Cobra Kai: Hidden Strength

By DariusBundl

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"you have the potential to be better then I ever was you want that don't you?" Male reader x Tory nichols Sea... More

Volume 1 Chapter 1: The Valley
Chapter 2: it's cobra Kai
Chapter 4: Connection
Chapter 5: Molting

Chapter 3: Flipping the Script

551 20 3
By DariusBundl

Welcome to another chapter of this story

Cobra Kai dojo

Y/N was currently was stretching when he heard Demetri and Eli talking

"Why did I let you talk me into this? This goes against everything I stand for It's like extra gym class for no reason". Demetri says to Eli

Let's just give it a chance You saw the fight Miguel and Y/M kicked ass" Eli responds

"Okay! Today we begin-" Johnny starts but everyone just kept talking

"QUIET". he yells getting everyone's attention

"Face front" Johnny says as everyone faced the front and Johnny walked around looking at the carousel students

"Nice shirt" John says to Demetri


"I'm joking It sucks" Johnny comments making Demetri frown and Johnny walked over to a fat kid who smiled

"Word of advice If you got shit for teeth, don't smile". The fat kid dropped his smile and Johnny looked at a smaller kid

"My God, makes me feel like a virgin just looking at you.....When I look around this dojo, I don't see Cobra Kai material I see losers I see nerds I see a fat kid with a funny hat with his tits popping out". Johnny says making Y/N shake his head disapprovingly At his dad's comments

"But my short time as a sensei, I've also seen some miracles So maybe there's some hope for you yet First I need to see where you're at So everybody, fall in!" He says but no one did anything

"That means line up" they to line up in one line

"No, not--not line up in a line....Lines, Get in lines". He as everyone was confused

"You mean, like, rows?" Demetri asked and Johnny facepalms


A couple of minutes later everyone finally got their rows

"Fighting positions! Jab punch!" Everyone jab punched

"Nope, wait till I say go Hiya!" Johnny says

"Hiya!" Everyone jab punched

"Hiya!" Johnny yells

"Hiya!" Everyone jab punched again

"Come on, you want to stand straight.
Plant your feet in there" Johnny says rearranging a kids feet

"Are you sure you're right-handed?" Johnny comments

"Hiya!" Johnny yells as they all jap punch again

"Come on, tits, you can do better than that You got weight use it". He says to the bigger kid and Y/N shook his head again

"Hey, Lip.". Johnny says and Y/N instantly knew he was talking about Eli

"Ah Shit". Y/N mumbles

"Yeah, you The one with the freaky lip.
Who do you think I'm talking to?"

"Excuse me, Mr.Lawrence" says Demetri getting Johnny's attention

"Sensei Lawrence" Johnny corrects

"Okay You really shouldn't make fun of someone's physical appearance" Demetri tells him and Y/N knew that his dad was pissed he didn't show it on the outside but he knew he was pissed

"Oh, is that so? So I'm not supposed to mention his lip at all?*

"Well, yeah Yeah" Demetri says confident in his answer

"maybe that's what they teach you in school but in the real world you can't expect people to do what they're supposed to do Right? You hear that, Lip? If you can't handle someone making fun of you, how are you gonna handle an elbow to the teeth?" Johnny asked him but once Demetri stepped into the conversation

"By calling the police?" Demetri Says

"Demetri shut up" Y/N says

"Yeah Dude Knock it off" Miguel adds

"What? He does realize the Nazis lost the war, right? Why should I be scared of him? Because he's got a snake on his wall? It's not like he's a teacher who can give us a bad grade.We're paying him He works for Us It's not like he can actually hurt us". Demetri says and Y/N knew that .was it for Demetri as Johnny got in his face

"Oh, shit" Y/N comments silently

*You done?" Johnny asked

"What?" Demetri comments

"Hit me Go ahead, hit me Strike me right here" Johnny says as Demetri took a swing at him but Johnny casually smacks his hand away

"Harder" Johnny says and Demetri goes for a harder punch but Johnny smacked his hand again.

"Is that all you got, princess?" Demetri got mad and goes for another punch but this time Johnny flips Demetri onto his back.

"Let that be a lesson to all of you". He says pointing at all the students.

"Great first Class" Y/N mumbles

The next day West valley high

Y/N, Miguel and Demetri where walk-in down the hall when Demetrius tells the two that he was quiting

"Yeah, but you can't quit" Miguel says

"Yeah man it was only the first class".
Y/N adds

"I got yelled at, got my ass kicked, and then gave him my money You know who lives like that? Hookers"

"Well he is right about that one" Y/N says as Miguel smacked his shoulder

"What they do" Y/N Says

"Anyway he's not that bad of a guy.
You gotta give him a chance You don't know him like I do" Miguel says trying to reason with Demetri

"Uh, that's hooker talk Besides, I don't need to learn karate when I have you". He says pointing and the two teens see Kyler now with a Black eye he looks at the two and just turns walking away without a word.

"Bitch" Y/N says

"See? No one's gonna mess with you" Demetri says

After school at the cobra Kai dojo

"Okay, everybody fall in". He says as all of the students fall in and Johnny noticed that he had less students then he did yesterday.

