Helluva Boss x Female reader

By AnimeWierdo2000

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This is just going to go like in the series, I will be changing some stuff though because you will be in the... More

Stuff about the story (Edited)
S1 Ep.1 Murder Family
S1 Ep.2 Loo Loo Land
S1 Ep.3 Spring Broken
S1 Ep.4 C.H.E.R.U.B
S1 Ep.5 The Harvest Moon Festival
S 1 Ep.6 Truth Seekers
S 1 Ep.7 Ozzie's
S 2 Ep.1 The Circus
S 2 Ep.2 Seeing stars
S 2 Ep.4 Western Energy

S 2 Ep.3 Ex's and Oh's

693 23 5
By AnimeWierdo2000

Let me know if there are any mistakes, and sorry if I spell anything wrong! Just let me know! Enjoy! And I am so sorry about the long ass wait!

You and Moxxie were sitting beside each other as Loona was across the both of you two on her phone.

"You know, I checked the scale today and it said I lost two pounds this week." moxxie mentioned as Loona looked at him and rolled her eyes.

"You're not fat Mox," you told Moxxie as he sighed, "well she says I am!" Moxxie said pointing at Loona while looking at you, "I. am not. FAT!" Moxxie yelled at Loona.

Out of nowhere, Millie kicked the door open while holding her coffee as she stomped into the room.

"Ooh! Such a fucking asshole! That little motherfucker. I just wanna take my finger up and shove it up his fuckin' little thing!"

Millie mumbled under her breath as she threw her mug in front of Loona on the table. She stomped away pressing a red button causing a cardboard human cutout to appear as she threw a knife at it and lunged herself towards it, attacking it.

You and Moxxie look at each other disturbed.

"Millie...honey...everything okay?" Moxxie asked. "Yeah, I'm worried Mills, you're a little aggressive" you said as Millie turned her head around and hissed but managed to calm down.

"Yeah. Just...bumped into an ex" Millie said as her tail twitched.

"Oh! Oh..." Moxxie replied.

"That sucks, been there before" Your eye twitched for a second. "Must've been awkward huh?"

"You've had a boyfriend before?!" Moxxie looked at you, "you never told me anything!" He yelled. "Well, I wasn't with you so beat it!" You hissed back as you looked at Millie, "Continue your story, Mills"

"Thanks, Y/N, but as I was saying, I bumped into an ex, he just kept going on about how he has money now, "a bright future," and "a bigger cock""

You and Moxxie walked up to her, "Wait what?" Moxxie asked.

"Every time I see his stupid face, I can't help it! I just need to-" Millie said as she punched a filing cabinet. It fell to the ground.

Blitzø walked in, "What the fuck is all this noise? I got a client!" He said as he was on the phone.

"Sorry, sir. I'll get this all cleaned-" Moxxie said as he was cleaning and picked up a picture of two imps making out in horse suits, "-what is this?" Moxxie asked as you peeked.

"Uh, research! For science! Just put it back correctly, okay? Alphabetize them" Blitzø replied as he took the picture and threw it on the ground.

"Damn Blitzø, didn't know you were into that kind of stuff" you laughed as he smacked you behind the head, "shut up! I'm on the phone, Y/N," he said sarcastically as he left the room, back into his office.

(With Blitzø)

"Okay, so let me get this straight: you don't want us going to Earth at all for this job?"

"Correct. That will not be necessary. I'd like to meet you and your whole crew in my estate" the man on the phone replied.

"Uh, you want us killing someone in Hell? 'Cause I got to tell ya, that ain't exactly our business no more" Blitzø replied to the man.

"I'll tell ya all about it when you get here. It's regarding a business venture I'm sure will be very worth your time"

"Ooh, how ominous," Blitzø chucked. "Fine, whatever, what's the address?" He asked.

"Transportation has already been taken care of" the man on the phone replied.

Blitzø saw a helicopter pass by through the blinds as he ran back to the room you guys were in.

"What the fuck is that?" Blitzø asked.

The helicopter threw a grappling hook under the window breaking the wall.

"Satan's ass crack! Enough with the walls shit, we have a door!" Blitzø yelled as the wind from the helicopter caused Blitzø's "research" to fly out.

"My research!" Blitzø yelled as two kids grabbed a picture and started crying.

