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By vvronii

51.3K 1.6K 536

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977 54 34
By vvronii

REGULUS STEEPED INTO his dormitory, the silence greeted him with a somber embrace. The air was still, and a sense of emptiness pervaded the space.

Regulus' eyes darted around the room, scanning the familiar territory. His gaze lingered on Sephtis' side of the chamber, drawn to the pristine desk that was always kept in immaculate condition. The polished surface gleamed in the dim light, a reflection of Sephtis' fastidious nature.

But amidst the usual order, Regulus' sharp eye caught sight of a strange object that was out of place. A book, its cover worn and ragged, lay on Sephtis' desk. It was a curious sight, for Sephtis was not one to leave anything amiss.

'Stalker.' Sephtis thought.

Regulus' curiosity piqued, he approached the desk and gingerly picked up the book. As his fingers traced the faded letters on the cover, he felt a shiver run down his spine. What secrets lay within the pages of this tome? What had Sephtis been studying in solitude?

The Prince by Niccolò Machiavelli lay in Regulus' hands, a relic from a world unknown to him. The title embossed on the cover in faded gold letters, spoke of a time and place far removed from his own.

'Oh right. Too good for muggle books.'

It was a book that Regulus had never heard of, written by an author whose name was foreign to him. He couldn't help but wonder if it was a muggle book, for it was something that a pureblood like him would never read. But it was also something that a muggle born like Sephtis would.

Muggleborn? Yeah they know he is far from that.

Regulus held the book delicately, as if it were a precious artifact. The black leather binding was worn and frayed at the edges, a testament to the book's age and history.

As Regulus flipped through the pages, he saw that the book was not only ancient, but also well used. The margins were filled with Sephtis' elegant cursive writing, each word a testament to the young wizard's intellectual prowess. The ink had faded with time, but the words were still clear, a testament to the impact that the book had made on Sephtis.

The pages shown before them is adorned with a mesmerizing display of Sephtis's handwriting. It is a testament to his refined taste and elegance, a cursive scrawl that exudes a regal aura. Each stroke of the quil is deliberate and precise, yet fluid and graceful. It is a style of handwriting that is reserved for those of high status, a signature of his aristocratic upbringing.

They are struck by the intricate details and the way the letters flow seamlessly into one another. It is almost as if the words are dancing before their eyes, each one perfectly placed to create a symphony of beauty. Yet, despite its ornate nature, it is still difficult to read. Only those who possess a discerning eye and a keen intellect can decipher its secrets.

Though , just like Sephtis himself, it is impossible to deny the allure of his handwriting. It is a reflection of the man, a work of art that captures his essence. It is a reminder that Sephtis is not just a person, but a force of nature, one that commands respect and admiration wherever he goes.

As they gaze upon his handwriting, they cannot help but feel a sense of awe and wonder. It is a rare gift, one that only a select few possess. And yet, Sephtis wields it with ease, effortlessly creating a masterpiece with each stroke of his pen. It is a reminder that sometimes, the greatest works of art are not found in museums or galleries, but in the everyday things that surround them.

Regulus couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder and awe as he held the book. It was as though he had stumbled upon a long-lost treasure, a relic from a world that he had never known. And yet, in Sephtis' annotations, he saw a window into that world, a glimpse of a mind that was both brilliant and mysterious.

Regulus possessed a rare gift, one that eluded even the most seasoned scholars, an innate ability to decipher Sephtis's handwriting. While others struggled to make sense of the intricate cursive scrawl, Regulus could perceive the hidden meanings with ease.

With each stroke of the quil, Sephtis wove a tapestry of secrets and mysteries, a puzzle that only the most astute and discerning minds could unravel. But Regulus was more than up to the task, his sharp intellect and keen eye allowing him to penetrate the veil of Sephtis's words.

As he gazed upon the pages, Regulus felt a sense of wonder and awe. It was as if he could feel the very essence of Sephtis emanating from the words themselves, a testament to the man's brilliance and complexity. And yet, despite the challenge, Regulus found himself drawn to the task, his mind racing with possibilities and theories.

