnie.)

Kai: *sighing* Don't mind if I do.

(He slaps both hands on her shoulders and she yelps in pain, nearly going limp in his arms.)

Damon: Bonnie?

Bonnie (managing to speak): It's okay, he won't kill me.

Damon: Doesn't look like that from here.

"Mate, learn to shut up."

(Bonnie grunts in pain again.)

Bonnie: OW.

Damon (extremely worried): Hey! Bonnie.

(Bonnie's face contorts with pain.)

Damon: Whoa, hey, guys. (And when they continue.): STOP.


(Kai releases Bonnie with a mischievous smile.)

Bonnie (trying to catch her breath and when she finally does): He doesn't..know the spell. Which means, we don't need him. (She raises her hand.) Motus. (The ax Damon was using to attack the ground soars through the air before burying itself into Kai's chest, whose eyes widen as he falls on his back.)

"I am going to kill them. Again"

Damon: NO! No, BONNIE? (After a while he taps her bare shoulder with an impressed look.)

Damon (turning away): Great work, Bonnie.

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