The helicopter approached making a bridge for them to walk on.

"I.M.P? Right this way, please!" The pilot said.

"Uh, sir?" Moxxie said as you, Millie, and Moxxie pulled out weapons.

"What's going on?" Moxxie finished asking.

"Now, don't worry! It's just some fancy shmuck from Greed wanting to do business with us" Blitzø replied.

You four walk towards the helicopter.

"Uh, sir? I don't think this is a good idea" moxxie mentioned.

"It'll be fine. Now, get your asses moving" Blitzø said as he pushed you three into the helicopter.

Millie noticed the seatbelt was broken, "is this thing safe?" Millie asked. "Don't worry, we are professionals!" The pilot replied as it took off destroying the wall more.

You guys entered a place that said "Welcome to Notamafia Town; No mafia here! We're Mafia-free!"

"Ugh I hate this place," moxxie said "Same, it reeks" you sighed.

"Oh yeah, this is y'all's old stomping ground, isn't it?" Blitzø asked as you nodded.

"Yeah, unfortunately. Y/N and I grew up just over there" Moxxie said as he pointed out the window" swore I'd never come back," moxxie said.

"Don't jinx it Mox, I don't wanna be back" you groaned "sorry, Y/N" Moxxie gave you a soft smile. The helicopter turned, heading to the place where you and Moxxie were raised.

"uh uh— what— what, where are we going?" Moxxie asked. "Oh shit" you muttered looking out the window.

"What-Blitzø, who did you say this meeting was with?" Moxxie asked him.

"I'm not sure, just some rich somebody or other who wants to do biz at his place" Blitzø replied.

The helicopter landed and Moxxie panicked and started shaking.

You tried to calm him down but Blitzø pushed both of you out.

You all four walked up to the mansion.

"There they are!" There are my kids! Get over here and give your daddy a hug!" Your dad spoke as you and Moxxie looked at each other worried.

"Daddy?!" Millie and Blitzø said surprised.

"I only let Moxxie and Y/N call me that unless you pay me!" Your dad laughed. "Alright yeah, stop with the jokes Dad" You shook your head.

He started to approach the four of you.

"Guys, um, this is my father, Crimson. Sir, this is my boss, Blitzo. And my-"

"-Millie! I'm his wife!" Millie finished Moxxie's sentence as she reached her hand out, Crimson took her hand and kissed it. "And what a beautiful wife you are. Mox, where have you been hiding this pretty little thang?" Crimson asked.

"Oh, I'm sure he would've introduced us eventually" Millie mentioned.

"Oh, I'm sure," Crimson replied as he looked at you.

"Y/N, my favorite daughter, how has my little girl been?" he smiled down at you. "Technically your only daughter, but I've been better" you chuckled.

"Have you missed me?" He chuckled. "Not that I can say, you're still the same old man, I can tell" he laughed at your comment, he looked at Blitzø, "You got to be Blitzø, with the silent "o", right? I've heard a lot of good things about you and your work"

"Really? What kind of shit has Moxxie been spreading about me? I'll fucking kill you Moxxie, don't you fucking test me!" Blitzø yelled.

"No, no! From all over. Looks like you're building a name for yourself here, kid" Crimson said.

"Really? Well, I guess it's about time folks recognized my talent" Blitzø said as Crimson laughed and punched his shoulder, "I like your attitude. Well, I hope you're all hungry. We put together a fabulous dinner for you,"

Crimson placed his hand over your shoulder and walked you in. Blitzø followed along.

Millie looked at Moxxie, "Hey, baby. Why haven't I met your Pa before? How come Y/N hasn't told me about it either?" Millie asked.

"Well uh, y'know, i-it's just, never been a-" Moxxie said nervously as he was cut off by Crimson.

"Hey! You two, move it before it gets cold" Crimson said to the both of them.

"Look, look, Millie, w-we can talk about it later," Moxxie said worried as Millie grabbed his hand and walked in.


Crimson served Blitzø a drink.

"So, Blitzø, ya always been a hitman?" Crimson asked him.

"No, no, not always. Yeah, I was in the circus for a long time, that's how I met Y/N, we worked together there for a while" Blitzø replied as you looked at him.

"Show business! Good money in that. How come you never told me Y/N" Crimson asked as he looked at you. "I..." you said looking away.