For Regulus, decoding Sephtis's handwriting was more than just a task, it was a calling, a passion that consumed him. And as he pieced together the puzzle, he felt a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment, knowing that he was one of the very few who could unravel the enigma of Sephtis's words.

For in a world where knowledge was power, Regulus held the key to unlock the secrets of one of the most brilliant minds of their time. And as he delved deeper into the labyrinthine depths of Sephtis's writing, he knew that he was on the cusp of discovering something truly extraordinary.

So Regulus delved into the pages of The Prince, his mind was consumed by the unorthodox teachings that challenged the very foundations of society.

The words on the page urged readers to embrace cunning and deceit in order to achieve their goals, a philosophy that Regulus had been taught.

Quite Slytherin...

Machiavelli's perspective was grounded in a stark and realistic understanding of human nature. He believed that self interest, deception, and a willingness to use violence were inherent in all people, and that those who sought power must embrace these qualities in order to succeed.

But it was Sephtis' annotations that truly captured Regulus' attention. The elegant cursive writing revealed a mind that was both dark and insightful, as Sephtis' perspective on power and politics was laid bare on the page.

Oh? Will they finally get an insight?

Sephtis' views were cynical and critical, a reflection of the harsh realities of governance. He saw the world for what it was a place where those in power used cunning and deceit to manipulate the masses. And yet, despite his bleak outlook, Sephtis' analysis was also realistic and insightful, a testament to his intellect and understanding of the world around him.

That sounds... exactly like him...

As Regulus read on, he couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding. Sephtis embodied the very ideals that Machiavelli wrote about, and in that moment, Regulus knew that Sephtis would make the ideal Prince cunning, ruthless, and unafraid to wield power in pursuit of his goals.

"A Prince? So you admit I am of higher standing than you." Sephtis hummed.

Regulus glared, demigod or not he is not backing down from him.

"A Bastard Prince." He snarked back.

Regulus had immediately returned the book to its resting place, his fingers lingering on the leather bound cover as he contemplated the knowledge contained within its pages.

A glimpse into Sephtis De la Verlac.

The screen shifted.

James stood by the tranquil Black Lake, with its rippling waters glistening in the sun's warm rays. He waited patiently, his eyes scanning the horizon for any sign of his elusive companion. As the minutes slipped by, he began to wonder if Sephtis would show up at all.

But just as he began to lose hope, a figure emerged from the shadows, striding confidently towards him. James couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at the sight that greeted him. Sephtis was clad in a dark ensemble, his pale skin hidden beneath an oversized umbrella and a pair of dark shades.

"Does being Loki's grandson come with having dramatics in their bloodstream?" James asked with a curious smirk.

"Who knows?" Sephtis said back.

"Is that an umbrella and sunglasses?" James couldn't help but smile. "What are you, a vampire? It would explain why you're so pale."

"I just don't like the sun." Sephtis retorted, a hint of annoyance in his voice. "I'm a bit high at the moment. I smoked earlier before coming here."

"How often are you... high?" McGonagall inquired from him.

Sephtis stared at her straight in the eyes.

"Everyday." He said without hesitation.

James couldn't help but chuckle at Sephtis' response. "So, care to explain why you dragged me out into the sun?" Sephtis asked, pushing back his dark curls to reveal his handsome face.

He is a vampire. They are placing bets.

"I just wanted to talk." James began, his voice low and hesitant. "About us. I just wanted to ask, what are we?"

'My source of amusement and key to some deathly secret apparently.' Sephtis thought.

"I mean, you made me your date to Slugclub. You took me to your secret hideaway. Then we slept together. All that in one night." James continued, his hazel eyes meeting Sephtis' dark, arctic oceanic pair.

"So, what are we?" He asked, his heart racing with anticipation.

