Start Over (Jensoo)

By NainaZara

35.4K 1.6K 1.8K

Jennie is a pop star. Jisoo is an actress. They live completely normal lives until Jisoo is set to star in a... More

The Actress
The Singer
The Past & Present
The Human Equivalent Of Infuriating
The Human Equivalent Of Hate
The Human Equivalent Of A Bitch
I Would Give You An Award But I Don't Like You
Wake Up
The Article
Trying & Failing
Trying and Failing Pt.2
Sometimes...Having Friends Is Hard
You Are...
How I Met The Love Of My Life
A Little More Chaelisa To Make Your Day Better
Giving Up
More Than Friends
More Than Friends Pt. 2
The Article Pt.2
Convincing Me
🔞 & ❤️
Not My Hero
A Black Hole
Date Night
The Article Pt. 3
Distance Makes The Heart Grow Fonder
The World Is Filled With Bitches
The Concert
Content in Concert
Jump Over The Edge
I Love You And Me
Post Credits

The Human Equivalent Of Frustration

1K 51 121
By NainaZara

Jisoo's POV

I sat at the script reading.

I was early like usual.

Lisa came in a few minutes after me with panting breaths.

"How...How the you get here so fast?"

I smiled at my assistant. "It's called being punctual, honey."

Lisa scowled. "Don't 'honey' me just because I'm your assistant."

I chuckled and sat in the chair with my notecard.

Slowly everyone started filing in and I was excited to see everyone again...

Except Dan. Anyone but Dan.

I did, however, notice that everyone seemed to be restless....waiting for something.

And I knew exactly who.

Levi walked in with a grin and sat at the head of the square-ish shape that the tables had been made into.

I looked back at Lisa texting on her phone before I sighed and looked at the seat next to mine with the place card, "Jennie Kim", in big, bold black letters.

Suddenly everyone looked up with a smile as Jennie walked in.

She was wearing a jean jacket and a tight fitting shirt with dark blue jeans. Her eyes were covered with sunglasses and her hair was down in dark waves.

She smiled as she came closer and pulled out the chair next to me.

She sat down and pulled off her sunglasses and shrugged off her jacket, placing the it on her lap.

She nodded to everyone and I still stared at her.

She looked back at me with a wide smile. "Jennie Kim. I heard we're going to be working together. I saw a few of your clips online. They made my day!"

I tightened my jaw. She's so fake.

I lightly shook her hand and pulled away to look at my script.

I saw her smile falter a bit before she nodded with regained energy and looked at the script too.

I flipped through episode one, searching for my character and sighed when I saw that the first scene would be with Jennie.

I texted to Lisa: FML


1 month later...

We were ready to film. And I was excited to get back into character again.

I looked behind the makeup artist to see my signature doctor's coat that I loved a lot.

I smiled. Whenever the show ends, I'm going to steal the jacket.

"Alright. You're done!" She smiled and left the trailer quickly.

I smiled and went to my jacket, pulling it on and setting myself into character as I walked onto set where the makeshift hospital hallway had been created to shoot mine and Jennie's first scene with Dan.

I saw her standing on her mark; her hair pulled into a bun with a few strands framing the sides of her face, minimal makeup and dressed in turquoise scrubs.

I came closer and stood on my mark, completely ignoring her.

We stood there, waiting for the cameras to get ready when she said, "Good morning."

I looked at her.

And nodded.

I turned away.

I heard her say, " there...are you not feeling well?"

I looked back at her. "All the time."

She seemed like she had no idea what to say in response.

I kept my smirk to myself.

"I hope the scene goes well."

I shrugged. "I know my lines. What about you?"

I looked back at her and she just nodded with a swallow.

I raised an eyebrow. "How old are you again? 38?"

She widened her eyes. "What?"

I tilted my head and crossed my arms over my chest. "Are you older than that?"

She shook her head vigorously. "I'm 34!"

I nodded. "Good for you."

"How old are you?"

I smirked and turned back to her. "28."

She shook her head and sighed. "Good for you."

I nodded. "What did you do when you were my age?"

She smiled. "A lot of people."

I gasped and it only made her grin wider.

One of the ensemble members, Jack, came to his spot and took Jennie with him a few feet away.

I took a few steps in their direction, turned around and I heard:


Miranda walked down the hallway when she turned around at Scott calling her.


She turned around and smiled at Scott. "Hi! How are you?"

He smiled his charming grin. "I have someone for you to meet." He gestured to the woman beside him.

"This is Jennie—"


Jack blushed and I rolled my eyes.

He apologized to Jennie and she kept saying, "It's alright" with a shy grin.

I just stood there like an idiot.

Then I heard Levi say, "Alright! Let's start from I have someone for you to meet! ACTION!"

He smiled his charming grin. "I have someone for you to meet." He gestured to the woman beside him.

"This is Tracy. She's an intern that will be following you."

Tracy held out her hand out for Miranda to shake.

Miranda stared at her for a moment before shaking her hand.

Tracy nodded slightly and said, "I can't wait to work with you."