Moxxie looked at you worried and decided to change the conversation, "What are we doing here...sir?" Moxxie asked Crimson.

"Moxxie, I raised you better than that. Ya know there's no business before dinner. Besides, we're still waitin' on one more" Crimson asked as someone kicked the door open.

"Woo-hoo-hoo, what is up, party people?!" The guy in front of the door said.

"Chaz?!" Moxxie and Millie both said and looked at each other, "wait, what?"

"Oh boy" you chuckled awkwardly, "what's going on Y/N?" Blitzø whispered to you.

"They've probably all dated each other, 20 bucks that they dated each others" you chuckled knowing already.

"You know him?" Moxxie asked Millie.

"You remember that "ex" I was talking about?" Millie  groaned. "Looks like I got two big sex reunions today. How lucky am I?" Chaz said in a singing voice.

"Called it" you chuckled as Blitzø handed you 20 dollars. "Wait you would have known, you and Moxxie are siblings" Blitzø looked at you, "umm, not about Mils though" you winked at him flexing the money he gave you.

"Whateverrrrrr" Blitzø sighed that he lost 20 dollars.

"Did you date him, too?" Millie asked Moxxie surprised.

"Ha, yeah. No big deal, but I usually bone half the people in any room I'm in-" Chaz was cut off by Blitzø, "Are you fucking kidding me?! There's someone who's fucked both of you?!" Blitzø said angrily.

"It was a long time ago" Moxxie said as he pushed Chaz's hand off of him.

"But, I still remember it like it was yesterday. You, a fledgling mafioso! Me, the dashing and extremely sexy muscle! It was like...it was written in the stars!" Chaz said as his eyes sparkled.

Blitzø laughed, "Ha! Moxxie in the mafia, that's fucking rich" Blitzø looked around from where he sitting at the pictures on the walls, one was Crimson with a guy shaking hands, and another one where there's a little Moxxie, Crimson, your mother standing beside crimson, and you standing beside Moxxie. People came in from the door with a dead body.

"Oh...shit...Y/N, you never told me" Blitzø whispered. "Sorry, didn't really think much of the past, I wasn't really part of it" you whispered back.

"You've never told me this before" Millie told Moxxie concerned.

"I-I don't really like to talk about this part of my life. But, I first saw Chaz at my induction" Moxxie started talking.


"in the family. Our eyes met from across the room. And there was just something about him. Something that was magnetic!"

Moxxie received a handshake from crimson and a kiss as you stood behind moxxie. While you got your handshake, something caught Moxxie's eyes. It was Chaz, smiling at him as his applauded.


You and Moxxie were in the middle of a war, you two were hiding behind a flipped over car, you got up and started shooting as Moxxie got out a grenade, he dropped it as it rolled away.

Moxxie went after it as he grabbed it, and on top of his hand was Chaz's. They both had their small moment looking at each other. Chaz smiled down at Moxxie as Moxxie blushed.

Moxxie got the grenade and pulled the pin as he threw it. A heart of smoke appeared in the distance as Moxxie and Chaz smiled at each other.


Moxxie opened the door, Chaz was there holding signs up and Chaz was going through them all.



"MOKSIE, WILL YOU BONE WITH ME?" The last sign read as moxxie blushed as he let Chaz in.


Moxxie was stroking a gun to wipe it as Chaz appeared behind Moxxie and helped him stroke the gun as Moxxie blushed.


Chaz was painting Moxxie as Moxxie was lying down on a couch naked.

(End of flashbacks)

"It's been 84 years" Moxxie said dramatically.

"What the fuck" you stared at Moxxie, "isn't that from that boat movie?" Blitzø looked at you confused with a drink in his hand as you shrugged.

"Did any of that stuff actually happen?" Millie asked. "Oh yeahhhh" Chaz interrupted as he licked his lips. "But he skipped over the jizz covered parts"

"Anyway...things changed when we went on a heist together" Moxxie spoke.

(Flash back)

Moxxie and Chaz had just robbed some money, it was in a bag as they were running away with it. A gate was closing as Moxxie threw the bag before it was closed. Chaz managed to get out as he slides out, moxxie did the same but his leg got stuck.

Moxxie reached out his hand for Chaz and Chaz looked at Moxxie worried. Chaz grabbed the bag full of money, gave Moxxie one last look and ran away.