Sephtis paused for a moment, his gaze fixed on the glittering waters of the Black Lake. For a moment, James thought he would refuse to answer, but then Sephtis turned to him, a soft smile playing across his lips.

"We're whatever you want us to be." Sephtis answered, his voice soft and gentle.

'I want to be more than friends.' James thought.

James felt a flutter in his chest at Sephtis' words, but he knew that he needed more time before he could commit to anything. "I... I'd like to get to know you more before I make any decisions." He told him, his voice hesitant.

Sephtis hummed in agreement. "Understandable." He said, a smirk playing at the corner of his lips. "After my Prefect rounds, meet me in the observatory tonight."

James felt a jolt of excitement at the invitation, his curiosity piqued by Sephtis' mysterious demeanor. "Oh? What do you have planned?" He asked, unable to hide his curiosity.

Sephtis shrugged nonchalantly, his eyes gleaming with amusement. "Nothing much." He said, his voice low and seductive. "Just getting to know each other beneath the starry skies under the moonlight. If you want to, that is."

"How romantic..."

"Regulus, are you being sarcastic?"

"Obviously I am, Barty."

James felt a shiver run down his spine at the promise in Sephtis' words, his heart pounding with anticipation. "I'll be there." He said, unable to resist the temptation of Sephtis' offer.

Sephtis hummed in approval, his eyes lingering on James' face for a moment longer before he turned and walked away, disappearing into the shadows of the Hogwarts Castle. James watched him go, his mind racing with thoughts of what the night might hold.

Sephtis walked away, and with every step he took, Sephtis felt his plans falling into place perfectly.

He knew that James was the key to unlocking the secrets he craved, the answer to the questions that had plagued him for years. He also knew that with every passing moment, he was drawing closer to his goal.

Sephtis hummed to himself, the sound is low and seductive. He could feel James' heart beating in time with his own, the pull between them growing stronger with every passing moment.

Soon, he would have James' heart completely. Then with it, he would unlock the secrets that he so desperately sought.

It wouldn't take long, Sephtis knew. James was already falling under his spell, already drawn in by the irresistible pull of his charm. It was only a matter of time when James would be ready to spill out his family's deathly secret to Sephtis.

James' mind consumed by thoughts of Sephtis. He knew that their relation was far from healthy, but he couldn't help the way he felt. It was as if something had taken hold of him, a force beyond his control.

He couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding. He knew that an obsession was beginning to take hold of him, and it was all because of Sephtis. He was like a drug, drawing James in with his dark charisma and twisted desires.

Despite the warning signs, James was powerless to resist. He knew that Sephtis was using him for his own gain, but he didn't care. In fact, he was almost grateful for the attention, no matter how twisted it may be.

He could feel the pull of Sephtis growing stronger with each passing moment. It was as if he was caught in a web, unable to break free.

James realized that he was in too deep. He was on the cusp of an obsession, and he knew that there was no turning back. For better or for worse, Sephtis had become his everything.

The screen shifted.

As James made his way to the observatory, the night sky enveloped him in its inky embrace. The stars twinkled above him like fireflies dancing in the darkness and the moon, a luminous orb, cast its silver glow upon everything below. As he approached the observatory, James noticed a figure standing on the balcony, bathed in the moonlight. It was Sephtis, waiting for him.

But what James saw next took his breath away. The balcony was transformed into a celestial wonderland, a romantic haven suspended in the sky. A picnic basket, laden with delicious treats, lay upon a matching picnic blanket, adorned with a pair of blankets in rich burgundy red and emerald green, each with matching pillows that beckoned to be lounged upon. Candles flickered and danced, casting their warm glow upon the scene, and a telescope stood tall as if reaching for the stars.

There, amidst the beauty of it all, stood Sephtis. In his hands, he held a breathtaking bouquet of sunflowers, their colors as vibrant as the stars that surrounded them. James could hardly believe his eyes it was as if he had stepped into a dream.

Regulus glared, and he glared hard.

