Kamen rider OOO x Rise of the...

By JustyTurner

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In the world of fantasy where the monster and demi-human exist, the world is different because they have four... More

Protagonist: OOO
Chapter 1: The Medal hero
Chapter 2: Know your new world
Chapter 4: Meet ths spear hero
Chapter 5: Freedom to all slaves (part 1)

Chapter 3: Meet the Shield hero

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By JustyTurner

(Many months ago)

???: I didn't do it I swear!

We see a young girl holding a shield on her arm with spears being pointed at her as she couldn't believe what has happened as everyone was glaring at her while the King points at her and then tells her.

??? 2: (angry) I should have known you try something like this! Your nothing but a disgrace and shall be banished from this kingdom forever! The whole nation will see you nothing more as a monster.

She then grinded her teeth in anger as she thinks to herself.

???: (thought) Is it because of this stupid shield? Is that why? Just because I have a shield, they treat me like shit! Screw them!!!!

She then let out a yell that cost a huge shock wave that sent the guards back ans shattered the windows as everyone step back as she glared at everyone in the room, turns and leaves.

???: Fine! I don't need anyone! I can take on the waves all by myself!

And so she leave the throne room and never to return as we see the Kings son standing next to him with a evil smirk on his face.


(Present day)

In the middle of the forest we see Y/n, Ankh and Uva walking through the woods and heading to a village to start on their search on finding the other Greeeds while also the Shield hero.

They were walking through the forest when Y/n asked Uva.

Y/n: So Uva, got any ideas where the shield heroes or the others might be?

Uva: Well got no idea about the other Greeeds. I do know that one of them is helping out some none humans not nothing much. As for the shield hero, not top sure as well. The last thing anyone saw her wording through the woods with someone else.

Ankh: Who?

Uva: No idea. Either way how do we approach her? I mean I don't think she's not a type to work with anyone, including other heroes.

Y/n: (smile) I'll find a way. I mean how bad can it be?

Ankh and Uva just looked at each other after he said that. Soon they reach a nice looking lake and that's where they decided to have a break as Uva sat down.

Uva: Finally! Feels good to sat down and relax.

Ankh: (sat down) Your telling me. Been a while since I have legs.

Uva: That's because you were a hand. Say, how many humans that has to talk to the hand. Get it?

Ankh: Oh shut it, you suck.

Uva: You suck!

Y/n: (smile) Well I'm just gonna explore around the lake for a while.

Ankh: (wave) Okay don't get lost.

He nodes and goes off as he take a walk around the lake, looking at the nice lake and then sat down for a moment and stared at the lake.

Y/n: (thought) Boy this world is both amazing and crazy all at the same time. I mean monsters, heroes and other stuff. This is definitely like a RPG game. Now, here I am in this world with monsters with me. Still, I wonder what happened to the four heroes and if the shield hero is alone then.....where are the others?

He was looking down and thinking when he heard splashing and looks over to noticed someone who is drinking some water from the lake. He gets up and walked up close to the person to see its a women as she turn and gasp in surprised when she noticed him. She head Racoon like ears so she is a demi-human.

Y/n: Um hi there lady. Sorry to settle you but do you know where the shield hero is?

Then her eyes widen in shock and suddenly she race off into the forest and disappear from sight.

Y/n: (thought) That was weird? Maybe she is afraid of the shield hero or something. Oh well, at least I tried.

He continues his walk, thinking everything seems peaceful but then heard something rushing towards him. He stopped and turn to the forest and thought it was the same women from before so he wait here for her.

But he slowly realised the footsteps doesn't stop and before he know it a person with a shield clash into him and he was sent flying and splash into the lake which Ankh and Uva noticed and head over to see what is going on.

We then see Y/n climbing out of the lake all wet as he place his hand onto the grass only for his foot to be land on his hand as he look up to see a women standing over him with a glare.

???: Who are you?


???: I said who are you? You sent you here to go after me? You better not lie.

Y/n: Wait! I was not sent by no one!

???: Liar! Tell me now!

Y/n: I said no one sent me. We were only here for a break and after that go and find the shield hero.

???: You mean there's more of you?

Y/n: Yes why?

She look around and that's when Y/n noticed her shield and then he look behind her to see the same girl and then he pit two and two together as he looks up at her and ask her.

Y/n: Your the shield hero.....aren't you?

She looks down at him as she realised he know just recognised her to which she tells him.

???: Well duh, I am holding just a shield.

Y/n: How was I suppose to know, you were all covered up with cloak! I couldn't tell!

Ankh: Y/n!

She then turn to see Ankh and Uva as she get into her defence which Ankh and Uva stop in their place.

Y/n: Wait stop! We're not here to harm you! You can trust us!

???: Never. I trust someone a long time ago but not anymore.

Ankh: Believe us, we're not here to harm you or your friend. We are searching for you because we were hoping we can bring the four heroes together and find the Greeed.

???: (angry) I'm never working along side them again! They turn their backs on me and I will never work along side them ever again!

Y/n sees how upset she it and before he could say anything he felt something bite his leg.