Moxxie cried feeling betrayed as he was put behind bars and laid on the bottom bed.

"So, what're you in for?" Blitzø asked as he was surprisingly on the top bunk. "Okay, not much of a talker are we?" Blitzø jumped off the bed.

"I'm Blitzø, the 'O' is silent. I'm sure we're gonna get along just fine" Blitzø shook Moxxie's hand.

"Hey, Y/N! New prisoner here with us!" Blitzø yelled. You were beside them in a different room. "Ask more about them!" You yelled back.

Moxxie looked confused, he recognized your voice. He didn't see you in a while and has finally heard your voice, but in jail.

"So, what's your deal? What'd ya do? Who'd ya dittle? You look like someone who's good with a gun, you look like someone who'd shoot up an office, and I hope you are! Cause I got a plan to get us out of this dump! But I'm gonna need some help, you think you can give me a hand? The partner I'm working with is in another cell so it's a little harder to get out of here with that and I need to get out to my daughter-"

Moxxie just smiled as his tears disappeared.

"-The babysitter will kill me if I don't get back soon"

(End of flashback)

"Oh hey I remember that, remember that Blitzø?" You elbowed Blitzø as he chuckled, of course I do Y/N, we got put in different cells sadly" you both chuckled.

"Once I got out, I never looked back" Moxxie finished explaining as Millie was growling as she looked at Chaz.

Crimson looked bothered as you and Blitzø looked worried. Chaz looked worried and nervous.

"Well heh, like you said, it was a long time ago" Chaz chuckled nervously.

Millie's eyes were in flames, she was raging. "I'll fucking kill you!" Millie yelled as she launched herself towards Chaz with foam coming out of her mouth and a knife.

Millie stabbed the couch as Chaz ran behind crimson, "crazy bitch!" He yelled.

You and Moxxie held back Millie as Blitzø looked like he didn't know what to do. Crimson was now looking worried as well.

"Hold on a second-" Crimson spoke.

"You should die Bitch!" Millie spoke back.

"Dinner is served" the maid spoke as she came out of nowhere. "Good, I'm honestly hungry" you sighed.


You were all at the dinner table moxxie looked upset, Millie stared at Chaz, Blitzø stared awkwardly at whatever, and you were eating.

"So this is aggressively uncomfortable" Blitzø spoke up.

"I suppose you wanna know why ya here" Crimson asked.

"Yeah so what gives?" Blitzø asked. "Ehh I mean...ya know we kill people on earth right? We don't normally do contracts for locals...so if you wanna do business with us...you gotta-" Blitzø was cut off.

"I don't wanna do business with I.M.P. I wanna do business with Moxxie" Crimson said.

"Me?!" Moxxie asked surprised.

"Yeah kid. I summoned I.M.P to be sure you'd show, because well, we're bringing Chaz into the family" Crimson explained.

"What? Since when can just anyone join the family?" Moxxie asked.

"Come on Mox, you had responsibilities here that I had to pick up once you left. Now Chaz is gonna lighten the load" Crimson spoke.

"Wait, I thought you always hated his guts" Moxxie spoke back.

"Yeah! Just look at him, he looks like a dork, and you would talk shit about him" you said agreeing with Moxxie. Crimson looked at you both.

"Well, I don't know if I exactly hated him..." Crimson said.

"You called him a friendless horse fucked and said he lived a "sissy life style"" Moxxie made sure he remembered.

"Yeah...well I was wrong. You've been gone a long time, Mox. A man can change...and so has Chaz" Crimson looked at Chaz.

"Yeah! I've grown, matured, and recently, came into millions! But ya know, mostly the mature thing" Chaz shrugged.

"Bullshit" you muttered. You felt angry towards your father. You had a feeling he was trying to do something. Out of nowhere your dad started to like Chaz and wanted to use Moxxie.

"Ohh, okay okay, so the horseless friend fucker over here gets a little moola and suddenly it's worth wasting our time over?" Blitzø said putting things together.

"Well, I'm the whole package!" Chaz pointed down, "if you know what I mean"

Moxxie, you, Millie and Blitzø looked at him weirdly.

"I got a big dick" Chaz explained.

"What does any of this have to do with Moxxie?" Millie spoke up.