While James was at a lost for words

As Sephtis approached him, James felt his heart swell with gratitude and joy. He knew that this moment would be etched into his memory forever.

Sephtis greeted him with a hum as sweet as a lullaby. "For a moment I thought you were going to stand me up." He teased lightly, holding out a stunning bouquet of sunflowers to James.

"These are for you." Sephtis said, his eyes sparkling with joy. James took the flowers, marveling at their vibrant hues and the way they seemed to radiate warmth and light.

"These are beautiful," James said with a smile, feeling his heart swell with gratitude.

"Come on, let's head to the balcony." Sephtis said, and James followed him eagerly, drawn by the promise of the magical night sky. They settled down on the plush picnic blanket, the burgundy and emerald blankets and pillows spread out before them like a royal tapestry.

"Venus looks beautiful tonight." Sephtis observed, his voice soft and melodic like the gentle rustling of leaves in the wind. "Care to take a look?" He asked, gesturing towards the telescope.

Sephtis' middle name Eosphorus, comes from Venus the Morningstar.

"I'd love to." James replied, his heart beating with anticipation. Sephtis and he stood up, their blankets draped over their shoulders like regal cloaks, as they moved towards the telescope.

Sephtis expertly adjusted the lens, his movements as graceful as a dancer's. "Take a look." He said, stepping back to give James space.

James peered through the eyepiece, and gasped in wonder at the sight before him. Venus, glimmered like a diamond in the sky, their radiance casting a spell upon everything around them.

"It's simply beautiful." James whispered, his eyes shining with wonder.

Sephtis smiled, his eyes soft and gentle. "Not as beautiful as you." He said, and James felt his heart skip a beat at the words. In that moment, beneath the starry night sky, James knew that he was exactly where he was meant to be.

Sephtis hummed as he is watching himself manipulate James.

As Sephtis directed James' attention to the wonders of the night sky, James was entranced by his every word. Sephtis spoke with a passion and knowledge that James had never seen before, his voice rising and falling with the rhythm of the universe itself.

"Look there." He said, pointing towards a bright star that twinkled like a diamond in the sky. "That's Vega, the fifth brightest star in the heavens. Then over there, that's the Great Andromeda Galaxy, a massive spiral galaxy that's home to billions of stars."

It seems Sephtis held more than enough knowledge of the heavenly skies to give every member of the House of Black a run for their galleons.

James was completely caught off guard. He had never imagined that Sephtis had this side to him, this passion and excitement for the universe and all its secrets. For so long, James had only known the side of Sephtis that everyone else saw— cold and distant, always keeping to himself.

But as he listened to Sephtis speak, James realized that there was so much more to this enigmatic man than he had ever imagined. In Sephtis' words, he heard a deep love for the universe and a desire to share its wonders with someone else.

As the night wore on, James and Sephtis continued to explore the celestial realm, their blankets and pillows providing a cozy cocoon amidst the vast expanse of the universe. James felt as if he had been transported to another world, a place of endless possibility and wonder.

And as he looked at Sephtis, his eyes alight with the joy of discovery, James knew that he had been given a precious gift the chance to see beyond the surface and into the heart of a truly remarkable person.

Sephtis just laughed to himself.

James was not seeing anything.

He was just seeing what Sephtis wants him to.

As the night wore on, James and Sephtis retired to the plush picnic blanket, eager to indulge in the delicious treats and refreshments that lay before them. They sat side by side, cocooned in their respective blankets, the warmth wrapping around them like a comforting embrace.

"You know a lot about the heavens." James observed, a smile playing at the corners of his lips.

"I do." Sephtis replied, his voice soft and gentle. "As an only child, I needed a way to entertain myself, and the skies were simply fascinating."

James nodded, his eyes fixed on Sephtis' face. He couldn't help but wonder what had led Sephtis to become so passionate about the stars and planets, and he felt a sudden urge to know more about this mysterious man by his side.

"Your parents didn't spend time with you?" James asked, his curiosity piqued.