Y/n: Ow!

He reach down and then pulled out a large piranha.

Y/n: Man what a ugly fish.

Uva: Um Y/n....that's no normal fish.

Y/n: Huh?

Suddenly it broke free and splashes into the lake. Seconds later an army of Piranhas burst out of the lake and sworm around and then stopping and turning towards them.

Uva: Those are Yummy's!

???: A what now?!

Suddenly the Piranha Yummy's charge towards them which the shield hero moves back while Y/n gets up and place his OOO driver onto his waist.

Ankh: Y/n, catch!

He tosses the metal cores at Y/n which he catches and insert it into his driver and pulled out his O scanner and swipe down the OOO driver.

Y/n: Henshin!

OOODriver: Taka! Tora! Batta! Ta-To-Ba! Tatoba, Ta-To-Ba!

The shield hero and her friend were surprised as OOO pulled out his sword and starts cutting down the Piranha yummys that were coming towards them. Some came towards Ankh and Uva but Ankh shoots out flames out of his hand while Uva leaps up high into the air and came down, stomping on a few as OOO swings his sword at them.

The shield hero blocks theie attacks which OOO sees this and rushes over and take out a few to which the shield hero tells him.

???: I don't need your help! I got this!

OOO: Look I get it, you don't trust us because you were betrayed, I get it. But if we wanna save the world then we have to work together.

???: How can I be sure your not one of them. The idiots that turn their backs on me even though I didn't do it. Besides you first met me so how can you trust me?

OOO: Well......I gonna give it a shot. This is the first time we met right? How's about we be friends.

She is surprised for a moment then the two heard the shield hero friend cry as they turn to see her getting circled by Piranha Yummys.

???: Hold on, I'll sav-

Suddenly OOO rushes over to her and burst through the sworm and then grab her and leap her and himself away as they land on the ground.

OOO: You okay?

She nodes with her cheeks blushed as OOO set her down and then Uva came up to him and turn to see the army of Piranha Yummy's forming together.

Uva: There too many to take down.

OOO: Got a plan?

Uva: Yep.

He then pulled out Taka and Tora off os hid metal core and then slide in two new metal cores in.

Uva: Use it now.

OOO: Right!

He pulled out his O scanner and then scan them qs he transform into a new form.

OOOdriver: Kuwagata! Kamakiri! Batta! (Buzz) Ga-to Gata-Gata-Kiriba! Gatakiriba!

(Battle music start)

OOO: (looks at himself) Wow! This is awesome!

Soon the Piranha yummys charge towards OOO to which he charges towards them and then he multiple into a lot of OOO as they clash into the Piranha Yummy's and they all battle them.

The shield hero and her friend where surprised that he can do that as the OOO's take on a lot of Piranha Yummy's as they swing their shoulder blades at them, tossing them away or even punching them.

A few leap back, charged up their horns and then blast lighting at the Piranha Yummy's and after that charge towards a few and swing their shoulder blades at them.

Some leaped up high and spin around qs they came down and cut them all down with their shoulder blades qs they Chop up the Piranha Yummy's.

Then all the Piranha Yummy's formed into a larger Piranha as all the OOO's sees this and then pulled out their O scanner and swipe it down.

OOOdrivers: Scanning charge!

They all leap up in the air and into the gaint Piranha Yummy's mouth and start slashing the inside of the gaint Piranha Yummys, killing the Piranhas within and soon after the gaint Piranha Yummys blow up follow by the OOO's that formed into one as OOO land on his feet as Ankh and Uva turn to see the explosion as OOO dehenshins as the battle is won.

(Battle music ends)

???: You are different.

The trio turn to the shield hero and her friend as she look at Y/n and then asked him.

???: Tell me. Were you taking out of your world as well?

Y/n: Yep.

???: By the king?

Y/n: Nope.

???: Huh. Well that's the first. And these two are?

Y/n: (smile) The Greeeds. They may look human but in reality there are monsters but they are good. This is Ankh and Uva. It's not to meet you shield hero.

Naomi: It's Naomi. My name is Naomi and this is Raphtalia, my travelling companion.

Raphtalia: (bows) It's very nice to meet you. I also want to apologise about earlier. I wasn't too sure you were a Bounty hunter that wishes to harm my master so I told her and....here we are.

Y/n: (smile) It's no problem. Well since we find you, we can go and-

Naomi: Not a chance. Sorry but even though you save Raphtalia's life, I can't be sure to trust you all just yet.

Y/n: Well do you know of a place we can stay for a while?

Naomi stared at Y/n for sometime and then Raphtalia tug Naomi and noded to her. She let out a sigh and tells them.

Naomi: I know a place that we can go. Come on, I can take you there.

Naomi and Raphtalia head off with Y/n, Ankh and Uva follow behind her as they head off to somewhere they can stay for a while and also try to convince Naomi to join them.

However it might be hard to convince her to join them since she seems a person she lost trust on anyone which made Y/n feel sorry for her as they follow the two through the forest.

To be continued...................................

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