"There's gonna be a ceremony tomorrow. Moxxie here is going to officially release his holdings in the organization. Then, ya can go back to ignoring ya family to ya heart's content." Crimson explained.

"Maybe they wouldn't ignore their family if they didn't force them to rub elbows with a no good shark toothed fuck face!" Millie yelled as she looked at Chaz angrily while Chaz smirked at her.

"Hey, look everybody, relax" Crimson said as Millie pulled out a knife at Chaz.

"I know tensions have been high tonight. Say, why don't ya stay here and get some rest. We'll have the ceremony tomorrow and then you'll be free to leave. I have your rooms all prepared" Crimson mentioned.

"Yes, sir" Moxxie replied.

"Mox?" Millie looked at Moxxie all worried.

Everyone got up from the dinner table and started to walk out until Crimson called out, "a moment moxxie, Y/N"

You and Moxxie looked at each other worried.

Moxxie looked back at Millie and said "just give me a minute, Millie, I'll be there"

Chaz reached out his hands for Millie as Millie growled and chomped the air as he flinched back. Millie looked at Moxxie as the door shut.

A couple seconds went by. Crimson stood across the room where you and Moxxie stood. "So..." Crimson began, "you two think you're too good for this family now?"

"What?" Moxxie let out as you looked at him. "Come here" Crimson spoke and you and Moxxie walked up to him.

"I...I don't understand-" Moxxie got cut off as Crimson slapped Moxxie to the ground as you let out a gasp and grabbed Moxxie. "You two think you're just gonna get to walk away from this family and never come back? You're both dead wrong! Matter a fact..."

Crimson pushed you off Moxxie and grabbed Moxxie by his collar and picked him up. "Y/N!" Moxxie said worried. "...the only thing you're right about is that THAT obnoxious piss stain can't get made. Not unless he marries in" Crimson mentioned.

Crimson looked at you, "and I know your sorry ass wouldn't let Y/N get married to someone who she doesn't love" he spoke as he looked at Moxxie.

"This family needs that money. And it's about time your pathetic ass was useful for something" Crimson added.

"But dad, he's married, you can't make him marry someone else if he's already happily married" you yelled at him. "Do not raise your voice at me Y/N, if you wish to not get smacked like your dear brother did"

"She's right, I'm married, I can't..." Moxxie was cut off. "You think I give a shit about your stupid beard? Cmon Mox, I even went through the trouble of making the house more to...your kind's liking" Crimson pressed a button as dildo's appeared on the walls and a sign appeared saying "Congrats Gay"

"Wait...what...what do you think I'm into?" Moxxie asked.

"What? This is the kinda shit Gays like, right?" Crimson mentioned.

"Okay, first off dad, I'm bisexual" Moxxie corrected him. "Yeah, gay" Crimson added.

"Oh, for fucks sake. Secondly, I don't know a single person of any sexuality who'd enjoy this" Moxxie said as he smacked a dildo away from him.

"HAA, there's dicks in the walls, now that's fucking hilarious!" Blitzø from the other room was heard.

Crimson grabbed Moxxie's face, "look at me kid, one way or another, ya gonna do what I fucking say, don't cross me"

Moxxie looked at Crimson with fear in his eyes.

(Flash back)

Little Moxxie and little you were at the dinner table with Crimson and your mother. You were eating your steak as you saw Moxxie having trouble to cut his.

Your mom grabbed his plate and helped him cut the steak as Crimson watched. She returned the plate to little Moxxie as he was happy.

Crimson moved his foot near your mom's as she moved her foot away. He stomped his foot.


Little moxxie and little you were shooting dummies as you both shot all three of them. Moxxie looked up at his mom happy as she rubbed his head.

A man who looked like a shark, all green and a hat who covered his eyes gave Moxxie and you a side hug and showed you both and brought both of you over to where there were imps used as target practice.

Crimson smiled as he had his arms on both of you and Moxxie's shoulders and pointed to the imp tied up.

Your mom snatched the guns you both had and angrily gave them to crimson as she grabbed your hand and Moxxie's and walked away.

Crimson was furious.


You and Moxxie were hiding under the bed as your parents fought. You were holding on to Moxxie as you had small tears coming out of your eyes.

A slap was heard as crimson slapped your mother. She left the room and slammed the door behind her.