Sephtis sighed, his gaze turning towards the stars. "My parents are busy people with high expectations of me. As my father was always working, as was my mother, who didn't even live with us. They aren't even married."

"I was lonely growing up." Sephtis continued, his voice tinged with a hint of sadness. "I didn't really have anyone. Nobody, except for the stars."

Sephtis hummed, seems he was using this tactic to pull on James' heartstrings— as well as everyone else in the hall too it seemed

James felt a pang of sympathy in his heart as he listened to Sephtis' words. He couldn't imagine what it must have been like for Sephtis to grow up feeling so isolated and alone.

"Nothing really changed when I got here to Hogwarts. Especially considering I'm a muggleborn in Slytherin." Sephtis sighed.

"Sometimes I wish people would notice who I am, and maybe then I could have someone." Sephtis let out a bittersweet laugh and James felt his heart break for Sephtis.

Sephtis has always been fond of using emotional manipulation on others. As Sephtis could sense others emotions, like a painter studying the nuances of light and shadow.

For him, it was a game, though for those who fell under his spell, it was a nightmare, a world where their emotions were no longer their own, but merely tools to be used by a manipulator.

"I'm sorry that I ruined the mood. We can change the topic into something else." Sephtis told James.

"No. You can tell me anything. I swear I won't say anything." James said.

"On Balder's eternal soul?" Sephtis raised a brow at him, and James nodded.

"I swear on the eternal soul of Balder." James whispered.

Sephtis let out a long, slow sigh and ran a hand through his dark curls. "I have a complicated relationship with my family." He said, his voice low and heavy with emotion. "They all expect so much from me."

James listened in silence as Sephtis spoke, his heart heavy with sympathy.

"They don't even see me as their son nor grandson." Sephtis continued, his eyes fixed on the distant stars. "Instead they see me as a tool for their gains. I have to be perfect. That is what they expect."

Sephtis was hipogriffshitting.

He is great importance to his family, is a treasure beyond measure. He is valued more than the riches of Vanaheim, the sparkling crystals of Jotunheim, and the precious minerals of Midgard combined. He is a masterpiece, sculpted in the likeness of his kin. The very embodiment of their twisted nature, he is cruel and cunning beyond compare.

His eyes are as dark as the shadows of Niflheim, at the same time held a dangerous glow like the flames of Muspelheim. His features are those of dark divinity, a reflection of the unforgiving nature of his family.

To his family he is more than just a weapon to be wielded. He is a symbol of their power and their dominance, a reminder to all who oppose them that they are not to be trifled with.

Sephtis knows that he is exactly where he was meant to be at the center of his family's world, the very heart of their power.

James watched as Sephtis's fingers clenched into fists, the tendons in his neck standing out in stark relief. He could see the pain etched into every line of his face.

"I remember being forced to stand for hours on end playing the violin till my hands were bloody, cut, and bruised, all till they were satisfied." Sephtis said, his voice barely above a whisper.

They didn't for Sephtis to do anything.

In reality he was just bored.

James felt a lump rise in his throat as he listened to Sephtis's words. For a long moment, they sat in silence, the only sound the soft rustle of the leaves in the gentle breeze. Finally, James spoke, his voice soft and gentle.

"Sephtis." Janes said. "You don't have to be perfect. You're already perfect just the way you are."

Sephtis turned to look at James, his eyes shining with unshed tears. "Thank you." He whispered, his voice trembling with emotion.

There in that moment, James knew that he had seen through the cold and distant mask that Sephtis wore to the vulnerable, hurting boy beneath.

Sephtis found watching himself manipulate others to be fun to do. He cannot wait to see everyone else he manipulates.

The night was quiet, with only the soft rustling of leaves and the distant chirping of crickets breaking the stillness. James watched as Sephtis turned to him with a melancholy smile. In the silver light of the moon and stars, he looked ethereal, his dark curls framing his face like a halo.