"Where's everyone? Crater face? Nose ring? Slingshot?" Johnny asked

"They quit, Sensei"

"You serious?"

"Yeah dad that's usually what happens when you talk shit about people and destroy their already low self-esteem". Y/N comments Making his dad give him a slight glare

Well good That was a test I wanted to see who the quitters are Not you guys.
You're in it to win it Right, you could be at home, playing your iComputers, playing your video games, eating candy.
Instead you're here, doing pushups, learning how to fight" Johnny says as he looks at Eli who had a nervous look on his face

"Lip Look Even Lip's tougher than those guys He's no quitter" Johnny says making Eli the center of attention

"Could you please not call me that?" Eli asked quietly

"Excuse me, what?"

I said, could you please not call me that". Eli says a little louder"

"Um, I'll warm 'em up, Sensei" Miguel says trying to turn Johnny's attention away from Eli

"No, no, no Lip has something he wants to say Sorry, speak up, Lip Or is your tongue messed-up too? Are you one of those challenged kids?"

"Dad seriously chill the hell out he doesn't have to speak if he doesn't want to"

"QUIET". he yells looking at his son then back at Eli

"Um, the doctor said I could be on the spectrum"

"I don't know what that is, but get off it pronto All right? If you don't want me to call you Lip, then don't have a weird lip.
Can't you get surgery for that?" Johnny asked

"I was born with a cleft lip This is the scar from the surgery" Johnny says taking a closer look at Eli's lip

"You mean it was worse before that? Or did the doctor just screw up? Because if this is the after photo, that sucks, man.
You should sue" Johnny says

"Can we just please change the topic?" You don't think I want to? It's tough when it's right in front of me"

"Okay dad he gets it you can stop now seriously" Y/N says getting irritated

"If you want to be something other than a nerd with a scar on his lip, then you gotta flip the script Okay? Get a face tattoo Or gauge your eye out". Johnny
We'll call you Patch, all right? No, don't do that one You'll still look like a freak.

Eli didn't say anything he just walked out of the dojo

"Uh, great, really? Another quitter? Go away No more lessons today" Johnny says as both Miguel and Y/N followed them inside his office

"Do you have to be so hard on them?". Miguel Says

"Yeah dad like really all you do is put them down how can they build there confidence when all you do is destroy their self esteem". Y/N says but Johnny wasn't listening

"Oh, come on, Y/N They're a bunch of losers" Johnny Says

"Yeah, well, some of those losers are our friends". Y/N says

"Yeah, that tracks And they're your students" Johnny comments

"You wanted a full dojo you got one" Miguel Says

"Not full like that". Johnny responds making Y/N Cross his arms

"The hell is that suppose to mean?". Y/N asked clearly upset

"Yeah, I get it All right, they're losers Maybe I'm a loser too" Miguel Says

"Are you kidding me? Are you gonna cry now too?". Johnny Says

No, it-- Never mind It's just-- You don't know what it's like to be us"

"And the fact that you can be so inconsiderate if others feelings yeah did I get it isn't really your thing to talk about feelings but at the same time there had to be a time in your life that you felt the same way everyone in this dojo feels".
Y/N rants and his dad did the say anything.

"We'll see you tomorrow"  both teens says leaving Johnny to think about his choices and back in the day when he was just like Y/N, Miguel and the rest of his students.

The Next Day Cobra Kai dojo

"Three more absences, Sensei". Miguel Says

"Big surprise". Y/N says sarcastically

"Bunch of pussies" Aisha comments but Johnny shook his head

"No, it's my fault Since you joined Cobra Kai, I have been hard on you I've called
you names I've humiliated you Some of you I've hit And for that, I don't apologize.
Cobra Kai is about strength If you're not strong on the inside, you can't be strong on the outside And right now you're all weak And I know that because I was you"

He says as he looked at both his son and Miguel who where surprised

"I used to have no friends Used to be the weirdo kid Not that weird". He says pointing at the smaller kid named Bert

But I still hooked up with babes and all, but The point is, I wasn't always the badass sensei I am today Just like a cobra, I had to shed my loser skin to find my true power And you guys will too".

He says making Y/N smile proud that his dad came around to understand what him and Miguel were saying and in walked a kid with a blue mohawk

"Welcome to Cobra Kai". Johnny says to the kid but Y/N and Miguel instantly knew who it was

"Eli, what happened?" Miguel asked

"I'm flipping the script" Eli says with a confident smirk

"Wait, are you the kid with the lip? Nice cut, broYou see that? Doesn't matter if you're a loser or a nerd or a freak.
All that matters is that you become badass" he says looking at Eli

"Hawk Fall in" Johnny says and now named hawk falls in line

"Fear does not exist in this dojo, does it?"

"No, Sensei!" Hawk answers

"Pain does not exist in this dojo, does it?"

"No, Sensei" Aisha answers

"Defeat does not exist in this dojo, does it?"

Both Y/N and Miguel looked at each other and smirked

"No, Sensei" they both answer

"Class, are you ready to learn the way of the fist?" He asked his class

"Yes, Sensei!"


And that's that for this chapter hopefully you enjoyed it.

Not much to say about this chapter so with that being said until next time my wonderful readers.

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