At the dinner table, your mother was no where to be seen. Moxxie was struggling to slice his steak. You reached out to help him but Crimson gave you a look, it scared you so you went back to eating your own food as you looked at Moxxie upset.

Crimson blew the smoke from the cigar he was smoking onto Moxxie's face.


Your dad, Moxxie and you were on a boat at night. In the middle of a river you guys were on.

Moxxie held your hand since he knew you were scared as he gave you a soft smile.

There was an imp, horns cut off, sitting on the boat as well, their hands were tied up and a bag over its head. Its tail was tied around a heavy box. You could hear the muffled crying the imp was making.

Little Moxxie was about to push the box off the boat but hesitated. Crimson rolled his eyes and pushed him near the box.

Little Moxxie had tears in his eyes as he saw the imp struggling. Moxxie pushed the box off the boat as the imp fell into the water.

"Let this be a lesson Moxxie, Y/N, this is what happens when you cross me" Crimson spoke to the both of you.

You and Moxxie saw a shoe in the river, not just any shoe, But your mother's shoe.

(End of flashback)

"Wait, I'll marry him, Moxxie's married already and-" you spoke worried as Moxxie interrupted you, "no Y/N"

"Now get to bed, both of you" Crimson spoke and looked at Moxxie, "you guys have a big day tomorrow"

"Yes, sir"

"Oh and Mox, if you ever talk back to me again, you and that little pretty thing ya brought here, are going home in boxes, Capish?" Crimson added.

"Yes, sir"

"Same goes to you, Y/N, don't start talking back to me" Crimson gave you a look, "yes, of course" you spoke.

You and Moxxie left the room and closed the room behind you.

You grabbed Moxxie's hand, "wait Mox, why won't you let me do it? You're married already and I'm not, I could do this for you, you're my brother"

"Y/N, I care much deeply about you, you're my sister. I don't want you going through all of that, especially with him. I love you little sis, and you matter much to me, let me handle this" Moxxie said as he walked away.

"Moxxie..." you muttered.


Moxxie made it up stairs. Millie was waiting for him.

The henchmen pointed in which room Moxxie would stay in.

"Hey, how come we aren't in-" Moxxie was cut off by the shark. "Crimson wants yall to stay in separate rooms" the henchmen spoke as Millie walked up to Moxxie.

"Why?...Moxxie?" Millie asked.

"It's just one night, Millie. It's okay" Moxxie let her know. "Mox, are you okay?" Millie asked worried.

"I'm fine, please don't worry sweetie"

"You know you can tell me anything, right?" Millie wondered.

"Yes, everything's fine"

"We're partners, Mox"

"It's just my dad, it's okay really" Moxxie spoke as he kissed Millie's hand, "it'll be over tomorrow"

"Okay, I love you" Millie gave Moxxie a kiss on the lips before she walked away, "I love you too, goodnight" Moxxie replied.

Moxxie entered his room as he turned on the light to be surprised with pictures of Chaz being hung up on the walls.

"What the?! Fucking why?" Moxxie yelled as he closed the door behind him. Moxxie entered the bathroom as he washed his face.

He walked out the bathroom and hit a switch as Chaz appeared from the ground on a bed with a "Cum Zone" sign behind him, "like what I've done with the place?"

"Ugh, just get out of here!" Moxxie spoke.

"Come on, Mox. We used to have so much fun here, remember?" Moxxie pushed Chaz off him.

"I'm married Chaz, and even if I weren't I would never-"

"Never what? Let me take you to CUM town again?" Chaz asked.

"You are so gross! Just leave me alone!"

"I know what you want most, Moxxie, Poxxie! How 'bout a sexually charged musical numbaaa~ HEY! You always loved those" Chaz pressed a button that says "sextremly HAWT sex music"

(Music in this video)

Oh-ho, yeah, yeah
It's Chaz time
Moxxie, I see you lookin' at me, lookin' at you
Wonderin' when I'm gonna crack you open like a walnut
And the answer is soon (Walnut)
Now, I'm feelin' what you're feelin'
And I'm feelin' that you wanna feel my feelings
And feel— The feel— You feel me? (Saxophone)
Yeah, so let me get a little somethin' off my chest
While I blow a hot, emotional load onto yours
Moxxie, feelin' foxy
Wanna get a good taste of your boxy
Well, I got two tickets
To pleasure land, oh, baby
Come down here
And have your way, yeah (You love me)
With my sensual body
Yeah, yeah (So naughty)

Moxxie kicked Chaz out of his room as he sat down, knees up to his chest and started to cry.