As Sephtis's eyes met his, James saw a single tear slip from the corner of one of those dark, oceanic pools. It traced a glistening path down Sephtis's cheek, glimmering like a diamond in the moonlight. Soon then another tear followed, and another, until Sephtis's face was streaked with crystaline trails.

Oh? So he is doing the fake tears bit? Sephtis just smirked watching himself.

James knew it wasn't the time to admire the beauty of his tears, but he couldn't help it. Sephtis looked so divine, so heartbreakingly beautiful in his sadness. With that smile it was so bittersweet, so full of longing and regret.

For a long moment, they sat in silence, but finally, James had spoke, his voice quiet and gentle.

"Sephtis." He said. "Whats wrong? Why are you crying?"

'To manipulate you.' Sephtis thought.

Sephtis shook his head, a small, sad smile still playing at the corners of his lips. "It's nothing." He pome softly. "It's just... just some memories."

James nodded, understanding that some things were too painful to speak aloud. He reached out a hand and placed it lightly on Sephtis's shoulder, feeling the warmth of his skin even through the fabric of his blanket and robes.

"Whatever it is, you don't have to face it alone. I'm here for you." James told him.

Sephtis turned to him, his eyes shining with gratitude. "Thank you, James." He whispered.

James knew that he would do anything to help ease Sephtis's pain and heal his wounded heart.

Yet as James gazed at Sephtis there was an intensity that bordered on obsession. In that moment, he knew that he had fallen for Sephtis De la Verlac fast and hard, and that there was nothing he wouldn't do for him.

"First Regulus, now James?!" Sirius exclaimed, yet he knew how dangerous this is.

Janes was most certainly darker than Regulus, and even himself. After all it was James, not Sirius, who thought of feeding Severus to Remus. Many tend to forget that public opinion of James Potter was a mask, just as public opinion of all Potters has been, and that the only reason he wasn't in Slytherin was the fact that he had no particular ambition except to cause chaos.

Yet now? He had his sights set on none other than Sephtis De la Verlac.

He watched as Sephtis's eyes flickered with emotion, the crystaline tears still glistening on his cheeks. James felt his heart clench at the sight, knowing that he would give anything to take away his pain.

"I'll do anything for you." James said softly, his voice barely above a whisper. "Anything at all."

James absentmindedly nodded and agreed.

Sephtis turned to him, his eyes locking on James's with a fierce intensity. "Would you cross any line?" He asked, his voice low and dangerous.

James didn't hesitate. "Yes." He said firmly. "If it meant protecting you, I would cross any line."

Sephtis's lips curved into a small, cold smile his tears long gone. "Then what about the Nine Realms?" He asked, his voice a soft, deadly whisper. "Would you burn them to ashes if I asked it of you?"

James felt a chill run down his spine at the words, but he didn't back down. "If that's what you wanted. I would make sure there was nothing left but ashes."

Sephtis's eyes glinted with a dark, dangerous light, and James knew that he had crossed a line that he couldn't uncross. Yet he didn't care.

For him? James would do anything.

Sephtid De la Verlac was his.

The air was thick with an eerie silence, broken only by the soft hum of Sephtis.

As he hummed, his thoughts turned towards James. Sephtis couldn't help but feel a sense of power wash over him as he thought of James, his newly devoted plaything who would do anything for him, absolutely anything.

The thought of James' unwavering devotion was thrilling to Sephtis. He knew that James would cross any line for him, even murder.

Sephtis found himself drawn to James, his dark and twisted desires fueling his fascination with the young man. He found it amusing that James was willing to do anything for him, even if it meant sacrificing his own morals and values.

To Sephtis, James was nothing more than a plaything, a pawn in his twisted game of power and control. He reveled in the rush of adrenaline that came with knowing that he held James' life in his hands, that he had the power to make or break him with a single word.

Sephtis continued to hum, lost in thought. He knew that James would be his loyal servant, his devoted plaything, and that thought filled him with a sense of dark satisfaction.

For in James, he had found a willing victim, a pawn to be used and discarded at his whim.

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