Miranda pulled her hand away. "Where did you study?"

Miranda was supposed to seem kind and a little bit disinterested but today, as she looked at Tracy, she couldn't bring up one ounce of kindness.

Miranda was just having a bad day.

Tracy took a deep breath and smiled. "UPenn."

Miranda raised her eyebrows. "Ivy League?"

Tracy nodded excitedly.

Scott smiled. "Damn girl! You didn't tell me any of that!"

Tracy shrugged as if it was no big deal.

Miranda sighed. "You can go Scott. I'll talk to Tracy." She spoke to Scott but her gaze never left Tracy.

Miranda leaned slightly forward. "Why did you want to intern at this hospital?"

Tracy glanced around nervously before looking back at her. "I was....I was presented with a good opportunity here."

Miranda crossed her arms over her chest. "But...anyone could've hired you. You have an Ivy League diploma and a million other accomplishments that I'm sure I can find on your file."

She nodded. "Yes. But I wanted to go here because....because I admired you."

Miranda raised an eyebrow. "Did you now?"

Tracy nodded again. "I read up on your research. On the work you do outside and inside the hospital. It blows me away with how much you've accomplished. It brings a new level of.... Self-motivation to have someone you idolize.... working with you."

A muscle jumped in Miranda's jaw. "Sometimes it's not fun. What if I don't meet up to your standards?"

Tracy shrugged. "All people are flawed. I just hope you won't react harshly to me being your fan."

Miranda's hands on her upper arms tightened.

They stood there staring at each other, somewhat intensely.


I looked back at Jennie who was blowing out a breath and smiling widely.

I scoffed. She's probably thinking she finished her first scene. She's probably happy.

I went up to her. "FYI, this is only the first day, don't hope for too much to come out of this role."

I didn't miss her look of shock as I walked away to drink coffee before our second take.



Tracy walked in her usual scrubs and smiled widely. "Good morning Dr.Parks!"

Miranda waved her hand away. "Out. I need to finish some work."

Tracy stopped smiling and nodded. She placed the file Miranda had asked for and left for the door before she heard,


The intern came back excitedly. "Yes?"

Without looking at her, she said, "Get me a double expresso, one packet of sugar. Quickly."

"Long day?" Tracy asked kindly.

Miranda darted her eyes up to meet her. She pulled her glasses off and said, "I'm sorry. Was I supposed to answer that? Or did I tell you to get me a coffee?"

Her eyes narrowed and Tracy widened her eyes. "Right away!"

Then she hurriedly left the room and Miranda stared at the closed door.

"She's....something else." She shook her head and went back to her work.



I was completely keeping my calm for the whole day until Jennie ran into me while walking on set.

Thus spilling whatever concoction made her function, onto my costume.

"Shit! You ruined the costume!", I shouted loudly.

Everyone turned to us.

Jennie bit her lip and said, "I'm...I'm so sorry. I didn't mean—"

I just shook my head and stormed to my trailer.

I slammed the door behind me and groaned at the blue staining my white doctor's jacket.

"Ugh! What was she drinking?!" It was sticky and enough to drive me bonkers.

I heard my trailer door open and I rolled my eyes.

"What the hell do you want?"

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to! I should've—"

"Of course you didn't, you bitch! Do you know how hard it is for people to make costumes?!" I held up the ruined costume. "No! Because you can spend money at the drop of a hat!"

Jennie took a step away from me. "I came to apologize. I can replace—"

I gripped the coffee stained jacket. "I have worn this same costume for 5 YEARS!"

Jennie looked away from my gaze to her hands where her fingers were twisting together anxiously.

"I-I under....I understand that it means a lot to you. I am truly..." she looked back up at me with her dark gaze "I'm truly sorry Jisoo."

I tightened my jaw and waved her away. "Leave. I don't want to rehash this again."

"But Jisoo—"

"Fuck! Just leave me alone!" She's a good actress if she thinks she can be so kind and apologetic. I don't buy it one bit.

"Jisoo. We're going to be working together. Should've we get along? Have I done something to offend you?"

I sighed and looked back at her. "You're only staying for a season anyways. This isn't permanent. I won't need to see you after these 6 months."

I saw her swallow. "I...I understand." She nodded and left my trailer.

I watched her glance my way again before closing the door.

Jennie's POV

"I need a drinking buddy."

Roseanne laughed on the other end. "Oh no! What happened? It was your first day on a TV show set! Aaaand....It's Pitch Quiet! You met THE Jisoo Kim right?"

I let out a breath of frustration. "That's who I need to talk to you about!"

She sounded surprised. "Jisoo?! The Jisoo who volunteers at pet shelters and spends time with her parents because she's the poster 'good child'? THAT Jisoo?"

"Yes." I said evenly, hearing her accomplishments grated my nerves. I have 3 hit albums! She only has one Emmy!

"Ha! I'm coming for the tea! You better spill everything bestie!"

She hung up unceremoniously and I was left staring at my phone's Lock Screen.