Millie was walking around in her room as she heard a knock. "Moxxie?!" Millie rushed to the door and opened it.

Chaz was behind her door.

"What do YOU want?" Millie asked.

Chaz's music started to play as he entered the room. Millie pulled out her knife and placed it against his throat.

"Damnit! This usually works" Chaz spoke. Millie let go of him and shut the door.

Chaz got.


You were lying down as you heard a knock on your door. You got up and opened the door. Chaz was there.

He entered your room as you looked at him.

"What do you want?" You asked.

"I know what you want" he pinned you against the wall as you kicked his balls.

"Ew, gross, you've literally been with my brother, I'm not gonna let someone who fucked my brother get with me" you said as you gave him a dirty look.

"You got a great kick, I'll give you that" Chaz said as he was on the floor.

"Get out!" You yelled.

"What if I can give you a good time hot stuff" he smirked as you kicked him out your room.

Chaz made his way to blitzø's room next.

"Hey there good looking"

"Oh I was wondering how long it would take for you to make a pass" blitzø replied.

"Mhmm, does that mean you're down to clown?"

"Ew, what the, you think I would violate my friends trust by sleeping with their ex, especially one who fucked them over the way you did?" Blitzø replied.

"I'll show you all the things they liked in the sack!"

"Deal!" Blitzø pulled Chaz in his room.


Moxxie pulled out his phone and started to look at pictures of him and Millie as he cried.


Chaz fell asleep as Blitzø was still awake.

Blitzø got up, "okay fucker, nobody who's that bad in bed can score two hotties that easily, I know you gotta be hiding something" Blitzø spoke to himself as he was looking at Chaz's pockets from his jacket on the floor.

Blitzø saw a name on his jacket "Mammon Suit Rental" and also found his keys as he unlocked Chaz's car.

Blitzø went outside and went into his car and was looking around inside. He found "eviction notices" and bills.

Blitzø looked behind the car and found his plan.

"Chaz's Mastur Plan"
"1.rent suit, 2. Convince Crim I'm rich, 3.Marry Moxxie to get into family, 4.???, 5. Profit"

"Fuck that! No one fucks with M&M's marriage but me!" Blitzø yelled as he was stung with a syringe on the neck. "Owww" Blitzø yelled as he fell in the car and Chaz closed the trunk.

"Sorry babes! You aren't the only junk in ma trunk! Damnit! That is not a good one" Chaz spoke to himself.


Millie, Moxxie, and you walked to the dinner table. "Hey, hey! Man of the hour! You ready to get started?" Crimson asked.

"Wait where's Blitzø?" Millie asked.

"I think I saw him head outside, he said something about needing some fresh air or something" Chaz replied.

"Why don't you grab him so we can get moving?" Crimson asked Millie.

"Be right back baby!" Millie kissed Moxxie on the cheek and went out to go find Blitzø.

You went ahead and took a seat.

"Whatchu lookin so glum for kid? It's ya wedding day! Best day of ya life!" Crimson spoke as he took a sip out of his drink.

Moxxie looked at Chaz as Chaz gave him a smile.

"I'm not doing it" Moxxie spoke. You looked at him.

"What was that?" I couldn't make it out over the sound of you being a whiney bitch!" Crimson asked.

Moxxie slammed his hands on the table as Crimsons eyes widened, so did Chaz's, "I said I'm not doing it sir. I've spent my whole life being afraid of you but I'm not giving up on the only good thing I've ever had just so you can keep your fragile little sense of control over everything. Millie is a good woman. A better woman than I deserve."

Crimson looked at Moxxie.

"And there is nothing that scares me more than hurting her or my sister. Not even you. I'm leaving dad. And if you or herpes the clown over here-" Moxxie pointed at Chaz, "hey!" Chaz responded.

"-try to stop me. You'll learn first hand just how good I've gotten at my job" Moxxie got close to Crimson's face as he got pulled away by one of Crimson's henchmen and got tased in the neck. "Moxxie!" You yelled. As you jumped on the henchmen. He smacked you to the floor as he walked away

"Now take care of the others" crimson gave directions to his henchmen as he looked down at you after. You shook your head.


Millie was out looking for Blitzø, she heard a noise coming from the trunk of a car as she opened it with her knife to see Blitzø there.

"Oh Millie! You found me! Who's your friend?" Blitzø asked as he looked behind Millie.

"Friend?" Millie asked as two henchmen appeared behind her, Millie reacted quick and stabbed on as she dodged the other henchmen. She jumped on him and slammed his head with the trunk.

Blitzø looked surprised.


Crimson had you tied up in a wedding dress with your mouth covered up.

Moxxie was sitting on one of the chairs as he was tied up as well. He woke up from being unconscious and saw that crimson had you, his eyes widened, he tried to move but he couldn't, he couldn't scream either, his mouth with also covered.

"Is everyone here?" The officiant spoke. "Yeah yeah yeah, don't worry about it, let's get this thing rolling' eh?"


Millie pulled Blitzø out the car, "what is going on?" Millie asked.

"That seductive dickhole is trying to marry Moxxie and he's not even rich!" Blitzø told him as Millie dropped Blitzø "Moxxie!" Millie ran as the doors got locked up and all the ways out.


"Do you Chazwick Ferman take Y/N, no last name, to be your lawfully wedded wife?" The officiant asked, "oh yeah"

"And do you Y/N...whatever, take Chazwick to be your lawfully wedded...uh..." He noticed you were struggling.

"Look at that, she's just so fuckin' happy to be here!" Crimson smiled.


"Everything's locked down! How're we gonna get in?" Millie asked.

Blitzø grabbed the car keys, grabbed Millie and turned on the car, "loo loo land" started to play as he changed it.

"Buckle up Millie, we're doin' a shrek!" Blitzø said as he crashed and made a hole to where you and Moxxie were.

Blitzø got out the car "I object!" He yelled as he fell.

Millie got out the car and noticed how you were the one being forced into getting married now and she saw Moxxie tied up sitting down, forced to watch.

"You want my sister in law, you're going to have to fucking kill me!" Millie yelled.

Crimson rolled his eyes and snapped for his henchmen to get her as he pointed at her.

Millie started to attack and kill the henchmen.

"What the fuck! She's a dame!" Crimson yelled.

You smiled knowing she would get you out of this mess.

Moxxie turned around and noticed Millie, he turned happy.

"She's a broad, kill her!" Crimson yelled.

The henchmen still failed to get her. "You freakin goons'! What the fuck is the matter with you? Why do I pay ya? Get her! You stupid idiots! Go get her!" He continued to yell.

Millie got pushed on to the car as Blitzø appeared and started to swing a pipe.

Millie grabbed Blitzø and swung him while using his horns to cut through one of the henchmen. The officiant closed his book and left.

Millie drove up to the the four of you.

She got out the car, grabbed you, untied you, as you thanked her. Millie gave crimson a dirty look as he rolled his eyes, she went on to grab Moxxie and placed him over her shoulder.

"Hey, what about my wedd-" He was cut off as he had a dildo thrown down his throat, "this ass is mine!" Millie said as she smacked Moxxie's behind and ran away.

You walked up to Blitzø as he comforted you with a hug, "by the way, yall should probably know, Chaz isn't even rich, okay? Check his car, he just played you like a fucking rube!" Blitzø carried you as he followed behind Millie.

"Later losers!" Blitzø yelled.

Yall got in the helicopter and left as a sign that read "we're married bitch!" Was read on the helicopter.

Crimson turned to look at Chaz as Chaz chuckled nervously.


You guys made it back to the HQ.

"Millie...thank you for saving me, and Y/N. You're amazing" moxxie and Millie hugged. "Yeah Millie, thanks a lot" you smiled at her as she smiled back at you.

"Next time, just tell me if your daddy's a psychopath, I can handle it" Millie told Moxxie.

"Well, I am glad everything ended up okay! Good to know we three have daddy issues!" Blitzø said as he pulled you in with Moxxie and Millie.

"Also! I got to plow your ex boyfriend, isn't that great, now we all fucked the same guy! Except for Y/N" Blitzø looked at you as you chuckled at him.


Crimson placed Chaz's teeth on his wall as he growled and threw two knives at you and Moxxie's picture on the wall.

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