About 20 minutes later, I was curled up in my couch with a glass of alcohol and staring at an episode of Everglades. The teen drama was trending and it was my guilty pleasure.

So you can imagine what happened when Roseanne walked in with her bottle of wine, black leggings, pink crop top and her blonde hair in a bun on top of her head.

She gasped in shocked delight. "Jennie Ruby Jane Kim! I can't believe you!"

I shook my head vigorously. "SHUSH! YOU!"

She burst out laughing. "Jennie Kim. Pop star watching the cringe yet incredibly investing, TEEN drama Everglades?!"


Roseanne looked away and sat on the floor in front of my coffee table, opening the bottle of wine.

"Where are your wine glasses?"

I gasped with a smile. "YOU WATCH EVERGLADES TOO!"

She cleared her throat and muttered, "I think I remember..."

She basically ran off and I shouted after her, "YOU CAN NOT JUDGE ME! CHRIS WILL GET WITH MICHAEL AND FIONA WITH DAISY!"

She came back with the wine glasses and sat in the same spot on the floor again with a smirk.

"It's a heterosexual show, Jennie."

"No! Fiona has to end up with Daisy! Fiona is all alone and she needs someone to boost her morale up! And Daisy is literally her fan!"

Roseanne smiled and poured the wine to the glass, taking my empty one away and replacing it with the wine.

"I think she sounds like someone I know." She drank from her wine glass and looked up at me.

I sighed. "I don't get with fans."

Roseanne chuckled. "You've made that clear...about a thousand times."

"I don't want someone who worships the ground I walk!"

"But you're used to it?"

I shrugged and took a sip. "I guess."

She leaned forward. "And I'm guess Jisoo isn't?"

I widened my eyes. "It's not just that! She HATES ME! Wait no—SHE DESPISES ME!"

She chuckled. "Why? What did you do to her?"

I pointed to her. "That's just it!—I DID NOTHING! She just kept making snide remarks! Rolling her eyes! I was walking with my phone and she was too and then..." I put my wine glass on the coffee table.

I smacked my hands together. "BAM! Head on collision!"

She laughed. "Oh my god!"

I nodded. "My Blue Raspberry drink fell onto her costume!"

She snapped. "There it is!"

I shook my head. "She was doing all those things before this happened! Before this...this incident...I had gotten the feeling she doesn't like me. Her snide comment about me" I made air quotes "not hoping too much out of the role" was complete bullshit! I didn't care but she didn't have to throw it in my face! That's when I knew she HATES me!"

Roseanne took another sip and hugged her knees to her chest, completely invested. "And the despising was cemented when you spilled your energy drink on her?"

I nodded. "And you won't believe this!" I shouted back. "I went to her trailer to apologize AND SHE WOULDN'T LET ME SPEAK!"

She nodded. "What did you say?"


I blew out a breath and drank my wine.

We sat in silence for a few minutes before Roseanne said, "Wow...I guess...I guess I wasn't expecting her to be like that. Her behind the scenes with her other co-stars is great. And a lot of people say good things about her."

I shook my head. "She's horrible."

She leaned back on her palms. "You know....I've never seen you like this."

I blinked in confusion. "Like what?"

"So..." she waved vaguely, searching for the right words "so...worked up over someone."

I rolled my eyes. "I complain about my company and producers all the time to you."

She shook her head. "That's different. You always sound...resigned, I guess. Like you've accepted your fate and you really can't tell anyone but me."

I swallowed. "But now?"

She smiled and tilted her head. " have some fight in if you aren't going to back down from something. It''s beautiful. I haven't seen that since I met you 6 years ago and it makes you more beautiful than you already are."

I blushed and hid my face behind my wine glass. "You know that I hate compliments Roseanne!"

She grinned. "I'm not sorry. And I'm happy for you."

"You're happy that I'm suffering?"

She nodded. "Yes. I aspire to be a sadist."

I narrowed my eyes. "Sarcasms doesn't become you, Roseanne."

"Neither does being a bitch."

"I WAS NEVER THE BITCH! SHE WAS AND FOREVER WILL BE!" I pointed vaguely to where my front door would be near the front of the house.

She tilted her head and looked pained. "Really? I think sometimes you can be a bitch." She placed her wine glass on the coffee table and I gasped.

I threw one of the pillows at her and she gasped with a wide smile.



She scoffed. "HOW DARE YOU?!" She took my wine glass, put it next to hers and whacked my head with the pillow I threw at her.


She smirked. "Everyone knows you only get hits with your songs. Not your face."

I made a pained expression and placed my hand over my heart. "Too far, Roseanne. Too far."

She grinned mischievously before hitting me on the head again.


To be continued 😉

I referenced the fictional show I made up called "The Everglades" in another story too.

A/N: This made me laugh 😂

Also these series of photos I'm blessing you with:


Lisa at the Bvlgari event, HOLY BACK! 🛐
Lol someone screamed "Sexy Back" and she blushed, laughing it off.

And Rosie looking like she stepped out of 1900s with ice cream:

Alright bye!

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